This article is adapted from remarks given at the American Renaissance conference on November 19, 2022. See here for Part I.
When we think about who is white and who is not, we’re talking about biological realities. But race also has a spiritual and social dimension. Our people have strengths and weaknesses and we may not be, on average, the smartest. We’re not white supremacists. We’re just not filled with self-loathing. More accurately, white leftists loathe poorer, more conservative whites, not themselves.
In 2020, Zack Goldberg found that leftist whites think their own race is more violent, lazier, and less intelligent than blacks. They have no data to support this, but they don’t need any. It’s a manufactured belief they cling to. Likewise, if despite 60 years of “civil rights” and fighting “racism,” blacks still have so many problems, it must be because racist whites sabotage everything. It certainly can’t be because races are different and will never perform equally. Leftist whites are unique among all other groups in that they have a bias against their own race.
There’s a lot going on in leftists’ heads; if you want to get complicated, you can look at research that indicates white progressives talk down to blacks. No doubt you remember white liberals cooing that Colin Powell or Barack Obama were so “articulate.” Even Joe Biden said his old boss was “articulate and bright and clean.”
These attitudes are a class marker. The pride flag, the BLM signs, the “In This Home” professions of faith — all are a claim to class superiority and special rights, especially if you claim membership in one of the new sexual categories. I wonder if we’re going to get a sexual version of Rachel Dolezal soon, with someone accused of co-opting one of the new victimhood categories. More importantly, these signals show a will to power, a claim that “victims” have the right to decide what we can and cannot say. Perversely, the way to power in this society is either to claim victimhood or showily renounce “privilege” to prove your moral superiority.
You can profit from a victimhood-based morality. Some people profit from it cynically, undoubtedly, but most probably believe in the Woke catechism and the ever-present threat of white racism.
There is a political formula that tells us what we are supposed to believe about life in the United States. Racial inequality is due to white racism and privilege, embedded both within our consciousness and our institutions. This gives leftists something to crusade against: nature itself. Fighting an unwinnable battle makes people more fanatical, not less, and our own faith in data and facts may be a weakness. Materially, the myth of white privilege is useful because it justifies the existence of a whole class of social engineers who must meddle with everyone’s behavior — for our own good.
Some leftists might still say that the real problem is capitalism, though I can’t help but notice that many are sponsored by corporate conglomerates. I don’t think any of the socialists on Patreon ever worry about losing their bank accounts the way genuine dissidents do. Some say that whites can become allies against racism, a claim that can win over the naïve and well meaning. Others say whites are inherently racist, and all they can do is “the work” until they die. That will appeal to masochists. Conservatives argue that much of American history is terrible but we’re not racist now, that we should work together to move forward. The only people who believe that are old white conservatives and the young non-whites who earn a fat living telling them what they want to hear.
This can no longer be tolerated. This is no way to live individually or collectively. More than this, this society is an embarrassment. We should feel disgust and contempt at what’s been done to our cities, our schools, our museums, or culture. We should say, with utter sincerity, that the egalitarians have taken the commanding heights of our culture — and wrecked it.
We need a new way forward. If you feel loathing at what’s been done to this country, or any Western country, if you are sick of double standards, if you don’t want to live in a country that preaches destruction, degradation, and damnation for your race, I’m going to tell you what to do. I’m not going to say vote harder, wave American flags, or pray for someone to save you. No one’s coming, whether from the heavens or Washington. It’s up to us.
When I was organizing college students into conservative and libertarian groups, the first question I would ask is what they would do if they had unlimited money and staff. You’d be surprised how few had a plan. Most would say something like “start a newspaper” or “print more flyers.” That’s conservatives for you, and why conservatives can’t win. We must move past that and the national GOP, while bringing along as many of our people as possible. More than this, we must know what we are fighting for, the ultimate dream, the Sorelian Myth that inspires heroic action and the willingness to sacrifice. We need that flame within that gives life meaning. We are a sun people, after all.
But there’s the problem. Do our people recognize themselves as a people? Sam Francis said whites exist objectively, but not subjectively. Others know who we are; we’re the only ones who don’t. We lack racial, cultural, and political consciousness. Building that consciousness is the first step.
The question about “white identity” — and whether it’s permissible or meaningful — has been answered, and not by us. Your rulers answered it for you. You are white because those in media, academia, and government treat you as white. This treatment goes beyond any nation or legal code. It’s throughout the entire West, except for some parts of Eastern Europe, and I think they are just a little behind on the path to decline. The Anglosphere is especially rotten.
We are assigned an entirely negative identity. You are told it is shameful to feel pride in your ancestors. You must feel guilty because of them. Meanwhile, the failures of other races are your fault — and you owe them spiritually, politically, and financially. Reparations are mainstream, and whites throughout the country will need to deal with this. There is no reason why the descendent of European immigrants who came to this country in the 20th century must pay reparations to someone like Barack Obama, or Kamala Harris, or an African immigrant who arrived yesterday. That doesn’t matter. “White privilege” explains why we are always the guilty party. The smear of “white nationalism” warns whites not to organize resistance.
Many whites sense this. They react, but in ways that are doomed to fail. They might back a non-racial form of rebellion — conservatism, Christian Nationalism, or American civic nationalism, maybe even MAGA. Some believe in “common good” legal theory or Catholic integralism or Southern Agrarianism. But the issue is race; that can’t be avoided. American institutions were built by white men who expected America to be a white country. If you’re a “colorblind” conservative, what can you say to those who argue the Constitution doesn’t fit the needs and desires of “our” modern population? You can say Christianity is the solution, but whose Christianity? Haitians and Frenchmen may both be Roman Catholics, but they don’t meaningfully practice or understand the same faith.
I note in passing that a few dozen religious leaders here in Tennessee supposedly spoke out against this conference. We shrug because we know that progressivism itself is the real faith, not the Christian God. If you think a specific denomination is going to order society, you might be able to build a successful church. However, recent elections showed that even conservative states such as Montana and Kentucky don’t want to ban all abortions. Where are the ingredients for a Christianity strong enough to unite and govern?
America can no longer define itself. If you go to Mount Vernon, Monticello, or Montpelier, the Founders are being turned into villains in their own homes. The American Civil War, our modern Iliad, has been rewritten with the Confederates altogether evil and worthy of death. The Union is also evil because it didn’t finish Reconstruction (but did finish the conquest of the West, which belonged to others). Those who taunt Southerners because of what General Sherman did fall silent when you bring up what he did to the American Indians.
There’s an air of madness to political discussions between Left and Right because no common good is possible. Arguments for mass immigration collapse very quickly into claims that yes, this will be bad for the existing population, and that’s precisely why it is necessary. I quote one Suketu Mehta in an article in the Washington Post. He’s the author of This Land is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto.
I understand the soul of this nation just as well, if not better, than they do: a country that stole the futures of the people who are now arriving at its borders, a cacophonous country, an exceptional country, but one that seems determined to continually sabotage its journey towards a more perfect union. Nobody powerful ever gave the powerless anything just because they asked politely, and immigrants don’t come hat-in-hand. I am an uppity immigrant. I am entitled to be here. Deal with it.
So we must.
At best, today, America is a marketplace. Our rulers are eagerly welcoming the new consumers rushing the southern border — they are cheap labor and easy votes for the Left. The midterms showed complacent conservatives the danger of thinking people will vote the right way because of a declining economy. The genius and evil of America is that whatever is negative or harmful can be taken, turned into a product, and sold back to us, increasing GDP. The downside is that our ruling class, perhaps for the first time in history, acts as it if wants citizens who are weak, sick, poor, unpatriotic, and divided.
Most Americans feel that the country’s best days are behind it. An overwhelming majority think it’s going in the wrong direction. Yet they don’t think they can change it. More specifically, they don’t think they are allowed to change it. I’ve noticed this kind of moral paralysis on the American Right my entire life. Many Americans know that current policy will lead to catastrophe but because they’ve been told equality is the highest goal, they go along. We know the country’s in decline, but aside from moving away, there’s not much we can do about it.
And if you stand and fight, all those tools of Our Democracy are unleashed against you. We have a white identity, whether we want to or not. It’s just entirely negative. It’s also increasingly important. It’s at the center of our political and cultural system. The theory of white privilege justifies almost everything our rulers do. White nationalism is the boogeyman that discredits resistance. We are losing the very things that once defined America: freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom of association, and our culture of victory, exploration, and advancement. We may have rights on paper, but not in flesh and blood.
