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Why Are All of the H-1Bs from India?

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Every single time I’m on Twitter, there is someone labeling a video of China as “Japan.â€

This says something about something. It says various things. In general, Americans apparently still think of Japan as being more organized and developed than China, which hasn’t been true in at least a decade. But, you know, the trains in Japan are still nice.

No, I’m joking. They’re filled up with outrageous niggers now.

I’m sure you could find some videos of subways in Japan that don’t feature a monkey making a mess, but it’s probably hard to find at this point. Japan is a vassal of the United States, so they don’t have control over their own immigration policy. Uncle Sam wants niggermania.

China doesn’t have this problem.

But the original tweet above is comparing Chinese subways (falsely marked as Japanese) to Indian train stations. This is relevant, whether we are talking about Chinese or Japanese.

Nearly 75% of H-1Bs are from India. They are not from China or Japan. The reason is that people in China or Japan live in advanced societies, where they can find high-paying work. Why would they want to leave their own countries, and come to a foreign country, if they can make decent wages and live in comfort in their homeland among their own people?

They would not and they do not.

The Trump Administration claims that white Americans are culturally inferior to Indians, and yet these people are very happy to leave their own country and come to what the Trump people claim is an inferior shithole where people do nothing but watch Saved by the Bell and hate intelligence and achievement.

Why do they want to come here?

The Chinese and Japanese both created countries that they want to live in.

So did Americans, for that matter, before the place was flooded with immigrants.

Why didn’t the Indians produce a country they want to live in?

It is the official stated position of the Trump Administration that Indians are much more capable than whites because of their superior culture, but why does this superior culture not result in a superior society? Why are inferior Americans not trying to flood India, to taste the riches produced by Indian superiority?

This is all ridiculous and nonsensical. No one is buying it.

Frankly, I am at a loss for words at the fact I’ve been told these people are superior to me and my family, my people, my country. It’s the single most offensive thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•ï¿½Category: Economics, Ideology •ï¿½Tags: H1-B Visas, Immigration, India�
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  1. Anon[330] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    China is in the same Bruce Lee boat back then. Cucked huwhite slaves of the kikes want a monkey like Jackie Chan, which is analog to bitch-vassal states like “South Korea” or Japan, instead of some strong and sovereign Asian.

    But of course, being a cucked vassal of the JewSA means putting up with Niggermania, as Anglin said. “South Korea” has chimpanzee level inner politics, as we can see with their presidental fiasco, and Japan has actual niggers everywhere.

    But China has none of that, China brings down the huwhites just by breathing. China must perish, like Germany did!

    Don’t worry China, the moment when the world’s majority declare an extermination on “huwhites” (anglos) and kikes, you will be surprised how many ethnic Europeans are ready to go. Just airdrop us your AKs. And those cheap thermals from Infiray.

  2. Chaskinss says:

    it’s divershitty for the usians

    •ï¿½Replies: @pyrrhus
    , @Anonymous
  3. Renard says:

    Japanese people are shocked and disgusted by black people dancing on Tokyo trains. Japanese culture does not provide this circus.

    The NYT, WSJ, and the rest of the (power élite) whom they represent declared war on Japan over a decade ago. The very last thing they want us to see is a healthy, advanced, high-trust society thriving without Diversity!

    So they’re going to trash Japan in much the same way as they trashed the USA. Will the Japanese really tolerate it?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Pythas
    , @anon
  4. ZVZ says:

    “Why didn’t the Indians produce a country they want to live in?”

    They had one. That is why the Brits, Portugese, and French stayed in India where they could for about 200 years, and before that the Moslems stayed for a 1000 years, and the Jews, and the Parsis. That is why Columbus went West from Europe. That is why people were seeking ways to reach India however they could. Yes, India is a dump now in most cities. But, people in India are trying to make the best of their lives, while maintaining strong family ties. Agreed, they may not have the best methods. But, if you are so good, instead of spewing venom, you could teach them better ways. There is a big market there for good ideas.

    •ï¿½Disagree: Catdompanj
    •ï¿½Troll: Half Norwegian
    •ï¿½Replies: @Pythas
    , @ServesyouallWhite
  5. Because India with its caste system justifies white racism with something worse.

    •ï¿½Disagree: tamberlint
  6. Che Guava says:

    Agree with Andre’s statements in general and on India in particular, but …

    The reason the station in China physically resembles many stations in Japan is because they copy things from us. Notably, the double-door (platform and carriage) system. Patterns of waiting, though, are quite different.

    I have Chlnese friends, but Chinese tourists can be annoying. Many have no peripheral vision. They will crowd aisles in shops and on trains even when it isn’t crowded.

    Along with five other groups (sub-continentals, mystery-meat foreigners, blacks, Japanese strumpets, and Japanese gangster types and pretenders) they are the most likely to make long and loud telephone calls while riding the trains.

    In fact, Chinese tourists have improved on that point, perhaps from travel advice.

