I remember riding through Tehran next to Kevin Barrett listening to him tell me the story of his conversion to Islam. This was probably in 2013 at the first of many conferences I would attend over the next ten years organized by the late Nader Talebzadeh, a man who brought east and west together in a way that has been sorely missed since his untimely demise. The bus was full of Iranians who were evidently listening to our conversation. I know this because when Kevin said that he had been raised as a Unitarian, I replied “All you did was add camels to your Unitarianism,” at which point the Iranians on the bus all burst out laughing.
I have nothing against camels, but as “America’s leading Catholic intellectual,” as Kevin put it, I have a congenital allergic reaction to Unitarianism and more importantly to the Puritanism which spawned the Unitarian reaction by promulgating the distorted notion of Original Sin that goes by the term innate or total depravity. Ever since Ralph Waldo Emerson gave his Harvard Divinity school address, American culture has been plagued by two equally false understandings of Original Sin. Kevin continues that great American tradition by perpetuating that misunderstanding in one of his recent articles.[1]Kevin Barrett, Zionism is Antichrist, December 3, 2023. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#in...vKCpsx
Kevin dives into the deep end of the theological pool by citing as his authority on matters Catholic a young man by the name of Paul Kingsnorth. Kingsnorth is an Englishman, who converted from England’s version of Greta Thunbergism to Eastern orthodoxy, without picking up a rudimentary understanding of Christian theology along the way. Kingsnorth’s conversion, however, did allow him to dress up England’s ancestral hatred of Catholicism in theological terminology, and that led him to excoriate the Catholic Church for consigning “countless Irish babies . . . to unmarked graves and presumptive hellfire or purgatory because they were unbaptized.” I’m not sure whether presumptive hellfire is hotter than normal hellfire, but the idea that the Catholic Church sends “countless Irish babies” to hell “or purgatory” is a preposterous claim unknown in Catholic theology. To begin with, only the baptized can go to purgatory, where their souls are purged of the effects of the sins they have committed in this life. The souls in purgatory are known as the church suffering because they have been saved and will eventually enter heaven.
The Catholic Church affirms that baptism is necessary for salvation, but it also affirms that those who through no fault of their own could not know of Christ or his gospel or the requirement of baptism will be saved by how they follow the moral law which has been engraved on their conscience. The doctrine is known as invincible ignorance, and, unfortunately, it does not apply to people like Kingsnorth, who is presumably a member in good standing of the Orthodox church even though he does not understand its theology, which is identical to Catholic theology on baptism and Original Sin.
In a recent interview with Ben Shapiro, Bishop Robert Barron misused the idea invincible ignorance by applying it to Jews alive today. After Shapiro asked him “Am I going to hell?” Bishop Barron hemmed and then he hawed and then he invoked a misunderstanding of documents of Vatican II, when he should have asked simply, “Ben, are you baptized?” Shapiro presumably would have said “no,” and at that point Bishop Barron should have said, “Ben, if you refuse to be baptized, you cannot be saved.” In doing that Bishop Barron would have established at least one Catholic principle—the necessity of baptism for salvation—in a clear cut case, namely, the fact that the Jewish refusal to accept baptism denies them salvation.
The case of unbaptized infants is different even though the same principle applies. Kingsnorth then brings up limbo, another theological concept which he does not understand. Limbo is a theologoumenon, which is to say, a category of the mind which has been deduced according to human reason from theological principles which are certain, like “Baptism is necessary for salvation.” Limbo occupies a middle space between the theological certainty that Baptism is necessary for salvation and the moral certainty that God does not punish the innocent for sins that they did not commit. Original sin is not the same as actual sin. Original sin is a “wound,” the key concept that separates the Catholic understanding from the Calvinist belief in total depravity and the Unitarian Emersonian overly optimistic American version which Kevin seems to have inherited when he claims that nature and man are “perfect.” How anyone can watch the behavior of the unbaptized Israelis and their genocidal attack on innocent women and children in Palestine without feeling the need to appeal to a metaphysical understanding of evil is beyond me, probably because I’m a Catholic who follows the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, as expounded in the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
Following St. Paul, the Church has always taught that the overwhelming misery which oppresses men and their inclination toward evil and death cannot be understood apart from the connection with Adam’s sin and the fact that he has transmitted to us a sin with which we are all born afflicted, a sin which is the “death of the soul.” Because of this certainty of faith, the Church baptizes for the remission sin even tiny infants who have not committed personal sin.[2]Catechism of the Catholic Church , para 403.
So, to answer the question posed by Kevin’s Muslim wife, who wondered “How could anyone possibly believe that innocent babies who haven’t done anything wrong are sinful?” the Catholic Church responds:
Although it is proper to each individual, original sin does not have the character of personal fault in any of Adam’s descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice, but human nature has not been totally corrupted. It is wounded in the natural powers proper to it: subject to ignorance, suffering, and the domination of death; and inclined to sin—an inclination to evil that is called “concupiscence.” Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ’s grace, erases original sin and turns a man back toward God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle.[3]Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 404.
Kingsnorth to his credit brings up the concept of sin embodied in the Greek term “hamartia,” which he does not name, but which does derive from archery. Virtuous behavior is like the arrow which hits the target. Sin is the arrow which misses the target by going to one side—in this instance the Calvinist exaggeration—or the other—in this instance the Emersonian minimalization of Original Sin which still plagues the mind of Unitarianism insofar as it still has a mind left to plague. The Catholic understanding of Original Sin is related to the Catholic understanding of penance, or the effort required to remove the effect of sin even after the sin has been confessed. According to St. John Chrysostom, sin is like an arrow. Even after the arrow has been removed, the wound remains requiring healing. The same thing is true of Original Sin, which is the “wound” which Adam’s sin bequeathed to the entire human race. No one enters heaven until that wound has been healed by the grace of baptism.
[1] Kevin Barrett, Zionism is Antichrist, December 3, 2023. https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=rm&ogbl#inbox/FMfcgzGwHxsbrjdzWcfWjLxdxrvKCpsx
[2] Catechism of the Catholic Church , para 403.
[3] Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 404.
You actually have no congenital allergic reaction to Unitarianism. You have been fully immunized with all of your boosters. The process of innovation, i.e., in this case, mutation from a trinitarian to a unitarian theology, is embedded within the DNA of the Latin Church. It’s been going on for more than a millennium. Unitarians merely innovated further than the Puritans.
The Puritans, the Calvinists simply logically extended St Augustine’s concept of Original Sin to total depravity. And they did this in the same spirit, I might add, that Catholics embraced the innovations that the Frankish bishops forcibly injected into the Latin Church in the tenth century. Protestants are really no more than logical Catholic zombies. That’s why when they say they are Reformed, what they mean is that they are Reformed Catholics. Today both Protestants and Catholics are still innovating in the Western Church. Gay Anglican clergy? LGTBQ youth group meeting in the Methodist Church? Wasn’t that a rainbow pectoral cross recently sported by the Pope?
Original Sin itself is an innovation of St Augustine, or maybe better, an exaggeration and distortion of the Orthodox and Catholic teaching of Ancestral Sin. Ancestral Sin is a heavy enough of a burden, teaching that while we are born into an environment of iniquities we are not responsible for the guilt of all of our ancestors. The guilt of our own sins is bad enough, believe me.
Catholic theology, and the theology of the Western Church as a whole, claiming that we all collectively bear the guilt of our forebears, or, at the very least and that we are born guilty as sinners, as opposed to being born into a sinful environment, is the source of much wrong thinking. The idea of collective racial guilt comes to mind. Are you dismayed by the beliefs of the woke? That all whites bear responsibility for all harm done to Blacks? That’s just the theology of the West speaking. Thank St Augustine. Thank the Frankish bishops. Thank the Latin Church. Thank the Unitarians. Thank the process of theological innovation.
To be fair, they were just following orders.
This is why I love the RUnz review! The bromance of the Lurch of Notre Dame and the Cheesehead with the keffiyeh could only be born of the greylands of the Midwest.
Modern biology believes that traumatic effects on parents can be inherited by offspring. And since sin is strictly speaking the absence of good it seems possible that this trait (or deprivation of a positive trait) could be passed inter-generationally.
/Catechism of the Catholic Church/
St John Mary Vianney, like a Frenchman, astutely observed that each of the seven deadly sins provides man with at least a moment’s pleasure. Pride – because it allows him to nourish the illusion that he is better, wiser, or greater than he really is – until the spell breaks, of course. Greed – because such a greedy person can roll in gold at any time, and even if they don’t have gold yet, they can roll in it in their dreams. Impurity – aaa, here the pleasure can be even quite a lot, although, on the other hand, it was pointed out a long time ago that, yes, there would be a lot of pleasure, but what good is it when it is spoiled by the fear of contagion and by the fear of impregnation on the other hand? It is worth adding that the latter fear affects above all for those who commit adultery, as pointed out in the praise of conjugal intercourse marriage: “O ye most tender conjugal caresses! O lewdness given by the hand of virtue!”
Gluttony and drunkenness can also provide some pleasure, especially at the very beginning of sinning. Nobel Prize winner in economics, Professor Milton Friedman even wrote about the similarity of drunkenness to phenomena in the financial world. In both cases, he said, there is first an excess of liquidity and euphoria. Depression comes only later. Anger – oh, how many people love to be angry, because it is often the only way they can gratify their self-love. And finally – laziness. It is not without reason that the Italians have a term for ‘dolce far niente’! Who doesn’t like to laze around from time to time? There is only one cardinal sin that does not give man even a moment’s pleasure: envy.Not only does envy give man a moment’s pleasure, but in addition it becomes the cause of anguish, painfully offending the sinner’s self-love. It is difficult to say why people actually sin with jealousy, so it is yet another proof of the mysteriousness of both the world and human nature.
“For Equality to reign, first, everyone must be trodden in the muck; for man to be the brother of man, he must first be trained with a whip; everything will also be taken from him, so he can truly scorn ownership. Striped clothing, a wheelbarrow, a shovel, will greatly enrich your life, and when you find yourself behind the wire, worry and sadness will leave you, and joy will dwell in your heart, for you have entered the kingdom of Freedom!”
E. Michael Jones ,you know the authority of the Word of God ,so I hope you believe according to the scripture and not the human interpretations which is forbidden by the same. 2 Peter ch.1 v 20.
When Jesus speaks He tells The Truth, Matthew 19:14
“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Why don’t you believe Christ Jesus rather than human interpretations.?
Original sin is a human concept, so I accept what is written about us,
Romans 3:10
“As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:” or
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:”
Nothing can wash man’s sin , no water baptism but The Blood of New Covenant, if one believes and turn to Christ with a humble heart, and after receives water baptism. So let us put away religious rituals but turn to the living God so we will receive forgiveness and the gift of eternal life through the faith in Christ Jesus. God bless all.
There is a lot of faith that is pure nonsense, for them it seems that the Commandment of Do Not Kill belongs in the garbage dump of the divine. And not to mention those words of Jesus saying:
“The second great Commandment is love of neighbor.”
Therefore let us hate and kill each other and give life to racism and greed.
When I was a Catholic, the church taught me that “original sin” was the state that each of us was born into because aeons ago a naked lady took a magic apple from a talking snake in an enchanted garden. When I reached the age of reason I began to have grave doubts and by the time puberty and the “sin” of “impure thoughts” came along, I was out of there.
Christianity’s fatal error is that it continues the essentially neurotic Jewish worldview that “the human heart is desperately wicked.” By being stubbornly and resolutely blind to the wholeness that is innate in each of us, the faith renders its victims ever dependent on some external “cure” for a problem that does not actually exist. What is truly bizarre is that Christianity has succeeded in recasting seeking pleasure, the fundamental imperative of every living being, into an occasion of sin, while suffering, which all creatures avoid, becomes praiseworthy and pleasing to the deity who “loves” us so dearly. To this add the unnatural taboos and restrictions governing what most distinguishes our species from all the other animals: our ability to reason, and you have the perfect recipe for keeping people weak, fearful, and most of all, easy to control.
And before Catholicism took over Christianity by force, there was Universalism practiced by the early church fathers.
Wonder why he is stuck on Unitarians, which came 1700 years later?
Dear Mike,
The Eastern Orthodox Church has a different understanding of this matter and view of Roman Catholicism’s teaching, that Rome teaches that people suffer from the GUILT of Adam and Eve as well as the effects of their ancestral sin on future generations. Orthodoxy teaches neither Limbo nor Purgatory and that unbaptized babies are not cut off from the mercy or presence of God. Orthodoxy teaches that indeed we have inherited their fallen sinful nature, but not the guilt of their original sin.