Yet I find myself increasingly excited. I see a great task unfolding before us. I’m far more optimistic now than I was last year, or even in 2016. Here’s why.
The midterms confirmed something that I’ve been considering, but resisting, for some time. I’m tired of goofing off with the Republican Party guys, or thinking we can change conservatism, or thinking that the GOP even wants to win. Yes, it will always be there. But it’s not our job to throw our bodies on the line for people who at best take us for granted and at worst despise us. The GOP seems happy to lose elections if it slightly increases its share of the non-white vote.
Congressman Steve King can tell us a lot. He was a conservative icon. He built the conservative movement in Iowa. He served loyally in every Conservatism Inc. cause, from fighting abortion to government spending. Yet, when it counted, his own party chose the word of deceitful New York Times reporters over his. Why give your life to such dishonorable poltroons?
I am not trying to discourage you. We have a mass base. They feel abandoned by their spiritual leaders. They don’t understand why Christianity suddenly means they must destroy themselves. They feel threatened by big government meddling in their private lives. They are worried about the union of government, media, and finance that many journalists seem to serve and cheer on. They want immigration stopped and American culture preserved and don’t understand why treason is rewarded. They may suspect the integrity of elections. Given the countless lies they’ve been fed over the last few years — Hands Up, Don’t Shoot, the vaccine prevents transmission, the Russian collusion hoax, Twitter denying that they censor conservatives — who can blame them?
I see similar trends around the world, especially in Europe. I see a whole army of my people, my race, my civilization, that at least sees something is wrong. Yet I also see an uncomfortable political reality — in many European countries, capturing state power may not be possible. At best, it would be a permanent second-place presence, which does little but conceal the system’s lack of legitimacy.
There is a time limit. If trends continue, whites will be a minority not just in America but in our indigenous homelands of Europe. The votes will not be there. In much of America, it’s already too late. When we are a minority, we won’t get affirmative action. We know how this story ends. South Africa is probably the best case outcome. Whites there were able to negotiate constitutional protections we wouldn’t get.
So what do we do? If we had unlimited resources and manpower, what would you want?
What I want is a united Western Civilization-State that will ensure the physical survival of our race. It will relink our people to our most sacred Traditions that provide meaning and happiness. It will use science to build better, healthier people rather than fatter, more pliant consumers. It will be the new sacred center of our civilization. It will be the culmination of our Western struggle — the final unity of all the peoples of the sun in one polity that respects local cultures but ensures our racial survival and upward development.
It’s the Imperium that the greatest moments of our history — the Roman Empire, the Crusaders’ capture of Jerusalem, the Siege of Vienna, the Battle of Lepanto, and the Discovery of the New World — have all given us glimpses of. We have been one people before the relatively new phenomena of national identity and Christian denominational differences divided us. Our greatest moments came when we fought together. And the struggle itself will be a spiritual awakening that gives the new state a sacral foundation.
Yes, I’m calling for a tremendously ambitious project. This sacred Myth is what should move us to action. We build tribes and networks from the ground up, but we aim towards unity and the restoration of a true state that will direct our people forward. The current system fails our people and teaches self-loathing. There is nothing viler. In this climate, every white person who kills himself, takes solace in drugs and alcohol, and withdraws from life into TV and video games is a psychic casualty I lay at the feet of the regime.
There are more white advocates than ever, all looking for something to do, all pushing in a million different directions. We must have a final goal that gives us a common direction, even if we disagree on tactics, ideology, or organizational missions. The Western Imperium, the sacral empire that would unite and protect the white race, is that final goal.
Building strength locally is a first step, and it allows for political action. It’s what people should do even if they disagree with the final goal. However, liberal democracy is a system that prevents change. It is laundered oligarchy; it is rule by media. It’s very hard to dislodge once it’s taken root, and it is so widespread it threatens even a country like Hungary.
We whites are stateless, not just in America, but around the world. And I argue that we are a people, not simply a group of peoples. We whites are mutual victims of our powerful opponents, legal and cultural attacks against us, and immigration patterns that will turn our global minority into a minority even within our own countries. Being white is the most meaningful identity we have. Our rulers gave us a negative one. We need a positive one.
Every people has a creation myth, usually one of a divine origin, or a special mission, or a sense of destiny. Postwar whites have a destruction myth. World War II, that tragic second Western Civil War, has been retconned into a war not against Japan, Germany, Italy, and the Axis Powers, but a war against our own internal racism. The victorious powers, especially the Anglosphere, have inflicted on themselves many of the same policies imposed on Germany to rid the Fatherland of its national identity, pride, and solidarity.
Those who gave their lives in World War II unwittingly built a system that will keep attacking their descendants, inventing new grievances, and attacking us until we are all gone. I will not tolerate it, nor call it moral. Yet I will also tolerate no fantasies. So I give this hard truth: We do not have the numbers or the organization to take every country back. We are a global minority, we should act like a global movement, and we should aim towards a universal goal as one people.
I think often of something Barack Obama wrote in one of his autobiographies. The former president talks about going to Europe and says it was as beautiful as he thought it would be — but it wasn’t his. My experience on the Continent was different. I was home. I hope Europeans who come here — at least to the First World areas of America — feel the same. Let it be said plainly: I have more in common with whites in Europe whose language I don’t even understand than I do with many of my “fellow Americans” who have the same passport. And many of them don’t speak my language either.
National identities themselves are relatively recent creations. They are fading with travel, technology, and geopolitical arrangements that are breaking down the nation-state. The multipolar world that is emerging is a battle between civilizations. What unites a white person in America, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, South Africa, Australia and every other place is stronger than what unites him to those of different races who carry the same passport. As the world becomes more connected technologically, race isn’t fading. It’s becoming more important, and it’s our opponents who insist it is central to every social interaction. We didn’t ask for this. We’re only playing the cards we were dealt.
What is to be done? We will build tribes, churches, networks. We will turn our backs on their world and build our own. We will move if we must. We will build political power locally and wield it where we can. And we will build towards the dream of a Western Imperium that is our destiny, that will bind our people together in unity, honor, and strength.
What is called the West today is not a real civilization, but an anti-civilization. Instead of a founding myth that justifies our existence and growth, we have a religion of death that requires our dispossession. Except for the occasional vague gesture to something like the Green New Deal, there’s a nihilism to the Left’s projects that wasn’t there before. Are we going to get scientific socialism, a brotherhood of man, luxury communism? No, we’re going to get cities that no one wants to live in, an economy based on name-calling, bugs for lunch, pods to sleep in, and a future we needn’t think about because we won’t have children. Consume one product and get ready for the next.
The French author Michel Houellebecq wrote the book Submission about an Islamic takeover of Europe. His point was not the usual counter-jihadist rhetoric. Instead, it was that Europe is spiritually dead and needs revitalization. If we don’t revive the continent, someone else will. He’s also critical of today’s democracy. Mr. Houellebecq referred to de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America:
After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industries animals, of which the government is the shepherd.
In another interview, Mr. Houellebecq quotes de Tocqueville about the way democracy keeps people as permanent children. Look around at the swarming consumers, those trapped in the Longhouse mentality of shame, guilt, and fear. The choice is simple: the white race, yes or no? If the answer is yes, we can no longer be Nietzsche’s Last Man, but the Western New Man — or at least Traditional Man. And let’s be clear: Without white people, the civilization we created dies.
I was stuck that when Vladimir Putin annexed parts of Ukraine that he’s still having a hard time controlling, he said that the Russian people didn’t want to be Parent 1 or Parent 2 on ID cards, but to have a real culture. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is one of Russia’s strongest critics. She is, in that sense, a geopolitical enemy of Russia, but she shares with Mr. Putin a basic way of looking at the world. Yet I don’t think either is destined to win. As we’ve seen in the West after World War II, in any conflict the true enemy becomes ourselves: xenophobia, or jingoism hidden within our souls. That’s why we constantly need fact checkers, health experts, and government bureaucracy to keep us in awe and make sure we don’t get ideas.
We despise all that. We reject this phony anti-civilization. This is occupation. It is centered in the city that disgraces the name of Washington, but its tentacles spread over the West, from New York, to Hollywood, to the City of London, to Brussels. That is not Western Civilization. That is not what we fight to save. It is the occupation we must overthrow.
