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Where’s the Hitler?

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All right, that’s it. I’ve run out of patience. No more excuses. Where’s the Hitler?

Yes, you heard me. I’m talking to you. You respectable journalists and political pundits. You Intelligence officials and politicians. You fanatical liberals. You pseudo anti-fascists. All you members of the GloboCap “Resistance” who have been hysterically shrieking that “Trump is Hitler!” since he won the nomination back in 2016.

Well, OK, it’s November 2020. The show is almost over. When do we get Hitler?

No, do not tell me “any day now.” You’ve been telling us that for four straight years. Do we look like a bunch of gullible idiots that you can whip up into a four-year frenzy of mindless hatred and paranoia by screaming “Hitler!” over and over, and then not produce an actual Hitler?

Well, we’re not. We remember what you said. You promised us Hitler, and we want Hitler, or at least a decent facsimile of Hitler.

And don’t even think of trying to pretend that you didn’t actually promise us Hitler. You did. You want me to prove it? OK.

Remember back in 2016, when The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Guardian, the Washington Post, The Inquirer, and other such “leading respectable broadsheets,” and online magazines like Mother Jones, Forward, Slate, Salon, Vox, Alternet, and countless others, warned that Trump was sending secret anti-Semitic “dog whistle” signals to his underground army of Nazi terrorists by talking about “international banks,” “global elites,” the “political establishment,” and even “corporations” and “lobbyists” … all of which was supposedly code for “the Jews,” who he was going to exterminate if won the election?

I do. I remember that, distinctly.

How about after he won the election, when The Guardian reported that “white supremacy ha[d] triumphed!,” and The New York Times, NPR, Keith Olberman, and other verified news sources warned that America had descended into “racial Orwellianism,” or Zionist Anti-Semitism, or the “bottomless pit of fascism,” or whatever? Or when Michael Kinsley in the Washington Post confirmed that “Donald Trump is actually a fascist”?

Do you remember all that? Because I certainly do.

Remember Aaron Sorkin’s letter to his daughter warning her that millions of “Muslim-Americans, Mexican-Americans and African-Americans [were] shaking in their shoes” as they waited for Trump to round them all up and send them to the camps, along with the “Jewish Coastal Elites”?

And how about when Stern Magazine depicted Trump wrapped in the flag and heiling Hitler? Or when the Philadelphia Daily News also portayed him as Hitler on its cover?

What about when the corporate media reported that Trump had called those tiki torch Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people” (despite the fact that he demonstrably did not)? Or when they caught Trump calling somebody a “globalist”? (That episode was particularly disturbing to me, personally, as I had no idea that I was literally a Nazi until the corporate media and the ADL explained that talking about “global capitalism,” or “neoliberalism,” or, God help me, “banks,” was just Nazi codespeak for “Kill the Jews!”)

Oh, and speaking of Nazi “dog whistles,” remember when the Department of Homeland Security embedded secret Nazi code in one of its official press releases? Or when that Jewish-Mexican-American law clerk signaled to Trump’s underground Nazi army that they had infiltrated the US Supreme Court, and thus the dreaded “Boogaloo” was probably imminent?

And who could forget when The New York Times published a full-blown dystopian fantasy in which Trump, Putin, Marine Le Pen, the AfD, and other notorious “globalist”-hating Hitler-alikes secretly formed an Evil Axis (the “Alliance of Authoritarian and Reactionary States”), dissolved the European Union and NATO, declared international martial law, and ethnically cleansed the world of immigrants? Or when they ran this propaganda film, “If You’re Not Scared About Fascism in the U.S., You Should Be!”

And the “emboldening”! I almost left out the “emboldening.” Surely, you remember when the corporate media reported that Trump was emboldening white-supremacist terrorism with his Hitlerian Tweets … as if homicidal racist psychopaths had been sitting around in their mother’s basements, semi-automatic rifles in one hand, smartphones tuned to Twitter in the other, just waiting to be “emboldened” by the president.

Oh, and the “concentration camps.” You know, the ones that Biden and Harris personally flew down and liberated the morning after they won the election. The ones where they put the kids in cages and forced all the prisoners to drink out of toilets. I couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t mention them.

And those are just a few of the highlights.

Look, the point is, you “Resistance” people promised us Hitler for four years straight, and now you’re acting like you just defeated Hitler, and, I’m sorry, but that is not going to cut it. We’re going to need some actual Hitler before we transition to the Brave New Normal, or we might start to … you know, doubt your credibility.

I mean, come on. Lawsuits? Recounts? Audits? Angry tweets? Golf, for Christsakes? This is not remotely Hitlerian behavior. You people promised us an attempted coup, a Reichstag fire, Nazi militias occupying the halls of Congress, stadiums full of Sieg-heiling rednecks, white-supremacist terrorists terrorizing everyone … and now all we get is Rudy Giuliani sweating rivulets of hair dye, or something, on TV? All right, granted, that was pretty scary, but it’s not exactly Joseph Goebbels fanatically barking about “total war,” or legions of Hawaiian-shirt-wearing fascists goose-stepping up Pennsylvania Avenue.

The way I see it, you people have got another four or five weeks to goad Donald Trump into going full-Hitler and staging a coup, or gratuitously mass-murdering the Jews, or somebody, or the public is going to feel … well, bamboozled, and insulted, and even a little angry. They are going to feel like you “Resistance” people regard them as a bunch of total morons that you can manipulate, over and over again, with blatantly ridiculous propaganda that anyone with half a brain could see through … some of which, frankly, has been downright offensive.

Seriously, fascism, Hitler, the Holocaust … these are solemn, sensitive subjects. They’re not just convenient emotional buttons that you can press to whip folks into a frenzy of mindless paranoia and murderous hatred whenever you feel like demonizing some foreign leader or unauthorized president. The same goes for racism and anti-Semitism. These are real issues, which people care about. They’re not just glorified marketing buzz words that you can pull out of your bag of cheap tricks and slap onto your enemies like they don’t mean anything. If you spend four years accusing someone of literally being Adolf Hitler, or the resurrection of Adolf Hitler, and brainwash millions of credulous liberals into believing that America is on the brink of fascism, you can’t just suddenly say, “We were only kidding. We didn’t mean that he was actually Hitler, or that fascism was really on the rise.” People won’t stand for it. They’ll go ballistic. You’ll have some sort of revolt on your hands.

Or, all right, on second thought, maybe not. Maybe you can get away with pointing at some billionaire ass clown and howling “Hitler!” over and over, on a daily basis, for years and years, without ever providing any actual evidence that the ass clown in question resembles Hitler, or has done anything comparable to Hitler, or is in any way remotely similar to Hitler. Why not? You successfully Hitlerized Corbyn, not to mention Saddam, Gaddafi, and Milošević, and a long list of other “threats to democracy.” You’ll probably get away with Hitlerizing Trump.

After all, it appears you’ve convinced the public (or at least the vast majority of the public) that they are being attacked by an apocalyptic plague that causes mild to moderate flu-like symptoms (or, more commonly, no symptoms at all) in 95% of those infected and that over 99.7% survive, and thus we have to cancel constitutional rights, let government officials rule by decree, devastate the economy (or at least small businesses), have global corporations censor all dissent, force everyone to wear medical-looking masks, put whole societies under house arrest, psychologically terrorize children, and otherwise transform the planet into one big paranoid, totalitarian theme park.

If you can get people to go along with that … well, they’ll probably go along with anything.

C. J. Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.

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  1. Prajna says: •�Website

    A masterpiece again, CJ. I’m in awe. I hope it is published ubiquitously.

    •�Replies: @Wally
    , @Moi
    , @ANONymous
  2. Only suckers and the mentally weak fell for the literally Hitler line. They’re buffoons, but they have no clue that they are. This means they’ll fall for the next folie a deux and the one after that. Save the USPS!

  3. eD says:

    Excellent essay, and one thing I’ve been wondering is, given the amount of power these people obviously have, why haven’t they been more ambitious.

    •�Replies: @Stan d Mute
    , @Old and Grumpy
  4. Stick says:

    Thanks CJ. We figured this out in the first Coup. We are now up to Coup 3.0 with the Chinese Junta awaiting inauguration. Now we will get our real Hitler even though his head is full of jelly.Basically Hitler by committee which is the worst Hitler evah.

  5. Hitler was a man far in advance of mankind, in realizing that the Jew was the enemy of Mankind.

    Just look at the present day if you wish to dispute that simple Truth.

    Hitler was our best, and last chance, to avoid the Jew Anti-Christ.

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan, Angharad
    •�Troll: gay troll
    •�Replies: @gay troll
    , @bayviking
  6. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Where’s the Hitler? Trump supported the Zionist ‘genocide’ of Palestinians. There’s the Hitler. But that’s the kind of Hitler that Jews like.

    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
    , @Johnny Rico
  7. Only the Perfidious Jews try to smear their enemies.

    It’s time Mankind woke up to the Truth.

    •�Replies: @gay troll
  8. Mr. Hopkins has answered this question of the ages in pervious screeds, so I guess this is the final schwanengesang for the Orange Adolph. When it comes to Trump being the latest and most evilest incarnation of LITERALLY HITLER, he’s a total failure – even worse than the stoner-dood in the fake Broadway musical Springtime for Hitler (and Germany). Orange Man’s Hitlerdom is much like the famous ‘beef’ featured in the ancient TV ad for Wendy’s – not to be found even with an electronic microscope. Much as many an SJW blue-haired lard-assed lass might pine for the jackboots in those snappy Hugo Boss uniforms, it’s not to be.

  9. Wyatt says:

    Only suckers and the mentally weak fell for the literally Hitler line.

    I was quietly hoping it was true. Can you imagine Fuhrer Donald coming out, casually shooting the press pool with an MP-40 and then explaining all of the work camps he’s got for Democrats?

    “I’ve built many camps. They’re great camps. Nancy and Chuck are gonna have a great time working, they’re gonna be very productive, believe me.”

    Watching America slowly burn down would be worth it to see that happen.

    •�Agree: Stan d Mute
    •�LOL: Escher, Nisbe, Emslander
    •�Replies: @Tom Rogers
  10. Ugetit says:

    without ever providing any actual evidence that the ass clown in question resembles Hitler, or has done anything comparable to Hitler, or is in any way remotely similar to Hitler. Why not? You successfully Hitlerized Corbyn, not to mention Saddam, Gaddafi, and Milošević, and a long list of other “threats to democracy.” You’ll probably get away with Hitlerizing Trump.

    No doubt about it. They still get away with Hitlerizing Hitler.

    •�Agree: profnasty
    •�Replies: @Wally
  11. gsjackson says:

    Stand by, C.J. Call me a Pollyanna, but I think all the proof the pressies need will be forthcoming soon as Trump and the military take control of post-“election” proceedings. Oh, the wailing and gnashing of teeth to come.

    •�Replies: @cylindrical crown
  12. @Priss Factor

    I think the Haavara Agreement Hitler is the kind of Hitler Jews like.
    As the old saying goes: In all of German occupied Europe there were 3.8 million Jews, of which 4.3 million claimed reparations after the war. Sadly, the other 6 million were lost.

    •�Replies: @Winnetou1889
    , @chuckywiz
  13. I guess those no symptoms at all are why the hospitals are overflowing. They just opened an unfinished new wing at my local hospital to care for the excess no symptoms at all people.

    This guy has to hobbyhorses he beats into the ground.

    A. Trump isn’t Hitler even though they say he is. He is right about this.

    B. Coronavirus is a hoax. He is wrong about this.

    I wonder if he gets paid for writing the same article over and over again. Gotta get me some of that job action. Sounds like cake.

  14. We NEED Hitler!

    •�Agree: Trinity, Pop Warner
    •�Disagree: R2b
  15. Getaclue says:

    Your statements as to Hospitals are provably FALSE! On the true numbers and the reality of how Hospitals actually operate — on a near capacity basis always as to ICU — we are being lied to, misled as to how things actually work in Hospitals, and you are doing the same right here either purposely or due to ignorance.

    This article recaps the data nicely that disproves the Hospitals “in crisis” “overflowing” with CVirus BS (Please stop by the way — the UN itself reports this HOAX is now going to very likely cost 200 Million real people to starve due to disruptions to food chains rippling out from the USA across the World — poor people in 3rd World Countries — people pushing this BS about “Hospitals overflowing” and pushing “lockdowns” have blood on their hands — lots of it!): https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/its-panic-porn-clickbait-media-scare-stories-about-hospitals-are-misleading

    •�Agree: Emslander
    •�Thanks: Achmed E. Newman
    •�Replies: @obwandiyag
  16. Biff says:

    Hitler has always been there, for he is essential, because it’s almost impossible to be a victim without him, or at least an “exceptional chosen holocaust victim”TM.

    Imagine a world without Hitler. What would it be like if there was nobody to blame for your awful behavior? Without Hitler would the Zionists be more obvious or even maybe less acceptable in their ways and means?