    Tried to work out from the two short clips of chimp-dances which lines they were on, but not enough clues in the videos. Riding surface or subway trains almost every day, I have never seen such an unpleasant sight.

    Too long a post, final point is the video of interviews re. chimp dances on trains. Most of the young interviewees are fashonable idiots, bleached/dyed hair, tattoos, it is only that and some conservative older men.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Sharonbaron
    •ï¿½Replies: @Dumbo
  7. eah says:

    There are three reasons for the preponderance of Indians among H-1B visa holders:

    1) A significant number of them are employees of Indian service and outsourcing companies, e.g. Infosys — these companies hire mostly Indians;

    2) Since there is a demand, India is obviously making an effort to satisfy that demand by educating their more intelligent young people so they have the academic background requested by tech employers;

    3) Some point to a low average IQ (less than 80), but India is now reported to be the world’s most populous country, with approx 1.43b people (more than 4x the US) — so the important question is, how large is the ‘smart fraction’ in India? — how many people in India are intelligent enough to be educated to some standard in technology, and then exported to the West (they are more or less a product at this point) as labor? — in this previous comment, I attempted to answer this question in back-of-the-envelope fashion by assuming an average IQ of 80 (probably too low), and a more or less normal distribution around a mean IQ of 80 — the answer I came up with: ‘lowering the qualifying IQ to 105 means there may be as many as 40m people in India who would qualify, enough to flood into every Western country over the coming decades’ — that’s a lot, more than enough to saturate the technology labor market in all Western countries — so as I also said: ‘it’s fucking madness and has to be stopped.’

  8. ANON[412] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:


    “Why didn’t the Indians produce a country they want to live in?â€

    They had one. That is why the Brits, Portugese, and French stayed in India where they could for about 200 years

    Yes, India is a dump now in most cities.

    The Europeans went there to trade for spices. Not to live there – certainly not in any appreciable numbers.

    Do you really think that India was less of a “dump” before the Europeans brought them the toilet? The Europeans also, after inventing the train, built India’s railroad network. They also built much of their infrastructure like bridges – which the Indians have difficulty maintaining. They also outlawed barbaric practices such as Sati. They also discovered/deciphered much of India’s own history, including Sanskrit and Hindi’s connection to the Indo-European language family. Indeed, the British were even substantially responsible for the creation/standardization of Hindi as a language and its adoption as the national language.


    Their language, their history, their infrastructure are all substantially British discoveries/inventions. And this tremendously irks them – hence when they are, e.g., renaming all of their cities and even their country.

  9. Dumbo says:
    @Che Guava

    they are the most likely to make long and loud telephone calls while riding the trains.

    Yes, I noticed that while Japanese people don’t like to call attention to themselves and tend to talk softly or avoiding talking in public, the Chinese don’t have qualms in talking very loudly and making themselves a public nuisance. I think it’s more lack of awareness of others than simply because they want to annoy people on purpose (like it happens with some blacks).

    Once in a night train in Europe there was this stupid chink that kept talking very loudly on his phone (and on speaker too, so we could hear the other side as well) all through the night, to the astonishment of the mostly German and Swiss passengers (and a few Italians).

    By the way, Italians can be loud in public too, but they are not as loud as the stereotype, although I guess it depends on the region and social condition of the person. (Neapolitans are supposedly the loudest ones). Unfortunately, things are changing all over, and with the rise of smartphones that are now a plague everywhere, even some younger Germans can be loud and annoying too.

    Oh, Indians and Arabs are loud on phones too.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Che Guava
    , @don't care
  10. thegeezer says:

    Sad to see tattoos on these young Japanese; a sure sign of degeneracy.

    They look like Fatmurcans.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Che Guava
  11. eah says:

    >the preponderance of Indians among H-1B visa holders

    There’s another obvious reason: no language barrier — most more intelligent Indians are educated to speak English to a fairly high standard (although I’ve encountered more than a few whose heavy accents made them more or less unintelligible).

    Also, having looked into it, there is explicitly no restriction at all on H-1B visas for foreign nationals who earn an advanced degree in the US — nowadays this probably includes a significant number of Indians.

    •ï¿½Thanks: MEH 0910
    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Redpill Boomer
  12. Che Guava says:

    It is not usual. Most swimming pools and almost all public baths have a complete ban on entry for the tattooed.

  13. Nat X says:

    Yall incel yts couldnt see this coming??? Cant believe some of us dindoos think yall smarter than us lol.

  14. Che Guava says:

    Loud in public can be fine. In trains, it is not. I will always scold the noisy self-obsessed jerks if I have the energy at the time.

    We do not want to see our great railway system become like your failway systems.

  15. @Dumbo

    The rise? This ain’t 2010. They’ve already conquered the whole planet.

  16. pyrrhus says:

    India is one vast slum, where people shit in the streets and die in the streets, so their bodies have to be collected every morning…India’s average IQ is below 80, and its math team for PISA was a joke, finishing 72/73….America is going to look like the moviie Idiocracy if this keeps up….

