The Framers of the United States Constitution understood several things very clearly from their experience as a colonial vassal state with only limited legislative or self-governing authority under the rule of Britain’s King George III. That principle lesson learned, justifying a revolution, was that the leader or ruler of a nation must not be allowed to unilaterally initiate armed conflicts because war is the greatest calamity that can afflict a nation and its people. That was why the US president under the balance of powers had no ability under the Constitution to initiate a war on his or her own authority. It required an act of war approved by Congress with the legislature also providing the funding and most of the manpower through voluntary levies from the state militias as the national army was deliberately small.
And why might a revolution be needed apart from negating the propensity of kings to go to war? A constitutional government in this case was devised as a mechanism to protect fundamental rights and liberties, which at least some of the Founders considered to be inalienable and granted by the Creator to all human beings. The most important of those rights was freedom of speech, which rightly was featured as the First Amendment to the Constitution leading off the ten liberties that comprised the Bill of Rights. That American citizens should have the right to speak their minds was considered essential to their concept of freedom, particularly when it encompassed the right to protest at what the government was doing.
We all know how attempts to institutionalize the type of centralized control evident in eighteenth century Britain began to creep into the American democracy soon after the Revolutionary War ended, leading to a set of four federal laws called collectively the Alien and Sedition Acts enacted in 1798 that applied restrictions to immigration and free speech throughout the United States. The Naturalization Act required immigrants to obtain citizenship, the Alien Friends Act granted to the president the power to imprison and deport non-citizens, the Alien Enemies Act empowered the president to detain and even imprison non-citizens during times of war, and the Sedition Act criminalized false and malicious statements about the federal government, ending free speech. The Alien Friends Act and the Sedition Act expired after a set number of years, and the Naturalization Act was repealed in 1802. The Alien Enemies Act is still in effect.
The Alien and Sedition Acts were inevitably at that time controversial and the debate lined up along political lines. They were supported by the President John Adams’ Federalist Party which argued that the bills strengthened national security during the undeclared naval war with France from 1798 to 1800. Interestingly, the acts were denounced by the minority Democratic-Republicans as violations of free speech under the First Amendment as they were used to suppress publishers affiliated with the opposition, and several publishers were indeed arrested for criticism of the President and his party. Does that justification to strip citizens of their rights sound familiar? Substitute “war on terror” and Patriot Act plus the undeclared wars in Ukraine and Gaza that Washington appears to believe have something to do with national security.
The lessons to be learned ever since 1798 is that if you want to subvert the restraints on war and individual liberties you have to do it with a whole lot of lies coupled with penalties designed to make possible “complainers” shut up and go away. I would point to the recent treatment of Scott Ritter, Dimitri Simes and Tulsi Gabbard by the Joe Biden Administration involving using “foreign agent” legislation drafted in 1938 to stretch the government’s ability to make claims of foreign interference in the upcoming election that it can hardly back up with facts. The suggestion of criminality also at the same time sought to threaten and intimidate public figures who were critical of policy. And the government is not shy about what it has been doing. In 2022 the Biden Administration sought to establish a Disinformation Governance Board at the Department of Homeland Security and on Monday September 16th Hillary Clinton told her ideological soulmate Rachel Maddow that Americans who share political misinformation, which she called propaganda, should face potential civil – or even criminal – legal consequences.
Another even more powerful example of what will happen by continuing down the road that the United States is proceeding on comes from Britain, where the government has more tools in terms of terrorism, treason and “hate speech” type legislation. The relatively new Keir Starmer national government is as deeply embedded with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s band of war criminals as in President Joe Biden and his gang of war enablers. Lest there be any confusion about what the government is prepared to do to protect that relationship, there have been several arrests of journalists on “terrorism” charges whose only crime is being too outspoken about the genocide that is taking place openly day by day by the Israel Defense Force (IDF) in Gaza. On August 29th 16 police officers, including some from the UK’s elite and armed counter-terrorism unit, arrested pro-Palestinian journalist Sarah Wilkinson under the Terrorism Act 2000, charging her with “terrorist” content she had written and posted online. Her initial bail conditions included not being allowed to use any electronic devices or any form of public transportation. Wilkinson had been advocating for Palestine long before October 7th, but many believe that over the past eleven months the pressure to penalize voices like hers in the UK has increased. Other well-known outspoken figures such as freelance journalist Richard Medhurst and co-founder of Palestine Action Richard Barnard were also arrested in August under the same legislation.
Likewise, no matter who wins the election in the US in November, the Israeli tie that binds will continue to be in place controlling many policies and actions of the federal government as well as of many state and municipal administrations. And there are clear signs that those who choose to criticize Israel and the nation’s obsession with going to war will be targeted. Critics of federal government policies defending the wars and specifically Israel will be under attack like never before, most particularly at the universities. Organizations like the Anti-Defamation League will also be using “lawfare” to criminalize as antisemitism any complaints about the behavior of the Jewish state under the Antisemitism Awareness legislation that will undoubtedly finish moving smoothly through Congress before being signed off on by either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.
As has been true for the past eleven months, America’s universities have been the epicenter of the protests against both Israeli and US policies vis-à-vis Gaza, leading to mass arrests and demands led by billionaire Jewish donors that severe penalties against “antisemites” should be in place. Many universities, now that they are back in session, are adopting “institutional neutrality,” which means that they will not be taking a position on issues that do not impact directly on their educational mission. Alan Garber, the Harvard President who replaced Claudine Gay after her abrupt resignation declared that the university would no longer “issue official statements about public matters that do not directly affect the university’s core function.”
Jewish groups aren’t necessarily pleased at the change of course. Mark Yudof, chair of the pro-Israel Academic Engagement Network and former president of the University of California system, objected saying that what happens regarding Israel does directly affect Jewish members on campus. “If Jewish students can’t cross campus safely, I expect presidents to speak out about that and I don’t want institutional neutrality to say they can’t look out for the best interests of students, faculty and staff.”
Many pro-Palestinian campus voices, meanwhile, are also opposed to institutional neutrality as it will continue to allow protesters to be arrested and expelled while denying them any voice on campus. Some argue that universities have already declared themselves not to be neutral on Israel because of their refusal to divest from it. “It has enabled college presidents to foreclose public debate, while draping themselves in the mantle of a lofty moral principle,” Anton Ford, a University of Chicago professor who has urged U of C to divest from Israel, wrote in May. He added “In the midst of a national protest movement, nothing could be more convenient.”
Universities not embracing “institutional neutrality” are generally taking traditional harder lines against protesters which will pander to Israel and repress pro-Palestinian sentiment. University administrators across the United States have declared an indefinite state of emergency on college campuses. Schools are reshaping regulations and even the physical layouts of campuses in a process intended to suit this new normal. Nearly all recent university policy updates have intensified the already numerous bureaucratic hurdles for student organizations to gain approval to host an event. Some have gone further to capture complete administrative control of campus activities. Long before the Student Intifada, both private and public universities began to remove Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) from their campuses. Last year, George Washington University and Rutgers University suspended their SJP chapters under the pretext of restoring order on campus. This year both universities have again targeted SJP. Other universities are following suit.
And then there is the Antisemitism Awareness Act which is now in the Senate after passing through the House by an overwhelming 320 to 91 vote in May. In a recent discussion at Columbia University, Representative Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey said that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has “assured” him that he plans to bring the Act to the Senate floor for a vote “before the end of the year.” The legislation directs the federal Department of Education to use the extremely controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism, which considers any criticism of Zionism/and/or/Israel as antisemitic, when investigating claims of discrimination against Jews. In other words, any criticism of Israel will be ipso facto an act of antisemitism and subject to criminal penalties under hate speech and similar legislation.
If free speech ends in America there will be no mechanism to attack illegal or unconstitutional actions by the Federal government like the current wars being fought without a declaration of war or evidence of any imminent threat. If criticism of Israel becomes criminalized then the cause of the most horrific war currently taking place on the planet will become normal practice any time when the Jewish state wants to expand its lebensraum at the expense of one of its neighbors. Neither situation should be tolerable in a constitutional democracy but there you have it and it will only get worse since the people have little enough voice as it is and the madmen in Washington are blithely speaking of a two-front war against Russia and China, both of which are nuclear powers and are prepared to use them in their own defense. Is there something gone seriously wrong here in this country? The answer is surely “Yes!”
Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email�protected].
The birthing pains of a new vassal state.
No matter who said it… in the context of the present it’s as true or truer than anything else.
“To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?”
And THAT is all that needs to be said.
Nineteen Eighty Four playing out in real time.
In a candid moment shortly before his death, Orwell was asked why he named the anti-totalitarian leader “Emmanuel Goldstein.”
‘Because I wanted to get the book published. It was the only way given the creeps running British publishing.’
At a Harvard Square pub, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., told a bunch of adoring students, including me, that the reason he penned the bizzare, non-linear Tralfamadore sci-fi counter-plot in ‘Slaughterhouse-Five’ was because “… that was only way I could publicize my personal experience of the atrocious war-crime of the firebombing of Dresden.”
What an excellent, articulate piece. Thanks, Phil.
There is no political solution to this
We are all “palestinians”
phil, i keep trying to tell you they cancelled the constitution during covid, due to an emergency health crisis and they forgot to turn it back on again. it’s not just the constitution, it’s also the geneva convention, the u.n. convention on genocide as well as the nuremberg code. they determined they they were all quaint as well as antiquated and replaced all of them, with the all new rules based orders, that now supercede even robert’s rules of order.
this stream lines government red tape and makes their jobs much easier to perform, consolidating government agencies into an efficient monopolar ruling class and eliminating needless paperwork. our new chief executive officer, can institute sweeping changes, without all the squabbling between different branches of government. we all know this what caused the tragedy of 9/11, as different agencies were unable to communicate, due to differences in language, that directly led to the fall of the towers.
now that we have disposed of this old paper work, we can go paperless (or parchmentless), which is more environmentally friendly and saves both trees and sheep. we must as a people, embrace these brave new rules based orders for the commen good of humanity. as a former c.i.a. agent you should have received a copy in your email, please check the trash if you don’t find it there. it’s basically an updated version of the talmud, rewritten by adl to make it more applicable to modern life.
if you have still not received a copy within two weeks, you may want to check your front door, as this will save you the expense of having to have it replaced, which is a lot more expensive than it used to be, just ask scott ritter on that.
Why is genocide acceptable and indistriminate terrorism via beepers ‘ok’? Is it bc the us empire and israel do it?
no, the Constitution and the Republic died long before the (((Plandemic))):
the Republic died before WWI, when (((bankster)))-stooge Woodrow Wilson replaced State Legislature-selection of Senators with direct election by “the people” and saddled ‘Murka with the (((Rothschild))) Third National Bank alias “Federal Reserve”.
the Constitution was terminated after the Zionist False Flag 9/11 attack, when the Jews’s bought-and-paid-for Congress (see: “Federal Reserve”) replaced it with the savage, Talmudic “Patriot Act”.
The Zionist cries out in pain as he strikes patriotic Americans.
Re:Nuclear Powers…
There are few things I am certain of in this world while mindful of Samuel’s warning of “it’s the things that just ain’t so”
And so I hold,
Bears shit in the woods
Dogs like food
Marry Ann was prettier than Ginger
If voting mattered they’d make it illegal
Phil is a high paid lying phuc
nukes don’t exist
Man did not land on the moon
E sure as phuc does not equal MC Sq.
Black Holes Can Not exist.
No E.T.’s have, nor will ever come.
None of these truths help pay the rent.
The installation of World Wide Hate speech laws for the protection of the Jews started way back in the 1960s —-It gained momentum once the Holocaust Industry was launched in the 1970s.
Without the Holocaust Narrative, Israel would cease to exist. The entire 16 Million Jewish Diaspora must be constantly terrorized by Jewish Hollywood Nazi Porn and fabricated Holocaust stories. All Jewish donations to Israel would dry up overnight….if they all learned they were being lied to about the Holocaust.
With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Collapse of the USSR —-Historians finally had access to the Russian Historical Archives. Revisionist quickly began publishing their WWII History findings. Historians could finally visit the supposed Death Camps —-until then, they were all locked behind the Iron Curtain for 50 years.
The gig was up —The Holocaust Narrative had no factual support as a supposed historical event.
The Jews were in a pickle because their entire funding of and immigration to Israel ——relied heavily on sympathy generated by the Hollywood Holocaust Movies.
No we know it was all a Lie. —–Yet you have an entire country that relies solely on the propagation of that Lie. Further —-Every Israeli Citizen born today in Israel —–is 100% brainwashed on the New Holocaust Religion. The Jewish mental disorder called, the “Mosada Complex” is reinforced using the Holocaust Lie.
