At his best, man is the noblest of all animals;
Separated from law and justice, he is the worst. – Aristotle
Our misadventures have been appalling in the political, economic and military spheres. None grates so hard and so long on the body politic as the growing litany of judicial wrongs: plain, old-fashioned miscarriages of justice. None is marked by so much inaction on our part as the seemingly endless failure of judges, juries and the entire system of American justice, from the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) on down.
What went before may not have been the best of times, and where we are heading may not be the worst of times, but both are damn certain to be close approximations of those things. Certainly, the cobbled-together system of injustice which characterizes courts and country today gives little hope for the future.
This is not a constitutional history of the US, but some understanding of the framework here needs to be appreciated. The Framers and most of their immediate successors saw a system of justice to be focused primarily on the protection of the general law-abiding population; secondarily on the apprehension or removal and punishment of transgressors; and lastly on the rights of the accused, principally the right to a speedy trial without physical torture to obtain incriminating evidence (which is what the much-abused 5th Amendment was intended to ensure, torture then being commonplace in investigations and interrogations throughout much of the world.) Precisely how this was applied in reality over the years, however, is a matter of considerable debate. Suffice to say that enforcement and policing were until well into the 20th century variable and haphazard, if not quite what Hollywood would have us think.
Criminals usually got short shrift ((the word “alleged” was notably absent from most accounts), trials were usually short, and punishment – including capital punishment –generally followed conviction quickly. Throughout most of the 19th century and into the 20th, with or without the existence of law enforcement and courts, citizens frequently seem to have dealt with lawbreakers themselves, and not only on the frontier.
A friend who studied at Yale Law School some decades ago remarked that the reason we know the names of some outlaws, is because they were the few to survive initial encounters with citizens or law enforcement. This was especially true west of the Mississippi River and in the decades after the Civil War. Veterans from both sides who had survived battles like Gettysburg and Cold Harbor were disinclined to run in panic because a few bad actors (pun intended) rode around doing nasty things – and their response usually made trials superfluous. Some today might deride this as “vigilante justice,” but it worked—which is a far cry from where we are today.
Born or Made to Fail?
It would be comforting to many to blame all of our failings today on cultural Marxists, or the Democrats, or the disgusting Biden crime family (or Trump, for that matter), but it would be wrong to do so. The growing lawlessness of courts and country has been brewing since the end of the Civil War, if not before, with or without a rough-and-ready approach to criminal (or civil) justice. Worse, it was potentially inherent in the Constitutional order itself, barring any changes which did not violate a strict construction or interpretation of its tenets.
It is seldom understood, for instance, that the entire US Constitutional order was uniquely configured for a voluntary assembly of sovereign states with a restricted franchise and sharply limited powers for the Federal government. The Federal judiciary (Article III) was no exception. Mirrored in most key respects by the various state constitutions, Congressional (or legislative, at the state level) primacy inhered in the Constitutional order.
More to the point, the limited authority of the Federal government – including the Federal judiciary – over states and people alike was clearly understood. The Court’s scope of original jurisdiction was clearly defined, and the power of judicial review was not highlighted in the Constitution. The idea itself obviously did not endear itself to the Framers.
Within 14 years, that changed, but judicial review was used sparingly at first. In the 72 years preceding thee Civil War, only three Federal laws were declared unconstitutional, in whole or in part, by the SCOTUS. The Federal judiciary likewise exercised restraint in state and local jurisdictions, although to a layman like me the boundaries do appear to be extended over time.
The Civil War not only ended slavery in the US and left a legacy of animosity that has not yet fully dissipated. It also began a process of change that moved the country away from that for which the Constitution – and therefore the system of courts, law and justice it had established – had been written. Although the issue is still debated, I understand that it spelled an end to the concept of a union of sovereign states which had been the foundation upon which the Constitution itself had been erected. The end of it all was among other things:
- A strong central government with subordinate states rather than the reverse;
- A democracy with universal suffrage for citizens (and in some areas, non-citizens) 18 years of age or older in place of a republic with limited male suffrage; and
- A Federal judiciary with a panoply of what the Constitution called “inferior courts,” coupled with greatly expanded definitions of original jurisdiction and powers of judicial review, replacing a Federal judiciary with limited and specific powers of original jurisdiction, and a deep reluctance to employ those of judicial review.
The Path to Unconstruction
The road from “there and then” to “here and now” has been neither straight nor smooth. From my perspective, three “milestones” stand out. Each was considered legitimate or necessary when they occurred, although what the Warren Court did was contentious, to say the least. Each gave rise to what is called the paradox of unintended consequences. In this, all proceeds as intended, and the immediate consequences are more or less what are expected. But they induce others to act in ways that were not, and perhaps could not, be anticipated, and which together have brought us to where we are today. These milestones are:
1. The post-WWII war crimes tribunals in Germany and Japan. Later considered by many American and British jurists and generals to have been illegitimate, they nonetheless established the principle that winners can judge and punish the losers while escaping punishment themselves, even when both have done illegal things. The reactions during the proceedings of some of the senior Germans accused of such crimes – knowing they were certain to be executed – is telling. Never before (at least in modern history) had this happened, and indirectly set the precedent for what ensued after the 2020 general election in the US.
2. The judicial activism of the so-called “Warren Court” in the late 1950s and especially the early 1960s. Largely by 5-4 votes, the SCOTUS began unraveling official segregation in the South and reversing the priority of the justice system to give almost controlling precedence to the rights of the accused over the general welfare of law-abiding citizens. This led directly to the use of Federal troops (including Federalized National Guardsmen) to enforce SCOTUS rulings in several Southern states, and at least to an initial surge in crime lasting well into the 1990s. The breakdown of our schools, neighborhoods and cities began here, and even though overall crime declined from its peak in the mid-1990s, I leveled off at more than twice the 960 rate before edging upwards again. And
3. The post-9/11 misbegotten “Patriot Act” and the activities it spawned. Enacted in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 from a combination of media-generated hysteria and a touching faith in the utterly fraudulent US Government explanation for what happened. It launched the specious “War on Terror” and was used to justify new security measures at home and the invasion of Afghanistan. It led to extensive domestic surveillance and the use of torture on patently innocent people to extract “confessions” (much as had been done in the post-WWII tribunals in Germany and Japan). It also led to a series of regime change wars in the Middle East which destroyed Israel’s enemies at no cost to itself (which had been the whole point of the exercise), and later produced a flood of refugees, some voluntary and others not, inundating Europe.
The Enduring Law Enforcement Catastrophe
Underlying all of this at home is, of course, the issue of race and crime. Back in the 1960s, a rapist turned revolutionary named H. Rap Brown once said that “violence is as American as cherry pie.” He was correct, of course, except that he forgot to mention that it was black cherry pie to which he was referring.
The years (1964-68) of black urban riots – the “long, hot summers” as they were called then, that led to the blackification and ruin of so many once thriving cities such as Detroit, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis and St. Louis – were just the most visible aspect of this issue. I have read in many places, and firmly believe, that the US – which now has one of the highest crime rates in the world – had no blacks, it would have one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Statistics support this, given crime rates within the US. The statistics for the US as a whole roughly mirror those given for New York City, but they are increasingly difficult to unearth. Liberals deny this, conservatives try to ignore it, but reality is unforgiving. And the data on interracial crime is even more compelling, with Asians increasingly being targeted by blacks and ignored by Democrats and the left-leaning media alike, as well as many Republicans.
What I found intriguing when preparing to write this article was that concern about disproportionate levels of black crime is not a new thing, nor did it emerge after the onset of President Lyndon Johnson’s cornucopia of welfare programs under the rubric of the Great Society” in the mid-to-late 1960s. Johnson’s de facto multi-generational cradle-to-grave welfare scheme accomplished its primary objective: it did weld most blacks to the Democrat party, no matter how little Democrat leadership – including black Democrats – actually did for the large majority of blacks.
Black crime had apparently been a concern even in the mid-1950s, when most US cities had white majorities and frequently Republican mayors, and were remarkably safe (especially by today’s standards). I stumbled across this information purely by accident while looking for data on the racial transformation of cities. It shows that even in the 1950s, there was a genuine basis for what came to be called “white flight,” turning once-prosperous and thriving cities into black-majority, Democrat-run cesspools of welfare, crime and ruin.
As the cities became blacker and the Democrats more firmly entrenched in control, so, too, did the judges, prosecutors, jury composition and policing change. Combined with the developing impact of opinions issued in the 1960s by the SCOTUS and embellished later, trials became seem to have become longer, convictions fewer, plea bargains more frequent, and recidivism apparently far more common. It wasn’t that way everywhere and all at once, of course, but I have lived in fourteen states in my life, and that has been my experience in all but two of them.
This has led to an interesting dilemma. Genuine regret – not guilt, but regret – on the part of many Americans about the history of black people in this country has made them reluctant to call out blacks on the reality of what they are and what they do. A cynic, or a realist, might well say that given so much black misbehavior, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have been well advised to ask for his people not to be judged by the content of their character. If they were, statutory segregation would likely be the law of the land, and for some, the 13th Amendment might even be repealed.
The leftist media, however, has accentuated this regret into an unwarranted feeling of guilt – unwarranted because no one should feel guilty for what others have done, any more than they should feel deserving of compensation for what they themselves did not experience. The entire concept of cross-generational collective guilt and reparation is utterly alien to American Constitutional precedent and to Western historical experience.