Furthermore, I would argue that both old anti-Jewish feeling, that later Jews are “Dei-cides” because their ancestors crucified the Lord and today’s Liberalism “piggyback” on this Roman Catholic misunderstanding of original sin, or ancestral sin in the Orthodox understanding, to declare all White people today guilty of the slave trade by use of this misconception. There is no intergenerational sin, in short, only the sins we, ourselves, commit. Neither Jews since the Passion nor Whites today bear any guilt for the respective sins of (some) of their ancestors.
Your navel gazing, Churchianity intellectual disputes don’t matter a bit in the scheme of things, because you’ve lost the central lesson of Christianity: Jesus lived, preached, challenged the corrupt, murderous, self-satisfied “synagogue of Satan” Jewish establishment, was crucified at the instigation of these Zionists, by zoglodytes (the zoglodytes “know not what they do” — they’re too stupid), and came back in spiritual form as Christ to kick kike ass and lead Western Civilization to salvation.
You in your churches and mosques and synagogues, pontificating on the finer points of navels — Talmud style — have lost the forest for the trees.
There is one central message to Christendom that, at its core, is indisputably wise, and has a proven 2000 year track record of building and maintaining the highest civilization ever known to man: kick treasonous kike ass, keep kicking kike ass, and when there are no kike asses left to kick, start in on the zoglodyte Judas’ and useful idiots.
That’s how to win and keep winning. Everything else is cope, decline, and disintegration.
Amen! Bro Jones! Excellent and very true description of Original Sin.
To all the naysayers here, have you ever observed children? You can see Original Sin in Children. Their selfishness, their crybabiness, their covetousness, their jealousies. so-on-and-so-forth. It is readily observable! America is drowning in Sin brought on by Original Sin, or more precise the Original Wound!
I would not say the word “wound” but dysfunctionality. We are Born Dysfunctional! Yeah, a wound, but I would say Dysfunctional. We are All damaged by Adam’s sin. It is not that Eve sinned–but it was Adam’s sin that we are all damaged. This Catholic theology perfectly mirrors the human condition. And that Baptism, an outright act in Nature, is necessary for salvation. When Jesus was baptized–All Water is holy and becomes a vehicle. The Metaphysical is mirrored in the material!
An Orthodox clergyman told me that their belief regarding original sin -or as he called it “the fall from grace” was death rather than the Augustinian focus on the sexual desire. Does anyone really believe in Limbo anymore, and are all those unbaptized babies forever consigned to doing that crazy dance from the early 1960s?
Fact check: The Pope did NOT wear a rainbow cross. And were he to wear one, he would never wear it ex cathedra.
Though Mr. Jones I would a little quibble about the 1992 edition of the Catholic Catechism commissioned by Pope John Paul II and given a Imprini Potest by Cardinal Ratzinger.
“International Solidarity” and “World Peace” is the requirements of Jewish Messianism. “Solidarity among nations and peoples” is race-mixing.
§360 “…the human race forms a unity”; §361 “…that all men are truly brethren.”
There you go, Masonic Doctrine of the Universal Brotherhood of Man, which is Jewish Messianism!
I would hope that you refer to the Baltimore Catechism next time rather than the heretical 1992 Pope John Paul II edition. Furthermore, that the Magisterium has adopted Jewish Messianism, calls into question Vatican I. Vatican II was a Gnostic council and Vatican I overstepped its bounds.
Your implication that man is born innocent into a sinful environment is the root of Secular Humanism’s imposing a brotherhood of man without God through violence. Secular Humanism is the de facto state religion of the United States, as it was of the former Soviet Union, and has been responsible during the last century alone for orders of magnitude more human suffering than any social order maintained by faith in Christ and belief in inherent sinfulness.
How about a direct comparison between the Baltimore Catechism and later modifications, as well as where you believe EMJ stands. From what I’ve read, Francis has relativized the faith along the lines of Teilhard de Chardin by suggesting that doctrines that may have been thought true in the Middle Ages are no longer believable in light of modern science, etc. In other words, the elephant in the room is that, like Teilhard, he’s let the camel’s nose under the tent for the purpose of casting the entirety into the realm of superstition whose residual value lies in aligning the Church’s moral teachings with the globe-homo agenda as justification for an atheistic world government.
As Schopenhauer observed, Christianity, though infinitely more spiritually profound than the crude religions of the pagans (which “neopagans” on the Left and Right seem to want to return to, like a dog to its vomit), has a number of metaphysical conundrums due to its being rooted in Jewish mythology.
For example, being derived not from mediation but from rabbis concocting crazy arguments to derive stuff from their scriptures (Pilpul, gematria, etc.), Christianity, unlike every non-Semitic tradition, has no proper doctrine of the origin and fate of the soul. In Judaism, each soul is created from nothing, and at death smashed into nothingness like a clay pot. Christianity keeps the first idea, but then claims this soul, despite coming from nothing and having an origin in Time, nevertheless exists forever! Moreover, despite being called into existence from nothing, the soul is burdened with many debts, from deformities, being born into poverty, etc. all the way up to eternal damnation for one or more sins!
(Cf. the fake atheist Heidegger, with his “call of conscience” condemning Dasein with the verdict of “Guilty!” despite being “thrown” into existence. What a charlatan.)
Anywho, the Indian traditions have the correct doctrine of reincarnation, which on the metaphysical level avoids the absurdity of an eternal being with a beginning in time, and religiously accounts for our guilt from previous lives (not, like infant, de novo) and provides for future possibilities for expiation and forgiveness (unlike Hell)
So, to get to the question here: Purgatory was the Western Church’s crude attempt to incorporate reincarnation: instead of being born again in a new existence, the soul is given a chance to expiate minor sins (with the help of paying fees for indulgences to the Church, of course). And with Limbo, the unbaptized infant does not suffer but merely hangs out eternally. Crude, but effective.
Fun Fact: Augustine says that Hell is paved with the bones of the unbaptized. Nice guy!
“How could anyone possibly believe that innocent babies who haven’t done anything wrong are sinful?”
Short answer: be a Jew.
Basically, the Jew God hates, hates, hates children and delights in their torment. Sound familiar?
Many people are ignorant of the basic condition of Life. “Life is War”. Heraclitus: “It should be understood that was is the common condition, that strife is justice, and that all things come to pass through the compulsion of strife.” Life is War was the basis of the foundation of the laws/customs of the Doric republics of Crete and Laconia. And to buttress this observation of Heraclitus, I bring up Clinias from Plato’s Laws:
An excerpt from my book Part I The Case of the Barefoot Socrates: Academic Myth-Making and the Jewish Transformation of the West
That is Original Sin.
It is just an observation of reality. The Doric Greeks, Plato and Aristotle both note the condition of mankind–Dysfunctional. The roots of the idea of Original Sin is NOT in St. Augustine but in philosophy, Doric Greek philosophy which is the ONLY one. Philosophy, True philosophy, which is science is about “reading reality”, being a “reader of Nature”, “To Know the Condition of that which is”. That’s all. Man is steeped in dysfunctionality called Original Sin. We can NOT overcome that without the Grace of Almighty God and following His Instructions in the One Holy Catholic Church, with II Peter 1:5, “Supplement The Faith with Arete”. Arete is the antidote to the effects of Orginal Sin!
These passages of the article:
, …and:
OK, … to paraphrase, I think these two passages together mean that humans are very inclined to passions that lead to selfish anti-social behavior, which is not the natural state of man, and so, this ‘wound’ to the natural state of man must be repaired, and the best/only way to repair that is through Christian baptism.
Mmmmm. Why not repair that instead via the Rene Girard-inspired-Christian-interpretation-mode of ‘ontological humility’ (the idea that the most egregious sin of all, is the sin of ontological conceit, which in turn, is the idea that no finite being like a human has any business taking on any God-like or Infinite-like pretensions for oneself, as these such pretensions always lead to the devilish community scapegoating dynamic that we are all addicted to)? Instead Jones claims the only way to repair that is via the ceremony of baptism? I suppose because this ceremonial act hearkens the Judaic blood covenant themes?
Is Jones simply a ceremony-junky? That gets off on ceremony inspired by Judaic blood covenant dreck? Does Jones believe, as per the Jesus-story, that Jesus was being serious when he claimed ‘I am the fulfillment of the Judaic prophetic record’, instead of mocking them and their extremely idiotic prophetic record? If so Jones does not speak for all Christians, or even all Roman Catholics. Instead it appears that he might be a leading voice for the continued gross institutionalization (by way of enforcing false Judaic tropes) of Christianity. Did he pick the wrong side but wants to make it out that he is a spiritual maverick, nevertheless? But it is Rene Girard who is the maverick. Jones is the anti-maverick, in every sense (he wants to brand the unbranded with ceremonial baptism).
BOY, OH, BOY, what have you gotten yourself into there James!
First off, Christianity is NOT a “Jewish” religion! Jesus said so Himself! You’re sooooo miseducated!
Jesus said, “The Faith will be taken away from you [The Jews] and given to another ethnos [nation]”! Then Christ continues with the Parable of the New Wine Skins; i.e. you can’t pour New Wine [The Gospel] into Old Wine Skins [meaning Judaism]”!!! Christianity is a Greek/European religion with Jewish roots! We are grafted in—but the Clothing, accouterments of Christianity are Greek, European proven by the fact that Judaized Protestants belabor and attack Catholicism for its “paganness”!!! Christianity is SUPPOSED to be “Pagan” —because it is European, …numbskulls!
Christianity was formed by Hellenism! Christianity is Hellenism! I was taught that by Archimandrite Boniface Luykx (trained as a Norbertine priest; he transferred to the Ukrainian Catholic C) in his classes and it is here in Jeffrey Dell Ehrlich’s book Plato’s Gift to Christianity, The Gentile Preparation for and the Making of the Christian Faith.
The “soul” that the Catholicism uses COMES FROM PLATO! The Doric Greeks asked a simple question–what is the difference between dead material things like stone and sand from living things like a horse. The answer was SOUL. Plato defined Soul as “any living thing”; “All things that have self-movement have soul”; Soul is the life force. All living things have SOUL–in his day, plants, animals and humans. (In modern times, we can label bacteria and fungi having souls too. This is TRADITIONAL Catholic teaching! {AS I’ve said, Catholicism is Platonism!}) Many Early Christians were Platonists! Many! They were ALREADY accustomed to the Soul through PLATO.! They just subscribed Platonic thought to Scripture!
There is NO reincarnation and Purgatory is NOT reincarnation! To the Orthodox reading this as well, “Purgatory” is a necessary Logical assumption from “Praying for the dead”. If you pray for the dead—MEANS THE DANG Person is NOT in Heaven—Capice? Therefore, one must logically assume that there is another place of waiting. That is what Purgatory is essentially. Even the Orthodox pray for the dead. And I wonder what the Orthodox think—If you are praying for the repose of a soul–then that person is NOT in Heaven. People in heaven do NOT need our prayers.
The SOUL is our identity. It is NON_transferrable! No reincarnation. The Soul is our personality, our form, our gender and our ethnicity! That doesn’t change. Scripture has it, “We die once and are judged”. —furthermore, Logically, Reincarnation needs a “director”. There is Some party that must direct souls to this-n-that, right? Well, who is that? Reincarnation is nonsense.
How does being baptised by sinners (homosexuals and others) save anyone? When John the Baptist shows up at my door, I’ll let him do it. Funny John the Baptist wasn’t in a church but flowing water. Sprinkling water with unclean hands is pointless, in my humble opinion. Baptism is more a marriage to the church and the faith, whatever that may be and not necessarily anything to do with Jesus. Baptists waited till you were older and could make a conscious choice but it seemed more a tying to the church, and pot luck on Wednesday, than to Christ.
Original sin of Adam, oh please expound more on the subject, it’s lacking in detail.
Nothing says that everyone has to be Jesus to save themselves, someone has to be in the flock. Everyone seems to do as much as possible to be God, they even save people, anyone, all on their own, no Christ, or God or Spirit. Now that is truly the miracle of our times and how they do it the Mystery.
Reminder this man bought a house in an upper class neighborhood, put his kids through Ivy League schools and travelled the world for 30 years by selling a fringe catholic newsletter. Only someone who worships jewish desert fables could buy that backstory.
E. Michael Jones, please interview Islamic scholars, Jay Smith, and also, David Wood, in your Friday and EMJ shows about the true history of the Qur’an (Koran) and the accurate historical person of Muhammed.