This is the Real Reason for Hate Speech Laws throughout the world. The Holocaust Hoax is the Wellspring of all Hate Speech Laws. Before every Hate Speech Law (in every country), you will see Jewish Money….Jewish Politics and an army of Jewish lawyers all working secretly behind the scenes to install that hate speech law.
Softening up the American Population to Accept hate Speech Laws:
From a Social Engineering view of America: the Feminism, LGBTQ, the Transgender, The Me Too, the BLM and ANTIFA and all the other Marxist Ideology and Critical Race Theory —–all serve to weaken and divide the population. Down with the Patriarchy, White Guilt, White Fragility, the Porn Industry, Rise of Atheism, carefully funded and groomed Christian Zionism——-Corporate Sterwardship, HR Department Sensitivity Training, DEI Directors and DEI Vice Presidents, Transgender Rights to cut their dicks off…even at 12 years of age.
All of this shit creates a climate of Moral Decay, Bewilderment, Apathy and finally, “Acceptance”. Americans are now trained to self sensor. To fight Hate. To speak out against Hate…..blah…blah…blah. By accepting all the other marginalized communities (LGBQ+T) we are now ready to fight for and defend the poor wittle Jews. After all…we are now a, “Judeo-Christian Nation”.
This Apathy is the New Normal. We as a population are ripe for the picking now. The terraforming of America is complete. The soil is prepared. If the Bolshevik Democrats get another 4 years —–Our US Constitution will be changed and there will be Federal hate Speech Laws installed.
The Jews controlled the US Population, chiefly by buying up every Mainstream Media outlet in America. The Jews create our perception of the world.
The US DOJ, the Pentagon, The Deep State, the Military Industrial Complex and numerous other Industries also use this Jewish control of our media to maintain their market share.
There are Trillions of Dollars of potential revenue, across numerous industries, reliant on manipulating, moving and controlling the perception of 350 Million Tax Payers. And they need their legacy Mainstream Media outlets to be the Only Game in Town.
However, what has happened in the last 10 Years is a complete loss of control over the Narrative. Mainstream Media is being displaced by Alternative Media.
Military Industrial Complex: —-Before Every War …..their is a huge Propaganda War. The MIC cannot recruit idiot soldiers if their Propaganda is countered by Alternative Media. So all futured declared wars will now have to institute Drafts to fill the ranks.
Big Pharma: Before every Pandemic, the Big Pharma has to sell the uptake of their drug —-which relies heavily on Mainstream Media adds / Propaganda. Alternative Media thwarts the effectiveness of this Propaganda and could have catastrophic effects —–Like the Joe Rogan Interview of Dr. Robert Mallone –who’s Twitter Account was shut down the day before he went on the Joe Rogan Show.
This one interview broke the internet, public opinion shifted dramatically.
The Trillion Dollar Climate Change Industry —-is base entirely on faulty, easily exposed,..JUNK SCIENCE. Climate change is a HOAX. Yet billions of dollars has already been invested in this industry. Hate Speech Laws would shore up this Industry.
Bill Gates and all of his various endeavors —-He is widely disliked now because of Alternative Media Conspiracy Theories —Some real, some true. He is Jewish. Hate Speech Laws could be used to insulate him from criticism.
For that matter many of the CEOs in the country are Jewish. Black Rock is owned by Larry Fink. Therefore, Black Rock will be protected by Hate Speech Laws. As will any other company headed by a Jewish owner or CEO.
MSM Media is losing billions in Sales Revenue as Alternative Media captures market share.
Hate Speech laws would allow the immediate censor and De-platforming of numerous Alternative Media outlets.
Israel owns our US Congress via AIPAC. Israel has lost billions in revenue due to Rising Anti-Semitism (BDS Movement) after Israeli IDF murdered 17,000 Palestinian children. There is no other stronger and more powerful proponent for US Hate Speech laws than Israel.
Corporations (and their incredible war chest of lobbying Money) all support Hate Speech Laws and censoring of anyone threatening their revenue streams.
For these reasons —-I think Federal Hate Speech Laws are done deal. America will Fall and once we give up our Freedom of Speech —it will take another bloody revolution to get it back.
The Federalist were full of shit and damn liars.
i’m glad you’re reading my posts and bring up all the many points i’ve made in past comments, keep up the good work and you will eventually be able to write comments of your own, that people may actually want to read.
covid was the coup de grace, when all of the guarantees, of bill of rights were purposely violated, in order to demonstrate that it was finally flatlined, once and for all.
you may now go back to your usual hasbara, telling us how israeli zionazi ubermensches are humiliating the “axis of resistence” (spelled with three e’s) and there’s nothing that we can do about it. here’s a catchy tag line for you: “assimilate, resistance is futile”.
Judging from the dancing and singing of jews in reaction to the terrorist attacks in lebanon one could right an article entitled “jews celebrate biggest terrorist attack since 911”
Their glee wont last, thats all i know
2 minutes hate and free speech, will be combined, into 2 minutes hate free speech laws. get ready to rail against the axis of resistance and remember it’s not just a right, it’s the law.
For those who may be interested in such arcana, the new issue of Harvard magazine features a cover article on “Academic Freedom and Free Speech” that is as brilliant a specimen of intellectualized bullshit as you can find anywhere. Justifying the savagery of the national crackdown on student anti-genocide protestors, without ever mentioning them, or using the g-word, or “Israel,” the piece attempts to define an alleged difference between freedom of speech and academic freedom. In a twist of reality worthy of Israel’s Chief Rabbi (or any proficient Jesuit theologian), our stalwart author gravely proclaims that academic freedom must not be tainted by “popular opinion,” citing as evidence the constant attacks by religionists on scientific findings that invalidate their cherished dogmas. But in effect he is asserting that speaking out against an unprecedented campaign of public mass murder and displacement by a foreign power (one that would not last six months without US aid) is just some silly fad, worthy of no more notice in the rarified world of academia than the latest sports hero or movie star.
The present case is not an arid intellectual exercise about eternal principles but response in real time to the grave emergency of specific, ongoing crimes against humanity. To paraphrase a fellow from our storied past, if this be antisemitism, make the most of it.
I think military drafts should be illegal world-wide. Why? Because if a nation is run for the interests of its people, plenty will rise to defend it, but if a nation is run for its top 1%, very few will defend it. That’s why they are wanting a draft…….to force kids to fight unpopular wars on the other side of the planet for the top 1%. I’m sure they’ve got a few false flag plots ready to go beforehand to pep the cattle.
“phil, i keep trying to tell you they cancelled the constitution during covid”
Try when George W. Bush (whom I unfortunately voted for) remarked: “The Constitution? It’s just a goddamn piece of paper!”
I am NOT one to take the Lord’s name in vain. I am just repeating Mr. Bush’s own words.
Thank you.
(((Alan Garber))), the Harvard President
Never trust anyone who says you need protection from dangerous thoughts. That propaganda often wears the mask of patriotism.
And it can come from anywhere. Purportedly protecting the purity of “American marketplaces of ideas,” Andrew Napolitano helped to grease the skids for
serving as St. Mueller’s altar boy during Russiagate.
Isn’t the ridicule “Judge” earned from the readership why he left TUR’s author roster? I keep asking, but no one will say.
it shows how ignorant shrub is and was. it’s just a goddamn piece of parchment.
Destroying true Christian morality and demographic integrity were possibly the two primary causes of the creation of a massive out of control federal government and the related loss of basic constitutional rights. And yes, Jews were heavily involved in both of those.
Death to Israel and its master the evil empire. Biden, like Netanyahu, is a mass murderer and genocidal terrorist where should be executed as war criminals, so Netanyahu, now.
US was behind the mass murder in Lebanon, so UK. And the pagers were filled with explosive at the CIA FRONT co. in Hungry, connected to Taiwan (received an order for the pagers, both are colonies of US).
These companies are US government’s FRONT to turn a low tech into an explosive . Then, transferred to Mossad to be tested on target in Lebanon KILLING babies, nurses and doctors who cannot defend themselves from evil empire. US is the biggest terrorist state in the history of mankind and must be ELIMINATED.
That, more or less, is the position of politicians in Austfailia. No-one can condemn genocide if it is committed by Judeonazis. To do so is wicked ‘Jew-hatred’. They’ve got this country sewed up.
A raving spiel, with nuggets of fact, reduced too sullage by the INSANE religious incantation that anthropogenic climate destabilisation, the most REAL process on Earth, is a hoax. It’s like the denialists have had parts of their brains removed, then been waterboarded for months, and released on the world.
Americans are finding it hard to make ends meet…many are questioning where has the land of milk and honey gone?
They should look no further than who controls their government.
The education system lies to them from school age about how their communities work, a better lesson would be to have an excursion to the local airport and wave goodbye to their taxes as all those military cargo planes fly out to all those bases in places most couldn’t find on a map with their hard earned dollars in the form of military hardware.
As long as the U.S can be top dog in the world they can run up a tab on materials and goods knowing that payment will never be needed. But this will now stop with the lost war in Ukraine…if Americans think things are bad now then they aint seen nuttin’ yet!
Americans will now see the bill due for empire like those empires before, a slow slide into harder times as they will be booted out from around the world.
If you allow your society to be run by criminals then don’t cry when they’ve robbed you of your lifestyle.
Down with Jewish mafia ASSASSIN, Trump, and its tribe. Death to Pahlavi, a fool who sucks on Israel’s balls to survive. Trump is a TRAITOR and mass murderer should be voted down.
The IAC National Summit is renowned for featuring the top speakers in every field, from WHORES and PIMPS to baby killers, traitors, mass murderers, thieves, and ASSASSINS, Trump.
Death to US/UK who erected Israel in the occupied land of Palestine. The scum American ‘elite’ is responsible for the mass murder in Gaza, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya, Syria and in the central Asia.
Death to Biden and Trump, who support assassination, mass murder of the children and they fund it.
US-BACKED Israel must be removed from the face of earth. Bomb US-BACKED Israel and its supporters NOW. Destroy the American ‘elite’, SCUM who is responsible for thousands of children who have been cut in pieces. Fuck Biden and Trump, who are involved in massacre of the civilians in the region.
Americans are complicit in mass murdering of the people in the region where should be shamed all over the world. The victims in the region will chocked American terrorists and US-BACKED scum Israel with their own SHIT until are suffocated and are dead. You are not human, you are scum of humanity. US was 100% involved in explosive pagers killing children in Lebanon, Syria. Biden and Trump support fully the massacre of the children, nurses and teachers using low tech explosive made by Shell Co. (Mossad) in Hungry. Taiwan and Hungry are 100% involved in this massacre and those responsible should be arrested and punished, if they don’t do it then they must be assassinated so the scum think twice before engaging in mass murder for few $$$$. No one should go unpunished, not even scum Biden.
Why not lie? We must cease to be astounded.
Lying is much more economical than telling the truth. The gullibility, apathy and insouciance of the public is something that can be taken for granted statistically. The truth is expensive to maintain and package and only appeals to a small minority.
Most people will simply go along with the lie. Some fraction of them can even be counted on to help spread the lie, those of uncertain mind, foolishly abetting their own manipulators by attacking and ridiculing those who dissent and don’t go along with the lie. And then there are those who will spread the lie simply for money or for other favor.
Controlling the narrative and flow of information is a powerful tool. It is what keeps the public in line, provides human fodder for the meat grinder. It is why Americans no longer have a free and independent press. It is why they are coming for the remaining information services and are seeking to block others. And so why not lie now that they can?
What they haven’t yet contended with are those individuals who are able to draw all the conclusions that they attribute to Russian or other foreign disinformation entirely on their own, those who are able to function quite well in an information impoverished environment.
Those they will imprison or kill.
I hope the Lebanese are ready for war its inevitable.
How do I know? The Israeli ambassador to U.N said they don’t want war with Lebanon and the Australian Prime Minister has told his citizens in Lebanon to leave.
All you need to understand…Israelis cannot lay straight in bed.
Spoken like a pretentious princess.
No one discusses that a million Muslim militiamen are likely to march to fight from Syria, Iraq, and Iran and show up along the Golan Heights and push across.
“100,000 IRAQI Fighters To LEBANON”
Video Link
Video Link
Video Link
100% pure idiocy.
The Bill of Rights was prima facie absurd from the start. The US has always had the right to take over your life 100%, draft you into the military, and send you anywhere on earth to kill or be killed for any reason they dream up. All in defense of the Bill of Rights. Can it get any more absurd than that?
