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The Fascist Menace

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Far from being cowed by the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, the Democrats are raising the temperature, portraying Donald Trump as a unique threat. Kamala Harris has called him a fascist, and the mainstream press are comparing him to Hitler. They are tapping into decades of residual propaganda directed against whites, but if this desperate attempt fails, is the tactic discredited for good?

Thumbnail credit: © Gina M Randazzo/ZUMA Press Wire

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(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Fash-ist is a tough word to spell.

    JEW BOLSHEVIK is easier to spell.







    The Biden/Harris administration is infested with evil and immoral Jews of a most treasonous sort, and these Biden/Harris Jews Organized Globally(JOG) are using their power to attack and destroy the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.

    Evil, immoral treasonous Jews are viciously and violently ripping down statues, memorials and monuments dedicated to the heroic and great European Christians who made the USA a great nation, and this bunch of evil and immoral Jews Organized Globally(JOG) are just licking their chops in anticipation of going full BOLSHEVIK JEW KILLERS by eradicating and exterminating the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.

    Biden/Harris and their evil cabal of BOLSHEVIK JEWS are Hell-bent on violently attacking George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus and any other innocent European Christian they can get their evil Jew rat claws on.

    Harris and Biden’s BOLSHEVIK JEW RATS would love to use the US military to bomb and murder tens of millions of European Christians, just like they are bombing and killing and burning and butchering and flattening all the Palestinians, Lebanese and everybody else. Harris and Biden’s JEW BOLSHEVIKS are enemies of the European Christian ancestral core of the USA.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) is an evil gang of nation-wrecking BOLSHEVIK JEW rats and they are using mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy White European Christian nations such as the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland, England, Scotland, the Netherlands…etc.

    Honest Jew Larry Auster On The Role Of JEWS In WHITE GENOCIDE (Tweet from 2015):

    •�Agree: JPS, CelestiaQuesta
    •�Replies: @Pythas
  2. Isn’t it ironic? Maybe, what we actually need is fascism. At the very least, leaders who can get the train to run on time. Double speak much?
    Projection ? Always and every time. Prophet$.

    •�Replies: @N30rebel
  3. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    I take umbrage at this as I’m the only true fascist.

    True fascism is National Humanism.

    P.S. Are Jews being smart in smearing Trump as New Hitler? After all, New Hitler is very close to Netanyahu. So, if New Hitlerism is synonymous with support for Israel, doesn’t it imply Israel is Nazi state?

    •�Thanks: RedPill Boomer
  4. The US government is under total occupation by a foreign government and its puppet and sycophantic leaders want to call its election rival “fascists”?

    •�LOL: mark green
  5. It is not that there is a fascist threat, on the contrary, fascist behaviour already exists. You cannot call the bombing of schools in Palestine with 2000 and 5000 pound bombs anything else and celebrate it in the media as a heroic act by the Israelis.

    And the entire West is totally committed to these crimes, giving away the bombs and the means to launch them, like an infernal Santi Cloud.

    •�Replies: @Lurker
  6. Eric135 says:

    The National Socialists had cool uniforms. They had style, culture and class.

    They took care of their own, rejecting both Jewish capitalist exploitation and Jewish communist oppression.

    Nobody has ever been more competent than the Germans. They didn’t like the Jews much – but then, who does? And nobody likes commies – the ultimate “Karens”.

    German soldiers were the best fighters ever known. The Aryan ideal promoted by the National Socialists is idealized by everyone. Rightfully so.

    Why are they hated?

    “They hate us ’cause they ain’t us.”

    Someday – sooner than people expect – the “Nazi” accusation will backfire. It will be seen as a compliment. To a large extent, it already is.

    Trump is not a Nazi. He’s a civic nationalist, determined to make our multiracial society work without throwing any group (including whites) under the bus.

    Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

    In the meantime, the Democrats – like the Jews – are antiwhite. Vote accordingly.

    •�Thanks: profnasty, mark green
  7. One of my friends who is smart but suffers from a case of TDS was whining about “muh democracy and the threat of fascists.” I asked him to define fascism without using the words “Hitler” or “Nazis”. He sat there with a blank stare on his befuddled face.
    After he gave up, I gave him a very brief lesson on the genius of Fascism.
    We had another glass of wine and talked about the best way to cook a whole chicken.

  8. With Halloween arriving this Thursday, I went to my local Halloween store looking for a Nazi costume and you wouldn’t believe it, they don’t sell them. When I ask the pink haired sales freak why, she/it said they’re to offensive. I’m like, it’s Halloween, many costumes are offensive so what, she just looked at me rolled its eyes and walked away.

