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The Counter-Jeethad on X

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Sriram Krishnan, Senior Policy Advisor for AI at the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Sriram Krishnan, Senior Policy Advisor for AI at the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

This year, my best Christmas present was a war over legal, high-skilled immigration on X. On December 23, Laura Loomer tweeted:

Deeply disturbing to see the appointment of Sriram Krishnan as Senior Policy Advisor for AI at the Office of Science and Technology Policy. . . . How will [we] control immigration in our country and promote America First innovation when Trump appointed this guy who wants to REMOVE all restrictions on green card caps in the United States so that foreign students (which makes up 78% of the employees in Silicon Valley) can come to the US and take jobs that should be given to American STEM students. . . . This is not America First policy.

Soon heavyweights like Elon Musk, David O. Sacks, and Vivek Ramalamadingdong weighed in on the side of Sriram. The sports team analogy was duly trotted out: America needs to compete against China, so we need to recruit the very best team members from around the world, by removing the country-caps on H-1B visas, the vast majority of which go to Indians. Winning against America’s global rivals is measured by GDP and corporate profits.

This is a totally disingenuous argument, because H-1B visas are not for recruiting the “best of the best.†We have a different visa for that: the O visa, which is a temporary non-immigrant worker visa for people of “extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics,†including movies and television. About 38,000 of these visas were granted in 2023. If we had a complete ban on immigration and mass deportation of illegals, I would have no problem with O visas.

H-1B visas are very different. Companies seek these for entry-level positions. They have to prove that they can’t find Americans for the job. But this is obviously bogus, because in many cases, companies have fired existing American workers (mostly white), then brought in H-1Bs, mostly from India, to replace them. These H-1Bs work longer hours at lower wages. Many are incompetent. Many have fake degrees. But they cut costs, raise profits, and enrich management. The fact Indian recruiting firms fill companies with fellow Indians is not meritocracy in action. It is Hindu nepotism. Unsurprisingly, Sriram and Vivek are all for it.

The claim that Indian H-1B visas are about bringing in “the best and the brightest†is entirely fraudulent. It is entirely about lowering wages by hiring substandard, cut-rate, corporate coolies. Yet countless prominent and credentialed people, including Elon Musk and Vivek Ramitupyoursnout, will look you straight in the eye, give you a firm handshake, and repeat that lie over and over again. To borrow a line from Matt Parrott, it is as infuriating a shit test as being asked to pretend that Bruce Jenner is now a woman.

The claim that Big Tech has to resort to hiring foreign workers because they can’t find American workers is entirely bogus. There are thousands of unemployed, mostly white American tech workers who are systematically discriminated against racially by major American corporations. White Americans who seek STEM degrees are also systematically discriminated against by colleges and universities. There are thus many thousands of highly intelligent white Americans with STEM degrees who are unemployed, underemployed, and deeply bitter about their lot. And how many more would pursue STEM if they felt it was a viable path?

The tinder was heaped up. All it needed was Laura Loomer’s spark.

Much to my pleasure, Laura Loomer stood her ground and doubled down, going so far as to demand a divorce between Big Tech and the MAGA movement. We don’t need a divorce. But MAGA needs to show Big Tech that it wears the pants in the family. For this alone, I am declaring Loomer—who describes herself as a “Jewish white nationalistâ€â€”to be Counter-Currents’ [Non-White] Ally of the Year for 2024. To those of you who are annoyed because Loomer is a Jew, my answer is simple: if Laura Loomer wants to use her Jewish magic to defend white Americans, good for her. The only thing shameful here is that more white Americans aren’t doing the same.

Unsurprisingly, pro-white stalwarts like Kevin Deanna, Auron MacIntyre, Matt Parrott, and Hunter Wallace weighed in on the right side. Much to my surprise, Loomer was joined by some other Alt-Liteish figures with large followings, including Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich, Ashley St. Clair, and Milo Yiannopoulos. Frankly, if you had asked me, I wouldn’t have been able to predict which way these people would have gone on this question.

Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, and Blake Masters have also weighed in on our side. Masters is especially significant, as he is a Peter Thiel protégé and thus I would have bet that he would take the Silicon Valley position. Another Thiel protégé, Vice-President elect J.D. Vance, made one statement in defense of American workers. Since then he has been conspicuously silent. Maybe he’s been celebrating Christmas with his Hindu family.

Beyond that, hundreds, now thousands of people I had never before heard of on X have joined in on the side of nationalism, populism, and American workers. It is a vast, beautiful, and highly entertaining convergence of creative and irreverent minds unified to promote sound nationalist and populist ideas against globalist, classical liberal, free-market clichés. It really is reminiscent of the glory days of the Alt Right in 2015 and 2016. David Zsutty said it best: “There’s only one job Indians can do that Americans can’t: Uniting the Right.â€

It is also gratifying that most of these meme warriors have excellent talking points.

Aside from simply pointing out that H-1Bs are not for recruiting the best but simply for paying Americans less while expanding Indian tech mafias, many commenters have gotten to the heart of the issue: what it means to be American.

Many openly defend the idea that Americans are a white people, with racial/ethnic interests of our own. Many are cataloging all the ways in which whites have been systematically discriminated against in STEM education, recruitment, and careers.

The use of sports team analogies has been roundly dismissed. America is a nation, the homeland of the American people, not a sports team.

The idea that America’s health can be measured by GDP and corporate earnings has also been soundly rejected. America is the homeland of the American people, not an economic zone where cutthroat alien mafias can enrich themselves.

We have seen full-throated defenses of the idea that Americans should have preferences in hiring in America, simply for being Americans. The partisans of colorblind individualism simply splutter, “That’s like DEI.â€

Yes, in a way it is. Americans want preferential treatment simply for being born Americans, just as DEI gives preferential treatment for really anybody but white Americans. But since DEI is just the Great Replacement at work, giving white Americans privilege in our own homeland is pretty much the opposite of DEI. And it is not unfair to Indians, because they have privileges too . . . back in India.

There has also been pushback against Republican clichés about competition and hard work. Nationalists and populists need to be crystal clear on this point. Your boss would love to pay you less and sweat you harder by making you compete with the Third World. American workers prefer higher pay, shorter working hours, and greater employment security. National populism means nothing if we don’t side with workers against employers on these issues. That means protectionism, including protecting the gains made by the labor movement against capitalism.

The debate was spirited but civil when it was mostly among whites. Things heated up when Indians started logging on. Suddenly, we were informed that whites were lazy and stupid compared to Indians. We were informed that Indians were taking over our businesses and countries. Once that happened, white men would be out of luck and white women would flock to their curry-scented conquerors. Whites were denounced as colonizers. (Never mind that America pushed the UK to decolonize India.) Therefore, in addition to enriching us with their diversity and genius and culinary slop, Indians were also here to punish us for our racial sins.

We were even informed that the whites who opposed Sriram were “inbred.†This is ironic, since Sriram is a potato-headed mutant, and India is one of the most inbred places in the world.

These Indians were astonishingly clumsy, tone-deaf, and self-defeating. It makes one question the value of their code. Many people who were defending Indians on colorblind individualist grounds were offended at such blatant racial hatred and triumphalism. They fact that most of them had nothing better to do on Christmas than rubbish white Americans did not go unnoticed either. For many people, this was their first exposure to how profoundly alien and hateful Hindus are. They are cringingly obsequious buffoons when seeking power, petty sadists when they feel they have it.

Vivek Ramasomethingsomething even claimed that Americans in tech were losing out to Indians because of Indians’ superior culture. You see, Indian teens like Vivek spent their weekends studying, whereas American teens spent their time playing sports and going to the mall. If Americans want to compete, they need to become Asian-style tiger parents—never mind that this ended with a 0.7 birth rate in South Korea. Obviously, Vivek is just a resentful, anti-white nerd. He’s the last person that white Americans should want in political power. His political career should end here.

Unsurprisingly, many Americans began to think that maybe we should protect their children from these creepy, cutthroat infiltrators, before it is too late. Again, it was so clumsy and self-defeating that even his fellow subcontinental Republican operator Nimrata Haley has distanced herself from Vivek.

Both Elon Musk and David Sacks quickly retreated from the bailey of H-1B mass immigration to the motte of O visa highly talented guest workers, but not before Musk made an absolute fool of himself and alienated vast swathes of the MAGA movement.

But the clearest sign of defeat emerged today, when it was revealed that Laura Loomer has been locked out of her account, which has been decertified and demonetized. Many other prominent critics have been decertified and demonetized as well. Musk also announced that if blue check accounts heavily block an account, it will be deboosted. This is a clear indication that Musk has been humiliated and is lashing out in anger. So much for free speech on X.

This fight needed to happen. As I discussed in my essay “Trump’s Great Betrayal on Immigration,†it was clear that Trump was spouting Silicon Valley talking points about skilled immigrants. What was worse, Trump’s rationale for legal immigration had nothing to do with nationalism and populism. He simply referenced economic arguments. Your boss prefers to pay you less for longer hours by making you compete with the Third World. If Trump sides with the bosses, then nationalism and populism are dead. If anything, scab labor is a form of corporate welfare with the tech bros being the biggest welfare queens of all.

