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Our Third-World Congress

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Three incidents show that the US Congress is nothing Henry Clay would recognize.

First, three black men carjacked Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), a member of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus. Rep. Cuellar gave them the car, admitting that though he has a “black belt,” it would do him no good against men with firearms. Police soon recovered his car. He says we must support law enforcement. However, he voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to “end racial, religious, and discriminatory profiling” and also supported more federal oversight of the police, including an increase of more than $17.5 million for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice in 2021.

Carjackings in Washington DC are up more than 100 percent from last year. Another representative, Angie Craig (D-MN) was assaulted this year. A black homeless man eventually pled guilty to the assault. She also supported the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

The second incident was the farce of Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) speaking in Congress.

In a hearing on a proposed impeachment of President Joe Biden, she switched to former president Donald Trump and said that he had been storing classified documents in the “s****er.” She defended this because she needed to “bring it,” and said it was an “emotional” moment. She says many people thanked her and said they were tired of representatives “kind of sitting back quietly.” Journalists evidently agree.

CNN called it “passionate” and gave her a fawning interview. “Y’all are a**holes,” she said of Republicans in an interview with the black website TheGrio. The Dallas Observer said that this “obliterated” the GOP. Journalists, activists, entertainers and other such types also loved the speech.

Of course, she was defending only Joe Biden. “[Joe Biden] has unfortunately been guilty of loving his child unconditionally,” she said, “and that is the only evidence that they have brought forward.” This is how monolithic black support reinforces the Democratic establishment.

Finally, there’s the fire-alarm saga of Jamaal Bowman (D-NY). He pulled the handle just before the House voted to keep the government funded. The Capitol Police say officers “had previously placed signs with clear language that explained the door was secured and marked as an emergency exit only.” The congressman claims he pulled the fire alarm in error, thinking it would open the door. If he did it on purpose, he could be charged. It is better to be thought stupid than criminal, especially if he risked being treated like a J6 defendant.

Some Republicans want to expel Rep. Bowman for deliberately delaying a vote. “Of all people, a high school principal [which he once was] knows what a FIRE alarm does,” Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) posted on X. “No one is buying the excuse & he must be held accountable.” Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene posted:

Of course, some people are buying the excuse, or at least pretending to.

He then attempted to weasel out of suggesting that people call his opponents Nazis.

Non-whites won’t give us good government, but they will give us plenty of entertainment.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Black Crime, Blacks, Congress, Political Correctness
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  1. xyzxy says:

    Non-whites won’t give us good government…

    It’s over Greg. I’m talking about the voting thing. Might as well tell your pals at Amren to pack their bags, and head back to Japan, or whereever.

    And what’s with this ‘give’ thing? Sure would like to know the names of the white men ‘giving us good government’.

    Reminded of Tom Jefferson who is supposed to have said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” But who elects anyone, anymore?

    Likewise, Joe de Maistre was supposed to have remarked that “Every nation gets the government it deserves.” But what the hell is a ‘nation’, anymore?

    The best version is from Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, who before they murdered him quipped speciously that “A country has the Jews it deserves.”

    Suggest that before you and the Amren gang leave the building, just think about what Corneliu was trying to tell you. I’m sure you can figure it out. Oh, and remember to always put on a happy face!

    PS: I see you are ‘quoting’ Large Marge? Now that McCarthy is booted out, I wonder who Marge is going to hook up with, on her way up the ladder? Poor girl has to start from ground zero, I guess.

  2. bjondo says:

    Congress loaded with mostly gutter people.

  3. Richard B says:

    Great article. Bad ending.

    Non-whites won’t give us good government, but they will give us plenty of entertainment.

    Really? You must be desperate for entertainment. In fairness, I get your point. Though it does sound like something Rush Limbaugh would say – in 1993.

    In any event, what makes the article great is what makes any article, essay, or comment one reads here great. It directs attention to something really worth talking about and responding to. The takeaway for me in the article is this:

    Adoption without Adaptation.

