Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid spoke on Wednesday at the seventh Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism. He said that antisemitism was part of a broad family of hatreds, and that antisemites start by attacking Jews but “always” move on to focus their hate and violence on other groups as well.
Lapid insisted that antisemitism was akin to other hatreds, such as ones held by those “who participated in the slave trade.” Presumably the ignoramus isn’t aware that some historians assert that there were Jews prominent in the African slave trade. Lapid also pointed at the “Hutu massacres of Tutsis in Rwanda.” Someone should mention to him that the 1948 Palestinian Nakba was launched with a manifold of Jewish paramilitary massacres of indigenous people. These horrendous actions led to an orchestrated ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Lapid maintained that “Antisemitism isn’t the first name of hate, it’s the family name.” I would advise the Israeli foreign minister that if racism is the appropriate family name for most forms of bigotry towards the Other, then chosenness (racial supremacy) should be considered its definitive first name.
If you allowed yourself for a second to believe that Lapid was motivated by a genuine humanist and a universalist agenda to fight racism and hatred, you were obviously wrong. Lapid devised a plan for the goyim: “Jewish people need allies and to enlist everyone who believes it is wrong to persecute people just because of their faith, sexuality, gender, nationality, or the colour of their skin…We need to tell them that antisemitism never ends with the Jews. It will always move on to the next target.”
According to Lapid, the survival of the Jewish nationalist project is dependent on the of the breaking up of the universe into identarian segments, while making sure they all adhere to the Jewish state and the Jewish people’s interests. While the old Jewish Left pushed for a cosmopolitan agenda that removed barriers and borders between people regardless of their race, gender or nationality, the new Jewish progressive agenda is the complete opposite. It is there to divide us by means of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, etc. We are basically witnessing a globalized version of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
Lapid reckons that “the fight isn’t between antisemites and Jews: The fight is between antisemites and anyone who believes in the values of equality, justice and liberty.” But the truth of the matter is that not many states in the world are as removed from ‘values of equality, justice and liberty’ as the Jewish state. Look how Israel treats its African asylum seekers or the black Hebrews. Can you think of any other state that locks millions of people in open air prisons for decades and make them subject to endless brutal blockades?
Many in Israel didn’t approve of Lapid’s speech. Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the Foreign Minister of “minimizing” the concept of antisemitism and diminishing its uniqueness. Lapid was basically accused of trivializing the Holocaust. He isn’t the first; the ADL accuses yours truly of pretty much the same ‘crime.’
“Even though antisemitism, hatred of Jews, is part of the general human phenomenon of hatred of the foreigner, it is different from that in its strength, its durability over thousands of years and its murderous ideology that has been nourished throughout the generations in order to pave the way for the destruction of Jews.” Netanyahu argued. For a change, I agree with Netanyahu. Jewish history is indeed a chain of catastrophes. Jews have been experiencing rejection and abuse throughout their entire history.
Early Zionism, as such, was indeed a unique and refreshing movement that was destined to change the Jewish path and destiny. It vowed to ‘amend’ the Jews, to make them beloved and respected. No one understood this revolutionary intellectual and spiritual shift in the Jewish mindset better than Benjamin Netanyahu’s father, who wrote what I believe to be one of the best historical dissections of the Early Zionist project. But the truth on the ground and the rise of antisemitsm are probably the best indication that Zionism failed catastrophically. Over time, it is clear that Zionism achieved the complete opposite.
If there are any true Zionist thinkers left in the Jewish world, they should look in the mirror and ask what Israel does to provoke antisemitism. What is it that Jewish lobby groups do that alienate so many people? Such an approach may prove to be more helpful on the long run than Lapid’s tactical offering to make identitarians worldwide into a new league of Zionist mercenaries.
Lapid and the more “progressive” Jews of Israel are simply reciting the “Jews as international royalty” line. They know Netanyahu and the hard-core Judeofascists (the true face of Jewry) have given Zionism, Inc. a bad reputation. This is all part of “progressive” Israel’s ongoing effort bring Jewry back into alignment with the objectively evil and degenerate NWO agenda.