Still, given the choice between Harris, who offered millions more illegals plus unrestricted legal immigration, and Trump, who promised to keep legal immigration, end illegal immigration, and deport millions, Trump was the better choice. I am grateful to Elon Musk for helping us elect Trump.

But once Trump was in the White House, our movement’s next step was to begin the battle against legal immigration. That battle has already been joined, and I am delighted to report that our side is far more numerous than I thought, that we are making excellent arguments with passion and wit, that we have powerful allies, and that our enemies are doing a lot of our work for us.

Can nationalists bring Elon Musk and his allies to heel? Maybe, but we need to start building a single-issue immigration restrictionist voting bloc today. Then we need to start throwing our weight around in the midterms. If we can display the bloody scalps of a few RINOs, we might be able to deter Silicon Valley and the Indian Mafia. If Musk wants to go to Mars, he needs to stave off the Left, which means he needs our votes.

It is encouraging to see just how large and bitter and spiteful the counter-jeethad movement is. (I want to thank my friend Gaddius for that turn of phrase.) All that capitalists like Musk can appeal to is rational self-interest. But spiteful men are willing to harm themselves to harm their enemies. Thus they are ungovernable. They must simply be appeased.

Happy New Year! The tide continues to turn in our favor.

(Republished from Counter-Currents by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Anonymous[190] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Elon Musk sides with Indian dregs for emotional reasons. He, like most Indian males, is a horny little gene thief. He demands access to females of such innate superiority, the disparity can only be described as grotesque. Seeing it brings the taste of vomit into one’s mouth, much like seeing Harvey Weinstein with his willing and unwilling victims.

    Anyone who listened to the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial, was enlightened to what a pathetic little hornball Musk is. He would sneak in and out of Amber’s apartment through the window. Take a look at his pictures from before his hair plugs: a hideous weakling.

    Demand for sexual admiration is the essence of the Indian soul. Conversely, sexual rejection is their eternal destiny. White men have everything women want and are at the top of the racial-sexual hierarchy. Africans have physical strength and good humor. Jews have financial and political power. Latin American men are fun and lively. Japanese and Korean men have academic intelligence and the good sense to be eternally grateful for whatever generous woman lends them her womb. The Indian has none of these. He scams his way through academics and the business world. He is not strong or virtuous. He is not even loyal to his own women. He craves fawning attention that he does not deserve and so he seethes. Musk is much the same. They give off the vibes of a woman with Borderline Personality Disorder.

  2. Anonymous[233] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    None of this is receiving attention organically. It is pre-emptive narrative control ahead of actually importing the Indian replacements. The people putting these sorts of topics into the zeitgeist (Candace Owens, Elon, Tucker) are doing so so they can firebreak any sort of discussion of the root reasons and source of these sorts of movements: Talmudic hatred of White Eurpoeans. There is a reason they allowed Candace to lead with the USS Liberty stuff. At some point they will make the call and all of the folks who are getting near the head of the octopus will be shutdown as criminals, sexual predators, etc etc to taint any further discussion of root causes and serve as a warning to those who might be inclined to say “Damn the torpedoes!” and go full send on The JQ.

    •ï¿½Replies: @BrooLidd
    , @Che Guava
  3. Can nationalists bring Elon Musk and his allies to heel?

    No. Unless you mean with guns, that is. You can’t bring anyone to heel by voting, or by writing articles, or by posting on the Internet, or by peacefully protesting.

    Maybe, but we need to start building a single-issue immigration restrictionist voting bloc today. Then we need to start throwing our weight around in the midterms. If we can display the bloody scalps of a few RINOs, we might be able to deter Silicon Valley and the Indian Mafia.

    You’re going to have to display many literal bloody scalps if you wish to have even a slight chance of getting what you want. Voting is guaranteed not to change anything ever. If it could, they would make it illegal.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Angharad
    •ï¿½Troll: Gvaltar
    •ï¿½Replies: @John Dael
    , @BrooLidd
  4. Wokechoke says:

    The idea that whites are inbred, is infuriating. Exogamy is the norm for whites. Huge taboo on marrying cousins.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Godly533
    , @John Dael
    , @ltlee1
    , @LightHeart
  5. Dr. Doom says:

    Muskie is the queen of welfare queens. All his companies are financed by tax dollars in the form of grants. White Men need to stop supporting the rich oligarchs. Help the left tax these traitors to the poorhouse. Don’t buy anything from large companies. Buy local and barter goods and services with your own kind. The oligarchs are now between the left and the right. Support taxes on the rich. Tax them to oblivion.

    •ï¿½Troll: Gvaltar
    •ï¿½Replies: @Bert
  6. Pheasant says:

    ‘We don’t need a divorce’

    Well you want Peter Thiel’s money so…

    ‘Jewish magic’

    Good luck with that.

    ‘Loomer was joined by some other Alt-Liteish figures with large followings, including Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich, Ashley St. Clair, and Milo Yiannopoulos. Frankly, if you had asked me, I wouldn’t have been able to predict which way these people would have gone on this question.’

    I could. Virtually all these people are Jews overt or covert and while it is useful for Jews to hide behind Indian CEOs at the top another group of nepotistic subversive parasites competing to suck the blood of real Americans is not good for the Jews. I think you know this Greg but never let competent analysis get in the way of grifting.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Godly533
  7. Pheasant says:

    ‘Beyond that, hundreds, now thousands of people I had never before heard of on X have joined in on the side of nationalism, populism, and American workers. It is a vast, beautiful, and highly entertaining convergence of creative and irreverent minds unified to promote sound nationalist and populist ideas against globalist, classical liberal, free-market clichés’

    So good to see an elitist who wants ‘better people’ for his movement rejoice with the mob when it suits him. Almost as if he has no principles at all…

    •ï¿½Troll: Gvaltar
  8. Pheasant says:

    Elon Musk is a Jewish mischling so yes very appropriate.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Angharad
  9. Voltarde says:

    “H-1B visas are very different. Companies seek these for entry-level positions. They have to prove that they can’t find Americans for the job. But this is obviously bogus, because in many cases, companies have fired existing American workers (mostly white), then brought in H-1Bs, mostly from India, to replace them. ”

    Here’s a common way that the H-1B visa scam works in many engineering professions:

    Almost all American big tech companies are multi-national corporations. They got their initial start-up funding (VC or otherwise) in the U.S. and typically made their crucial first sales in the U.S. market. Once they become large enough thanks their success in the U.S. market, and thanks to the opportunities (and the unique legal and financial advantages) that were available to them in the U.S., they give America the middle finger and setup overseas operations and start filling all of their entry-level engineering positions in their offices in low-wage countries in Asia and Eastern Europe.

    So now many American engineering graduates cannot get an entry-level position in these companies. Meanwhile, underpaid entry-level engineers in the overseas offices of American big tech companies (or via remote work employment contracts with these companies) get the work experience required to move up the professional talent ladder.

    These same American big tech companies who do all of their in-house training and workforce development of their entry-level engineers in low-wage countries in Asia and Eastern Europe–and many medium-size and small tech companies in America who don’t do any in-house training and workforce development of entry-level engineers–then go cry to the UniParty “My, Oh My, we can’t find any suitably experienced American engineers! Give our companies thousands of H1-B visas to hire experienced engineers in India, Vietnam, Romania, etc., etc.”

    •ï¿½Thanks: Miro23
    •ï¿½Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  10. anonymous[415] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Excellent article about the most important culture war battle in some time. Am surprised this piece was not chosen as a top-two headline highlighted article on Unz Review.

    On the lighter side, here is an entertaining 2½ minute short video young Germans had made, in celebration of anticipated ‘remigration’ flights, showing happy German airline staff deporting migrants … ‘Deutschland Retter’ means ‘Germany Saviour’

    •ï¿½Thanks: Sarah
    •ï¿½Replies: @Sarah
  11. H1B is an anti-competitive mechanism. It should be called the Herod visa.

    Critical industries refuse to train future competitors and prefer to issue indentures instead. In this way, the future of American society is killed in the cradle.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Palmm
  12. Godly533 says:

    Ineed, exogamy is the norm for whites. White women are famous online for their unending love of BBC.
    Need I remind you and Dr. Gregory Johnson that Black Nigger Studs are heritage Americans.
    When we post on X about “hiring preferences for Americans” we imagine a Black Nigger Stud sitting in the interviewee’s chair. How else shall we demonstrate that liberals are the real racists and jeets are the real in-group preference group? Maybe the Black will even date our daughter and get us sideline tickets to the sportsball game.