    Where would all the excuses come from? When it’s time to bomb, raid, steal, overthrow, and occupy the reason given every time is “We need to stop the next Hitler!”

    •�Replies: @Escher
    , @Curmudgeon
  17. Hitler didn’t grift his base as much as Zion Don. Unfortunately, honest patriots like Hitler need to be grouped in with the crypto-Jew kleptocrat Donald. A shame.

    •�Agree: Ugetit
  18. The Trump Presidency was the Establishment’s False Flag PsyOp. The whole pro-Trump vs. anti-Trump insanity of the last 4 years is a CIA/Mockingbird Media Psy-op that’s mindfucked everyone on both sides of the big divide. Whether or not Trump is better than “the enemy of the people” in the fake news Democratic-media establishment is beside the point. Its not Trump that the Establishment hates – the MSM only ever accuses him of fabricated scandals of which he is completely innocent (Russian collusion, Ukraine, Covid mismanagment). No, the ruling establishment really hate the people he represents – the disenfranchized working class white majority middle America that’s been fucked over non-stop for the last 30 years…

    And so while the Establishment media has spent the last 4 years demonizing the biggest losers and the real victims of neo-liberal globalization, to the point where supporting Trump can mean you can now lose everything (job, family/friends, security, freedom), look at what they managed to get away with by convincing the other half of the country that getting rid of Trump by any means necessary is a matter immediate and existential urgency:

    The weaponizing of the intelligence community in an attempted coup based on nothing with full media complicity, the persecution and torture of Julian Assage – the Western world’s last icon of freedom, massive levels of Orwelllian Big Tech censorship, the corporate fascist dictatorship of a global government lockdown in a permanent state of medical fascist tyranny, an enforced economic implosion that saw the biggest transfer of wealth to the billionaire class in history, an over-hyped anti-white race war stemming from the death of a low-life drug addicted thug who resisted arrest – and now, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, a stolen election right out in the open in front of the whole world with the most obvious and in your face fuckery anyone has ever seen.

    None of this would ever have been possible without this mass media anti-Trump PsyOp where tens of millions of people have been convinced that getting rid of this imaginary-construct of the evil racist far-right fascist Nazi dictator is a matter of such immediate and existential urgency that they were willing to usher in this corporate fascist authoritarian nightmate and violate every democratic and constitutional norm imaginable, because “the TV says Orange man bad”. Isn’t it now obvious that this has been the whole point all along??

    Trump is the ultimate false flag operation, the essential decoy upon which we have ushered in a literal dystopian nightmare – it was installed right out in the open in front of our very eyes while the educated liberal consensus was distracted and diverted with fake outrage over Trump’s mean tweets. And the good guys who saw through the tsunami of lies and media manipulations are now the most hated people in America. This was the plan all along. The international Anglo-Zionist oligarchy has gotten exactly what it wanted, and Trump made it possible. – even if he doesn’t realize it himself.

    •�Agree: Tom Rogers, Emslander, Polemos
    •�Replies: @Tom Rogers
  19. Wally says:

    Really good stuff considering Hitler never did what is alleged.

    •�Agree: Trinity
    •�Replies: @R2b
    , @Johnny Rico
  20. bayviking says:

    Like Hitler, Trump has managed to use the media to generate a large following. He is a conman, playing his followers for fools pocketing $500 million just by claiming to be challenging massive election fraud. Republicans have been engaged in election fraud for decades through gerrymandering, caging and purging before a single vote is cast. It is likely that that Trump won Wisconsin in 2016 by tossing all provisional ballots. Vote machine tampering has been a problem until the controversy forced conversion to systems with paper trails. Both of Bush junior’s elections were won through fraud. So this issue would be dear to Trump’s heart if he had a heart. Trump supports torture, execution and murder. Trump has never done anything that would lead one to conclude that he is a Christian, yet most of his followers are.

    •�Disagree: Rich
  21. Before Hitler took control of the Reichstag in 1933, around 6 million Germans were unemployed, the German economy was in total collapse, had no international credit rating, and was almost bankrupt from World War 1 reparations payments (outright theft) to the Allies.

    The German people were demotivated, factories were closed from lack of money to pay wages, benefits were cut as the Government had no money to pay them and inflation was spiralling out of control.

    Within three years, unemployment went from 5 million to zero. In the space of four years, Hitler changed Germany from a defeated nation, a bankrupt economy, strangled by war debt, inflation and lack of foreign capital into full employment with the strongest economy and biggest military power in Europe.

    If Trump was an iota of Hitler, the private Federal Reserve would be history, funding to Israel would stop and all proceeds would be invested back to the American people.

    Trump is a Zionist Israel President.

  22. trump is a closet Jew–his daughter is married to 1. All you GO TRUMP Go fans are being deceived–Trump is NOT for mainstreet but uses mainstreet for entertainment and jollies while golfing. He has to worry about the Wall —-and the boys in Trump Tower–their demands –from the big boss.

    •�Replies: @anon
  23. gay troll says:

    Where’s the Hitler, good question. Some other good questions are: where’s the wall? Where are the sealed indictments? Where is the new investigation of 9/11? Where is the demise of the Wall Street Bubble? Where are Syria’s chemical weapons? Where are Iran’s nukes? Where is the Kraken? Where is the “Chinavirus”, or else, where did it really come from? Gee, it almost seems as if Trump is as much of a gaslighting shitbag as his “enemies”. Almost like he’s a wealthy Zionist television star like the rest of them.

    To quote the immortal words of our illustrious commander in chief, “All is well”.

    •�Agree: Hillbob
  24. anonymous[350] •�Disclaimer says:

    NOTICE: Those sick with Covid 19 virus caused disease please remember: unless your form PPC 78634343434 is timely and correctly filed, and the documentation that your body has been inoculated with a placebo made and government tested vaccine is in order, you will not be eligible for your Pharma Thanks You propaganda participant certificate. 9 out of 10 of the PPCs self destruct within a few days, but if you are the lucky owner of a certificate that survives self destruction, you might become eligible to participate in the drawing for the grand prize.. The entry fee to compete for the grand prize is supposed to be only $1,000 dollars if paid in advance which is much less than the $20,000 promoted entry fee. Warning: There is some doubt the certificates will be available as Pharma has not yet designed the PPC nor has it paid its printer to print them.

    Accountants, Attorneys and wall street bandits are standing by to assist you in your effort to qualify for one of these highly coveted certificates. The first 20 seconds of the consults are as always completely free.

  25. BenKenobi says:

    That’s the worst part — both sides of America thought they were getting Hitler 2.0 on Jan 20, 2017.

    Then he never showed up. But the anti-Hitler people are acting like Hitler ruled America for the past four years, and are expecting Nuremberg 2.0 to exorcise these demons.

    “I voted for Trump and all I got was this lousy Weimar.”

    •�Agree: Sam J.
  26. gay troll says:
    @Truth Hurts the Liars

    Hitler drove Germany into the ground. His actions created the world we now endure. His memory enables the oppression we face.

    •�Disagree: Joe Levantine
    •�Troll: Ugetit, Rurik
  27. antibeast says:

    Trump is a real-estate con-man turned reality-TV star who was put into office by a foreign power to subvert the politics of the USA after the Obama Administration agreed to the Iran Nuclear Deal. That foreign power needed Trump to reverse US foreign policy towards Iran in the Middle East, move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, recognize US annexation of the Golan Heights, force the GCC States to recognize Israel, dump Palestinians, bomb the Syrians and attack Iran.

    But Trump chickened out by withdrawing US troops from Syria and stopped short of attacking Iran after assassinating Soleimani. That’s why his foreign backers dumped Trump at the last minute and switched their support to Biden during the last “election”.

    Russia-gate and Ukraine-gate were planned diversions to deflect attention away from the foreign power who put Trump in the White House. Now that his White House “act” is over, Trump could go back to his old careers in reality-TV show or real-estate money-laundering. Better still, Trump could sell Trump Steaks to his deplorable followers as a sideline business:

    Video Link
    Courtesy of Trump, the USA is now officially a Banana Republic.

    •�Replies: @Joe Levantine
  28. The Hitler hysteria was only popular with a few idiots on the left and Trump fans who loved the comparison because it was absurd and obscures the real issue with Trump.

    As we real conservatives have been pointing out since 2015 the problem with Trump is that he is a cynical conman who adopted some of Bannon’s talking points to hijack the populist movement. As President he has literally done almost nothing other than rubber stamp McConnell’s agenda – pro business judges, deregulation and tax cuts. Trump’s primary concern has been enriching himself and his family, as well as wasting our taxpayer money in rallies where he can bask in adulation. (Notice how Trump stopped talking about immigration after the GOP leadership blamed his caravan warnings for their poor performance in 2018). The McConnell agenda may not be that bad, but not what most Trump voters thought they were getting.

    And the downside of course is that Trump has energized the Woke and disgusted so many centrists with his vulgarity and blatant corruption that he has driven most intelligent people out of the GOP. Trump is certainly nowhere near as competent or ideologically committed as Hitler.

  29. gay troll says:
    @Truth Hurts the Liars

    A Jew smears his enemy, you mean like putting cream cheese on a communion cracker?

  30. John Hagan says: •�Website

    Look, what is wrong with a little bit of corruption. The folk of the USA like and respect a family that takes a few bribes for some favours here and there. The whole US society is built on this type of operation. What is wrong with that? It has led the US to become one of the world’s greatest societies – and it is just human nature anyway. Show me a Christian in politics in the US who does not want to take a little from the church plate. The Bidens and Trumps are just a typical family like many others who enjoy showing others that a little corruption does no harm at all. So much so that American citizens admire those like Joe and Donald who help themselves to a few favours for money (some call them bribes but I would not go that far) that they will elect him to the highest office in the land. This is the way business is done in the US. Even Trump knows that. So what if there are a few poor casualties with no food and no home. They are obviously too stupid to avail themselves of the many opportunities. Why go to school in the US if not to learn how to look after number one?

    Video Link
    Regarding the US as a client state of …

    •�Replies: @Trickster
    , @John Hagan
  31. gotmituns says:
    @Father O'Hara

    A Hitler is out there but circumstances haven’t come together yet for him to come forth as they did With Adolf Hitler. Remember, Hitler was a well tested man who a people who came through their own hard times could and would follow. That man of our time will come forward when the time is right.

  32. Escher says:

    It’s like Hitler is the Trump card all politicians have ready.
    See what I did there?

    •�LOL: The Alarmist
  33. @Wyatt

    “These are going to be the greatest camps you’ve ever seen*, believe me. This is why I’m so successful, because I’m a success, which means that I’m successful and build great camps.”

    [*They won’t actually be permanent camps. They will be hotel rooms at Trump Vas Vegas, but guests will be monitored by Bill Barr].

  34. @antibeast

    Could that foreign power’s name start with an I and end with an L with hell in between?

    If it is so, what makes you think that half senile, spineless Biden could have more guts than a Trump when the calling to devastate Iran comes calling. Or maybe the Hindu Dindu ambitious White hating female would be declared POTUS in return for the much coveted war against Iran after Congress invokes the 25th amendment when Biden forgets on TV the name of a guest leader? Hmmm, that should give any White, deplorable, conspiracy theorist a lot to ponder about.

    BTW thanks for the Trump steaks ad. Any hopeful POTUS would envy trump for his salesman’s genius. After all, those who sold the US public the story of “ weapons of mass destruction” were not much gifted salesmen, yet the highly informed US citizens fell for it like a new religion.

    Real estate tycoon, Yale graduate without much knowledge of geography, Hollywood second class actor, American African community organiser who organised nothing, sex obsessed rapist… it is all a reality show, and why not a master reality showman?

  35. Anonymous[144] •�Disclaimer says:

    You already have one.

  36. @Dr. Freeman

    I agree that the Trump Personality Cult and Trumpism is now a cipher for suppression of white working class political consciousness and action. A similar observation attaches to the Brexit phenomenon here in Britain. It is a form of Hitler Syndrome: blacken your opponent and exaggerate his deeds and misdeeds to frighten people, and warn of dire consequences for those who dissent. However, there is a downside to this strategy: it amounts to effective disenfranchisement, which builds and may one day explode.

    Is Trump himself complicit? The 3D chess was not for Trump, but against him – but as an instrumental tool for others. I maintain that Trump is the Alt Deep State candidate, but it is possible that he is not necessarily consciously or intentionally so. Trump himself may not fully understand what is going on around him – not out of stupidity, but because he is a classic tool.

    It appears that Trump entered the presidential race on his own initiative, as a narcissistic loose cannon, having spotted a bandwagon and potential opportunity. It could also be that he was slyly encouraged to do so, through an appeal to his vanity. Whatever, this curveball was initially dealt with through constructed ridicule, mockery and disdain, but when it dawned on the other elites that Trump may actually win, they carefully planned what to do in order to frustrate and undermine his presidency. Trump of course was insincere in his promise of a Wall, which he has not delivered. Yet he has been played, which is only to be expected, since he has spent his entire life as a tool for others, without necessarily realising it himself. His closeness to Jews is a big clue. He is functionally Judeophilic and relies on Jews in is business and personal life. That opened an avenue of vulnerability. Many rich people are in fact instruments of others in this sense.