  17. Why didn’t the Indians produce a country they want to live in?

    Looking at the plague pit modern India has become, it’s hard to believe the subcontinent long ago gave rise to sophisticated spirituality — the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Buddha, etc. Even in the past couple of centuries it nurtured great yogis like Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramana Maharshi, and Paramahansa Yogananda.

    Yeah, so what happened? India became industrialized and technology oriented. That didn’t have to be a bad thing; the country urgently needed to upgrade its people’s living standards. Its values could have become nicely balanced between material progress and spiritual practice. But that didn’t happen. India is now as technologically obsessed and mesmerized by economic growth as the Western world.

    Quality of life, for an elite, has risen (if you think quality has nothing to do with inward truth). But not for the majority. They are stuck in a primitive existence, with even their Hinduism weighed down by superstitious ritual.

    Add ever-more insane overpopulation (1.4 billion, till next week when it will be 1.5 billion) and constant Hindu-Muslim tensions, and it’s no surprise India is a glittering failed state.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  18. Anonymous[365] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  19. anonymous[376] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Elon & Trump’s genius plan for America to “Win”: import 30 million “best & brightest”, “highly skilled” Indians to help us “win”. Eliminate the per country cap for green card so they can bring in all their relatives and in 2 decades we will have 300 million Indians in USA. More people also means more customers for Tesla. We all get crumbs while Elon becomes trillionaire, that’s how “we” win.

    In reality of course, Elon (and his 13 kids and counting) win, the rest of us live like ants in squalor, a dystopian future. But don’t worry Elon’s already got an asnwer for that – the Cybertruck, a dystopian looking ugly ass vehicle that can drive through sewage, human feces, homeless drug addicts living on our streets without feeling the slightest bump.

    Someone needs to make Elon & Trump asnwer this question: What does “winning” look like? What is the end game? At what point can we declare America has “won”? What will a victorious America look like politically, militarily, economically & socially? And what will the rest of the world look like then?

    What we have done to the Muslim world from Iraq to Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Palestine are unspeakable crimes against humanity. Millions of lives lost, women and children suffering under the most abject conditions without medical care or safety. Is that “winning”? I’m sure it is to the CIA. I’m sure to the MIC “winning” means to bomb China and Russia back into the dark ages and split up those countries, doesn’t matter how many millions die and plunged back into poverty. But hey they have “freedom” now, and will hold pride parades and drag queen story hours, with blacks dancing on their subway and brawls breaking out in restaurants, bars, schools — all signs of a “civil” society and freedom. The US has become the Eye of Sauron, the greatest danger to world peace. The Department of “Defense” is a misnomer and a euphemism, it should be renamed Department of Offense.

    And things will only get worse when Indians take over. When not in power Indians are the world’s foremost sycophants to those in power, but when they’re in power they instantly turn into the most ruthless, unscrupulous, venal “might is right” assholes who will abuse their power without the slightest compunction. God help the world when they control our military power. If someone were to drop a nuclear bomb on DC, Langley, Pentagon, Israel, NYC, Hollywood and Sillicon Valley now, they’d do the US and the world the biggest favor, for that’s the only time we will have world peace.

    •ï¿½Agree: Mike Conrad
    •ï¿½Replies: @anonymous
    , @Face_The_Truth
  20. Chinese be like …

    Tech bros be like: ‘In order to compete with China, we must destroy our own countries.’

  21. Pythas says:

    If low-life niggers invade Japan that country is done. Of course the niggers are alien invaders.

  22. Pythas says:

    Let the Indians teach themselves better ways if they are capable of it.

  23. Anonymous[348] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Saying “USian†is horribly idiotic as “US†refers to a political system, not a national designation.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Chaskinss
  24. Anonymous[348] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Nonsense. Indians make no attempt to speak English properly. We have to constantly ask them to repeat themselves to force them to slow down and enunciate in order to understand what the hell they’re trying to say. You haven’t lived around them.

  25. @eah

    Some point to a low average IQ (less than 80), but India is now reported to be the world’s most populous country, with approx 1.43b people (more than 4x the US) — so the important question is, how large is the ‘smart fraction’ in India?

    Could not agree more. Having worked as a programmer myself many years ago, I can vouch for the fact that there are indeed high-IQ Indians, and that these are the ones the Tech Bros. are most interested in. Of course, I wouldn’t say that these Indians were any smarter than smart Whites, so it is still clear that the H-1B program is designed to:

    A. cut or freeze wages
    B. truck in a bunch of awkward, unpopular outsiders that the tech companies can more easily manipulate and control, in support of both their own agenda as well as the larger globalist one of which they are a critical part

    Consequently, we would do best to attack the H-1B program on nationalist, rather than cognitive, grounds. Beware: HBD-arguments against them are a trap. We’re not dealing here with average Indians, but with elite IIT grads.

