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Maduro Puts $100,000 Bounty on CIA "Opposition Candidate"

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When Trump brings in infinity Indians to take all of the American jobs, the only thing left for Americans will be taking on bounties from Nicolas Maduro.

I can imagine worse futures.

The Guardian:

Venezuelan authorities have announced a $100,000 reward for information leading to the capture of exiled opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, who insists he beat President Nicolás Maduro at the polls.

Police published on social media a photo of the previously little-known ex-diplomat with the word “wanted” under the image.

He fled to Spain in September after Maduro claimed victory in the 28 July election and cracked down hard on dissent.

González, 75, vowed to return to his troubled, economically distressed country to be sworn in as president on 10 January instead of Maduro, who is due to take the oath of office that day.

Judicial officials told AFP that the wanted poster with González’s face would be displayed at airports and police checkpoints around the country.

Venezuela declared Maduro the winner of a third six-year term in the July vote but the opposition cried foul, saying it has detailed polling station numbers that show González won handily.

The United States and the European parliament have recognized González as “president-elect”.

This guy is on a world tour, pretending to be the president of Venezuela, despite clearly not being the president of Venezuela.

I’m not endorsing anyone hunting him down to collect the bag, but I would understand why they would. Donald Trump says you’re culturally inferior because you watched too much Saved by the Bell, and you’re not allowed to have a job anymore. And people have to have money.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Foreign Policy •�Tags: CIA, Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela
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  1. Anonymous[722] •�Disclaimer says:

    Conservatives and Fox News viewers never ask why all these hardcore Venezuelan criminal gangs are all over the U.S.

    Well, it’s because of the CIA/Deep State dirty war and ongoing regime change attempt in Venezuela. America wants to know why its oil is under Venezuela’s soil.

    So Maduro returns the favor and gives cities from Colorado to Tennessee some of these Tren de Aragua prison gangs.

  2. Wanted dead or alive, we hope. How odd that “his troubled, economically distressed country” is that way because of the badness of socialism, rather than, say, crushing economic sanctions imposed by the United States. Just coincidence that a Wall Street on life support wants all that oil and natural gas, but only at the right price and in its total control. Those little brown SOBs are just like them damn A-rabs, parking their shithole country on top of our SUV go-juice, cannot have that, no sir. We’ll give ‘em a dose of freedom they’ll never forget.

    •�Replies: @obwandiyag
  3. But between regime changes in Latin America they have a lower-level, self-sustaining tool for subjugation and control.

    •�Thanks: Notsofast
  4. CIA dusted the wardrobe of former President Chavez with Polonium whereafter he soon perished.
    The JUSA is both Evil and Shameless.

  5. @Observator

    Obviously it is US sanctions and sabotage and subversion.

    I mean, shit, socialism with tons of oil money to spread the wealth around is paradise.

    It’s funny. The US screws the shit out of a country and idiots blame it on their system of government. Absurd.

    •�Agree: Ann Nonny Mouse
    •�Replies: @Decoy0614
  6. Decoy0614 says:

    Washington DC insistence that every country have a form of government like its own completely ignores that China has, by far, been the most successful country over the past 40 years. DC uses “Democracy” as a bludgeon to get the leadership it wants in foreign countries. It has little to do with Democracy. Look at what US taxpayers have spent to “save Democracy” in Ukraine.

    •�Replies: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  7. Maduro’s a piece of shit, but that doesn’t give Uncle Shlomo the right to tell Venezuelans how to run their country. They should put the crook in front of a firing squad and then elect a right-wing populist who’d stop looting the country and make it prosperous despite America’s retarded sanctions.

  8. @Decoy0614

    I agree. USA hates democracy. Wherever they see it they destroy it. Even Iran was a secular democracy but therefore their Prime Minister, Mossadeq, had to go, CIA-organized coup. Yet they use “Democracy” as a bludgeon.

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