    •�Troll: Peripatetic Itch
    •�Replies: @Greta Handel
  37. Anonymous[144] •�Disclaimer says:
    @gay troll

    It was Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin that drove Germany into the ground. And their Masters who used to be behind the scenes and are now up front.

    •�Agree: Ugetit, Rurik
    •�Replies: @gay troll
  38. Where’s the Hitler? Answer: Why uncle Adolf is just another part of the tools that the cowardly and best paid(off) western and U.S. press uses to brainwash the public with 24/7..Just bringing up Hitler is already the tip off that someone has an agenda of some kind to push.That is why the globalist or communist serving press brings him up so frequently. Notice, Hitler is the all purpose tool who is used as an explanation that satisfies weak minded people on all kinds of complex political and moral problems they otherwise cannot grasp, or even have the will to grasp. He’s a kind of a political Santa Claus, as it were, who is used by smart people to manipulate stupid people with. /PEACE..

    •�Agree: Achmed E. Newman
  39. Funny, if you like dark humour.
    Wonder how it will be with Biden.
    There were promises of burning down the Reps and re-education camps for Trump-supporters.

  40. All right, that’s it. I’ve run out of patience. No more excuses. Where’s the Hitler?

    Yes, you heard me. I’m talking to you. You respectable journalists and political pundits. You Intelligence officials and politicians. You fanatical liberals. You pseudo anti-fascists. All you members of the GloboCap “Resistance” who have been hysterically shrieking that “Trump is Hitler!” since he won the nomination back in 2016.

    Oh…So bad it’s not DT himself who says that and get out of his mind. He would move the crowds maybe

  41. @gay troll

    And you are just a Fag Provocateur.

    •�Replies: @Trickster
  42. BuelahMan says:

    Of course, I embraced the claims that Trump was Hitler… no, not the faked “kill all jews” imaginary Hitler, but the one that calls out the world’s greatest (((problem))) and tried to stop them. But alas, I knew he was a fake. A bamboozler taking advantage of Hitler’s great efforts at warning the world and laughing at everyone who believed such a thing.

    In fact, Trump is the least Hitleresque POTUS we ever had.

    To my chagrin.

  43. Nisbe says:

    On the holocaust being a serious subject, it seems to me that it is more of a cash cow and a psychological warfare tool Jewish collective power uses to censor and destroy people they don’t like or benefit from destroying or silencing:

    “There Are Just 100,000 Holocaust Survivors Alive Today” – By Melissa Chan, July 3, 2016 4:43 PM EDT

    “There are 192,000 Holocaust survivors living in Israel” – By DONNA RACHEL EDMUNDS JANUARY 16, 2020 20:48

    •�Agree: Peripatetic Itch
  44. Anonymous[401] •�Disclaimer says:

    Sadly, Don is a Zionazi like his Israel-uber-alles daughter and shylock-in-law.

    Trump wants America to be as “enlightened” as Israel, the benighted Fourth Reich. Don empowers the Jewish State to emulate the Aryan State, letting the former shoah semitic Arabs. He also enables Zionazi globalist to endlessly milk the Holycaust for goyim guilt-gelt.

    Matzonia has always been Adolf, Inc. Dos: a blight unto the nations while pretending to “heal the world.”

    Palestinians get treated like WWII Jews…by today’s “Never forget!” Juden.

    YouTube is now Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda, ruled by irony-free/iron-clit SS Reichskarencensorfuhrer SSusan Wojcicki.

    Bibi and Adolf and Donny: BFF!

    If Trump loses the presidency it will because he fellated Israel instead of building THE WALL, deporting all illegals, bringing troops home, protecting whites, defending the online army that got him elected in 2016, and helping men.

    •�Replies: @Munga Bulga
  45. @Tom Rogers

    It could also be that he was slyly encouraged to do so, through an appeal to his vanity.

    Slightly reworded, as posted (pre-Handel) on September 19 under a Pat Buchanan column (the blockquote), and then expanded on October 27 under a Karlin column:

    The DNC and/or Podesta documents published by Wikileaks included a strategy memo that named Trump, Ben Carson, and someone else as the three most highly preferred opponents.

    In 2015, mainstream media reported, citing unnamed but knowledgeable sources, that Bill Clinton had called Trump to encourage his candidacy for the Republican nomination. Trump ran soon thereafter, leading initially to speculation that he was doing so as a spoiler to take out or at least weaken Jeb Bush, et al.

    Of course, none of these people — including the mainstream media — is honest or credible. But since you asked …

    Maybe someone with a NYT subscription and better skills can find the article. I recall learning about it at the time in Sailer pieces, which included a picture of Clinton and Trump golfing together, when I was questioning Trump’s bona fides and urging people to stop voting Red + Blue.

    Your theory is also consistent with the dragged out Barr/Durham indictment fantasy, now retooled to prod the Red sheep into voting again. (I said months and months ago that no one above the level of a Strzok will ever be charged, a prediction that might impress Mr. Karlin.) James Howard Kunstler, who eloquently sees straight through the Democratic Party, has fallen for it.

    Whatever the script, the important thing to remember is that it’s a puppet show. None of these Beltway creatures cares or even thinks about us as fellow Americans. We’re tax aphids and cannon fodder whose dissent need only be channeled and harmlessly blown off in each Most Important Election Ever.

    •�Agree: Tom Rogers
    •�Replies: @Realist
    , @Tom Rogers
    , @geokat62
  46. Nisbe says:

    That sounds like anti-Semitism, who are you to deny that Mr. President Trump is not literally orange Hitler if the holocaust museum in Berlin has a MAGA hat on display to prove how Hitler POTUS is? Are you implying Jewish collective power just lies about everything and anything when it is to their benefit to do so?

    (obviously I was being sarcastic, Jewish collective power absolutely lies and smears with no shame, that’s why it had no place in the West)

  47. @Bragadocious

    “Only suckers and the mentally weak fell for the literally Hitler line.”

    No one fell for it… they all knew it was a big Jewish joke… the “insiders” knew that it was malarky to screw the undesired outsiders and the outsiders knew that it was a farce to screw them by the insiders… now it’s all back to square one and the nightmare will repeat itself!

  48. Rich says:

    Of course, Hitler wasn’t even Hitler. The boogeyman Hitler was a creation of English, Soviet and American propagandists and some Hollywood producers who made a few shekels off the character. 75 years since he died and it’s still difficult to get an honest picture of the man. I wonder if they’ll still be conjuring his ghost 75 years from now.

    •�Agree: Joseph Doaks, Robert Dolan
    •�Replies: @Ugetit
    , @Dave Bowman
  49. Trickster says:
    @Father O'Hara

    We certainly do ! Someone to put his foot down. Anyone reading MSM trash deserves to be punked. Editors of these rags spend the night thinking what bunk to write to keep their toilet paper sales UP.

    The Public enjoys being misled by the MSM time after time. There are highly intelligent people who believe whatever they read.

    People want to be lied to and the con men fill their need.

  50. @Peter Akuleyev

    And the downside of course is that Trump has energized the Woke and disgusted so many centrists with his vulgarity and blatant corruption that he has driven most intelligent people out of the GOP.

    These “intelligent people” who were still in the GOP until Trump drove them out: who are they?

    And, “most” intelligent people? That implies that there are still intelligent people in the criminal organization. Again, who are they?

    Maybe this is a definition problem. Being a grifter does not, in my world, require “intelligence.” The qualities required are more like cunning. Low cleverness. And, of course, amorality.

    •�Replies: @Peter Akuleyev
  51. Trickster says:
    @John Hagan

    LOL ! Well my sentiments too. How do people expect a man to pay his bills and or live a life of luxury without indulging in corruption. Even the Ghetto hoes need extra Benjamins to buy their blond weaves and fake fingernails.

    Every 4 years in America we can get rid of Ali Baba but the 40 thieves remain. A man must follow his leaders and if they are taking a taste the man at the bottom is an idiot if he believes honesty is the best policy.

    Even the Pope and his gang are in on the game. God helps those who help themselves !

  52. Trickster says:
    @Truth Hurts the Liars

    Her real name is Gayle Trollstein. If we could get this transgender’s address we could wire some shekels to Tel Aviv to cover the shemale’s leg waxing.

    •�Replies: @gay troll
  53. antibeast says:
    @Joe Levantine

    Could that foreign power’s name start with an I and end with an L with hell in between?

    I don’t know but it ain’t Russia.

    If it is so, what makes you think that half senile, spineless Biden could have more guts than a Trump when the calling to devastate Iran comes calling. Or maybe the Hindu Dindu ambitious White hating female would be declared POTUS in return for the much coveted war against Iran after Congress invokes the 25th amendment when Biden forgets on TV the name of a guest leader? Hmmm, that should give any White, deplorable, conspiracy theorist a lot to ponder about.

    Trump became too much of a loose cannon that he needed to replaced by someone they could control. Someone like Biden — a half senile, spineless swamp creature — who is easier to deal with and could be seconded by Harris. Should Biden refuse to serve the interests of the foreign power, then Harris could be installed in a heartbeat.

    It is all a reality show, and why not a master reality showman?

    The Trump phenomenon has the air of a reality TV show, complete with fake dossiers, porn stars, Russia-gate/Ukraine-gate scandals, MAGA rallies, endless tweets and public drama. That his deplorable followers could easily fall for Don the Con and his “act” proves just how good his reality-TV show is. Maybe Trump could impersonate “President Trump” and perform in future MAGA rallies by charging his deplorable followers to hear him exclaim “I won the election!”. For an extra $100, they get an autographed photo of His Orange Highness in Jerusalem. Finally, to even the score against that nigger Obama who pushed for the Iran Nuclear Deal, Trump could very well win the Nobel Peace Prize for doing a good job serving his foreign masters. Well done, indeed. And thanks for the show.

    •�Agree: Joe Levantine
  54. @eD

    given the amount of power these people obviously have, why haven’t they been more ambitious.

    What more could they want? They already own everything and have eviscerated the middle class. When you own a 300’+ yacht and it’s matching 250’+ tender, an island or two, a fleet of jet airplanes and helicopters, with secure bolt holes in every corner of the world, it’s about shoring up your position to ensure that nothing in the status quo ever changes.

  55. anon[282] •�Disclaimer says:

    Seriously, fascism, Hitler, the Holocaust … these are solemn, sensitive subjects.

    Well, the less “solemn” and “sensitive” these subjects become, the better. So I welcome the frenzied hysteria that underlies these Hitler comparisons. Why SHOULD we treat these subjects as “solemn”? The Holocaust is mostly overexaggerated atrocity propaganda and a media construct. The fact that people shout about it so casually underscores just how much these subjects were bogus to begin with – contrary to the implication that they are slaughtering sacred cows.

    They’re not just convenient emotional buttons that you can press to whip folks into a frenzy of mindless paranoia and murderous hatred whenever you feel like demonizing some foreign leader or unauthorized president.

    I hate to burst your bubble CJ, but that’s exactly what these words are. You are not being serious right? You’re being facetious and satirical, right? Right?!?

    The same goes for racism and anti-Semitism. These are real issues, which people care about.

    ROFL!! Is this part of the satire too CJ? Please don’t tell me you honestly believe these are really “real” issues?

    They’re not just glorified marketing buzz words that you can pull out of your bag of cheap tricks and slap onto your enemies like they don’t mean anything.

    Actually, they are. I’m thinking that the satire is working on multiple levels but I’m having my doubts…

    •�Replies: @Dave Bowman
  56. @Reactionary Utopian

    There are millions of intelligent Republicans (some Democrats too), who for the most part manage their businesses, their families and personal affairs and pay attention to politics at most a few times a year. That probably makes them more intelligent than all of us who post here.

  57. Emslander says:

    If the real Hitler had retired in 1938, he would have gone down in history as the most significant European leader of the millennium. Nationalism would be the standard by which any politician in the world would be judged. Bolshevism would have died of its own errors fifty years earlier than it did. Fat white girls would not be ruling our universities, our corporations and our streets.

    Trump ought to have modeled his Presidency on the pre-1938 Hitler and saved America. Instead, he let Pelosi and Schumer get into his mind and paid too much attention to the journalistic mob. Real leaders never do such things. If necessary, they quietly snuff them, but they don’t let them occupy any of their thoughts.

    Indeed, let’s elect a real Hitler next time.

    •�Agree: Joseph Doaks
    •�Replies: @Old and Grumpy
  58. Cowboy says:

    Trump who?

    “100 million vaccinations in 100 days”

    Line up to get your DNA altering fake vaccine especially if you like to travel.

    I’ll be on the savage farm.

  59. sarz says:

    Hitler was a patriot, not a turd. Trump is a turd pretending to be a patriot.