    India itself is home to a wide disparity of IQ-groups, simply because it is a mixed-race civilization, where a historic groups of ‘Aryans’ (Whites?) dominated the upper-castes, while the native Dravidians and Bengalis were initially relegated mostly to the lower ones. Historically, most of what we foreigners associate with Indian culture — such as Buddhism, Sikhism, and even most of Hinduism (minus the animal gods, which seem to predate the coming of the Aryans) — was really introduced there (along with the caste system itself) by the Aryan invaders.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Dumbo
    , @eah
  26. Why Not Kill Them All?

    … is an interesting book by Daniel Chirot and Clark McCauley about “mass political murder”. It might have some thoughts germane to this discussion.

  27. Dumbo says:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Beware: HBD-arguments against them are a trap

    HBD is the trap itself. Allowing or limiting people based on “IQ” is stupid in a way that only “high IQ” people can be. A nation is a people, a tribe. And a land. Blood and soil. Bringing in either dumb immigrants (Africans, Arabs) or smart immigrants (some Asians) is a bad idea simply because they are not “us”, and one way or another will compete with the natives, or otherwise cause other troubles.

    All this IQ-talk is stupid and pointless, only for people who can’t seem to grasp what it is really about (hello, iSteve and commenters). A country is not (or should not be) a business or a corporation, where it might make sense to “hire the smartest ones”. A nation is something else.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Alden
  28. “Nearly 75% of H-1Bs are from India. They are not from China or Japan. The reason is that people in China or Japan live in advanced societies, where they can find high-paying work. Why would they want to leave their own countries, and come to a foreign country, if they can make decent wages and live in comfort in their homeland among their own people?”

    Even if the Chinese and Japanese were inclined to live in the US in a general sense, which I wouldn’t be in their place, even a cursory amount of research would tell them that in this particular situation they would have to deal with hordes of Indians as colleagues and bosses. I know the Chinese have a very low opinion of Indians, considering them dirty and unintelligent, and I assume Japanese opinion is much the same given how clean and orderly Japan is.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Alden
  29. There appears to be some addlepated plan in the Anglosphere to use Indians against China.We can’t get Chinese to move here, in Austfailia, because its so primitive and Sinophobic, so let’s get LOTS of Indians. Recent trips to Melbourne and Sydney had me in mind of Mumbai at times, so concentrated are these populations.
    Now, the MASS migration we require to juice our economy, basically mines and wheat, has led to housing and rental becoming unaffordable. We are rather like Canada in all this. The serfs are beginning to grow restless concerning vanishing life prospects, so we keep ’em quiet with daily imprecations against EVIL China. And, after all, the Indians play cricket, although the sight of crowds braying for India against Australia, here in Austfailia, may pale if it continues, and India wins.
    Having worked with Indians and Chinese I do find the Chinese rather more amenable, but that’s subjective of course. But mass, almost instant, migration is bound to create difficulties, to put it mildly, yet it seems so deliberate, so unthinking, as if following instructions from ‘on high’. We’re good at that.

  30. @Anonymous

    There are heaps of vids on Youtube of local Indian communities uniting to rid their slums or villages of rubbish, restore ancient lakes to good health and recreate old systems of water storage in even the most arid regions. India’s great burdens are the caste system, the continuing legacy of English tyranny and the current, hopeless, ruling elites and the insane ‘democracy’ that divides India against itself.

  31. @ANON

    The English stole c. twenty-five trillion from India over the years. When the Anglo infection arrive India had 20% or so of global product, and when they were kicked out that had fallen to 1%. The same as in China, but the Chinese recovered, and India has not, yet. The greatest poison the English inflicted on India was party politics and ‘democracy’.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymous
    , @kiwk
  32. Japan is a vassal of the United States, so they don’t have control over their own immigration policy. Uncle Sam wants niggermania.

    Uncle Shlomo wants Niggermania (except in Israel, of course).

    And for all of you clowns defending India by blaming YT as usual: pretty much all of Europe was colonized and controlled by Rome for centuries, including most of Britain. Whites then built the most advanced and prosperous society mankind has ever had the privilege of living in. And all you have to do to be successful in it is be smart enough, and hard working enough, to be able to be a net positive to that society.

    Why is that so fucking hard for PoC to understand?!

