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The Empty Olympics
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What is the relevance of national pride in an Olympic team in an era of mass immigration and forced multiracialism? The Olympics is arguably the premier showcase for the reality of race and human biodiversity. At the same time, it is a tiresome exercise in anti-white propaganda — as shown by the woeful opening ceremony this year. Kersey/Hood take on the “global” sporting event that has become another piece of anti-Western agitprop — even though some forbidden truths cannot help but slip through.

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(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Immigration, Olympics, Political Correctness
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  1. Renoman says:

    When I saw the queers I turned off the TV and will not be turning it back on. The Olympics are fucked so fuck the Olympics.

    •�Replies: @Heydrich's Violin
  2. These two white boys sound just plain… WEIRD.


    •�Replies: @Boomthorkell
  3. Anon[358] •�Disclaimer says:

    Olympics without Russia & Bialorussia are invalid. Shame on Olympic Committee.
    When years ago Russia/ Siviet Union was boycotted, the OC commissioner, don’t remember his name, said: ” If they understand sport like politics, so help us God “.
    As of now , China in #1 in medal standing, 13 Gold medals, second place US with 9 gold medals.
    That’s official OC count.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
  4. What’s the point or the need to celebrate human biodiversity in a global event if EVERY country under the Sun is supposed to contain EVERY race of Man anyway‽

    Hmmm… if you think about it this way: the existence Olympic Games seem passé, eh!

    •�Replies: @Heydrich's Violin
  5. Pythas says:

    It’s disgusting how the anglo-zio shit can degrade a noble ancient Greek festival that originated what like 2600 years ago and totally fuck it up. Something to behold in a negative sense.

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  6. watching fake-female male boxers beat the shit out of female feminist (“gender is a social construct”) boxers is genuinely amusing. For the rest,

    Paris is overwhelmingly empty in August anyway, and the tourists pulled a no-show, so it’s pretty much of a non-event.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Liza
  7. I don’t know if anyone pays much attention to an event that is a Western owned circus…why China any other BRICS have attended shows they still have a way to go to break the western spell.

    And what is the evidence of the five ring circus being a Western show…just look at Russias banning and Israels embrace.

    While the five ring circus is filling our screens, because western media payed to much for the rites, the world moves on at pace, we have another failed U.S coup in Venezuela playing out…the U.S is none to happy at the result and may start another insurgency on their back door…this will be a great opportunity for the BRICS to send them packing…thats if South America wants a future without a stars and stripes boot on their throat?

    The Olympics really are a dusty artifact from a world the U.S so desperately want to relive, but the majority no-longer want to play second fiddle to a dying empire.

  8. @Pythas

    Agree. The Olympics were a time for setting aside disputes. Since they were regarded as sacred to a God or Goddess, then mere humans could not arbitrarily alter the procedure. (By the way, this should give us some clue as to what, how and the purpose of holding to the belief that some cultural process is under the dominion of a God or Goddess.)

    Of course, if a nation is run by people whose mantra is “Never forgive, never forget”, then obviously, this is not possible.

    Further evidence that Semitic people are incompatible with European civilization.

  9. Wokechoke says:

    Israeli participation in the Olympics is mystifying if Russia is banned.

    •�Replies: @Jefferson Temple
  10. Israel are doing well..

    •�Disagree: Badger Down
  11. @Renoman

    When I saw the queers I turned off the TV…
    You have a TV, and you turned it on.
    Things are worse than I calculated.

  12. @Vergissmeinnicht

    A clever checkmate. The Olympics have not the decency to concede the match.

    •�Replies: @JR Foley
  13. @Wokechoke

    When your tribe owns the narrative, among many things, you can get away with much. Let’s hope that this is on the verge of changing.

  14. Dragoslav says:

    ” further evidence that Semitic people are incompatible with European civilization.”

    As I said on another post where I had to endure the attack of Muslim trolls, Semites bring us nothing but strife, discomfort, disturbance, and destruction. Let them get the hell out.

  15. Anonymous[950] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    that algerian boxer is a woman on hgh, not trans. however most of the swimmers and weighlifter females absolutely look like men. that italian boxer is an actress, she pretended to get hurt in tokyo 2021 as well.