    It’s obvious that, as what is optimistically referred to as developing countries have developed, they have adopted with little to no adaptation the ideas and institutions of the West, particularly the problem of cultural stagnation, which became acutely obvious by the early 1970’s and was never properly addressed for reasons we’ll get to in a moment).

    A problem before which the West itself has proven to be helpless. And, of course, that cultural stagnation quickly led to an even greater cultural impoverishment and corresponding societal collapse.

    The reason for this helplessness was the population explosion (which most of us are the products of). It introduced millions and millions of people who were born into the West, but were never properly assimilated into the West and its cultural patterns, which were becoming increasingly complex.

    Put bluntly, the problem of the West was acculturation of its own.

    That explains the depressing spectacle found among those of the Right and Left who think that because they were born in the West they are its best representatives, in spite of the fact that they have only a vague sense of its values and a very skimpy sense of its history. It also explains the equally depressing spectacle of those who have no idea what history is boldly assert that history has flung its doors open to them and them alone and only they get it. And this in spite of the fact that most of them can’t even form a coherent sentence. But why think when you can just assert yourself to be the owner of the truth.

    This was the beginning of what would become Dunning-Kruger Nation, or what Ortega referred to as the paradise of the mass man, and its heir apparent, the learned ignoramous, knowledgeable, sort of, in one thing, but ignorant of all else. A nation of people who arrogantly and foolishly overestimate themselves while ignorantly and obnoxiously underestimating those who were a lot smarter and, more importantly, a lot more acculturated, exactly because they had a lot more intellectual humility and did the hard work required to know who they are and where they come from. So DKN simply mocked and then rolled right over such individuals so as to lead us all to our present catastrophe. A catastrophe before which, to repeat, they are entirely helpless.

    Orwell wrote about the power of facing unpleasant facts, and it is a power. One we would do well to acquire. Because the unpleasant fact is that the people described above, people who are not and have never been properly acculturated into the very civilization they claim to be defending and whose loss they are mourning, are complaining about the likes of Bowman and Crockett.

    Solve the acculturation problem and everything else follows. But can that even be done? Of course it can. Even the hostile elite know that much. Which would explain exactly why they are using mass immigration to bury the West alive. They are using mass immigration as a mass grave for the West.

    But, being learned ignoramouses themselves, they fail to see that they’re digging their own grave as well.

    •�Replies: @Stripes Duncan
  4. Nig nogs being nig nogs what can u say the sterio type lives on…

  5. more examples of

    Terminal Jewification.

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan
  6. anonymous[997] •�Disclaimer says:

    An IQ test should be given to all voters, those running for public office, judiciary and government administrators. Having a cutoff of 100 would exclude almost all negroes and would benefit the country enormously

    •�Agree: Stripes Duncan
  7. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Physiognomy is real. Look at that cuck face.

  8. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Flying monkeys served the Wicked Witch in WIZARD OF OZ.

    Blacks serve the Jews in US government.

    Video Link

  9. AceDeuce says:

    From Thomas Dixon’s 1905 book The Clansman, inspiration for the 1915 film Birth of a Nation, here is a scene set in the Reconstruction-era, majority black South Carolina Legislature:


    ….As he passed inside the doors of the House of Representatives, the rush of foul air staggered him. The reek of vile cigars and stale whiskey, mingled with the odour of perspiring negroes, was overwhelming. He paused and gasped for breath.

    The space behind the seats of the members was strewn with corks, broken glass, stale crusts, greasy pieces of paper, and picked bones. The hall was packed with negroes, smoking, chewing, jabbering, pushing, perspiring.

    A carpet-bagger at his elbow was explaining to an old darkey from down east why his forty acres and a mule hadn’t come.

    On the other side of him a big negro bawled:

    “Dat’s all right! De cullud man on top!”

    The doctor surveyed the hall in dismay. At first not a white member was visible. The galleries were packed with negroes. The Speaker presiding was a negro, the Clerk a negro, the doorkeepers negroes, the little pages all coal-black negroes, the Chaplain a negro. The negro party consisted of one hundred and one—ninety-four blacks and seven scallawags, who claimed to be white. The remains of Aryan civilisation were represented by twenty-three white men from the Scotch-Irish hill counties.