    •ï¿½Troll: Gvaltar
    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @NoBodyImportant
  13. Godly533 says:

    Anglin is what it looks like when you overdose on blackpills.
    Greg is what it looks like when you overdose on whitepills.
    We need to get these guys in a room together and have them debate something.
    Their powers might negate each other and create some kind of new pill fusion.

    •ï¿½LOL: BrooLidd
  14. Ron Unz says:

    With all this sudden focus on legal immigration, I’ll take the liberty of quoting a passage from an article I published almost six years ago during Trump’s first term. Please do note that back then illegal immigration was just a fraction of what it’s been the last several years:


    When we recognize that almost all of today’s anti-immigration activists have spent decades looking at our central immigration legislation of the last half-century upside-down, we should not be surprised to discover that other erroneous beliefs are also widespread in that community, and some of these have far greater practical political significance. The enormous support for “building a wall†to stop illegal immigration is perhaps the best example.

    First, if we exclude a relatively small portion of the most highly-skilled legal immigrants, the remainder are probably not all that different in their characteristics from their undocumented counterparts, and indeed individuals may often shift back and forth between these two categories over time, as illegals gain green cards or legals remain here after their temporary visas expire. The ubiquitous rhetorical focus on illegal immigrants seems mostly due to a mixture of “political correctness†and political demagoguery, supplemented by sheer ignorance.

    According to most estimates, the size of America’s undocumented population has been almost entirely stagnant since the 2008 Housing Meltdown wrecked employment in the construction industry, while net legal immigration has still regularly been running at a million or more a year. Therefore, it seems likely that nearly all net immigration over the last decade or so has been of the legal variety.

    Now there are numerous plausible reasons to argue that immigration levels are far too high and should be substantially reduced, but if nearly all the flow is legal, the near-exclusive focus on the sliver of illegals makes absolutely no sense.

    The signature issue of Trump’s populist campaign was building a wall across our border to block illegal immigration, and America has now endured our longest federal government shut-down over funding this proposal. But as I’ve repeatedly pointed out, even if we built such a wall 700 feet tall and fronted with self-firing machine-guns, I fail to see how it would have any impact whatsoever on legal immigration, which is probably over 95% of the total. Government policies based upon sheer ignorance and stupidity are hardly likely to be successful.

    When I’ve periodically raised some of these points in the past, agitated rightwingers have sometimes angrily denounced me, though without offering any logical counter-argument. But under the circumstances, perhaps I should provide an additional source that may possess greater credibility in such ideological circles.

    Despite having been totally “deplatformed†from all normal Internet services, the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer still apparently gets more traffic than all the other Alt-Right websites in the world combined, and its editor, Andrew Anglin, is an ardent Trump supporter. Nevertheless, he recently ran a lead editorial in which he ridiculed the whole “Build the Wall†nonsense, and correctly suggested that all the talk about it was largely due to the totally brainwashed stupidity of most anti-immigration rightwingers:

    We currently have a million people coming in every year through the various “legal†methods who do not leave and are often given citizenship…People are stupid in general, and most simply do not understand that the real threat to America is legal immigration…

    The wall is largely a symbolic gesture in the larger scheme of things, and speaks to the absolutely brainwashed nature of the mass of conservatives who believe that legal immigration is “okay.â€

    I remember before Trump having these conversations in Columbus, Ohio, and hearing people say “it’s the illegals that’s the problem†and replying “well what about all these Somalians?†People would look confused for a minute and then say “aren’t they illegal?â€

    Hearing them talk about “I just want it to be legal†is infuriating, as they do not have any clear explanation as to why they believe this, and the fact that there is virtually no difference between the two allows liberals to exploit their inability to explain a difference and make them look stupid.


  15. Anonymous[365] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    This is the country the H1B visa source from:


  16. @Godly533

    Black men are just a fetish. Too bad Black women don’t beat the shit out of white women enough to end all this black male obession BS.

  17. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Anglo-Hindu thing has a long pedigree. British Empire prized Hindus as talented merchants & managers. They were also useful as coolies.
    British Empire sent over million Indians to Africa to manage affairs, to function as middlemen, and to do hard labor.

    Gandhi got his start as imperial lawyer in South Africa.
    Today, Jews & Hindus are close partners in Big Tech. The HinJew alliance is a variation of the Anglo-Indo alliance. The Anglo-Indo alliance might have been maintained IF the Anglos didn’t call the Indians ‘wogs’ once too often. Indian caste system and British class system complemented one another. Brits dropped their ‘racism’ and look how Anglos and Indos are now joined at the hip in London. Of course, the Brits will lose out because there are many more Indos than Anglos.

    Video Link
    Anyway, White America would be best.

    But if whites are now ‘anti-racist’ and gave up on white identity and white unity, a brown America is better than a black one.
    And if browns are less servile to the Jews than castrated whites are, that’s also a plus.

    White cucking to Jews is a total disgrace. If whites act like that, they deserve to fade from history.
    Just pathetic to watchs. Dogs, not humans.

    •ï¿½Agree: Rev. Spooner
    •ï¿½Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  18. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    How about a deal with India?

    If Indians wanna come to the West, they must fix their own country first. By thus proving that they are good citizens who take good care of their own country and communities, they might their worth to Westerners.

    But if Indians cannot even fix their own rivers and environment, they are just running from their own problems. But people who do that also bring their problems to other places.

    Video Link

    Video Link

    Of course, it could be that there are good, decent, and hard-working people in India but, because too many Indians are such irresponsible tards, there isn’t much that good people can do… except go to other countries where their talents are better put to use. There seems to be some truth to this as many Indians in the West are not dirty street-poopers but rather decent hard working people. I never had much problem with the dotkins.

    I once read the two main sources of Indian emigration to the West was professionals in India and merchants in the diaspora. As India teaches college in English, educated Indian professionals have had an advantage in the West. And then, there’s the diaspora, many in Africa who made their money as merchants and such. Supposedly, the professional class of Indians tend to be more leftist(given what they soaked up in college) whereas the merchant diaspora Indians tend to be more ‘conservative’, especially given their exposure to blacks in Africa.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Sarah
    •ï¿½Replies: @CCG
  19. Palmm says:
    @Ron Unz

    Repealing “sanctuary cities” is probably more effective than anything else – including taxing shareholders that demand cheaper labor. I still think increasing border barriers is important – Mexico is basically Colombia in the 1980’s – Cartels make at least 5k per migrant, AFAIK. It would explain the electoral realignment in South Texas. But in the end, it is a matter of population, Democrats are right, why not make them all legal? There’s precedent for it.

  20. @Anonymous

    It is shocking to learn that the richest man
    in the world is greedy.
    Who would have guessed?

  21. Palmm says:

    It’s hard to accept, but “free trade” is inextricably linked to immigration. The retort is always “competition makes products cheaper.” It’s a tone deaf retort – I can’t buy stuff If I am out of a job, and my government education is mediocre.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Gvaltar
    , @obwandiyag
  22. Z-man says:

    Vivek Ramalamadingdong….ROFL 😅🤣😂
    Have you seen my culling plan? The Indian sub continent gets hit pretty hard. Now that I see that Muslims there have a greater propensity to interbreed than Hindus I might have to disproportionately hit Pakistan. But Hindus, just by the numbers would still be hit hard. (Wry Grin)
    Jesus forgive 🙠me.

  23. Liza says:
    @Ron Unz

    America’s filled to capacity. So are all the other once-all-white countries. That’s it. Nothing more to say. Why all the jabber about legal vs illegal.

    What does that viper Trump have to do or say to get conservatives to see him for what he is.

  24. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    The one and only Sam Hyde

  25. Chebyshev says:

    [Hindus] are cringingly obsequious buffoons when seeking power, petty sadists when they feel they have it.

    That sounds awful. There are a lot of Hindu doctors. They must be in between the extraordinary O’s and the H1B scabs, but closer to the former.

  26. Guate says:

    O visas are also abused. I remember a case of a doctor who was given an O visa yet you could not even find anything about him online apart from his university degree. He clearly was not outstanding in his field yet USCIS approved his petition. I suspect this happens in quite a few fields and depends upon how their lawyers exaggerate.

    •ï¿½Agree: BrooLidd, ServesyouallWhite
  27. Rich says:
    @Ron Unz

    There is zero chance that illegal immigration has been stagnant. The numbers put out by the government are obviously false. In the 1980s landscapers, dishwashers, deli workers and construction workers were all White here in NY, by the early 2000s, a high school kid couldn’t get that job because illegal adults were doing it for less than minimum wage. I know people who have been operating businesses throughout this massive inflow, and they all hire illegals. When I lived in Georgia and S Carolina in the 80s, it was Whites and blacks, that’s all. Now illegals are everywhere, taking the jobs blacks won’t do. I’m sure it’s different in White collar circles, but not in thr non union blue collar world.