  16. How about if the Dissident Right organizes a total boycott of the next Olympics? Instead, promote an Alternative Olympics which promote nationalism.

    Let’s also see support for the English and Irish and everyone else fighting against the Great Replacement.

  17. @Supply and Demand

    Still posting Fed-shit, lol. Biden’s out, and your handlers sent the new talking point. What predictive capacity! Kill yourself.

    •�Agree: Cloud Posternuke
  18. Stephan says:

    Multiculturalism and immigration over the last 50 years has kind of ruined the Olympic experiment. (Ignoring the transgender stuff for the moment.) What’s the point in having African immigrants representing European nations. I don’t mind a few people representing foreign nations but when it becomes dominating ones national genetic heritage becomes irrelevant.

  19. SteveK9 says:

    For me the funniest was watching Macron cheering on the French team at the previous World Cup where they won. I don’t pay a lot of attention to soccer (or football), but when I saw the French team, my jaw dropped. All I could think was ‘who the hell are they kidding, that isn’t a French team, it’s an African team’.

  20. SteveK9 says:

    When Macron ran for President the first time, he stated ‘there is no such thing as French culture’! Incredible.

    •�Replies: @Pythas
  21. SteveK9 says:

    Give Russia some credit as well. Sochi was beautiful as was the World Cup later, across Russia. But, that was right before our rulers decided they wanted to conquer Russia (again).

  22. JR Foley says:
    @Heydrich's Violin

    Reinhard–do you notice how similar Netanyahu and Heydrich are in appearance and both have blue eyes just like Jesus? Schindler’s List—on kazoo would sound better- but that violin does well in Danse Macabre. Roy Cohn passed on from AIDS and Jimmy Savile is gone too.

    •�Replies: @Heydrich's Violin
  23. @JR Foley

    When they compiled an encyclopedia of music and musicians, an enemy of Bruno Heydrich, the composer, represented said Bruno as a partial descendant of Jews–I can’t remember whether on his paternal or maternal side. Perchance you make a sly allusion to that controversy.
    If the rumor was true–but which Reinhard convincingly disposed of, and certified by Himmler–the “Architect of the Holocaust”……..
    …well, the Shoah was an inside job after all? Sacrifice a rook to take the queen.
    Your other remote allusions don’t seem to place me in check, but at least they come close to sounding an arpeggio.

  24. I think more countries should follow the example of India and soft-pedal Olympic efforts. I’m sure they have more pressing needs in the sub-continent.

    The body goes first, the mind lasts much longer, so why waste so much time, money, and effort on producing Olympic athletes? Wouldn’t it make more sense to develop the minds of the population as opposed to their bodies? Funding and encouraging high-I.Q. researchers just might come up with a breakthrough that will have a tangible effect on your (and everyone’s) welfare. If some “amateur” spends all his waking hours training for a competition that occurs just once in four years, that’s his choice. If he garners enough gold to compete with Fort Knox, so what? Good for him, but what’s it to me?

    I remember back in 1984 when Detroit defeated San Diego in the World Series. If you won a contest that offered you a choice between a free house in Detroit and a free house in San Diego, would you base your decision on the success of the local baseball team? A more realistic assessment is that both teams are franchises and are stocked with professionals from all over, not the cities they “represent.” The Olympics appear to be headed in that direction. The national teams are becoming franchises. They are not representative of their countries. So why should we care?

    •�Agree: mark green
    •�Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
  25. @Judson Hammond

    Professionalization turns athletes into entertainers and the biological arms race begins. HGH and steroid use is routine in the anaerobic contests and doping in the aerobic contests. A number of these athletes will die in their 50s and 60s, shadows of their former selves.

    Athletics should never have been allowed to become “sports,” but this is a problem that has been around since the Mayans.

    •�Agree: MoT
  26. Anon[358] •�Disclaimer says:

    Good divergence from the killing field in Palestine and more coming.
    We are good Christian people. As long as we don’t see the horrors we inflict on others, that’s fine with us. Let’s enjoy the show and feel how good we are in winning. Nobody can c!oser . We even should get gold medal for that too, shouldn’t we?