You can find their works in their YouTube videos in
CIRA International
David Wood: / acts17apologetics
This speech of Jay Smith (in a series of 20 talks given in London) explains the basic facts about Islam and Muslims that all Americans and Europeans must know if they want to preserve their Christian civilization and democratic constitutions for the next generations to come. In his talk, he says that Muslims will NEVER assimilate with their host country where they are residing because their goal is to replace the Christian traditions and western democratic constitutions with totalitarian Islamic laws. They are now trying to achieve this replacement systematically, and he gives examples of Islamic courts already being established in England and in the West.
1. Jay Smith: An Introduction to Islam in the West
Video Link
Welcome to CIRA International – Channel Trailer
Video Link
Aisha Was a CHILD When She Married Muhammad! – David Wood – Episode 3
Video Link
About the Jewish Genocide State of Israel currently pillaging Gaza, please see references here
E. Michael Jones, please interview Islamic scholars, Jay Smith, and also, David Wood, in your Friday and EMJ shows about the true history of the Qur’an (Koran) and the accurate historical person of Muhammed.
You can find their works in their YouTube videos in
CIRA International
This speech of Jay Smith (in a series of 20 talks given in London) explains the basic facts about Islam and Muslims that all Americans and Europeans must know if they want to preserve their Christian civilization and democratic constitutions for the next generations to come. In his talk, he says that Muslims will NEVER assimilate with their host country where they are residing because their goal is to replace the Christian traditions and western democratic constitutions with totalitarian Islamic laws. They are now trying to achieve this replacement systematically, and he gives examples of Islamic courts already being established in England and in the West.
1. Jay Smith: An Introduction to Islam in the West
Video Link
Welcome to CIRA International – Channel Trailer
Video Link
Aisha Was a CHILD When She Married Muhammad! – David Wood – Episode 3
Video Link
About the Jewish Genocide State of Israel currently pillaging Gaza, please see references here
Whew, glad once again that I lack religion.
“Puberty”. So, sex then.
Your urges are, yes, natural. The urge to grab that candy bar without paying for it is also natural. Such urges need to be controlled and channeled, but you do not believe they are problems. You do not believe your urges should be controlled or channeled.
Leaving Christianity aside (I am by no means as good a Christian as is Jones), you live in sin. You can bark at us all you like, as a sealion must, but you remain in sin, and deep down you know it.
You don’t understand a single one of the Scriptures that you so glibly quote. Talk less, study more.
The concept of original sin, as explained to me by our 7th grade religion teacher, a monk:
Imagine two middle school football teams. After the first day of practice in August, Coach Bob gathers his boy and shouts, “you guys suck, you’re weak and out of shape, I feel like puking after watching you, I don’t know if I even want to be your coach….”
Across town, Coach Steve also gathers his team after the first day. “Wow, I’m impressed, you guys look really good already, we’re gonna have a great season!”
Now I ask you, who’s going to be the better team come playoff time in October?
It’s simple, original sin tells its adherents they have to get better. Modern post-Christians think they’re fine just the way they are, and act accordingly.
EMJ isn’t the only traditional Catholic thinker/philosopher who has good things to say about Islam. Peter Kreeft, Thomist philosopher and Boston College professor emeritus— and one of the favorites of the Trad Catholics— has in a few of his Ignatius Press books a hero who is a devout Muslim (‘Isa’ a Palestinian Muslim): A Refutation of Moral Relativism, Between Allah & Jesus, An Ocean Full of Angels, et al.
When Jordan Peterson had Kreeft on his podcast recently he asked Kreeft why he had a special respect for Muslims and Kreeft essentially said (my paraphrase) that he admired the devotion and simplicity of prayer life of faithful Muslims. No wishy-washiness.
He does make a point about Growing up.
And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
I doubt it means you must always stay little children, but become as little children.
So there is room for error in your life too?
Indeed it is not. It is the clear unambiguous teaching of the Ancient Church; we are responsible for our own sins, not the sins of our ancestors who brought sin into the world and created the environment of sin. Sin is conceived of as more of a disease, requiring Christ’s healing. The Ancient Church, the Early Church, the Orthodox Church, is as far from secular humanism as you can get. They worshipped (some still do) and they gladly died for Christ.
You are most likely right, probably that was photoshopped. I should have been more careful.
However, bishops holding out against the LGTBQ agenda are fired, while German bishops permit blessings of homosexual relationships. Meanwhile Bertoglio says nothing. He might as well wear a rainbow pectoral cross.
Oh never mind. You shouldn’t have to die for Christ if he already died for you.
Ami I the only one who noticed that when the pope met with jewish “rabbis”, his crucifix was not exposed but was concealed in a small “pocket”.
This is more proof of jewish supremacy.
Read the jewish Talmud and you will have your answer.
The hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity that is spewed in this jewish supremacist text knows no bounds.
You see, jews operate covertly when it come to their hatred of Christianity as long as the support (shekels) from misguided Christian evangelicals keeps flowing.
What is never mentioned is jewish hatred of Christians in Israel that is overt, despite misguided evangelical Christians who support jews and Israel. The evangelical Christians who support judaism are misguided to say the least…
As to Islam, Jesus Christ is looked upon as a great prophet and is accorded respect, while his mother Mary is specifically mentioned on the Qu’ran and is given a position of high honor.
Contrast that with the jewish Talmud, which declares that Jesus Christ is an apostate’ “boiling in excrement for eternity” while his mother Mary, “is a harlot who conceived Jesus Christ with a Roman soldier”.
Now, tell me which belief system has a greater respect for Christianity…
Hint: It isn’t judaism…
You end up with secular humanism because of immigration and competing religions not just because of atheists. To live in Christ is to have the heart of child, not to be confused with being ignorant. There are ways to express your belief in more subtle ways without resorting to meanness and name calling. It can be made loud and clear just exactly what you mean.
E. Michael Jones, what do you think of these articles and video that expound on Jesus Was Not A Jew https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/07/27/jesus-was-not-a-jew/
Jesus Was Not A Jew, Either By Religion Or By Ancestry https://rense.com/general96/jesusnotjew.html
At around 1.03.13 mark, Benjamin Freedman explained why Jesus was not a Jew.
At 1.28.20 mark he explained why WW1 and WW2 had to happen, and also for WW3 (God forbid), all and only because the Jews wanted to obtain Palestine. But not a single hair of the Jews was harmed.
Did you know Benjamin Freedman?
Video Link
Bibi Netanyahu has been deceiving the American nation and misleading thousands of young Americans to go and fight for Israel’s wars and die for Jews. He has been buying the souls of the members of the House of Congress for years and he is now finishing off his job and he must take Palestine 100% for the Jews as was intended since WW1 and WW2.
This is what he meant with “You stand with Israel” to the House of Congress in this video.
Video Link
Do you know and agree with Vernon Coleman – Israel Supporters are Monsters
Do you agree – Dec 6 – Netanyahu Serves Doomsday Cult
And that was perfectly mirrored for me on a television screen of an experiment on children who were placed in a toy filled room with a one way mirror. The children were tested for they’re obedience or lack thereof by informing them they had the freedom to play with as many of the toys they wanted except for certain ones which they weren’t allowed to even touch. The adults then left he room for an hour or so and lo and behold what some of the kids did was fully seen and recorded through the one way mirror. Some the kids not only went after the toys but put them back or tried to put them back exactly as they found them. Upon returning to the room the adults noticed of course the misplaced toys and asked the kids if they had played with them and the kids the way they lied and schemed to get away with those lies was simply amazing to watch. It is an experiment that has always stayed with me these 30 years.
There is an interesting sentence in the Book of Job:
Beware of turning to evil which you seem to prefer to affliction. 36:21
What a great book Job is describing very well our fallen state and how we need to be tested and purified accordingly and further summed up perfectly:
I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. Rev. 3:18
We need more examples of saintly people and imagine God praises only three people who attained to that in the Old Testament Noah, Daniel, and Job. Ezekiel 14:12-20
God praises only three people, imagine 3!!! And if that doesn’t bring us to who and what a Jewish person really is:
No, a person is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a person’s praise is not from other people, but from God. Romans 2:29
Norman Lear died today at the age of 100. Get a load of his bio courtesy of Wikipedia:
I think I’ll go to listen to some talks by the late great Father Coughlin.
To the readers, lurkers. Part I.
Catholicism is Platonism squared. The Euthyphro is a key philosophical idea to understanding Catholic theology. What does the Euthyphro ask?
This is not a “dilemma”. But the Golden Mean—a Natural Law or if you like a Law of Nature.
The Euthyphro question is in a riddle; the Spartans spoke in riddles; philosophy was expressed in riddles. This riddle is an exhibition of the Golden Mean:
The so-called Euthyphro dilemma is really the presentation of “two extremes” that meet! The “pious” is a synonym for “The Good”. The answer is not “one-or-the-other”–but that BOTH are correct and sit with each other. Atheists are always harping on Reason. Well, what does reason teach? What is God? If one conceives of “God”–what does one naturally think of? That God is The Good–that is what God means.
God is THE GOOD. And THE GOOD is God — The Golden Mean. They are ONE and the Same! The Good, since it is supreme (as Good), Good, then, is cognizant, is a Person, a Being that has been and always will be. If one is The Good–Then, One Is (I am, Who Am). And because it is THE GOOD, it commands Itself. This is all just logical. The Euthyphro shows the way to understand God–that is the whole point of writing that. It is purposely NOT answered by Socrates, for this is what is called a “guided discovery”–you are to discover yourself the meaning.
This is a teaching of Nature! The Golden Mean comes out of, is derived out of Nature, the Cosmos. The Doric Greeks pulled the Golden Mean out of Nature—and then applied that to theology to understand what is going on.
E. Michael Jones, Is it true that Martin Luther looted the churches and the properties of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany? Is it true that he removed several books from the Catholic Bible because they bothered his immoral lustful life? This is why the Protestant Bible has less books than the Catholic Bible. Fr. Hesse said in this video that based on documents that came out recently, Martin Luther was demonically possessed. Have you heard of this worst thing that has ever been said about Martin Luther? Jesus Christ said, “By their fruits you shall know them.” If Martin Luther was demonically possessed, what consequence does that have on his followers, the Protestants, if their root was demonically possessed?
Martin Luther: Saint or Sinner, by Fr Hesse
Video Link
Also, what do you think of the King James Bible? Is it true that King James was an openly homosexual man and that he was a Freemason as proven by the illustrations in the original King James Bible?
Video Link
Is it true that the Jews infiltrated the Vatican II Council by becoming fake converts and imposter priests and imposter bishops and imposter theologians so they could destroy the Catholic Church from within and change Catholic doctrines and Catholic moral teachings from within as documented in this book,
The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay? http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm
What do you think of the Kabbalah and the serpent god of the Jews?
Talmud Unmasked
Kabbalistic Serpent Rising
https://ia803004.us.archive.org/21/items/KabbalisticSerpentSatanRising/Kabbalistic%20Serpent%20Satan%20Rising.pdf (Free pdf)
Holy Serpent of the Jews
https://ia802304.us.archive.org/31/items/holy-serpent-of-the-jews-texe-marrs_202110/Holy%20Serpent%20of%20the%20Jews%20-%20Texe%20Marrs.pdf (Free pdf)
Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know
The Synagogue of Satan
Nov 19 – Israel Did 9-11, Oops, 7/10/23
“Christianity’s fatal error is that it continues the essentially neurotic Jewish worldview that ‘the human heart is desperately wicked.’” That’s pretty much the Islamic position. Other fatal errors in Monotheism 1.1 and Monotheism 1.2 include their depictions of God as anthropomorphic and unjust.
For Plato, things of this world are but imperfect copies of the Forms. The Forms are Ideas in God’s Mind. That humans are able to dimly perceive the Forms is due to the fact that humans partake somewhat imperfectly of God’s Nature.
The Forms are the templates by which God ordered the Universe. Humans, in acting in accordance with the Forms of Justice, create as perfect a world as they are capable of doing. However, as with everything in this material realm, human notions of Justice are flawed and break down.
All things that partake of this material existence are subject to change. Only the Forms endure. Everything in this material existence is partial. It is flawed. This is original sin.
To contemplate the Eternal is the most blessed state of Mind that a human can attain.