2020: The Fork in the Road
Alien or not, they set the stage for what happened in 2020. Looking back, I think many understood that we were approaching a critical point in our history. Some of us were speaking and writing as early as 2019 about the likelihood of a stolen general election in 2020, based on what had happened in 2018. The COVID-19 episode, which I personally consider a real virus but a fake pandemic, was ramping up. Mail-in voting was the new thing – why, no one could quite explain, since other countries more populous than the US did not need it, even during the fantastic pandemic, but there it was. The field of Democratic challengers to President Trump had narrowed dramatically to the anointed Joe Biden, to the hosannas of the media. Trump himself just slugged on, bereft of his generals (all of whom he had not only lost but alienated, and with them the senior serving military officers) and without the border wall that was supposed to be his capstone achievement.
Into this social, political and economic morass slithered the death of a career black criminal, George Floyd, while in police custody in Minneapolis MN. I’ll not bore anyone with the details. All of which have been beaten to death from every conceivable viewpoint. The reality that he died of a self-inflicted drug overdose rather than anything police did to him was suspected at the time, and known for certain when the final autopsy was released, but ultimately irrelevant.
His death became a spark for riots nationwide, with a resurgence of black looting, arson and mayhem (and more than a few murders) – they do seem to have a talent for that, don’t they? The near-spontaneity of violent outbursts in hundreds of cities nationwide (all but two or three “coincidentally” with Democrat mayors), most in states with Democrat governors, and access to pallets of bricks conveniently left unattended in many places, simply fueled the upheaval.
The response to the violence was unbelievably weak, even after the murder by black “activists” and their Antifa allies (or simply common thugs) of numerous people, blacks and whites alike, in addition to the vandalizing of statues and memorials, and the gutting of landmarks such as Chicago’s “Magnificent Mile.” Everyone failed here. Well, not everyone: some did as expected. The Democrat mayors of the cities most affected, and the Democrat governors of the states where the violence occurred, did nothing to restore order. On the contrary, they often encouraged the rioting, as did the media, calling it “mostly peaceful protesting” as the skyline burned behind them.
Kamala Harris, the humiliated presidential candidate who is now Vice President, joined other Democrats in helping post bond for the relative handful of rioters who were actually arrested. Only a single Congressional Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard (who was not running for re-election) condemned the violence. All other Congressional Democrats either maintained a studied silence or denied the very existence of the violence. And the usual black race-baiters did their thing, to their advantage and their profit.
But then-President Trump failed us, and we failed America, both rejecting what Constitution, statutory law, precedent and common sense required of us for the maintenance of law and order. Trump had the Constitutional obligation to maintain what the Preamble to the Constitution calls “domestic tranquility.” He had the statutory authority in the Insurrection Act (1807) among other laws to do so. He knew (or his advisors should have known) the precedents set as recently as Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson to use Federal troops in domestic situations to enforce the law, when state and local authorities could or would not do so. And he had the power as commander-in-chief to use the armed forces, including Federalized state National Guards, to restore order when Democrat governors and mayors refused to do so.
Yet he did nothing, other than send a few marshals out west for a short time. Absent his generals, he lacked both good advice and seemed both hesitant and bereft of adequate courage. Why he acted as he did will certainly be the subject of considerable debate, at least if we are allowed the freedom to debate such things in the future. The most charitable explanation (which is not an excise) is simply that he was out of his depth and never got control of his administration. (And yes, I am aware of other arguments.)
“We the People” also failed the Constitution and the country, for all of the babbling about the 2nd Amendment. Those who in earlier times had stepped up and enforced the law when officials either failed in their duty or were absent. This time, we did nothing, even when black “activists” murdered a 23 year old pregnant white mother in Indianapolis and a 5 year old white boy on his front lawn in North Carolina. Thomas Paine, in his famous pamphlet, “Common Sense”, noted that “These are the times that try men’s souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Compared with the rhetorical flatulence and refusal to act in their own and their country’s interests of today’s conservatives (or whatever label they choose to use), Paine’s “summer soldier and sunshine patriot” stand out like the heroes of Thermopylae. “Proud Boys” and “Oath Keepers” alike caved. Militias around the country pranced and yowled, but did nothing. The most heavily armed civilian population in the history of the world found it either too hot or too cold to act; or thought the violence was too far away to concern them, or to close to their homes to confront; or any of a number of reasons, even when they knew the President was on their side. It was as appalling a display of civic cowardice, as the riots were an appalling display of domestic barbarism.
The 2020 Election and Its Aftermath
Like the riots, the election has been discussed at length elsewhere, so I’ll be brief. Without the fake pandemic to provide an excuse for mail-in voting and the inaction of authorities and citizens alike to six months of rioting in 2020, Trump would be in the White House today. I am not really sure that would be a good thing in absolute terms, considering that he is the best president Israel ever had, and while he talked a very good talk, he did one hell of a lot less than he promised. Yes, that was not entirely his fault, but some of it was, especially in his first two years when his party controlled both houses of the Congress. (I know, I know, the RINOs….) And I say this, being neither a Trump partisan nor a “never-Trumper.”
But him still in office would assuredly be better for the country than what we have now. Instead, we have Biden’s boys and bitches and confused psychotics, precisely because the election was stolen, and the evidence supporting that conclusion is overwhelming. I also know that the Democrats would never have dared to do that, had Trump crushed the riots and arrested selected Democrat mayors and governors for sedition, which he had the every right to do and all the power needed to do it.
I am also reasonably certain that if he had done that, and provided both leadership and example, one many well-armed people would have rallied around him and supported the troops, at least in some states. He would not have needed “Proud Boys” or “Oath Keepers” or organized state militias, all of them heavily infiltrated by Federal and (at least in Democrat-run jurisdictions) state and local law enforcement.
That did not happen, and despite outright lying by the media and the Democrats, there was widespread and videotaped fraud in several states (including locking Republican poll watchers out of a building where ballots were being counted in Detroit, as unmarked cars delivered boxes of ballots). With “basement Biden” declared president-elect, it was inevitable that there would be a challenge: and there were two, one in fact and one in theory.
The one in fact was a lawsuit filed by Texas. Although explicitly mentioning Pennsylvania, it ended up with almost every state (and the District of Columbia) joining in on one side or the other. How it would have gone if the SCOTUS had heard the case, I cannot say. But I can say that the disclosure of so much physical evidence of so much blatantly fraudulent activity in Democrat-controlled jurisdictions would have been at best extremely difficult for even the Democrat party’s propaganda arm – the media – to completely ignore.
But the SCOTUS refused to hear the lawsuit, claiming Texas had no standing. Perhaps in technical legal terms, that is so. But this lawsuit pitted nearly half of the states against the other half, in the greatest and most contentious dispute among the states since the onset of the Civil War. The Constitution invests the SCOTUS in Article III, Section 2 with the power to hear and decide matters involving “….Controversies between two or more States.”
Now, I am not a legal scholar nor do I pretend to be one. But I am fairly literate, and it is very obvious to me that the Texas lawsuit – details notwithstanding – involved precisely the type of controversy dividing nearly the entire country over which that provision of the Constitution explicitly gave the SCOTUS original jurisdiction. That the justices chose to side-step the controversy rather than make any decision at all in it, or even allow the evidence to be aired, says a great deal about their political and personal sensibilities. It doesn’t say a lot about their character or the courage of their convictions.
Which brings us to the second challenge. I called it a challenge in theory, only because I cannot find a term for it which captures the judicial and national sewer it became. This was the so-called “insurrection” at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 (commonly called “J6” for convenience) which derailed the Electoral College balloting for a short time, and ended with hundreds of people in jail, several dead and Biden confirmed as President.
What we know for certain, now that some CCTV videotape from inside and outside the Capitol on that date has been released, is that despite all of the propaganda tossed about by Democrats with their “Special Committee” and the media, there was no “insurrection” or anything like it, and the Democrats and the Department of Justice knew that from the beginning. Certainly, it would have been the first unarmed insurrection in history, conducted by people who were guided inside and seemed careful not to disturb anything, absent a few pretty obvious provocateurs.
That reality notwithstanding, Democrats milked it for all it was worth. Hundreds were arrested and held in unbelievably bad conditions. Rapists and murderers commonly receive more attention to their Constitutional rights and due process than these prisoners, and are confined in far better conditions. What passes for trials and punishments in the black-majority District of Columbia, at least, would fit an especially corrupt and incompetent court in an especially backward African country – perhaps a distinction without a difference. The “DC Jail” may not be America’s Bastille or Gulag, but it is an embarrassingly close approximation of them, at least insofar as the J6 victims of what passes for our justice system today are concerned.
The “Unintended Paradoxes” Come Home to Roost
I have touched on only some of the high (or low) points in our journey from being a Constitutional Republic to becoming something frighteningly akin to a Third World despotism in all but name, albeit a heavily armed and unbelievably demented one. There is so much else:
- The continuous abuse of Donald Trump and some of his close associates by the Democrats, who as winners now do as the winners did in the post-WWII war crimes tribunals, and punish others for imagined offenses while concealing their own very real ones.
- The excessive punishment in civil cases (those of James Fetzer and Alex Jones come to mind) and in criminal cases of those they consider enemies, while ignoring or exonerating far worse offenses by members of “protected groups” (for example, blacks or LGBTQ+ individuals).
- The weaponization of the Department of Justice itself, and especially the once-respected and now generally despised FBI, as enforcement tools for the Democrat party to use against political opponents, a true “political police” if ever there was one.
And there are so many more. The intent of these and similar miscarriages of justice around the country is all too clear. The arrest, prosecution and excessive punishments meted out to people who protest leftist injustice or defend themselves against leftist or black crime is neither random nor arbitrary. Its purpose is to criminalize resistance and self-defense.
Thus, even when a person is released after being charged, as happens so often in Democrat-run cities, the trauma of the arrest, booking and even temporary jailing of totally innocent people remains with them. And it is a lesson propagated widely by the media, which repeats ad nauseum the tale of the person’s arrest and charge, but barely mentions – and frequently ignores – his subsequent exoneration and release. This makes it clear to others what they can expect if they act in similar ways.