    Oh, right. It’s that “smart enough” thing; most of you are not.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Redpill Boomer
  33. MEH 0910 says:


    Cholera likely has its origins in the Indian subcontinent as evidenced by its prevalence in the region for centuries.[17]



    In popular culture

    Unlike tuberculosis (“consumption”) which in literature and the arts was often romanticized as a disease of denizens of the demimonde or those with an artistic temperament,[154] cholera is a disease which almost entirely affects the poor living in unsanitary conditions. This, and the unpleasant course of the disease – which includes voluminous “rice-water” diarrhea, the hemorrhaging of liquids from the mouth, and violent muscle contractions which continue even after death – has discouraged the disease from being romanticized, or even being factually presented in popular culture.[155]



    The city of Kolkata, India in the state of West Bengal in the Ganges delta has been described as the “homeland of cholera”, with regular outbreaks and pronounced seasonality. In India, where the disease is endemic, cholera outbreaks occur every year between dry seasons and rainy seasons. India is also characterized by high population density, unsafe drinking water, open drains, and poor sanitation which provide an optimal niche for survival, sustenance and transmission of Vibrio cholerae.[163]


    Seven cholera pandemics have occurred in the past 200 years, with the first pandemic originating in India in 1817. The seventh cholera pandemic is officially a current pandemic and has been ongoing since 1961, according to a World Health Organization factsheet in March 2022.[1]

  34. Anonymous[365] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Nonsense. The British stole nothing from India. Indians are low IQ dumb fuck.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Priss Factor
  35. kiwk says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    And who was India trading their global product with?

  36. eah says:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Years ago, meaning before the H-1B program became so popular and the H-1B population so large (H-1B has always been controversial), I saw H-1B as primarily a vehicle for age discrimination, facilitating the replacement of mostly older and more expensive white guys with younger and cheaper non-white H-1B visa holders — I had a number of email interactions (and letters to the editor published) on this topic with reporters who parroted corporate propaganda in formulaic articles about H-1B.

    Today I see H-1B mostly as another way the West is being corrupted by economic man.

    I’ve spent time around what I’ll call an adequate sample of H-1B type people — to characterize them as a demographic, I would call them mediocre — warm bodies — I’ve known only one I would be happy to work with again.

  37. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    but the low IQ DF now owns more property in London that white Britons do.

  38. anon[424] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    I find it hard to believe the original tweet above is from China. It may be, but my experience in china is that people generally scrum rather than queue.
    And in the few instances where they queue, their line etiquette is very poor.

  39. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Icky calls out Musky, LOL

  40. @eah

    Yes, their English language education is certainly part of it. As an engineer who has worked with many of them, I agree that many are hard to understand but most engineers speak it well, even if their technical skills aren’t always up to snuff. Secondly, there’s India’s huge population, so there are simply more of them than most other countries. Thirdly, unlike modern China, India is a shithole, so they want very badly to escape.

  41. @DirtySouthSide

    True, Israelis scream “nigger!” at the few Ethiopian Jews that made it into their country. For some reason, our media never mentions that. Any other country where this was common would be branded as EVIL and the media would demand an apology from their ambassadors.

  42. anon[385] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    It’s entirely about what the Japanese government does and not what the people think about it…the trend has already been set by the West and Japan likely won’t be different.

    If the Japanese government begins to push BS messages that diversity is a strength, begins to indoctrinate kids in their school system with this, and aggressively goes after Japanese who criticize these policies like what is done in the UK and Germany, the Japanese will cave just as Whites in the West have done.

    Whites like to follow “the rules” and so do the Japanese.

    •ï¿½Agree: Renard
  43. Cuffy says:

    But they are Caucasians,no?

  44. Here’s a story for the kids:

    I worked at this large corporation many years ago. My boss was pretty solid, technical, easy going and a good leader.

    I noticed that the department had a lot of female Indians who sat on the phone all day speaking in Hindi. I mentioned in passing one day that the output was pretty low for these women and whenever they were asked a question about the product they supported, they didn’t know diddly. On technical stuff, they were horrible.

    Most white women I’ve worked with in tech figure out pretty quickly they don’t like it and make a career change or move into management. Indian women are the worst and they don’t move anywhere. If you ever go into a job site and see them in any number, you have all the info you need to know about the quality of the business and the product you will be building or supporting.

    So we had this one Indian woman who was especially noxious. I sat right across from her and although she was on another team, she did zero. One day, her white male tech lead went over and started giving her a hard time about not producing anything, etc.

    This led to a conversation between me and my boss at lunch. I was like, “Yeah, you know X does not do anything all day besides yack on the phone in Hindi and it’s kind of a distraction. So exactly why did she get hired?”

    My boss had hiring say and did most of the interviews. He said in response that he told them not to ever interview on days when he was out. He planned two days of PTO and the wogs in the office… brought her in, interviewed her and gave her the job on the same day. All Indians on the hiring process.

    This was not a role they needed desperately to fill, but it was a good illustration of how Indians colonize entire corporate departments and no one will stop them. My boss was from Africa and he just told me that had his wishes been respected, she never would’ve been hired. He would’ve blown her up in the interview on tech questions.

    He eventually got us moved to another part of the building where it was quieter, but it was chocked full of Indians. Hindi all day. Fortunately, I was contract only and happily moved to a smaller project staffed by all white males. It was awesome and our team kicked ass. Zero diversity, huge impact on a company that eventually was able to get bought out by a house hold name.

