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The BRICS Summit Should Mark the End of Neocon Delusions
Brics Leader’s Family Photo on the side line of the 10th BRICS Summit under the theme “BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive growth and shared prosperity in the Fourth Industrial Revolutionâ€. Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, 26 Jul [Photo:DIRCO] | Flickr

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The recent BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia should mark the end of the Neocon delusions encapsulated in the subtitle of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book, The Global Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. Since the 1990s, the goal of American foreign policy has been “primacy,†aka global hegemony. The U.S. methods of choice have been wars, regime change operations, and unilateral coercive measures (economic sanctions). Kazan brought together 35 countries with more than half the world population that reject the U.S. bullying and that are not cowed by U.S. claims of hegemony.

In the Kazan Declaration, the countries underscored “the emergence of new centres of power, policy decision-making and economic growth, which can pave the way for a more equitable, just, democratic and balanced multipolar world order.†They emphasized “the need to adapt the current architecture of international relations to better reflect the contemporary realities,†while declaring their “commitment to multilateralism and upholding the international law, including the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone.†They took particular aim at the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its allies, holding that “Such measures undermine the UN Charter, the multilateral trading system, the sustainable development and environmental agreements.â€

Time has run out on the neocon delusions, and the U.S. wars of choice.

The neocon quest for global hegemony has deep historical roots in America’s belief in its exceptionalism. In 1630, John Winthrop invoked the Gospels in describing the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a “City on the Hill,†declaring grandiosely that “The eyes of all people are upon us.†In the 19th century, America was guided by Manifest Destiny, to conquer North America by displacing or exterminating the native peoples. In the course of World War II, Americans embraced the idea of the “American Century,†that after the war the U.S. would lead the world.

The U.S. delusions of grandeur were supercharged with the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991. With America’s Cold War nemesis gone, the ascendant American neoconservatives conceived of a new world order in which the U.S. was the sole superpower and the policeman of the world. Their foreign policy instruments of choice were wars and regime-change operations to overthrow governments they disliked.

Following 9/11, the neocons planned to overthrow seven governments in the Islamic world, starting with Iraq, and then moving on to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. According to Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO, the neocons expected the U.S. to prevail in these wars in 5 years. Yet now, more than 20 years on, the neocon-instigated wars continue while the U.S. has achieved absolutely none of its hegemonic objectives.

The neocons reasoned back in the 1990s that no country or group of countries would ever dare to stand up to U.S. power. Brzezinski, for example, argued in The Grand Chessboard that Russia would have no choice but to submit to the U.S.-led expansion of NATO and the geopolitical dictates of the U.S. and Europe, since there was no realistic prospect of Russia successfully forming an anti-hegemonic coalition with China, Iran and others. As Brzezinski put it:

“Russia’s only real geostrategic option—the option that could give Russia a realistic international role and also maximize the opportunity of transforming and socially modernizing itself—is Europe. And not just any Europe, but the transatlantic Europe of the enlarging EU and NATO.†(emphasis added, Kindle edition, p. 118)

Brzezinski was decisively wrong, and his misjudgment helped to lead to the disaster of the war in Ukraine. Russia did not simply succumb to the U.S. plan to expand NATO to Ukraine, as Brzezinski assumed it would. Russia said a firm no, and was prepared to wage war to stop the U.S. plans. As a result of the neocon miscalculations vis-à-vis Ukraine, Russia is now prevailing on the battlefield, and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dead.

Nor—and this is the plain message from Kazan—did U.S. sanctions and diplomatic pressures isolate Russian in the least. In response to pervasive U.S. bullying, an anti-hegemonic counterweight has emerged. Simply put, the majority of the world does not want or accept U.S. hegemony, and is prepared to face it down rather than submit to its dictates. Nor does the U.S. anymore possess the economic, financial, or military power to enforce its will, if it ever did.