I don’t know about you, but I was drafted !!!
So much for the Bill of Rights. As for covid, it was, unlike the Bill of Rights, real.
The ‘covid hoaxers’ and the 9/11 truthers are examples of he same phenomenon and have the same effect, making the hoi polloi unable to think … which… it never had in the first place….
1775, a knock on the door of Benjamin Franklin’s printing shop.
Franklin: Can I help you?
Captain: On behalf of His Majesty King George the Third, Captain Goeffry Winsingham would like to speak with Mr. Benjamin Franklin.
Franklin: I’m he.
Captain: Sir, we have a report that you have printed information and opinions disparaging of the Crown. What say you?
Franklin: My dear Captain, I am a loyal subject of the Crown. I have even recommended the Magna Carta to my French friends.
Captain: And what may I ask, is the Magna Carta?
Franklin: It’s an historic English document advancing the freedom of mankind.
Captain: Oh. That sounds good.
Franklin: It is. Very good.
Captain: In that case, Mr. Franklin, I’m sure you understand that His Majesty only wants what is very good for his subjects.
Franklin: I’m certain that is so, Captain. But there may be some small differences of opinion on the best way to achieve that admirable goal.
Captain: Surely you can see, Mr. Franklin, that the health of our society depends upon harmony. And discord creates disharmony. And these small differences of which you speak have a way of, shall we say, catching fire, and turning into a conflagration.
Franklin: If there is a conflagration perhaps the differences are not so small.
Captain: In that case, Mr. Franklin, we must conclude that the dissent you are publishing is dangerous to the health of the society.
Franklin: Should we not also examine the possibility that the King is perhaps mistaken in some way? Perhaps these dissenting views of the people merit serious consideration?
Captain: The King is guided by God, Mr. Franklin. His Majesty is not mistaken. It is rabble like yourself who are mistaken. I have my orders. You have refused to be reasonable. Your printing shop will be shut down until further notice.
Franklin: You know I can open another shop elsewhere.
Captain: We will find it and shut that down too. Give up, Mr. Franklin, you have no chance of prevailing. We are the mightiest empire in the world.
Franklin: In the longer view, Captain, you will find the printing press is mightier than all the King’s muskets.
Israel is seeking war with Lebanon, that’s why they exploded the Pagers, a TERRORIST act, committed MORE crimes against humanity.
Meanwhile, Haaretz repeated New York Time report that ISRAEL is BEHIND the explosive pagers where killed many civilians and injured thousands of people at work, at work and in the street.
Hungry is involved in cover up and should be held responsible for the Mass murder in Lebanon, and Syria.
As Israel’s slave, the USG had to become proficient in lies and fascism.
In other words, the Jewification of America has reached critical mass.
More civnat wishful thinking — next to ‘muh democracy’ and ‘muh Constitution’, now what America needs to be ‘truly strong’ is ‘fundamental rights’ and ‘no wars’ — as I pointed out before, neither democracy, nor the Constitution, nor anything else about the current system, was enough to keep Springfield OH from being overrun by 20k Haitian savages.
The most important thing about any country is the quality of its human capital — culture, and everything else, is downstream from race — the quality of human capital available in America has been significantly degraded over the last half century or so, and neither ‘fundamental rights’ nor ‘no wars’ is going to fix that problem.
Amazing how you managed to come off as intelligent for so long.
Why are Americans so unable to self-govern ? They have 50 states and in every one it is Democrat or Republican just as at federal level.
It looks like USSR with two parties
And with this election, the Jews will be canvassing all of North America. So now they are going for most of the Middle East. If the Americans don’t get a Hezbollah Chapter going soon – it’s lights out.
I never got to finish my post – mainly because Israel just showed us that they control – my computer — cars running into trees, ships hitting bridges, planes being hijacked and / or exploding for no reason, trains derailing etc. etc. etc. Fact. Their electronics and other things are in the worlds transportation hub.
>The most important thing about any country is the quality of its human capital
And this brief video is why you can never trust establishment civic nationalist ‘conservatives’, no matter how iconoclastic they pretend to be, when it comes to anything related to race:
They are a toxic fifth column absorbing political energy on Right, but will demographically destroy your country just as surely as any liberal will.
Of course the audience, many of whom are no doubt older Whites who had the benefit of growing up and starting life in a Britain that was almost entirely white, cheer like trained seals because there is literally nothing the average white person fears more than controversial ideas about race.
Video Link
Your comment is a prime exsample of why western nations needs to introduce a mandatory IQ test for the right to vote.
The reason our societies are failing is because too many idiots fall for the used car dealer manners and speeches from utterly corrupt politicians that thrive in a low IQ society that mocks independent thinking. After all, a conman knows only a schmuck will fall for his scam, so he goes where schmucks gather to sell his elixir of lies.
But before you write out your angry response consider this, Karl Marx, was anti science and anti intellectualism as well, for he too knew that only an idiot would allow themself to be enslaved with a smile on their face.
anthropogenic climate destabilisation as in what they do with chemtrails and that HAARP shit is real. Cow farts and CO2 causing catastrophic anthropogenic climate change is a hoax.
Birthing? This vassal state is at least 23 years old. It’s much older in reality. It’s just now being forced to defend Israel in a way that makes it clear in a way that’s impossible to deny.
Did Reagan demand Israel leave Lebanon in the 80s? Sure. Did they really do it? Took some time and they extorted the 3 billion a year out of the situation. What happened when he naively tried to use this allocation of money as a lever? He found out very quick the money wasn’t a charity payment to Israel at America’s discretion, it was tribute.
Was Oslo ever a real peace process? No, it was a terrible deal for the Palestinians and destroyed the PLO and the Israelis never gave up on the West Bank, all the massive colonisation of it was justified by Oslo even as the Israelis abandoned Oslo.
The neocons began their long march through the institutions in the 70s and by the 80s they were infesting the foreign policy establishment. (Looking at Reagan’s career he seemed to be groomed by Jewish money) By the 90s the US had the hyperpower status they needed. By the 00s the Pearl Harbor event they sought occurred and they went on a mass campaign of war and destruction. By the 2010s they began to get their way against main target 2 but this time using Salafist proxies rather than a US invasion. Russia got in the way of that and a true regime change (They just mauled Syria for a decade) so now they lost their minds and now we have an insane war between two large European countries that you can’t criticise in the West.
Even before that the Israel lobby was exerting influence, see the defensive term “Arabist” which was used for decades in a way mirroring the rise of Jewish power in the US, culminating in the 60s when the Jewish elite came of age in vast numbers and by the mid 70s the term “Arabist” ceased to be used. The “Arabists” were in reality far less coherent than the Zionists whose sole interest in being in the State Department was Israel. The “Arabists” were normal diplomats, the neocons and Zionists were the weridos.But the term implies the “Arabists” are the ones who must explain themselves with their treasonous agenda. It reminds of today’s use of “Russian bots”.
Though I did find this article from 1992 by Robert Kaplan (In the Atlantic, of course, the home for Americans who spent their youth in the IDF) which suggests people who act like normal diplomats are evil, it’s paywalled but the gist is from the opener. But given that he was writing a book “Arabists” it seems more like a mopping up operation.
It’s astounding since the it is the most profound projection of the neocons. Literally replace Arab expert with Zionist and Arabist with neocon.
GAZA II Fema camps coming to you, flag waving homosexual patriots, because you remained silent with 9-11 MOSSAD hoax. God Almighty accepts the prayers of the oppressed. He will allow annihilation of you Godless oppressors at the hands of another oppressor, Israeli Secret Intelligence Service-ISIS
The destruction of America is nearly complete. Polarization, the destruction of the middle class and the lack of moral compass, especially within Washington and the press maggots are all combined to take America down.
The guilty will never face prosecution. Psychopaths, everyone of them. Empty husks resembling humans, in reality a golem, zombie, werewolf or vampire…even vampires had class. The lot of them are totally evil incarnate. They sold their souls to whatever evil entity that lurks in the backgrounds within them.
The devil is in the details as they say. Looking into the details you will find zionism.
If Jesus gonna return he’d better do it soon.
On second thought he should stay where he’s at. Otherwise he would be arrested as a terrorist waterboarded and then crucified a second time….and the xtian zionists would be cheering all the way.
Sure, I recently posted on the same theme
What is happening now is only the culmination : the very public manifestation and birthing of what has long been known to a small minority.
” Is there something gone seriously wrong here in this country? The answer is surely “Yes!””
Thank You, Mr. Giraldi!
Imho – there are way too many things that have gone very seriously wrong in these United States as we are ordered to comply with the propaganda and the insane bullshit of the wizards behind the curtains running this prison.
This is not the land of the free or the home of the brave – this is amok madness.
This is slavery 2024!
Where did you find the quote by Eric Blair?
I don’t disbelieve it, but had always assumed that his use of ‘Emmanuel Goldstein’ was simply a remnant of his having signed up for the POUM militia (loyal to Lev Bronstein, ‘Leon Trotsky’) in the Spanish Civil War.
As for Vonnegut, I would believe the reply that he gave to you and others, but the P.o.W. scenes, including the horror bombing were clearly autobiographical. Perhaps a shame that he didn’t write a separate account of it. I recall reading his statement that those parts were his true experience.
Slaughterhouse Five as it is, is still a masterpiece, as was the film.
His short story, Harrison Bergeron, was a great prediction of ‘woke’ bullshit, also made into a so-so television drama (the story is much better, but the TV drama is also quite good).
Wokists and Jewish chauvinists: Kurt Vonnegut, to the memory hole, A.S.A.P.!
The list includes “You Suck”, unsurprisingly.
🇷🇺The Russian government has compiled a list of countries that “contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.”
The list published by the Cabinet of Ministers includes 47 countries:
Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, Great Britain (including the British Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories), Germany, Greece, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Micronesia, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan (China), Ukraine, United States of America, Estonia.
Earlier, Putin signed a decree that will allow citizens of countries where “traditional spiritual and moral values” are violated to obtain a residence permit in Russia.
I agree
It’s not that _candidates_ don’t understand, it’s that the so-called ‘electorate’ do not understand.
They’ve been told overtly and subliminally what the jewish/Masonic plan is.
If they don’t get it, or refuse to see it our of fear or insurgent IQ, that’s no fault of the jew-masons.
Fatmericans (in the literal, intellectual, and spiritual senses) are truly ignorant of their own history. WHY, do you think, did there use to be an ANTI-MASON PARTY? For no reason at all?
Maybe it should be revived, and under the same name, with the same precepts and goals, while recognizing that you can’t now, as then, have an Anti-Jew party, yet still seeing the true enemy for what it is?
Meh, perish the thought that the Fatmericans should think outside the box into which they’ve been tossed.
Don’t kid yourself, the USofA has only one party, the uniparty, and the Republicans and Democrats are simply cheeks of the same buttock.
So, you can call a spade a spade but you cannot callout a Zionist for being a Zionist.
Dumb Brexit voting chavs. Your hero (((Nigel Faggage))) is controlled opposition. Let’s replace White Christian Slavs in the EU with third world criminal darkies!!! Reform support White Genocide:
so what should we do about it, oh saggy one? you, who were drafted kicking and screaming about your rights being violated and then reupped to work on missile defense systems. you who now tell us the russians vastly superior missile defense systems are smoke and mirrors, just like ours (that you worked on). yes, you and the military you serve(d), are an incompetent bunch of boobs (saggy one’s) and so the russians must be saggy boobs as well.
you who tell us, we are covid hoaxster, 9/11 conspiracy theorists and that we are hurting poor little america’s brain and should be forced to wear aluminium foil conquistador helmets, so the average american idiot, can easily identify us, knowing not to listen to anything we have to say.
you sound a lot like old haxo, sumbit to the will of your zionist overlords, there nothing that can be done, resistance is futile. oh wise, saggy one kenobi, please tells us what to do.
When the neocons, adherents of the philosophy of levi Strauss, took over they brought with them Strause’s main leg of his philosophy the “noble lie” and they use it all the time.
And here we have an Israel full of cowardly Jewish soldiers, if one would call them such, ready to enlist others to fight their wars. Surely, the smallest book ever written would be that of Jewish war heroes.
Without blindly slavish nations as the U.S. and Western European nations to brutalize others for Jewish aspirations, the world would be more at peace. Without these humanity hating masters, our fighters dead and maimed would be far less and our military budget reduced for better causes. Here, our political process would be less warlike and our politicians more honest and less deceitful.
Jewish reign in our corrupted country has pit Americans against each other and created a legal and illegal mixed society ill-conceived to go forward as a great nation.