Our fate will be decided as whites. Thus, we must act as whites. It will not be as members of different nations. It will not be between those countries that had vast colonial empires and those that didn’t. It won’t be between those who were Allies or Axis, for the true enemy of that war that shaped the current world order — as we are now told over and over — was whites as such. It won’t be religion — even those within the same denomination have different political beliefs and understand God differently, with that understanding often breaking down on racial lines. Critical race theory is in the churches as much as in the schools, and if you can’t beat it in the schools, you won’t beat it in the churches.
Civic nationalism has become, if not a dead end, almost irrelevant. In many countries, the numbers are not there for a takeover. Yet we have people, many millions strong, who can coordinate political, financial, and cultural action. But we need to do it as part of one struggle.
The evils of whiteness know no bounds. Being on time, going to space, getting good grades, being in shape: These and many other things we used to simply call good or even merely normal are now called part of white supremacy. And though leftism is a revolt against nature itself, that won’t stop it. Conservatives who wouldn’t fight back when the left said it was illegitimate to talk about race can’t complain when they are crushed on trans issues. You have to fight egalitarianism head-on — in all its dimensions.
Wokeness is a mind virus built around resentment and victimhood. Egalitarianism is achieved only in the grave. It’s a death cult, and we reach for life — and that which goes beyond life, transcendence, heroism, victory. We must have the courage to wage a spiritual war, to reject the values of this filthy anti-civilization in toto and step over those who claim moral authority over us. They have knocked all the planks out of their democracy. They clearly don’t think people have the right to make up their own minds or hear every argument. So why do we have to pretend these people have any legitimacy, even by their own democratic standards?
The mission I lay before this room, this country, this one people — our ultimate goal, our Sorelian Myth — is unity. It is to pursue the vision of a sacral, united, Western Civilization-State. If this be white nationalism, let us make the most of it. This True State, this final Imperium, should be the culmination of our civilizational struggle. And even this is just a means to an end: to build better people, a more beautiful world, and the technology to conquer the stars.
This is not a dream. It’s a necessity. Whites are a hated, shrinking, global minority. We need a geopolitical lifeboat capable of ensuring our physical existence. Any other people would take this for granted. We must protect the people who alone can lead humanity into a better future, rather than a global shopping mall/slum. We whites need a universal mission to inspire us to take our own side.
This state will be built on the traditional culture of the West, to defend its accomplishments but to carry it further. This means the state’s duty is to promote the flourishing and full development of whites — the people who built Western Civilization, who sustain it, and who alone can ensure that civilization endures. Rather than weakness, we promote strength, rather than ugliness, beauty, rather than victimhood, heroism.
This is what I will pursue for the rest of my life. It’s the only thing worth pursuing for the rest of my life. And I ask all whites around the world to join me. Perhaps we Americans, who truly have become a “white” nation within this sprawling empire, can show how Europeans can once again act together.
Life is not about “finding yourself,” or “creating yourself,” or cynically inventing a drama where you get to feel important. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself. Most of what you are is inherent and unchosen. All that matters is what you do with that legacy. If you are white, you are part of a bloodline. It’s not something that makes you better. Instead, it is a great and awful burden that calls you to the demands of history.
The term “white nationalism” is controversial. Many in media or academic find it threatening. I say, the parasite has no right to complain about the behavior of the host. Our most salient characteristic is our race, that which controls the way we see the world, and, more pertinently, the way those with power see us.
Identitarianism, as a political philosophy and a force that can contain history, is our intellectual path forward. I see the beginnings of a way of looking at the world, an ideology, a methodology, and a historiography, that can be just as comprehensive and influential as Marxism — only rooted in truth.
My dream is that the small efforts taking place around the world — the tribes, the churches, the co-ops, the businesses, the parties, the meetups, the movements — will culminate in the state that can uphold all of Western Civilization, that aspires to unite all of our historic homelands (even those occupied by foreign peoples or governments today), and will carry forward the great artistic, scientific, and intellectual projects of our people. And it will ensure our physical survival.
Let us pursue our destiny, reject the scraps our rulers have tossed us, and have a life worth living. As our revolutionary forefathers put it, Join or Die.
You gotta fight, For the right, To whiiiii•tey!
(beastie boys cry)
Meanwhile, lifetime cost of owning a small car is $1M, but a child less than a quarter mil. Whites raise, feed, and nurture their precious cars rather than children.
Their quiverful is their garage. And nowadays the overfed moloch idol won’t even fit inside.
Lifetime Cost Of Small Car $689,000; Society Subsidizes This Ownership With $275,000
The Cost of Raising a Child
How come Jews were not mentioned in the 5,000 word essay? If you don’t call out the force responsible for the problems then are you even at step 1?
You did not mention the key to fixing this white hate issue, money. Lots of money. Until whites can build banks and international businesses that can buy political power your movement is impotent.
The only option is War.
The enemy is not sane.
Eliminate the Synagogue of Satan.
Their “allies” will mill around like ants.
Once the paradigm changes, the left will also.
These are system tools.
Change the system and they will also.
It’s only a matter of time.
War is now inevitable.
Concentrate on eliminating the Cancer.
Focus fire on the Bagel boyz.
Their “allies” can wait.
Crush the Synagogue of Satan and win.
After you can call the shots about who stays.
There are over 4000 nukes available.
This can crush the other enemies.
Form into leaderless cells now.
Prepare for battle.
I found this excerpt very interesting and wanted to comment on it below:
‘But there’s the problem. Do our people recognize themselves as a people? Sam Francis said whites exist objectively, but not subjectively. Others know who we are; we’re the only ones who don’t. We lack racial, cultural, and political consciousness. Building that consciousness is the first step.
The question about “white identity” — and whether it’s permissible or meaningful — has been answered, and not by us. Your rulers answered it for you. You are white because those in media, academia, and government treat you as white. This treatment goes beyond any nation or legal code. It’s throughout the entire West, except for some parts of Eastern Europe, and I think they are just a little behind on the path to decline. The Anglosphere is especially rotten.
We are assigned an entirely negative identity. You are told it is shameful to feel pride in your ancestors. You must feel guilty because of them. Meanwhile, the failures of other races are your fault — and you owe them spiritually, politically, and financially. Reparations are mainstream, and whites throughout the country will need to deal with this. There is no reason why the descendent of European immigrants who came to this country in the 20th century must pay reparations to someone like Barack Obama, or Kamala Harris, or an African immigrant who arrived yesterday. That doesn’t matter. “White privilege” explains why we are always the guilty party. The smear of “white nationalism” warns whites not to organize resistance.’’
He gets it but doesn’t……lol….EMJ said don’t internalize the definitions and classic actions of your oppressors… this is essentially what happened to ‘blacks’ when we weee forcibly kidnapped, sold and enslaved by AFRICANS, EUROPEANS AND JEWS….stripped of our cultural identity names and religion and given Protestantism and color coding….
Now this Hood is arguing whites should internalize a positive metaphysical meaning for ‘white’ but he says it’s a biological meaning….
This is the exact same idiocy of ‘blacks’…..they refused to see the connection between there own loss of ethnic identity rooted in culture, language and religion (which are real and historically based on lineage and experience) with the adoption of false racial identity rooted in biological concepts…which are easily manipulated into negative metaphysical attributes…….for one power grouping…blue eyes has positive meaning…for another it’s negative…depending on who controls the narrative…..
In reality, blue eyes has no meaning or value…other than what you give to it….it’s no different for skin color or generalized color coding…
Hence anyone stupid enough to accept these definitions of themselves and collectively assigning the same to whole swaths of population signals to their oppressor they both clueless and worth of further denigration and manipulation…
The basis of human identity is not biological but cultural, linguistic and religious….these are the real things based in human experience and history that define one group versus another…..biological differences remain….but they are neither definitive nor materially significant in terms of human relations as history attests. The main conflicts are ethnic, cultural, religious and economic..or some combinations thereof…but often alleged or real biological differences are weaponized in furtherance of the aforementioned agendas….this is the case now as in the past…..metaphysical meanings are assigned to biological differences to demonize and/or classify people for the benefit of elites. They are changed at will depending on the agenda, like a Coke and Pepsi marketing campaign…Ukraine is a most recent example….
It is when humans disconnect themselves from their cultural ethnic identity that they become sheep that can be slaughtered and enslaved……
This was the lesson of the transatlantic slave trade …and those who financed it and made into a investment traded on Wall Street….
This was the invention of the term ‘Negro’ or ‘black’….as a social construct and false identity….
What’s has not yet been realized is that this was coupled with another ‘positive’ identity called ‘white’…for sole purpose of controlling a large group of people and mobilizing them toward the globalization of human slavery and usury as the principle means of world domination.