    It made me wonder if a market for Little Hitler costumes are being suppressed by you know who?

    Looks like I’ll just stay home and hand out last years expired chocolate candy in my old alien grey costume 👽 with Wagner Music blasting in the background.

    •�LOL: Eric135
  9. @Eric135

    “ In the meantime, the Democrats – like the Jews – are antiwhite. Vote accordingly.”

    You can also say, In the meantime, most all local and national chain stores, Amazon, Wal Mart etc are Democrats and most owned by Jews and are antiwhite, buy accordingly.

  10. Among the “symbols of freedom,” you’ll find in the House of Representatives, on the wall just behind the speaker’s podium, two bundles of tied rods called fasces. These were the symbol of the absolute authority of the state in the Roman republic, which the Framers used as their model for the checks and balances of our present government. Mussolini revived the fasces as the symbol of his system of corporate ownership of government, which he called fascism. Hitler refined the Italian idea into something far more effective, which he described this way in a Reichstag policy speech delivered on March 23, 1933, “Great are the tasks of the national Government in the sphere of economic life. Here all action must be governed by one law: the people does not live for business, and business does not exist for capital; but capital serves business, and business serves the people.”

    You can see why the mortal enemies, the capitalist and the communist empires, made the most unlikely alliance in modern history, not to “save the world from nazi tyranny” but to annihilate this existential challenge to both their rackets, and to bury it under so much hate propaganda that people would not ever want to look at it closely again.

    •�Thanks: Lurker, Thomasina, Eric135
    •�Replies: @Eric135
    , @Romulus
  11. @Eric135

    He’s a civic nationalist, determined to make our multiracial society work without throwing any group (including whites) under the bus.

    Anyone so heavily invested in Israeli interests cannot be a civic nationalist.

    •�Replies: @Eric135
  12. Lurker says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    It is not that there is a fascist threat, on the contrary, fascist behaviour already exists. You cannot call the bombing of schools in Palestine with 2000 and 5000 pound bombs anything else and celebrate it in the media as a heroic act by the Israelis.

    Let’s not call it fascism. How about we call it Judaism or Zionism? I think thats more appropriate.

  13. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    •�Thanks: RedPill Boomer
  14. The irony is, of course, that “fascism” is exactly what we need.

    My theory, which is mine, is that Trump has been chosen by ZOG, and the residual role given to the Dems is to call him a fascist, because that makes people want to vote for him. No ballot-box tricks needed.

    What Americans want is closed borders, no wars [*] and free healthcare.

    There’s a phrase for that: Nationalism/Socialism. Prove me wrong.

    [*] Americans have been brainwashed to think Nazi = warmonger but the opposite is true. Hitler was the peace candidate. “Isolationists” were called Nazis for that good though confused reason: to oppose war was to support Germany. During the Hitler/Stalin pack communists were also anti-war.

    •�Agree: Lurker
  15. Eric135 says:

    “Let us be under no illusion: the Jewish spirit, which was responsible for the alliance of large-scale capitalism with Marxism and was the driving force behind so many anti-Spanish revolutionary movements, will not be gotten rid of in a day.” – Francisco Franco

    “Communism is an instrument of international Jewish capitalism. It will be used to smash and afterward rule the nations.” – Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera.

    Nationalism (which is based on ethnocentrism) requires an economic system that works for all the people. Jewish communism and Jewish capitalism exploit the many for the benefit of the few. Patriotism is alien to both systems.

  16. Eric135 says:

    Well, there’s that.

    But in every other respect, he’s a civic nationalist!

    I think Trump is going to turn on the Jews if he’s reelected. He won’t need their money anymore.

    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
  17. Trinity says:

    America needs a Hitler.

    •�Agree: Lurker
    •�Replies: @RedPill Boomer
  18. Pythas says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    Here’s one from the NFL: For the past several years many NFL players have had [Only] Black Lives Matter political slogans on their helmets. During televised games there are [Only] Black Lives Matter-inspired political commercials disguised as an anti-hate campaign. The NFL spends a lot of money promoting “social justice” (aka socialist) political causes.

    But all hell is breaking loose in woke football land with the NFL threatening to “discipline” San Francisco 49ers defensive end Nick Bosa for appearing behind a post-game TV interview for no more than two or three seconds wearing a MAGA hat. Even pro football has apparently become a part of the Demo-Bolshevik party’s never-ending political campaigning. Fuck’in nigger lives don’t matter or jew-wasp, kraut or any other proto-totalitarianistic lives don’t matter.