Atzmon can assert that “the old Jewish Left pushed for a cosmopolitan agenda that removed barriers and borders between people regardless of their race, gender or nationality,” and portray that as a good thing, but it’s simply not true. ((Bolshevism)) which murdered tens of millions of Russians and Eastern block peoples (not to mention nations elsewhere who fell under the Marxist spell) while attempting to build the NWO from the left (while their British Imperialist/((Neocon)) partners in crime waged war against humanity from the right) was a good thing? The agenda to set up the “Chosen” and their partners in crime as an eternal, international royalty that will sponge up all the wealth of the world and place it in the hands of a gang that is clearly insane is a good thing? Kosher totalitarianism is a good thing?
It’s as if Atzmon hasn’t been reading this website. He’s still clinging to the “Chosen” as some ideal concept who have somehow earned the right to lord over the goyim as an internationale of high-minded, holy priests simply by asserting the Chosen and Entitled mantra over and over again along with other huge heapings of steaming b.s. — as if pure repetition of some grifter mantra can achieve reality.
Well, sure it can — for the grifter class. And for a relatively short period of time.
The ((Jews)) and their underlings are simply unsuited to govern, or preside over anything but their own noxious, self-absorbed, incestuous tribe. Putting them in charge of anything is not only dangerous to the human race, but destructive to the prospects of humanity.
They’ve NEVER been interested in the human plight, but are only interested in serving their obnoxious, entitled, squirmy-brained selves and their insane, self-serving, kosher royalty agenda.
Oh the romance of the original spark of Zionism! What utter BS. Zionism was created by self-hating Jews embarrassed by their religion.
Getting rid of anti semitism (anti Yidism):
– Soak Torah in concentrated bleach (return to Satan)
– Drop Talmud into active volcano (returning to Satan)
– Remove tongue of anyone saying, ‘anti semitism’
– Mandatory class, for Yid, Mamilla Pool Massacre
– Wall-in Yid until current crop passes from history
5 dancing shlomos
i think it’s unfair to characterize gilad atzmon as “clinging to the chosen as some ideal concept”. to me his writing does not reflect this and i appreciate his insider perspective and just analysis of israel’s apartheid state as well as his insights into the pfizer genetic engineering experiment that is ongoing there.
Second-hand nostalgia for early Zionism (Miniver Cheevy for Jews):
Israel deserves to be harshly rebuked for straying from the luminous path laid out by the idealist early zionists, and the Jews must be remonstrated for marching along with the deviationists instead of fulfilling that promise of their potential and making themselves loved and respected, as the Forefathers planned. Mostly the fault of those bad, bad Galut Jews, I suspect.
“Jews have been experiencing rejection and abuse throughout their entire history.”
Jews always tell you what happened to them. They never tell you why. Old Russian proverb.
I’m no anti-Semite, but fuck Israel!
Exhibit A: Theodor Herzl
A Grandson of Palestinian Immigrants Could Be Chile’s Next President, and These Jews Are Worried
Daniel Jadue
has made past statements accusing Jews of controlling the media in Chile and of dual loyalty because of their attachment to Israel. “This is the type of talk that creates antisemitism,” he says.
In 2020, he made the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s top 10 list of global antisemites.
“Using municipal funds to finance pro-BDS and anti-Israel activities, Mayor Jadue targets the Jewish community with pernicious smears echoing the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’” the organization wrote on its website. It noted that Jadue regularly makes a point of referring to the Jewish community of Chile as the “Zionist” community.
Israel reminds the world 1 Israel is home of every Jew
2 It spreads the article of faith – anti Zionism is anti Semitiism
3 It makes laws in other countries what would be called antisemitism
and to be resisted by laws ( Sanction
Divest )
4 It uses US funds and UK Germany France ‘s money to implement these laws .
5 The world Jewry is a word used by Israel all the times
6 Thwir home is Israel criticism of Israel is anti Semitism.
Now comes Wiesenthal but debunks it’s own position
BDS is anti semite but sanctioning Iran is not .
Anti Zionism is anti semitism and world Jewry’s home is Israel but one can’t call the Jewish community of Chile -Zionist community .
Control of media ?
Ask Lancet and Scientific American .
Let alone NY Times or CNN or MSNBC .