There is no doubt whatsoever that official lawlessness – of, by and for the Democrat party – has become part of the “new normal” for the America envisioned by the leftists pushing this agenda. All this is something we need to change. I have a road-map for doing just that, which I will present in my next article: “America on the Abyss: A Manifesto for the Militia.”
Alan Ned Sabrosky (PhD, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran. He served in Vietnam with the 1st Marine Division and is a graduate of the US Army War College. He can be contacted at [email�protected]
Nice piece. IF America was over 95% White? Not only would crime be drastically reduced but our prisons and jails would become more orderly and less dangerous for those who find themselves behind bars. James Fields was railroaded and no politician or media talking head had the cojones to say the obvious. That mob was going to kill or severely injure Fields had they pulled him from that vehicle. A White inmate in the state prison system in places like Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland or any other state with a large Black population is going to do hard time and will be the first to be exploited, beaten, stabbed, raped, etc. A 2-5 sentence could result in death or the inmate being maimed for life. Dostoevsky said you could judge a nation by its jails/prisons. Well if that is the case then America is a sick nation.
Recently I listened to Scott Horton’s 12 hour long audio documentary on Waco (download it before it disappears) it was released recently and has brand new revelations.
And the big lesson that is available there for everyone to learn but no one points out, is that a bunch of basically vegetarian pacifist jesus freaks(mainly women, children, old people, some pregnant) from all over the world of multiple races, with no training nor any level of firearms proficiency, living in a tinderbox olywood mega McMansion on an open plain were able to hold it for 50 days against the United States government.
imagine, just imagine what people with planning, training and equipment could do. And not just one group, thousands of groups.
The problem is the deep state, and it needs to go down. the addresses of the offices of these agencies are all online.
Imagine if people were to organise to take back Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis etc, all on the same day, and retaliate if the deep state tried to stop them. It is free land, right there, go get it.
Little-known is that the USA 1789 Constitution actually makes the US Congress the highest power, with unlimited, unrestricted powers to impeach any and all federal judges including all 9 US Supreme Court Justices, merely for ‘lack of good behaviour’, such as arrogating powers and legislating from the bench … but this power is sorely neglected, the US having descending into effective judicial tyranny as some founding fathers themselves predicted. So with Roe v Wade, the judges who voted for it could have been impeached immediately, instead of waiting half a century to replace the judges.
Israel Shamir has pointed out on Unz that ‘rule by judges’ is a quite Jewish idea, with judges the branch of government intrinsically most oligarchic. Netanyahu is trying to fight this Soros-backed tyranny in Israel, Bibi trying to claw back power to Israel’s Knesset Parliament, Israel having it even worse given how judges there appoint their own successors.
Tho US judiciary is quite anti-white recently, but what is neglected in the narrative is that whites now suffer what blacks long underwent. Tho there was indeed a lot of black crime, in olden days there was often unconcern about which black was arrested, so some innocent black was railroaded, whilst criminal blacks were left on the street to escalate the black crime rate.
The hoax of USA ‘rule of law’ is a long running one, its machinery described in a FAQ ‘Frequently Asked Questions on US Judicial and Legal Corruption‘ by a former US Justice Dept employee, helping victims understand why they can’t get justice, why lawyers are so corrupt, etc. This below may be the moment when the US Supreme Court hit rock-bottom:
In The Power Of Organized Crime, Ron Unz gave a superb explanation of why and how we have more aggressive rights for the accused (aka criminals). Ostensibly it was in support of “innocent until proven guilty.” But in reality, Jewish lawmakers used legal fig leafs to protect Jewish criminality all while arguing it was to protect blacks from supposedly racist laws. On the backs of black criminals, Jews (far more than blacks) most benefit and get off the hook due to liberal laws they pushed .
though to support the Kosher Nostra.
It is quite sad that the lesser of two evils is the biggest Israeli-sucking mensch we’ve ever had.
The US House is making noises about impeaching both AG Garland and DHS Secretary Mayorkas, who both should have been impeached long ago. But I’d be very surprised if they follow through. They’re not like the Big Bad Wolf – they huff and they puff (to show how tough they are), but they don’t burn the house down. IOW, they are too cowardly to do anything to upset the system they all benefit from.
The impeachment powers of Congress are mostly theoretical. As a practical political matter, impeachment is almost always off the table. The growing powers of the feds have been facilitated by our chronic state of warfare, from 1941 to the present. Warfare and the imperial state it creates are not compatible with a free republic. It is not a coincidence that the Democratic Party has become both the party of cultural revolution and the party of war. The two are blood brothers.
Actually the case of the Satilla (Brunswick) Three is more deserving of not only intense scrutiny, but outright outrage over the selective prosecution, kangaroo court, compromised jury and race-baiting sideshow atmosphere with “civil-rights” types threatening violence if the Satilla (Brunswick) Three were not convicted.
The case of Amhad Arbery and the three (white) Satilla residents who are presently doing “hard time” for defending themselves is a prime example of prosecutorial misconduct and double jeopardy, which MUST be addressed and outlawed.
Arbery was a criminal POS who was casing construction sites for tools and other materials that he could steal and sell. He was observed at the same site previously on video as well.
As there were break-ins and increased criminal activity, the three men were merely defending their neighborhood.
Arbery refused to be questioned which was within his right.
Arbery felt “disrespected” by being questioned and “doubled backed”, attacking the man with the shotgun. Arbery attacked the man by pulling on the barrel of the shotgun causing it to fire. Anyone familiar with firearms knows that pulling on a barrel of a shotgun can cause it to fire. Arbery has that one fatal “flaw” that is present in all black DNA, the misperceived “shame” of being “disrespected” (even if no “disrespect” occurred) and the need to immediately “do something about it” (instant gratification). The Satilla Three did not pursue Arbery…Arbery pursued the Satilla Three. In fact, they videoed the entire confrontation, proving that Arbery was the aggressor.
Arbery could (and should) have run off in any other direction, would not have been pursued, and would still be alive today. He chose to confront the man with the shotgun. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The original prosecutor refused to indict. The powers-that-be had to “shop” for a prosecutor who would take the case. It took three tries before they found one who would indict.
This is prosecutorial “double jeopardy” which must be addressed and outlawed nationwide. The way it stands now, what is stopping a prosecutor from one jurisdiction from indicting someone from another jurisdiction when a local prosecutor having legal jurisdiction refuses to indict? We are all in trouble if this is allowed to stand.
Also, the court was stacked against the white men just because they are white.
So-called “civil-rights icons”, Antifa and BLM types were in the courtroom, threatening violence if the “correct verdict” was not rendered.
The jury was also warned that there would be violence if they did not convict.
The “judge” was weak, went along with the threats and refused to run a proper court proceeding. The judge would not allow Arbery’s past extensive criminal record into evidence.
The mainstream media fanned the flames of racial hatred against whites, making Arbery out to be a mere “jogger”, (yeah, right). Who in their right mind jogs 20 miles from home in work boots? The “mainstream media” stated that Arbery “was studying to be an electrician” and was merely observing construction sites…yeah, right. Arbery was looking for copper wire or anything else of value to steal, that being his stock in trade as an “electrician”.
I pray that any appeals that the Satilla Three place will be successful.
Their prosecutorial double jeopardy and kangaroo court “trial” were both sh!tshow railroad jobs from the outset.
This is one case that is truly deserving of real “justice”.
In today’s America, and in many other parts of the world, the process is the punishment. Selective prosecution is a major problem in this country. BLM and Antifa types who have committed crimes are ignored while innocents who defend themselves (but are of the wrong political persuasion) are charged with crimes.
Being charged with a crime, the indictment, the arraignment and trial are all a part of the punishment. Even if the case is dismissed, the damage, the difficult days, the threat of fines, incarceration and legal bills, and the uncertainty of what comes next are all punishments.
Observe those who were arrested after the January 6, 2020 demonstrations—those who were purposely let in to the capitol and then arrested, days, weeks, and months after the event.
Those who are presently incarcerated for the January 6, demonstrations are “special cases”–”political prisoners” who have been identified by their political enemies and prison staff and have been selected for “special treatment”.
Even if their cases are dismissed, the damage has already been done. The time served, the harassment and brutality can never be “taken back”.
This also extends to the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse, who is clearly observed on video defending his own life against rioters, who was “put through the legal wringer”–once again, the process being the punishment. Thankfully, he was acquitted by a competently-run legal system (in his case).
The Memphis couple who were charged with “brandishing weapons” against the BLM and Antifa criminals who broke down a barrier and were trespassing on private property is but another example of selective prosecution. They were indicted on “weapons charges” for merely defending themselves.
Once again, the process is the punishment…something democRATs have been using to their advantage.
Video Link
I am so unbelievably sick and fed up with these Jews and their coon golems. International Jewry is a ceaseless, festering fountain of metaphysical evil and their pet niggers are civilizational Kryptonite. What can even be done about this? How can we go on living in this shithole?
The Military allowed our cities to burn in 2020.
The Military is now whining that not enough people are willing to join the military.
My response: If the military would have stopped the riots, shot about a thousand ( or 5 thousand) antifi, and BLM, recruitment would be through the roof.
Now we are watching our equipment being destroyed in Ukraine as both Russia and China get good practice against our weapons. Due to how corrupt the Ukraine is, Russia has no doubt obtained at least some of what we have sent there, and will have professionals reverse-engineer it (or the Chinese will), and much more of our Military secrets will be lost.
