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Verified Hate: White People Being Friendly

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Azerbaijan recently won another brief war against Armenia and took control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region. In response, Armenians have begun fleeing the region, fearing reprisals. It’s a massive population transfer in the first Christian country in the world, but hardly anyone seems to be noticing. At least according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Armenians are white.

It’s a reminder that population transfers and even ethnic cleansing still happen, but without media outrage, it’s just not a moral issue. Demographic transformation is not impossible, it’s just a question of will.

The connection between ethnicity and nation is natural.

Jared Taylor is not Japanese.

One of the most interesting sociological findings in recent years is the Chirp Discourse. Blacks love Tik-Tok (white advocates are not allowed on) but even though the videos are just a few seconds long, there is often a mysterious chirping sound. This is because blacks don’t pay attention to the sound a fire alarm makes when the battery is about to die. This is so common that some have suggested that they may not even hear it.

Here is a millionaire rapper (Listen at 0:02 and 0:15).

Another example from someone making a satirical video:

We whites also have idiosyncrasies, a widespread subject of mockery on X. These include, uh, being friendly while hiking . . .

Using dividers at the grocery store . . .

And speaking Spanish at a Mexican restaurant:

(Do they know Spanish is a European language? Never mind).

Razib Khan posts on the Indo-European conquerors from the Steppes.

Free speech is still under attack in the Western world. Another important source to follow is Tom Roswell of Survive the Jive. He also reports on what’s happening to Russell Brand, and the larger effort to control what people can say online.

Tim Wise is always good for a laugh.

If this was true, we wouldn’t have the problems we face today. In truth, as some others pointed out, the Founders just didn’t think about blacks very often. They took for granted that white people would define the country but didn’t follow through on the popular idea to send blacks back to Africa.

The “genocide” at Canadian residential schools didn’t happen. That isn’t stopping Justin Trudeau from using the myth to push white guilt.

The myth inspired several church burnings. The Canadian government is not backing down and churches remain largely silent.

Canada is also moving to restrict free speech. Among those blasting the move is Elon Musk.

Of course, the tycoon’s devotion to free speech would be more compelling if he gave Jared Taylor his account back.

From the United Kingdom:

To repeat what I’ve said before, there may be whites in power, but there are zero whites who hold power on behalf of whites, in contrast to most non-white politicians who see themselves as racial tribunes. If we had power, signs like this wouldn’t exist. Imagine a sign like that in an African country directed against blacks.

The United States military is having a hard time finding recruits, mostly because it is sending a clear signal that it doesn’t want patriotic white men to join. However, its preferred workforce also has some problems.

The Great and the Good have discovered nuance in the Second World War because of what’s happening in Ukraine.

Mass immigration proponents occasionally use Tactical Nihilism. Be on the lookout for it. Obviously, racism, or homophobia, or climate change are Very Bad Things. However, why should you care about population replacement? In the long run, we’re all dead.

So much for the measure of civilization being old men planting trees in whose shade they will never sit.

Let’s see what schools in one district in Minnesota are teaching staff about white people.

Could a district make a video comparing another group to bloodsuckers?

Finally, there was rioting in Philadelphia. An Instagram influencer called “Meatball” took part. Her lawyer says it’s racist to criticize her.

She will not lose her Instagram. She will not be deplatformed. Our rulers think this sort of thing is fine. But they are terrified that someone might read us.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. meamjojo says:

    Whew, annoying and so hard to read article with all the interleaved X references.

    Unsure what point you wanted to make with this.

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  2. Nogorno Karabach and Donbas are both Jewish seperatist enclaves. The hilarity of the contradictory narratives and contradictory logic on this site is inexplicable. Anti-war, Anti-Jew, but pro Putin’s war to attack Ukraine against Jewish seperatists in Donbas, and in Nogorno Katabach.

    Jewish seperatists in those enclaves do not want to pay taxes, oppose the laws of those governments, and of all governments for that matter. Russia will be in for a shocker and so will Armenia, or probably not. They are proxy wars for them. I am sure that they are fully aware of the politics involved.

    •�Replies: @Dutch Boy
  3. I’ll be chortling with delight when the illegal Jewish settlers in PALESTINE’S West Bank are deported with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Too bad it’s unlikely to happen to the subgroup that’s actually causing our misery.

  4. BuelahMan says:

    Could a district make a video comparing another group to bloodsuckers?

    Nope. That’s my job:

    Video Link

  5. According to New York Post

    his career as a civilian employee

    which explains that his rank is no where to be found. I did not know there were any top officials in the Defense Department who were not at least a colonel.

    Today I learned top Defense Department dog fighter guy is a negro, which previously I had only surmised. What a distinction.

  6. This is what it looks like when the Jews are all up in ya, USers.

    Enjoying it?

  7. Dutch Boy says:
    @no friend of the devil

    Israel supported Azerbaijan in its attack against the “Jewish separatist” enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    •�Agree: 36 ulster
  8. Funny that they connect “being Mexican” to a race, but not “being American” to a race.¹
    Although, there are Amerindian, Mestizo, Castizo, White, Black and even Asian Mexicans…

    In fact, the Mexican élite is overwhelmingly White. And the Mexicans that advanced their country in “civilisational terms” (read: Science, Medicine, Philosophy, Arts etc.), likewise, were overwhelmingly White.²

    1. Or, at least, they claim not to – regarding Americans.
    2. If not “100% White”, pretty much indistinguishable from full-blooded Castilians.

  9. Anonymous[387] •�Disclaimer says:

    Pass the power? Haven’t you heard from Uncle Mao that power comes out of the barrel of a gun? Keep pushing, at some point it will certainly pass!

  10. @meamjojo

    Pass the Power to fat black (is more than a color) women is the point.

    What will they do with it when they get it?

    They sure as Hell can’t maintain it.

    Just shows they don’t know what White Power is or where it comes from. It’s not something that can be “passed”. Typical Magical Thinking. Power be some kind of MoJo that can be transmitted from one person to another.

    The point is that blacks are hopelessly primitive. Serves em right. They shouldn’t have bred back with Homo Erectus in the Congo. They couldn’t control their passions then any better than they can now.

    As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

  11. Canada is moving in the direction of making it a thought crime to dispute that all aboriginals are victims, even though many have prospered from boarding school education.

    Also, any critique of Jews will provoke a ferocious response from the Canadian government. Chief David Ahenekew, an Indian, found out the hard way that the role of natives in Canada is to be controlled opposition. He was driven out of public life for saying, in private, that Jews caused wars.

  12. Trinity says:

    That nigga taint keepin’ it a hunnert. Bitch nigga, you mix that syrup or honey up wit butter then sop dem biscuits up, my nigga. You can put the butter on the biscuit but mix it up wit the honey/syrup fo’ sopping. Salmon patties/croquettes go with scrambled eggs and cheese grits, cuz, not home fries. Man, sheeiit, that negro can’t cook. Cuz probably lives in North Jawjuh or Atlanta, cooking stank like that.

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