Is Atzmon trying to resurrect ((Bolshevism)) as the entitled moral authority?
Let’s again examine what he wrote:
“While the old Jewish Left pushed for a cosmopolitan agenda that removed barriers and borders between people regardless of their race, gender or nationality, the new Jewish progressive agenda is the complete opposite.”
That’s totally ignoring the reality of what ((the Jews)) and their British Empire partners in crime did to the Russians and the Slavs. Not even mentioning how they caused WW2.
Sadly, as always with ((the Jews)), it’s one step up and two steps back. They simply want history to stop, with them in total control, by hook or by crook. They can’t get the entitled “chosen” concept out of their sick minds. Maybe because they’d rather navel gaze, self-obsess about how special they are, scheme, grift, and listen to jazz than actually roll up their sleeves and get some work done.
I’m singeling out Atzmon because he’s the closest thing to a sane Jew, and look how much of an outlier he is relative to the rest of the tribe. What does that tell you about how dangerous and entitled the kosher collective is?
Is it any wonder the big problems never get solved with them constantly poisoning the body politic in order to attain chosen status? How much longer can we afford to keep these parasites and navel gazers around as an elite “royalty” and “vanguard”?
Wrong. The fight is between Zionazi genocidaires and all humanity. The state of Israel is hostis humani generis, having forfeited its sovereignty in law.
The “Rate” of Antisemitism is proportional to the control of society that the Jews try to impose. The greater the Jewish Groups like ADL and others scream is a reaction to more people questioning the role Jews have in their lives.
Jews can never live in a normal society because they are Parasites that try and take over every aspect of that civilization. Their record through history shows this to be true in every instance. It will never change because it appears to be a mental illness due to evolutionary genetics (Ashkanezi Jews have the highest rates of mental disorders than any population they inhabit).
The Jews are now trying a total attack on Whites and Western Civilization because too many people are rising up. Their black slaves which they control through “Whores” like Obama, Professional Athletes, and the Hollywood types can only hold the hordes back so long. Since they own the media, most politicians, the economic pathways, and the basic structure of society they believe they are safe. But it will only take a moment in time for this house of cards to fall. The reason Hitler came to power was the Jews declaring war on Germany on March 24th 1933.
In this instance the Jews won’t publicly declare War on Whites and Western Civilization; they now do it through their media and so called Professional “Influencers” who scream “White Privilege, Indigenous Rights, and the White Race.”
It will be interesting to see if the hordes of Muslims the Jews have forced upon European Nations start the attack on their “The Magic People” one of these days and the entire House of Cards starts to collapse. The Jews have played this game before. In 627 AD, 1013 AD, and 1066 AD Muslims massacred the Jews. Perhaps history will repeat itself to the Jews who may have outsmarted themselves.
And is it even true? Have they really? Who says so? Jews? Are Jews renowned for telling the truth, and not exaggerating?
The pogroms that the Jews have been perpetrating for the last 70 years in Palestine, genuine records have been kept and published, but it goes much further back. Yes, Mamilla Pool massacres. And the Cyrene slaughter of non-Jews. And much more.
You don’t trivialize the holohoax, you promote it with nearly every article, like most of the authors on Unz.com save LD, and …. who else? Unz wrote one critical article, but, quoting …
so he doesn’t think it’s worth more than a cursory examination, and by his own admission his views aren’t worth much compared to the countless holohoax historians that fill our universities.
Who else?
The only beautiful thing about early Zionism is its self hating agitators. They looked in the mirror and were brave enough to admit that they hated what they saw, they vowed to transform the jews , to make them ‘people like all other people’ ,, their diagnosis was spectacular but the therapy proved to be a complete failure…
You are wrong, these are obvious and accepted facts: “While the old Jewish Left pushed for a cosmopolitan agenda that removed barriers and borders between people regardless of their race, gender or nationality, the new Jewish progressive agenda is the complete opposite”
I expect readers on this page to be able to cope with facts…
I am not a bolshevik or supporter of bloshevism, I have written many times about the prominence of Jews in bolshevism and described it as just another fake solidarity project that was devised to serve some tribal interests .