  27. JimmyB says:

    The IOC is proving it is bought and paid for by the very forces that working tirelessly to destroy the fabric of society. What toothless bunch of sycophants!

  28. I boycotted “olympics” that exclude Russia but welcome genocide criminals from israel anyway but when I heard about the “ceremony” which was an insult to Chrsitians, France, Europe and its cultures (the real ones), and humanity, than I double boycotted it.

    But to be efficient a boycott needs to deprive the vermin who did this of any money. Therefore I boycott also all the sponsors of these garbage.

    Samsung, by the way has already pulled 1 billion out of these fake olympics. The OIC is losing 300 millions, hotels are empty and nobody comes to Paris (only the morons who love to be controlled with QR codes).

    So it’s a global failure on all sides.

    I wish the French not to get any more medals and a complete humiliation for the mayor of Paris and pederast Macron and his trasvestite of a husband.

    As someone wrote alreayd, they want to fuck with us? Fuck their olympics!

  29. Sporting events like this give the successful nations an entirely false sense of their own national pride and self worth. Take South Korea, number 5 in the medals table but with a birth rate that will see the nation go extinct within 100 years. If there are no South Koreans in a century’s time, who will care if they had the best female BMX rider in the 2024 Olympics? Whereas a nation like Georgia, which is nowhere in sporting terms, at least has a birth rate that means that Georgia will still be around and watching the Olympics in a hundred years time, assuming anyone cares about such things by then.

    Personally, I don’t even know anyone who’s watching it.

    For what it’s worth, watching Leni Reifenstahl’s Olympia and comparing it to the recent opening ceremony certainly tells a tale about the difference in values between these two visions of Europe.

    •�Replies: @Torna atrás
  30. we don’t watch the us empire and its western lackeys (Japan, “Taiwan”, and “South” korea too) propaganda show. No thanks. Do not need PC woke joke nonsense rammed down our throats by war mongering imperialists.
    How many fat WASPY women in beards and males dressed as women with their scrotums hanging out do we need?

  31. Liza says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Paris is overwhelmingly empty in August anyway, and the tourists pulled a no-show, so it’s pretty much of a non-event.

    Most if not all of the events seem to have plenty of bums in seats – indeed, full houses. Lots of foreign flags being waved around.

    I guess I don’t give a hoot about any “nation” anymore. But I like to see some white people do amazing things.

  32. Bill Bob says:

    Olympics did great. No issues. Ratings up 39% in the US. No one cares about the opening ceremonies, everyone is drunk by then anyways. Also the boxer was born with a vagina, don’t care if she found out she is XY later. SHE wasn’t born with a penis and that is what matters to opponents of Trans excess. Also hundreds of medals means there will always be some scandal in judging etc. Live with it. Russia poked holes in a wall to pass fake urine samples into an Olympic lab testing facility. They deserve it for such comical levels of cheating. Why does Russia do such things, they win without cheating? Commies. Paris may even make a little money from the event, like LA and Atlanta. Infra cost kills these events, and Paris already had everything.
    PS: Only teams heavily reliant on immigrant populations are EU countries and Arab statelets. Also does the author hate Jim Thorpe?

    •�Replies: @profnasty
  33. Bill Bob says:

    Also the more interesting factoid would be what percentage of Caribbean, Euro, and Arab athletes train in US colleges.

  34. @al gore rhythms

    An interesting tid-bit, before Korea was annexed by Japan the country was spelt Corea. After its annexation and subjugation by Japan, the Japanese were so petty they didn’t want Corea to be listed alphabetically in front of Japan so its spelling was forcibly changed by Japan from Corea to Korea.

  35. profnasty says:
    @Bill Bob

    C’mon man. Don’t pee all over everything.
    Upon winning, that ‘female’ boxer jumped up and down in the ring.
    His schwing schwang was bouncing like snake in a ruck sack.
    AND as if that wasn’t enough, he tried to console the lady boxer-
    was rejected. He then fondled her breast right in front of G_d and everybody.
    Women have invaded men’s spaces in most areas.
    But boxing? WTF are women even doing in the sweet science?
    Women have boobs to turn men into suckers.
    Let’s leave it at that.

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