    Sure he was dogwhistling about Jews. Like promising to let out all the 9/11 secrets. How’s that coming along, Hophead? Here’s a 9/11 secret for you. Trump is a 9/11 accessory after the fact. Compare his call-in statement on the evening of 9/11 to a local TV station with his interview on-site on Deutsche Welle a day and a half later. In the first he makes a very forceful and detailed case as someone who knows steel framed towers, especially WTC 1 and 2, that that is not the natural way airplanes collide with towers. There had to be bombs involved. With that, of course, he blew the hijacker theory out of the water. Trump had just called up as an independent wise guy. 9/11 was on a need-to-know basis, and Donald was out of the loop. His 9/11 criminal friends such as Giuliani and Silverstein had to clue him in fast, knowing just who he was: the son of a particularly nasty Jew who pretended for Judaic reasons to be a Christian and who, unlike Donald’s nice elder brother, was following in his father’s footsteps. On Deutsche Welle Trump completely changed his tune. Now, he’s willing to say that kerosene fires, for the first and only times in history, plus “hatred” (there’s your hijackers), brought down steel towers.

    Trump’s dogwhistling about Jews gave him the cover he needed to do his various Judaic tricks, first all the outrageous favors from an ultra-Zionist to Israel, but also the many sops to his big-finance-Jew opponents for having broken the Judaic rules and thereby having won the presidency by riling up heritage Americans about the loss of their country.

    I guess Hophead, who lives in Germany, has not learned yet that the Holocaust is not as advertised. You’re not allowed to say that on pain of a lengthy jail sentence, and truth is no defense. So we get this sort of nonsense about Hitler.

    •�Replies: @Dr. Charles Fhandrich
  60. That was another great column and all, and I much appreciate your anti-Kung-Flu-Panic stance over these last months.

    Maybe you can get away with pointing at some billionaire ass clown and howling “Hitler!” over and over, on a daily basis, for years and years, without ever providing any actual evidence that the ass clown in question resembles Hitler, or has done anything comparable to Hitler, or is in any way remotely similar to Hitler.

    I’m surprised that you didn’t mention this in regards to previous American politicians. Maybe you weren’t in this country at the time, but this “he’s like Hitler!” tactic has been used multiple times before. I remember the same thing with George W. Bush. Now, I was no big supporter of that guy, but, no, he was not like Hitler either. I’m guessing the same was said by the left about Ronald Reagan. All I remember about it was that he was called “Ronnie Raygun” because he wanted to defeat Communism and all, that big bad meanie…

    Could the left be saying these obviously ridiculous things to drive the few politicians on the right more leftward in order to be loved more and invited to Washington, FS cocktail parties? The politicians on the right are often weak and stupid enough to fall for this. OTOH, the people on the left are probably too stupid to have created this tactic on purpose.

    Again, thank you, Mr. Hopkins for your great writing. I’ve got a new go-to pundit. You received a mention on Peak Stupidity recently regarding your “The Germans are Back” column.

    •�Agree: Joseph Doaks
    •�Replies: @Emslander
  61. left-wing twunts will still be blaming Trump for their failures four years from now, almost as galling as the gay muslim kenyan’s claiming he fixed the economy.

  62. @eD

    They want to live forever and be gods. I think that is pretty ambitious.

  63. @Emslander

    We’re past Hitler. Plus in the end he loss, which for some reason everyone forgets. I want another Vlad the Impaler. Someone who brutally defeats both foreign and domestic enemies.

    •�Agree: Joseph Doaks
    •�Replies: @Emslander
  64. @obwandiyag

    I’ll give CJ credit for knowing when to use “two” rather than “to.” Or at least to be able to catch it before everyone else reads it.

  65. Moi says:

    For Palestinians, Trump is the Hitler (at least of mainstream history of Nazi Germany).

    •�Replies: @bjondo
  66. CJ didn’t mention detainment of immigrants at the border, which any good liberal knows is the closest Obama got to being Hitler. Whoops, I mean Trump.

  67. Defcon says:

    The same goes for racism and anti-Semitism. These are real issues, which people care about.

    I do not care about this, no white should. 13% and 2% shouldn’t have be allowed any influence over what was once the majority. Now due to the influx of illegal immigration we are poised to become the minority in my lifetime. To make things worse the anti-discriminatory policies have allowed cross dressing pedophiles into schools and libraries, unimpeded, with police protection.

    The insinuation that Trump is Hitler is not a jab at him personally, but aimed at his supporters, who in 2016 turned out in numbers that overwhelmed the voter fraud. This terrified the jew, white male racist overturned the election. Most saw this as our last democratic option of fixing the country, turns out Trump is an honorary kike, goodest of the goys. Have no disillusion about 2020, disenfranching his base, tweeting about black unemployment for 3.5 years, disavowing white supremacists and then in the most stupid blunder, a month before the election, with whites unemployment and underemployed, he promises blacks $500 billion. Those “racist” whites didn’t turn out this year to counteract the fraud, why would they? The Trump administration has this to bear fully, it’s time to realize that democratic options are off the table. I can’t wait to see what the Harris administration will hold, but I can certainly bet it’s not good for us.

  68. Emslander says:
    @Old and Grumpy

    The problem is that we’re not past Hitler, yet. We have three or four Hitler movies a year and numerous references in every other form of news and entertainment. He lives on in the minds of the ignorant and the exploiters. He needs to be studied and truthfully represented. Until he is, no order or morality can ever claim a place in policy, because, once you say a policy is like Hitler, it dies. So, all we have is Bolshevism and chaos.

  69. Emslander says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I’ve been to Washington cocktail parties and they’re no reason to refuse to stake out a correct position on anything.

    •�Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  70. @Peter Akuleyev

    “There are millions of intelligent Republicans (some Democrats too), who for the most part manage their businesses, their families and personal affairs and pay attention to politics at most a few times a year. ”

    But there are millions of Democrats who pay attention to politics all the time and take advantage of the complacency of the millions of intelligent Republicans. Who’s smarter now?

    •�Replies: @Peripatetic Itch
  71. Realist says:
    @Greta Handel

    Whatever the script, the important thing to remember is that it’s a puppet show. None of these Beltway creatures cares or even thinks about us as fellow Americans. We’re tax aphids and cannon fodder whose dissent need only be channeled and harmlessly blown off in each Most Important Election Ever.

    Quite true, that

  72. @gsjackson

    Yes, I think we can have our own “Hitler” if Trump declares martial law under EO 13848, and arrests half of the Democrat leadership, several governors and mayors, some Dominion personal, and assorted voter fraud lackeys. Also, the major news media can be shut down with management and talking head arrests. As a bonus, when Antifa and BLM supporters riot, military units can suppress them with shoot-to-kill orders (or in the case of major cities, let them burn, while protecting only the suburbs). What’s not to like about the US version of Hitler that the Democrats have dreamed about.

  73. Rurik says:

    … some of which, frankly, has been downright offensive.

    Seriously, fascism, Hitler, the Holocaust … these are solemn, sensitive subjects. …

    … The same goes for racism and anti-Semitism. These are real issues, which people care about.


    Nothing pisses me off more than those people who would mock and ridicule something as solemn and sacred as ‘Hitler & the Holy Holocaust’. [Amen! Shalom! Hosanna! Snoop Dog!]

    The most evil man that ever lived, turned six millions Jews into bars of soap!

    (I’m get so God damn angry at all those ‘revisionists’ wondering where all the bodies went, when we all know they used the skin for lampshades and shrunk the heads and turned the rest into soap! {didn’t you people see the fucking Hollywood movies?!?!}

    Of course all Six Million™ are gone now, they were washed down the Nazi drains, those clever Nazi basterds!

    The same goes for racism and anti-Semitism. These are real issues, which people care about

    fuckin- A!

    The other day I heard some Nazi talking about the Palestinians, as if they were legitimate people!

    And the same racist even said white people’s lives matter too. I almost blew my top at that one!

    I get so angry at racists and Nazis these days, that it’s nice to finally hear someone point out that ‘racism and anti-Semitism’ are very sensitive concerns, and that NOBODY is allowed to mock or openly laugh at these beyond-solemn, sacred and holy issues.

    {Saint Floyd of fentanyl be praised}

    You walked a razor’s edge sir, when you invoke (parody or not) the name of A.H. (shiver-tremble-apologize for being white’), but you saved yourself with those final sniveling words of groveling fealty to ((the narrative)).

    Everything they accuse Hitler of, (ethnocentrism, militarism, ethnic-cleansing, supremacism, murder and genocide) they’re (the (((ZUS government))) doing far worse today with the ((media’s)) and most Jewish people’s and woke progressive liberal’s and Western politician’s full-throated enthusiasm.

    Jumping on the ‘Hitler-as-devil’ bandwagon, (at this late date, knowing what we all now know) is simply dancing to their tune.

    •�Replies: @Trinity
    , @Lucy Lipinska
  74. AKINDLE says:

    See those bills on his desk? Trump wants to make sure all the BLM groups and H1B visas and DACA amnesties are funded before he leaves office. He’ll pander until his last breath….”Lowest black unemployment than evah!”……Orange man anti white clown. Just leave already.

  75. bayviking says:

    Hitler and Trump share a mastery of media manipulation which generated a large following. Both rose to power during a period of economic decline. Both formed powerful alliances with organized religion, Hitler with the Catholic Church and Trump with Evangelical Christians. Both are poor strategists. Both are racist and believe in the superiority of the white race. Both consider themselves to be above the law. Both supported torture, execution and murder by proxy to ensure their continued hold on power.

    At least Trump has thus far avoided starting another unnecessary military conflict, although he seemed inclined to want to with Iran and Venezuela and he wonders out load whey we don’t use the nuclear weapons we have built.

    One huge difference, Hitler was able to greatly increase industrial production in Germany and Trump has been unable to do so in the USA. Also, I do not believe Hitler was a serial rapist, like Trump and Clinton.

    •�Replies: @Peripatetic Itch
  76. @Greta Handel

    Agreed. You make an astute observation about Barr. This whole business of dragging stuff out only makes sense if you understand it as the anti-Trump elites playing 3D chess in order to undermine Trump. The pro-Trump Alt Right have tried to rationalise Trump’s inexplicable impotence as high level chessic strategy, as if Trump is some sort of Cicero or Caesar, when it’s the other way round.

    Furthermore, the Rubicon has already been crossed – by the radical Left. That’s why they’ve essentially won, because they are willing to go the distance and do what needs to be done. The fact that Trump in some many ways embodies the Left and its underlying orthodoxy of rational-materialism and individualism is (to borrow the Trump vernacular) the greatest possible confirmation allowable that the Left have, in fact, won – at least, for now. When your own enemies and opponents are spouting your heresies and heterodoxies as conventional wisdom, you know you’ve ‘arrived’ and that presidential inaugural ball is organised for you. ‘Let the old man have his vanity, so long as he is our mouthpiece’, is what the more astute and intelligent radical Leftists think to themselves, even say among themselves in private.

    Of course, Trump is an elitist too and he is rich and successful in his own right, albeit with Jewish money, but those facts do not preclude him becoming a victim. Arguably, if you want to be rich in life it’s best to be poor. People with lots of money can be prisoners – the gilded cage idea. Trump, from my perspective, falls very much into that category. He looks like a prisoner – the result of his own narcissism and vanity, which the factional elites have understood and used cleverly to manipulate him.

    You could say that the greatest victim of the Trump era is Donald Trump himself – something I take no satisfaction in.

  77. erzberger says:

    When Obama was elected, former German chancellor Schmidt and his old friend Fritz Stern appeared on a German talkshow, and Schmidt said Obama reminded him of Hitler. Reason: both made promises they could not possibly keep, and found enough people to fall for it nevertheless. Nobody got upset about this comparison.

    So there is your Hitler: Trump did not MAGA, and every half-sane person knew he wouldn’t and couldn’t. The whole thing was an absurdity. History repeating as farce.

    The fascist scare on the left is no more absurd than the communist scare on the right. But along Schmidt’s line, Trump is even more Hitler than Obama.

  78. AKINDLE says:

    Trump a Hitler? That’s Laughable. Far from it. He funds BLM and all the anti white black groups associated with it, DACA amnesties, and more H1b and everything visas. You white people at his ego driven rallies were conned. Smart white people like myself stayed home.

    •�Agree: Niebelheim
  79. bayviking says:
    @Truth Hurts the Liars

    The contributions of Jewish people to modern civilized society is extraordinary, beginning with Einstein, and that list is far out of proportion to the population at large.

    Israel is another story altogether. Right here, on this website are opinion pieces linking Mossad to the assassination of JFK and RFK.