The countries that assembled in Kazan represent a clear majority of the world’s population. The nine BRICS members (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as the original five, plus Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates), in addition to the delegations of 27 aspiring members, constitute 57 percent of the world’s population and 47 percent of the world’s output (measured at purchasing-power adjusted prices). The U.S., by contrast, constitutes 4.1 percent of the world population and 15 percent of world output. Add in the U.S. allies, and the population share of the U.S.-led alliance is around 15 percent of the global population.

The BRICS will gain in relative economic weight, technological prowess, and military strength in the years ahead. The combined GDP of the BRICS countries is growing at around 5 percent per annum, while the combined GDP of the U.S. and its allies in Europe and the Asia-Pacific is growing at around 2 percent per annum.

Even with their growing clout, however, the BRICS can’t replace the U.S. as a new global hegemon. They simply lack the military, financial, and technological power to defeat the U.S. or even to threaten its vital interests. The BRICS are in practice calling for a new and realistic multipolarity, not an alternative hegemony in which they are in charge.

American strategists should heed the ultimately positive message coming from Kazan. Not only has the neocon quest for global hegemony failed, it has been a costly disaster for the US and the world, leading to bloody and pointless wars, economic shocks, mass displacements of populations, and rising threats of nuclear confrontation. A more inclusive and equitable multipolar world order offers a promising path out of the current morass, one that can benefit the U.S. and its allies as well as the nations that met in Kazan.

The rise of the BRICS is therefore not merely a rebuke to the U.S., but also a potential opening for a far more peaceful and secure world order. The multipolar world order envisioned by the BRICS can be a boon for all countries, including the United States. Time has run out on the neocon delusions, and the U.S. wars of choice. The moment has arrived for a renewed diplomacy to end the conflicts raging around the world.

(Republished from Common Dreams by permission of author or representative)
•ï¿½Category: Economics, Foreign Policy •ï¿½Tags: American Military, BRICs, Neocons, Russia�
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  1. Voltarde says:

    America’s belief in its exceptionalism

    Since the founding, most of America’s politicians and members of the judiciary have abandoned the core founding principles of genuine federalism, limited government, aversion to a standing army, and (especially) the core American founding foreign policy principle of the renunciation of foreign military adventurism.

    Notwithstanding this odious betrayal, many of the core principles of America’s founding, and the men who risked everything for them, were exceptional. Even though it is now likely considered a mundane detail, the simple act of Washington serving only two terms as president before relinquishing office voluntarily was exemplary. Term limits were good enough for President Washington, but not for the riff-raff in D.C. today. President Washington’s warning on his departure about favoritism and entanglement in foreign disputes was also principled, prescient, and exceptional.

    •ï¿½Agree: N. Joseph Potts
  2. Notsofast says:

    our own haxo went to school with zbigniew brzezinski (also known as the man with the unpronounceable name). haxo and ziggy (aka “the big zig”) soon became friends and often played chess together. haxo described him as a grandmaster and the best he’d ever seen. he claimed the secret to his strategy, was a custom chess hammer he carried with him in a case. if he ever didn’t like the development of the game, he would open the case and take out his chess hammer and begin to repeatedly strike the board sending pieces flying in all directions, while screaming,”i win, i win”, the opposing player would invariably concede defeat. haxo said it worked every time and ziggy was undefeated in his time at school.

    it was just this type of brilliant thinking, that launched ziggy’s political career. he decided to choose politics, as he thought it was realated to poland, and never did figure out this misunderstanding, but his hammer allowed him to quickly rise up the political ladder. when jimmy carter met ziggy, he was duly impressed by this brilliant strategist and his swinging hammer, deciding to make him national security advisor.

    well now ziggy finally had the platform he needed to advance his pole-litical agenda. his cunning hyena mind, soon came up with the ingenious idea of arming terrorists, in order to stick it to the bear. ziggy had befriended a pack of lost mujahideen boy scouts and raised them in the mountains, telling them their cause was just and why don’t you and him go fight.

    hard to believe that a simple peanut and potato farmer, could go on to found the mighty zioneocon empire together. they are both the grand architects and wet nurses, of our current political situation. from humble beginnings, a new world order has emerged. ziggy spent his golden years basking in the glow of his success, becoming a senior statesmen and dispensing his pearls of wisdom to future generations, through his many books, including the immensely popular “hammer time”.