We regime change other countries for Wall Street using color revolution techniques, and in 2020 we ran one on ourselves. Now our populace knows how dirty we are. COVID, the masks, and the multiple mRNA vaxxes, how they really weren’t effective, how many lies we told, the paper ballots, the lying about hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin, the attempt to use OSHA to force-vaxx people to work, and the continuing adventures of Jeffrey Epstein’s buddy Bill Gates all have contributed to destroying the patriotism of a once patriotic populace.
It’s now a market with a bunch of Military hardware and a demoralized populace. I hope getting Biden in was worth it.
Calling this Jewish mafia an ” American political party” is the same as calling the 1917 Jewish Bolshevik mafia a “Russian political party”.
Both are/were Jewish totalitarian criminal enterprises aimed at the total subjugation of the ethnic majority. The difference is that the US variant is running late and only now entering into the openly violent stage.
Personally I see no signs that the US public can escape from this trap. So they’re heading for a dictatorship of the Woke revolution ( re-branding of the dictatorship of the Proletariat ) allowing the legalization of murder/ de-personing or transportation on the grounds that US whites are “class enemies” (white supremacists, xenophobes, homophobes, Nazis, racists, anti-Semites).
I wasn’t a white supremacist until they called me one
I wasn’t a domestic terrorist until they made me one
Now I’m their greatest nightmare and the greatest threat in America
And I’m coming for justice, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, law and order.
Let that sink in you illegitimate regime illegally occupying this nation.
Your demise is at end.
Yes. Race-ism is great.
Thanks for the Video – I noticed it shows Black Rock and the War is good for Business, but the Russians blow up a Ukie grain silo so that the price of grain goes sky high. No, the Ukies or Black Rock blow up the grain silo and they make the money from all their world wide grain production corporations like Monsanto, Carghil, DuPont etc. , which is in Black Rock’s Portfolios. Same goes for blowing up Pipelines for the gaz markets or sending BAE or Raytheon missiles to Ukraine.This recruiter guy just let the cat out of the bag – he’s either history or Black Rock is trolling us and cares less about the public. Parasitic /Terrorist Capitalism has gone to another level –
Thank you for an excellent article. But I believe that the “Republicans” are just as responsible for the downfall of the USA as the “Democrats,” although slightly less so. Regardless, the “Republicans” are “in on it” and they are not about to kill the goose that is laying the golden eggs (for them).
I read an excellent book by Gerry Spence, J.D. (of the Silkwood trial fame), titled “With Justice for None” and the entire book can be summarized in the following:
The “law” here in the USA is whatever a judge decides that is, on any given day and at any given moment. The judge IS THE LAW, U.S. Constitution or no U.S. Constitution.
About 12 years ago, I was in court on a trumped-up charge of “trespassing” and I paid a lawyer a retainer fee of $500 for legal representation. My lawyer did HER homework – she produced evidence that I was on public property and the judge dismissed the charge. At the time, I was employed as an industrial electrician and I had put on a suit and tie so that the judge didn’t think that I was just some “riff-raff” that had walked in off the street.
While I was sitting in the courtroom, waiting for my case to be heard, I looked around and noticed an older couple, dressed in their “Sunday finest.” They looked almost old enough to be my parents. I asked myself, “What in the hell are THEY in here for?” I did not stay and find out why they were in court, but I imagine that it was another trumped-up charge of some kind.
I thank God for lawyers such as Gerry Spence, Daniel Sheehan and Ralph Nader. There are a few honorable layers in this country, but not enough to make any appreciable difference.
Thank you.
Something’s wrong.
We’ll see if this is specific enough to constitute what can fairly be called “a plan of procedure.”*I can’t recall, in my entire history of reading Unz, which goes back several years, any essayist or commenter ever laying-out a “plan of procedure.” For obvious reasons, they have not. It is not for lack of knowledge about what actions might be included. It is not because they lack skill with words. (Hey, don’t look at me.)
*I have stolen this term from Frederic March, President of the U.S. in “Seven Days in May.” Facing a possibly desperate political crisis, the President announces to his assembled advisers, “This will be the plan of procedure,” He proceeds to delegate specific actions.
I can’t help but note that the End Times figure in the Bible is referred to as “The man of Lawlessness.”
Is George Soros the anti-Christ?
what justice?
Western civilization was founded on a great crime and although racism justifies it by describing its victims as inferior beings, we all know that it was greed that caused the genocide of hundreds of millions of human beings simply to rob them.
The conquests were a great crime and the end has been what should be expected, but the worst thing has been to have turned human beings into beasts.
Fools those who believed that there is no divine justice.
When is the law the exact opposite of the law?
Answer: When it is policy.
To understand why requires an appreciation of what is called the de facto doctrine or doctrine of necessity. One important sense of the term De facto is “in fact, and for the time being.”
Assume, for example, that you are the driver of a car, and that you have just come to a stop at a traffic-light-controlled intersection, and where there is a “No Left Turn” sign above the red light signal, and others elsewhere in the intersection. But before the light turns green, a police officer arrives and gets off his motorcycle and takes a position in the middle of the intersection and directs you to turn left.
The question is: Do you obey the sign and drive straight forward when the light turns green?, or do you follow the officer’s direction and turn left?
Legally, you have to turn left, even though the “No Left Turn” sign is otherwise legal / legitimate, because you are following the same authority “in fact, and for the time being” as represented by the police officer.
Notwithstanding the presence of the legal “No Left Turn” sign, the driver is complying with the policy of the authority (Crown or State) as administered by its officer(s) “in fact, and for the time being”, and so there is no offence.
That is (also) why among the first sections under the Criminal Code of Canada, and that of most other nations, is “No one is guilty of an offence who is following de facto authority.”
More critically, the question may be put as follows: What is the law on turning left at the intersection? Is it the law that turning left is prohibited? Or is it the law that turning left is obligatory?
Answer: There is no law – there is only policy in fact, and for the time being.
The law is the law, except when it’s not.
Or to paraphrase the exchange in the movie The Matrix:
Do not try to determine the law. Instead, only consider the truth.
What truth?
There is no law. Then you will see that it is only yourself that bends (to the will of the state).
Now, to complete the model, assume that the real reason the police officer is standing in the middle of the intersection directing you to turn left, is because his brother-in-law has just opened a new store on the cross-street and needs customers.
That, in a nutshell, is how the whole world works. Everything that the people think is being done by law is actually policy, and it is ever-increasingly the private policy of the administrators, and in virtually all areas where it makes a material difference, it is most often the diametric opposite of what the written-law provides.
But there is still more to it.
Now assume instead that the local police department wants to raise more revenue for itself, such that it has more of its officers waiting about 100 yards / meters down the cross-street, and who stop all of the drivers who follow the first officer’s directions, and then give those drivers tickets and fines for violating the “No Left Turn” sign.
That they do not do so (yet) is a function of the public uproar that would follow such a clear bait-and-switch policy.
And we know that with relative-certainty, because such deceit is the basic-business-model-in-fact for the issuance of speeding-tickets by almost all governments everywhere.
I do not know if it is still up, but the Burnaby Police or RCMP detachment (near Vancouver in B.C., Canada) website even spelled-it-out back in 2014 or so (when I first noticed it).
According to the advisory: “Drivers are encouraged to exceed the posted speed limit by a reasonable amount in the interests of maintaining traffic flow”.
It then went on to explain that (this part is just from memory): from 1 to 10 KPH (Kilometres-Per-Hour) over will almost never result in a ticket; that from 10 to 20 KPH over may or may not so result depending on other factors, and; that 21 or more KPH over the posted-limit will almost always result in the driver being issued a speeding ticket (if noticed by a police officer).
Then, if and when a driver is issued a speeding-ticket, it is expressly for the offence of “Exceeding the posted speed limit”, period.
This too is a classic / textbook bait-and-switch, but one that has been more normalized so that the people don’t recognize it as such, and with no need for the state to prove that the driver had exceeded the posted-limit by an unreasonable amount.
It reduces the charge itself to: You stand accused of being accused. How do you plead?
It is also a multi-multi-multi-billion-dollar business worldwide that dwarfs that of even most officially-recognized organized-crime.
The Crown (or state) is literally and, by its own admissions of fact and law, in the racketeering business. But it cannot stop because it has become so addicted to the bonus revenue. That, too, is how the whole world works.
From the perspective of government, the enforcement policy has the added virtue of introducing and maintaining an “always-on” level of mens rea or guilty mind among the majority of drivers who are merely following the “reasonable amount” policy.
And finally, for me, the most salient aspect of the January 6th event was the fact that the officers at the site appear to have at least acquiesced to, and indeed constructively invited, the nominal protesters to enter and tour the building. Yet, as near as I can determine, none of their lawyers have even raised the issue of their clients simply following de facto authority. Very odd.
Yes, our Zion first MSM has total control of the press world-wide. Black Rock knows that, so they don’t care. It is a tiny blip on the screen of endless 99.9 percent tabloid Zion MSM. A tiny percent of the masses will get it. After seeing this, even they will join the majority of the masses and go back to watch the 99.9 percent Zion MSM tabloid. It is a very sad that it is so. It has been like this for over a hundred years.
You have posed, in eloquent vernacular, the two most incisive questions of our time.