Once the Europeans and other color coded peoples wake up and realize they color and gender won’t save them…but the recognition of God and morality…as reflected in their various cultures, they will have a chance of changing their behavior and coming together on something collectively to remove the economic and political shackles of their oppressors (who incidentally realize this distinction while the majority does not)
Finally, isn’t it ironic that the main body of oppressors makes it a point to distinguish their identity as a cultural linguistic and religious group….sometimes masquerading as biological race when it’s convenient?
Yet it’s the cultural and religious values that bind them together and shape their actions…..not color or gender….
Fascinating no one has seemed to pick this up….maybe the light will switch on ….hopefully….
There is no positive future for humans, especially Europeans and/or their descendants until they remember who they are…where they come from…and their moral and spiritual values that distinguish them…and at same time connect them to rest of humanity…
They are under the yoke of spiritual power that is both dark in intention and misnanthropic….
You cannot defeat this with biology and more darkness.
Side note: It’s no wonder many aliens do not wish to stay long visiting the Earth …or interacting much….there is way too much conflict and tribalism….better to just vacation in the quiet places and talk to sane people…until things get a bit more advanced as a civilization.
Like it or not, Hood is about to get his wish. The US Northeast is no longer viable, nor is Los Angeles and San Francisco. The rejection of White values has made industrial society in those areas non-viable, and it’s gone there. The aggressive reliance on brute force of the Obama/Biden administration has removed Europe from the US sphere of influence [1]. Europe was the last significant US asset in Eurasia. The US was apparently planning to repeat the grand strategy is used after the Vietnam debacle and retreat to the sea, using AUKUS [2] to replace NATO. This grand strategy is probably not available now, simply because the Biden/Obama Administration has spent the money needed to make it real and destroyed the DOD organization needed for combat effectiveness.
The result will be a de-facto devolution of the US into regions, viable and non-viable. A foundation for this devolution was demonstrated clearly during the COVID-19 lockdowns, which restricted travel within US urban areas and between both foreign and US States [3]. The arbitrary nature of these restrictions has since become generally known, and (as is the case with arbitrary restrictions) could be replaced and expanded for arbitrary reasons. These restrictions are the precedent for
severing of relations between viable and non-viable parts of the US> . While the US Federal Government (USFG) might oppose such restrictions in future, USFG’s authority and legitimacy are already being ignored by “sanctuary” States, After losing Eurasia and the decline in world trade, coupled with Democratic use of immigration as a method of genocide [4] it seems likely that US States, joined together as regions, will continue to fend for themselves, but even more than they do today. Further, regions within US States will reject urban rule within their US States and form regions that will either become autonomous (like CHAZ?) or will join more congenial States. This will become possible because of Federal and State financial and organizational problems consequent to purging Whiteness and loss of Eurasia / world trade. Fortunately or otherwise it seems unlikely that any Eurasian power will have the money to build an expeditionary force able to intervene in the continental US, although some Pacific islands might be annexed.
Turchin’s plots of unrest suggests that these processes will take about a decade, perhaps two. I’d add another twenty years to allow the changes to even out, followed (most likely) by open warfare between the new society and the old one [5].
Tide’s finally turned, and we’re going to get a new society (actually, two new societies) like it or not, simply because the old one has failed [6]. Everybody is starting to realize this.
Machiavelli, The Prince, Ch. 28 [6].
And the final quote, from Maudlin’s Willy and Joe cartoons, WW II:
This was just after Hitler’s generals tried to assasinate him using a timed satchel charge.
Panel opens with “Revolution in Germany” emblazoned in a dawn sky. Two combat troops, Willie and Joe, are just waking up, and the caption is (paraphrase) “Sure there’s a revolution in Germany. Don’t let them hit you with a wild shot.”
1] Either Europe deindustrializes because its industries have no raw materials (and thus cannot lend money to the US) or it seeks alliance with the Russian Federation (RF) (and thus will not lend money to the US). In either case, it is no longer an asset to the US sphere of influence.
4] Flooding a land with foreigners is the oldest method of genocide, and used to be known as “barbarian invasions” and “resource wars”.
5] The Army saying is a variant on “dead but too dumb to lie down”.
6] There is a series of cautionary tales by Schlicter, the “Turnbull” series that describe a variant of this process.
There’s much to agree with here — however, it’s a case of the cart before the horse.
“Some leftists might still say that the real problem is capitalism,”. Not capitalism per se, but the vicious expression of it, often referred to as neoliberalism.
Our current capitalist elites are globalist. This Davos set have no “home”.
Therefore, no loyalty to any “people” – whatever their race.
BUT – in the West, which people, should they organise & rebel is the most dangerous to Elites? Why, it’s white people. And, Christ help us, what if white people were to rebel AND convince other races or groups that they (white rebels) are right, & join together…. This is the nightmare scenario.
Thus, “wokness”. A vicious destructive program designed to atomise people into “identity” groups — and encourage them to go at each others throats. Let’s encourage a culture of victimhood & the practice of pettiness, pissiness & resentment.
And thus occupied they’ll rob everyone blind.
Michael Hudson’s economic views are the explanation of our current cultural degeneracy.
The “White Culture” poster from the Smithsonian is largely a jewish production. And it contains most of their complaints about white people, with a few bits of judaic culture thrown in for plausible deniability.
Obsession with money, for example. Not native to American soil nor characteristic of its early founders. Where could it have come from?
Some of it is just blind race hatred, of course. Barbie doll white women, saying Bland is Best. Whoever actually said that? No one.
Be polite? Progress is good? Self discipline? Almost hard to remember when those were still virtues.
An ongoing disgrace. Have we no leaders willing at least to stand up for them?
Based on what I’ve read that’s cross-published here, American Renaissance authors seldom (never?) criticize Big War. Mr. Hood even goes out of his way with this clunky passage
to reinforce Establishment narratives and signal his loyalty to Uncle Sam.
Are white identitarians necessarily Exceptionalists?
There is only one fear here…………….and that is for those who control the Western economies through the central bank money supply end up having Whites figure that out again and repeat the actions of Weimer Republic.
It is that fear which remains the impetus behind all the arrows directed at the White race in Western culture today.
The history is very clear in the crimes of white privilege in the past, with billions of people murdered to steal everything they had. And that situation continues to this day.
That these are things of the past?
Whites support returning land abandoned by Jews two millennia ago; Why don’t they support returning their lands obtained by crime to the indigenous people?
For a more abstract but perhaps more convincing look at the underlying processes, see:
Excellent paper.
Why are they branded “leftists”? They have nothing to do with leftist ideas as I understand them!
In the long-standing British tradition of contempt for their own working class-perhaps in synergy with the Jewish disdain for Gentiles. Where on the Continent do you find this tradition of hostility for their working class by the middle and upper classes?
I love Mr. Hood’s writing and optimism, but he is wrong. It’s either won or lost, there is no separate but equal solution. They will never let us rest on our own because the contrast will be too damning upon them.
The other thing Greg is wrong about is that there is no one coming to save us. He is indeed coming and He is the only answer. Jesus Christ. We are being asked to make a decision and He is the only answer.
Because upper class Whites are the main problem, the most numerous demographic as well that doesn’t have our interests at heart. People like Rupert Murdoch who damn Trump in the media everyday, fellow White people who are essentially our enemies.
I bet the “far right” anti-CRT Virginia governor has said nothing about that or the ongoing desecrations of Confederate cemeteries in Virginia.
Nothing is done in this world, unless men are prepared to kill each other if it is not done.
– Bernard Shaw
Nothing is done in politics, unless someone is paying for it in hard currency.
– me
“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.” ― Milton Friedman
It seems to me that the western world is in its turbulent late adolescence now. We took our first tentative steps out of childhood in the Renaissance, and now here we are standing on the threshold of adulthood. The old doesn’t work any more, but we’re still so unsure of our new status that we are afraid to fully face the responsibilities of maturity. Of course there will be foolish counter-reactions like wokeism and racial/gender identitarianism, as well as fearful flights back to the youthful comforts of blind faith in gott und volk. They are part and parcel of what we are experiencing. We will keep what works, and discard the rest. And it would seem we are about to get a major lesson in letting go of illusions from abroad, as Russia and its allies bring Washington’s reign of global economic terror to an end.
Knocking down statues is the other side of the egoist coin that finds it necessary to elevate individuals onto pedestals in the first place. We’re better off with our public spaces uncluttered by leftovers from the past that not one person in a thousand could accurately describe.