The pleasures of the body are fleeting. To pursue them is to put one’s faith in a will-o’-the-wisp. To allow those pleasure to rule one’s life is to have the mentality of a slave. The superior man refuses to allow himself to be subject of his own desires. Stoicism and Epicureanism were expressions of the attempt to rise above the disappointments and pains that follow upon the heels of the pleasures associated with the flesh. Fame is fleeting. Reputation is unfairly sullied. Promises are broken. Followers betray. Wean oneself from the pleasure derived from those things over which one has no control. Or, learn to take pleasure where it is offered but don’t let your expectations outrun your skepticism.
Incompleteness is original sin. As all things in this realm partake of materiality, all are fallen. Craving tacitly acknowledges incompleteness. Augustine saw how this perfectly dovetailed with Christian notions of original sin and grafted Christianity onto this intellectual Greek trunk.
Christianity, as it came to be embodied in the Church, cannot not be understood without a knowledge of Plato. For Plato, however, there was no magic Jesus to wave his wand and make men whole again. To become whole was a spiritual quest, akin to climbing a mountain. One needed to be initiated and guided in the procedure and this was limited to certain extraordinary people.
I don’t know how someone who accepts Vatican II without reservation can really be considered a defender of the faith, but anything goes nowadays. At the end of the day EMJ is a english professor and not a theologian so we can excuse is myopia regarding the damage logically ensuing from the changes made to the Catholic Church by protestants and Jews. For instance, who were they to know better to alter the Tridentine mass that the Saints all attended? Was Saint Thomas Aquinas a schismatic for attending the Latin Mass?
To the readers, lurkers. Part II. Understanding Catholicism. The Catholic Orthodox Church is the Efficient Cause!
In the first post, I presented thru Logical inference, thru the Euthyphro example, that “The Good is God and God is The Good”. It is the Golden Mean where the extremes meet.
The next Logical Inference is that —The Good can NOT be The Good without Justice. If The Good can’t enforce, engage, practice Justice–THEN IT IS NOT ‘THE GOOD’. The Good COMES WITH Justice! This is what Atheists can’t recognize—that Justice is a concomitant of The Good.
Many Atheists say, “I can be good without God, without religion”.
Every wrong thing we have done in our lives, requires retributive Justice. Atheists think just “doing good” is all that is needed! WRONG. You have NO way to expiate your sins, your evil! You can do good all day long–but that doesn’t expiate your personal mental crimes, omissions, etc.
Jesus said, “…Forgiveness of their sins”. That was Jesus’s main message! That is one huge part of the Gospel, the other being raised from the dead, that death has no power and that we have immortality after death.
Being “good” is NOT enough–one must be FORGIVEN aannnnnd Washed by the Blood in the act of Baptism, baptism of water thru the Holy Spirit!
The second thing, Hermeticism, Gnosticism erupted in the Renaissance with the message—you can save yourself. I have “Gnosis” therefore I’m ‘holy’ and ‘righteous’. Or like in Buddhism, I do yoga, purge myself of this-n-that and I reach heaven of MY OWN ACCORD, thru MY OWN effort. Hermeticism, Gnosticism Buddhism is about “one saves himself” —by my OWN actions, I can have heaven.
There is something called the Natural Law, or Laws of Nature. The ancient Doric Greeks labelled this Law IN Nature—as Logos. There is a Logos that resides in Nature.
The Golden Mean, macrocosm/microcosm, righteousness (the dictum that all things are constructed to do one thing), syncretism (the combinatorial system), The Rule of One is best, are all Natural Laws–they are found in Nature! There is another Law of Nature, i.e. The Four Causes. Aristotle enumerated them: Material, Formal, Efficient, Final. All Change goes thru this pattern!
God is the encapsulation of the Laws of Nature. We see God thru Nature because Nature is the Handiwork of God. God is the Golden Mean. God is Righteous. God is in a Tripartite paradigm. etc. The Good is defined, organized, created thru the Natural Law.
So is the Four Causes.
As one can see clearly is the Efficient Cause. There must be an OUTSIDE source for the effect to happen. This blows away ALL of Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Buddhism. You can NOT be good by yourself! You can not Absolve your self. You can NOT expiate your own sins (in a way). You can NOT pay for your punishments.
Jesus IS THE EFFICIENT CAUSE. And He transferred this Efficient Authority to His Church. The Church is the Efficient Cause for Salvation because The Church is the Body of Christ! The Grace of God FLOWS thru The Church. It is the Priest that baptizes–the Efficient Cause. The priest hears Confession—The Efficient Cause. You can NOT save yourself. That is Why Jesus said, “I AM, The WAY, The Truth, and The Life—NO ONE comes to the Father without Me”. Because Jesus is the Efficient Cause.
No one can expiate his own sins. No one can baptize himself. No one can save himself. In the Way of Salvation–one needs the Efficient Cause to effect the Change!!!! You can not forgive your own sins, evil. It requires Humility, recognition and then going to the Efficient cause, i.e. The priest, to receive the absolution.
So that is the reason in the war between Hermeticism, Gnosticism and Buddhism against The One Holy Catholic Orthodox Church—One system is “We can save ourselves” “We do our own thing” and God saying—No you can’t; you must be obedient to The Logos. The Logos is the Efficient Cause. It is The Logos that departs Grace. Grace is the energy to be good. Furthermore, one Needs The Logos for the “Forgiveness of Sins”. No matter how ‘good’ an Atheist is–he can never really be good in the front of Justice—Forgiveness of Sins is paramount for being Good. The Good is the Judge—not your own narcissistic fantasies.
Answer: The sequence of events of the ‘Original Sin” begins with Adam and the tree in Genesis chap 2 vs. 15-17- of the Bible:
Gen.2-15- And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Gen. 2-16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: Gen.2-17- But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Genesis C.3 v 16, Adam and Eve ate of the tree: Gen 3:17- ‘Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee’.
Questions that need answers: (a) If the original sin is supposed to be inherited by mankind, why did God wait for thousands of years before sending His ‘son’ to offer his outrageous sacrifice to save humanity? (b) What about those who passed away before Jesus (pbuh)? Are they deprived of forgiveness? (c) If God is Merciful and Just, why should he punish innocent people that will be born in the future, hundreds and thousands of years later? (d) Why should you and I be responsible for the act of Adam and Eve? Is this the much-vaunted justice of God? It does not make sense because these are artificial doctrines that Jesus (pbuh) and all the prophets never taught.
Furthermore, if this original sin was true, then women should not have childbearing pain since after the time of the “alleged crucifixion”! Why? Because the Bible states that after the “crucifixion and atonement of sin” the women will no longer have child-bearing pains. Since Christian women continue to have labor pains we can see it is a false doctrine.
The Missionaries and the born again Christians, claim that this sin had to be atoned for by Jesus (pbuh) alone as he alone was pure and righteous enough to take away the sins of Adam & Eve and the mysterious inherited sin. So this God of the Christians who is supposed to be merciful had to do a human sacrifice of his ‘only begotten son’ otherwise no forgiveness to the humankind and all of us will go to hell! We will not go into too much detail as most of the argument about this has already been given. However, let us look into the fact of this ‘forgiveness through sacrifice’.
References given below from the Bible:
Question: Why was it necessary for Jesus to be baptized by John the Baptist in the river Jordan, if Jesus was sinless?
Matt 3:13: Then cometh Jesus (pbuh) from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. Matt 3:16: and Jesus (pbuh), when he was baptized …
Mark 1:9: And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
If, according the Church Jesus was sinless, then the baptism was a sham. If it was a sham then who is responsible for preaching this lie?
If this baptism was genuine, then according to the Bible Jesus also was born in sin, so how could he be the one to take away the sins of the whole of mankind? Does this not prove that this is a false doctrine?
Matt 9:13…Jesus says: …”for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance”.
Jesus (pbuh) torpedoes this myth of ‘atonement through sacrifice’ as he admits that there were righteous people in his presence.
(People with minds enslaved to this ‘atonement businesses’ will forever reject any proof because they are blind and deaf as stated in Al-Qur’an chapter 8 v 22, chap 8 v 55).
Below are a few quotations from the Old and New Testaments further disproving the atonement theory.
Jeremiah: 31v30- But every one shall die for his own iniquity:
Ezekiel: 18v 19 -Yet say ye, Why doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father? When the son hath done that which is lawful and right, and hath kept all my statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely live. Ezekiel: 18v:20 -The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father; neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.
Ezekiel:18v21- But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.
John: 9:1- And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. John: 9:2- And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
John: 9:3- Jesus answered, neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
Matt 18v 3- And said, Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children , ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matt 18 v 4 – Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Forgiveness in the Glorious Qur’aan; “And if anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul, but afterwards seeks Allah’s forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful. And if anyone earns sin, he earns sin against his own soul: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. But if anyone earns a fault or a sin and throws it on to one that is innocent he carries (on himself) (both) a falsehood and a flagrant sin”. (Q.Chap 4, vs. 110-112) “Is then the man who believes and do righteous deeds no better than the man who is rebellious and wicked? Not equal are they!” (Qur’aan. Chap. 32 v, 18)
“..Allah is our Lord and your Lord. For us are our deeds; and for you your deeds. There is no contention between us and you. Allah will gather us together, and to Him is the eventual coming”. Q. 42 v.15
Quote from the book: “Life of a Bengal Tiger” by “Major Yeats Brown” pertaining to the Christian belief of the ‘original sin’. “No heathen tribe has conceived so grotesque an idea involving as it does the assumption that man was born with a hereditary stain for which he was not responsible; and it was to be atoned for, and that the Creator of all things had to sacrifice His only ‘son’ to neutralize this mysterious curse.”
Special note for the Missionaries and born again:
It was reported that when the late Pope John Paul was on his death bed in December 2003, he said: ‘I am pinning my hopes on Mother Mary , (mother of Jesus) for my salvation.’
Questions: (a) Did the Pope who was the leader of Christianity, not believe in the atonement through crucifixion? (b) Are there are two kinds of salvation? The Popes’ having their own kind of salvation through Mother Mary? (c) Is this special salvation confirmed anywhere in the Bible?
These are questions that need serious answers!
The Glorious Qur’aan answers ‘this hope’ of the Pope and Christians in chap 18 v 102: “Do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants to be protecting friends besides Me? Surely We have prepared hell as an entertainment for the disbelievers” .
Chapter 18: 110- Say to them O Muhammad): “I am only a mortal like you — it is revealed to me that your God is one God. So whoever hopes to meet his Lord, he should do good deeds, and join no one in the service of his Lord”.
Qur’aan Chap. 4:48- “Surely Allah forgives not that a partner should be set up with Him, and forgives all besides that to whom He pleases. And whoever sets up a partner with Allah, he devises indeed a great sin”.
In May 2007 Pope Ratzinger visited Brazil, the most populous Catholic country in the world. On the 12th May 2007 he said in his speech – ‘The drug dealers will face the wrath of God’.
Question: According to the doctrine of the Church, anyone (including the drug dealers, prostitutes, rapists, murderers etc) who believes in the forgiveness of sin through the crucifixion will not be held accountable and punished for their wrong doing, then why should the drug dealers still be held accountable for their wrong doing?
Does this not prove once again that it is a false doctrine!
According to the New Testament Jesus called the Jews as Serpents:
“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33)
Even according to their own Scriptures Moses has cursed them:
“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day, that all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee: cursed shalt thou be in the city and cursed shalt thou be in the field, cursed shall be thy basket and thy store. Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine and the flocks of thy sheep. Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out” (Deuteronomy 28:15–19).
After enumerating the curses of the Lord, His sending upon them “cursing, vexation, and rebuke”, His making the pestilence “cleave” to them, His smiting them with “a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting … and the botch of Egypt … and madness and blindness”, the curses of men are thus spoken of: “Thou shalt go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them”, “thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore”, “thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build a house, and thou shalt not dwell therein”, “thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people … the fruit of thy land and all thy labours shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed always” (Deuteronomy 28:20–68).
Indeed Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper .
Al-Qur’an, chapter 5 verse 78:
“Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper . Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses.,
the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper .”
The jews are a cursed nation right from the time of Moses. They hate Christians. Go to the murderous state of Israel and try to preach your New Testament and you will be killed or beaten so badly that you will ever regret doing so. Go try it! And you will see that what I say is the truth. To them Christians are idol worshippers just like the hindus and must be killed. Go ask the jewish rabbis and if they are honest, they will say that is correct.
SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. (A genius of the 20th century and British dramatist).
“This is the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite; in a word: the Jew.” (London Morning Post, December 3, 1925)
“This craving for bouquets by Jews is a symptom of racial degeneration. The Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings.” (Literary Digest, October 12, 1932).