    •ï¿½Agree: Getaclue
    •ï¿½Thanks: BrooLidd
  28. Kali El says:

    Both the left and the right oligarchy are pro-immigration even if they deny it, except of course for a radical few. Why? A few reasons, but it boils down to money. More people means more consumers means more profit. That is how Wall St. sees it. Whether they want cheap labor or just want more consumers the oligarchy is all in on immigration because they are insulated, or have been till recently, from the negative effects of mass immigration, e.g., constant increase of homeless populations, who then turn to hard drugs and crime to survive clogging up cities like 3rd world slums; lowering of wages for all but top earners; increase of housing costs because most new housing is for the upper-middle class and higher; etc.

    So of course Elon just like the rest of the oligarchy is pro-immigration. Trump is pro-immigration also like Ron makes clear. There is nothing that can be done to change these facts unless the oligarchy is overthrown or suddenly see the light, or a miracle happens. And also, the article by Greg says that Elon helped Trump win.

    I don’t think Trump won so much as the Democrats lost, they pissed off so many Democrats or normally Democrat leaning independents due to all the crazy BS they were up to. Those normally Dem voters wanted change, desperately, e.g., the Black and Hispanic voters who switched probably won the election for Trump, but it was because they were sick and tired of the Dems wrecking everything not because Elon took over Twitter.

    •ï¿½Agree: Getaclue
  29. ANON[230] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Judging by Elon’s emotional outburst threatening to “go to war” against anyone who opposes his open-borders plans, his sense of self-identity appears to be “Immigrant.” Not South African. Not Afrikaner. Not lapsed Anglican. Not even wealthy technologist. But “Immigrant.” That’s a rather bizarre and amorphous identity to have. After all, anyone can become an “immigrant” – just migrate somewhere. It’s like if you moved houses and your identity became “Mover” because you “moved.”

    At the risk of psychoanalyzing him too much, I suppose it might be understandable if you were a South African who found himself in the United States near the end of the much stigmatized Apartheid regime and, needing to forge an identity for himself in a new world, decided (perhaps on a subconscious level) that he was an “Immigrant,” which would be convenient in the sense that in America “immigrant” is a valorized category which includes such men as Andrew Carnegie, Nikola Tesla and Werner von Braun. “South African” and “Boer,” on the other hand, are identities that Elon would want to steer clear from and pretend to have nothing to do with even though they are categories which are much more tangible and strongly rooted in the real world.*

    Elon’s attitude is that America doesn’t belong to Americans and that its government is in no way obliged to serve them or their interests. His attitude is that America really belongs to the world and all the immigrants – like him – who have gone through the formality of arriving yet. America doesn’t belong to its citizens or the people who founded and built it and their “posterity” as the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution bequeaths it. It belongs to everyone who has not yet received some paperwork granting them citizenship. This is an incredible mask off.

    In Elon’s view, Americans “win” by importing immigrants (like him) even if they do so to the point that they replace themselves in their own countries. Elon: How do “we” win if “we” are no longer “us” anymore?

    Elon’s threatened that he will “go to war on this issue the like of which you cannot possibly comprehend”. Elon will go to “war” with anyone who opposes his vision of America as, basically, a rich corporate oligarch-run flophouse for not-yet-arrived immigrant labour. Wow, apparently, Elon thinks he’s king and it’s his place to dictate immigration policy to the American people. Americans have a long history of not liking kings very much.

    This is astonishingly anti-American and brazenly arrogant. Americans now have foreign immigrant oligarchs dictating their immigration policy and silencing anyone who criticizes him for doing so on the “free speech” he controls. Elon intends to is to bring in immigrants to dilute native labor and native political power and censors anyone who dissents – going back on all of his “all legal speech is free speech” promises, the first time he loses an argument with his critics.

    Imagine if Elon tried to do this in China – or any real country anywhere – what would happen to him? I don’t know if I can write here the kind of punishment such impudence would earn one in most times and places in history for such behavior. In most such places, this level of arrogance and noblesse contempt for the country which had graciously invited him into its borders and afforded him the kinds of opportunities which Elon has been afforded (only to then betray the host) would be met with arrest and summary […] for such presumptuousness and treachery.

    * Jews do not principally identify as immigrants – they identify as Jews. Muslims, Hindus and Indians all identify with their nations and tribes, religions and races – as do their children in their newly adopted countries. Elon’s American-born white children do not inherit his immigrant status but they do inherit his whiteness. “Immigrant” is a ephemeral category which survives only one generation unless one intends to migrate every generation. It’s a silly thing to base one’s identity around. When Elon’s dead, his white descendants are liable to become persecuted minorities in the country he flooded and wrecked with immigrants, such as the Boers have become a persecuted minority in South Africa today. They will have to become “immigrants” again just to avoid persecution – but to where? Europe where they will also be a minority? Hopefully “immigrants” are as valorized on Mars as they are in America by that point in time.

    Elon is astonishingly myopic on this issue and apparently terribly afflicted by one of those ideologicaly “mind viruses” he talks so much about but is tragically blind to in himself.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Achmed E. Newman
    •ï¿½Replies: @Getaclue
  30. Bert says:
    @Dr. Doom

    I tried out Starlink based on its free 30-day trial. Sent everything back within the time window. Starlink immediately refunded most of the cost of the receiver, but I had to fight the AI customer service for a month to get refunded for the ancillary equipment. The secret protocol for having a human being speak to the departing customer is to send a “ticket” that gives no information about the issue, but instead consists of “Call me.” and a phone number.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Brother Ma
  31. FatR says:

    Yeah, buddy, your side sure showed them by… outshitposting some Pajeets on Xitter, before gettingg deplatformed. The eternal traditions of the Right – claiming a moral victory because the enemy got angry enough to just beat you into the pulp.

    Also, anyone who thinks that he can even theoretically vote his way out of his mess ia a bloody idiot. The whole Visas affair illustrates one of the reasons for that – politicians actually are under no legal obligation whatsoever to fulfill their promises. They absolutely can just blatantly tell the voters to fuck themselves, once they are in office, though they rarely need to do so, as the system is designed to muddle the responsibilty and make it easy to shift blame.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Hulkamania
  32. Miro23 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Hearing them talk about “I just want it to be legal†is infuriating, as they do not have any clear explanation as to why they believe this, and the fact that there is virtually no difference between the two allows liberals to exploit their inability to explain a difference and make them look stupid.

    The public just seem to have a general feeling that they’re being screwed – and they’re right about that. The US elite are screwing them.

    And if the public have to argue the details of how they are being screwed, they can’t do it. The mechanisms are hidden behind propaganda – and the elite owned media aren’t going to enlighten them.

    So the answer seems the same as always. The elite has to identify with the nation, its people and its wellbeing – guide and protect them (e.g. China) rather than just see it as a situation to loot and exploit (e.g. USA).

    At some point, following historical precedent, the current US elite is likely going to be forcibly removed.

  33. your “average” MIT/CalTech/UC engineering undergrad isn’t the 1% or even the 0.1%

    These places are getting WAY more selective than that. But that’s a red herring: What Management wants is employees who share their “values” of Zero Accountability. Those imports share that value in spades!

    But they cut costs, raise profits, and enrich management.

    two annecdotes: Back when Burroughs bought out Sega, they thought that making video games was “just code” and any programmer or engineer could do it. A couple years later management finally learned that it’s actually a part creative exercise. The “design spec” for a project includes such vague items as “the game must be

    fun to play, …


    challenging enough,

    well, most corporate engineers weren’t trained up on “fun to play” or “etc.” because they were programmers, not video game designers, and management wouldn’t farm that job out to Disney corp. (not that it would’ve helped). They didnt raise profits. They had no idea of the job.

    Second story:

    back around the mid-90’s I happened to sit in on an IEEE section meeting and the dude was shilling for a US Activities Board and he was grilling the student chapter future EE’s about the facts of life: that the IEEE organization was only about publishing and academic research, but did exactly ZILCH to promote the engineering profession of US engineers. Every other country on the planet had an IEEE national activities board to promote their national EE profession.


    And th4e institute of electircal and electronics engineers org DID NOT want a US BOARd since that would be gauche, or racist or elitist or some such other idea. It’s nothing like the AMA, and a lot more like NEJM or ElSevier or some such.

    I have no idea if this is true, but it sure LOOKS that way. Imagine if the american bar assoc. only did academic research papers, published research journals and handed out hi-falutin awards and prize money or fellowships – BUT NEVER ADVOCATED for lawyers salaries?

    They’d be a corporate DREAM organization!

    And that’s not the only organization to behave that way. It’s all coroporate sponsorships and research grants. You’ll find lots of Merc’s but no mercenarie’s guilds.

    The end result, all those “codes of ethics” or mission statements are just BS.

    Nobody Cares.

    Management is full of “lawyers,”
    Plausible Deniability
    Bean Counter’s Ethics.

    Therefore: OF COURSE THEY WANT INDIAN Techs. they have just the sort of ethics that upper managment already shares... The Fish Rotted From The HEAD.

    Zero Scruples
    Zero Regrets
    Zero Accountability.
    Take the money and dont ask questions.