Good essay. While not mentioning the jewish problem it presents what is needed Solutions. Solutions and not more whining about yids we know yids are the problem. I think its time to abandon the term White race. A New Race with a New Religion for a New World. That is why we must fight now in Heroic action to enable the next creation myth to bear fruit. The more these old institutions fail the better off we will be. Whether its voting christianity mercantilism etc a whole new system will need to be created in the ashes of this corrupted soulless husk we call Western Civilization.
Rupert Murdoch is a jew. Blumpfstein might as well be a jew since his whole family married them and he was raised around them and fully adopted their culture.
Might makes Right. Fuck off feathernigger with your complaining. All “indigenous” land comes from conquest and imposition. Whether that be native americans killing and conquering each other long before whites showed up or the Invasion of Yamnayans into Europa. Also what you want is essentially happening under Talmudic/Anglo-masonic legalese right now.
[Black] Mom Destroys CRT Narrative At School Board
Video Link
If he is then i might reconsider my opinion i just posted but i don’t see any evidence that he is, unless you think that most Australian aristocrats have a Jewish lineage.
As long as our civilization is willing to pay women salaries to do useless work outside of the home, there will be no White renaissance. We, as a race, must get our birth rates up, and that won’t happen in a society that allows them to terminate their pregnancies. Until feminism is dealt with in a systematic and destructive way, and patriarchy is re-established, everything else is moot.
“Flooding a land with foreigners,” you say. How? The invasion is fueled by high quanta of energy.
“High quanta of energy degrade social relations just as inevitably as they destroy the physical milieu…I argue that beyond a certain median per capita energy level, the political system and cultural context of any society must decay.” -Ivan Illich
Uncle Ted was right. “The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.” That’s paragraph #50 in his manifesto.
Lord, Mr. Ford, what have you done?
Our people have strengths and weaknesses and we may not be, on average, the smartest.
Yes all true and unfortunately, you have not figured out how to write for those that are on average not the smartest. If you look at white leaders that have motivated huge numbers of white people to action, you will find that these oritators talked to the illiterate masses of whites on their level. I am sorry to say you are talking way above most of their heads. You might consider dumbing down your own language so that it might appeal to wider audience.
Return land to a people to retarded to have the wheel? Nope. Siberian immigrants came over in waves and killed (and sometimes ate) each other long before yt took on the task. And then came Cortez, who, with 500 men and 13 horses conquered the million person strong Aztec empire in 2 years.
Loves Israel
Mom is “best friends” with an orthodox lubavitch rabbi.
Her last name was Greene which is a very jewish angloname.
If it quacks like a duck.
So her name was Greene, a very common name in England, friendly with Jews, well of course, Murdoch is friends with people who are wealthy of all stripes and Jews happen to be wealthier than average.
Yep, they’re the Deep State or the Hidden Hand.
So is this author saying for us to AIM for a “white society”?
Or is this author saying we should AIM for Truth, Beauty, and Heroism and we will see our aims result in a “white society”? But even here, DEFINING what is Truth, Beauty & Heroic is key, is it not?
The author says he will tell us what to do, but I’m afraid I missed it along the way. I was half expecting a White Nationalist version of the Protocols of Zion, a “White Protocols”.
1) You know, take over all story telling narratives. Do this by going into movies, tv, radio, books, churches, Universities, etc.
2) Take over all banking or forms of money. 3) AND most of all be on the look out to jump in and seize and own and control the newest “technologies of power” when it’s created.
Maybe the author should try again. One thing the author could focus upon is the higher Sexual Market Value (SMV) that our whiteness and our personalities make provide us. Here i am refering to what OTHER ethnic groups may perceive in terms of higher SMV, not perceptions within our own white group.
Next the author may want to address the higher pay off that whites do gain from cross ethnic sexual selection. Even families see the benefit when their daughter or sons sexual choice comes with a two point higher SMV. From the authors pro-white nationalist goals, this just maybe THE single thing that he cannot overcome. You can hate “race mixing” all you want, but when your white/christian college daughter with an average 5 SMV score comes home in love with a very tall & handsome SMV young Indian/Hindu man with a SMV score of 7, you most likely will be happy with the situation. Trying to “teach away” the very natural trading that happens between SMVs may be rolling a rock up a hill — going against our genes, even precious white genes. You can imagine all sorts of different SMV playing out. Your SMV 5 son brings home a SMV7 Japanese American girlfriend. Your fat unathletic white SMV 3 daughter is pregnant with a very athletic black SMV 7’s baby. You can add in wealth and good personality but it seems that SMV or the genes, don’t give much points to that.
In the 100,000 feet view from above, looking down over time, all humanity is like colored stripes of taffey, being stretched and mixed, stretched and mixed. Jews, with their demands that to be a jew you must come from a Jewish mother has had less than fair results. If anything has given them great results its been their command of the narratives and more recently, domination of money. But even with this great success it still has not increased their “Jewish race” for the very reason above, disparities in SMV.
I’d say they are mutually exclusive
Exceptionalists’ are by definition, American exceptionalists.
And that means someone who agrees with what American exceptionalism is; fealty to Israel above all, embracement of all the all the mantras of what it means to be a member in good standing to American exceptionalism: that the Greatest Generation single handedly saved the world from Nazi and Japanese fascism in WWII, became the shinning light on the hill with its fanatical support for Israel, and has done its job of ‘healing the world’ by leading the way with Affirmative Action and support for massive Third World immigration.
These are the things that make America ‘The Exceptional Nation’, and they are, by the ideologues who support the notion..
.. neocons all.
But then it’s critical to ask, what is meant by ‘white identitarians’?
Because that could mean a white person who simply wants to be treated fairly and not be discriminated against because he’s white, or see his nation, (Sweden for instance) flooded with non-whites, so that Sweden can also be an “Exceptional’ nation.
Or, it could mean what is so often implied by people who use such terms, – a rabid, demented, toothless KKK member with swastikas on his face shouting Sieg Heil! White power! Blah, blah.
There may even be someone like that on the planet, I suppose.
So it’s important to use terms that have actual definitions, rather than relying on popular phrases that are rife with (often hot-button and absurd) connotations.
Getting an obituary in an orthodox newspaper. That is some very jewish shit. Greene spelt like that in my experience are usually anglo jews. Either way him Blumpfstein etc they are race traitors and therefore deserving of the rope.
Gregory Hood has perhaps here put his finger squarely on the actual explanation for how come everything he wants so much to preserve and enhance is so deep into a probably-irreversible process of disintegration and dissolution. He at the same time reveals the fatal flaw in his Race that is bringing about its fall from those imaginary heights he says they once achieved uniquely among HumanKind, and now urges them at this late hour to come together again to reclaim….and then ultimately to exceed.
The Natural Fact is “Western Civilization” is collapsing finally not because of neglect or sabotage, but because it has reached that stage in the natural cycles of such essentially biological phenomena in which they simply go to seed. Or failing that due to ill-advised chemical intervention, as seems the case here, they are just reabsorbed into the Living Arrangement out of which they emerged to begin with.
His corrective for all this not only foolishly eschews the primacy of basic Biology, however, it really comes to nothing but re-re-re-reinventing the wheel….or maybe building a better mousetrap, with better-built Humans thrown in as an extra-added bonus. As living forms, though, Humans aren’t “built.” They are born and bred and reared, all according to the biological imperatives of their Kind within the Living Arrangement that has produced and sustained them here all along.
Which brings us naturally to that particular propensity of his Race that has tripped it up so profoundly here in these Latter Days. Having in their own minds set theirselves apart-from and above the rest of the Living Arrangement, and then assumed unbidden the hubristic make-believe mission of “improving” upon it, the spreaders of the “Western” iteration of the Planet-wasting disease process that is “ civilization” have been on a collision course with the very Whole of which they are but one pretty small part. The outcome of this is not now nor has it ever been in-doubt. Great Pride is never very far up the road from Great Falls.
So reduced now to increasingly frantic efforts to preserve at-least a remnant of their Race, with sufficient territory and resources to survive in a world mostly indifferent (but also sometimes actively hostile) to their specific concerns, Gregory Hood’s People are sort of between the same rock-and-a-hard-place they so often so slap-happily stuck ‘others’ during the all-too-often ruthless pursuit of their pet project among us Lesser Breeds. Nevertheless, there’s actually a better-than-even chance we will all get together to afford them this refuge, though they won’t be without supervision there. They will also need to accept the Natural Fact that their days of being Boss are done for good.