    America died sometime around 1970. It’s been a stinking corpse and there are some good people who are just stuck watching it rot. They will die out and it will just be Indians promoting each other, doing their Hindu bullshit and there will be lots and lots of white women in HR making sure they cover for it.

    Gay marriage and then drag queen story hour followed by the second form of child genital mutilation removed whatever traces I had for my own race and nation. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s that the race has become so dysgenic and is so worn down by rot that I don’t see it ever making a comeback. Yes, I’m blackpilled, but you would not believe the other stories I have about working with them over the years. So, there’s a reason…

    •ï¿½Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
    , @Alden
  45. @ZVZ

    But, people in India are trying to make the best of their lives,

    At the expense of Western nations.

    while maintaining strong family ties.

    To the point of xenophobia just like their Gypsy descendants.

    Unless pajeets are accepted for what they are and how they are, what remains of White Western nations (especially living wage industries in said nations) is done for.

  46. Anon[387] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Actually, Anglin, the Indian engineers we are bringing in ARE superior to you. This is not a lie. They often can get a nice life in Indian cities, but choose not to, because they can get ridiculous amounts of money in the USA and have even more status. But they are still far superior to most rural bumpkin right-wing white people.

    And, this needs to not be the cornerstone of your opposition to mass immigration. Imagine – a superior race comes along and wants to conquer you for some reason. Could you resist, after hitching your entire worldview to brutalistic worship of the winners and hatred of the losers? You will have no argument, or at least, your entire life’s work of arguments could be turned against you to justify your replacement by the superior race.

    But there is another reason to not be a bigot. It is bad for society. Your sense of contempt, superiority, hatred of any human who has some problems, needs to not consume you. Becoming such a hateful and harsh person actually generates many societal problems. That’s how upper-class people in India behave. The Indians who control their society are giga-contemptuous people who hate the lower castes. And the lower castes respond by vandalizing the world that has rejected them.

    This is the result of rule-by-dickheads. In opposition, the fact that the West is ruled by good & benevolent liberals is actually one of the reasons our societies are so good.

    •ï¿½Troll: Half Norwegian
  47. @ANON

    Without British thievery and manipulation, the situation would be a lot better.
    There has been long lasing damage done.

  48. anonymous[108] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    The per country cap is a huge deal. There is a 7% per-country cap on the 140,000 employer-sponsored green cards issued annually in the US. So no more than 7% of the total number of employment-based green cards can be allocated to individuals from India in a given fiscal year. This rule creates a huge backlog for India. We have to hold the line on the rule or there will be a deluge from India.

  49. Anonymous[394] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    An humble craftsman’s sockpuppet:

    Without British thievery and manipulation, the situation would be a lot better.
    There has been long lasing damage done.

    Those bastard Brits stole all the Indians’ tea and spices. India has no more cloves nor cinnamon no more because those thieving Limey Brits absconded with it all back to England! That’s why India is so poor and backwards and they have to shit in the street. No tea leaves to wipe their asses with. Damned Brits!

    India would be a lot better off without British technologies – particularly medical technologies – right?

    No, really, what did the British “steal”? Any non-renewable resource of any kind? You hear this from Africans too: that the Europeans “stole all their riches.” What riches? 99.99% of Africa’s “natural resources” are still in the ground – and the only reason anyone considers them to be “resources” in the first place is because resourceful Europeans invented the means to make use of them. Diamonds, like are found in Kimberley, South Africa, were just rocks before European gemsmiths invented means to cut them into beautiful stones. Oil was just black sludge before Europeans invented the combustion engine. Uranium was just a useless toxic metal before Europeans split the atom. Even land was pretty useless before the invention of agriculture.

    99.99% of the raw materials of India, Africa, China and South America are still there in the ground.

    Indians have been more enriched by the inventions of Europeans than they could ever possibly hope to repay. Penicillin alone was a greater gift to India than everything India has ever had to part with or could ever help to repay the English with.

    90% of the Indians alive on earth today are only alive because of European advancements in agricultural and medical technologies. They should be thankful but instead they’re vengeful.

    But, ultimately, there is no reasoning with you because your position isn’t born of reason; it’s born of humiliation, malice and a desire for revenge. You should be thankful, but instead you seek vengeance for mostly imaginary grievances which you didn’t personally suffer, and which you would visit upon, not the perpetrators, but their descendants.

    More on that:

  50. @eah

    No, 105 IQ wont cut it. More like 120.

    So, take the 40Mil figure and cut it by 100x to something like 400k.

    That’s still DOUBLE the 750,000 of H1B’s for 2023.


    At that rate, either the recruiter is padding the resume’s big time, or India has no competent folks left to keep the lights on. (guess those 105 IQ folks will have to do that as best they can – assuming they can compete with all the nepotism).

    Nope, something doesn’t add up.

  51. @OliverPeeples

    This was not a role they needed desperately to fill, but it was a good illustration of how Indians colonize entire corporate departments and no one will stop them.