I oppose cosmopolitanism and all other forms of globalized theories , however believe in justice, equality and human brotherhood…
last paragraph:
“If there are any true Zionist thinkers left in the Jewish world, they should look in the mirror and ask what Israel does to provoke antisemitism. What is it that Jewish lobby groups do that alienate so many people? Such an approach may prove to be more helpful on the long run than Lapid’s tactical offering to make identitarians worldwide into a new league of Zionist mercenaries.”
If there are any true “Zionist thinkers left in the Jewish world, they should look in the mirror and ask what Israel does to provoke antisemitism.”
Unfortunately that is almost, a priori, impossible. “Choseness” is itself the right to never have to consider the “mirror”.
Added to that abstraction is the very real fact that Israel has acted SO badly over the last 70 odd years that any admission of wrongdoing however trivial could very quickly snowball out of control.
Thus, the holocaust — not one “established fact”, whether sub atomic particle sized, can be subtracted from the vast holocaust edifice.
(5.99999 million? Heresy!!!!)
What utter contemptable rubbish. The Jews created antisemitism and described its creation clearly and explicitly in the Torah … see vid linked below – Esau was the first anti-Semite and his descendants are antisemities today what kind of mental world does Atzmon live in to ask such a stupid and duplicitous question, it is beyond compre …. oh, wait, ….
Video Link…
Under the guiding hand of what ideology? Abstractions like “justice, equality and human brotherhood” don’t spring up out of nowhere. In the West, they were attained by the guiding hand of Christianity+Western logic and science. The ((Jews)) and their partners in crime hijacked Christian moral authority for international Zionism, and put Western logic and science to work on advancing their own material and military conquests — all to serve the “chosen” and their totalitarian control agenda.
These “kikes” did this by bringing every nation on earth into the West and then pitting them against each other. They figured they could either escape to Zion (which they’ve funneled billions to, and even trillions if you count the wars for Israel) or use their loot to seek out some other safe place. Peter Thiel is going to New Zealand.
So you seek “human brotherhood” of all these disparate nations and races (now all clamoring for filthy lucre, which is all they have in common) by what guiding ideology? Particularly now that the Fed is less and less able to buy them off?
This is a typical of the ((Jews)) — selling snake oil abstractions like “justice, equality and human brotherhood” with no plan or intention of implementing them, which means Bolshevik style totalitarianism and mass murder by default when it all falls apart, which is soon.
Perhaps by stopping the land grab of the Semite speaking Palestinians. Or maybe having Israel cease bombing Semite speaking Syria. Then there is those never ending issues with Semite speaking Lebanon. The great American Zionists known as neocons fabricated some lies to get the US to destroy Semite speaking Iraq on behalf of the gem of the Zionist experiment. Seems like it is Jews who are fundamentally anti Semitic, and then hide this by claiming speaking Hebrew makes them the only Semites.
Self awareness and reflection are not things with Jews. The above observation isn’t even touching the lousy banking, speech censorship (minus porn), the great European replacement project, and this new push for Marxism via CRT. Bottom line is collectively Jews aren’t coming across as very nice people. Zionism is a symptom, not the reason.
G. Atzmon would know better.
I think Yid Hebrew is a reconstituted, make-believe language
to help a fake people with a fake history, a fake culture, feel real.
When murdering, stealing, lying, it helps to feel real.
5 dancing shlomos
I know you won’t answer…
I also know you won’t allow this to be posted.
Mr. Unz, what is your solution to the Jewish Question?
Gilad is NOT:
selling snake oil abstractions like “justice, equality and human brotherhood” with no plan or intention of implementing them
He has distanced himself from the psychosis that is identifiable in MANY Jews, but that psychosis is negative reinforcement of behavioural habits, and NOT because of being Jewish.
I have had adversarial disputes with two people claiming Jewishness, and getting all uptight over my assertion that “the real anti-Semites are Israelis themselves, for their genocidal treatment of the Indigenous Semites of Palestine.” The reaction in both cases was immediate reference of the “Holocau$t”; how dare I equate Jewish liberty with genocide.