We hold no grudges. They’ve only done what they were bio-engineered to do anyhow. We recognize and appreciate those particular qualities of their kind worth having in the overall Human mix, as we all fulfill our given Organic Function within Earth’s Living Arrangement, as a component of Her natural immune system. Once the White Race has gotten past the barriers of their artificially-arrested development, and become a biologically mature population here, they’ll be again as Free and Wild as us Humans by-nature must be, to do what we must do….all of us together.
What an amazing read!
100% spot on, and a perfect “call to action”!
Allow me to add – nothing ever happens to you because you want it to happen. It happens because someone else wants it to happen.
Applied on the ground, it means, you don’t get school admissions on any level, a job, a promotion because you want it. You get it because someone else wants you to have it and is willing to stand in back of you. No one behind you, your chances become very small. It doesn’t matter who is behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is an honest do-gooder, a noisome activist or a gangster. If that person is there, the powers that be pay attention. If no one is behind you, you are nobody and are treated accordingly.
What’s one action?
The term “American Exceptionalism” was invented by members of the Communist Party USA in the 1920s when they were explaining why there was no powerful socialist movement in America.:
The term reemerged in the 1980s. The zeitgeist of the 1980s tells you it had been repurposed by mostly Jewish neoconservative intellectuals:
Death Con 4!
Mr. Taylor bows down to (((them))), and enforces the same code on his writers.
The upper classes of both England and France have always claimed to descend from Germanic and Viking invaders having enslaved a formerly Keltic people : for the English upper class the aristocracy is Norman-Norse, the upper middle-class Anglo-Saxon, while those of the working class are members of former Keltic tribes that were accepted in the anglo-saxon society on condition they remained mechanics. France’s ruling class pretended to descend from the Frankish warrior tribes, while the lower classes were former Gauls and the upper middle-class former Roman invaders. The upper class of both entities never considered there was any biological parenthood between them and their servants. Those two countries could engage very easily in colonial ventures due to the fact they thought they just enlarged the conquests their existence had supposedly started with right at their foundation.
It must also be noted that both Franks and Saxons pretended to be the purest sons of two lost Jewish tribes : the Saxons were thought to be Isaac’s sons, while most Jews in France pretended themselves to be the purest Franks to the point that whenever one of them converted to Christianity they were admitted directly into the high nobility by the virtue of their blood.
Sherman didn’t do anything to the Indians. You are mistaking him with Phil Sheridan.
William Tecumseh Sherman ravaged Georgia and said, “War is hell, boys.” in an invited speech before an organization of Confederate veterans.
Phil Sheridan ravaged the Shenandoah Valley and said, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.”
Houellebecq, De Toqueville, Sorel, De Benoist, Nietzsche… very fancy and erudite. Nothing on Horkheimer, Marcuse and Adorno?
Never met a blumpfkin with a backbone. You guys will bend over when the drones start dropping on you. It’s what whites were born to do.
Most items listed on the Smithsonian Museum leaflet characterize more African cultures as they are now than Europeans, apart from very few such as deferred gratification. Most African cultures are frighteningly individualistic and competitive even within the family. African families are remarkably unsupportive of lame ducks among their own children and don’t like to help the most talented in their studies for instance. Sons live in separate huts from the parents’ from a very young age. Wealth is worth to the point that African girls marry wallets (or herds on cows, or any exterior sign of economic success) not men and leave the latter as soon as they prove not cunning enough not to grow richer and richer. Aggressiveness and extroversion is the only way to get respect. Africans never lack of punctuality when it is their turn to collect dues of any sort. Their disrespect for schedules is calculated as a way to delay the payment of their own dues and to show disrespect to people they feel are not really rich and powerful. Africans show no respect nor consideration for nature : their attitude towards nature in most of their activities is more predatory on the average than among all Europeans and Asians. In particular they shed no tear when they are announced that an important species might grow extinct due to their behaviour towards it. Africans respect only their own tribe-mafia and then only global empires, often long after they are actually gone. They still behave like the Arabic empire of the Golden Age of Andaluz or Cairo were still extant, or like the French Empire were something real, and when they realize that the former colonizers are no longer the heroes that build these empires they claim to be their last worthy successors. They have no room in their brain for the concept of a modest-sized democratic un-imperial nation-state such as Sweden or South Korea : they identify only with imperial cultures and their mafia-like tribe trying to get ahead through it.
Well, Parent 1 and Parent 2 are OK for gays, who could perhaps have options for Father 1 and Father 2, and Mother 1 and Mother 2, if they so choose, but imposing it on straights is INSANE. Like ‘chest-feeding’. The Scottish Parliament, a sewer of true transgender INSANITY, just voted AGAINST banning male sex offenders from suddenly ‘identifying’ as ‘women’. Are they barking mad, or just morally insane-or both?
Jews didn’t abandon Palestine. The Romans kicked many out for being murderous enemies to their neighbours, many others remained, and their descendants converted to other faiths over the centuries, and 10,000 Jews still resided in Palestine at the end of the 19th century. The descendants of those ten thousand have a ‘right’, in my opinion, to live there, but the others are interlopers and brutal European colonists. One can sympathise with the plight of those expelled from Europe, or fleeing the horrors of the Judeocide of the 30s and 40s, but ‘settlers’ from Brooklyn Heights terrorising Palestinians in their lands are racist thugs.
What an evil, misanthropic, xenophobic creature Friedman was. Perfect Zionazi material. No wonder you admire him.
With just a little help (I’m being sarcastic. I mean the help that he could not have won without) from a vicious epidemic of smallpox and 100,000 Tlaxcalan allies.
You know nothing.
Chaos and evil are standing up, just as prophesied in the Bible. The rest of the Bible is even more important. Get a copy, read it and take it seriously.
Nick Fuentes is wrong on a bunch of things, not least due to his Catholicism(a pedophile cult), but he got the most important thing right. Jewish Power has to be addressed as the source of anti-white-ism. Nothing is possible without getting that past that hurdle.
As long as Wood doesn’t go there, he got a lot of things right but the most important thing wrong. So, his talk is ultimately useless.
It’s like a doctor, one who fails to diagnose the core disease and only treats its symptoms, will not save the patient.
Now, there’s no guarantee that even an accurate diagnosis will save the patient. You can correctly diagnose cancer or heart disease in a patient, but he may still die because the disease has progressed too far. Still, if there is to be ANY CHANCE of recovery and healing, the disease has to be properly diagnosed.
Jews are in supremacist mode. Jews need white obeisance and submission so that whites are denied of agency, dignity, and confidence. That way, whites will seek others to serve, groups deemed holier, and of course, Jews hold the reins.
Wood gets so much right, but he won’t touch on the main issue because he sold his soul to Jared Taylor, who’s chosen to hit everything on the dart-board but the bull’s eye.
Maybe he thinks he’s being clever like Michael Corleone — keep your friends close but your enemies closer — , but it’s gotten the movement nowhere.
Maybe it’s sentimentality as he has some Jews on his side, but those Jews are just as marginalized as he is. They have no power, no pull.
The only Jews with any worth in the movement are those who plainly names the Jewish Power. Just like only the Germans who denounced Hitler was useful to the Allies in WWII, only the Jews who name and shame the Jewish Supremacist power are worth their kosher salt. This is why Brother Nathanael is one of the 10 greatest Jews that ever lived.
Video Link
Okay, setting aside the word games:
Why do American Renaissance authors seldom (never?) criticize Big War and help reinforce Uncle Sam’s narratives?
I think the fact that so many of the people being bombed with democracy aren’t white has a lot to do with it.
Let’s discuss.
Sherman’s cool. They named a tank after him. You should look him up sometime.
Vote harder – else the Uniparty will win.
Unless the JQ is addressed meaningfully no substantial changes will occur. But Amren will never admit that.
Those numbers are bullshit. My two children have cost me about $700,000.00 so far, due to the Jewish divorce industry and the new society in which women are the boss of everything.
A lot of swooning words from Mr. Hood.
Here are some succinct words that get to it:
The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire must be politically decapitated.
Tweet from 2015:
Biden doesn’t want Fed Chairman Powell to go Full Volcker to pop the asset bubbles and extinguish inflation.
Biden has been a politician whore for the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire for 50 years or more.
Fed Chairman Powell should go to the normal federal funds rate of 6 percent and then Powell should follow it up a few days later with hikes to 10 percent and then 20 percent. That will pop the asset bubbles and extinguish inflation and that will provide an opening to politically decapitate the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.