“Constitutional Democracy” has failed, utterly. It’s too easily corrupted. We have to think in terms of what is best for racial survival. The experimental form of governance that my ancestors created in the 18th Century, died in the 19th Century and has been subverted to exterminate us and possibly the world with us.
The strength and success of the currently successful races and nations are based upon their homogenous cohesion. What has worked for them is National Socialism, without that particular label. It worked miraculously well for Whites, which was why it had to be eliminated. It’s elimination has proven to be miraculously successful in bringing Whites to the brink of extinction.
Jewish control of the media and entertainment (as Jewish propaganda) is the key, and it’s analogous to the tiny parasitic jewel wasp as one of nature’s true horrors. The tiny jewel wasp stings and takes control of the antennae of its immeasurably larger prey, enabling the tiny parasite to direct the prey to its nest where the prey will be fed upon until nothing is left but an empty husk, which is about all that’s left of Legacy America.
So analogously, by taking control of the media, which is man’s antennae of communication with the outside world, the Jew directs his human prey with the same power the jewel wasp has over its insect prey. One proof of this is the ability to take an American-hating, wine-besotted moron like Kamala Harris, who couldn’t garner 2% of hardcore Dem voters during the 2020 primaries, and induce people to believe she’s leading in the race for president among the other 98% of the electorate. By definition that amounts to control over a prey’s contact with the outside world, exceeding even the jewel wasp’s power in its horror.
Nothing will change, of course, so long as the Republican Party functions to prevent an alternative and, moreover, is now working with the Democrats in the Senate to criminalize simply expressing an opinion on this. The jewel wasp, incidentally, nips off the top of the prey’s antenna much as the Jews are nipping off the business end of the Constitution, its First Amendment right to free speech.
There’s a lot of clues for you just in this article and the comments. I’m not sure we’ve ever been as “self governed” as the propaganda would have everyone think. I’m not certain the majority wanted the Revolution. We immediately had a Whiskey Rebellion that was harshly suppressed. Southern states rightfully and legally left a federal government that was becoming a totalitarian monster. That was suppressed and genocidal ethnic replacement was immediately implemented to help ensure against future dissent. “Democracy” was subverted from the beginning. It was delusion based upon the idea that the democratic and egalitarian functions of the Freemasonic lodge could be applied to the general population, for the good of all. That was naive and didn’t take many things into consideration.
Elon Musk is complicit with genocidal Jewish crimes against humanity. The attached video has been removed by zionist Musk to protect a genocidal tribe, instead gives you the following message:
Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.
Down with the criminal WEST. Israel has committed GENOCIDE and Crimes against humanity, so YOU, zionist Musk.
I remember encountering British Jews in the 1980s who had a thing about the nefarious influence of what they called the “Arab lobby”. Projecting… Yes.
The novel, now quaint, feature of the Constitution vesting authority to declare war in the people and not the executive, was doomed from the start by the march of science, technology and industry. It maybe made sense when wars were fought with muskets and wooden, wind-powered ships and defense consisted of stone forts. Under those conditions the Founders could well disparage standing armies as a threat to democracy, as many of them did. But with every advance in weaponry it became ever more impossible to muster and equip a military from civilians upon their declaration of war. Probably impossible from the beginning except for Pollyannas.
In any event the people’s war power went limp when their representatives voted to evade it in exercising their power of the purse. They voted time and again to maintain a standing army. Most egregiously, under FDR they voted not only to fund the “arsenal of democracy” (jobs!) but also to man it with a military draft. Congress then sealed their abandonment of their war power with their duplicitous War Powers Resolution, giving the President the authority to launch a war “to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution.”
Does anyone think an all-out American war against Iran or Russia will be preceded by a Congressional declaration of war? Ironically, it could be, given the majority of Likudniks in Congress.
The POUM were not Trotskyists except in the loose sense of being anti-Stalin. Trotsky himself thought they were not ideologically pure enough. Orwell depicted his own enlistment in the POUM as almost accidental and he expressed impatience about the bitter ideological disputes among the left in Spain, at least initially.
Hahaha. There hasnt never been “true America”. Its like explaining that communism would work, but it was just implemented wrong until now. American and british have always been going to kill, rob, rape and terrorize others their entire history. However, they havent never been some kind of brave fighters who confront openly and honestly. They have always been coward terrorists and thieves, who run away as soon as somebody starts to legally shoot at these animals.
We are just disgusted what these animals have always been. Never surrender and never submit to american and british, as well as to some of their elite jewish allies.
Drive the american and british enemy to the sea with legal means. No mercy and no rest for the american and british terrorists!
The first big lie was the Constitution itself and the idea that there was some glaring need to replace the Articles of Confederation. Not true. It is not difficult to see that for many of the framers, particularly of the Hamiltonian (federalist) persuasion, the Constitution was designed principally to create the conditions for a strong national government and to eliminate those principles set forth in the Articles which prevented this. The States were the principal actors in the creation of the Union, not the people. While the ratification of the Constitution initiated the process of centralizing power, it was Mr. Lincoln’s War which signaled the death of state sovereignty and exposed the many weaknesses of the Constitution, particularly regarding the 10th Amendment. As we see now, when you build upon a faulty foundation (lies), the attacks on liberty and the true vision of the American republic just go from bad to worse. There is no fix for this nation in returning to Constitutional principles because it is upon those principles (or lack thereof) that the current empire is built.
I’m sure the Israeli planners are discussing this. You know, the guys who cane up with the exploding pagers tactic. I’m sure they’re cooking up something.
The higher the Yid population the greater the lies.
Video Link
At the same time, american and british-led terrorists have been trained, armed and funded in Myanmar etc. numerous regions, ready to commit terrorism for american and british terrorists. These are cowards who mostly hide in the shadows and use proxies to fight for them. You normally very rarely see american and british cowards and because of this, its very hard to attack american and british terrorists and war criminals with legal means. Now also in Ukraine and Finland, american and british are completely running the countries, but they always hide in the shadows and behind curtains. If local people even touch american and british civilian, soldiers or spies with legal means, they make you pay heavily for it, but local people do not have any protection against these terrorists, robbers and war criminals. They have fixed corrupt treaties with their completely corrupt local puppet governments that give american and british terrorists immunity from local investigations and prosecutions. USA even threatened to put sanctions on anybody investigating their or their allies war crimes (also Israel) and on their family members. Thats why you see very little done about Israel, because american and british terrorists will come after you and your family.
I said I was drafted, I didn’t say I was in the military. I was a grad student at UCB, students were burning their draft cards. I tore my card up and mailed it to the draft board with an incendiary letter. I was drafted, the UCB math department declared I was a national asset and the draft board relented.
As for what can be done – it seems to me there is an easy way to throw off the Jewish yoke, expose the Holocaust hoax, yet …………….. not one prominent person, other than R. Unz, will do it.
If you want to see how bad it is …. S. Ritter says if Biden OKs use of long range Storm Shadow missiles in the meeting next Thurs it will trigger a nuclear response from Russia –
Video Link
On the other hand from Rurik Skywalker – CONFIRMED: Lavrov Admits That Putin’s Red Lines Are FAKE, Nukes NOT on the Table
All this would be unbelievable if it were not happening.
All available evidence to date indicates this possibility is so remote as to be non-existent. In fact the concept of Fatmericans thinking is also problematic.
Also his experiences with the Left in Spain and eg as a “plongeur” in Paris eventuated in his writing “Animal Farm” as an expose of “communism”.
EAB was an interesting person, anti-colonial veering into the dead end of anarcho-syndicalism and general “Left” to his later writing against that, then “1984” about the terrorist State. Difficult to categorise, which imho is all to the good.
Yeah, I have some idea of that, have read the books and four thick volumes of miscellaneous writings, cover-to-cover, much more lately more were released (something like ten), I can’t see the point in reading all of them at all. Am quite sure that I have read all of the parts that are most worth reading.
I would guess, far more than you have.
The big gov and their whacking stick is an onerous blob of hate, arrogance and selfishness on a MEGA scale. One law could fix this planet.
Make any form of lying by anyone in a leadership position over local, state and federal communities an onerous hate crime. For misleading people on any issue, this would deserve a 100,000 to 100,000,000 fine and 10 years in prison. Better yet, make it 25% of their current wealth. Lying leads to everything else nasty. Everything. Also subject them to lie-detector testing. I would even throw in some water boarding if I could enable that personally, especially for the slimy politicians.
So there ya go….a final solution. In fact, when we see these lying bastards in public we should all just point at them and continue to batter them verbally with, Lier Lier Lier over and over, nice and loud so they are unable to talk over you. Doesnt matter whether its the lying media, lying CEOs and of course, the best in the profession….lying politicians.
Expecting change from inaction is nothing more than early forming insanity and the ultimate complacency. Both of which are prevalent and easily observable in the USA.
No Wars?
Tall Order for Murica, who’ve been in Armed Conflicts SOMEWHERE in the World for the Majority of their Established Years…
The JDL (operating freely and legally in France) was outlawed in the US years ago) but its functions have been taken over and expanded by the ADL, which should NOT be registered as foreign agent but outlawed as well. I am not holding my breath though.
Wannabe stand up comedian troll.
Mearsheimer agrees with Ritter –
Has anyone else noticed this issue:
I posted a couple of comments several hours ago to the last of which contains links to two books by Buzz Aldrin but they do not show on different devices/browsers other than one which UR thinks I made the comment. An inadvertent form of shadow banning (the comment is not waiting on approval)?
If anyone has the time could you please click the link to the page above and see if the comment at the bottom giving two links to the books is present (I have already deleted all stored data and cache so I assume it is a server side issue).
I was scanning posts, and the phrase above caught my attention. Thumbs up! ‘Intellectualized BS’, I will use it. (Grin)
I found the rest of your post confusing though. Maybe it’s just me. (LOL)
How do you know when USians are lying?
When their lips are moving.
Observe the number of countries that have made ANY discussion of the so-called jewish “holocaust™” outside of the “commonly accepted narrative” a CRIME.
The JEWS would love to do the same thing within the USA but are still relatively constrained from doing so with that pesky Constitution of the united States of America being in the way.
JEWS are making inroads into doing so with the enactment of so-called “civil-rights” laws which abrogate true “freedom of association” as well as attaching “hate crimes” enhancements to ordinary criminal laws.
One must not forget the taxpayer-funded jewish freak shows, known as “holocaustianity™ temples” which violate every Constitutional precept of the “separation of church and state”. Jewish menorahs™ displayed on public property are also a Constitutional violation as their presence is promotion of one religion over another.
Our “jewish problem” will not be solved until enough Americans realize that JEWS ARE INDEED THE PROBLEM.
The Constitution of the united States of America needs to be reread and understood, NOT rewritten or abandoned.
The Constitution of the united States of America no longer performs its intended function as it has been so bastardized and in many ways rendered irrelevant, politicians and moneyed interests doing whatever they want.
It appears that you need an education in “original intent” of the Constitution of the united States. I will attempt to “educate” you.
The Constitution of the united States is a “Charter of Negative Rights” which puts limits on what government may do and limits the powers that the government possesses.
The First Amendment to the Constitution starts out with the declaration: “Congress shall make NO LAW…” This in itself is proof that the Constitution of the united States is supposed to be a limiting force on government.
There is no other country in the world that has such a “Charter of Negative Rights”.
A good example of this is Canada, our neighbor to the north. Although Canadian citizens enjoy their “charter of rights”, they are actually “permissions” that can be revoked at the stroke of a pen at the whim of government officials.
Witness the “truckers strike”, Canadians exercising their “rights” which were brutally suppressed with seizure of bank accounts, their trucks and homes, and threats to remove children from their parents for merely protesting government policies.
The Constitution began fraying, especially under President Abraham Lincoln who usurped powers that were not his to possess.
Keep in mind that in pre-Civil War times, the unites States of America was a loose confederation of states, most powers held at the state level. The few duties that the federal government possessed were to run a post office, coin lawful money and assemble troops to repel outside aggression, nothing more.
A citizen within the united States of America regarded himself to be a citizen of whatever state he resided in. A citizen living in Virginia considered himself to be a “citizen of Virginia”, NOT a citizen of the united States. That all changed after the Civil War when the federal government gained powers originally not Constitutionally valid.
The “coup de gras” was finally imposed with the creation of the Federal Reserve System, privatizing our monetary system, and the imposition of the income tax, all done by Constitutional Amendments, maybe legal, but definitely misguided. Checks and balances were destroyed, the states being emasculated by the direct election of Senators, which previous to the 17th Amendment were appointed by the “several states”.