    •�Replies: @Truth Hurts the Liars
  80. geokat62 says:
    @Greta Handel

    In 2015, mainstream media reported, citing unnamed but knowledgeable sources, that Bill Clinton had called Trump to encourage his candidacy for the Republican nomination. Trump ran soon thereafter, leading initially to speculation that he was doing so as a spoiler to take out or at least weaken Jeb Bush, et al…

    Maybe someone with a NYT subscription and better skills can find the article. I recall learning about it at the time in Sailer pieces, which included a picture of Clinton and Trump golfing together…

    Excerpt from, Donald Trump and Bill Clinton Chatted by Phone Before Trump Announced Candidacy:

    According to the Washington Post account, some people privy to the call described Mr. Clinton, who is often typically solicitous of whomever he is speaking to, as suggesting to the candidate-to-be that he was “striking a chord” with the Republican base.


    •�Thanks: Greta Handel
    •�Replies: @chuckywiz
  81. @gay troll

    The only thing that “drove Germany into the ground” was the war-mongering Churchill who declared war against Germany despite Hitler sending many messages that he did NOT want war and only went into Poland to reclaim the territory that had been stolen from them by the Treaty of Versailles and to stop the systemic murder of Germans there.

    And if you do some actual research you will notice that it was the Jews that First declared war on Germany.

    •�Agree: Thomasina
  82. Trinity says:

    Out of THANKS, so thanks for your comment.

  83. @Emslander

    Did you read the post, Enslander? I’m just curious, as I’ve never been. Let me know what you think. Are you telling me a real Conservative fits in well in the Washington, FS social scene? How about an HBD adherent? How about MAGA-hat-wearing folk (of course you don’t wear the hat with your tux …) How would a guy like Jesse Helms fare at these events?

    •�Replies: @Emslander
  84. @Rurik

    You hit the nail right on the head, Rurik. High time the members of the “genius” tribe, and their shekel- inspired comrades, realised that that the growing number of White “racists” are fed up with the omnipresent holocaustianity crap.

    •�Replies: @Rurik
  85. anon[287] •�Disclaimer says:

    That’s always the strategy, call some white guy Hitler! and you can be sure he’d bend over backwards and suck up twice as hard to the tribe to prove he isn’t. Works every time!

    If Trump were actually Hitler, most of our problems would’ve been solved by now.

    Instead he gave Israel everything they ever wanted barring a hot war with Iran, bark like crazy at China as the new scapegoat even though he knew it was the Jews who stole the election from him, did nothing about legal immigration for 4 years, let in millions more illegals than Obama did before striking an agreement with Mexico, and now he’s about to quietly sign into law an all-Indian green card giveaway for the next ten years thanks to his favorite senator Mike Lee of UT.

    Honestly I don’t care what happens to Trump anymore. I think it’s better to just let Biden/Harris take over, it won’t be that different, let them go dig a grave for themselves and the DNC, which you know they will. Conservatives can regroup in 2024(and hopefully Trump the Jew puppet will be in jail by then), put our efforts into electing a real patriot like Kristi Noem, governor of SD or Kris Kobach.

    •�Replies: @Thomasina
  86. anon[287] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Father O'Hara

    We need THE REAL Hitler!

    Fixed it for you.

    Calling Trump “Hitler” is an insult to Hitler.

  87. @dogbumbreath

    You said the half truth. Yes, you are right : the German people were demotivated, factories were closed from lack of money to pay wages, benefits were cut as the Government had no money to pay them and inflation was spiralling out of control.

    You wrote : Within three years, unemployment went from 5 million to zero. In the space of four years, Hitler changed Germany from a defeated nation, a bankrupt economy, strangled by war debt, inflation and lack of foreign capital into full employment with the strongest economy and biggest military power in Europe.

    One question : Where did Hitler find the money for all those things?
    By whom pocket Hitler and Stalin became the big heroes? Hitler was supported
    by the New York bankers, those who have your Fed, same story with Russian Revolution in 1917. The same wallet financed both of them. Later when Hitler started to change route for his own country then the New York bankers decided to put an end to the “bad” Hitler.

    You wrote : If Trump was an iota of Hitler, the private Federal Reserve would be history, funding to Israel would stop and all proceeds would be invested back to the American people.

    You are right but the film has not finished yet. The scenario still writing in daily basis.

    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
    , @dogbumbreath
  88. HT says:

    We should be so lucky.

  89. anon[268] •�Disclaimer says:

    Exactly. Trump spent his whole life wheeling and dealing with the Jews, and the last four years fawning over the Jews. Now it’s time to feed him to the Jews. He made his own bed.

  90. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    A classic on Pathological Semitism or Patho-Semitism.


  91. @Joe Levantine

    Congress invokes the 25th amendment when Biden forgets on TV the name of a guest leader?

    I’m predicting a false-flag assassination of Biden (or his body double) as the Dems’ optimum protocol for the transition. The patsy will be exposed as a MAGA-hat-wearing member of the Proud Boys, and the event will be used to generate an Antifa-driven campaign of “ethnic cleansing” against the so-called Deplorables. Best time for the event is the Inauguration. Need maximum outrage.

    They’re making a list and checking it twice.

    •�Thanks: Joe Levantine
  92. anon[268] •�Disclaimer says:

    I thought I voted for Hitler. Instead I got a Jew for the past 4 years.

    The media lied!

    •�Agree: gay troll
  93. @Joseph Doaks

    But there are millions of Democrats who pay attention to politics all the time

    And stuff ballot boxes like crazy, it seems, to make it seem like there are twice as many of them as there actually are.

  94. @Biff

    Imagine a world without Hitler.

    Indeed, that would be difficult. However, the Chinese are filling in nicely just now, to give Hitler a well deserved rest. The infamous Wuhan virus (found in Spanish sewage samples 6 months before the earliest know case in China) has paved the way.

  95. @bayviking

    Both supported torture, execution and murder by proxy to ensure their continued hold on power.

    You guys should learn to spell. It’s O-b-a-m-a.

  96. Ugetit says:

    I wonder if they’ll still be conjuring his ghost 75 years from now.

    No need to wonder; of course they’ll be conjuring as well as embellishing his ghost 750 years from now.

  97. @dogbumbreath

    full employment with the strongest economy and biggest military power in Europe.

    Germany had nowhere near the biggest military in Europe. The “German buildup” was due to Germany having completed its disarmament obligations under the Treaty of Versailles by 1923, but the All-Lies refusing to do so. Germany left the League of Nations after the All-Lied refusal to meet both Versailles obligations, or consider Germany offer of further military reductions by all parties. It was re-building to a higher level, not the highest level. When you have an hour, look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRpsfJmtPNg
    Video Link It is a lecture based on his book.
    As an aside, in 1937 Chamberlain was already green lighting the production of the long range Lancaster bomber – presumably to bomb Sweden, Norway, or Iceland.

    •�Thanks: dogbumbreath, Ugetit
  98. Rurik says:
    @Lucy Lipinska


    are fed up with the omnipresent holocaustianity crap.

    there are states in this union that demand by law that the Holy Holocaust lies be taught in every government public school in every grade.

    And why? Because Never Again! can the world look on as a people are persecuted and ‘genocide’ happens as the world stands by.

    And these very same politicians, that write the laws demanding indoctrination of their children into the ((narrative)) of shame for who and what they are = guilty white Christians who stood by as god’s chosen people were pushed into ovens.

    are the exact same scumbag politicians that write laws banning any criticism of Israel for practicing genocide and ethnic cleansing today, on the American people’s dime.

    So their constituents are hectored to bow in shame for what people like them ‘did’ during the so-called ‘holocaust’, because genocide is wrong!

    But simultaneously it’s a sin to criticize the ethnic cleansing and genocide happening today, because murdering Palestinians and stealing their land, are good and holy and all-American things!

    It’s a mind-fuck for any rational, thinking young person. Genocide is the worse crime ever committed, and we should all bow in shame.


    Genocide when practiced by the people with enough money to fund the campaigns of our politicians, is beyond criticism and you are a deplorable person and breaking the law if you even mention it.

    So young people’s minds are turned to mush, with the contradictions and mendacity and the corruption of their young souls.

    •�Agree: Nisbe
  99. @Dimoklitos

    Where did Hitler find the money for all those things?

    The government issued labour certificates.

    •�Replies: @Dimoklitos
  100. Emslander says:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I read and liked your post. My only point is that being part of the cocktail crowd in Washington isn’t very important. I was there a long time ago. Back then, getting laid was pretty easy. Regular women were everywhere. You didn’t need to go to parties.

    It was turning gay, though, and I took my family and joined the real world. Glad I did. I think now the only willing women seem to be spies or not very “regular”.

    If I were an elected conservative in Washington these days, I’d avoid most socializing. Just do your job.

    •�Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
  101. Anonymous[153] •�Disclaimer says:

    This means they’ll fall for the next folie a deux and the one after that.

    You need to look up the meaning of “folie a deux”.

    •�Replies: @Bragadocious
  102. Agent76 says:

    “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones” is a proverb used in several European countries pertaining to hypocrisy.

    Dec 9, 2020 How to Popularize ‘Defend the Guard’ Legislation

    In this conference call from December 8, 2020, participants discuss how to popularize, advocate for, and introduce ‘Defend the Guard’ bills in the coming legislative term of U.S. state houses. If enacted, Defend the Guard would require a constitutionally proscribed declaration of war before a state’s national guard units could be used in overseas combat.

    Video Link

  103. @Curmudgeon

    “In all of German occupied Europe there were 3.8 million Jews,
    of which 4.3 million claimed reparations after the war.
    Sadly, the other 6 million were lost.”


  104. @Dimoklitos

    One question : Where did Hitler find the money for all those things?

    Support/investment from industrialists abroad played a part but it would be incomplete without economic policy from within. “Mefobills” has written extensively about Nazi Germany’s economic miracle. Search his user name and economist Hjalmar Schacht to start.

  105. @Curmudgeon

    You are talking for workers’ money. The money for rebuilding the military industry, fuel, metals came from where and how to Germany? Who kept his eyes closed after Versailles’ treaty and why? Krupp, Allianze how did they support Hitler and are still alive after Hitler’s ‘death’ and Germany defeat?

    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
  106. @Emslander

    Getting laid is critical, of course.

    As you saw in my post, I believe it’s the women, spouses of the Congressmen/Senators/Judges/what-have-you, that is, who want to fit in. They’ve put up with a lot to get to the big-time in Washington FS, and if one’s husband keeps bringing up family values and normal American stuff among these lefties in power, one may not get invited back to events. As a husband of a socialite, I believe it would be hard to just do your job, unless you have some real principles. From what I’ve seen, that’s rare anymore.

    Thanks for the reply from your experience, Emslander.

  107. Yukon Jack says: •�Website

    Calling Trump “Hitler” is an insult to Hitler.

    Trump’s problem is that he isn’t Hitler as he is to busy sucking up to Jews, Netanyahu, and Israel.

    It would be nice for Hitler to show up and for timing of such an event we must wonder if the USA goes through a hyperinflation like Germany in the early 1920’s, maybe a new Hitler will emerge.

    Comparing present day warmongering USA with Weimer Germany 100 years ago seems a apt parallel to me.

    Amerika leads in Jewish debauchery just as Germany did 100 years ago. Germany was always at war, just as Amerika is addicted to war, and these wars take a huge toll on the nation’s finances. The Munich Putsch also seems to be a parallel, as Trump’s opponents wish to see him arrested.

    In November 1923, Hitler tried to take advantage of the hyperinflation crisis facing the Weimar government by trying to launch a revolution in Munich – known as the Munich Putsch. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to take power, but poor planning and misjudgement resulted in failure and the subsequent imprisonment of Adolf Hitler.

    By 1923, the Nazi party had 55,000 members and was stronger than ever before.
    The Weimar Republic was in crisis due to hyperinflation.

    In September 1923, the Weimar government had called off the general strike, and German nationalists were furious with the government.

    Hitler thought he would be helped by important nationalist politicians in Bavaria.
    Hitler had a huge army of SA members, but he knew he would lose control of them if he did not give them something to do.

    My thoughts on why Trump is no Hitler:


    For Trump to be Hitler he would have to organize the government against the Jews. Since Trump is in bed with many Jews that seems highly unlikely.

  108. anon[199] •�Disclaimer says:

    Shabbos goy Trump today again touted the Dow at a new high. The man is such a dumb megalomaniac he still doesn’t get that most of Main Street sees Wall Street as the enemy, and believe that a high stock market only further enriches the (((rich))).

    Instead of ending the endless foreign intervention and endless immigration as he promised on the campaign trail, Trump gave us a prison reform that let all black criminals and drug dealers out of jail, and a tax cut and monetary policy that further enriches the rich on Wall Street and Silicon Valley. And he is about to sign into a law S. 386 the Indian green card giveaway bill for Big Tech to bring in millions more Indian con artists while Main Street is seeing record unemployment, including hundreds of thousands of IT jobs lost since March.

    Why are all those Trumpkins continuing to fight for this POS Shabbos goy? Are they really that dumb? This country is so hopeless.