    •ï¿½Replies: @N. Joseph Potts
  3. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

  4. Anonymous[366] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    As MIT-educated Thomas Massie pointed out, the U.S. makes 3% off of every trade around the world. So with every trade between Japan and China, Lebanon and UAE, Laos and Thailand, etc., the U.S. makes 3% off of the deal because the USD is the reserve currency.

    So when that ends not only will the American Empire end, but all of those things— internationally and domestically— artificially propped up by the fake money prosperity, will end, abruptly.

    With the rise of BRICS, well, Katy bar the door.

  5. If the shadow of Western decline was already motivating the killing of children in Palestine before the BRICS Summit, the increased chances of success with its realization in Russia suggest that the number of dead will be multiplied as a brutal reaction.

    The most curious thing is that no one in the West thinks of analyzing the origin of the phenomenon that can affect its existence and persists in primitive racist reasonings that are simple nonsense like thinking that 7 billion human beings can be easily killed to keep the racial privileges of the whites alive.

    It is easy to admit that it is the absolute denial of the millenary Christian doctrine that supported the creation of Western civilization, but imitating someone very popular one could justifiably say “it is stupidity, stupid people.â€

  6. The neocons were largely Jews and their main concern was for Israel.

    •ï¿½Agree: N. Joseph Potts
    •ï¿½Replies: @inspector general
  7. 4HONESTY.com says: •ï¿½Website

    Thank you for really relevant information that is normally hidden from us! Full disclosure is necessary for us to understand.

    But why the decline of the US? Could the US not have preserved their scientific and economic superiority?

    Senseless wars to enrich the military complex and waste money that could be used for growth?

    Leftist dogma that wastes money for multi-generation welfare, based on WOKE false ideas.

    Hobbling of entire industries, of education, through anti-merit quotas, incompetent employees and leaders through Leftist domination.

    Feminism and welfare:
    Dysgenics, paying poor low IQ high crime population to have lots of offspring, discouraging the offpsring of capable people through high taxes, low wages.

    Dysgenics allowing low IQ high crime populations to enter and acquire citizenship and vote anti-american.

    Destruction of homogeneity. Non-diversity was strength.

    Prohibition of apartheid, segregation and merit, that would allow pockets of homogeneity and excellence to thrive in a sea of incompetence, like in old South Africa and Rhodesia!

    Manipulative misleading language and false theories Confusing, misleading vocuabulary is the hallmark of Leftist obfuscation.

    Deceptive re-definition of words.

    Orwellian deceptive speech! Dishonestly re-defining “democracy” as they have re-defined many other things
    – developing, progressive, racism, discrimination, diversity, liberal
    – Teen. Youth, African American, Black,
    – Racism, minority, poverty line, liberals, progressive
    – are ill defined misleading manipulative terms.

    Anti-racist PC allowing Chinese to penetrate military and industry to spy at will. Chinese would never put Americans in key positions.

    Destruction of STEM, of production and industry in exchange for lawyering, improductive money juggling, useless social antiscience and grievance studies.

    Forcing low IQ people into dumbed down colleges instead of vocational education

    The fundamental flaw is leftist dogmatic and wrong theory that mentally ill and criminally violent children must be educated together with “normal” and gifted children! That is one reason why China and Hong Kong schools are better than Western schools.
    Swiss High Schools admit only brightest 20%.  Average Students need not apply.
    Swiss High Schools proudly restrict High School to those students considered a worthy investment for University study.
    Swiss High School is specifically for those who plan to study at the University. Traditional Swiss education has three tracks. Elementary, intermediate, and college. The Swiss do not suffer from the idea that 80% of the population should be among the top 20%.

    The Swiss don’t follow the world wide trend to strive for 100% college gratuation rate.