    •�Replies: @Charles Pewitt
  19. anastasia says:

    Huey Long said ‘When Fascism Comes to America, It Will Come Under the Guise of Anti-fascism.’

    •�Replies: @Trinity
    , @anastasia
  20. @Pythas

    The NFL is total bread and circuses.

    Young people are not that much interested in the crumbs of entertainment offered up by plutocrat owners of NFL franchises. Young people in White Core America sense that the American Empire is imploding and they want to focus on that event rather than whether or not some boob can catch a football.

    The young Whites want a political party that explicitly represents the interests of White Core America. The Democrat Party’s Black Lives Matter is similar to the NFL in that Blacks are used as puppets to distract and entertain the White masses. Young White Core Americans don’t give a damn about Black football players in the NFL nor Black thugs in the Black Lives Matter mob.

    It is a sign of rejuvenation and strength that young White Core Americans are building their own political movement called WHITE CORE AMERICA while they are simultaneously ignoring the distractionary bread and circuses nonsense of the NFL.

    The dirtbags who own the NFL franchises must be financially wiped out using any and all methods. Total war must be declared on this bread and circuses crap called the National Football League.





    •�Thanks: JohnnyGodYilmaz
  21. Mac_ says:

    The cabal cons monotheism religions schemes are fascism, their paper law govt state and courts and cops schemes are fascist. Smiley dictators pretending ‘voting’ makes a dif as they got mass weapons. Fascist is another word for dictators.

    Each person is to be our own director, and defend territory ourselves, with real tribe.

    Real life is same as caveman days.

    No effort no power.

  22. @Eric135

    I think Trump is going to turn on the Jews if he’s reelected.

    I suppose stranger things have happened, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. In his Rogan interview he complimented Pompeo. He served up foaming at the mouth “I’m with Israel Giuliani”.
    In reality, neither Trump nor Harris need to turn on Israel. All they have to do is cut off aid citing US laws preventing aid to Israel because it has nukes, and say they swore to uphold the Constitution and laws of the U.S.. I don’t see that happening either.

  23. Romulus says:

    All good points about fascism. Thanks. The one fatal mistake Hitler made was resorting to militarism to achieve his goals vis a vis safeguarding and repatriating his fellow Germans elsewhere in Europe. He made efforts to do it peacefully but eventually resorted to force and his foes were too strong and ruthless for him to overcome. They were determined to destroy Germany no matter the cost.

  24. Trinity says:

    Long was shot by a ?

    You guessed it. A kike.

  25. N30rebel says:

    The trains ran on time in Germany, but only in one direction. Be careful what you wish for.

    •�Troll: Trinity, Lurker
  26. Mr. Raven says:

    He’s not a fascist, but to quote Dazed and Confused, “but it would be cooler if he was.”

  27. The unforgettable 1985 Russian-made film “Come and See” provides viewers with a near perfect depiction of precisely what dangers are associated with Fascism:

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Lurker
  28. My answer to Kamala would be, “And this is a problem because…?”

  29. @Trinity

    Disagree. We do, however, need a Putin.

  30. Lurker says:
    @Jerry Alatalo

    This just in – a communist propaganda film says Fascism bad!

    Is there any year without a Fascist Bad movie? Anti-fascist movies were being all through WW2 and they are still being made today. Perhaps we could have a few Communist Bad movies too?

    •�Replies: @xyzxy
  31. xyzxy says:

    Anti-fascist movies were being all through WW2 and they are still being made today. Perhaps we could have a few Communist Bad movies too?

    Check out the ‘fascist/communist’ irony in Masaki Kobayashi’s The Human Condition. Japanese soldier buys into the world socialist ‘worker’s paradise’ ideology, and in order to escape Japan’s fascist army, attempts defection to the Chinese Communists. Only to realize that Chinese peasants don’t see him as a ‘fellow exploited worker’ at all, but simply a Japanese invader they want to kill.

    Winding up in a Soviet POW camp somewhere in Manchuria, Soviet communists brutalize him, accusing him of being a Japanese fascist. Confused and perplexed he asks (while standing under large picture of Joseph Stalin) why they torture a fellow ‘worker of the world’, one who only wants to ‘unite’ under the banner of socialism.

    As far as names? Fascists are just what people on the left call people on the right they don’t like. Communists are simply what people on the right call people on the left they don’t like. The two words have lost any historical context, and are mostly meaningless other than as a name call.

    •�Agree: Lurker
    •�Thanks: Lurker
  32. anastasia says:

    I knew the assassins son. He was an orthopedist.

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