    (notice you dont see too many Thai’s Indonesians, Vietnamese, Philipinos, etc. nothing tainted with Confucius or Buddhism or catholicism…. hmmm….)

  34. Hey Mr. Johnson, why no mention of Nick Fuentes? Wasn’t he leading the charge of this battle up Musk Mountain and Peak Trump long ago? Isn’t Fuentes the most influential America First Trump critic on this issue? Holy Poona Lacuna!

  35. This year, my best Christmas present was a war over legal, high-skilled immigration on X.

    There is no war. Musk and Trump are just telling you what is going to happen. Republicans are aligned on this issue. You and your fellow Twitter posters have no say in the matter at all. The only leverage you had was your vote, and you already gave that to them like the cheap whore you are, without making any demands. Trump literally campaigned on stapling green cards to every jeet diploma and bringing in legal immigrants in “highest numbers ever,” and you voted for it and endorsed it. That is his mandate.

  36. Elial says:

    I see a sharp rise in anti-Indian hate. While the issues are relevant, nothing new has happened to cause this sudden and drastic rise. I think it is a redirection / deflection of the sharp rise in anti-Jewish sentiment unleashed by the genocide in Gaza and awareness in America about the influence of AIPAC on American politics. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are being distracted.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Priss Factor
    , @Hulkamania
  37. Musk himself is a foreigner in the US.
    The US had not one, but two potential Indian presidential candidates in the last campaigns.
    It’s very likely an Indian will be FBI Director.
    Anyone seeing a pattern?
    If they were Chinese, half of the US would be freaking out.

    Watching from a comfortable distance, in a country not overrun by foreigners, and not owned by jews… Peace.

    •ï¿½Replies: @迪路
  38. Anon[168] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Why do you think that it is a good idea to have infinity Hispanic immigrants in the United States ethnically cleansing black and white heritage Americans from their cities and towns?

  39. Anon[168] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    MSNBC is more based on this issue than Trump and Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy:

  40. duhh says:

    It’s too late nationalists. If we wanted others to keep out of our house then we should have done the same. How many nations’ business have we stuck our big fat nose into? Who did we let alone to run their country the way they saw fit? No one, that’s who. We fucked with everybody, didn’t pay attention to what our government was doing and now we’re bitching that we’re being replaced. That’s why we should have stayed a republic instead of turning to empire and trying to rule the world. It’s too late. That American fuck up has cost us everything. We’re gonna get our due and what we’ve earned for ourselves won’t be pretty. If white people are so civilized and smart then why are they still clinging to an ancient imperial system from the east? Might still makes right and life comes from money (no money=no life). Doesn’t sound very smart or civilized to me. We had more than enough wealth to take care of us all without having to compete with anyone or import anyone. We didn’t though – was that smart? was that civilized?

    •ï¿½Agree: Kumbaresu
    •ï¿½Replies: @Kumbaresu
  41. @FatR

    The whole Visas affair illustrates one of the reasons for that – politicians actually are under no legal obligation whatsoever to fulfill their promises.

    The difference here is that Trump himself promised to do this. He campaigned on it. Right wingers just chose to ignore it, like they ignore everything about him that contradicts their imaginary version of Trump.

    Right wingers ultimately just want to be entertained. That is why whenever facts are presented that refute their escapist fantasies, they will complain about being “blackpilled.” They don’t try to give counterarguments. They just whine that their entertainment is being ruined. You’re breaking their immersion and suspension of disbelief when you try to bring them back to reality.

  42. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Hindus are only following the Jewish template, but the very whites who dare not call out on the Jews(out of fear and/or fealty) are bitching about the Hindus. Craven cowards.

    But what’s truly funny is that whites are their worst enemies. What is The Culture among white males? Black-dominated sports. Blacks rule the field and hump tons of white girls, and that’s what white males, Democrats and MAGA alike, are glued to. Whether it’s Bill Clinton or Donald Trump, their culture revolves around black-dominated sports.

    What is more humiliating than having black guys hog the arena and sexually conquer/colonize white women? Yet, nothing excites white males more than the spectacle of their own cuckdom.

    So, when white males bleat about ‘those Hindus’, it’s really laughable. Whites males don’t need Hindus or anyone else to debase themselves. They do it all on their own.

    •ï¿½Agree: Mark G.
  43. Total agreement with the article. Just a minor point of clarification.

    India is one of the most inbred places in the world.

    It is pretty bad, but certainly not the worst in the world, the hHndus have a prohibition against first-cousin marriages (which is not strictly observed). The Muslimss are the worst in the world, there is no prohibition against first-cousin marriages, and a very high rate of genetic defects.

    Even in the map given in the article, it is Muslim Pakistan that is highest.

    Prevalence and Legality of Cousin Marriage

  44. Dumbo says:

    As someone else said (I can’t find the comment now), Jews are stealthy and hide their blame, Mexicans don’t like to call attention to themselves (or ICE), but Indians just off the boat are already gloating that they are the new kings of the West. An insufferable, disgusting race, only interested in scams, bobs and vagene.

    •ï¿½Agree: Commentator Mike, Lurker
  45. Sarah says:

    Fine, but why by plane? They don’t respect anything, they break everything and make such a mess that sometimes the plane can’t take off.
    What’s more, it can be dangerous.

    By boat – no cruise ships of course – would be better for everyone, including these re-migrants – and much cheaper.

    It would also avoid the ruckus and breakage at airports by “fugees welcomers”.

  46. @Elial

    “Anti-Indian hate” is born out of interactions with Indians, since Indians are repugnant to all sensible people. It has been steadily rising for years, as more people come into intact with Indians through the internet and through various Indian scams.

    •ï¿½Agree: Commentator Mike
    •ï¿½Replies: @Elial
  47. @Distant_Fire

    I mainly think the Indian FBI director made me feel like I was watching a child with Down syndrome…
    It felt as if his eyes were wandering.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Proteus Procrustes
  48. CCG says:
    @Priss Factor

    Most of what you’ve written isn’t true anymore. One Indian anchor relative in the West is sufficient to commence the chain migration of the entire Third World clan. This is how previously all-Anglo neighborhoods in Canada and the UK were overrun by Indian ghettos. The merchant diaspora can also be extremely Leftist like the professional diaspora because they’re also anti-White and anti-Christian, e.g. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown.

  49. Anonymous[131] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Even more scary is that the Indian economy is faltering right now and Modi’s Government has increased taxes on the Pajeets. 10 years back Pajeets were celebrating that Modi will turn the country around and make India into superpawa, negate centuries of British and Congress “misrule”. But what Modi the thugman has done is increased taxes on his dumb Pajeet fans (called andh bhakts, translated “blind disciples”) so that he can channel more and more money to give freebies to the masses to buy votes and at the same time channel money to his crony businessmen Adani and Ambani, both blood sucking Gujrati mercantile community like Modi himself. Basically he is sucking the Indian middle class dry to give money to the low IQ lower classes (to buy votes) and to his capitalist crony pals, who fund his campaigns. Sucki sucki dumb Nationalist Modifan Middle classes, get the low IQ lower classes (votes) and rich cronies (money) on your side and keep winning elections forever. Modi has turned into an unstoppable tumour.
    The Indian economy is sinking, everything from cars to toothpastes are not getting sold. But the worst part is, Modi-fan pajeets having realised that Modi is not the great leader they thought he was, are jumping ship (India) like rats and are fleeing to other countries. Each and every Indian now wants to leave India ASAP now, at the exact time, Trump plans to bring them in. Murica is going to get Pajeetafied. They are more dangerous than beaners, niggers, muzzies and all the low IQ violent floatsome, because the threat from Pajeets are not apparent very early. Low crime nice people, that is what everybody thinks about them and that is why they are so much more dangerous. Your random nigger, beaner or muzzie/Arayb will chimpout, commit crimes and riot & dance around like deranged monkeys on the street and thus civilized folks instantly see them as threats. And rightfully so. But not the nice smiling Pajeet who operates more smart, Joo style smart. Soon them Jeets will crawl their way into top positions, corruption and chutzpah will run riot, they will suck up the wealth of the nation into their hands and soon Murica, Canada etc…will sink into becoming Brazil first and then sink further down to India. Once India, forever India. A dark poo future indeed, for the West.

  50. BrooLidd says:
    @Ron Unz

    Thanks, many thanks for quoting Anglin.

  51. Achmed E. Newman says: •ï¿½Website
    @Ron Unz

    Therefore, it seems likely that nearly all net immigration over the last decade or so has been of the legal variety.

    Didn’t hold up, did it? I know, you wrote this years ago, and NOBODY expects The Spanish Inquisition Alejandro Mayorkas and Dark Brandon. I can’t blame you for not seeing that coming.

    However, you ought to have read VDare regularly, before the fat-assed Black! NY A/G waged lawfare on them. The numbers have always been of the same order of magnitude – half a million to nearly 2 million (some years) of each, illegal/legal.