After reading about Waco for several months after it happened, I am convinced it was a false flag hoax. Most of those people living there came from out of the country. The pathologists from the Tennessee Body Farm did all the autopsies. Even though the weather was not hot (I checked the weather for those few days after it happened), the bodies were completely rotted, with arms and legs coming off at the slightest tug. The “fortress” they built had no indoor plumbing or running water or electricity.. Yet, they tell us that numerous families with babies “lived” there? How? The Health Department would have closed that place down well before WACO happened. I read the Texas newspapers in the newspaper archives and discovered that after the bodies were released for the families to take them, no families claimed the bodies. Months later, they were given a second chance by the court for sixty days and still no one came to claimed them. These were young families, with mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers. Yet, no family member claimed any of the bodies, never gave them a burial, not one family member caring one whit about any of them? Babies, young children, young mothers, young fathers? Lastly, there was no “Branch Davidians” branch of the Seventh Day Adventists. They may have existed in the fifties, but at that time, there were none in the United States with the exception of David Koresh’s new group. Further, how could he have attracted people to join it from out of the country, i.e. people from Great Britain, Australia and other countries? How did Koresh manage that? No press was allowed anywhere near the place. Yet, in one video of the military and police there called it a “great exercise”. Their reasons for going in were flimsy – further, it was a state police matter, not a federal matter. The whole thing stinks to high heaven. The aftermath was even more curious. The surviving Branch Davidians had “police protection”.
The military operates on orders from the president, and they never got the order. In spite of all the rioting going on, both SecDef Esper and General Milley were opposed to using it to quell the riots. But Trump shouldn’t have caved to them (he should have fired them) and could have employed the Insurrection Act, allowing him to send in the military, and federalize the National Guard in spite of opposition from blue state governors.
BTW, it’s a good thing that young men are refusing to join today’s woke military. And with regard to vaxxes, Trump shares a lot of the blame with his Operation Warp Speed.
Outstanding article. I would say, a lot of citizens did not sit idle. For example, when Antifa (FBI) was leading the blacks to tear up Cleveland, I was in the Southern Suburb of Cleveland called Streetsboro, delivering a load of clothes (truck driver).
What I remember of that day was impressive. The armed citizens were out, protecting the stores and patrolling the streets. What they told me is that if that Antifa garbage came to Streetsboro they were going to die.
I remember a police car rolling slowly by, and waving friendly to the citizens, who were carrying AR-15s openly.
Driving to Streetsboro I had seen some Black Block in the woods. None came to Streetsboro. They wanted to go to the suburbs, they had boasted that they were coming to the suburbs. But they didn’t.
Democrats In = Demonic Rats. (Anna Graham).
This is my way of saying thanks, and that I enjoyed your post very much.
I very much doubt that George Soros is “the Anti-Christ” but he is doing an excellent job at perpetrating EVIL in this world.
I can’t help but think that CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) is very much analogous to “the mark of the beast” as mentioned in the Bible.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”
Revelation 14:16-17
Thank you.
My response: If the military would have stopped the riots, shot about a thousand ( or 5 thousand) antifi, and BLM, recruitment would be through the roof.
That is a very nice observation and in my opinion 100% correct. I think the brass probably figured that even though recruiting would have been improved significantly, that the country was too far gone and wrecked in the head. They understood that they, the brass, wouldn’t have been able to command the kind of armed forces that would have enrolled – actual men. It is a tranny, homosexual, lesbian and non binary army now. Non Binary is an anagram of Non Brainy. That’s what I’ve been reduced to. Anagrams.
This place is hopeless. It’s like a thoroughbred race horse who broke his poor leg coming down the far turn – but instead of being put out of his agonizing misery he’s left there to slowly die in excruciating agony. Because? The answer is too depressing. You know the answer. A fag tranny cross dressing weirdo lunatic imbecile dope addict whines “oh no you don’t, don’t you dare hurt poor mister horsey.” And the soy milk sipping click baiting media whores all put it on the news at 6:00 in the morning, run it all day and into next week as the helpless animal writhes and slowly suffocates. And more and more people tune in and beat each other to death on social media. That fallen injured writhing thoroughbred race horse dying in excruciating agony is the United States of America.
It’s the Jews
It’s the Jews
It’s the Jews
It’s the Jews etc…..x 6 gazillion pretend deaths
The US is beyond hope. We are at the point where one must concentrate on protecting family and home. Although the majority of white folk are conditioned to stupidity, a few practical pointers can help anyone mitigate any personal effects of the current wide-spread anarcho-tyranny.
Avoid the city, if you can. Cities will always degenerate liberally; because of that, they are not safe for normal people.
The Cult of the Negro have made blacks immune to serious prosecution. Know that, and because of it avoid any negronic interactions. If you find yourself in a place where a lone black happens to chimp out, even to point of harassing others, possibly slapping his white ‘ho silly, just ignore it. Do not interfere, unless you want to face prosecution, and a jail sentence. If you are convicted of assaulting the black saint, you will be incarcerated among very hard core black savages–the ones with so heinous a background that they finally do make it to prison. And they will be horny.
Never shoot a negro, unless he is attacking you. Even in a ‘gun friendly’ state such as Florida, the violent negro will have the advantage in court, especially if ‘outsiders’ get involved. Just think about all the grief George Zimmerman faced, when the ‘no limit nigga’ attacked him from behind, beating George’s head against the concrete.
Whatever you do, do not chase down the offending negro, in order to administer justice. If the black breaks into your house, you must do what is expected when he is inside, before he crosses the threshold of your doorway with the stolen loot, to escape. Any shot to the back is going to require a very saavy defense attorney. See above.
Forget about politics. Democrats are your enemy, and Republicans don’t care. You are not the source of their money, so why should they help you?
Forget about the police. They will never show up on time. Their job is not to help you, or to be your friend. However they may cause you much grief later.
Forget about becoming organized, unless you can vet your group’s members. Any organized group of whites will face infiltration and likely entrapment, by the FBI.
I wish there were some positive options, however until total anarchy and the breakdown of infrastructure happens, the only option I can think of is to squirrel away. How an individual or even a group of families does that is an open question.
If someone has better suggestions, I am happy to read them.
Brilliant article.
Exactly right.
The Jewish journal, American Hebrew, reported:
What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to produce in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind are tending to promote in other countries.… The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, become a reality all over the world.
“ American Hebrew, 20 September, 1920.”
“Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
“Rabbi Stephen Wise, The American Bulletin, 5 May, 1935”
The religion has not changed, same as it ever was.
As reported in “Prolonging the Agony” by Jim Macgregor and Gerry Docherty
The American people need to kick out their government now, and wipe the slate clean…. new constitution and everything. The old one is nearly 300 years old, and is being worshiped like a “dusty idol on an altar”.
If the American people do not do this by themselves…. their solemn duty handed down to them by their founding fathers…. and if they wait till Russian and Chinese boots arrive in Washington DC to do it for them, they may not like the peace terms that they get.
I don’t think the “Anti Christ” will be an individual. All the arrows point to the so called “Jews.”
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9
It’s hard to respect a man on his back with a boot on his face.
American White men are universally despised. The judenpresse paints them cowards. The ‘US’ Military has given up on them.
Ahmet Arbery deserves a statue.
Neither did any white American man have the cojones to do anything about it. White men hide out, just like the disciples did when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, as the story goes.
Nothing has changed.
What about you, anonymous commenter? What have you done?
It was all the anti-Trumpers in 2020 who got Biden in. People like “follyofwar”, and they’re still at it now, out of Trump Derangement Syndrome. He’ll work to get Biden re-elected, then blame everyone but himself for it.
And nobody here calls him out! Will you?
To be able to pick up the pieces you must first smash the whole into pieces.
No piece is small enough to be safe for the engineers of the unbrave but bold new world, especially the family, so it must be smashed.
Installing lawlessness as the new normal must appear to be meant as a policy to protect the underprivileged, the minorities, the long-suffering “traditionally oppressed,” so impose “tolerance” for the looters, the thugs, the criminals.
All newly created “communities” by the criteria of skin color, “gender,” or sexual proclivity, can become official minorities except Whites, even in places where they have become a percentual minority. They are not redeemable.
Any new minority is almost infinitely divisible into more minorities: Blacks are now increasingly referred to as “Black and Brown,” the homosexuals begot the new minority of “trans,” women are a category divided into those with an uterus and those without one, and all must recognize their main enemy as the “toxic masculinity” of the patriarchal system, religions are enriched by the addition of cults (Satan is an exciting one gaining prominence), etc.
The new normal must normalize the aberrant: pedophiles are just “minor-attracted ” people, logic, reason and even simple math are racist.
To emerge definitively victorious you must promise to end the chaos by decisive measures, extraordinary emergency measures, which must become permanent and thus give you greater control than ever over the atomized mass erroneously still referred to as a nation.
Any opposition will be treated as a crime ranging from “denial” to “terrorism.”
The Negro can be forgiven, given his intrinsic moral and mental disabilities but the Jew can never be forgiven or forgotten for his misdeeds to America, in particular, demonizing and demoralizing a once great country.
One of those students trying to get into Harvard?
Why attack White males? I could easily point a finger at White women who have done more damage than cowardly White males. By bashing White males you are doing exactly what the kike wants you to do. The average White male has no power, no platform, and probably has no vote as well. You seem pretty high on gutless Trump, who actually had the power to do something but did NOTHING for 4 years but kiss Jew ass.
Mine says otherwise:
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Well, dear Carolyn, I decided to take a look at your website after you just insulted me twice. I agree with much of what you’ve written there and admire your courage for going public using, I assume, your real name and photo. But almost everyone who comments here uses a nom de plume for various reasons. Not sure why you’ve chosen to single me out.
Be that as it may, what is your basis for calling me a dreaded “anti-Trumper?” Is it because I corrected Robertson’s comment with some inconvenient FACTS about Mr. Trump and how he let us down in 2020? I’ve written many times that I voted for Trump twice and will vote for him again in he gets the R Team’s nomination. You’re the first person, Carolyn, who has ever accused me of having TDS. I look forward to your apology.