Al-Qur’ān Chapter 5 verses 78-83: “Those of the Children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they rebelled and used to transgress. They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do! Thou seest many of them making friends with those who disbelieve. Surely ill for them is that which they themselves send on before them: that Allāh will be wroth with them and in the doom they will abide. If they believed in Allāh and the Prophet and that which is revealed unto him, they would not choose them for their friends. But many of them are of evil conduct. Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, “we are Christians”: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. And when they listen to the revelation (Qur’ān) received by the Messenger (Muhammad), thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: “Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses.”
Al-Qur’ān Chapter 61 verse 5. “And [mention, O Muhammad], when Moses said to his people, “O my people, why do you harm me while you certainly know that I am the messenger of Allāh to you?” And when they deviated, Allāh caused their hearts to deviate. And Allāh does not guide the defiantly disobedient people.”
Al-Qur’ān Chapter 61 verse 6. “And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allāh to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad.” But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, “This is obvious magic.””
Al-Qur’ān Chapter 19 verses 58-60. “These are they unto whom Allāh showed favour from among the prophets, of the seed of Adam and of those whom We (Allāh) carried (in the ship) with Noah, and of the seed of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom We (Allāh) guided and chose. When the revelations of the Beneficent were recited unto them, they fell down, adoring and weeping. But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction, – Save him who shall repent and believe and do right. Such will enter the Garden, and they will not be wronged in aught.”
GREGORY VIII. (1187) Forbade Jews to have power over Christians, in a letter to Alfonso VI of Castile.
GREGORY IX. (1227-1241). Condemned the TALMUD as containing “every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian doctrine.”
JULIUS III. Contra Hebreos retinentes libros (1554) ordered the TALMUD burned “everywhere” and established a strict censorship over Jewish genocidal writings – an order that has never been rescinded and which presumably is still binding upon Catholics. Was a powerful condemnation of Jewish usury? It embodies a model legal code to curb Jewish power that was recommended to all communities.
PIUS IV. Condemned Jewish genocidal writings.
PIUS V. Hebraeorum gens (1569) expelled all Jews from the Papal States.
GREGORY XIII. Declared that Jews “continue to plot horrible crimes” against Christians “with daily increasing audacity.”
“All people of the world suffer from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor. Then as now Jews have to be reminded intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian Desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed to criticism in whatever country they happen to live.”
BENEDICT XV. Warned in 1920 against “the advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder.”
This is resented by some Jews because of their active sponsorship and direction of such projects as the League of Nations and United Nations. – And in effect, all Popes who have issued editions of the Index Expurgatorius, in which Jewish genocidal and anti-Christian writings are condemned, according to the instructions of the Council of Trent.
MARTIN LUTHER, 16th century German religious reformer said:
“They (the Jews) are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther… On how they love the book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope.
The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been repeatedly struck on their snouts… Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find comfort with this: “When the Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and silver in the world and distribute it among the Jews. Thus, wherever they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they wickedly do so. Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil; you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement and enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course, they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them.
They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile! If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!
Do not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their money-lending) from a heathen is a divine service… And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants – yea, their cattle! I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews.
Should someone think I am saying too much – I am saying much too little! For I see in [their] writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks… No heathen has done such things and none would to so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses – as he possesses the Jews.
Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 4 verse 135: “O ye who believe in Allāh! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allâh, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allāh can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, Verily Allāh is well- acquainted with all that ye do.”
Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 5 verse 8. “O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allāh, As witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allāh. For Allāh is well-acquainted with all that ye do.”
Al-Qur’an Surah 4 v 144-145: “O ye who believe! Take not for friends’ unbelievers rather than believers: Do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves? Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper.”
Al-Qur’an chapter 104:
“Who pileth up wealth and layeth it by, He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal.
Nay, but verily he will be flung to the Consuming One. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Consuming One is! (It is) the Fire of (the Wrath of) Allah kindled (to a blaze),
The which doth mount (Right) to the Hearts: Indeed, it [i.e., Hellfire] will be closed down upon them. In extended columns.”
Al-Qur’an chapter 9 verse 23 & 24:
O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers.
Say: If your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your tribe, and the wealth ye have acquired, and merchandise for which ye fear that there will no sale, and dwellings ye desire are dearer to you than Allah and His messenger and striving in His way: then wait till Allah bringeth His command to pass. Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
Al-Qur’an chapter 6 verse 32:
Naught is the life of the world save a pastime and a sport. Better far is the abode of the Hereafter for those who keep their duty (to Allah). Have ye then no sense?
Al-Qur’an chapter 57 verse 20:
Know that the life of the world is only play, and idle talk, and pageantry, and boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children; as the likeness of vegetation after rain, whereof the growth is pleasing to the husbandman, but afterward it drieth up and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becometh straw. And in the Hereafter there is grievous punishment, and (also) forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but matter of illusion.
Al-Qur’an chapter 2 verse 96:
And thou wilt find them (the jews) greediest of mankind for life and (greedier) than the idolaters. (Each) one of them would like to be allowed to live a thousand years. And to live (a thousand years) would be no means remove him from the doom. Allah is Seer of what they do.
Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 42: O Messenger! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say “we believe” with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews, – men who will listen to any lie, – will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, “if ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!” If any one’s trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allah. For such – it is not Allah’s will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment.
Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 62:
And you see many of them (the jews) hastening into sin and aggression and the devouring of [what is] unlawful. How wretched is what they have been doing.
Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 63:
Why do not the rabbis and the priests forbid their evil-speaking and their devouring of illicit gain? Verily evil is their handiwork.
Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 59:
Say, “O People of the Scripture (jews & Christians) , do you resent us except [for the fact] that we have believed in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed before and because most of you are defiantly disobedient?”
You confuse heresy with development of doctrine. Heresy is the antithesis of development of doctrine.
St Augustine’s views on Original Sin are not Gospel. That was recognized by the Church rather quickly, including in the West, when some of his most ardent admirers used his teachings to launch into wild ideas of their own. But what Augustine wrote about Original Sin not only was needed to curb growing trends across the western half of the Roman Empire and in most of its Mediterranean eastern part that were moving logically toward proclamation of faith in the human self, but they also clearly have been abused endlessly to promote the worst heresies.
The split between East and West was one based on politics. When the Germanic pagans destroyed the governance of the Western Roman Empire, the assumption across the East became that were the only reigning Emperor was must be the center and the power of the Church. Defending that terribly faulty position has meant that those from the East swallow noises like what you express about “Frankish’ bishops creating new things in the 10th century. It leads you really crazy conclusions, such as that Original Sin leads to collective racial guilt and scapegoating. It takes little more than common sense to grasp that ‘woke’ notions, which are merely updates of historic Liberal notions, of race and ethnicity in which Jews and blacks especially but all non-whites, are in effect born of racial Immaculate Conception while whites have a double or triple dose of Original Sin is obvious heresy of the doctrine.
Heresy always proceeds from, in rebellion against and desire to pervert and then invert, Doctrine and Dogma.
The East produces idiots like you in droves, while the West produces its own idiots who assume that Eastern Orthodoxy causes all social ills of the East, including Marxism taking over everything. Both groups of idiots are unwitting fellow travelers of Christ-hating Jews and Mohammedans.
Jew Norman Lear actually inadvertently revealed human truth with his sitcom “All in the Family”
Portraying Archie Bunker as a close-minded “bigot” actually backfired on Lear. It turns out that when this show is rebroadcast today, many people agree with Archie Bunker. Contrast that with Rob Reiner “meathead” who is not only a “meathead” on the show, but is one in real life.
Some commentators are decrying Original Sin as bearing guilt or being responsible for our forefather’s sins and a lot of other excuses. It is NONE of this.
Think of Original Sin as a Birth Defect. Do we not have genetic disorders that are transmitted from parent to child? Yes we do. Original Sin is also the same way! Instead of a genetic disorder, Original Sin is a Soul Disorder.
When Adam sinned, his sin —he has to pay for. Our forefather’s sin, they pay for. Original Sin has NOTHING to do with Guilt nor pass sins. When Adam sinned–was the spirit of Rebellion of Anarchism, of revolution. This is the disorder. Adam hurt his own soul. All Sin harms us. Even though I steal from somebody else—that act of evil–not only harms the other person but ourselves; when we sin, we harm our own soul. When Adam sinned, he grievously damaged his soul to the Spirit of Rebellion, Liberalism, Anarchism, Revolution. Just like drinking or smoking affects our DNA, sin affects our Soul. Original Sin is an Inclination to rebellion that is passed down. We are all descended from Adam so his Soul is passed down in us from generation to generation.
Knowing that man was going to fail, God, The Good, planned to send a part of Himself, His Son, in an agenda to reclaim fallen man. That is Jesus Christ, The Logos. The Logos was made Flesh and dwelt among us. He then was crucified, died, was buried. And during this time, Jesus descended into Hades, brought out the righteous and then descended into Hell—Where God, Pure Justice, unleashed ungodly Hell upon His Own Son to expiate all of our sins. Jesus Paid the Price of our Sin. Only a God could’ve taken that. Jesus absorbed ALL the punishment due our Sins!
God is PURE. God is The Good. God is Pure Justice. As the character, Steven Chow said in Kung Fu Hustle, “The Good can’t coexist with Evil”. That is a no-brainer. We can’t approach God in the end without being purified of sin.
Baptism takes away the stain of Original Sin. If and when we sin after our Baptism–God prepared Confession, where we recognize our own sin, confess it to the Efficient Cause, the priest, be Contrite, and the Efficient Cause takes away our recently committed sins thru the Grace of Almighty God. We are washed away. And it is by Arete that the EFFECTS of Original sin are corrected and we are trained into Righteousness. Our Soul is corrected by the teachings and sacraments of the One Holy Catholic and Orthodox Church.
Original Sin is a Soul defect, a Birth Defect, that Pure Justice has a method of cleaning up.
There is no need to love my neighbor if they aren’t in need of it, or just hate me. Keep things in context air travel has made the world more diverse, faster, along with open borders.
Sure lot’s of people called evil what it is/was. I have a feeling Jesus wasn’t planning on following them around the world to torment them. Sometimes it’s best to move away and live where it’s nice to love thy neighbor. There’s plenty of room on the planet still except the UN and the Left keep shoveling us all up next to each other screaming love thy neighbor. Some people have always hated God and even the thought of God, and those who seek God are their intended targets to ruin.
Buddhists believed in God before Socialism/Communism/Humanism.
Jesus was Baptised for all of his people. John the Baptist was more worthy in his eyes. John the Baptist is not here to Baptise anyone. Growing up and abandoning God is in my opinion the sin that was to come in the future, now. Think we so smart and have outgrown the miracles of childhood. There is more than one way to think in time.
E. Michael Jones, Are there different kinds of Jews or they are all one and the same as this angry man is saying in the first video? If they are all the same, therefore the second video below means those Jews are actually dancing with glee because they are now advancing in pillaging Palestine and occupying it completely (God forbid) which they’ve always wanted since WW1 and WW2.
1. A Jew is a Jew no matter where they are and he is not your friend.
Video Link
2. Are these dancing Jews actually ‘protesting’ the genocide of Palestine or are they celebrating it?
Video Link
3. These men explain why to never trust any Jew.
video https://v02.historyreviewed.com/Whites_on_3_continents_agree_jews_hate_whites_whites_must_resist_fight_jews-1.mp4
Dear Ahmed, you are confusing the message of The Gospel with religious dogmas.
As you know we have many Christian Churches with different teachings, similar to splits in Islam.
The Gospel teaches that Salvation comes through faith in Christ Jesus , by grace of God.
There are conditions attached to this gift of grace.
1 Hebrews 11:6
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
2Hebrews 9:15
“And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.”
3Hebrews 9:22
“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.”
4Romans 10:9
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
So you can understand that those who approach God must be aware of God’s offer of New Covenant and the one who is coming must believe and have will to come to The Lord with a humble heart to ask for forgiveness of sins.
Many different teachings cause people to be confused and hold to their own understanding, which is forbidden by God.
2 Peter 1:20
“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”
1 Corinthians 2:13
“Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”
Matthew 7:8
“For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
How about staying on Topic? Wait for another day. Your post is interrupting the flow here.
Coughlin is nowadays almost universally reviled as an anti-semite. However he did not begin to criticize jews until after they had targeted him.
For what reason had they targeted him? Because in his turn, he had begun to launch vituperous criticism of both Wall Street chicanery and bloodthirsty Bolshevik communism. This, they could not countenance.