    See also ⇒ Within Race differences
    Bad Studentsâ€â€”Unmentionable Cause Of The Great Achievement Gap
    TAMPA BAY TIMES’ “Failing Schools†Pulitzer Based On A Lie. The Problem Is Bad (Black) Students
    The tried and old school system has been destroyed world wide, by politically correct IQ denial.  Schools and colleges get dumbed down so low IQ children can waste their time, own and government money to get worthless University degrees instead of valuable vocational skills.

    •ï¿½Agree: Dragoslav
  8. Big Al30 says:

    If you read the BRICS’s Kazan Declaration you’ll see they are in complete consonance with the western globalists who want to commit global genocide and completely control whatever human behavior is left. So, it’s from the pot to the frying pan. I wouldn’t be too quick to celebrate.

    •ï¿½Replies: @anonymous
  9. @anonymouseperson

    One should never tire of pointing out this fundamental truth.

  10. anonymous[139] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    World hegemony was a pleasing opium dream which seemed plausible for a while since the economies of most of the productive countries were shattered by the war. As time went on they rebuilt and other countries began to also develop and have gotten too large for their leashes. Like a mafia that torches a competing business across town the US has attempted to stifle their independent development which couldn’t go on forever. Much of this ‘grand chessboard’ was like banking on the other to make the moves in a game of chess that they wanted them to make and thus getting them cornered. That was based on the supposition the others were inferior and couldn’t match us. That didn’t happen. Economic warfare only hastened the desire to diminish vulnerability by exiting the dollar stranglehold. An alternative has appeared which seems safer and more equitable. Everyone can see Ukraine as an example of what can happen when one becomes a pawn of the US. The high-handedness of the US along with its greed and violence has alienated the world which has only speeded-up the shift away from it. This was all self-inflicted.

  11. anonymous[710] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Big Al30

    yes THIS

    the idea that BRICs amounts to anything has been well deboonked by more thoughtful people like Rolo / Rurik of Slavland Chronicles and Edward Slavsquat / Riley Waggaman

    and now we have the well-known 1990s neoliberal ‘shock capitalism’ Jewish wrecking-ball of post-communist nations, Jeffrey Sachs, supposedly ‘going dissident’ in his senior years, but actually just pumping the newer version of globalist agendas

    even the pro-Russia-inclined Andrew Korybko had to admit that BRICs and Kazan were just a fairly meaningless squib:

    BRICS will likely just remain a talking club

    ‘Did The Latest BRICS Summit Achieve Anything Of Tangible Significance At All?’

  12. @Notsofast

    WHAT school? When?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Notsofast
  13. Wokechoke says:

    When carriers get sunk the talk becomes meaningful.

  14. Notsofast says:
    @N. Joseph Potts

    you’ll have to ask haxo on that. next your going to want to know where you can get a chess hammer.

  15. yud-vile says:

    BRICS ARE A SHAM, this is what they declared after the summit, the exact same than their western globalist counterparts.

    Brics are part of the plan, not an alternative to it, they are controlled opposition:

    “We reaffirm our commitment to maintaining a strong and effective Global Financial Safety Net with a quota-based and adequately resourced IMF at its center.â€

    “We stress the universal and inclusive nature of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals”

    “BRICS supports public-private partnerships to help nations achieve their Sustainable Development Goals” (STRAIGHT FROM KLAUS SCHWAB WEF ‘GREAT RESET’ IT SEEMS)

    “We reiterate that the objectives, principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), its Kyoto Protocol and its Paris Agreement”

    “We recognise the important role of carbon markets as one of the drivers of climate action”

    ” “We reiterate our support to the central coordinating role of the World Health Organization in the implementation of multilateral international efforts to protect public health from infectious diseases and epidemics and commit to reform and strengthen the international pandemic prevention, preparedness and response system. ”

    ” “We support the initiatives of the BRICS R&D Vaccine Center, further development of the BRICS Integrated Early Warning System”

    BRICS supports “digital transformation†using 5G and other “emerging technologiesâ€

    •ï¿½Thanks: 4HONESTY.com
  16. Anonymous[344] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    How come nobody address the DEBT. How long can that continue. All aside . war against Iran will be
    America s last war I believe.

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