A prime example of abandonment of Constitutional principles was the so-called “drug war” of the 1960s and beyond which banned “certain substances” by Congressional and presidential fiat rather than by the Amendment process.
Keep in mind that alcohol was banned, (1920) requiring the use of the Constitutional Amendment process. Repeal of the Volstead Act (1933) was achieved by the same method. The same process should have been followed for the 1960s and beyond “drug war”.
that’s a good point
and unlike the draft, it actually was a perfectly sound and moral rationale to order people around and demand they do this and that, up to and including being forced, (on pain of losing one’s livelihood), to get an experimental vaccine with dubious benefits, at best.
if you accept the government’s official explanation for 9/11, you’re dumber than dog piss.
I won’t elaborate any more than that.
That will rid us of 80 million just for starters.
The coming Civil War 2.0 will be fought between state militias and the national DIE WOKE armed forces, which were deliberately enlarged to suppress state militias and the will of the people.
‘Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has “assured” [Rep Gottheimer] that he plans to bring the [Antisemitism Awareness] Act to the Senate floor for a vote “before the end of the year.”’ — Dr Philip Giraldi
The version passed by the House in May is listed here. Click Roll call no. 172 to see how your Congress Clown voted:”roll-call-vote”%3A”all”%7D
The Senate has its own version of the legislation, sponsored by Senator Tim ‘Stepin Fetchit’ Scott, a/k/a ‘Lawn Jockey of the Jews’:
It’s entirely plausible that Schumer will whoop S.4127 through the lame-duck Senate in November or December. Then a quick conference with the House will follow to harmonize the two bills, or simply to select one or the other as the vehicle.
Naturally the senile self-proclaimed zionist currently impersonating the president will sign it, de facto nullifying the First Amendment. Then no one will dare even to speak of the Jews, except in hushed tones of worshipful reverence for their self-appointed role as teachers and moral instructors to the lowly goyim, their barely sentient human cattle and Shabbos light switch flippers.
Israel is our misfortune.
I know for a fact that recently made computers have a “back door” in the software, which allows “others” access to one’s computers. I do NOT find it a far-fetched idea that governments (ours and others) and individuals have access to computers and would be capable of such nefarious deeds as GMC stated in his post.
Thank you.
Also, from my understanding, we here in the USA pay a Kosher food tax on practically everything that we purchase here.
I have tried doing research on this, but most websites I come up with are very heavily Jewish in origin. If anyone can provide me any links to accurate information on this subject, I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you.
“There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice.” Montesquieu
Nov 22, 2013 Thomas DiLorenzo – The Revolution Of 1913
Thomas DiLorenzo discusses three events from 1913 that greatly escalated the transmogrification of America from the founder’s vision (limited government) to its current state (unlimited government).
There is an excellent documentary that was written and directed by James Jaeger, called “Original Intent” and it goes into great detail about what a wonderful document we have in the U.S. Constitution. I highly recommend watching this video.
I am of the belief that if the U.S. Constitution was followed to the letter AND INTENT, 95% of the problems we have here in the USA would not exist.
Thank you.
Since at least 1913 the ZUS has been a foreign controlled regime under zionist communist bolshevik control via the jewish banksters control of the money creation via their privately owned FED and IRS aka their central bank and their graduated income tax, which are 2 of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, and with these, America became a zionist plantation and we became slaves on the zionist plantation, and now the end is near and we will end up just like the Palestinians unless Americans wake the hell up.
In fact Washington DC is a foreign owned corporation and has been since the Act of 1871, made DC a corporation and a sovereign regime owned and by the zionists and the ZUS is a corporation, not a country and is zionist communist bolshevik controlled.
If anyone doubts any of this, do the research, it is all sadly true and this is why America is being destroyed.
The Israel-wary Arab media are reporting that Trump has made a secret agreement with Netanyahu. They would have agreed that Netanyahu will reject any Gaza ceasefire proposition made by the Biden clique, so as to ensure that the Democrats will reach the November 2024 election with the worst possible foreign policy record, maximising Trump’s chance to be elected.
I have no doubt that Netanyahu is making other similar “secret” agreements with the Biden administration in parallel.
Thanks for information Brad Anbro.
Here is a link.
garbage in = garbage out
Biden Did Not “Fail” To Get A Ceasefire; He Never Tried by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
If you look at the entire global behavior of the United States empire as a whole, the difference between what it would look like if Trump were president and what it would look like under Harris is probably something like one tenth of one percent - and even that is being generous.
Whereas if either party ran candidates who stood for peace, justice, equality and a healthy environment, the world would be so drastically changed as to become almost unrecognizable.
Which is why neither party ever runs such a candidate.
Both parties exist to maintain the corrupt, abusive, warmongering, imperialist, ecocidal capitalist status quo. The oligarchs and empire managers who really run the United States government will do whatever they need to do to ensure that only candidates who will preserve that status quo ever get anywhere near the Oval Office.
Elections are a phony performance put on every few years to let United States of Americans believe they have some meaningful control over the most important decisions that will be made by their government.
Looking at what IS NOT on the ballot instead of looking at what is makes this immediately obvious.
All you have to do is look at the food packaging itself.
The “Kosher Nostra Scam” on the American Consumer
By Ernesto Cienfuegos La Voz de Aztlan
Los Angeles, Alta California — (ACN) La Voz de Aztlan receives quite a few “news tips” per week from our many subscribers and readers. Some we dismiss immediately but a very few catch our attention. Last week we receive an e-mail asking us if we knew the significance of the small encircled letter “U” or letter “K” that can be found printed on many food cans, food packages and on other kitchen products. The message gave us some clues and suggested that we do some research into the subject. What we found certainly was “news” to us and it both shocked and angered us.
On arriving at my residence, I immediately went to the pantry to verify that what I had just learned was actually true. Sure enough, most of the packaged and canned foods from major companies, like Proctor & Gamble and others, did have the (U), the (K) or other similar markings. The Arrowhead water bottle, the instant Folgers Coffee, the Kelloggs box, the Jiff Peanut Butter, the Pepper container, the Trader Joe’s tea box and even the Glads plastic sandwich bags carton had the (U) or (K) mark on them.
We needed a little more verification so we called two major companies to asked some questions. We chose Proctor & Gamble that markets the Folgers Coffee and the Clorox Company that manufactures the Glads plastic zip lock sandwich bags. Each of the two companies, as well as most others, have 1-800 telephone numbers printed on their packages for consumers to call in case they have any questions about their products.
When we asked the Proctor & Gamble representative what the (U) meant on their Folgers Coffee container, she asked us to wait until she consulted with her supervisor. She came back and informed us that the mark meant that the coffee was ” certified kosher”. We than asked her how and who certified the coffee to be “kosher” and whether it cost any money to do so. She refused to answer these and other questions. She suggested that we write to their Corporate Public Affairs Department. We than called the Clorox Corporation to ask what the (U) meant on the package of their Glads plastic sandwich bags and she also said that the (U) meant that the plastic bags were “kosher” but refused to answer questions concerning payments the Clorox Corporation has to make in order to be able to print the (U) on their products.
What we learned next, pretty much floored me personally. I learned that major food companies throughout America actually pay a Jewish Tax amounting to hundreds of million of dollars per year in order to receive protection. This hidden tax gets passed, of course, to all non-Jewish consumers of the products. The scam is to coerce the companies to pay up or suffer the consequences of a Jewish boycott. Jewish consumers have learned not to buy any kitchen product that does not have the (U) the (K) and other similar markings.
Another shocker was learning who is actually behind these sophisticated “Kosher Nostra Scams.” It turns out that the perpetrators of these elaborate extortion schemes are actually Rabbinical Councils that are set up, not just in the U.S. but in other western countries as well. For example, the largest payola operation in the U.S. is run by those who license the (U) symbol. The (U) symbol provides protection for many products sold here in Aztlan and in the United States. This symbol is managed by the The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations with headquarters at 333 Seventh Avenue in New York City.
The scam works like a well oiled machine and is now generating vast amounts of funds, some of which are being utilized by the Union of Orthodox Rabbis to support the Ariel Sharon Zionist government in Israel. The website of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations is full of pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian propaganda.
The “Kosher Nostra” protection racket starts when an Orthodox Rabbi approaches a company to warn the owners that unless their product is certified as kosher, or “fit for a Jew to eat”, they will face a boycott by every Jew in America.
Most, if not all of the food companies, succumb to the blackmail because of fear of the Jewish dominated media and a boycott that may eventually culminate in bankruptcy. Also, the food companies know that the cost can be passed on to the consumer anyway.
The food companies have kept secret from the general consumer the meaning of the (U) and the amount of money they have to pay the Jewish Rabbis.
It is estimated that the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, which manages the (U) symbol protection racket, controls about 85% of the “Kosher Nostra “certification business. They now employ about 1200 Rabbi agents that are spread through out the U.S. Food companies must first pay an exorbitant application fee and than a large annual fee for the use of the (U) copyright symbol. Secondly, the companies must pay separate fees each time a team of Rabbis shows up to “inspect” the company’s operations. Certain food companies are required to hire Rabbis full time at very lucrative salaries.
The amount of money that the non-Jewish consumer has paid the food companies to make up for the hidden Jewish Tax is unknown, but it is estimated to be in the billions since the scam first started. The Orthodox Jewish Councils as well as the food companies keep the amount of the fees very secret. The Jewish owned Wall Street Journal wrote about the problem many years ago, but they have stopped writing about it now.
Only public awareness concerning the “Kosher Nostra Scam” will eventually help stop this swindle of the American consumer. Public education of the scam may lead to an eventual non-Jewish boycott of all products with the (U), (K) or other Jewish protection symbols. I certainly do not need to pay extra for “kosher water”, “kosher coffee” or “kosher plastic sandwich bags”. In fact, I demand my money back for all the money I had to pay over the years for the hidden and illegal Jewish Tax. Are there any bright attorneys out there that could bring a class action suit against the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations on behalf of the citizens of Aztlan and other non-Jewish people?
The arabs/muslims can end israel if they do this and finally solve all the problems in the middle east and beyond. With a million men from morocco to bangladesh, they first need to overthrow the fake puppet kings in saudi arabia, jordan, uae, qatar, and kuwait, overthrow the puppet sisi in egypt, THEN use their militaries and equipment to launch a war to end all wars on israel and finish this insanity.
The first domino to fall should be jordan, then sisi, then the fake gulf kings and crown princes
Wanna do a little research on why China’s electronics aren’t allowed in the US ? Maybe because of backdoor access – no shit. Then look at all the parts in the transportation hub that have Israeli chips, electronics etc. Even your cars brakes or accelerators can have the sabotaged parts manipulated – as in what happened to one of President Putins driver. How about airplanes – you couldn’t do anything to my cessna electronically, but a heavy hauler – it’s all computer run. Israel has more Hi Teck parts sold around the world than most other countries. Why was Pavel hijacked in Paris – because they wanted a B D.
Don’t let that fantasy of someone else using your own backdoor – mess with the reality of why everything went hi tech and now it is used to murder certain people – it’s been happening for decades already. No Joke
Exactly. The cost of living is through the roof but few people object to giving billions to the Ukies and israelis year after year after year.
Too bad our Solons believe in israel First instead of America First. Only very sick people would give mass murderer Bibi 58 standing ovations.
Aussie, Brendon O’Connell has spoken about this at great length for many years. He calls it Israel’s “Kill switch diplomacy” and refers to it as being part of their Talpiot program. He, at times, seemed a little wired up and over the top but I believe his overall information has been quite good. Also, the recent pager and other electronics attack by Israel is not a new phenomenon with them. They’ve been at it for some time
>It’s too easily corrupted.
Yes — as I’ve said in a number of comments, the opinion-forming mass media, along with the innate desire of most to conform to perceived norms of public opinion, have combined to turn modern democracy into a farce — the reason the elites treat democracy as sacrosanct, praising it in such an infantile, unctuous way, is that the outcome is so easy to manipulate and control — there is never any discussion about whether it results in good governance or not.
I also agree: it’s self evident that ‘the strength and success of the currently successful races and nations are based upon their homogenous cohesion.’
In this context I’ve often mentioned William Luther Pierce because his analysis was so trenchant — if you are not familiar with him, you can listen to replays of his American Dissident Voices broadcasts on the 24/7 stream of the National Alliance (also here, scroll down, on the right) — many of his broadcasts can also be found here — a good place to start is the 25m program entitled William Luther Pierce Looks at the Big Picture — find all the links in this comment.
You vastly underestimate holdings in alternative and social media. To make a list would take many lines.