My reply: “The alleged treatment of Jews around WW2 was supposedly horrific, so why is it okay to treat the Indigenous people of Palestine in similar ways? Since BOTH Israeli’s and WW2 Germans
behave similarly, IS IT LEGITIMATE to declare that WW2 German treatment of Jews the most egregious of Humanity, but perfectly acceptable for Israel to exercise the same BEHAVIOUR.”
There is no genetic component to behaviour; so in essence that makes “Jewish” behaviour mutable,
therefore AVOIDABLE.
Another good and thoughtful essay from Gilad…
The irony is that the true ‘Oldest Hatred’ is the Judaic hatred of the goyim, not the reaction, the hatred of some goyim of the Jews. As they say in the school-yard, the Jews started it, and hatred of the other remains the essence of Judaism and its bastard offspring Zionazism. That so many Jews have put aside that essence of their cult is irrelevant, because they are not the power elites of their community, who are pure Evil.
One group of US Jews, claiming to represent ‘Judea’ declared war on Germany. In Germany the Zionist Jews happily collaborated with Nazism in transferring young Jews to Palestine, while German money was invested in that community, all under the Haavara Agreement. To irrationally hate ALL Jews for the crimes of the Zionazis and Talmudists plays into their hands, because hatred is their strength, natural habitat and essence.
I would say the natural religious leader of all the Semites on your list is Moses, the founder of Judaism. Most of these modern “Jews” hate Moses, hate the Ten Commandments, hate Judeo-Christianity, hate any restraining, human rights, or civilizing documents, like the US Constitution or the Magna Carta.
They also hate borders. Israel refuses to draw borders, and they keep attempting to destroy the borders of the US as a means of destroying the Constitution.
Borders and limits are indicative of human civilization. These “people” (probably reptilian brained at their core) simply can’t stand evolved human beings and are desperate to create a post-human world of hissing reptiles ruling by might makes right.
You can say “Semite speaking” about the Israelis, who revived a dead language, but the Palestinians and the Syrians are real Semites.
I’m not so sure about that. Can someone who is reptilian brained grow a human conscience? It would be nice to think so, but it doesn’t seem to happen.
I think it’s fair to ask, How did they develop their reptilian brain? Is it their natural state (in most, probably yes) or was it learned? And the non-“Jewish” reptilian brained: why are so many of them Zionists or pro-“Jewish”? And of all races?
There comes a point where you have to stop attempting to civilize them and simply say they don’t belong. They don’t get it. They can’t get it.
The drive to control the ENTIRE world is central to Judaic Messianism.
yeah, wait until more christians begin to embrace the sabbath, dietary observances, and keeping Yah’s appointed times, and not pagan holidays.
they will flip their lids and claim some kind of cultural or religious appropriation whereas in truth and reality we all know that Yehushua was a descendant of David. Israel is not a geographical term.
Beyond the slogans for public consumption I see absolutely no evidence that the zionists– early, midterm, or late — ever intended to make the Jews “people like other people.” That would fly in the face of jewish supremacism that all Jews believe in whether they are religious (“g-d chose us”) or not (“look how many Nobel Prizes we got”).
On the contrary, zionists of all stripes always strive to make “other people” become like jews by heavy indoctrination because that is what would result in a “jew-friendly environment” they can dominate.
It’s a shame, really, that the fictional Esau didn’t drive a shiv straight into the throat of the fictional mommy’s boy, Jacob – would have made for a much more satisfying ending to the whole fairy tale.
I’m inclined to cut Gilad some slack but you make rock-solid points which even the softest Zionist cannot address.
Israel has had the opportunity to allow peaceful ‘separation’ (Two State solution) or even transition into One Democratic State (this will never happen). Israel clearly wants neither.
All the (((well-meaning chatter))) about ‘peace’ has been a ruse from the start. Israel’s objective is expansion, conquest and control.
Zionist Jews are predatory, entitled, greedy, selfish beyond words, and collectively imbued with a fanatical belief in their own innate superiority. Israel is not America’s ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ (except when it suits them.) Even that bi-partisan chestnut is an enormous LIE. We are a nation of subordinate goyim. The Israelis have orchestrated this toxic paradigm and will not let it go.
Twelve tribes doesn’t go back far enough. We are all descendants of Lucy, but that’s only 3.6 million years ago. About 4 billion years ago we were just a microorganism in a thermal vent.