E. Michael Jones, Why don’t you lead a Christian movement to ask Congress to pass a bill against anti-Christianism. This would mean that swearing in the name of “Jesus Christ,” the God of Christianity, will be outlawed especially in Hollywood movies and TV shows and in everyday conversations in offices, in the mall, and in the streets, in restaurants, etc.
This anti-Christianism bill would also include putting back the traditional big nativity creche in the White House lawn during Christmastime which was usurped by the giant menorah. This would allow Christmas songs to be played freely on radio and in public areas with Christmas carols. This anti-Christianism law will allow Catholic churches to have crosses on top of their steeple and on the buildings just like synagogues have menorahs on the facade of their buildings. This anti-Christianism bill will allow Christians to have their Christmas parades and Eucharistic processions just like LGBTQ have their gay parades with their degenerate costumes.
The Jews own just about everything especially the Mainstream Media and Hollywood.
Republican “Controlled” House Passes Resolution Equating “Anti-Zionism” with “Anti-Semitism.” This, After the New House Speaker said that His First Priority was to Support Israel.
Israel-Palestine war: Israeli soldiers set up Chabad House in damaged Gaza homes
Who really controls the Mainstream Media
House Passes Resolution Stating ‘Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism’
Video Link
Video Link
E. Michael Jones, Please write An Open Letter to the President and the House of Congress similar to this An Open Letter to the King.
You may download the letter here, scroll down to bottom of the page on the web page:
Video Link
And please publish this small book which was removed from Internet Archive. It was written in 1890 so it is in Public Domain. Its exposé of the London Money Power is very accurate and its warnings are very relevant and coming true especially today.
Video Link
The Synagogue of Satan
Page 7 “One group and one group alone is responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed on the face of this earth”…….including the genocide now taking place in Gaza.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What They Don’t Want You To Know!
Is this image of Christ also anti-Semitic? Blasphemous artworks and movies and shows against Christ should be banned under an anti-Christian law (just like the Jews now have an anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist law.)
12/5/23 COP28 Death Cult, NZ W’Blower Redemption: Humanity Awake is the True Climate Change!
Video Link
The Judas Goats—The Enemy Within:
By Michael Collins Piper
What is the Talmud the “holy book” of the Jews.
Talmud Unmasked http://talmudunmasked.com/
What is Judaism. http://judaism.is/
The Jews are the origin of Freemasonry and Communism.
Not camels, Dr. Jones, but a scimitar.
E, Michael Jones, what will happen to your new book, The Holocaust Narrative, will it be banned under the new antisemitism aka anti-Zionism bill? Is it possible that those dancing Jews are PRETENDING that they are “against Israel” so that the Goyim will not suspect them and ignore that they stand to inherit the half-trillion dollars worth of oil under Gaza? Their Jewish children’s choir in Israel recently sung on YouTube that they crave and predict the annihilation of Gaza within one year.
Those Jewish PRETENDERS are the worst liars on earth, just look at Netanyahu lying for years on MSM and in the House of Congress for years. https://www.unz.com/aanglin/israel-announces-expansion-of-ground-operation-to-all-of-gaza-bombs-refugee-camp/#comment-6297588 Netanyahu Serves Doomsday Cult
The Jews surpassed the actors of Hollywood when they became PRETENDER priests and PRETENDER bishops so that they could infiltrate and take over the Vatican and change Catholic doctrines and Catholic moral teachings and they now control the Vatican. They now have an office inside the Vatican – imagine that, the only ‘brood of anti-Christs’ on the planet have an office at the Vatican! This is the documentary of Jews in the Vatican and in the Catholic Church. http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm
For years, Netanyahu has been lying that Israel is the “only democratic state in the Middle East” but the Israelis are destroying all the Christian churches in Israel and banning speaking about Jesus Christ to Jews and in public, all punishable by law and jail-time since 1977. Christians should stop going to Israel because it is not “the Holy Land” but “the Jewish Genocide State of Israel.”
Israeli Children Sing Of Gaza Annihilation
Video Link
The Israeli genocide of Gaza Is REALLY About the half-trillion dollars worth of oil!
Video Link
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Controlled-opposition pundits like Scott Ritter keeps talking nonsense e.g. “Hamas is winning” to give false hope to humanity who are busy protesting regularly yet helplessly against the Jewish Genocide State of Israel run by Satanyahu. Scott Ritter should instead keep talking and expounding on the Greater Israel Plan because that is what the genocide in Gaza is all about…….so that most protesters would be yelling about the Greater Israel Plan in the streets with big placards.
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – What They Don’t Want You To Know!
Humanity need Divine Intervention to fight supernatural evil beings and to stop immediately the “extermination” of the Palestinians in Gaza. Archangel already defeated Lucifer and he can defeat him again.
Prayer to Archangel Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Ben Gurion Canal Thru Gaza, Christians Expelled by Zionist militants 2 nights ago in Jerusalem
Video Link
‘We must unite to Stop the War on Gaza’
Video Link
Thomas Paine, Atheist.
Worship and Church Bells (1797)
He had no idea.
E. Michael Jones, just like you are now challenging the Holocaust narrative (decades later), please challenge also the “Gaza War” narrative and call it precisely as the “Gaza Genocide” and “ethnic cleansing of Gaza” NOW at its onset.
This video explains the intended steps of Israel to use the “Israel-Gaza War” as a legitimate means to claim the Gaza as “conquered territory” just like they did with California from Mexico. But at that time, there was clearly two big armies fighting each other while Gaza is a one-way street genocide and ethnic cleaning of the impoverished Palestinians who have been prisoners for 70 years.
It’s important to challenge and STOP this “war” terminology NOW at its onset to PREVENT Israel from claiming Gaza at the United Nations — as this video clearly illustrates.
All MSM and pundits out there (e.g. Scott Ritter) who keep saying “war” such as “Israel-Hamas War” or “Israel-Palestinian war” or “Israel-Gaza War” — are all controlled-opposition and are part of the strategic deception of Netanyahu to pave way for Israel to legitimately claim Gaza at the United Nations which this video clearly points out. What Israel is doing in Gaza, Palestine is one of the biggest thefts in the history of mankind.
We must put a HALT on this fake “war” narrative now and not wait for decades later to correct it just like you are challenging only now the fake Holocaust narrative after Germany has already paid tens of billions of dollars in reparation for crimes they never committed.
And the Holocaust narrative is now being used to enslave humanity from having free speech and freedom of all sorts because the tiny minority of Jews control and own almost everything on the planet. https://rense.com/general97/flyers.php It is also now being used as the new religion of Holocaustianity to replace Christianity.
Humanity and the hundreds of thousands of people marching in the streets must keep calling it out as the “Gaza genocide” and the “ethnic cleansing of Gaza Palestine.”
Israel is not the “Holy Land” but the “Jewish Genocide State of Israel.” Christians must stop singing Christmas carols with the words “Israel” and Zion” and Jerusalem” in them because the modern-day Israel is now the “Jewish Genocide State of Israel” and is a State of Terror. https://thomassuarez.com/palestine.html
The videos here show the immense wealth that Gaza has and their theft is the main reason Netanyahu is now ethnically cleaning 2.5 million innocent Palestinians who have been the prisoners of Israel for 70 years.
Videos in https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
WHY ISRAEL IS CALLING IT A ‘WAR’ – so they can go to the UN and claim Gaza “legally” as “controlled territory”
Video Link
Thank you for clarifying the malevolent role of Augustine, whom I call ” ‘aint Augustine.” I have read that he was the first church father to advocate the use of violence torture and even murder against so-called heretics. He obviously had extreme hang-ups about sexuality. His autobiography is a joke. Proclaiming abhorrence about living with a common law woman and then abandoning her and her children in a fit of self-righteous religious piety. He exaggerated his sinfulness and the church reciprocated by exaggerating his saintliness.
The biggest problem with Catholic original sin is it completely contradicts the evolutionary teachings that are taught in all prestigious Catholic colleges and universities. Humanity is much older than Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve probably never existed and are simply a parable. Death has always existed on this tragic planet and throughout our universe. The Catholic Church tries to have it both ways: pandering to the scientific elites by teaching evolution and then propping up its bogus doctrine of original sin in order to guiltmonger its parishioners into submission and obedience.
Your description of Orthodox Christianity’s notion of original sin is much more palatable to me. Thank you for clarifying and for not being intimidated by Elmer Jone’s arrogance and intolerance!
I think that you have read a lot of your own views into what I wrote, and that to some extent you have misunderstood me. If you want to know what the Orthodox Church teaches, read the Church Fathers.
Thanks for your kind comments and questions. These are my response to your request with reference to #66 your comment above found in https://www.unz.com/emargolis/stop-the-slaughter-in-palestine/#comment-6308705 That thread seems to have some belligerent angry atheists who are anti- religion, anti-Christ, and anti-Catholic.
1. About St. Augustine, below are the resources I trust.
What about you? What are the basis of the things you wrote against St Augustine? Can you provide some links to them?
New Advent,org https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02091a.htm
Tradition In Action.org https://search.freefind.com/find.html?si=62930896&pid=r&n=0&_charset_=UTF-8&bcd=%C3%B7&query=ST+AUGUSTINE
2. About CruxNews, it is controlled-opposition and it serves the New World Order aka Jew World Order more than it does the Kingdom of Christ. That is is why it promotes the Jews such as that quotation you cited. E. Michael Jones made this video on Nostra Aetate about the Jews subverting the Catholic Church by changing the Liturgy of Good Friday in the prayer for the Jews. Do you know about Nostra Aetate?
Pius XI wrote Quas Primas based on Scripture and reason and common sense in 1925 when he instituted the feast of Christ the King. https://www.papalencyclicals.net/pius11/p11prima.htm There are only two kingdoms on this planet earth, the Kingdom of Christ vs. the Kingdom of Lucifer aka Satan, the devil. Whatever we do and say serve either one of those 2 kingdoms. There is no in-between. So whenever we read or do something, we must always ask and discern if it promotes the Kingdom of Christ or the Kingdom of Satan.
The god of the Jews is Lucifer aka Satan the serpent as explained in these books
Holy Serpent of the Jews
https://ia802304.us.archive.org/31/items/holy-serpent-of-the-jews-texe-marrs_202110/Holy%20Serpent%20of%20the%20Jews%20-%20Texe%20Marrs.pdf (Free pdf)
Kabbalistic Serpent Rising
https://ia803004.us.archive.org/21/items/KabbalisticSerpentSatanRising/Kabbalistic%20Serpent%20Satan%20Rising.pdf (Free pdf)
Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know
The Talmud is the most anti-Christ book on the planet earth.
What is the Talmud the “holy book” of the Jews.
Talmud Unmasked http://talmudunmasked.com/
What is Judaism. http://judaism.is/
4. Jews infiltrated to subvert and destroy the Catholic Church – from within.
The Jews created Freemasonry and Communism and they used them and infiltrated and hijacked the Vatican II Council and continued from then on to control the Vatican. There is now an office of the World Jew Congress at the Vatican. What is the most anti-Christ religion of Judaism doing at the Vatican which is the headquarters of Christianity and where the Vicar of Christ resides?
Harry Vox right at the onset in this video explains how the Jews are responsible for child sex slavery worldwide. This explains why there were hundreds of priests who sexually abused little altar boys and Catholic boys in order to destroy future priests and future fathers of Catholic families. Those were all IMPOSTER priests, Jews and Freemasons and communists who became FAKE converts to Catholicism so they could destroy the Catholic Church – from within. This book documented it well and thoroughly.
The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm (free eBook)
4. About Pope Pius XII, he was the last true pope Catholic who observed and propagated Scripture and Tradition. John XXIII was a Freemason who convened Vatican I Council to change the Liturgy of the Mass and many doctrines to. And Paul VI had a double, an IMPOSTER, placed by the Freemasons…just like there was an IMPOSTER Sister Lucy of Fatima http://www.SisterLucyTruth.org And John-Paul II demonstrated many heresies.
John-Paul II heresies
Paul VI double (Joe Biden also has doubles)
What the 1965 Vatican II document “Nostra Aetate” Really Says … Dr. E. Michael Jones
Video Link
ISRAEL is OUR ENEMY. ISRAEL is THE enemy of EVERY man, woman and child on the planet earth.– Harry Vox
Video Link
Why we must not call it a “war” but must keep calling it as the GENOCIDE of GAZA and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. See reasons here
These are videos that show documentaries and photos of the imposter popes and how the Jews through Freemasons and communists became fake converts of Catholicism that infiltrated the Catholic Church and try to destroy her — from within. To understand these, it is imperative to read the document, The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay, available here for free http://holywar.org/txt/pinay/default.htm
Papal Imposters 1/12 Historical Precedents
Papal Imposters 2/12 October 1958
Papal Imposters 3/12 The Chosen Candidate
Papal Imposters 4/12 The 1958 Conclave
Papal Imposters 5/12 Who was John XXIII
Papal Imposters 6/12 The 1963 Conclave
Continuation of the series of 12 videos on the imposter popes and how they hijacked the Vatican II Council and the Church was also infiltrated by gay men who became FAKE priests to abuse little boys and destroy the Church — from within.