Takeovers of goy-created sites: Disqus comments, the Yahoo! portal site, Youtube, Tinder, Grindr, Facebook, dozens of subject-specific site names, and many more.
Specifically Jew established and endlessly boosted by Jewish print media (specifically the Jew Yawk Toimes): Google (which by site name alone demonstrates that it was established by morons, correct spelling is googol).
Tvpically Jew established with aims of cultural destruction, corruption, and massive exploitation: Onlyfans.
For English-language sites, the list is just endless.
Note that I only list the major ones where I am 100% certain of the post-takeover ownership or establishment of sites.
Girardi has already lost and proven he’s captured by communist interest by referring to a republic as a “democracy” when the Founders explicitly made democracy illegal.
A few hours ago, the Israeli have bombed yet another UNRWA Gaza school where displaced refugees had sought shelter.
They killed at least 21 people, including 13 children, 6 women and a 3-month-old foetus born to his murdered mother, in a school located in Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood, sheltering thousands of displaced people south of Gaza City. These are some of the victims, the unborn foetus and a little girl, most possibly killed with American weapons.
I thinks it’s prime time for all of us to upgrade our digital devices and avoid being spied on or sent phishing click bait links. blink blink
These are the best and they’re practically giving them away while they last
BAC Consulting-Hungry – devices
Two months later –
What ever happened to GMC and other UNZ commenters?
Ok, then talk about it seriously, no levity as in “didn’t get to finish my post because Israel messed with my computer.”
Israel has done irreparable damage to it’s image due to hubris. The Zionists think that it can be papered over after a few years but they are mistaken.
Though countries are getting more autocratic, most internet users are getting more informed and more democratic. And internet usage is increasing.
After the Politicians have sewn the whole world into their liking, same as the jews due to hubris , i.e. their Banker overlords’ liking, the global pressure arising from the general people who will oppose it will blowup their world.
Come what may, humans, like moths seeking light , yearn for freedom and will always strive for it.
Oh, I’ve read most of his literary work, his journalism and many of his published letters. I rate his journalism and essays more highly than his novels – Politics And The English Language was outstanding. If anything, I have probably read too much Orwell and not enough of the work of other 20th century writers in English, but perhaps I will still have time to address that.
While I quite like the idea, I would more envision that they be forever barred from holding a public function, in addition to fines. Though the pillory could also make a welcomed comeback 😂
My concern here is of course, who gets to define what the truth is. We’re all too familiar with the “fact checkers” in most newsmedia these days. Even the professed experts in a field don’t ever get further invitation on news panels if they deviate from the expected script.
Even your proposed lie detectors are not 100% accurate. People react differently when put in a stress situation, while others genuinely believe what they stated to be the truth.
One further point to circle back to the pillory idea from earlier, the concept of epistemological break, a la Copernic/Galileo.
In other words, the idea that what we currently accept as the truth may turn out to be complete nonsense once further facts are brought to light.
So who do you anticipate to be intronized as guardians of the truth?
Mr Giraldi, isn’t the value of the US Dollar somehow tied to the impression of American world military domination?
You are conflating conflict between individuals and conflict between peoples.
correct spelling is googol
It hardly matters, but I’ve seen others make the same remark. They were well aware of the correct spelling–as could be expected of two Computer Science PhDs. And they were also aware that was registered in 1995.
Alas, the lovely website is no longer there. I’m surprised the registrant hasn’t sold it.
A few unanswered questions that have always evaded the echoes of my mind.
Where are all those extinction event lost, missing and unaccountable nukes and bio weapons?
Well CQ, they were never lost, missing or unaccountable, they were given to our closest ally Israel to destroy in the Negev desert. Here’s a free beeper, I’ll let you know of any updates.
There’s no record of Bush actually saying those words. It was reported by one of his political opponents based on “unnamed sources”. I strongly oppose the Patriot Act, but can’t believe any quote without actual evidence. I’d be more likely to believe Cheney or Obama said it, but still wouldn’t take it as gospel without seeing or hearing it.
Spooner’s “No Treason” Ruthlessly Exposes Constitution’s Lack of Authority
Spooner examines the argument that the constitution was meant to bind posterity and here he is very persuasive. Contracts can only bind the parties that sign them. They can’t bind people who are not parties to them, including those not yet born. His most persuasive argument on this topic is that if the signers of the constitution indeed wished to secure to posterity “the blessings of liberty,” why would they then enslave them to this document, giving them no option but to be bound by it.
Voting will change nothing. The only way for us whites to get out from under the stinking foot of the Jew is revolution.
Am I the only commenter who worries about the great damage Israel is doing to global Jewish power (GJP)?
I think the damage can still be repaired if GJP wisely declares itself shocked, shocked and outraged to discover that genocide was going on in that establishment and wisely closes it down and dispatches a squad of experts to organize the definitive dismantling of the terrorist state and relocation of the Israelis to US venues where their presence will pass unnoticed, like NY, DC, Fl, or to European countries where the Holocaust™ vouchers are still cashed, like Germany or Sweden. Far from being disposable, they will make excellent sayanims for the duration of GJP.
This is well within their capabilities. They “privatized” Russia in less than a year, covering huge assets spread on an entire continent, and unburdened more than 100 million Russians of “shares,” and I am to believe they can’t deal with nine million of their protegés in a country the size of a couple of Russian oblasts? They just need to think it through.
Every Microsoft operating system, and every Microsoft program, not only has a back door but they ” call home to Microsoft ” to make sure that they have been properly paid for.
If not properly paid for the computer is frozen or disabled through the back door.
Very funny observation about Likudniks in Congress, and so true. I’d just add that there are more Likudniks in the US Congress than in Israel’s Knesset. There’s no longer even a pretext of representing America in the US Congress when defense of the border is turned over to HIAS in the person of Alejandro Mayorkas, or is there even a whiff of loyalty to the US Constitution when the uniparty confirms Garland as AG.
You even get Senator Tom “Basecamp Commando” Cotton embarrassingly tweeting out the Freudian slip, “Paid to stand with Israel,” a genuine creep who had his campaign photos taken in Afghanistan before anyone had even heard his name, a make-believe Rambo photographed in spotless new fatigues, weapon at the ready, whose only mission was using the military as a set up to run for office and represent Israel and International Jewry, the people or Arkansas be damned.
Anyway, may someone correct me if I’m wrong on how this works, but my take after watching the Republican m.o. for a lifetime is that the Republican rank and file can preach to the choir back home til the cows come home in the sure knowledge McConnell and his RINO’s will sabotage every attempt at restoration. The proof is in the Republicans being never quite able to do anything but concede to the Democrats, and then have the audacity of labeling compromise with evil, instead of taking to the streets, the essence of good governance.
I cannot find a link on this. Perhaps other readers can help. I believe Bush made the statement when he was questioned about one of the (many) unconstitutional acts of legislation that was passed. I remember that it was either the Patriot Act or the NDAA Act.
Again, I am sorry for not being able to provide you with a link. I specifically remember seeing Bush speaking in a video and saying those words. And, unfortunately, I voted for the s.o.b.
yes, the jdl did shape shift, into the adl and that shows you the course correction they felt was necessary. this was when people in this country were more educated(?) as to terrorist acts and saw them as inappropriate means of conducting political change.
granted in those days most americans were completely blind to their own country’s state sponsored acts of terrorism but saw israel as a separate entity from the u.s. government. this is when the adl decided they had to take over the u.s. government, so they could co-opt the mockingbird media completely and use it in exactly the same fashion as “our” government, by convincing americans they were in fact one people.
through media consolidation, during the reagan administration the fairness doctrine was ended and cross ownership rules fell by the wayside, the laws were changed to allow newspapers and broadcast media in the same region, to be owned by the same corporate entities, as a result, over a few decades more than 250 separate corporate owners were condensed, to the unholy six that now control the msm.
the citizens united ruling further sealed the fate of the nation, allowing aipac and the adl to hand pick our “representatives”, leading to 535 trained seals, balancing bibi’s balls on their nose, while clapping furiously. this is the real seal team 6.
This site (use its product search space) might be a learning experience.
Do aluminum foil and disposable aluminum pans require tevilas keilim (immersion in a mikvah) before they can be used?
Check al foil, bleach, etc at market will find variety of kosher symbols.
Late Evelyn Waugh is outstanding; from Put Out More Flags on. Also, no connection with Orwell at all, but I’ve read a lot of Faulkner. Here, generally the later his work, the more accessible: The Reivers is practically light reading.
And for genuine, hard-core thought crime, I can’t resist mentioning H.A. Covington. Some flaws, but really, objectively often excellent near-future science fiction. The Brigade and A Distant Thunder are both good…and his portrayal of contemporary America is all too accurate. They’re apparently no longer available on Amazon, but presumably out there somewhere. In fact, A Distant Thunder is available on the Internet Archive.
‘Tom “Basecamp Commando” Cotton … had his campaign photos taken in Afghanistan, a make-believe Rambo photographed in spotless new fatigues, weapon at the ready, whose only mission was using the military as a set up to run for office and represent Israel and International Jewry, the people of Arkansas be damned.’ — DanFromCT
After the photo shoot was in the can, Cotton smirked and quoted Mark Twain: “There,” says he, “if that line don’t fetch them, then I don’t know Arkansaw!” — The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Now, as America’s disastrous foreign proxy wars turn to shit before our very eyes, a nation turns its lonely eyes to Tom Cotton, hoping he quotes fellow clownmeister P T Barnum: ‘This way to the egress, folks!‘
Where have you gone, Joseph Biden, oh?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What’s that you say, Mrs Robinson?
Jerkoff Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
— Simon & Garfunkel, Mrs Robinson
“Every Israeli Citizen born today in Israel —–is 100% brainwashed on the New Holocaust Religion… the Holocaust Lie.”
— All jews born in the collective west are “100% brainwashed on the Holocaust Lie.”
The ongoing Genocide of the Palestinian children and women by jewish fascists (zionists) should have already resulted in a closure of all holobiz museums. Actually, the Holocaust Industry was established at the same time the jewish terrorists have been looting and mass-murdering the civilian populations in Palestine, children and women in particular. And don’t forget that ALL major Jewish organization — ALL major Jewish organization (including the holobiz museums’ admins) — have been supporting and encouraging the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.
In addition, American jews have been among the most prominent collaborators with the self-proclaimed Nazis in Ukraine; all this with a goal of enriching the jews-dominated banking cabal & BlackRock and to satisfy their rabid ethnic hatred.
The “hot war in Ukraine” was sparked by the Jews in 2014 in a tight collaboration with the Ukrainian Nazi Party “Svoboda.”
“Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine:”
“Ukrainian Nazism today: origin and ideological and political typology:”
It was not for nothing that Mussolini called zionists “jewish fascists.”
Jewish fascists in America:
Commentary on this site as well as many other sites grows increasingly inane. This government’s drive towards tyranny is not going to stop unless someone makes it stop. Democracy as envisioned by the Constitution is failing badly. The people are proving unwilling to stop the government’s actions due to cowardice, insouciance apathy or even actual support.
As in other ages only a will to stop this government by any means available will do which means a fight as necessary. To begin you might brand this administration as illegitimate under the Constitution and demand its officers including all elected officers resign for they have violated their oaths. I am sure you will be laughed at but it will begin to define the lines of battle in the coming conflict. This is supposing you are willing to fight it.
More than 66% of American Jews have supported GENOCIDE of the toddlers in GAZA. I don’t want anything short of genocide of these criminal mafia tribe and hope to see it soon. They should be massacred. The Jews all over the criminal west support genocide of others for Jewish mafia’s gain.
They never should be trusted, ever.
That means normal Americans have three rulers, Jews, Blacks, and homosexuals – in that order.
The late British historian Paul Johnson pointed out that, while almost everyone in the West considers Italy a nearly monolithic Catholic country (or at least used to think so), Italy was one of the chief destinations of the Jews thrown out of Spain and Portugal, wherein these Jews immediately began subverting and parasitizing the next host society under the cover of adopting Italian-sounding names.
In America and Europe (a handful of cranks excepted), no one cares in the least if his neighbor is Jewish or remotely wishes him harm because he’s a Jew. Yet, American and European Jews cannot get enough of accusing their non-Jewish neighbors of non-existent hatred, which sadly—according to their own guru of the psyche, Sigmund Freud—, is the Jew’s projection of his own paranoid hatred of non-Jews as if it were reciprocated by every non-Jewish neighbor.
