The Spirit of the Bronze Age with Gregory Hood and Henry Wolff
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Gregory Hood and Henry Wolff delve into the neo-Nietzschean musings of Bronze Age Pervert: the contrast between “yeast life” and higher life, the machinations of the “lords of lies,” and how to tap into Bronze Age vitalism.
(Republished from Left, Right, and White by permission of author or representative)
Wow. Haven’t listened yet, but I’m so excited! Great to hear from Wolff again. I thought he had quit or something.
By Mishima do you mean Yukio Mishima, notorious Japanese gay model, actor, bodybuilder, and narcissist?
This is an excellent web site that I would encourage you to seriously examine–that little voice about the moon landing is trying to tell you something–please pay attention:
This comments itself comes across as a bit narcissistic and gay tbh.
No, Rahan, just stupid. A knee-jerk response based on not hearing correctly. To all: please disregard.
Please disregard my stupid comment above. I wasn’t listening closely, misheard some things, and then fired off half-cocked without checking what was actually said.
This is a thoughtful discussion well worth listening to.
My respect for the comment Mr. Palmer 😀