    The doctor had served three terms as the member from Ulster in this hall in the old days, and its appearance now was beyond any conceivable depth of degradation.

    The ninety-four Africans, constituting almost its solid membership, were a motley crew. Every negro type was there, from the genteel butler to the clodhopper from the cotton and rice fields. Some had on second-hand seedy frock-coats their old masters had given them before the war, glossy and threadbare. Old stovepipe hats, of every style in vogue since Noah came out of the ark, were placed conspicuously on the desks or cocked on the backs of the heads of the honourable members. Some wore the coarse clothes of the field, stained with red mud.

    Old Aleck, he noted, had a red woolen comforter wound round his neck in place of a shirt or collar. He had tried to go barefooted, but the Speaker had issued a rule that members should come shod. He was easing his feet by placing his brogans under the desk, wearing only his red socks.

    Each member had his name painted in enormous gold letters on his desk, and had placed beside it a sixty- dollar French imported spittoon. Even the Congress of the United States, under the inspiration of Oakes Ames and Speaker Colfax, could only afford one of domestic make, which cost a dollar.

    The uproar was deafening. From four to six negroes were trying to speak at the same time. Aleck’s majestic mouth with blue gums and projecting teeth led the chorus, as he ambled down the aisle, his bow-legs flying their redsock ensigns.

    The Speaker singled him out—his voice was something which simply could not be ignored—rapped and yelled:

    “De gemman from Ulster set down!”

    Aleck turned crestfallen and resumed his seat, throwing his big flat feet in their red woollens up on his desk and hiding his face behind their enormous spread.

    He had barely settled in his chair before a new idea flashed through his head and up he jumped again:

    “Mistah Speaker!” he bawled.

    “Orda da!” yelled another.

    “Knock ‘im in de head!”

    “Seddown, nigger!”

    The Speaker pointed his gavel at Aleck and threatened him laughingly:

    “Ef de gemman from Ulster doan set down I gwine call ‘im ter orda!”

    Uncle Aleck greeted this threat with a wild guffaw, which the whole House about him joined in heartily. They laughed like so many hens cackling—when one started the others would follow.

    The most of them were munching peanuts, and the crush of hulls under heavy feet added a subnote to the confusion like the crackle of a prairie fire.

    The ambition of each negro seemed to be to speak at least a half-dozen times on each question, saying the same thing every time.

    No man was allowed to talk five minutes without an interruption which brought on another and another until the speaker was drowned in a storm of contending yells. Their struggles to get the floor with bawlings, bellowings, and contortions, and the senseless rap of the Speaker’s gavel, were something appalling.

  10. KenH says:

    As more negroes get elected to Congress thanks to gerrymandered districts the more the lower chamber resembles The House of Representin’ from the movie Idiocracy.

  11. @Richard B

    The reason for this helplessness was the population explosion (which most of us are the products of). It introduced millions and millions of people who were born into the West, but were never properly assimilated into the West and its cultural patterns, which were becoming increasingly complex.

    But the Western birthrate has never come close to what it was in the 18th century. Why were those enormous families able to instill deep, lasting cultural values that much-smaller contemporary families fail to do?

    Well for starters they didn’t send their children off to government indoctrination camps for eight hours a day. They had much smaller lives in that most lived and died within walking distance of their place of birth. They worked closer to home. Their children worked alongside them.

    In short, they shared their lives with their children. We don’t do that anymore. Throw in every generation having its own popular culture and it’s not at all hard to see why we’ve lost what we have: where are the families and communities that used to plant and nurture these seeds? They don’t exist any longer.

    The philosophy of Marx requires existing institutions to be torn down to neutralize their oppression and inequality. But the acolytes of Marx never seem to get around to building a replacement. The revolution is perpetual. You’re living through it. It will go on until the revolutionaries are placed under the guillotine, or stood between a wall and a brace of rifles, or thrown from airborne helicopters.

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