    OliverPeeples comment is literally courtroom trial testimony to the fact that traitor Whites in corporate management across different industries, in politics, and even with public opinion (that Indians have a High IQ myth) have literally allowed pajeet parasites to embed themselves like ticks into one of the few industries that provided as close to a living wage as possible.

    Indian women are the worst and they don’t move anywhere.

    Lazy, rice-cooking, unskilled, con-artists who are pound for pound even more self-entitled and shiftless than any negress even. Pajeetas are extremely vindictive and God help any White man who has one for a boss. The unfortunate soul will be thrown under the boss immediately so the pajeeta can cover her slimy assed screwups.

    Life on this planet, let alone in America will not improve. The End will be a combination of every dystopian movie ever made.

    Way to go White America for following the machinations of some ‘Hooked-nose Pied kike Piper’ right over a cliff.

    •ï¿½Thanks: OliverPeeples, Alden
  52. @anonymous

    The Republican Christian Party of America does not do charity to Indians by bringing in over 90,000 foreign-graduate workers every year from India or elsewhere.

    The Republican Christian Party of America does that for the financial interest(s) of corporate America!

    I repeat, the Republican Christian Party of America does that for the financial interest(s) of corporate America.

    This H1-B visa scheme for the financial interest(s) of corporate America was not invented yesterday; this has been going on for many decades now.

    There is huge tax-savings as well as perpetual spike in American real-estate prices for the benefit of corporate America in the H1-B visa system of American govt.

    But, no matter how many times I repeat, it is absolutely purposeless to talk to a nasty shadow of a creature like Andrew Barret Anglin.

    So, it would have been better if someone slapped Andrew Barret Anglin on his face with a pair of shoes instead of writing counter-posts in his columns that are always full of gibberish.

  53. Alden says:
    @Ray Caruso


    Japanese stopped immigrating to the western USA after WW2. During the 1920s and 30s Japanese immigration to the USA dropped. Because Japan was modernizing, very nationalist and expanding. Full employment better living conditions for the average worker. Very similar to what Germany Italy and France did during the 1930s

    How can you possibly think Japanese immigrate to the USA in 2025?

    Chinese are immigrating to the USA for the same reasons Europeans immigrated to the USA from 1600 to 1940. Lack of opportunity at home. Much better living conditions even for the poor in America. Escape from political religious etc dictatorships.

    1600 to 1790 Europeans sold themselves into indentured servitude to escape Europe and get to America. Nowadays Chinese Indians and Latin Americans sell themselves into indentured servitude to get to America. Rich and middle class Chinese women travel to America in n the 4th or Fifth month of pregnancy to give birth to an American anchor baby. The rich pay the Chinese maternity home operators $80,$100,000 . The middle class beg and borrow the money.

    Most of if the maternity home fee doesn’t go for prenatal care the hospital stay and birth or post natal care for mother and baby.

    Even the richest Chinese, like the poorest Central Americans all have their babies on the free Medicaid for the poor. The maternity home operators take the Chinese anchor baby women to the welfare office to sign them up for the free Medicaid for the poor a couple days after arrival. To Medicaid offices staffed by Chinese speaking affirmative action Chinese immigrants. Who sign these pregnant women up with no questions asked.

    Last I looked Medicaid paid $1,000 for a normal childbirth healthy baby and a 24 hour stay after the birth. Insurance companies pay $15,000 for the same thing. Hospitals in the south west border states are going bankrupts because of all the foreigners on Medicaid. Chinese millionaires to Central American destitute beggars Let the entire world have their babies here for free. While Americans with insurance pay the highest costs in the world.

    Do Americans go to China to birth an anchor baby? Absolutely not. But Chinese come here to birth anchor babies. If china’s so great why are Chinese every SES group from Drs and executives to dishwashers fleeing to Latin America USA Canada and Europe?

    IQ IQ IQ burn in hell forever and ever race traitors.

  54. I have stories… so, so many stories about Indians in America.

    One thing Indians do as a practice, as in, it’s extremely unusual to not see this:

    If you meet an Indian male, he’ll be married and his wife will be in IT, something like QA, support or another IT function. She will be as useless as tits on a boar. But, their combined incomes place them in the 200K+ bracket and no, these are not “brilliant” people. They seldom make it to average, but their financial power and their racial cohesiveness makes them formidable. While white people are sniffing farts and trying to figure out their pronouns, Indians are promoting each other through cliques and bobbing heads and being polite in an obsequious, saccharine kind of way to the out party.

    The garbage they produce in terms of software and other systems is just staggering. I worked as a contractor for one small company that turned over most of its software to offshore teams in India. They just completely fucked themselves sideways. Eventually, their parent company got tired of their staggering losses and sold them to vulture capitalists. What did the VC do the first day? I shit thee not: Issued a directive that *all* offshore teams would be dissolved the very first minute the acquisition took effect. I saw one of the VC’s architects crawling through the repos auditing stuff. I’m sure it took only a few hours to figure out that the 50+ Indians were checking in hot garbage. From that point on, they only hired Americans but were still stuck with a lot of Indian immigrants. When my contract ended, I’d still hear news about how the remaining Indians were still producing garbage.