They have so much talent and tragically it’s squandered on destruction, where imaginary anti-Semitism is a self-serving (and created) justification for inhuman predation, as we see in Palestine today, and a century ago, took the lives of tens of millions in Russia and the Ukraine. They’re such charming people, who no doubt would accuse me of anti-Semitic impertinence for saying so, who, for whatever reason, have never gotten along with any other people since ancient times.
The Constitution was canceled in 1865 – April 9th at Appomattox to be exact.
As far as I am concerned, EVERY JEW WORLDWIDE is responsible for the continuing genocide in Gaza, the West Bank, and every else where jews proliferate.
When 90%+ of jews not only approve of, but embrace genocide, not only of Palestinians and Gazans (and eventually the rest of us gentiles), it is important to recognize their true aims and deal with them in the harshest manner possible.
Yes, there may be 10% of jews acting in their own self-interest who realize that tweaking the noses of the much more prevalent “goyim” will only serve to eventually marginalize them. Self-preservation, indeed…
As to the assertion that “individual responsibility” is the only way to deal with a genocidal group, I beg to differ.
Jews don’t play by “the same rules” as the rest of us, and believe in “collective responsibility” and “collective punishment” which applies only to gentiles.. This is baked into judaism itself, the “sins of the father” being visited on descendants in perpetuity, but only applying to the “goyim”.
Witness today’s Germans (and the rest of us goyim) still being held responsible for the so-called “holocaust™” despite none of today’s children and grandchildren of Germans being alive at the time. THAT is how jews maintain power and control.
At the same time, our (correct) concepts of individual responsibility and individual punishment is does us no good, especially when dealing with those who live by a “different set of rules”.
There comes a time when marginalization of a whole “tribe” is the only way to deal with and eliminate the “problem”.
Can the 10% of “good” jews prevail over the 90%+ of genocidal jews?
I think not.
I looked it up and apparently there’s no evidence he said it. A political opponent named Doug Thompson reported that he said it based on “unnamed sources” and it was then picked up by media opposed to GW. It’s been debunked, but because the Bushes have become so unpopular the story persists.
Here is the LIES of a Mafia Jewish Pimp, Trump at the Israeli-American Council (IAC) who, with NO SHAME, told LIE after LIE to win the Jewish votes.
All his talk on Iran was nothing but piece of SHIT. He lies with no shame because he is a charlatan who knows shit about issues, but what does he cares, is winning the jewish votes. He licked every single Jewish behind to get few votes, and telling the gullible Jews that if they don’t vote for him to win, then ISRAEL WILL CEASE to EXIST.
Trump, the ASSASSIN and a genocidal zionist does not know that ‘normalization’ and ‘deal of the century push Palestinians to stage Oct. 7. This gullible assassin does not know that Iran will not be threaten by a zionist mass murderer like him. Basically, Trump promised to the genocidal jews that is willing to attack Iran ‘to save little jew’. He said his biggest lie, that Iran is killing million and millions of people, transferring the crimes of US and its SAVAGE DOG, Israel, onto Iran and Iranian people, US victims.
This gullible servant and an assassin, does not know that Israel will cease to exist soon. Fuck off off liar gullible assassin.
This Mafia member and an assassin must be beaten so hard that he never dare to lie like Netanyahu , the Jewish mad man and a genocidal.
Another stooge at the ICA, was a gullible womanizer and a Jewish behind licker who wishes to be the ‘king of Iran’ by the genocidal Jewish mafia’s bombing, was Reza, the FOOL.
I would recommend drinking some bleach before eating anything cooked in suspicious aluminum pans. Just for kosher safety
Well this’ll cheer ya up. The best part of the Rome Statute is complementarity – if official criminals have impunity in crooked domestic courts, it’s open season on them. Any country can hunt them down.
Now the DO and MI6 scumbags who supply Jew State genocide can get chased all around the world. We’re encouraged to forget that one legislator chased Bush out of Switzerland when he had command responsibility for systematic and widespread torture.
Izzie genocide will have Marlowe looking over his shoulder for the rest of his contemptible cowardly life.
The pager bombs are an updated version of the letter bombs Israel and its terrorist predecessors used to send out, no doubt SWAK. They sent them to every senior member of the British cabinet, to President Truman (several), Winston Churchill, Konrad Adenauer, Arafat and comrades, German scientists helping Egypt with its rockets, the Central Post Office in Mandate Palestine, Arab militants, etc. They were so clever they eventually made them to explode in water, dunking being the standard method of defusing them. They also made them with poison sodium cyanide to kill the target if the blast didn’t.
Who is at the Roman wall in the last photo?
Thank you!
well said
“More than 66% of American Jews have supported GENOCIDE of the toddlers in GAZA.”
Another 30% think the numbers reported are Hamas exaggerations and the children are the victims of Hamas who put them in peril by hiding among them,
5% disapprove of it for making Israel look bad,
and 4.99% want the world to know that it is all the fault of zionism, which betrayed the noble principles of judaism.
Saggy… calm down a little. The Russians said that the inertia of the Avangard traveling at Mach 27 or over 20,000mph with a conventional war head is equal to a two ton nuke. This means a Vangard fired from Moscow can reach DC in in under 15min. These missiles are hard to detect because the leading cone generates a plasma field which defeats radars.
That’s not the danger, the danger is the US escalation into firing nukes.
PS 20,000mph is like doing a 5 mile jog in under a second. Truly in the blink of an eye.
That’s very interesting. I was certainly aware of some of those, but never realized that the numbers were that large, for example including the entire British Cabinet and Churchill.
Do you have a solid source for that?
The Jews are the perpetual Master of Lies — and the scum of the earth, as Schopenhauer said. Being undisputed rulers of the US and the “West” in general, the Jews have cranked up the chutzpah and now brazenly shove their lies down Americans’ throats, who swallow them whole like geese being fattened up for the kill: soon, the Jews will be eating Yankee foie gras.
If you make peace with the Jew, Giraldi — and by not explicitly Naming the Jew, that’s what you’re doing — you automatically become a slave of the Jew. The Torah grants them that right:
So everyone in the US and the West — like you, Giraldi — who is not explicitly Naming the Jew has, for all intents and purposes, accepted the Jew “peace offer”: you have opened the gates of your mind and have already become a Slave of the Jew. By that mere fact alone, the US is the very definition of a “colonial vassal state” of the Jew: all US internal and foreign policy is Jew policy, nothing else.
The Jews told you they would elaborate the laws themselves and make Americans follow them — and that’s exactly what they’re doing: the Jews are using the Constitution as toilet paper and rubbing it in Americans’ faces — and making Americans pay for the privilege of being smeared with Jew shit.
So you think, Giraldi, that “the leader or ruler of a nation must not be allowed to unilaterally initiate armed conflicts”. Boy oh boy do I have news for you! That’s not the rule, nowdays — didn’t you get the memo? The Jews will start whatever war they goddamn well please, for it is written:
Did you read that, Giraldi? “It is easy to understand”, it says. So get this through your head: the Jew Protocols take precedence over the US Constitution. There is no “US Constitution”: it’s the goddamned Jews, the scum of the earth, who “direct the force of legislation”. Therefore, get used to it: there is no “US” as an autonomous, sovereign state. Because the US is a mere vassal state under the Universal Empire of the Jew.
Who is at the Roman wall in the last photo?
This is Reza Pahlavi, the son of the former dictator of Iran, the Shah, whose family ruled Iran until 1978, Iranian Revolution, then they were toppled by the Iranian poeple. The Shah had close ties with Israel since Iran never had recognized Israel as state in the occupied land of Palestine, thus the ties kept secret. But, the Shah secretly transferred the Iranian oil when the Arab boycotted Israel. This was important to Israel for her survival. Israel helped the Shah to build his secret Police,Savak, that killed thousands of Iranian youths who were fighting against his dictatorial rule in Iran.
These wars that are waged by Israel in the region, are for ‘regime change’ to change the geopolitical arrangement for the interest of Israel. Israel is trying to topple the Iranian government to bring Reza Pahlavi, the shah’s son, back on the throne to serve Israel’s interests like his father did. Iranian people never allow this corrupt and traitor family back into Iran ever again.
Apparently, Trump is promising the gullible jews he will take military action against Iran to bring the government down and Reza the CLOWN back on the throne, if the Jews cast their votes for him. He is more delusional than Reza the zionist servant.
To understand the degree of devotion of these stooges to Jewish power, you should watch the following video when Reza gives nothing but LIES, like Trump, to please his masters. He is competing with Trump, in terms of who is a better SERVANT for the mafia tribe.
Reza Pahlavi Keynote Address – 2024 Israeli-American Summit, Washington, D.C.
Poor babies. Are their smartphones blowing up? Do “mean looks” hurt their feefees?
I mean, why would Jew students be targeted in the first place? Israel, after all, is the Hindu State.
On the other hand, imagine how hard it was for WWII German university students to find good schnitzel when working part-time in Zyklon-B factories. Oh, the humanity!
Goyim must remember that Yahweh chose Christ-killers over all others; Juden “heal the world” by stomping their Zionazi jackboot heels on the faces of Palestinians; and the Tribe was bounced from 109 sane enclaves ‘cuz it dindu nuffins.
The Mudtal tells the Nose that they’re to rule the world, goyim becoming their slaves.
King Shlomo and Queen Yenta uber alles!
What process did you use to cast these ‘covid hoaxers’ [sic] and 9/11 truthers into the same pigeonhole?
I’d call that in the box thinking, and another variety of a fallacy of false equivalence.
Both Ron Unz and Wayne Peterson have recent articles about 9/11, but I can’t recall you participating in either. Rather, you’ve quoted the screwball Intelligent Dasein here without making any argument(s) of your own.
Here’s one of my comments about 9/11 under Ron Unz’s recent article:
And another under Wayne Peterson’s recent article at UR:
In my comments under these linked articles, I’ve pointed at Pres. Bush’s failure to evacuate Emma T. Booker School after being told “America is under attack” as evidence that Bush and his staff knew perfectly well there were no real hijacked jetliners, and therefore nothing at all for Bush and crew to fear.
And so Bush and his gang could – and did – dillydally around at Booker for as long as they liked with no concern that some crazed Arab wannabe Kamikaze pilot might hijack a 747 that had just taken off from nearby Bradenton International, and come crashing through the roof of Booker School any instant, killing Bush, Card, Fleischer and everybody else, including all those chanting I mean charming kids.
Well, I could go on, but perhaps the discussion about 9/11 is best continued under the two recent articles about Black Tuesday that I’ve linked here.
Mr. Satanyahoo and his IDF intend to display their Gaza Genocide in humanities face every single day and night because they are truly untouchable.
Are they Gods – No!
They are the spawn of the Devil!
Good Point.
Also Abukhalil reminded us:
The attempt on the British Cabinet (none exploded) is in Ronan Bergman’s Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations, page 19:
Many other letter bombings covered in Bergman’s book.
Thomas Suárez’ great book State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel covers the attempt on British officials and names Ernest Bevin, Anthony Eden, Arthur Greenwood, Harold MacMichael and Winston Churchill among the targets, and also mentions the attempt on Truman. Location 3248–3269 of the Kindle edition.
Thank you.
I am well aware of who his despicable father was but didn’t hear much about his son, “his royal highness”… His speech is a disgusting display of his abject submission to JP. I have an Iranian friend who told me there are a lot of “Amanpour” type of Iranian ex-pats around LA who would welcome the destruction of their homeland by their masters, expecting to return to Iran and be rewarded by them.
Could not listen to him to the end.
I don’t doubt it.
I thought he was mocking the idea by saying at the beginning that he couldn’t finish his comment because the Mossad messed with his computer.
The German police– as brave as the IOF, confronting terrorists of all sizes
10/7 was a prison break
Your friend is correct. The majority of Iranian ‘opposition’ groups are organized by the Jewish think thanks, Jewish foundations, Jewish mafia members or Mossad. One of them, worse than Amanpour, known as Masi Alinejad is an agent of Mossad and CIA, especially during Trump regime. Now, the FBI/CIA do not buy her SERVICES anymore, only Mossad still has her in the box in case she is needed to be used again for propaganda purposes against Iran.
Israel also has weaponized the Iranian minorities, including Kurdish terrorist groups, Arab terrorist organization to be used in partitioning of Iran. The Mafia’s plan is to weaken the targeted countries through chaos and partition of the country into smaller pieces, like what they did in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan where the biggest country in Africa was partitioned through Jewish propaganda lies and violence against the country. They have the same plan for Russia. They will take this wish into their graves.
Mach 27? You’re just making stuff up like a fat Cheetos eating comic book reading fuck. Stop.
Grow up and wake up – Israel owns your ass.