May 21, 2022 George Bush Accidentally Admits U.S. Is World’s Evil Empire
It was the video that simply EVERYONE couldn’t get enough of – former President George Bush flubbing a line in a speech about what a dictatorial war criminal Vladimir Putin is by accidentally admitting that he too had committed a war crime by invading Iraq. And it’s not the first time Bush has committed a gaffe that exposed him as a callous, warmongering sociopath either.
Video Link
MARCH 10, 2002 Secret Plan Outlines the Unthinkable
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration, in a secret policy review completed early this year, has ordered the Pentagon to draft contingency plans for the use of nuclear weapons against at least seven countries, naming not only Russia and the “axis of evil”–Iraq, Iran, and North Korea–but also China, Libya and Syria.
Jan 4, 2015 Police State America: US Holds 25 Percent of the World’s Prisoners!
The incarceration rate in the US is the highest in the world! According to the American Civil Liberties Union, although the US is home to only 5 percent of the world’s population, it boasts 25 percent of the world’s prisoners. About one in 100 American adults are behind bars, the Economist reports.
Video Link
The solution is, as the founding fathers were WELL AWARE, was the second amendment and the right of self defense. The Ohio national guard solved the problem of campus violence. Korean grocers in Los Angeles stopped the Rodney King rioters dead in their tracks. A few “sting” operations to blow away carjackers, looters, interstate highway blockers, and other tactics of Niggaz and Niggabees, and the problem would disappear quickly.
And we have had a falling away. How many churches closed during the lockdowns?
And the same chapter also speaks of a great delusion.
Great delusion/deception = Covid 19 injectiosn?
Yes. But I don’t think that voting harder is going to make much of a difference.
And the ‘American people’ are so fragmented, and operate at such a low level of understanding, that it is not particularly intelligible to even talk about them, at least in the context of a collective force for change.
Maybe if someone interfered with their beer, or insulted them over it (like the recent tranny thing), it could make a difference. You don’t want to muck with American’s light beer, for sure. LOL
Foreign policy? We are told that Russia and China are the enemy, and they are the cause of both our foreign and domestic problems. Instituting the draft (for both men and women) would get some notice, since no one wants to go to Eastern Europe or Asia to fight. So perhaps that could be a motivator.
Other than that, I don’t see ‘Americans’ getting to worried about much of anything. At least ‘take it to the street’ worried.
What is required is methodology, ie. how would one go about doing that?
As was pointed out above, forming groups or committees is problematic because of infiltration by the authorities.
Perhaps an assault team of one?
I heartily concur. I am a White woman. It is a fact that White women do not support White men. Most White women are fools. They used to possess good old fashioned common sense. Social media ruined their brain processes.
I avoid playing “The Battle Of The Sexes” and Generational Gap kike game. The anti White male or female or anti Boomer caca is more of the (((same))) horseshit to take the focus off the kike. I choose to point the finger at the kike, not the AVERAGE White male or female, or Baby Boomers. There are millions of White men and women who never had anything to do with the decline of our nation. HOWEVER, Whites in power like Trump, Biden, Pelosi, Lindsey Graham, sold out their own people. Trump never even went to visit those poor souls languishing in a MOSTLY Black D.C. jail.
There’s a new series on (((I believe it’s Netflix))) called WACO – The Aftermath, it portrays the religious communes followers as religious fanatics and FBI/ATF as victims after they slaughter over seventy five people including children. It then has a sub story linking the Branch Dividians with the Oklahoma City bombing. I only watched two episodes and will continue watching the other four as time prevails.
Fast forward to now, it’s the same DOJ/FBI declaring whites as “white supremacists and domestic terrorists, the greatest threat facing America”.
I suspect they’re trying to incite more WACO and Oklahoma City event(s) X 1000 by their aggressive designations and J6 type indictments and imprisonment of white patriots.
The pushback is coming and they know it. (See Paris on fire)
That day of Christ is always at hand, isn’t it. Who writes this stuff!
Same old line of propaganda bullshit. The western nations brought cultural advancement to the nations that they conquered. Sure there was a great profit to the west but so what? And I will add that millions of people weren’t killed by the western conqueror. I for one are proud of white western history.
With all due respect Trinity, I have to agree with Carolyn Yeager, yes white men are being pushed back, denied career opportunities or means to support themselves, but where’s the real white warrior bloodlines from days of yore who should be out here in the streets fighting?
As far as I can see, sixty years of hate whitey indoctrination, legal and illegal immigration, GlobalHomo and Holocaust Survivor Hysteria have turned white men into soyboys and NFL kneelers drinking kegs of Bud Light oblivious of the gathering gloom now surrounding them.
I look at Paris and in see most every city in the US burning soon, I’m just waiting for that special Magic Negro to be killed by a white person before all hell breaks loose.
Video Link
Thank you, Dr. Alan Sabrosky.
Very sorrowful situation.
Elsewhere reading about American mercenaries fighting for Igor Kolomojskiy’s Heavenly Kingdom in Ukraine, active, shooting Russians who are not their enemy.
Others looting oil, shooting civilians in Syria or forcibly occupying Iraq against the stated wishes of Iraqi parliament … at US “govt” orders …
Camp Bondsteel … how many bases worldwide ?
While their own country is in the state you describe.
What to say about this off the chart murderous stupidity ?
“Political Power Comes Out The Barrel Of A Gun” (Mao Tsedong).
Those US “soldiers” have the location wrong.
Right here at TUR, in the “controversial” HTMLs, one will find Erectus Walks Amongst Us.
Why do Whites feed, clothe, and subsidize their racial enemies? Why don’t other racial groups do those things? Erectus Walks Amongst Us directly gives a few of the reasons and strongly hints at the other reasons.
“Yet he did nothing, other than send a few marshals out west for a short time.”
I think this is a bit unfair to Trump to say he nothing. At the behest of one of the Kardashian prostitutes, he pardoned a bunch of negro thugs at the end of his term (and left the J6 “rioters” to rot in DC jail cells).
Presumably, the thugs were among the few negroes that the Kardashians hadn’t had the opportunity to have sex with.
There is only ONE or maybe TWO to blame and it isn’t the average Joe Sixpack. While Carolyn Yeager was attending nearly all White schools in the Great White North, some of us were being FORCED to attend schools loaded with negroes. A few White males who did take a stand were more likely to be met with opposition from other Whites, and many of them White females. White Southerners could easily blame White Northerners, but we all know the average blue collar guy in Michigan or Pennsylvania had more in common with a Dixiecrat than milquetoast Richard Nixon. Been awhile since I went on Carolyn’s site but doesn’t she describe how she grew up “liberal?” Some of us weren’t so lucky.
Trinity, You’ve been commenting here for years, just as I have except that you do a lot more, over 7000 to my over 2000. We have agreed and disagreed, but we mostly agree. I wonder why I’m portrayed as doing damage (irreversible?) to white men, but white men bashing white women, which goes on continually, never draws a rebuke from a single white male here. And the white women like Katrinka, who wants to earn points with the guys, join in.
Yep, there’s a double standard which, since it’s been going on for hundreds of thousands of years now, doesn’t seem abnormal. But maybe, just maybe, that inability or unwillingness to see males-females in equal terms IS the problem we’ve always had. It’s finally come home to roost. [Please don’t give me the old “equal but different roles” routine. That’s pretty much run its course with me.]
This is false. 1. Trump has more ‘guts’ than you and most others here, and comparing your entire lives can prove it. Trump is now 76 or 77. How old are you? 2. As president, he didn’t have the power you want to claim he did. He had to work with Congress, the courts and the permanent managerial state, which we know was out to stop him. He spent most of his 4 yrs. fighting in the courts and never gave up, thereby finally getting some wins. 3. An honest assessment of his administration does not show him “kissing Jew ass.” It shows him dodging the threats of American Jews while all of Congress is kissing Jewish everything. He accomplished the first actual Jew-Arab Accord for more peace in the region, something that U.S. presidents have tried to do since 1948. While the Democrat party apparatus was working 24/7 with CIA-FBI-ETC to impeach him and bring lawsuits of every flimsy kind against him. Do White men here encourage him? NO. They can’t resist acting superior to every effort he makes, even though they’re only anonymous internet posters with zero influence.
Just how constructive do you think you’re being?
This same moron opposes the great replacement in Tibet.
The article on supposed paper ‘law is critical subject, and though we should look at whole time frame. We lived hundreds of thousands of years before the cons monotheism ‘religon ‘govt/stat and bogus paper ‘law schemes, begun around twelve hundred years ago, not two thousand. Too many chose ignorant breeding instead of stopping the schemes.
The quote used – ‘ At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; Separated from law and justice, he is the worst.’ – from supposed aristotle, the cons frame their subverter cons as ‘great, same as bogus ‘nobel prize’ bs obama. The cons infiltrated to take over original greece with their mono ‘religon and ‘govt cons, ‘aristotle’ probably barbecued babies at night with other cons.
This assumes false history – ‘ framers and most of their immediate successors saw a system of justice to be focused primarily on the protection of the general law-abiding population‘
Supposed ‘framers were cons who schemed to continue the paper ‘law con. There was no ‘george washington’, look at ‘king george’, remember cons did fake ‘paintings etc, same as photoshop now. Same scheme on supposed ‘states, ‘by the people’ bs. False claim of contract. Some fought back, in small groups, but failed to look out for cons and female cons among them, infiltrated and steered so they would be ‘one group’, then routed them, aka ‘shays rebellion’, ‘shay was a con. Supposed ‘amendments’ are garbled nonsense if read them, then scribbled ‘sedition’ bs. Their ‘law scheme is where the cons planned it to be, ‘statute of liberty’ con, -‘give us your retards’ .. mass in-migration, takeover of food land, fraud ‘wars, surveilance cams on every road, ‘smart’ fones etc.