I think that goes for Jews across the spectrum, definitely Jewish organizations, and often for individuals, also. I don’t think any major group of Jews in America can be labeled as friends of America. Most are outright traitors and revolutionaries, whatever their citizenship status may be, or how long their families have been in the U.S. They are mostly the cause of their own sorrows, and unfortunately, very often the sorrows of others.
This is yet one more psychotic attempt by paranoid Edomites to justify their denial of Deicide.
In other words, Jewish Fragility
“I pity the Jews who are trying to get through life with only half a Bible: that’s like trying to get to San Fran from NYC, and only buying a ticket to Dubuque, Iowa.” – Kurt Vonnegut
“..Anti-Semitism -it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticising Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country [the US] people are criticising Israel, then they are antisemitic.” – Shulamit Aloni, 2002 interview, Israeli former member of Parliament (cf You Tube)
“Jewish Fragility refers to feelings of discomfort a Jewish person experiences when they witness discussions around race and theology. This may trigger anger, fear, guilt, and violence. Some Jews may become insecure when other people groups claim privileges that Jew people enjoy.
If a Jewish person becomes defensive, a non-Jew may feel obligated to comfort the Jew. For example, some Christians comfort Jews by telling them they are “God’s children,” while some Europeans speak words establishing racial self-hatred. These non-Jews seek to unburden themselves from socially constructed sin accusations (racism or anti-semitism).
Manifestations of Jewish fragility commonly include accusing others of what they do themselves. These include, but are not limited to:
* Inventing a social sin that only applies to non-Jews (anti-semitism).
* The privilege of their own racial homeland while accusing others of a social sin (racism) for seeking the same privilege.
* Establishing organizations promoting the interests of their own race while denying that privilege to others, specifically Whites.
* Violence toward those who do not submit to religious, historical, and cultural narratives promoted by the Jews.
One manifestation of Jewish fragility was the reaction to Jesus Christ, who verbally chastised them for hypocrisy. As a result, the Jews used their power and influence (Jewish privilege) to have him executed.
Fritz Berggren, PhD
Of course! Why did I not think of that? We MUST ALL convert to Judaism. Hold on-the Jews hate one another, too. There goes that idea!
Very many decent (in my opinion) anti-Zionazi, anti-Talmudic Jews have been defamed as ‘antisemites’, as well as the more familiar ‘self-hating Jew). Jewish ‘fragility’ ie hysteria, grows out of 3500 years of hatred of others, of one another, of the experience of numerous massacres, suffered AND inflicted on others, and the more recent Judeocides of WW2. Many Jews escape it, somehow, despite the pressures to conform, but they, then, are subject to varying degrees of communal ostracism.
“Many Jews escape it, somehow, despite the pressures to conform”
Yes, of course, they are legion, which is why they are all over the place and if you’re not careful you trip over them. Their vociferous opposition is deafening. They are well organized, as Jews are wont to be, and munificently funded by billionaire jews who also “escaped.”
The ironic part of this whole thing is that the Israeli government is currently actively involved in the sale of weapons to genocidal regimes in Myanmar, Philippines, Cameroon and South Sudan.
Lapid was Finance Minister, and surely signed off on several of the arms deals mentioned in the above article.
Also, Israel may have been instrumental in the Rwandan Genocide by providing the Hutus with weapons with which to slaughter the Tutsis. However, the Israeli courts have sealed documents that may provide us with information as to what extent they did so.
More: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3756398,00.html
Chapter 9 of You Gentiles by Maurice Samuels (Pub 1924)
“We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.”
If anything, you must learn (and are learning) to dislike and fear the modern and “assimilated” Jew more than you did the old Jew, for he is more dangerous to you. At least the old Jew kept apart from you, was easily recognizable as an individual, and is the bearer of the dreaded Jewish world-idea: you were afraid of him and loathed him. But to a large extent he was insulated. But as the Jew assimilates, acquires your languages, cultivates a certain intimacy, penetrates into your life, begins to handle your instruments, you are aware that his nature, once confined safely to his own life, now threatens yours. You are aware of a new and more than disconcerting character at work in the world you have built and are building up, a character which crosses your intentions and thwarts your personality.