Papal imposters 7/12 Who was Pope Paul VI?
Papal Imposters 8/12 The Destruction of the Mass
Papal Imposters 9/12 1978: Year of Two Conclaves
Papal Imposters 10/12 Siri Confronted
Papal Imposters 11/12 Conclusion
Papal Imposters 12/12 The Underground Church
There was also an imposter Sr. Lucy of Fatima to change the true Message of Our Lady of Fatima. See all forensic evidence at Sister Lucy Truth . org
The messages in these comments below apply to every American to wake them up so that they’ll REFUSE to go on fighting wars for Israel and sending young American men to die in vain for Jews.
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6306958
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6303709
ISRAEL is OUR ENEMY. ISRAEL is THE enemy of EVERY man, woman and child on the planet earth.– Harry Vox
Video Link
True history of WW1 and WW2 and how innocent America was brought into wars to steal Palestine in order to create the modern-day genocidal state of Israel.
Video Link
This is the correct link to the True history of WW1 and WW2 and how innocent America was brought into wars to steal Palestine in order to create the modern-day genocidal state of Israel. It was a speech given by Benjamin Freedman.
Video Link
The London Money Power is the documentary of the Central Bank in London that is not part of the city of London and therefore is above the law of England and is above the law of all nations. This is owned by the Jews and this is how they are able to store money which they use to bribe all leaders of the world and all politicians to advance their New World Order aka Jew World Order. The Federal Reserve is one of its branches.
Fr. Coughlin preached against the Federal Reserve and he said, “They are not even Americans” — they referring to Jews.
Charles Coughlin – Americanism, Neither Nazism Nor Communism (1939)
Father Charles Coughlin addresses the nation in Washington DC and speaks about th…HD Stock Footage
Coughlin Denounces New Deal
From the pulpit of his weekly religious radio program, “Golden Hour of the Shrine of the Little Flower,” Father Charles Edward Coughlin rails against the WPA and the “dole” system. Coughlin’s broadcasts were hugely popular during the Great Depression, reaching 16 million listeners, but his increasingly vitriolic and anti-Semitic statements led to the eventual demise of his radio show.
Those were the good old days when there were authentic good Catholic priests BEFORE the Jews infiltrated and put in FAKE imposter priests and bishops and popes — to destroy the Catholic Church from within.
The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization
protestants are people who protest Christ’s Church. that’s why when they say they are protestants, what they mean is that they are protesting against Christ’s Church. all the religious mumbo jumbo attached to it is a facade. protest is a protest is a protest. i guess they’re still protesting?
no, that is the geopolitical ambitions of judeomasonic blockheaded pseudo elites. i have no white guilt at all. none.
but the anglos – they have white, black, yellow, and brown blood all over their fat fingers. that’s not my problem and their cheap anglo theology or geopolitics won’t save them.
Thank you for all of this information that you have shared so generously. I would do well to hole up and watch read and study these things from now through the New Year.
Please pray for me to find a welcoming and legitimate Catholic community.
BlesSings to you, MK-Mevashir
Thank you for defending the Kingdom of Christ which He established in the Roman Catholic Church. The feast of Christ the King was recently celebrated on the last Sunday before Advent. The Protestants do not have Catholic liturgical feast days because they are more focused on the narcissistic leadership of their pastors who alone interpret the Masonic King James Bible for them. When their pastors die, their churches die with him. That’s why there’s more than 40,000 denominations of Protestant churches.
Protestants and anti-Catholics should read Quas Primas. Pius XI wrote Quas Primas based on Scripture and reason and common sense in 1925 when he instituted the feast of Christ the King. https://www.papalencyclicals.net/pius11/p11prima.htm There are only two kingdoms on this planet earth, the Kingdom of Christ vs. the Kingdom of Lucifer aka Satan, the devil. Whatever we do and say serve either one of those 2 kingdoms. There is no in-between. Therefore all those anti-Catholic commentators are all anti-Kingdom of Christ and they serve and advance the kingdom of Lucifer of the New World Order aka Jew World Order. https://rense.com/general97/flyers.php Look at the Jew World Order manifesting itself in the the Jewish Genocidal State of Israel slaughtering millions of innocent Palestinians in order to steal heir half-a-trillion dollars worth of oil in Gaza. https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199 The Jews must have Palestine at all cost to build the third temple where their god Satan will sit and rule the world.
The Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ & Modern Law
The god of the Jews is Lucifer, they just don’t say it. But it is in their flag and in all their Masonic symbols hidden in plain sight. Anti-Catholics should also read these books.
Holy Serpent of the Jews. The Rabbis Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Domination.
https://ia802304.us.archive.org/31/items/holy-serpent-of-the-jews-texe-marrs_202110/Holy%20Serpent%20of%20the%20Jews%20-%20Texe%20Marrs.pdf (Free pdf)
Talmud Unmasked http://talmudunmasked.com/
What is Judaism. http://judaism.is/
These videos would help clear up the clogged brains of Protestants and of anti-Catholics. Steve Ray is one of the best Catholic apologists and he was a convert from the Baptist sect. These are some of his videos. He cited Mahatma Gandhi who said that if only the Christians were united, India would fall on their knees. It is the strategy of the Jews to cause division in the Church and in nations so they can keep stealing their resources. UR is filled with anti-religion and anti-Catholic commentators so it’s good you are stopping them in their track.
Interview with Steve Ray on the Authority of the Catholic Church
The Protestant’s founder, Martin Luther, was demonically possessed based on documents the Protestants have hidden for 500 years. Here Fr Hesse reveals that demonic possession and explains why Luther removed several books because they bothered his immoral lustful lifestyle.
“Saint or Sinner. by Fr. Hesse.”
King James was a Freemason and he was an openly homosexual man and the King James Bible is infested with Masonic symbols.
Video Link
Steve Ray | By Faith Alone | Franciscan University
Why Catholic – Testimony of Steven Ray – A MUST SEE for all (English)à
Steve Ray on Mary, Mother of God, The Son (English) – YouTube
ISRAEL is OUR ENEMY. ISRAEL is THE enemy of EVERY man, woman and child on the planet earth.– Harry Vox. Every American and all people must watch this video to know the true Israel that is destroying the world..
Video Link
Why we must not call it a “war” but must keep calling it as the GENOCIDE of GAZA and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. See reasons here
Video Link
Dec 13 – Netanyahu Assumes Hitler’s Title as Genocidal Maniac
Makow- Significant this appears in the NYT: The Jew York Times is part of the Communist wing of Organized Jewry. They “hate” the Zionist branch, i.e. Trump etc. The globalist Communist branch may be out to destroy the Zionist branch which upholds conservatives and nationalists worldwide.
“But reporting in the New York Times has revealed that Netanyahu’s government was more hands-on about helping Hamas: they helped a Qatari diplomat bring suitcases of cash into Gaza, indirectly boosting the militant organization, according to the report.
The calculus — the Times reported on Sunday, citing Israeli officials, Netanyahu’s critics, and the man’s own reported statements — was to keep Hamas strong enough to counteract the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, allowing Netanyahu to avoid a two-state peace solution and keep both sides weak.”
12/13/23 TRUMP Vs Baphomet in IA, DEFUND Act!,, Bankster Credit Collapse Asset Seizure #ExittheUN
Video Link
Fact Check: Is Javier Milei Jewish? Beliefs explored as Argentina elects ‘shock therapy’ libertarian as new President
Video Link
“The Judaic Supremacy and Judenstaat built their Freemasonry on the older Order of Noachites. In the Ceremonial Oath they swear to behave like ‘true Noachides and instruct the younger brothers using all Endeavors to increase Brotherly Love.’ The phrase ‘all Endeavors’ means one of the universal objects of all Masonry is to promote the Noachide Laws and get them imposed upon all goy populations. The Muslims and the Masons will probably get this assignment in the Western nations.
In every captured state undergoing subversion and configuration to Jewish World Order, that is to say all UN member nations, every goy leader must be a Noachide or Mason under his or her B’nai B’rith master.
The Judaic Supremacy would not be able to rule without the Masonic Agenture, especially ‘those smart goy Masons who know too much’. They are doomed because they are aware of this and that is why they have to double down especially at this time of maximum exposure.
E. Michael Jones, your first line in this article is about the conversion of Kevin Barrett to Islam. What do you think of what he wrote about “Christianity’s fatal errors”?
What does Keven Barrette know about Christianity that he thinks he is authorized to judge against Christianity considering that his newfound religion is copied from the Genocidal Jews?
EMJ, have you checked CIRA International (which I recommended earlier to you) that was founded by a former Muslim from Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the heartland of Islam? Al Fadi became a Christian when he came for his graduate studies in engineering in the USA. Today it is his personal mission to expose Islam in CIRA International with a team of scholars who have Ph.D’s and have written books and are regular speakers and open debaters with Imams and famous Muslims about Islam. These are some of their videos, short ones by intention.
Are you aware of the contents of the Qur’an that has been translated and modified 40 times to appease criticisms and modify the history of Allah and Muhammad and make them look nicer? Do you know what is the accurate history of Muhammad who is supposed to be “the role-model and epitome of mankind and mouthpiece of God”? Do you know who is Allah based on the Qur’an and after you’ve already met Muslims and visited Muslim countries like Iran? Are you aware that Muhammad married a six year old girl, Aisha, and that the late Ayatollah Khomeini’s wife was a 10-year old girl?
I post all these videos here so that hopefully commentators and writers in Unz Review can always come back to use them as permanent resources. There are many anti-religion and anti-Catholic commentators and writers in Unz Review and if only they would watch these short videos, they’ll stop advancing the kingdom of Satan aka New World Order aka Jew World Order versus the Kingdom of Christ the King in the Roman Catholic Church. They seem to enjoy bashing the Catholic Church and against the Lord Jesus Christ. They don’t realize that there are only two kingdoms on this planet earth, the Kingdom of Christ vs. the Kingdom of Lucifer aka Satan, the devil. So whoever is disparaging the Catholic Church is advancing the New World Order aka Jew World Order kingdom of Satan. If atheists think that they can conquer the evil Jewish Genocidal State of Israel by mere empty talk in UR or on the Internet or with New Age prayers, they are being deceived under Satan’s foremost henchman, Benjamin Netanyahu, the mouthpiece of Satan who have come to steal, kill, and destroy Gaza and the whole world. Only Jesus Christ the King with his Cross and Resurrection in the Roman Catholic Church can defeat Satan. https://www.papalencyclicals.net/pius11/p11prima.htm and https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6309930
I’ll post them in three comments like I did with the series of imposter popes earlier. It is important for Americans to know these videos on Islam because of the thousands of Muslims coming into the USA who will never assimilate because their goal is to change the American constitution and eradicate Christian civilization and replace them with Islamic Laws based on the Qur’an as expounded in these videos.
CIRA International https://cirainternational.com/ CIRA stands for Center for Islamic Research and Awareness
Is Islam really a peaceful religion or something entirely different?
Is the Quran a book of terror or a book of peace?
How can we reach Muslims in our community with the message of Jesus Christ?
In this collection of videos, Al Fadi discuss his personal testimony and he speaks on Christian apologetics, and he addresses other topics such as Sharia Law and women according to Islam.
Saudi Arabian Muslim becomes a Christian – Al Fadi at Understanding the Times 2019
The Hajj is COPIED from the Jews! – Sources of Islam with Dr. Jay – Episode 22
The Hajj is FULL of LIES! – Sources of Islam with Dr. Jay – Episode 23
6 Reasons Mecca is a Lie! – Sources of Islam with Dr. Jay – Episode 24
Dome of the Rock Debunks Islamic History! – Sources of Islam with Dr. Jay – Episode 27
No Proof of Muhammad on The Dome of the Rock -The Search for Muhammad – Episode 13
Islam is all a LIE! – Rob Christian – Episode 3
Part 2 Continuation of a series of videos about Islam from scholars in CIRA International
CIRA International https://cirainternational.com/
CIRA stands for Center for Islamic Research and Awareness
Islam’s god is a god of LUST! – David Wood – Muhammad and Atheism – Episode 9
Muhammad Is The Real God of Islam! – David Wood – Episode 12
Before You Convert to Islam, WATCH THIS!