People assuming supposed ‘justice ignores milions injured or destroyed by smiley con ‘lawyers and ‘judges, which sixty to seventy percent have always been cons, its their ‘cyst em, same as ‘state, look at faces, local ‘superior courts etc, ignore bizness suit or ‘robe costume, bogus femy hair, jewlry, wierd faces including females. kelo v new london, private to private should be a clue. Supposed media ‘stories on ‘bad courts are to subvert, so people don’t act. Again remember ‘covid bs.
We lived a long time before their schemes. The con of -some stranger in a ‘robe ‘judging’ us or or threatening us from shutting down their schemes, is destruction scheme, not ‘protection. Suggest make note, natural law might is right is act-u-al law.
Important to remember who we once were. They subvert focus from where we live by constant ‘fed’ bs, so people ignore cons in our face, local. Self determination and a bit of tribal energy, -not big ‘group, is same life requirement as has always been.
Appreciate the article, important subject.
Trump grew up with a golden spoon. Trump and others like him are the PROBLEM. He IS gutless and a self serving, narcissist grifter to boot. His buddy, the Pillow Guy is a scammer as well. I take up for White females on the regular, take another peep at my 7,000 comments, dearie.
Trump? Lol. Epstein’s buddy and Clinton’s golfing buddy? You can’t be serious? Trump fooled me twice. I’m dumb but not a total retard. The guy has an airhead daughter married to Capt. Jew. ROTFLMMFWAO
It’s not about you, me or Carolyn, it’s about the collective whole of us joining together to fight a common enemy. Small differences in opinions, upbringing, political views should be put aside for the common good of all.
We need to stop fighting each other and focus on real enemies banding against us.
Happy 4th,
Problem is the cuck-colLab goy elites care more for plaudits and handouts from World Jewry than care about their own people.
West is about wheaks and whummies.
Cuck-collabs flatter themselves as co-rulers of the world alongside Zio-Globalists than as caretakers of their own ‘small’ nations.
Urban jungle, from metaphor to reality
Brad Anbro
Your sensible recognition of the Natural Fact that there is more than enough blame to go around for the accelerating disintegration and imminent collapse of “America” here at THE END of Days, as described in such excruciating detail in this article and many others, is again worthy of attention and respect. The false-dichotomy played-out daily in the “political” melodrama, the terminal stupidity of the “ruling” plutoligarchy with their grab-it-all-while-you-can M.O., the co-opting and corruption of those institutions like “The Church” and “The Press” supposed to be a check against it all and thus given Constitutional protection to that end from official interference, and finally as the author here states plainly “We The People” themselves in their collective failure to step-up to those responsibilities left explicitly in their hands, all of it has contributed significantly to the spectacle of ruination unfolding today.
There is something more and much more-tellingly at-work here, though, which even astute observers and articulate commentators like Dr. Sabrosky, who are otherwise willing and bold enough to acknowledge some of the more discomfiting features of “the bigger picture,” simply will not touch….maybe cannot touch. Nobody wants to recognize and admit that all of the ills presently besetting “America” and its subject-citizenry, and promising to bring about their utter destruction and dismemberment in the not-very-long run, are just the bitter fruits of a now 400+ year-long, and counting, armed and government-run attempt to rub-out completely the Native Nations of Turtle Island.
It is precisely that rot festering at the core of “America” since even before it became officially “The United States of….,” that has now spread to infect it in its entirety, and that has fatally overwhelmed any even vestigial capacity there might once have been to address and redress it in any Way at-all to any beneficial effect whatsoever. There exists here neither the willingness nor ability even to face the fact of this now obviously terminal affliction, let alone to come to grips with it in any substantive fashion.
That all of it has been spread by force and fraud and “financial incentives” to the rest of The West, and to much of the world at-large, only makes the Condition more intractably resistant to any even remotely possible effective “remedy” theoretically available within the shrinking confines of the “civilization” contraption. So we now see a growing number of other countries scrambling to get some distance between themselves and the probable zone of “collateral damage” and further contamination, when the “rules-based international order” imposed by what some here call “the hegemon” comes completely apart and crashing down.
Of course these other states have many of them their own bloody “secrets” to keep hidden from public view. So even if genuinely willing they’re too compromised and weakened by their own hypocrisy to be able to offer any actual assistance.
All of that bodes ill for a captive general population that is additionally caught in the cross-hairs of a pack of “dominance” paradigm delusional fools sure-as-Hell that this is their own last best shot at putting in-place their cheap imitation plastic silicone-based sterile replacement for The Free Wild LivingLoving Arrangement of Earth and Sky, which these wannabe parasitical invasive tormenting entities have always hated every bit as much as they fear us. “Interesting times,” for sure.
Thank you for noticing.
I’ m ALL in. Unite The White.
Well, am I to be grateful that you finally “took a look” at my website, after linking to it with every comment I write (barring fluctuations in the softwear) for the past four years? Anyway, I’m glad you did. Welcome. Don’t be stranger, lol. (I have two others – they’re linked on the site with images.)
If you don’t want to be taken for an anti-Trumper, don’t make it a point to blame things on Trump in a reply to a post that didn’t even mention Trump! (That was Robertson’s) Are you another one of those people who want to have your cake and eat it too? Are you running for some office?
Did you think this at the time, or have you read it long since and decided to make it your own? It’s not a small thing to fire men in such high positions, so you better have good replacements at the ready. What I’m saying is, it’s so easy to criticize someone else when none of it touches you at all.
I am totally opposed to vaccinations for myself, but at the time Trump put Operation Warp Speed in motion, it was not known how this virus was going to play out. He was also open to all other treatment approaches, in spite of the fact that he was under attack for it. He got Covid himself so knew it was a real thing, and used these treatments for himself! They worked. Also, after the first nationwide “work” shutdown, he insisted “America” had to go back to work in spite of the epidemic. He gave it to the states to decide; that was a good, and fair decision. But of course, Trump was then skewered for putting the economy over “people’s lives.” I think Trump did as well as possible under the circumstances, bc we ALL were so in the dark. And politicians are supposed to listen to their medical-expert advisors, are they not? This independent-minded man was in a bind throughout his 4 years unlike any other president in history, being attacked from all sides, ceaselessly. I don’t like it that White Nationalists join in the way they are doing. It doesn’t show intelligence.
No apology.
Trinity, this is just my opinion, but I don’t think that it is (just) the Jews. Jews are a BIG part in this, because they are making so much money off the “system.” But I think that it goes much further than that. L. Fletcher Prouty called the group “The Secret Team” and you might want to read his book by the same name, “The Secret Team.”
I think that the group is made up of billionaires and selected military personnel who answer to them. Just my thoughts…
Definitely a future Harvard or Yale alum.
Yes, it is important that the Beast antichrist will be a man of lawlessness. Soros is one of those in the system of the antichrist.
There should be an article on Unz about the murders and burning of churches in Manipur India. It is important.
Manipur extends internet suspension; Modi ignored feelings of people, says Opposition……
Read more at:
On behalf of my wife, my kids, and our entire extended family, thank you. You may never know how much your prayers helped us or how much they continue to help the people of Manipur. Their situation is ongoing, and hundreds of thousands still live in anxiety and fear. Manipur is still a battlefield. While the war has not been formally declared, it is very much a war.
As I wrote in my previous piece, the fight is not just a land dispute. It is a full blown ethnic and religious cleansing by the majority Meitei/BJP state government. I have more than one hundred in-laws still in Manipur, and my wife and her mother are on the phone with one or more of them daily. I hear daily reports of people who have been killed. I hear horror stories of executions and of women and children burned alive. A mob of Meitei women blocked an ambulance on its way to the Imphal hospital and set it ablaze, killing two women and a 7 year old boy inside. The ambulance supposedly had a police escort, but the police abandoned its occupants to the mob.
The fight is complex, and there are multiple factions within the Meitei. There are also tribal militias, the state police, the Indian army regiments, and small-time chieftains vying for power. Having so many groups with different agendas has complicated the advancement of the genocide against the hill tribes.
This is so much so that on June 14 when more than 300 fighters from the Meitei area marched towards the edge of Churachandpur district, intending to wipe out the hill tribe people in the area, they ended up killing a member of the Indian military instead. That turned his regiment against the Meitei and thus led to the deaths of 302 of their own young men. The whole situation reminded me of Gideon and the Midianites from Judges 7.
Indeed, aid can be brought in by only by helicopter drop or by that same dangerous mountain pass my wife and mother-in-law braved to escape the area. Thanks be to God that more churches and denominations around the world have been made aware of what has been happening, but financial aid can not get directly to the people of Manipur. Not even the banks in the state are trustworthy. Organizing aid is a gargantuan task that is going to need international backing and acknowledgment of the atrocities that have been committed by the state government.
This may also be why you have seen little to no reporting on what is happening in Manipur. In fact since the violence started, and to this day, all internet has been cut off in Manipur, except for ‘verified’ government reports, of course.
As we have seen in Iran and China (and, to a lesser degree, in Canada), when a government shuts down citizens’ ability to communicate, it is trying to cover up what it is doing and keep the rest of the people in the dark. What is happening in Manipur can never be resolved until the wickedness being orchestrated by those in power is exposed. Even if the current calm in the fighting holds up, the rage and bitterness over the recent deaths and destruction will only fester under the surface in a sort of ‘cold war.’ Both sides will continue killing each other in ‘accidents’ and mysterious disappearances.
Please continue to pray for Manipur. Pray for justice to be served. Pray for the continued frustration of the wicked plans of the state to hurt and kill innocents. Pray for lasting peace. Pray for the salvation of those perpetuating these horrible crimes against their fellow man. Pray that the Chief Minister of Manipur will repent of his crime and one day confess Jesus as Lord. And pray that ways may be found to get aid to those suffering in this war.
