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How 'Youths' Celebrate New Year’s in Europe

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Jared Taylor reports on New Year’s Eve in Europe, the New Orleans attack, a scheme to fast-track citizenship, birth rates in high-IQ countries, and Dashawna Williams.

Thumbnail credit: © Marcus Brandt/dpa via ZUMA Press

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(Republished from Renaissance Radio by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Foreign Policy, Ideology •�Tags: EU, Immigration, Terrorism
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  1. Finally, a leader Jared can be proud of.

    Please welcome, the next Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Polyovary:

    •�LOL: HT
    •�Replies: @Arthur Ferres
  2. @USA invades Israel

    Indeed “a simple (Shabbath) Goy from the Prairies”….
    Yamaka and Prairie for President, Go Canada!

  3. anon[798] •�Disclaimer says:

    Great statistics on high IQ race fertility rates. I think it would have been interesting to contrast this with the one exception, a race not just of high IQ, but super high IQ – 112 according to Richard Lynn – the Ashkenazim, whose fertility rate is far above replacement levels. Thus, even in this contemporary Enlightment Values / Cultural Marxist environment, they still are evolutionarily thriving and advancing, which is evidence for the Ashkenazim possessing an overall genetic makeup far more advanced than any other population group that has ever existed. Will they represent the next leap in Hominid evolution, replacing everyone else and eventually colonizing other parts of the Galaxy? Only time will tell.

  4. A declining population is a national security risk also.

    The United States should invite European young people to settle and found new towns patterned after those they left behind. In a bidding war for talent, America can still win against the countries of the old world.

    Two million young men and women each from Britain, France, and Germany. Six million new opportunities to revive the nation.

  5. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    What can be said about Bimbo Consciousness?

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: follyofwar
  6. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    W. Virginians are White Trash.

  7. @anon

    This is like saying that tapeworms represent an advanced, ideal form of evolutionary creature because they are so perfectly adapted to their niche environment, the human intestine; will tapeworms one day fly into space, and recreate the glories of Athens, Paris, and Florence?

    Here’s a thought. Drop a few thousand super-smart, super-chosen Ashkenazim into the Namib Desert with only a couple of tents and some Swiss army knives and come back in a few dozen years, let me know if they build the glorious, legendary City of Sandcastles, or just the Cairn of Skulls. But, you know, a very Chosen and high-IQ cairn of skulls.

    •�Thanks: Mike Conrad
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  8. anon[100] •�Disclaimer says:


    This all goes against Dr. Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie. East Asians would have less genetic diversity because a more harsh but steady environment such as in East Asia would not allow for more genetic variation – too divergent DNA would be weeded out. Europeans were allowed more genetic diversity than East Asians because Europe was a little less harsh, but since Europe and East Asia were much more similar in environment than either is from the very different Africa and other equatorial regions, Europeans would be more similar to East Asians and vice versa than either is to Africans. Africans would have the most genetic diversity due to immune system diversity to handle the multitude of pathogens there, and loose evolutionary pressures for genetic conformity. I’m not smart or educated, but this Chinese research seems false to me – when did any Chinese researcher ever discover something revolutionary?

    It would be nice if Mr. Taylor can study the findings of Dr. Jason Lisle, the European creationist physicist to compare his scientific model of the universe with the secular Europeans. Since the majority of Europeans are Christian, it would be nice to understand their view. Maybe Mr. Taylor can do a video or article covering Dr. Lisle’s science data, his videos are all over YouTube and he has his own website too. I find him personally interesting since he has a PhD in Astro- Physics and publishes papers in peer reviewed journals. He even made correct predictions about the findings of the new James Webb telescope while all the secular physicists were wrong (I’m agnostic, by the way).

  9. ariadna says:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    No need for such an experiment of forcing them into an extreme survival test. Just cut the IV line through which Uncle Sam keeps them alive artificially. See what happens in less than a year.

  10. Malla says:

    High IQ or low IQ, Jews (most of them) are at the end of the day, in their souls and DNA, a Third World people.
    White IQ and maybe even East Asian IQ is about building Civilization, studying and understanding the Universe.
    Jewish IQ is about controlling other humans.
    Jews are the most intelligent of the lower type of man. That is it.

    •�Agree: HdC
  11. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    You don’t need ‘youths’. Just incompetence and DEI.

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