    For years, I and another colleague had explained to the IT director that the software the Indians were building was horrible and would fail when deployed. He didn’t care. All he could talk about was what a great deal they were in terms of costs. The costs included massive technical debt, egg on face and lost customers.

    90% of making it in America as a brown immigrant is to just bamboozle the fuck out of people by using the existing scaffolding baked into American pop culture and mythology.

    Americans have been programmed by Hollywood to build the immigrant’s back story for them ahead of time. So, they see a wog and already, they’ve completely filled in their backstory: they come from humble beginnings, but they are driven (!!!), they are smart (!!!), they have a loving family and community who believes in them (!!!!!!!!!) and they are what MAKE THIS FUCKING COUNTRY TICK GODDAMN YOU FUCKING NAZIS (!!!!!!!!!!!!).

    Usually, the slightly smarter whites will add some more details about Hinduism being a really advanced spiritual system and that they are way, way ahead of us in compassion, intuition, etc. I see this pathetic stream of delusion from whites all the time.

    I had one white colleague who went to India for several weeks to work with the remote team. When he came back, I asked how India was. He just said, “I’m very grateful I was born in America.” Then he walked away. Never brought it up again.

    Actually, they’re dumb, they likely cheated or bribed their way through a shitty diploma mill in their shitty home country and they will completely wipe you and anyone who looks like you off any promotion track which sees you in a leadership position. They are scammy, etc.

    As I said earlier, they will completely colonize a company and the company will go down.

    But what about the Google wog? He’s killing it right? Pinchar is not that good. At all. How a company with so many spooks and so much involvement with the security agencies could get completely co-opted by OpenAI is a function of their myopia around creating a monitoring apparatus to surveil the whole nation. Their AI still lags and with o3, is facing an even bigger deficit, one which I don’t see them overcoming very easily. Google like all the Big Tech bros has engaged in massive layoffs numbering in the tens of thousands over the past couple of years along with Microsoft and Facebook. All of those companies are very largely the creation of…

    0% interest. When interest rates began rising, the artificial boost these companies had to scale exponentially in terms of labor was lost. The truth is that large companies stop being innovative; Microsoft is using its wealth to back OpenAI but is itself not building AI. Google tries, but sucks at it. The woke fiasco with their text to image thing supplied hours of laughter and glee, but it’s truly sad that you would put degenerate retards in charge of it.

    Microsoft’s Nedalla was also caught flat footed IMO. He reacted by basically sinking 40 billion in OpenAI, et. al. and staking the company’s future on AI. He basically is spending his way out of the problem; however, I think OpenAI is run by Jews and is going to eventually come out the winner. Microsoft as an organization was as surprised by ChatGPT as the general public.

    I’ll close with another anecdote. Worked with this Indian, esp. arrogant and a horrible IT professional. Fortunately, he was a contractor and the client was happy to let him go at the end of his term. One of my buddies picked up his project and spent a few months redoing it after he left.

    I took the time to get to know the Indian and we would go out for lunch together. He tells me one day that his son, who applied to a local university (a very good one), was rejected from ROTC and he was hopping mad. I told him the ROTC program for this particular school was competitive since it was a top ranked engineering institution, etc. Didn’t matter. He was inconsolable. He fumed on this for a while and hatched a plan.

    I learned from him later that he had accused the institution of racism and raised a shit storm with various people, probably including politicians and the Air Force. His son was accepted as a cadet.

    Now, this wog knew there was no racism involved at all; the institution at the time was still pretty white with some East Asians, but they were working hard to debase their quality by adding more white women. In fact, the university went out of its way to recruit women because the place was a total sausage factory. Still, this Indian knew how to game the system because of the heavy make up of white males — all he had to do was scream racism because his little pajeet was rejected.

    Americans are so passive and they will never, ever fight for their country and or their children. It’s the only form of animal I’ve ever met that loathes its young at worst and kills them in the womb; or barely tolerates them and will do nothing to make sure that they thrive in the future.

  55. Alden says:

    I too have many stories. About affirmative action blacks judges and government attorneys who cannot read even at a middle school level.

    It’s what our government every president since race traitor JFK, and the White hating Jews want.

  56. Alden says:
    @Etruscan Film Star

    India has not built a new, or extended an existing system since the late 1940s when the British left.

  57. Alden says:

    So what? America has at least 40 million people with 105 IQs. And a 105 IQ won’t get anyone an engineering math or medical degree. Unless the 105 IQ person is a black lesbian woman, still the highest category in the American Caste system.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Half Norwegian
  58. @Alden

    Doctors aren’t intelligent.

  59. Chaskinss says:

    USians are USians. “Living” in the us empire is horribly idiotic.

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