    •�Agree: R2b
  109. Anonymous[165] •�Disclaimer says:

    Would Hitler had tolerated such campaigns (coordinated/planned) of defamations, libels, straight out LIES?? some of those visceral rants would not be tolerated even in most open countries (hate crimes?). The working class WHITES (and blacks) became the white Supremacists instantly, teh same people that open the West, made the Southwest desert bloom, fough two WW I,II, liberated Europe, and defeated (uh?) Hitler. The virtue of the Trump victory in 2016 is that OPEN my eyes…to the true nature of the LEFT (global), which is no longer Marxist, neither for the Working Class. Growing Up I became a left supporter, eventhough I always distrusted the disjointed images, of rich well born aristocrats leading left marxists organizations, that was inexplicable to me. More contradictaoy was the fact that this rich, activists often well dressed and educated in elite institutions (USA), were at the same time picture in the entertainment pages of the newspapers socializing with the local powerful (bourgousie)..TRUMP open my eyes to that LEFT that is FAKE that supports wars, lockdowns, all kinds of sexual perversions, that became part of the campaign of LIES, the LEFT that became an echo chamber of the talking points of the MSM. The LEFT abandoned democratic principles a long time ago, abandoned the poor, the peasants and THE WORKING CLASS..so why are they still claiming to be socialists/Marxist??? I expected the left (as Marx said) to fight for high WAGES, better working conditions, free public transportation, college, universal education, health, basic pension,etc. and leading the FIGHT for shoter work week with more pay$$…in Europe 30hrs a week is consiedered FULLTIME. NO the left engaged in maligning the poor, and the Workers, and use the RACIST, tactics to do some calling them Nazis, White Supremacists..wtf??..most of them barley surviving on public aid like foodstamps, SSecuirty payments..do supremacist live homeless, unemployed, with drug addictions, and depending on foodbanks to feed their families????. My new slogan is The LEFT IS BS…is just part of the POWER global Matrix..they shall live to regret it…a NEW force shall emerge from among the people as History has taugh US…

    •�Replies: @The Real World
  110. R2b says:

    No one wants a Dunkirk hitler!
    Nor a Barbarossa one.
    Dont explain with he stoppad Communism.
    Why not?
    Just look around Wally!

  111. gay troll says:

    Hitler’s blitzkrieg tactics were devastatingly effective at penetrating enemy territory. Yet at the key moments he ground to a halt. First at Dunkirk, then outside Moscow. These were decisions he made not to strike the jugular of his adversaries. Hitler’s downfall is typically attributed to hubris, which makes more sense than your implication that he was simply outmatched by his enemies. Only hubris explains his own disastrous decision making, unless, of course, disaster was his intention from the start. (Of note in this regard is Fritz Thyssen’s claim that Hitler was a bastard grandson of Rothschild). No matter which is true, Hitler failed Germany spectacularly and it is insane to think a new Hitler would accomplish anything different.

  112. gay troll says:

    You have some nerve; I have sacrificed a lot in my life to be able to speak clearly about the evils of Judaism and Zionism. Contrary to popular idiom, to assume makes an ass out of you alone.

    •�Replies: @Trickster
  113. Rurik says:

    Why are all those Trumpkins continuing to fight for this POS Shabbos goy?

    everything you say about Trump is true

    But the reason people are fighting tooth and nail to keep the Shabbos goy in there, is because of the alternative

    or, put another way

    This nation is coming apart at the seams, and a civil war looms. Do we want wokeness in the White House when the shooting starts? Or Donald Trump?

    Consider.. If it turns out that Kyle Rittenhouse was clearly and legally acting in self-defense, do you think any woke Attorneys General are going to care, when they crucify him and throw away the key?

    And if they’d do that to Kyle, with all the video evidence exonerating him, then what do you think wokeness will do to any white person who defends their property or their loved ones from the orcs of woke?

    In all seriousness, I fully expect the forces of wokeness to consider any act of violence by a POC against a white citizen to be justified by ‘four hundred years of violence and oppression, including all-pervasive, systematic racism in America today.

    They’re just defending themselves from white supremacy, and why not?!

    •�Agree: HT
  114. @Wally

    I’ve read most of better biographies of Hitler and histories of the Nazis and World War II. I can’t ever recall seeing the word “alleged” unless it was concerning an allegation Hitler or Goebbels was making.

    What “allegations” exactly are you referring to, Wally.

    •�Agree: Sean
    •�Replies: @Wally
  115. Anon[166] •�Disclaimer says:

    We are aware of the facts that bunch of buffoons , wannabe leftist , wannabe realist , wannabe non -conspiracy-theorist , wannabe something and those entitled self -styled experts from group-anointed thinks tanks ,syndicated columnists did complain against Trump and accused TRUMPoops . of all kind of stupid things . But they simply elevated a thug , a moron , a racist , a liar , an arrogant un-American person of no substance to the level of our eyes .
    MAGA became officially robustly knowingly obvious to all as MIGA.

    Thugs are complaining against a thug .

  116. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Well…there is a very simple rule.

    If Jews want it, they get it.

    Wall Street deregulation, WMD lies Iraq War, Wall Street bailout, billions for Israel, ‘Gay marriage’, Ukraine coup, destruction of Syria, pardon for Jonathan Pollard, BLM riots, Covid shutdown. and now this election.

    In a country where Jews are king, the only ‘constitution’ is ‘Because we Jews want it.’ They make us an offer we can’t refuse.


    •�Agree: Robert Dolan
  117. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Youtube is now banning people who are calling foul on the election.

    Of course, if funny things happened on Nov 3 and if Trump won and if Biden’s side contested the election, Youtube would allow the controversy to run forever. It sure didn’t shut down anyone for spreading Russia Collusion Hoax.

    Isn’t it about time white people woke up to the fact that they are the Other Palestinians? They are treated in America like Palestinians are treated in Israel/West Bank. Jews are the ruling elites of US and Israel, or USrael.

    •�Agree: Nisbe, The Real World
    •�LOL: dogbumbreath
    •�Replies: @Emslander
  118. @bayviking

    Einstein was a plagiarizing fraud.


    Get lost hasbarite.

  119. @Getaclue

    Let me get this straight. You believe one set of statistics and don’t believe others.

    Because the one set of statistics supports your dumbass prejudices and the other doesn’t.

    Check. Real mature.

  120. @Peter Akuleyev

    Peter, I think there are a lot of intelligent commenters on the unz site. Once you subtract out the Commies, Mao-sackhangers, and anti-all-things-American writers and their regular commenters, you will find bright people on both sides of many arguments. This thread here is a case in point. I’ve partially agreed with the somewhat-pro-Trump (as a person) and the anti-Trump comments along with pro-Hitler/anti-Hitler arguments. There are also a lot of very humorous ones here, which I don’t have enough LOLs for.

    I wrote this also because your comments have gotten a lot better lately, just in the last week or two (I mostly read your occasional ones under Steve Sailer’s posts). I know that sounds condescending, but sorry, I didn’t agree with you much at all till recently.

    More specifically, here, I myself thing Trump is a loudmouthed bullshitter, but, Greta’s continual urging us not to vote at all (I get your point, Greta) notwithstanding, I figured he’s still better than the alternative, and what a poke in the eye to the Establishment when he wins! Those intelligent Conservatives would have gone for Trump even more if he hadn’t promised 1/2 a Trillion bucks specifically to Black people about 2 months before the election. I believe that would catch even the occasional attention-payer’s attention. What kind of stupidity was that?!

  121. bjondo says:

    I would say Trump liberated the Palestinians
    and others in the ME from the delusions
    smoothed talked, tricked, forced into their minds.

    The President exposed the obvious: they are on their own which is honest and liberating.

    The Zionized West and the Gulf tyrants have always been snakes.

    5 dancing shlomos

  122. Munga Bulga [AKA "HeebHunter"] says:

    This is the kind of insane rant that again confirms a simple truth.
    Muttmerica doesnt deserve to be saved.

  123. aandrews says:

    He’s describing the Managerial State. It must be glaringly obvious to everyone except the goy-polloi.

    •�Thanks: Munga Bulga
  124. Hitler actually loved his nation and tried to save it from a Jewish led communist takeover.

    Trump served Israel, jews, blacks, mexicans, and homosexuals.

    Hitler fought against the Jews while Trump gave them everything they wanted except for war with Iran.

    It’s painful to have to acknowledge the level of idiotic gullibility of the jewbrained liberals who believe that “trump is Hitler.” You could ask any dumbass liberal why they hate trump….ask them to name one thing he did that harmed them…..and they would not have a decent answer.

    The jew media turns people’s minds into shit.

    The left loves to claim that leftists are more intelligent than conservatives but I have never seen any real life evidence to support this claim.

    •�Agree: Munga Bulga
  125. Thomasina says:

    “If Trump were actually Hitler, most of our problems would’ve been solved by now.”

    Really? How did that work out for the people of Germany? Yeah, not so well. It could have worked out well, had Hitler been allowed to govern, but the Western elite wouldn’t let that happen.

    Have you noticed how the elite have tied Trump’s hands the last four years? Both Democrats and Republicans?

    Trump has done one thing well – he’s exposed the globalists. Four more years is going to expose them even more.

    And you think it’s better to just let Biden/Harris take over? I’m sure you do.

    •�Replies: @Nisbe
  126. @obwandiyag

    They just opened an unfinished new wing at my local hospital to care for the excess no symptoms at all people.

    Incidentally, that new wing would be interested to know where you are

    •�LOL: Emslander
  127. @Joe Levantine

    Real estate tycoon, Yale graduate without much knowledge of geography, Hollywood second class actor, American African community organiser who organised nothing, sex obsessed rapist… it is all a reality show, and why not a master reality showman?

    Well, since you put it that way, I think I’ll run. I’m pretty good at training dogs – that should be a useful skill in Wash DC.

    Lol, great description.

    •�LOL: Joe Levantine
  128. @Anonymous

    Paragraphs are highly encouraged. TBH, I just skip over any posts that are one massive paragraph.

    The Enter key on your keyboard works wonders.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  129. Wally says:

    said: “They still get away with Hitlerizing Hitler.”


    It’s the classic ‘garbage in, garbage out’ approach.

    Start with a false premise and illogically extend it to others.

    The result is that both are still false.

  130. Nisbe says:

    There’s been enough exposure.
    Now is the time for punishment and destruction of those that have waged total war against the West.

  131. ANONymous[873] •�Disclaimer says:

    Is it bad or even illegal, to be anti-semite or following Hitler’s ideology in the USA?
    Too much fuss about the Jews and Hitler.
    Don’t you think?

    •�Replies: @LFM
  132. chuckywiz says:

    I wonder if there is any reference for the 3.8 mil Jewish population in the occupied Europe. I dont believe the Wikipedia information (neutral information is OK) Perhaps this information is purged from the internet.

    BTW. The 6 mil number was revised by the Canadian jewish “scholar”Prof, Raul Hilberg in his 3 volume books ” The Destruction of European Jews” published in 1985, Page 1219, Table B-1

    He downgraded total deaths to 5.1 mil
    Killings of prisoners of war…………………..3.0 Mil
    shooting, transit, and Serbia etc

    Death camps……………………………………….2.7 Million
    Auschwitz ………1 Mil
    Kulmhof ………..0.150
    Other camps…..0.150
    Like Bergen, Beson, Buchenwald, Dachau, Manuthausen, Stutthof etc.

    Of course total does not add up to 5.1, However his table on page 1219 shows 5.1 Million total deaths. According to the book Treblink, Belze and Solbibor camps operation was similar and total deaths were 1.5 million of which Nuremberg Trial found only one Witness to testify.

    •�Replies: @Curmudgeon
    , @erzberger
  133. Trickster says:
    @gay troll

    Dear Ms Trollstein,

    You doth protest too much…. like the prostitute who insists she only fucks selected men

    I have read most of your comments here on UR and they are shit. Your “I have sacrificed a lot blah blah……” is also bunk. I dont think anyone on this site has “sacrificed” anything to be able to speak freely. What have you sacrificed ? You weaves, fake fingernails and string panties ?

    Dont come with the “look at me I gave up so much” . Gays and trolls should be locked up in a hard labour camp for freaks but as you reside in T/Aviv I guess that wont happen.

    The majority here on Unz think you are an idiot. Keep you nose to the grindstone in that Kibbutz and stay off UNZ. Even as a Jew you dont have the intellectual capacity for this site. LOL

    •�Troll: gay troll
    •�Replies: @gay troll
  134. chuckywiz says:

    Friends and Foes together. Newt, Billy Crystal, Yankee Manager, Slick Willy, Designated A… Hole (just like designated hitter) in 2020 primary (Bloomberg), and of course this guy need no intro., The mayor of America AKA pervert of NYC. Dont know the woman?

  135. gay troll says:

    The guy who assumes every non-Christian is a Jew wants to talk about intellectual capacity? You do realize Jesus Christ himself was a Jew? Not only that, but the so-called “king” of the Jews? In fact it is Christians who believe in the Jewish Bible, not me. So if you are a Christian, stop projecting your childish insecurities, grow up and admit what you are and where you come from. I unequivocally reject the Old Testament (and the Talmud for that matter), do you? I’m also whiter and smarter than you. So keep trying to drag me down if you want to get your ass kicked.