The Jew, whose lack of contact with your world had made him ineffective, becomes effective. The vial is uncorked, the genius is out. His enmity to your way of life was tacit before. Today it is manifest and active. He cannot help himself: he cannot be different from himself: no more can you. It is futile to tell him: “Hands off!” He is not his own master, but the servant of his lifewill.
For when he brings into your world his passionately earnest, sinisterly earnest righteousness, absolute righteousness, and, speaking in your languages and through your institutions, scatters distrust of yourselves through the most sensitive of you, he is working against your spirit. You gentiles do not seek or need or understand social justice as an ultimate ideal. This is not your nature. Your world must so be fashioned as to give you the maximum of play, adventure, laugher, animal-lyricism. Your institutions frame themselves to this end: your countries and ideals flourish most gloriously when they serve this end most freely. All ideas of social justice must be subservient to this consideration: the Game first—then ultimate justice only as it can serve the Game.
I do not believe that we Jews are powerful enough to threaten your way of life seriously. We are only powerful enough to irritate, to disturb your conscience, and to break here and there the rhythmic rush of your ideas. We irritate you as a sardonic and humorless adult irritates young people by laughing at their play. For the real irritation lies in the fact that to our queries regarding your life there is no answer on our level: as to yours regarding our life there is no answer on yours. We Jews are accused of being destroyers: whatever you put up, we tear down. It is true only in a relative sense. We are not iconoclasts deliberately: we are not enemies of your institutions simply because of the dislike between us. We are a homeless mass seeking satisfaction for our constructive instincts. And in your institutions we cannot find satisfaction; they are the play institutions of the splendid children of man—and not of man himself. We try to adapt your institutions to our needs, because while we live we must have expression; and trying to rebuild them for our needs, we unbuild them for yours.
Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We take part in the economic struggle for existence: this necessity we share with you. But our free spiritual energies point away from this struggle, for, unlike you, we have no pleasure in it. You gentiles fight because you like to fight; we fight because we have to—and in order to win. It is not in a spirit of hypocrisy that you have turned your business world into a sporting arena, with joyous flourishes, slogans, pretenses. It is not in a spirit of hypocrisy that you talk of playing the Game while you cut each other’s throats in the markets. You mean it. Your advertising-propaganda, books, with their sentimental appeals, are not lies; they are the true evidence of your spirit. It is only when we Jews, too, use these methods that there is hypocrisy. For we see starkly through your life-illusions: yet we are forced to use them in self-defense. But our inmost longings turn from this fierce and clamorously happy struggle: while your inmost longings are part of it.
You give your best to it, yourselves, your souls. We give only our cleverness to it. This is why, in spite of the popular delusion to the contrary, there are hardly any Jews among the world’s wealthiest men. The greatest financial institutions, as well as the world’s greatest businesses, are almost exclusively non-Jewish.
Dislike of the Jew in business springs from the feeling that we regard all your play-conventions with amusement—or even contempt. Our abominable seriousness breaks jarringly into your life-mood. But you feel our disruptive difference most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. We dream of a world of utter justice and God-spirit, a world which, would be barren for you, devoid of all nourishment, bleak, unfriendly, unsympathetic. You do not want such a world: you are unapt for it. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose.
We do wrong to thrust these ideals upon you, who are not for justice or peace, but for play-living. But we cannot help ourselves: any more than you can help resenting our interference. While we live we must give utterance to our spirit. The most insistent effort on our part will fail to change our nature.
Not that you are untouched by poverty, by human degradation: not that you do not wish at times that these unhappy things could be destroyed. But this is not in the direct line of the march of your life. If social injustice were removed together with the Game, you would unquestionably recall both. Life before everything, freedom, joy, adventure.
I talk here of the modern, and not of the orthodox Jew. I talk of the Jew as alien as you to the forms of our orthodox and consciously Jewish life: this is the Jew who forms the backbone both of audience and contributor to your radical and revolutionary organs, the Jew who is the precipitating center of your spasmodic and inconsistent efforts for justice. This man, in your midst, is not to be recognized, on the surface, as a Jew. He himself repudiates—and in all sincerity —his Jewish affiliations. He is a citizen of the world; he is a son of humanity; the progress of all humankind, and not of any single group of it, is in his particular care.