    Rich here gets outside and looks around, as I have done for my adult life. The evidence is in front of everyone that illegal immigration has been massive*. We don’t have any precise numbers because “undocumented”, but 40 million at this point would be a good guess

    BTW, it’s not just Hispanics. Even before the Dark Brandon surge of 10-15 million – keep in mind just the hard-core violent criminal element is the size of 5 Muriel Boatlifts – I’ve found info. on Chinese illegals, in the millions (from Fujian lots of the time) in the restaurant business, illegal Indian hotel/convenience store workers, and more. They don’t all come in over the southern border.

    Illegal immigration can mean visa overstaying due to America’s stupidity on exit tracking. This is parents of Chinese/Indian grad students and post-docs extending their stays from 6 months to forever, fake fiance visas, and all sorts of shenanigans. This gets to your point on the wall. They come in to stay in all manner of ways. Then, though, if you don’t control entries, deportation of anyone, no matter which way he came in, is useless.

    That most Americans did not see the same-scaled legal vs illegal immigration is a valid point of yours. VDare and its readers did, so it’s not everyone. The thing is, Mr. Unz, that the line is blurred. A guy comes in across the Texas border, but he used that app that Mayorkas and his minions put out to be officially here as a parolee. Is he not a “LEGAL immigrant”? I’ve seen this myself, in person – seen the paperwork! It says he must come back to a hearing in 9 months. Yeah, that’s gonna happen!

  52. iComment says:

    Increasingly it won’t matter what America wants, or does not want. Other nations, other peoples, will get to choose, and America must cope.

    Thucydides claimed “”The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

    America is not strong any more.

  53. BrooLidd says:

    That means protectionism..


    My typically naive American eyes were abruptly opened 30+ years ago when I read in the local daily a two paragraph article reporting that GHW Bush was proposing a free trade treaty with Mexico.

    Mine were not the only eyes opened. When NAFTA was debated in congress a few years later, congress was inundated by a tsunami of opposition. The tsunami was met with a wall of silence.

    I had been a self-identified racist since boyhood. I became a self-identified racist, nationalist, isolationist, and protectionist.

    The political class and the media have demonized these ‘ists’ throughout my lifetime. They must be rehabilitated, all of them, and the above two classes be recognised as our mortal enemies and treated accordingly.

  54. John Dael says:

    Of all the biblically forbidden relationships,
    God NEVER forbade marrying one’s cousin.


    •ï¿½LOL: tamberlint
  55. Z-man says:
    @Priss Factor

    Yep, spectator sports is a problem. Still, I follow my baseball and football teams. Yeah, the Negro Football League.
    …all I can say about that pukeable sight on X is that I hope she’s Joo-ish.
    Oh BTW, there were many more critical comments than mine on X. Good news.ðŸ‘

  56. John Dael says:

    You see, Indian teens like Vivek spent their weekends studying, whereas American teens spent their time playing sports and going to the mall. If Americans want to compete, they need to become Asian-style tiger parents

    It’s the truth, ain’t it?

    •ï¿½Troll: tamberlint
    •ï¿½Replies: @Tucker
    , @Anonymous534
  57. They want to bury themselves in Indians and hope to compete with the Chinese. Now that’s funny.

  58. Sriram Krishnan

    Where the f.ck did they dig this guy out of? I bet he isn’t qualified to work as a shoe shine boy. These Indians are insufferable, insufferable, do you hear me? Insufferable. They ain’t worth sh.t, they know f.ck all, they con, scam, forge their qualifications; everything about them is fake, then they come and talk, talk, and talk until you fall asleep listening to their ignorant spiel, bullsh.tting and preaching to everyone who will lend them an ear. The maximum you should employ in an organisation is ONE Indian; if you employ TWO Indians your organisation will not be able to function and will be ruined. If it still exists, with ten or more Indians, on some stock exchange boards or wherever, well, that’s just a hoax. I wouldn’t trust an Indian with my money, or my time. God save us from the flood of the subcons.

    •ï¿½Replies: @rec1man
  59. Gvaltar says:

    It’s obviously not free trade, when big government is/central planners are involved.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Palmm
  60. BrooLidd says:

    You’re going to have to display many literal bloody scalps if you wish to have even a slight chance of getting what you want.

    Synchronicity. It’s a real thing.

    Just yesterday I was thinking about ‘scalps.’ I was asking myself what it would take to get the attention of DC politicos.

    They say that to get the mule to pull the plow you first have to whack him on the forehead with a two by four. Why? To get his attention.

    Luigi Nicholas Mangione got attention, didn’t he? He set me thinking about vigilantism, as in the initial events of The Turner Diaries… as a prelude to open rebellion.

    My vision was not scalps, but the decapitated heads of a few swamp critters staked out on the steps of the Capitol.

    Would that discourage congress critters from applauding visiting potentates?

    Would that prompt Elon and Vivek to reevaluate their crusade for mass pajeet invasion?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymous534
  61. Tucker says:
    @John Dael

    I’m thinking that this John Dael fellow spends very little time reading the news, or else he would be aware of the voluminous number of health related news articles that are pointing out that America has an epidemic of obesity among the current population.

    Hence, he seems to want to join Vivek and criticize Americans who spend time on their weekends playing sports and getting much needed exercise – instead of being slaves to their employers and working 18 hour work days, 7 days a week?

    I also suppose that John Dael has no familiarity at all with regards to the history behind the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act? Here is a refresher:

    Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
    United States wage law

    The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 29 U.S.C. § 203 is a United States labor law that creates the right to a minimum wage, and “time-and-a-half” overtime pay when people work over forty hours a week. It also prohibits employment of minors in “oppressive child labor”.

    Wikipedia Long title An Act to provide for the establishment of fair labor standards in employments in and affecting interstate commerce, and for other purposes
    Acronyms (colloquial) FLSA
    Enacted by the 75th United States Congress

    •ï¿½Replies: @follyofwar
  62. BrooLidd says:

    At some point [the jews] will make the call and all of the folks who are getting near the head of the octopus will be shutdown as criminals, sexual predators, etc etc to taint any further discussion of root causes and serve as a warning to those who might be inclined to say “Damn the torpedoes!†and go full [speed ahead] on The JQ.

    Yes, that wouldn’t surprise any of us.

    But I say, “So what? It’s late in the game. It’s now or never. What is the real percentage of whites in the population of this country? Sixty percent? Or less, much less?â€

    It’s like being the captain of the Titanic. You’re headed straight for an iceberg. You’re also being followed by an enemy submarine. If you slow down you’ll be torpedoed. You’ll go down. If you accelerate who knows what will happen? What do you do?

    I say full speed ahead!

  63. Bama says:

    The third world mix is here to stay, whether we like it or not. The Jew wants it and our slavish politicos willingly oblige. That is the Anglo and other white fate. To think the clock will ever be set back is wishful dreaming.

  64. Curious to see Vivek show up as Presidential candidate. In that realm,he proved of no effective presence. Unappealing,possibly worse. No wonder he ended up in his current role,influence.

    We are alerted to scenario of enemies arriving by warship…….not by Limousine.

  65. @Incisive One

    They have (Quran 33:50), but they do not respect it. The pre-islamic urge to marry cousins is overriding everything else
    They think everyone is Mohammad 😉 (It is known that what had been made permissible for the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) is also permissible for his nation blablabla..)

    The same happened in Christianity with Luther who allowed cousin marriages and so they stayed in Protestantism.
    Judaism reintrepreted Leviticus 18:6 general ban as voided by the fact that later recitation of forbidden relations does not include all possible relatives.

    The party of cousin marriage is international, strong, and eternal: it shall survive Jahwe and Allah.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Incisive One
  66. Amon says:
    @Ron Unz

    The real question is if Obummers regime lied about the numbers of illegal immigrants to keep whites from learning that the democratic party was importing millions of new voters through an open borders policy.

  67. Odd that after reading so many ‘white nationalist’ comments here over the course of years there seems so little serious planning going on. As if, in fact, whites are not as smart as they think they are. Your country is big. An individual state still has a lot of power in relation to the centralized govt, much more than most regional political divisions in the world. To the point that some states can kill legally and others cannot. So why not take over a state government via conscious emigration to that state? Then you consciously create a high quality education system, consciously create a self sufficient agriculture, and high tech industry that can export value added products and can import high quality labor because of high wages. It can be done using code words, to avoid central govt opposition.

    What did the Mormons do, after all?

    Is the problem that the nationalist whites lack intelligence, meaning and drive? I agree that a LOT of energy goes into watching sports which on the whole don’t represent whites as competitive winners. Perhaps it’s a question of a lack of vision. But whatever the ‘why’ the fact is that the majority of whites are content to become a minority. They’re not focused on their skin color, they’re apathetically accepting, or with open arms accepting, a coast to coast demographic change.