    •�Agree: MrVoid
    •�Replies: @noname27
  136. Brenton Sanderson has an excellent article being highlighted on UNZ titled, “Mark Leibler: Powerbroker for Australia’s Jewish Plutocracy”. This paragraph highlights what kind of President Trump is for all Americans:

    The AIJAC leaders took a list of demands to the meeting with Morrison (Australian Prime Minister). Their top priority was for Australia to officially abandon its previous support for the Iran nuclear deal (a purely symbolic gesture given Australia was not a party to that agreement). The second priority was for Australia to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Three days after the meeting, Morrison announced that the government was examining the possibility of moving the Australian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

    Aren’t the similarities obvious? Trump is just another puppet.

    •�Replies: @Tom Rogers
  137. Emslander says:
    @Priss Factor

    Youtube is now banning people who are calling foul on the election.

    Maybe I’m just getting too old to understand, but I don’t understand why the f___ anybody should care what these homosexual coder would-be masters of the world do about anything. If somebody wants to say that the election was a fraud, Wuhan flu was a fraud, Hunter Biden is a smack using criminal or anything else, should they care what Google does with that?

    Write it down, put it on a mimeographed sheet and hand it out on street corners. Send it to friends via US Postal Service. Send it to the local newspaper. Start your own web page and keep it open to any opinion or only your opinions.

    Truth will out!

    •�Agree: Supply and Demand
  138. Anonymous[300] •�Disclaimer says:
    @The Real World

    I would BUT I hate rants that go on and on in endless paragraphs without any SOLID ARGUMENTS. Those posts are usually are deleted by the UNZ moderators .I skip comments concentrating on the FORM not on the SUBSTANCE , ideas…!!!

  139. Brilliant! I have a cousin who told me Trump was *Hitler before he got elected, after he got elected, and often during his four years in office. I read up a little on Hitler and Trump didn’t seem to have any of his many interesting qualities.

  140. Hillbob says:

    At least Hitler’s army kept fighting for him even after his cowardly death in the underground toilet that was his home, like the sewer rat he was

    •�Replies: @noname27
    , @Munga Bulga
  141. @chuckywiz

    Hilberg was stripped naked under cross examination at the first Zundel Trial. He refused to testify at the 2nd.
    Here are the minutes of the Wannasee Conference used by the US at Nuremberg.

    Note how the estimated number of Jews is separated. The numbers in the lower column are numbers where Germany has no control or influence. Most of the Jews under their control are in Poland, Ukraine, and the occupied areas of Soviet Union. Note also that the discussion for their removal took into consideration the danger to the Jews of some options, such as sailing to Palestine.

  142. @dogbumbreath


    Furthermore, if Trump really was playing 3D chess, he would have built a permanent concrete/brick Southern Border Wall in defence of the Greater White Race – just as a start.

    Instead, he reinforced parts of the existing border fortifications with new modular barriers that could easily be removed by a following administration (and probably will be). That’s not 3D chess. That’s pretending you have done something you have not done – commonly called lying.

    •�Agree: noname27
    •�Replies: @Munga Bulga
  143. @Rich

    I wonder if they’ll still be conjuring his ghost 75 years from now

    UMmm… Yes, categorically and most certainly I can absolutely assure you that ((( they ))) will – if we let them.

    Since you ask.

    You’re welcome.

  144. @anon

    You’re… umm… not terribly good with masterful, dry-as-dust, expert, remorseless biting SATIRE, are you ?

    Read a few other CJ articles and get back to us – when you stop laughing – and weeping.

  145. erzberger says:

    Hilberg was born in Austria and American, not Canadian

  146. GoodTwin says:
    @Peter Akuleyev

    You should read Hitler’s description of how to build a political movement based on populism (the only basis for a revolutionary party). He pretty much uses ideology as a tool to gain followers for his “Germany First” agenda and makes it clear that any ideology must always be adapted to the situation as needed with the goal of freeing the nation from whatever enemies it has. Since your enemies are going to be using different ideologies against you, it is futile to get caught up in any particular one.
    He also goes into how movements get caught up in intellectualism and forget that the common person needs to be the driving force.

    The German nationalists were just as comically unrealistic as the Tea Party Republicans and other libertarian types who consistently railroad themselves into irrelevancy. Hitler saw this and realized that he had to just make his own thing from scratch, even if it meant rejecting the established German movement completely and alienating them.

    Trump of course is not on the level of a Hitler, but he does have good instinct and has accomplished much in terms of building the America First movement. The emerging leaders who are fighting for Trump now are the future of American nationalism and those who are throwing him under the bus are useless to us. All in all I think Trump compares favorably to Hitler considering that he is dealing with a country much more corrupt, degenerate, divided, and subverted than Germany was in the Weimar period.

    When the economic collapse really kicks in we shall see how things play out now that Trump has laid the groundwork for populist revolution. Keep an eye on Nick Fuentes and other young Christian men with MAGA hats and decent looking clothes. Though the GOP is naturally committed to suiciding right now (when they have been gifted more political capital than anyone could dream of by Trump’s epic and historically successful campaigning) they are doing a service by showing the line in the sand in clear definition. I don’t know how things are going to move forward with blatant election fraud being part of the new normal, but I have faith that the leaders emerging in this last month are going to figure it out if we put our energy behind them. The nation is more awake now than ever and realizing that it’s now or never, MAGA!

    •�Agree: Emslander
    •�LOL: Supply and Demand
    •�Replies: @Supply and Demand
  147. noname27 says: •�Website

    Oh that he had been a Hitler. The NYT and all those other Cultural Jew Marxist shit rags would have been shut down and the media whores in their employ incarcerated in concentration camps where they belong.

  148. noname27 says: •�Website

    Try reading some history books instead just spewing victor’s history propaganda bullshit.

  149. Munga Bulga [AKA "HeebHunter"] says:

    Only a stupid, worthless, brainless amerimutts would say this.
    The only thing more hardcore than what Great Leader did would be disembowelment. Which is was unnesscary.

    And that is following official propaganda, the only I agree with. He died among his people.

    Amerimutts later forced their daughters to breed with niggers at bayonet point though. How brave.

  150. Munga Bulga [AKA "HeebHunter"] says:
    @Tom Rogers

    “B-b-but the orange kike is the BEST we have got”

    Is there any hope for a “people” this far gone? The amerimutt “right” even considered tucker carlson and gigakikelover pence to be the replacement as trump “failed” (remember he never promised to help) them.

    Muttmerica is paying for what they did, namely nurturing and saving communism. But it is probably more to do with divine punishment for being kike golems for the entire length of their existence.

    •�Replies: @Tom Rogers
  151. gay troll says:

    Ah, the special stupidity of denying Jesus was a Jew. You tell us his Hebrew appellation: Yashua and Messiah are both Hebrew titles. You can split hairs and say Jesus was a Hebrew or an Israelite. But the word Messiah (Mashiach) literally denotes the King of Israel. Only in its Greek translation to Christ (Xristos) does the concept of Messiah take on divine aspects. The names Yashua and Messiah are taken directly from the Jewish bible.

    The very first sentence of the New Testament asserts that Jesus is the seed of David and Abraham through Joseph, thus giving him the right to claim kingship and authority over the Jews. Matthew provides a detailed geneaology as proof, and so does Luke, although the two proofs contradict each other completely. A virgin birth also contradicts the relevance of David’s seed. The fact is that if Joseph was cucked then Jesus cannot be not the prophesied Messiah. He only appears to be; his mother was a Jew and his stepfather was a Jew. He very pointedly refuses to confirm or deny whether he is the Messiah; when other people refer to him as Christ, Jesus only says “you said it”. Why does he act so coy?

    Jesus states his mission quite clearly: “I am only sent unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24). Matthew says he “will save his people from their sins” (1:21). Jesus explicitly tells his apostles not to preach to the Gentiles (Matthew 10:5). When asked by a Gentile woman to heal her daughter, Jesus says only his children (Jews) may eat from the table, while dogs (non Jews) may pick up crumbs off the floor (Mark 7:27). He says “I ever taught in the synagogue and the temple” (John 17:20). He repeats variations of the phrase “no prophet is accepted in his own country” (Luke 4:24). John says “he came unto his own, and his own received him not” (1:11). Jesus is called the King of Israel (John 1:49). Pontius Pilate tells Jesus “thine own nation and chief priests have delivered you” (John 17:35). When a woman of Samaria point out that Jesus is a Jew, he responds “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22) He says “If ye believe not Moses, how shall ye believe Christ?” (John 5:47). When he mentions the “children of God scattered abroad” (John 11:52) he is referencing the Jewish diaspora. Any Christian claiming Jesus was not a Jew needs to have their head assessed. He is by all appearances the prophesied messiah of the Jews, and states his mission as such. But contrary to his claims, Jesus came to destroy their laws.

    Your link says “if Yashua Messiah (Jesus Christ) was a Canaanite Jew then He, likewise, would have been racially or ethnically a viper or a reptile and therefore against Himself!” Well, that might seem impossible if you are foolish enough to think the Gospels are historically valid, but if you realize they are a deliberate literary satire, then the hypocrisy of Jesus Christ makes perfect sense.

    In fact, you’re right that he’s not a really Jew, but not for the reasons you think. He’s not a Jew because his father is Zeus and not Yahweh. His seed came from a Holy Wind and not the line of David. Jesus, or IES for short, is an epithet of Dionysius (Dion-Jesus). All of Jesus’s miracle work reflects a Pagan savior and not a Hebrew Messiah. The Jews did not even believe in a heavenly kingdom; their kingdom was to be on Earth. It’s as if Zeus sent IES on an undercover mission to destroy the zealous monotheistic iconoclasts. The bottom line is that if Jesus was not a Jew, then he was also not the Messiah!

    •�Thanks: Antiwar7
    •�Replies: @noname27
  152. That was a really cheap shot by the Jews to compare Trump with Hitler. Trump is no Hitler.

    If Léon Degrelle were still alive, he would probably say something like this: 

    “I knew Hitler. He was a friend of mine and a leader who made Germany Great Again. Hitler fought the Jewish bankers and the Jewish bankers responded by making a real holocaust and killing 75 million Gentiles. That was the real holocaust; not the bullshit Jewish voodoo number of (((six million))) at Auschwitz. Two hundred thousand innocent German civilians and refugees were literally burned alive in the city of Dresden alone and in only 3 days of “Allied Fire Bombing.” Trump never fought the Jewish bankers or even dared to name them. Trump is a scumbag.”


  153. LFM says:

    No. That is, it is bad, but it is not necessarily illegal, and no, there is not too much fuss about the wrongness of HItler and anti-semitism.

    •�Replies: @ANONymous
  154. Wally says:
    @Johnny Rico

    “What “allegations” exactly are you referring to, Wally.”

    For starters, it is falsely alleged that ‘Hitler is responsible for the deaths of 6M Jews & millions of others’.

    “I’ve read most of better biographies of Hitler and histories of the Nazis and World War II.”

    It appears obvious that you’ve really read most of better propaganda on ‘Hitler and histories of the Nazis and World War II’.

  155. Great stuff, CJ, as usual. However, I think you need to tip your hat to Clara Peller…

    Video Link

  156. ANONymous[107] •�Disclaimer says:

    Sorry my “friend” but WHY “it is bad” to be a Hitler fan, to begin with.

    I don’t understand what was the “wrongness” of Hitler. Is it because he put Jews to the …..ovens?
    In my view if this is true he didn’t put many , so today we don’t have to live the way we live with all these wars we do for them.

    Antisemitism?????? Tell them to f@ck-off.
    I prefer to prosecute anti-Americanism, or anti-Hellenism, than “antisemitism”.
    Although the term “Semite” is a stolen term by the Jew, cause Semites are millions of Arabs as well, including the occupied and oppressed by Jews, Palestinians.

    •�Replies: @LFM
  157. jadan says:

    CJ, you won’t ever get the Hitler you’re looking for in your painted queen, crybaby Trump. You’re a fool to support this wannabe, and you’re doubly a fool to deny that this pandemic is just the flu, even though it has killed over 300k in a year’s time. You’re a loser, CJ, and the covid19 boogieman is looking for you to put you down so you will finally get your head out of your ass. No big loss if a loser loudmouth like yourself goes on a respirator.

  158. @Munga Bulga

    Imagine a U.S. president who appoints Jeff Sessions (a U.S. Senator) or Bill Barr (a career government legal functionary and partly Jewish too) as United States Attorneys-General while purporting to be “draining the Swamp”? You’d have to be a total moron, or be a complete liar who has no intention of draining anything. Oh wait…

    •�Agree: dogbumbreath, Munga Bulga
  159. @Dimoklitos

    NS Germany started trading commodity for commodity. The iron ore from Norway and Sweden were traded for German raw materials or finished goods. The finished goods were also sold to other countries. Yes, companies invested in Germany. Why wouldn’t they? Pre-WWI Germany was overtaking the UK as a manufacturing giant with better quality and lower prices. The NSDAP was restoring that status.
    Not sure what you mean about “eyes closed after Versailles”. Germany had met its disarmament obligations under Versailles by 1923. It left the League of Nations because other signatories had not begun to meet their obligations, and rejected German proposals for further reductions. That led to the re-armament, which was no-where near the level of the other signatories.
    As for Krupp and Allianze, like any corporation, anywhere on the planet they will do what is good for business. Mitsubishi and Toyota are untouched.