It is to this Jew that liberals among you will point to refute my thesis. And it is precisely this Jew who best illustrates its truth. The unbelieving and radical Jew is as different from the radical gentile as the orthodox Jew from the reactionary gentile. The cosmopolitanism of the radical Jew springs from his feeling (shared by the orthodox Jew) that there is no difference between gentile and gentile. You are all pretty much alike: then why this fussing and fretting and fighting? The Jew is not a cosmopolitan in your sense. He is not one who feels keenly the difference between national and nation, and overrides it. For him, as for the orthodox Jew, a single temper runs through all of you, whatever your national divisions. The radical Jew (like the orthodox Jew) is a cosmopolitan in a sense which must be irritating to you: for he does not even understand why you make such a fuss about that most obvious of facts —that you are all alike. The Jew is altogether too much of a cosmopolitan—even for your internationalists.
Nor, in the handful of you who, against the desires and instincts of the mass of you, proclaim social justice as the life aim, is the Jew any more truly at home, at one with his milieu, than the old-time Jew in his world. Our very radicalism is of a different temper. Our spur is a natural instinct. We do not have to uproot something in ourselves to become “radicals,” dreamers of social justice. We are this by instinct: we do not see it as something revolutionary at all. It is tacit with us. But with you it is an effort and a wrench. Your very ancestry cries out against it in your blood. . . . And you become silly and enthusiastic about it, with flag-waving, and shouting, and battle-hymns, and all the regular game-psychology proper to your world and way of life. Even of this you make a play.
But such as these radical and international movements are, the modern Jew (the best and most thoughtful modern Jew, that is) is nearer to them than to anything else in your world. He is the only true socialist and cosmopolitan— but in such a true and tacit sense that he is completely distinguished from all of you. It is one of many vital paradoxes —a thing illogical and yet true to life. It is our very cosmopolitanism that gives us our national character, Because we are the only ones who are cosmopolitan by instinct rather than by argument we remain forever ourselves.
In everything we are destroyers—even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief. The very socialism and interim nationalism through which our choked spirit seeks utterance, which seem to threaten your way of life, are alien to our spirit’s demands and needs. Your socialists and internationalists are not serious. The charm of these movements, the attraction, such as it is, which they exercise, is only in their struggle: it is the fight which draws your gentile radicals. And indeed, it is only as long as there is an element of adventure in being a radical that the radical movement retains any individuality. And it is only in the fierce period of early combat that you welcome us Jews—as allies. You are deluded in this—so are we. You go into the movement boldly, adventurously; we, darkly, tacitly. You make it a game; we do it because we cannot help ourselves. And sure enough, in the end, the split comes again. The liberal and the radical are as apt to dislike the Jew as the reactionaries are. The liberal and the radical do not use the weapons of the reactionaries: but the dislike is there, finds expression in anti-Semitic socialist and workers’ movements and in the almost involuntary contempt which springs to the lips of countless intellectuals.
Philosophies do not remold natures. What your radicals want is another form of the Game, with other rules. Their discontent joins hands with Jewish discontent. But it is not the same kind of discontent. A little distance down the road the ways part for ever. The Jewish radical will turn from your social movement: he will discover his mistake. He will discover that nothing can bridge the gulf between you and us. He will discover that the spiritual satisfaction which he thought he would find in social revolution is not to be purchased from you. I believe the movement has already started, the gradual secession of the Jewish radicals, their realization that your radicalism is of the same essential stuff as your conservatism. The disillusionment has set in.
A century of partial tolerance gave us Jews access to your world. In that period the great attempt was made, by advance guards of reconciliation, to bring our two worlds together. It was a century of failure. Our Jewish radicals are beginning to understand it dimly.
We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God. But those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until disillusionment comes. The wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us.
Chris More – how do you judge Norman Finkelstein? (Trying to find out if there area ANY trustworthy Jews in your world.)
The reason the “Jews”, like the Pharisees, hate Moses and the Prophets is that Judaism was founded and codified in Babylon. Judaism isn’t the the religion of the Old Testament.