Tweet from 2015:
I completely disagree with the term Judeo-Christian, it makes about as much sense as saying Hindu-Christian. Real Christianity has nothing to do with the Jews.
Race is rooted in biology – culture, history and all the rest flow from it.
If you claim that the spirit of an African or Jew is the same as that of a Chinaman or a White man, you’re just as confused spiritually as you are racially.
Christians of the past understood this as did traditionalists of other faiths.
Only in the modern era has this syrupy one-world New Age pablum become fashionable. It’s shallow not profound and dumb not enlightened. Quasi-mystical arglebargle and universalist kumbaya create a hell of a lot more “darkness” around these truths than anything you are concern-trolling about.
Some or other scholar once said, ‘The best government is a benign Dictatorship with occasional assassinations.’
So. I propose this.
The only way out for America, is a Dictatorship.
Dicktater over 65, bad teeth, bald, fat belly.
Doesn’t respect men. Doesn’t kiss Black ass.
Taking applications. Step right up.
I’m becoming less and less certain of that.
Three points:
1. imho “white” is better defined as “heirs to Roman civilization” (i.e. pagan. Yes, pagan — far superior to monotheism which privileges the Jewish god.)
2. Jews created Christianity precisely to destroy Rome; to gain the support of non-Jews in this project; and to ultimately hobble non-Jews
3. Non-Jews/Christians are disempowered by the all-pervasive sense of SIN that is hallmark of Christianity.
Every tv preacher, ever starched prelate, every bishop, every curate, all bolstered by dozens of billboards on major US roadways never miss an opportunity to demand that you CONFESS YOUR SIN.
When I still went to Catholic Mass, we were led to beat our chest and recite, “Through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.”
Christian religion taught us, from earliest age, that we were sinful, guilty, and incapable of living a good life without the “grace” of a god who, in the case of Hebrew scripture, is a psychopath, and in the case of New Testament, meant submitting to humiliation, torture, and death.
Jews have no such demand of themselves and to my knowledge make no such demand of their children; quite the opposite.
PS to PrissFactor: ES&D
Activists are human beings, sure. Yet extremely few human beings are activists.
Extremely, extremely few.
A ridiculously infinitesimal fraction of a fraction of a fraction of 1% of humanity.
At most.
Yet the article assumes all human beings are activists.
Thus, “white”, “black”, “this”, “that”, etc.
And none of these “words” is a slogan to activists.
To activists, these labels are the very essence of reality.
Nothing exists outside of these labels.
Thus, the problem.
That activists have.
To eliminate the Synagogue of Satan is impossible, because it is Satan’s toy. But it can be largely controlled, neutralized. That is what occurred with the formation of Christendom, and the Reformation set free the Synagogue of Satan by rebelling against Christendom.
So if you want to do something that actually matters, either become Latin Mass Catholic or Russian Orthodox. This war is spiritual, and it cannot be waged successfully any other way.
Author has a big Russian blind spot, toeing the anti-white establishment line against Russia and the Russian people. For example, Putin did not annex anybody – referenda were held in keeping with the Ukrainian Constitution and the human right of self-determination to join the Russian Federation.
Russia is the state and culture the author is reaching for, but unfortunately there is just too damn much CIA programming in the poor man’s head. Maybe after they save the Nazi West from itself all over again, crushing the venal Anglo-Saxon Imperium in the process, this will become more clear.
anonymous[200]: “Uncle Ted was right. “The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.” That’s paragraph #50 in his manifesto. ”
Certainly true. A few days ago I wrote on that same theme:
But you can’t expect a cultured, refined (not to say oleaginous), Hah-vahd educated gentleman like Jared Taylor and his devoted sidekick Gregory Hood to come out against progress can you? Quelle horreur! It would be so vulgar! Besides, no doubt it would negatively impact donations. The marks won’t support anyone who does that.
As for this essay, or should I say, this little pep talk, it’s worse than useless. It’s like telling a cancer-stricken man hours away from dying to just pull himself together and stop being sick. Yes, of course, a nice sentiment, but how?!
Any serious treatment of this issue should start by surveying the field to see what’s already been tried, and analyze why it failed. In fact, all such efforts have failed abysmally for more than a century now. Hood writes as if he were the first one to think of appealing to racial unity. What does he think Rockwell and Pierce were doing? And why did they fail? Don’t ask Hood. He’s not interested.
EMJ is retarded.
The Trial of Christ basically spells out the Jewish playbook though. Whispering into the governor’s ear to kill off a rebellious working man while dodging the blame.
Written by Jews, promoted by Jews and used as a bludgeon by Jews?
The very group who designed the current War on Whites?
How does this make even a scintilla of sense?
It’s hardly unwinnable. Hell, if you’re a Democrat, it’s unlosable. They win every single seat in every city council in the land.
That’s what it’s about, and that’s all what it’s about.
Once again: what does it matter whether a statement is made by an evil, misanthropic, xenophobic creature or a perfect Zionazi???
The question, as always, is “WHAT is said?” and NOT “who said it?”
Some people never understand anything.
This is where it is mentioned–but he cannot actually name the Jew.
The My Lai massacre was mostly committed by black NCOs and a Mexican company commander. This is not mentioned by western racists as an exculpatory aspect of the massacre because it is an inherent critique of US arms. Unz counter argued my point that VDare writers would have exploited the facts. On the contrary why would they? Criticism of the institutional aspects of the US military are forbidden.
The Vietnamese pull no punches in their diorama commemorating the massacre though.
The Synagogue of Satan is a tool.
It is a suicide cult ultimately.
If not stopped it will kill everyone.
Satan wants humanity wiped out.
Or you will eliminate them.
Life or Death. Choose wisely.
True. In the new society women do seem to be the boss of everything.
But let’s look on the bright side. At least they haven’t let it go to their heads.
But seriously folks, of course they have.
Which begs the question, exactly how long can a society where women are the boss of everything last? For an answer to that question – just look around.
by all means!
Well, since I can’t actually read their minds, I’ll have to speculate. But I’d suggest that it’s really quite simple. They’re either venal whores or moral cowards, and likely both!
Just like when the American Cuckservative fired Phil Giraldi for telling the truth about the wars, these websites and their owners, (and those who write for, and profit from them), are very finely tuned to how and where the shekels flow in the $lop trough.
If you have your snout deep in the trough, and are slurping with grunting with satisfied gusto, then when that flow slows down, or stops!.. well, have you ever been on a farm, and heard the squeals of pigs who’re hungry and demanding more slop?
That is how Jared Taylor of American Renaissance would sound if someone pulled the plug on the AR funding. And so they become very circumspect about what they write about, and whom might be offended. Wars are not just extremely profitable, for those whom profit from them, but are also extremely valued by the ideologues who foist them. Powerful people with deep pockets. All those hundreds of billions aren’t just going to pay soldiers salaries and purchase weapons, but also are spent lavishly on propaganda. Often, the most powerful sound there is, is the sound of crickets chirping.
Charles Lindbergh was America’s foremost hero in pre-WWII America. But then he spoke out against the war, and was immediately scourged as American persona non grata, by the pro-war and very powerful forces in America.
It doesn’t pay to oppose war. Either financially or vis-a-vis your “respectability”. You still can, but it’s not likely to be profitable. But what you can’t do, is speak to the motivations for the wars. And the lies and treachery that were used to sell the wars. Do that, and flow of slop comes to a complete stop. Imagine what that feels like?�612&w=0&h=OgOU0FXRcHFSrEf48Z0LB848H_5INv45ad51zO9Z9Tc=
For American writers (of every race or gender) on contemporary subjects, to studiously avoid the elephants in the societal living room, out of cowardice or venality, is unconscionable.
It’s fine to speak out about the assorted insanities and inanities (like ‘gender theory’ or CRT, or whatnot), from time to time. Currently there is a lot of harm being done by the ubiquitous ‘Climate idiocy, and we need principled and astute people to point these things out. But when America is spending unlimited scores of billions, sending weapons and sanctioning Russia, in an insane drive to another catastrophic world war, then anyone who purports or pretends to be a luminary on current societal trajectories, but doesn’t notice that we’re on the brink of world war, is either a whore, or a sniveling coward, or (most likely) both.
For some reason, I’m not surprised you think that. But then, a lot of people would agree.
But you’re (happily) wrong about that.
I’ll elaborate a bit.