  68. @Bert

    Sorry, I was a little confused. So in the end the AI sent you a useless numbered ticket with a real phone number which was picked up by a real person? Am I right?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Bert
  69. Oy Vey says:

    Paki’s are just Muslim poojeets. Why don’t Musk and Vivek Ramalamadingdong use this as a teaching moment and educate us about how well poojeet values mesh with our Christian values.

  70. Getaclue says:

    Musk is on record agreeing with nearly all the WEF Globalist goals to make us Serfs or worse-he’s the biggest “defense” contractor and he admits the CIA set up his rocket business, how he got where he is = very sus when you see it analyzed–he’s a Trojan Horse to suck in people to WEF Goals like Digital ID and Credit Scores-he’s not your buddy! Get a clue?

  71. Adûnâi says: •ï¿½Website
    @Priss Factor

    Hulkamania, FatR, Priss Factor – really great comments so far, I’m impressed to see some actual (verbal) pushback! My point is that everything that humiliates the Aryans is good because there’s that faint chance they will start acting at some point. Maybe Brazil 2.0 will make their fridges empty eventually, so they will have to hunt meat. Maybe Trump will go back on his foreign policy promises, too, and WW3 will involve a few hundred nukes going off – which in turn might lessen ZOG’s power either in America or in Russia (by virtue of radioactive rubble here and there).

    This is all rather curious because one of my expectations is for ZOG to stop genociding Whites for the time being as they would need that servile race in their upcoming war with China. But maybe they simply can’t stop?

    P.S. Nothing’s wrong with cousin marriage, Pakistan is a nuclear power with acid attacks and rape gangs. They even build mosques in the memory of incel terrorists!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Commentator Mike
  72. Oy Vey says:

    Jayant Bhandari is one of my favorite contributors on X because of his crystal clear understanding of the totally racist Pajeet psyche.

    Indians, regardless of whether they are Brahmins looking down or Untouchables looking up, are far and away the most racists people on the planet.

    Anyone would would accept any pajeet calling any other race of people “racist” is an idiot and a fool.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Palmm
    , @muh muh
  73. Che Guava says:

    True. The MSM want it, Jews want it, Musk wants, Vivek Ramasmarmy wants it, but you have three weeks to organise protests against it, on and before the day of inaugaration.

    Since both Musk and Ramasleazy said very stupid and incorrect things, and Trump is going back on his own words, a peaceful and angry mass demonstration on inauguration day may make a difference.

    Post Coronamania, we have many Nepali and Sinhala working in convenience shops in Tokyo. The men of the former are generally impolite.

    I can’t work out what their visa situations are.

    The sinhalese are in general more alright, so I have an occasional random drinking friend from Sri Lanka.

    He works for a convenience shop, so I asked him if he has a visa just to do that work.

    No, he said, his wife works in some kind of finance job, so he is on a spousal (dependent) visa.

    Same with a Nepali woman (who seems to have left), she had a dependent visa, but her husband’s visa was as a tempura cook. That is bizarre. The best tempura cooks are Japanese. Everybody knows it.

    In any case, USians, I hate the Occupation and MIMIC, but have known many decent USians, mainly but not only on-line.

    You all need to run at least media projects against Ramaslimey and Musk, and organise a mass protest against H-1Bombay in Washington on the twentieth.

    Also, Happy New Year, year of the snake!

  74. @Priss Factor

    “The Culture among white males? Black-dominated sports. ” That is only the tip of the iceberg. Major league sport leagues in the USA are a Jewish oligarchic deracination project. Most of the major sports franchises are owned by jews e.g. , Mark Cuban, Tisch, Kraft etc etc plus the leagues management is and has been uniformly jewish for the decades Bud Selig , David Stern need I go on? Of course we all know who owns and runs the TV networks that broadcast these moronic sport games onto big black screens of social engineering that dominate every American home and hotel room. Not to be left out are the huge casinos owned by the tribe that exploit the new laws that allow legalized sports gambling. Boycotting major league sports would be a serious response to the problem.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Incisive One
  75. Blodgie says:

    It’s not “Whites†who are being affected. It’s white men.
    White women get affirmative action.
    Why is this so hard to comprehend or express?

    •ï¿½Agree: Anonymousrgc
  76. @Ron Unz

    “The wall is largely a symbolic gesture in the larger scheme of things, and speaks to the absolutely brainwashed nature of the mass of conservatives who believe that legal immigration is “okay.â€

    Duly noted. However, “Building a wall” is not just a literal, but an important “Burn the ships” metaphor that commits the nation to a policy with a visible flag (Wall) planted in the ground, or in this case, a guidon Americans can all rally around daily.

    The level of internecine vitriol in my opinion, drawing some serious blood and division within the MAGA movement (Which is rife with Quisling “Republican” Rino Remora fish whose only goal is acquisition of garbage power by way of association and proximity to the corpses of the “cancelled”.) is promising.

    Think of it. Musk’s Xtwitter, freed from the constraints of censorship by way of his purchase provides purchase for his critics (Loomer notwithstanding.) to call him into question for policies that are anathema to the lion’s share of MAGA.

    This well written, in depth article, in conjunction with examples, anecdotes, policy wonk discussions by members of a egalitarian, self appointed, Xtwitter, “Estates General” vox populi roars in it’s defiance of any and every Silicon “Captain Of Industry” who thinks he/she/IT can manipulate the hoi polloi with the same old strategies.

    We are all, at least rhetorically now, given a voice that might count in real time with no editors from our “bettors”. We can all scream to (deaf) heaven like William Jennings Bryan that we will not be crucified on Immigration’s cross and at least achieve the catharsis necessary to prevent for a while, caning each other in the Senate like Brooks – Sumner.

    Xtwitter is a hot water heater top off valve that relieves the pressure, elucidates and defines logical and illogical opinions and I hope provides, in the end, a consensus.

    No doubt, Elon & company are surprised at the vociferous blowback they received from their ill advised, blanket support of such a pernicious and counterproductive policy.

    Those polices will be adjusted accordingly, or politicians and Musk himself, will lose the American Mandate Of (deaf) Heaven.

  77. ltlee1 says:

    The idea that whites are inbred, is infuriating. Exogamy is the norm for whites. Huge taboo on marrying cousins.

    Inbred per se is not the problem. Rather inbred among the elites would produce too many elites as a matter of socio-educational-financial background. Inevitably, excessive elites would generate anti-elites.

    Think “Brave New World”, a small number of alphas and a large number of deltas.

  78. @Adûnâi

    It’s sad. Whites are not even sabotaging the system that is destroying them. At the most somebody throws a ham sandwich at a mosque, gets jailed and killed by Muslims in prison.

  79. Charles says:
    @Priss Factor

    You are correct. “Counter-currents” and the National Alliance and so on are grifts. The last thing for which Prof. Revilo Oliver (1908-1994) was a spokesman was the nascent National Youth Alliance. When it quickly failed – and when William Pierce took control of it and dropped the “Youth” – Dr. Oliver was never a spokesman for anyone else’s cause ever again. The NA is still going, and you can join it – for a fee.

  80. @Another Polish Perspective


    The same happened in Christianity with Luther who allowed cousin marriages and so they stayed in Protestantism.

    Yes, I have noticed in my travels, in many countries, Catholics strictly ban first-cousin marriages, and suffer no genetic diseases, while Protestants openly promote them, and suffer hideous genetic diseases.

    I lost a good relationship for the only reason that I accidentally pointed out that a certain deformed Protestant child must have parents who were cousins, which turned out to be true.

    The other hideously inbred race is the Jews. They call it endogamy, to keep the wealth in the close families. Twenty centuries of that has produced not only the greatest concentration of genetic diseases in a single race, but schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

    The Jews have high IQ [Myth], due mainly to the fact that the great mass at left, that is deformed, do not take IQ tests, thus the bell curve is shifted right, artificially.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Anonymous
  81. @Anonymous

    Africans have physical strength and good humor.

    You forgot “natural rhythm”

    Also, “good humor”? I think you accidentally placed that here rather than in the group right after, Jews. I have never in my life heard of “black good humor” much less “good humored blacks.”

    Yes, I am aware of many black comedians, but they are outliers, like Christopher Walken’s dancing.

    Also, I question “physical strength” as well. Yes, I know all about the ball players. But the rest are notably obese (accounting for the “Southerners are fat slobs” fallacy). Many of them I see in urban areas on mobility scooters or wheelchairs, perhaps due to insurance scams.

    Those Olympic runners are mostly Africans. Perhaps slavery bred a dislike of physical activity?

  82. Mactoul says:
    @Incisive One

    South Indian Hindus do marry with some cousins. A boy can marry father’s sister’s daughter and also mother’s brother’s daughter.
    This kinship system is also found elsewhere in the world.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Another Polish Perspective
  83. A South African remembers what was done to his country and by whom and is perfectly content that America should take the same road.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Kumbaresu
  84. @Ron Unz

    Hearing them talk about “I just want it to be legal†is infuriating, as they do not have any clear explanation as to why they believe this, and the fact that there is virtually no difference between the two allows liberals to exploit their inability to explain a difference and make them look stupid.