Lastly I ask that if you have connections among church leadership or in politics, you contact them to raise awareness of the plight of the people of Manipur. Ask them what they can do to put pressure on the Indian federal government to intervene and bring justice.
Manipur Christians: ‘The Violence Has Shattered Us’
Many from India’s tribal Kuki community have fled their homes. Amid ongoing violence, returning isn’t an option.
Between May 3 and May 5, mob violence claimed 75 lives and displaced 35,000 people, according to Manipur’s government. But L. Kamzamang, a Kuki pastor who ministers to northeastern Indian Christians in Delhi, believes that 65,000 people have fled—some internally and others across the border to Myanmar, which borders Manipur—and that more than 100 have been killed.
Women protesters in Imphal hold a torchlight vigil and demand an end to the violence.
Demonic Rage In India As Hindus Slaughter Christians And Burn Churches
by Shoebat on May 7, 2023 in Featured, General
I agree with almost all of his observation s and claims expect Jan 6th which was a riot
I think the major impetus for the riot was the Idea; Hey, the left can get away with rioting, why can’t we?”
O, and letting women vote was insane.
Our Country died under the totalitarian tyrant and railroad mercantalist Lincoln who got the nickname “Honest Abe” for the same reason a fat mobster gets the nickname “Tiny.”
What’s worse? lawlessness or batshit crazy?
“This same moron opposes the great replacement in Tibet.”
Aren’t billion plus yellow chinamen enough in the world you want Tibet to be overrun?
It is (was?) also on Youtube; I have watched it and it is excellent.
Thank you.
This is not constructive.
Very good point about the strategic use of crime, and thanks for that link.
If I may expand upon your point, it’s been recently reported that the Israelis are cultivating crime in the Palestinian communities as a strategy in waging war against them. There are two main prongs of this attack. (1) They destroy the social structures (e.g. families, jobs, schools, etc.). That results in an increase in poorly socialized young males, who are then more likely to become criminals. (2) They protect these criminals from the justice system, keeping them free to continue wrecking their society. Here’s a recent article on this deliberate Israeli strategy.
Protesters in Haifa say violence epidemic in Palestinian communities the result of racist Israeli policy
Rigorous research has found that social disintegration raises crime rates. This phenomenon is true regardless of race, being true for both black and white kids, regardless of whether the disrupted environment is black or white.
“Toward a Theory of Race, Crime, and Urban Inequality”
This fact would allow one group to attack another group by breaking up their basic social structures to cause an increase in crime in the targeted group. That would weaken the internal cohesion and resistance of the targeted group.
Thus we can’t overlook the possibility that the Zionists are using the same tactic in America.
There may also be a connection to the current riots in France. Analyst Rachel Marsden on RT gave a pretty balanced perspective on the situation, which included the following points.
“Starting in the 1970’s the French government created exogenous populations by launching a policy of importing migrant workers en masse to serve French industry in low-wage jobs. They built entire low-rent, ghettoized, government-subsidized, residential developments to house these newcomers all together in what effectively amounts to a policy of non-integration, and even setting up special direct transportation lines between these ghettos and French factories. And it’s these areas that are the first to light up whenever there’s unrest.”
France gripped by major unrest
Apparently these low-wage migrants feel a lot like the Nigerian girl who is told she is going to a good job in Oman, only to find herself trapped in conditions that amount to low-wage slavery.
These large French companies are probably controlled by the big banks, since that is the typical structure of the Western financial oligarchy. And who are the dominant Western financiers?
The jew wants you dead or enslaved. He has the money to do it, the media to proclaim it and the educational system to teach your kids to hate you and embrace it.
Oh, I didn’t mean voting. I meant pitchforks and torches style. The way the Icelanders did with their parliament when they realised that they had f*cked up.
Yes, I agree…… I have sensed as much too.
I think that your Col McGregor described it very well in this clip, you can watch from 16:45 onwards.
If you are interested in the situation in China and Asia in general, listen to 13:00 onwards. As someone who lives in Asia, I can say that I have not heard a better of understanding of Asia from any other American.
Video Link
Worst, most shocking, most sickening miscarriage of justice I have ever been aware of. THOSE THREE COULD BE *ANY* OF US. And we are fast approaching the day…when it WILL BE.
Example reveals why doofus told to leave
room as Yidcohns discussed 9-11 plans.
“George, go to the rose garden, smoke a cig.”
Nope. Blue City tards demanded BLM and got it.
Why should we have bothered to save them from their own retardation, esp as they would have attacked us for trying?
Hi Carolyn, I thought this video might bye edifying, though perhaps a bit depressing. In totality, the man in the video, is the man your boy, Adoph Coors Hitler should have been, had he been more gifted with substance than substance abuse, turdgid mysticism, and curbing his operetta acting and histrionics.
You see, I rate historical figures as a composite score, amalgamated the positive column with the negative column. The present total wreck and mangled mess of what remains of Germany can be laid at Hitler’s feet. If he was a Chief Engineer in the Merchant Marine, he would have been fired, his license revoked and put in prison.
Video Link
The first beast of Rev 13 aka the beast from the sea is apparently a reference to the jewish collective. According to Rev 13:2,3:
A leopard is a predator whose “spots” (rosettes) may be representative of jewish dispora; they’re widely scattered but they’re all part of the same creature.
This may refer to the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, where jewish communism (the political ideology of Satanism) first got significant traction. (Karl Marx was a Satanist, not an athiest).
This may refer to monopolistic jewish control of modern mass communications, i.e. radio and TV broadcasting, Hollywood, and the modern book, magazine and newspaper publishing industries. Satan, the liar and father of it (John 8:44) attacked Eve with his mouth, so Satan’s agent in the physical realm, the beast from the sea, needs a big “mouth” to deceive the masses of people all over the world. IOW the best seeks to do to everyone in the world what Satan did to Eve.
In other words, they are a Satanic cult who sold their souls to the devil, i.e. they made the deal with Satan that Jesus rejected (Luke 4:5-8).
I believe that this is a reference to WW2 in Europe. Germany was at first successful in its war effort and it had largely wiped out Jewish influence on the European continent, but then Hitler made a mistake and attacked Russia. The tide subsequently turned against Germany and it lost the war, Jewish influence in Europe was thus restored, Germany was subsumed into the evil empire – and the beast’s “deadly (head) wound was healed.”
Then in Rev 17:8 the angel said to John:
I could be wrong, but if John was exiled to Patmos in AD 95, by which time the Pharisees were defunct, the angel may be further describing the beast from the sea as being a collective comprised of the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees.
You are such a foreign element in the West. Just like when you were praising those dumpy (hideous) apartments in Moscow as something Americans would be happy living in. You were encouraging Americans to move to Moscow at the time, lol.
How old is this video? Why is Putin sitting so far away from his guests? Everywhere he sits at huge tables, sometimes incredible distances away from those he is talking to. They’re afraid he might be attacked somehow? Only the little girl was able to get close, a few times. Crazy. In film of Hitler, he was always in close proximity to whoever he was dealing with. He was a natural person, not a paranoid dictator.
And really … ” turdgid mysticism, and curbing his operetta acting and histrionics”?? Go dig a hole and bury yourself in it. You’d do us all a favor.
Or so you speculate. Trump was most likely fully complicit in the covid scam.
You’re speculating. Trump was most likely just playing the role assigned to him; he was posturing, as usual. There were reports coming out of other countries suggesting that covid could be treated with certain drugs e.g. hydroxychloroquine (and some nutritional supplements), so because the Satanists couldn’t silence all the authors who were suggesting that pharmacotherapy could be useful, they turned it into a political football in the U.S. They were gaslighting people with a disingenuous dialectic, and Trump was most likely knowingly in on it.
This comment was a reply to #86 by Poupon Marx.
most likely … most likely … most likely. Three times! And you say I’m speculating?
Before you answer, please know that I have no intention of replying to you again.
Yes that’s right, because my opinion is based on observation and reasoning, whereas yours seems nothing more than an unfounded (and exceptionally generous) bare assertion, which apparently rests on an implication that you have some kind of special insight into Trump’s psyche.
Thank you for the post. I am no scholar of the Bible, but I do remember a few passages. I used to attend church regularly, primarily Methodist and Lutheran (ELCA). I no longer go to church. One reason being that most churches are silent as to what is going on in “my” country, the USA, and also throughout the so-called “civilized world.”
I do not know about “the mark of the beast,” but I DO KNOW that the latest effort at establishing a One World corporate fascist government is the World Economic Forum, with its JEW PAWNS, Klaus Schwab and his chief mouthpiece, Yuval Harari. If they have their way, there will be a few at the top, who own EVERYTHING. And the ones remaining will be their slaves. That is, the ones who will be allowed to live. That is what I firmly believe.
Who is to say that the new, cashless digital currency (CBDC) is not the “mark of the beast” Or the forced “vaccinations” that various governments are working at having EVERYONE get?
I do not know what the future holds, but it does NOT look good. At least, not from my perspective.
Thank you.
Maybe I am not familiar with firearms, and maybe I am failing to see something obvious. I would imagine pulling on a shotgun barrel would only cause the gun to fire if the holder had his finger on the trigger. If the finger is on the trigger, any small movement of the gun could cause it to go off. To the best of my knowledge, even if a shotgun is loaded and cocked, if the trigger is not under tension, one can jostle the barrel without causing discharge.
I suppose anarchyst meant that when one grapples with a gun-wielder, one must not be surprised that one’s one grappling attack causes the gun to go off. I apologize for belaboring what is probably obvious to everyone else.
Thanks for the nice video. I found the story background:
bLACK violence is matched by media silence