Invitation to Big Island NVC Retreat
Sharing NVC from the Inside Out
Nurture Ourselves, Inspire Others and Impact Our Communities
An NVC Retreat in Kona, Hawaii with CNVC Certified Trainer François Beausoleil
Feb 2-5, 2012 at Harmonics Life Hawaii (Yumi and Gen’s house)
How motivated are you to share NVC when you’re drained? Often times, just living NVC is hard when our energy is low or when we feel some emptiness inside. And when we feel lonely, it might be even harder.
Now, how does it feel to share (or live) NVC when it springs naturally out of us? When you almost can not contain it? How do people around you react when you talk about NVC from that place, with that energy?
Yes. Inspired, often magnetized.
This retreat will be focused on nurturing the fire inside, as well as offering ways to increase your ability to be of service and have an impact on your communities.
How to share NVC from the inside out
Nurture Ourselves, Inspire Others and Impact Our Communities
In this 4-day retreat you'll:
· Nurture yourself through healthy food, whale-watching, writing NVC-related poetry, and song lyrics. This will provide a solid foundation of wellbeing and inspiration for you to tap in over and over.
· Strengthen your body and spirit with optional private health consultations with Gen & Yumi, who have many years of experience in applying eastern medicine and practices to supporting individual well-being
· Experience healing around what might slow you down in terms of sharing NVC; this will set you up for moving forward doing what you love with greater strength and speed.
· Learn how to create a nurturing circle of intimacy around you, so you can maintain the fire burning inside all year long.
· Learn the golden rules of how to market your NVC offer.
· Learn the main keys to sharing NVC and being sustainable, saving you time and energy as you design your strategies to share NVC.
François Beausoleil,
MBA, Certified Trainer, Center for Nonviolent Communication
Executive Stamina Certified Trainer
To register, send an e-mail to [email protected] with “NVC Retreat Hawaii” in the subject, no later than January 20, 2012. In the email, please provide your name, address, phone number, and your prior experience with NVC.
Required minimum participants: 8 (max: 16)
Fees: there are 3 parts: tuition, meals and accommodation
*We accept payment plan. Please consult with Yumi
• Tuition: $600($500 for early birds:if booked by the end of 2011)
• Meals and drinks: $100 (for all the meals at HLH during the 4 days retreat)
(Breakfast fruits, lunch and dinner are mostly vegetarian with some fish or meat. One traditional Hawaiian meal, with organic/wild pork, will be served during the retreat. Other meal options are available with advance request and possibly additional costs)
• Accommodation: Accommodations are arranged separately.
We recommend the Kona Islander Inn ($60-80/night). Book early for the best rate.
*Note we can host up to two people in our home ($20/night requested). This option is available in order of request.
Pls. send a check payable to Gen Morita to the address below for tuition and meals.
Gen Morita/Hamonics Life Hawaii:
75-286 Hoene Place, Kailua Kona, HI96740
T/F:808-334-9616 [email protected] (Yumi and Gen)
火曜日, 12月 20, 2011
火曜日, 12月 13, 2011
1. マシューです。この宇宙領域にいるすべての魂たちから心からのご挨拶をします。あなたたちの世界では毎年この季節になると、とくに気持が高ぶって来て、恵まれた人たちは贈り物の交換や家の飾りつけ、宗教的行事への参加、そしてたぶん家族と祝うために旅行したり、お客さんたちを待つことを楽しみにできました。そのような人たちには、この季節は喜びと楽しい時をもたらしています。でも悲しんでいたり、病気、孤独、ホームレスだったそれほど恵まれない人たちには、悲しさと失望感が増すだけでした。
2. 今年は、そのような恵まれた人たちでさえその多くが自分たちの国の政治経済の不安定な状況について混乱と不安の中にいます。もっとよかった時代に比べて、悲しみと絶望感にいる魂たちが増えています。あなたたちのカレンダーで2011年が終わりに近づくにつれ、僕たちに見えるのは重い心をひきづったたくさんの魂たちです。
3. 来年のいま頃には地球が黄金時代の入口にいるだろうことを、すべての人々が知っていたらどんなにいいでしょう・・その時には世界変革の動乱の移行期は終わって、あらゆる闇が駆逐されているでしょう。あなたたちがすでにコンティニュウム(時空連続体)で共同創造しているその素晴らしい世界を想像して、あらゆる人々の気持が高まったことでしょう。
4. たくさんのことが競ってあなたたちの関心を引こうとしているこのいつになく忙しい時への僕たちのメッセージは簡単です。これまでの気づきを思い出すための簡潔なメッセージです。あなたたちが自信と確信と喜びをもって新年を迎えられるように用意した僕たちの贈り物をどうぞ受け取ってください。
5. あなたたちが喜びに満ちて2012年を迎えられるように、僕たちの無条件の愛と宇宙の無限の恵みがあなたたちと供にあります。
原文:Matthew's Message
訳文責: 森田 玄
投稿 (Atom)