Pre-WWII, (going back to the beginning of time) all nations and all tribes and all clans, down to the individual, all sought out to be ascendant in this world. They all competed against each other for territory and hegemony over the lands that they lived in. The Comanche competed with the Apache who competed with the Mexican, and so forth. Just as the tribes of Africa all competed with each other, as did the nations of China and Japan and all the rest.
No people were worried about being too strong or too successful in their conquests. Alexander wasn’t great because he was weak. Nor Caesar or Hannibal or anyone.
That’s the way the world worked, and yes, whitey was the most successful, so there’s a lot of butt-hurt today, because of that. Even as whitey crawls now, and apologizes for being too strong, and too successful in the competition that all nations and all peoples were all part and parcel of.
So that covers pre-WWII.
And then we had WWII, and it was a horror. So mankind decided to repudiate conquest and change the paradigm from ‘go forth and conquer’, to make nice and let’s all get along.
Since then, whitey has waged a few wars against others in the latter part of the 20th century, ostensibly to restrain communism, but perhaps for other reasons, which seem a little unclear. Certainly not because the Vietnamese were ‘yellow’, as that would be absurd.
Now we have the 2st century, and yes, whitey did slaughter many non-white Muslims, but always on behalf of whitey’s most intractable and existential enemy, ZOG.
Whitey today is ZOG’s rabid dog on a leash, fighting and killing on behalf of his worst enemy. (I think that’s obvious to everyone here at TUR). So it’s hardly a case of whitey saying, ‘hey, those Muzzies over there are not white, let’s kill them. Not even the dumbest lefty could twist the narrative that much, even if some try.
OK, so that covers the wars in the Middle East.
Now, what’s looming before us all, and what every pundit and writer and decent human being on the planet, should be talking about, is the ((West’s)) insistence on destroying Russia, and the consequent war there. Which, sort of undermines your theory that the reason some (white) websites refuse to speak out against this insanity, is because the people being killed, are non-whites. Because as you know, the people being killed, are all white people.
And yet, even then, most pundits and bloggers and ‘respectable’ journalists and others, refuse to condemn the war mongering, or mention ((who’s)) behind it all, and for the same reason they refused to tell the truth about ((whom)) was behind the wars against Muslim nations.
Because they are, venal whores, and rotten cowards, who’re too worried about the consequence$ of telling the truth.
Not, because they happen to be white.
You are right. Energy is the issue. North America has it, and Asia wants it.
The USA is being deindustrialized so that its consumption and resources can go to Asia.
Few people will be needed to run it as just a giant quarry and farm, so next immiseration, then depopulation.
Rene’, what Friedman advocated, ie the rule of money power in a neo-feudal system, and what he was, were inseparable. If you cannot see that, a statement that applies to very many of the worst and best of humanity (in fact where it does not one must suggest some psychological disturbance or deliberate dissembling)I’m very much surprised.
Agreed, the jew is the hidden hand behind the misery.
But Whites around the globe need to be FOR something if we are to unite, we need to create a vision, an Ideal for what unites as people. We especially need this because in the coming struggle there will be seriously bad hardship for us, some individuals will lose everything including their lives. We need an Ideal that reaches across generations, that encourages this sacrifice, especially now that times are so dark.
To focus only on the enemy makes him appear infinitely large, that weakens.
My mind tends to the direction you are taking. But you refer to something ineffable. For which earthly language lacks the power.
The mainstays you point to: culture, religion, language are not common to all of those persons in the White diaspora across the globe. I doubt that the Southern Baptist is convinced he shares a religion with the Catholic. I am certain that the crassness of the consumerist culture, the offensiveness and pervasiveness of the marketing campaign shocks the Frenchman, the Hungarian, even if consumerism in Europe is now widespread and obnoxious as the commercials on TV in Belgium, Finland, Germany prove.
We Whites, irrespective of language or culture, do feel kinship to the achievements of Western Civilization: the arts, music, architecture, scientific discovery and so forth. I certainly feel more at home in Europe than I ever would in Africa or Asia and my stays in Latin America have been only home to me in so far as I find reflections in those lands of European heritage. The most tangible marker of all the peoples living in Europe is their common race. And anyone can see that a Western Civilization does not exist in lands where there are no Whites.
For the moment, racial Whiteness and the kinship it awakens in us what we share. I do not doubt that if the civilizational impulse carried by Whites is not genocided off the planet, we shall uncover a layer deeper than race than binds us. Perhaps the Faustian spirit? But the war is being fought now. Let us identify and unite with our compatriots using whichever means that are at hand.
I suspect that the demise of the Petro-Dollar (first slowly, then suddenly) will be what wrecks the occupational power known as Washington, DC. When the Federal Reserve/US Treasury can no longer flood with world with worthless greenbacks, its bought-and-paid-for allies around the world will leave. The welfare checks will stop domestically and all those who can’t/won’t become productive will meet a Darwinian end.
The ideal to reach for is secession and a white homeland. At least Idaho and southern Oregon. Idaho was 75.5% white on July 1, 2022. One day even Idaho secession might not exist as an option.
In just 20 years, Whites will be a minority in the USA. By the end of this Century, Whites will be a minority in Britain. The other Majority-White nations are rapidly following.
The phenomena behind this induced transition are homosexuality, abortion, feminism, miscegenation, and above all else, immigration.
We are witnessing the final stage of the “Kalergi Plan”. The White race is not just dying, it is being murdered. The murderers are overwhelmingly, but not exclusively Jews.
The White race is witnessing its eleventh hour. When we are exterminated, civilization will perish with us.
Merry Christmas, Paris!
Video Link
Sous le ciel de Paris marchent les amoureux … la…la…
I’m actually getting tired of the assumption that conservative equals poor and uneducated. I am paid even considerably better than most in my field due to my education and experience.
Jewish hands wrote this.
The boomer white Christian males and females have devolved our entire society – face it the white man did this to himself and his kin. I remember the 1970s, ugh, disgusting and it was evident the entire boomer generation were just scum. Interracial sex, fornication, promiscuity, porn, divorce, abortion, women’s lib, drugs, atheism, etc. etc. etc. This was glorified by white men who enjoyed themselves immensely dismantling all restrictions on their behavior. And don’t blame the Jews who ended up the beneficiaries bc the average white Christian male that was brought up in a traditional family ensured his children would not have the same benefits bc that would restrict his greed and gluttony – he just threw away all those traditional norms and culture bc it’s all about me and my comfort and my wants and who the heck cares about my kids or future generations. In the 80s and 90s these exact men sold out America to Wall Street and the bankers. In the early 2000s they cheered 911 wars on Muslims, the Patriot Act and indebted the country with debt that can never be paid off so keep borrowing bc they want their social security and 401ks to retire in comfort. Now these exact men are planning nuclear Armageddon bc they’ll be dead soon and the world is overpopulated anyway so F the grandkids. Face it they’re just a bunch of selfish people, nothing more, nothing deeper. All you see is a reflection of a fallen civilization. The sins of the father visited upon the sons.
Interesting rant, and I agree with some of it.. My question to you is who is going to ride in of the big flowing meigned stallion to straighten things out? Nig-Grows? Hispanics? The pie faces in China? Seems you have a lot of blame to place, and I’m not saying I have the answers but I’m also not one to place my bets on those who’ve convinced many of our own that we’re the worst race of people who’ve ever lived on this planet.
White identity of any kind is a criminal Jewish social construct most Jews don’t even like as most Jews don’t like to dabble in the occult. Hadn’t there been Jews there would have been no Whites : the Whites themselves, left to themselves, rather value golden skin as the best hued, as most Indian deities are traditionally depicted. Hatred of any pigmentation started among Jews and other ME people as a guarantee of chastity and obedience on the part of those among themselves and among the goys who were being bred for their infinite indoctrinability : what characterizes the White race is not IQ it is the capacity to live by lives and being indoctrinated at will, though tis capacity to live by lies by avoiding red-pilling translates in good marks at all kinds of tests. Europeans before the advent of ME religions were not so pale, the triumph of ME religions resulted in the darker Europeans being bred out, and, last but not least, Jewish males spreading their own pale genes into the populations most subject like rabbits resulting in most people under their sway adopting partial albinism as the proof of their superiority over the darker slaves. Jews are now doing their best to phase out the White race as they have realized that breeding it was a criminal act that nearly missed resulting into their own destruction, they are busy erasing as an evidence. The White race is a Jewish Golem. It is Jewry reduced to its shadow side only.