  160. LFM says:

    You don’t care about what he did to Jewish people? Fine. (Well, not really, but we’ll let it rest for now.) What he did to Poles (I am part Polish) wasn’t very nice either, and what he did to other Slavs, including Russians, and what he did to Gypsies, the mentally ill, people of below-average intelligence, homosexuals, and anyone he and his cohorts considered to be ‘unfit’.

    Complaints about the way the war was prosecuted, or even about Israel’s influence on world politics after it was established are another matter. It is possible to agree with some of those without making Hitler into a hero or even a great leader. He was a megalomaniac whose influence on the peoples of Europe, had be been allowed to remain in power unchecked, would have been disastrous.

    •�Replies: @ANONymous
    , @Munga Bulga
  161. @Father O'Hara

    We NEED Hitler!

    Strangely, I got a laugh from that and then thought for a second: It’s true!

    I would exchange current American society for pure, unadulterated Nazism in a heartbeat, as absurd as it tended to be. Tone down Himmler’s odd DIY theology and keep Hitler out of the armchair general’s seat and things would seem at least bearable. Well, maybe. No government is any good for long, as it inevitably attracts and breeds psychopaths, as sure as sunrise.

    Certainly better than Joe Stalin’s mysterious mania for regularly killing millions of his own people, though, and those constituted Europe’s only two choices at the time.

    It would be wonderful to be valued for my intelligence and abilities rather than be actively persecuted for my sex and skin color as though I were a kulak. It doesn’t seem to be an unreasonable request, but “meritocracy is racism” in this culture broadly peopled by those devoid of any possible merit or usefulness, to the extent they cannot even understand the innate idiocy of their slogan.

    This will not happen in my lifetime.

  162. ANONymous[401] •�Disclaimer says:

    nuff said Shlomo.
    Go home now. Don’t waist my time.

  163. LFM says:

    Idiot yourself. That last comment of yours isn’t an argument, it’s name-calling.

    Also, you don’t know how to spell. Do you even speak English? I doubt it. I wouldn’t normally care, except that you’ve made it a concern. Go home to whatever backwater you come from, barbarian. And if by calling me Shlomo you meant to imply that I am Jewish, I’m not. (Not that I’d mind if I were.) As I said, I’m part Polish.

  164. Whites are at an disadvantage (as compared to the crafty Jews) because whites developed in cold climates in small groups and learned to deal with the natural world (thus the lower rate of ethnocentrism for whites) and did not learn to compete with other groups…..while the Jews generally served as middle-men/merchants/moneychangers throughout the ages and became very adept at manipulating other groups of people to attain the goals and interests for their own large nosed psychotic tribe.

  165. Munga Bulga [AKA "HeebHunter"] says:

    A polish kike with crocodile tears for the gypsies, heh. How quaint. Were your ancestors part of the boshelviks too?
    The fact that you got away means European decline in qualities have started long before the last defeat.

  166. @sarz

    Hitler can never be explained. As one of his closest associates noted, He was a solitary figure who arrived as a meteorite and expressed his enormous will power manifested by his love and belief in, his own Germanic people. Then he left as mysteriously as he came. He simply cannot be fully explained. Thousands of writers, including psychologists, have made the attempt to explain the “Hitler phenomenon” but ultimately they all leave a sense that something is missing in their explanations. Trying to pigeon hole Hitler, is like trying to explain the genius of a Mozart in music, or a Paul Morphy in chess. It’s not possible.

    •�Replies: @Munga Bulga
  167. @GoodTwin

    Nick Fuentes, the homosexual nationalist.

  168. Munga Bulga [AKA "HeebHunter"] says:
    @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    Hitler was a prophet sent to save true Europeans from the creeping abyss of materialism and regression to inferiority.
    We all know what happenes afterward. Of all the people in the world, only kikes and low IQ huwhites have murdered their saviors.
    With predictable result.

  169. noname27 says: •�Website
    @gay troll

    Classic ignorance. What makes you think the Hebrews were Jews? Show me the word ‘Jew’ in the first 11 Books of the KJV Bible.

    “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an ‘Israelite’ or a ‘Hebrew’. The first Hebrews may not have been Jews at all…”

    — 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3.

    •�Replies: @gay troll
  170. gay troll says:

    Show me where I said Hebrews are Jews. The ancient Hebrews were not even monotheists. Jesus is definitely described as a Jew; he was born in 1st century Judea. Judaism has existed since ~600 BCE. The word Jew may not appear in the first 11 books of the Bible, but it was the Jews who compiled the Bible in the first place (see: Deuteronomic reform).

    •�Replies: @HBM
  171. HBM says:
    @gay troll

    Jews were never enslaved in Egypt; it’s a fiction. Ergo, Hebrews are a fiction, too. If one believes, like some scholars do, that the bulk of the Torah is a retro-historical fiction, written in Alexandria, and the authors drew on sources from the Library, which included Egyptian records, it might just be that “Hebrews” are based upon accounts of the Haibiru and not the other way around. The “not real Jews” stuff is invariably Christian Identity rationalizations and cope that works to keep Bible Patriarchs unpolluted by Jewish behvior that allegedly didn’t happen until later. Among other things, these people conveniently ignore Jewish behavior among the Greeks and Romans, which any fair-minded person would immediately find familiar. Even the Jews themselves declare that their time among the Greeks is when “anti-Semitism” began.

    •�Agree: gay troll, Hiram of Tyre
    •�Replies: @gay troll
  172. gay troll says:

    I think the really interesting question here is whether the exile of Akhenaten from Egypt provides the model for the exodus of Moses.

    •�Replies: @HBM
  173. HBM says:
    @gay troll

    Might be, and it’s possible that much is largely a composite of many pre-existing tales and official records, which they would have had at their fingertips in the Library; and it explains why the text is drawing on Sumerian Epics in one chapter, Egyptian folk tales in another, then Greek Romances in the next, the whole thing meant to demonstrate their ancient pedigree, ethnic importance and Divinity-adjacent power to the Greeks who ruled them. I think it’s reasonable to suspect that many of their sources no longer exist for us– it would be illuminating if they did. I also suspect that this explains the Jewish taste and aptitude for literary/scholarly textual aggregation.

  174. Where’s the Hitler?

    Have you checked the bathhouses? Asked Larry Sinclair?

  175. Hitler was a puppet/paw of those we call “Deep State” today. And so, it’s a good thing that Trump isn’t a Hitler.

    Anglo-Saxon roots of German Nazism

    •�Replies: @antibeast
  176. antibeast says:
    @Hiram of Tyre

    Hitler was a puppet/paw of those we call “Deep State” today. And so, it’s a good thing that Trump isn’t a Hitler.

    Methinks you’re confused. The fact that there were British and Anglo-American admirers of Hitler and his Nazi Germany does not make Hitler their puppet/paw. The US “Deep State” didn’t exist until its creation after WWII to contain Soviet Communism during the Cold War. The British Empire didn’t have a “Deep State” because it was not a Republic such as the USA masquerading as an Empire which needs a “Deep State” to pull strings from behind the scenes.

    Lastly, the US Deep State is an “Anglo-American” entity run by Jews, WASPs, Catholics, etc. to serve the US Empire. The term “Anglo-Zionist” is a misnomer because the City of London/Wall Street Jews have far more in common with their fellow WASP globalist elites than with Zionist Jews in Israel. They may or may not be Zionists but they’re most definitely globalist. Trump was pro-Zionist but anti-globalist. That’s why the Zionists love Trump while the US Deep State and Wall Street globalist elites hate him.

  177. @antibeast

    More than admirers but active participants. Why would WW2 be different than wars before or after; meaning orchestrated?

    The very premise of Nazism had Anglo-Saxon roots – Goebbels and Hitler considered Houston Chamberlain their spiritual father; see below*. Jews declaring war on Germany (1933 boycott) was fomented by Britain. The Bank of International Settlements bankrolled Hitler’s war machine and laundered hundreds of millions worth of stolen gold, Neville Chamberlain aided Hitler when his generals wanted to overthrow him as he was readying to invade Czechoslovakia, etc, etc, etc. Wall Street’s participation isn’t in doubt either (Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler”, Preparata’s “Conjuring with Hitler”, etc). All in all, Hitler did one thing: benefit the Anglo-Saxon ruling class who wanted both Germany and Russia destroyed. Above all, before WW2, virtually all Jews rejected Zionist as Godless, after WW2, they all embraced it. Without Nazism/Hitler, there would be no Israel.

    Agreed, there was no Deep State. I used the term generally/colloquially to designate the banking/merchant class stiring politics.


    * From Humanism to Nazism: Antiquity in the Work of Houston Stewart Chamberlain

    •�Replies: @Dr. Charles Fhandrich
  178. kapoore says:

    Women understand the “Hitler” thing better than men because it’s all about degrading the prey that predators are about to pounce on. So, if a man wants to abuse a woman physically he first has to abuse her verbally. It’s what always happens. Many years ago I was supposedly doing music from a music class with a fellow student. Suddenly he started accusing me of all kinds of things, saying I wasn’t really married, that I was lying, and so on. I realized that I was about to get raped. So I ran out the door and started walking up the street. When Sadam Hussein became Hitler that was a signal he was about to get bombed, the same happened to Gaddafi. They called him Hitler because the country was about to be raped, and it was raped. It took me a while to figure out the strategy but by the third time, I finally got it. Oh, he is being called Hitler that must mean that country is going to be destroyed. It’s like the “deplorables” that are supposedly the “stupid ones” while the Democrats can be bad guys but they’re smart. “He’s a bad guy but he is our bad guy,” they say. Recently, I was thinking that the “deplorables” aren’t so stupid and the Democrats aren’t so smart, why else would they keep losing and bungling things so badly? Why else would they elect someone like Joe Biden who slurs his words so half the time he can’t be understood? Trump is not Hitler, and he never was Hitler. They were just preparing to take him out but they kept failing, and maybe they’ll fail again.

    •�Thanks: Hiram of Tyre
  179. @antibeast

    The following link should interest you. Unlikely something you don’t already know but just in case of some details. I knew of the Deep State’s origin with the Pilgrims Society but not the case the 1901 Commonwealth Press Union.


  180. @Hiram of Tyre

    There was no deep state indeed. Hitler was financed by small contributions of the German citizens and by National Socialist sympathizers in various nations, including German businesses of middle size. The theory of National Socialism being financed by big capital has been totally disproved The big business contributions only started when he was already the Chancellor of Germany.

    •�Replies: @Hiram of Tyre
  181. @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    Semantically speaking, yes, there was no “Deep State”; but the people who formed what became know as the Deep State did exist and manipulated the world in the same way. They have their roots in the Pilgrims Society.

    Hitler’s earliest financiers were no ordinary, small time citizens/sympathizers – not saying those didn’t exist. One example is German industrialist Fritz Thyssen and his parents who were among the first financiers. Thyssen wrote in his book, “I Paid Hitler”, that he started financing Hitler as early as 1923. And this is just one example of the not-so small contributors.

    Regardless, my point is that Hitler was, if not a puppet/pawn, manipulated to end up serving British interest. Considering that Hitler was in admiration with Britain and wanted to model Germany after it, I am leaning towards the puppet/pawn likeliness. Besides, WW1/WW2 were orchestrated to achieve one primary objective: the destructions of both Germany and Russia (competitors to Britain). Aside from an alliance between Germany and Russia that threatened the British Empire entirely, Germany was set to become the banking/financial center of the world; something the City of London has been since. Paradoxically, Russia was on board with Britain and France’s imperial policies – the the secretive pact was initially known as Sykes-Picot-Sazonov – but Britain betrayed Russia it helped them win the WW1.

    •�Replies: @Dr. Charles Fhandrich
  182. @Hiram of Tyre

    Thank you for your reply. Everything you write, is of course possible. President Franklin Roosevelt, once stated that there are NO coincidences in politics. There are so many powerful forces that keep the truth from the common citizenry of every country in the world, that it has always amazed me when I hear people who say that they don’t believe in conspiracies. LOL If Conspiracies are those things that are kept from the public, then conspiracies are as common as every day lies that people tell. Time is the only thing that seems to break down the lies and sometimes, even time cannot do it. PEACE.AND HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR.

    •�Agree: Hiram of Tyre
    •�Replies: @Hiram of Tyre
  183. @Dr. Charles Fhandrich

    Well said. Likewise, Merry Christmas if you celebrate and a Happy New Year.

  184. Lol – Hitler came 1/6/2021

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