Allah is Satan! – Rob Christian – Episode 1
Muhammad Was a Pedophile! – David Wood – Episode 5
Islam Allows Child Marriage?! – David Wood – Muhammad and Atheism – Episode 6
Sex with Slaves is REQUIRED by Muhammad – David Wood – Muhammad and Atheism – Episode 12
Allah Approves Rape of Slave Woman! – Islam East VS West – Adam Seeker – Episode 5
Muhammad only wanted UNLIMITED SEX SLAVES AND WIVES – David Wood – Muhammad and Atheism – Episode 11
Continued on Part 3
Part 3 Continuation of a series of videos about Islam from scholars in CIRA International
CIRA International https://cirainternational.com/ CIRA stands for Center for Islamic Research and Awareness
Allah Approves of Rape and Adultery – David Wood – Muhammad and Atheism – Episode 13
Muhammad TORTURES PEOPLE for Wealth! – David Wood – Muhammad and Atheism – Episode 16
Allah and Muhammad want you to KILL UNBELIEVERS! – David Wood – Muhammad and Atheism – Episode 15
Muslims CANNOT Produce a Complete Qur’an from 652 AD – Sifting through the Qur’an with Dr. Jay – E 3
The Qur’an is TAINTED and TWISTED – Sifting through the Qur’an with Dr. Jay – Episode 14
Jesus is Greater than Muhammad – Tawhid Dilemma Ep. 6
How Could Allah Give Mary A Son? Tawhid Dilemma Ep. 8
Jay Smith interviews Robert Spencer on The Critical Qur’an
These scholars prove that the Qur’an was copied from the Genocidal Jews.
The Talmud is the most anti-Christ book on the planet earth. What is the Talmud the “holy book” of the Jews.
Talmud Unmasked http://talmudunmasked.com/
What is Judaism. http://judaism.is/
The Jewish infiltration in the Roman Catholic Church and how they put in FAKE converts and IMPOSTERS priests, bishops and cardinals to destroy the Catholic Church — from within.
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6309930
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6310356
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6310370
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6310398
About the Genocide in Gaza by the Jewish Genocidal State of Israel
The messages in these comments below apply to every American to wake them up so that they’ll REFUSE to go on fighting wars for Israel and sending young American men to die in vain for Jews.
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6306958
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6303709
ISRAEL is OUR ENEMY. ISRAEL is THE enemy of EVERY man, woman and child on the planet earth.– Harry Vox ALL Americans and humanity must watch this video to understand who the real parasites and genocidal Jews are.
Video Link
These are the correct links to the repeat videos of Part 3.
Jesus is Greater than Muhammad – Tawhid Dilemma Ep. 6
How Could Allah Give Mary A Son? Tawhid Dilemma Ep. 8
While we are at it, here’s more to convince you why Islam and Judaism are false religions and that Christianity of the Roman Catholic Church is the only one true religion established by the Lord Jesus Christ through St. Peter and his Apostles. I hope that all these videos will become regular and permanent resources at Unz Review.
Mary vs. Aminah: Why Did Allah So Honor Mary, the Mother of Jesus? Tawhid Dilemma Ep. 9
Quran Corrections – Special Interview with Dr. Dan Brubaker
The Qur’an has many FLAWS! – Creating the Qur’an with Dr. Jay – Episode 33
Early Quranic Manuscripts Confirm Qur’an is FALSE – Creating the Qur’an with Dr. Jay – Episode 31
FINALLY! We think we know why Mecca was chosen!
From the Roman Catholic Church
There are many videos here from a free online course named after St. Thomas Aquinas, The Thomistic Institute. I’ll post three here and you can go to see the other succinct videos in
What Would It Mean to ‘Prove’ God Exists? (Aquinas 101)
St. Thomas Aquinas’ Favorite Argument for the Existence of God (Aquinas 101)
Being and Metaphysics (Aquinas 101)
Remember as to Why we must not call it a “war” but must keep calling it as the GENOCIDE of GAZA and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Jewish Genocidal State of IsraHell. See reasons here
Thank you for your kind response. I am very happy that these videos will be useful for you in your search for the one true God of the Roman Catholic Church. I’m curious so let me know when you have actually finished watching all these videos I posted and books and articles with them.
St. Augustine said, You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” https://www.crossroadsinitiative.com/media/articles/ourheartisrestlessuntilitrestsinyou/
I will pray for you that you will find a good Roman Catholic church and community. Anytime you see a rainbow flag on any RC church, run. That priest is compromised and is serving the New World Order aka Jew World Order.
Here is a good RC church who have LIVE Latin Mass but the sermons are in English and always good ones, and their theology is solid BEFORE the heretical Vatican II.
Traditional Latin Mass
West Chester, OH
Let me know when you find a good RC church. Just post a reply to this because I’ll see it when I check it.
Meanwhile please check out the many posts I just made on Satanism and that Christ the King in the Roman Catholic Church is the only one that can fight and defeat the devil and the New World Order aka Jew World Order. Please spread these far and wide.
These are also good daily resources and analysis
This Sanctuary has live masses and live rosaries everyday
I hope you find all these very helpful.
May I ask what does your real name mean?
God bless you and Merry Christmas!
The anthem that built the Kingdom of Christ on earth
Video Link
Spain Embraces Its Catholic Heritage with the Blessed Mother of God and our mother too.
Video Link
E. Michael Jones, thank you for calling it a “genocide” in Gaza and for not stating it as a “war” in your latest show. Other writers in Unz Review are still calling it as a “war” and that clearly shows they are controlled-opposition.
This latest video of Max Egan in The Crowhouse shows documents why it is a “genocide’” in Gaza based on United Nations Convention on Genocide. Egan shows videos of the on-going genocide and destruction in Gaza and that “The world must judge: Is this a “genocide’?”
These three comments are also directed personally to you for your perusal.
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6306958
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6303709
EMJ Live 53: Eyeless in Gaza | Dr. E. Michael Jones
Video Link
Video Link
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6306958
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6303709
ISRAEL’S ✡️ DOOM IN GLOBAL PIVOT 2.0 [2023-12-15]
Video Link
He can wear one ex cathedra now.
E. Michael Jones, Have you heard of the two Catholic women that were shot and killed by IDF forces who also destroyed a convent of Catholic nuns and displaced the 54 disabled people in their care?
May this be a wake up call to Catholics
— to stop calling Israel as “The Holy Land” and to stop going there for pilgrimages because it is the Jewish Genocidal State of IsraHell
— and to stop singing songs with the words of “Israel, Jerusalem and Zion” in them including Christmas carols that contain these words,
— and most of all, to stop calling Jews as “the chosen people.”
Jews Are Not Israel Or The Chosen People
Genocide of Palestinians and Christians in Gaza (videos)
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6317607
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6306958
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6303709
Jesus Was Not A Jew
Video Link
Jewish Expulsions 1,030 times
The Augustinian view of Original sin is aberrant. Scripture does not teach it, and the resulting Penal Substitution theory of atonement is just as bad.
This is in response to your question from this original comment (bold emphasis added.)
At first I wrote that Pius XII was the last true pope who observed and propagated Scripture and Tradition. Yes, he was, externally, ceremoniously, and in all his writings. But (I just found out now) in his actions, he was something else. He actually paved the groundwork for the heretical Vatican II Council and he approved the Opus Dei that was the brain of the apostate Vatican II Council. Fr Hesse explains it very clearly here. Do you know of Fr Hesse?
Fr Hesse on the Satanist Masonic Infiltration in Rome, Opus Dei
Josemaria Escriva was a crypto-Jew
— http://www.opusdeialert.com/modernistcult.htm
Not John Paul the “Great”, but John Paul the Jew
How the Jews invaded and took over the Vatican II Council
Genocide in Gaza videos
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6317607
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6306958
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6303709
Jones’s anecdote about telling a Unitarian Joke which elicits laughter from a bus load of Iranians riding on a bus in Tehran isn’t funny and likely isn’t true. There are only roughly 150,000 Christians (of one denomination or another) in a country of 89 million Iranians. It’s unlikely that the .2% of Christians in Iran would know the beliefs of a Unitiarian any more than the Moslems. This would be equally true of the occupants of any random bus load of US citizens traveling anywhere in the United States. Things go down from there in his article.
Apparently it doesn’t take much to get E. Michael Jone’s goat. The Protestants have long been exercised over the Catholic dogma of, “no salvation outside the Church.” And by “Church” is meant clearly the Catholic Church. The Protestants side step the issue that they separated themselves from the Church that Christ and His Apostles founded. And so the oft made protestant quip about unbaptized babies going into hellfire under Catholic doctrine is typically the best they can do. Ultimately it is Christ the King and Judge who decides such matters.
Thankfully it is Christ the King who decides such matters and not Jones who apparently thinks he can adjudicate such inscrutable criteria as “invincible ignorance.” It should be pointed out that there is no Catholic dogma of “baptism of desire,” it was never taught by Jesus or His Apostles and is rarely if ever taught to the faithful. There is no consensus among theologians and even if there were the Magisterium never ratified it. St Augustine who propounded it changed his mind after battling the Donatists. Aquinas cited St Augustine in his acceptance of it but never cites Augustine’s argument. As near as I can tell no theologian has presented a logical argument from Scripture or Tradition for “baptism of desire.” The Council of Trent and the Code of Canon Law make a brief and vague mention of it.
And so “America’s leading Catholic intellectual” was goaded by the ramblings of a protestant heretic into giving the rest of us a brief theological treatise about something the Catholic Church has ill-defined and over which Christ the King and Judge has the sole power to decide.
What E. Michael Jones should be more worried about is that since 1970 the Vatican II hierarchy has lead the Church to become more Protestant every day. And that in becoming more Protestant Catholic Churches have emptied and its current and former members lead down the same splintered pathways which its heretic brothers have gone since Luther. In 2023 the Vatican II Church is in free fall and look what worries “America’s leading Catholic intellectual.”
Let’s take this one final step. The Vatican II Church rarely mentions or worries about Baptism of Desire. It has taught explicitly that the Catholic Church is not the only means of salvation; that salvation can be had via any of the faiths. Though such faiths are not as perfect as the Catholic Church they are nonetheless a means of salvation. This, of course, is heresy taught by the Vatican II Church but this doesn’t seem to worry E. Michael Jones. For him unity in heresy trumps Tradition every time. By the way, the Jews and the judaized Protestants were fans of the Vatican II Constitutions. Go figure. . .
I may not be religious anymore, but I still do find this all very interesting. Can I simplify it for you?
Very good. We are not sinners because we sin; we are led to sin because we are sinners (original sin).
Too bad that “sin” is such a loaded word. We lack perfection, that is “original sin”. We are going to do what’s either stupid or morally wrong throughout our lives because of this “original” sin and none of it can be helped.
So, the Catholic Church (my background) came up with a most complex theology, rituals, and rules for behavior. It frightened me when I was a young person.
By the way, all the stuff on limbo, purgatory, etc. also has explanations in some eastern belief, except they throw in the reincarnation/rebirth stuff. This horrifies me, yet it might be reality.
Israel as of today killed over 20,915 human beings
E. Michael Jones,
Can you talk about this staggering statistic on your next show on Friday and that there’s no tunnel in Gaza? (Is this more than the number of cows that have been slaughtered to make hamburgers and steak?)
Can you do a show again with Gemma O’Doherty? She has mentioned that Ireland was the only country that refused to take in any Jews after they were being expelled from more than 100 countries and she speaks about them in her free newspaper, The Irish Light newspaper https://irishlightpaper.com/
Genocide of Palestinians and Christians in Gaza (videos)
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6317607
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6306958
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6305199
— https://www.unz.com/ejones/of-camels-and-unitarians/#comment-6303709
— https://www.unz.com/article/memo-to-pope-francis-god-cannot-and-does-not-bless-sin/#comment-6333109
LET’S TALK ABOUT THE JEWS | Max Igan (TheCrowhouse)
Video Link
WAR CORRESPONDENT SPECIAL REPORT | Jean-Claude w/ Max Igan (The Crowhouse)
Video Link
There are NO TUNNELS because Gaza is too low near sea-level, see diagrams
Video Link
King James 6 of Scotland 1 of England was very homosexual. It’s very well known. He was in love with a young man whom he created Duke of Buckingham and gave millions in currency jewelry and lands