Well that’s tripe, and VERY Judaic. Marches against the genocide have many Jews present. Jews like Chomsky, the Mates, the Mondoweiss mob, Finkelstein and others, attack Zionazi crimes relentlessly. Are you actually a Zionazi bent on painting opposition to the genocide as ‘Jew-hatred’? In any case, as your anthropogenic climate destabilisation also shows, you’re a nassty shit.
The consequences of the West’s decline. most notably in comparison to China and exacerbated by the Chinese-led revolt of the global South, were always easily predictable. When you are brainwashed, day after day, that because you are ‘White’, Western and ‘Judeo-Christian’, that you are the global elite and MUST rule the planet, forever, the appearance of a ‘Yellow’, Confucian/Daoist/Marxist, non-monotheistic ‘peer’ (to be generous to the West) rival like China, was ALWAYS going to drive the Herrenvolk INSANE with race-hatred, rage and envy, and so it has occurred.
There is NO EXIT from this imbroglio. Even if, somehow, the West’s mortal, moral, decay could be peacefully survived, the ecological collapse caused by the heat apocalypse brought about by thousands of years of human ignorance, stupidity and greed, cannot be survived. And how can this species survive being ruled by evil scum like Biden, Albanese, Starmer, Modi, Satan-yahoo etc?
ALL Western populations are brainwashed in the ‘Holocaust’ pseudo-religion. NO OTHER genocide from the scores committed by humanity, or taken all together, receive as much attention or devotion as the killings of Jews during WWII. The genocides of Poles, Roma, Sinti, southern Slavs, Soviets etc, in that war all are ignored, while ‘Holocaust’ worship only ever deepens.
The genocides of the Congolese, Koreans, Indochinese, Chinese, the Indigenous of the New World, Africans under Western Imperialism and the tens of millions killed in India in Great Famines under English rule, ALL ignored, but the death of one Jew, say Anne Frank, has been made a veritable religion. And no-one dare ever mention this hideous discrepancy, on pain of social destruction as a ‘Jew-hater’.
The Devil must feel as an obsolete has-been when comparing himself to these Israeli demons; they have outdated him and surpassed all evilness ever practised on Earth.
They simply don’t deserve to exist.
Isn’t there ANY subject that you can comment on, without injecting your thoroughly debunked global warming / climate change nonsense?
Go ahead, call me some names; I don’t care.
Thank you.
“…using ‘lawfare’ to criminalize as antisemitism any complaints about the behavior of the Jewish state under the Antisemitism Awareness legislation that will undoubtedly finish moving smoothly through Congress before being signed off on by either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris.”
“The Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism, officially Executive Order 13899, is an executive order announced on December 10, 2019, and *signed the next day* by U.S. President Donald Trump.”
Thanks for the link to the revealing video of Trump as self-declared protector of Israel. He says October 7 would never have happened had he been President, and if he’s not elected Israel faces total annihilation under Kamala. Hmm.
Looks like I hit a nerve…GOOD!
Even you admit that the concepts of collective responsibility and collective punishment are jewish concepts.
Presently, jews insist on individual responsibility and individual punishment, but only for themselves.
Jews insist on collective responsibility and collective punishment, but only for gentiles–not for themselves. Double standard, indeed.
As far as I am concerned, the jewish concepts of collective responsibility and collective punishment (that jews use against us gentiles) must be used against ALL jews worldwide.
I am merely using the same concept and tactics that jews use against “the rest of us”.
There aren’t enough “good jews” who believe that self-preservation is more important than acquiescing to jewish genocidal actions.
Collectively, ALL jews are both responsible for and must be punished not only for the situation in the middle east but for what they have planned for “the rest of us”.
As to your comical belief in global warming (renamed climate change) one volcano spews out more pollutants than that of the total pollution created by mankind. The earth is much more resilient than you global warming alarmists realize.
May your conclusion come to pass sooner rather than later.
Thank you for the link to the Suarez book. It is appreciated.
In light of israel’s actions, I would change the name of the book:
State of Terror: How Israel Created Modern Terrorism
I probably was a lttle too much at one stage. On Goldstein as Bronstein vs BB as the Stalin figure of Ingsoc (although the narrative impies that he may be purely symbolic or a historical charachter serving as a front for the top Inner Party oligarchy), we also have Snowball and N’eon.
The OP should have replied with some idea off the source of the quote.
Venezuelas president Maduro has mostly stopped american and british terrorists from organizing another “colour revolution” in Venezuela.
Its really funny how much american and british deny CIA and MI6 running around the world all the time and how much power american and british have because of their black-op operations around the world. They keep accusing that it is and always has been JUST jews doing everything and that they never did anything. Ok, I accept that blame. It also means that american and british never managed to do shit themself and it has always been jews doing and telling everything. American and british cant never do anything on their own. They always need to parasite off from others and jews always have to tell them everything.
It’s a bit more complicated than that.
In keeping with your crude metaphor:
“Israel” itself doesn’t own any “asses” –itself being an ass owned by the “higher power”– Global Jewish Power (GJP)– but it is the satrap that has ass administration control in the Western world.
One cannot live in any part o the Western world and not use money, communication gizmos or prevent one’s taxes from being used for their criminal purposes. You don’t have to be very “grown up” to know that.
I don’t care about the United States anymore. I have no feeling for the entity that uses that name. Its existence is a perversion of the original ideas of its Founders. It is entirely controlled by a foreign elite-including those with citizenship, It’s overall actions and intent have been and are evil, for decades. In its present form, it is not worth saving.
A fracturing and sequestration for the Indo-European is the only salvation. Those who propose “working within the system”, or placing hope on candidates and parties are delusional and weak minded.
If you follow current events, you know that Blacks and Browns continually speak loudly that their dissatisfaction for “America” is enough to drive them to advocate separation and autonomy. This also includes Mass Formation Psychosis/Delusion of Whites.
A strategic, concrete realist will see this as opportunity: give it to them. Divide the territory into White, Black, Brown. As Whites, we should take the food growing Heartland States, where agricultural use is high. The Black and Tans (BT) see this as opportunity to harmonize their milieu and usher in their Golden Age (Showers) epoch. One territory will prosper enormously, build up a sovereign fund, and produce high quality people and a quality of life. The other two will slough and slide into dystopia and poverty. Future relations will be based on that evolution.
Most people that think, write, and expound of White (I.E.) solutions or rectification are either lazy minded, lack real world problem solving, and have never achieved in the physical world, as engineers, technicians, doctors, etc, etc. This differentiates people who work solely in offices, The Control Room etc versus those “in the field” for whom direct manipulation of physical reality trains the mind. This is a general statement. A great benefit is the confidence one earns and acquires to make projects work with available resources.
In the Control Room of large power plants, one see REPRESENTATIONS OF THE ACTUAL, REAL, AND CONCRETE, i.e., the physical plant itself with machinery, systems, transmitters, controllers etc, etc. This is an abstraction, a view from an altitude looking upon the concrete. All abstractions are just that, abstracted from something, that is they are fractional and a representation. A painting or photograph is not the real object. This ingrained Western scientism, world of symbols has created great confounding ideas and attitudes about how to make things happen and what actions to take.
Those who know DIRECTLY how to operate, maintain, service, repair the large array of are the most essential. Without them, designers could not progress from initial conceptualization, because they could not know if anything will work successfully. Almost everybody who writes on homelands for Whites is a designer, not an engineer. They exposit the initial ideas with very general statements, lack of detail, planning, tactical moves, contingencies, and weighing of options. DOA abstractions they are and shall remain, as they use others’ similar generalizations and wishful-wistful hopes and dreams. From a utilitarian point of view, the most useless are the nostalgic and retrograde recollections of past greatness, achievements, and glories. Defeated peoples do that a lot.
American and british cant never do anything on their own.
These evil countries have committed many genocides, terrorism, and crimes against humanity and continue to do so right in this moment. It is Israel that cannot survive without Evil Empire’s supports. Do you think Israel could have killed and burned so many toddlers without US and UK’s funding and without shipment of their WMD. Never. Israel is a PROXY that has been created in the stolen land of Palestine to do exactly : what is doing now: to create chaos, mass murder, GENOCIDE, terrorism to make it easy for the criminal West to bring the region under control and steal its resources weakening the states, and partitioning the countries into smaller pieces. This is a plan that evil British Empire and now American Empire have always followed.
Don’t forget the kosher food tax that we here in the USA are forced to pay for almost everything:
Harrison Bergeron, this seems to be the television version made within the life of Kurt V.
I tend to agree with most of what you have written. In my 40+ years of being an industrial electrician (United Auto Workers Journeyman Electrician), I have worked in industry where things were manufactured. These products were, without exception, useful, high-quality products for which there was demand. I worked with machine tools, with industrial processes that were controlled by programmable logic controllers (PLCs – small industrial computers) and my jobs, again without exception, required the use of logic for trouble-shooting and repair, when breakdowns occurred.
When I go into a store and see products for sale, I often think to myself – what did it take to manufacture that? Who designed it? Who made it? I find myself doing the same thing when I look up into the sky and see aircraft flying (or when I’m onboard a commercial flight) – I think of all the PEOPLE whose jobs allow for the miracle of commercial passenger and freight aircraft to be possible.
I guess that you are “lumping” me in with the “useless” –
“From a utilitarian point of view, the most useless are the nostalgic and retrograde recollections of past greatness, achievements, and glories. Defeated peoples do that a lot.”
Growing up in the 1960s and having graduated from high school in 1969, I OFTEN reminisce about how much better life was and how much nicer people were when I was coming of age. I often think of the scientists and inventors who made possible all of the technology that we take for granted.
I am of the opinion that technology has become completely out of control. We have technology for the sake of having technology and when there is a breakdown, we need more technology to save us from the technology.
As I have said this many times before, I am proud to say that I spent my entire working lifetime providing needed services to others and that EVERYTHING I own was purchased from the pay that I received for honest work.
Thank you.
I am sure that I chose the wrong one, (one earlier was better) but it does convey the idea.
Not at all.. I was referring to those whose identity group has failed in the present and use a past to keep from being depressed and hopeless. Like my people, modern Greeks. And the pathetic state of Western Whites. “We wuz kangz”, says the dirt poor, dirty, fatalistic ghetto Negro, thinking that the Egyptian Kingdoms were his genealogical predecessors.
In fact, I believe we were better off in 1960 across the board.. That was the high water mark of America, the West, and much of the World.
Your experience and mine are very similar.
Thanks for your comment.
Cretin-the science and reality of anthropogenic climate destabilisation caused by the injection of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere (the largest such forcing in ALL planetary history) is irrefutable, save for life-hating, imbecile, brainwashed hard Right psychopaths like YOU. As it will almost certainly cause human extinction it is THE MOST IMPORTANT matter ever in human history. I don’t expect a dead soul like you to comprehend that. Poisonous fuck-wit, dead corpse walking, buffoon, dead soul.
I could easily provide you with FIFTY links to the actual history behind the fraudulent climate change / global warming HOAX, but you would not bother to concern yourself with any of it. Your “mind” is made up and that’s that.
Point one finger at me and you are pointing three back at YOURSELF!
That is one of the most astounding robbery schemes the overwhelming majority of Americans are not even aware of, while a minority are so idiotic as to consider it a good thing. Extreme philosemitism abounds in the US where anything Jew-approved is praised.
A woman in California once told me that her amazing recipe of some dish included among the ingredients “kosher salt.” When I mocked her asking if it was better than regular salt because it was free of unkosher meat she replied in all seriousness that it was purer…
One more point re. Kurt V.
Mother Night is a readable novel and quite a good film. Early role for Kirsten Dunst, she and Sheryl Lee (Laura Palmer) are both pretty good, the latter somewhat spooky, as are the male lead whose name I forget and many of the bit actors.
Clearly, though, Vonnegut wrote it as a kind of suck-up and finger-up to Jewish critics who had been enraged by his depiction of German suffering in and around Dresden in Slaughterhouse Five.
The title was his own kind of in-joke to make it obvious, it is of course based on the title Night, the work of fiction by Ely Weasel that has as background its own network of lies regarding composition and publishing.
I’ve come to agree with you that the only righteous Jew is the Jew who isn’t a Jew, i.e., has completely renounced Judaism (perhaps even converted a la Brother Nathaneal)
Yes. All the calls to “return to” something–democracy, the Constitution, Christianity, republicanism–to things that have failed–are worse than useless.
Btw, Phil Giraldi is a treasure. Consistent. Courageous. Correct.
How right you are – time to switch to a Russia laptop. Take Care.