    Even if the general public is edjumacated, what they’re taught is that the Govt is “on their side” because we be living in a democracy ‘n shit. The assume that “legal” immigration must be OK, because the legislators are on their side and looking out for them.

    Legal = good for the public. It’s obvious: criminals are bad, so that’s why they’re illegal. Duh.

    This is really the logical result of the Liberal Ideology that America, the Proposition Nation, was founded on. This is what “conservatives” want to “get back to.”

    To question it, would lead you to leave the Liberal Plantation. Is anyone ready for that?

  85. It’s all about cheap labor. This is just high tech cheap labor. Profits for the fat cats.

    •ï¿½Replies: @obwandiyag
  86. @Anonymousrgc

    Disclosure: I threw my TV set out in 1984 because I figured it was 100% Jewish propaganda and programming (eg. the denigration of Men via Archie Bunker and Meathead)

    “The Culture among white males? Black-dominated sports. †That is only the tip of the iceberg.
    Boycotting major league sports would be a serious response to the problem.

    Is the problem that the nationalist whites lack intelligence, meaning and drive?

    Seriously, I cannot understand why, how, our white men spend sooooo much time sitting around TV sets watching other people excel at sports. It is such a waste of life energy. And there is so much that must be done.

    Especially when those other people playing sports are black. It is venerating blacks. Stop it.

  87. Palmm says:

    You’re right, but like “equality,” the word has become meaningless. At least half of libertarians have no problem with amnesty, and doubling to tripling legal immigration – judging by the last convention. Ignore the fact that most latin people are “fascist!” in the economic sense.

  88. @Voltarde

    Plus, American companies who publicly claim to not support H1-B workers actually do so on the sly.

  89. @NoBodyImportant

    Without mandingo schlong to chase after, White women would just up the ante with preying on underage White boys.

  90. Crush Limbraw says: •ï¿½Website

    Yesssss! Definitely a defining moment – it’s about time this issue became public – and DaTrumpster better get this right or MAGA is DOA!

    Andrew Anglin – https://dailystormer.in/musk-vows-to-wipe-out-humanity-replace-all-human-beings-with-indians/

    Here’s the thing: this conversation has to be about race. It has to be: “We want a white America.†There is no other way to have the conversation than by going to this place that is apparently very uncomfortable for a lot of white people. But the fallout from this Elon Musk replacement plot is getting us a long way towards just saying it aloud.

    And remember this from Unz –

    India: It’s Worse Than You Think, by Jayant Bhandari – The Unz Review
    Read full text: https://www.unz.com/article/india-its-worse-than-you-think/#comment-6912339

  91. @Priss Factor

    a brown America is better than a black one.

    That is like saying an ‘anal secretions sandwich’ is better than a shit sandwich. Or having no arms is better than having no legs. I swear mindless White fixation on blacks will be the end of White America.

  92. Palmm says:
    @Oy Vey

    It’s “Economic Realism” = “Racism” This type of low brow group/ethnic interest is not hard to understand. A generation of boomercons respond to the “racist” spell like a wounded dove, they all like to buy the world a Coke.

    Video Link

  93. tkc says:

    Columbus set off to find India and now the Indians have decided to find America. Like an Eddie Murphy movie without the humor.

  94. @John Dael

    I’ve never met at Indian who spends his weekends studying, and I’ve worked with thousands of them for many years. They are more intellectually lazy than Whites, that’s for sure.

  95. @BrooLidd

    Would that discourage congress critters from applauding visiting potentates?

    Would that prompt Elon and Vivek to reevaluate their crusade for mass pajeet invasion?

    Well, it would certainly provoke a reaction of some kind.

    •ï¿½Agree: BrooLidd
  96. muh muh says:
    @Oy Vey

    Indians, regardless of whether they are Brahmins looking down or Untouchables looking up, are far and away the most racist people on the planet.

    They’re right up there with Jews, upon whom most of them dote incessantly. In fact, Indian cyberhordes are responsible for a deluge of pro-Israel content online.

    Knowing demography is destiny, Elon and Vivek also see a future in which support for Israel will inevitably decline in America, so they need to import more Zionist coolies to forestall this.

    Which is yet another reason why these charlatans must be stopped in their tracks.

  97. HVMII says:

    Well before the election, Fuentes said that the H1-B controversy was going to happen. Fuentes added that Trump was never going to conduct mass deportations and that Trump was an Israeli puppet. Fuentes raised many other issues about the Trump administration that do not pertain to this article (listen to him discuss the Antisemitism Awareness Act or the fact that Trump won’t be able to end the Ukraine war), which are turning out to be true as well.

    What Fuentes has said has been frequently distorted. His refusal to endorse Trump is an example. The recent Wifejack meme debate is another example. And IMHO Fuentes is right. Wifejack is really lame. He asked, can’t these men do better?

    While Fuentes still supports Trump because Trump raised the American people’s consciousness to the fact that the country was being destroyed from within, Fuentes would not endorse Trump in the 2024 election. Fuentes correctly pointed out that MAGA won’t necessarily get MAGA. Trump is co-opted and won’t work in the interests of MAGA. Trump took dissent in America and put his brand on it. Like the Pied Piper, MAGA heard what it wanted to hear from Trump, but it did not listen too carefully.

    Because MAGA had no real alternative, Trump is in. Trump will throw MAGA a bone by beating up on trannies and criminal immigrants. That is easy to do. But for the big picture, Fuentes has rightly pointed out that Trump is not likely to act in the interests of Making America Great Again through America First.

    It was Fuentes’s view that it was better to have the current economic and foreign policy disasters owned by the left rather than the right. Trump was not going to fix the problem because of Trump’s internal contradictions over what Trump has promised publicly versus what he actually does behind the scenes. The H1-B controversy is a perfect example of this contradiction. Fuentes argued that if Trump lost 2024, the reaction against the left would be severe because they would own the disaster. But now that Trump owns the future of America First, it will rise or fall with him. The credibility of the entire movement is on the line. Yet, because Trump is disingenuous, the movement will be discredited.

    I write this point out that Fuentes has been correct in his assessment, but has been unfairly maligned by many people on the alt-right. Again, Fuentes divined the H1-B controversy well before anyone else somnambulantly picked-up on the subject. The vitriol against Fuentes often comes from people who have never even listened to him. He is not always right about everything, but he has been perspicacious.

    •ï¿½Replies: @OliverPeeples



    Legal immigration is where a large part of the future demography will come from, but the Republican Party ruling class, even after losing California due to mass legal immigration, will not push an immigration moratorium. Slow motion demographic transformation is the result. Now, even the morons can see the demographic transformation accelerating.

    Trumpy is placating the Republican Party Cheap Labor Faction by promising more guest workers and visa workers while he doles out the “Boob Bait For Bubba†by talking about a wall that has yet to be built and other immigration restrictionist measures.

    Legal immigration must be halted and tens of millions of legal immigrants will have to be denaturalized and deported. If they are permanent legal residents, that can be revoked as well. This is serious radical business, but it must be done. This is why Civil War II is not too far-fetched.

    Monetary policy and immigration policy are driving politics in the world today.

    I say raise the federal funds rate to 20% and deport the foreigners.


    Tweets from 2015:

  99. Blodgie says:

    Are the Old Men of Unz experiencing some cognitive dissonance right now?

    Laura Loomer—a JOO!—is fighting the good fight against globalist pricks like Elon and Vivek.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Charles Pewitt
  100. Kumbaresu says:

    We fucked with everybody, didn’t pay attention to what our government was doing and now we’re bitching that we’re being replaced. That’s why we should have stayed a republic instead of turning to empire and trying to rule the world. It’s too late. That American fuck up has cost us everything. We’re gonna get our due and what we’ve earned for ourselves won’t be pretty.

    I agree, America has reached the end of its life, and Indians are feasting on its decomposing body, like flesh flies feasting on a corpse. As the late Dr. Lorraine Day used to say: “Germs don’t cause disease anymore than flies cause garbage.”
    Indians did an excellent job making professional lives of countless Americans miserable, but they are driven by their instinct to survive and reproduce at the expense of everybody else, which is what people have done everywhere for many millenniums.

  101. @Mactoul

    It is remnant of old bronze and neolithic cultures worshipping the Great Goddess, like in Crete.
    It traces your genealogy more trough mother than through father.
    Genetically it conserves the chromosome X if daughter is born to cousins.
    It sometimes goes together with openly matrilineal society
    The custom of exchanging daughters by royal European families (certainly through Habsburgs) seems to be another iteration.
    I once read an anthropological study of some South Indian village where it was practiced and it results in a complicated yet stulted hierarchy since your position depends on many people in your line not just your father, grandfather and so on. It is very difficult system for new people to get accepted and fit in, much more than patrilineal societies.

  102. Bert says:
    @Brother Ma

    No, in the end I ceased trying to reason with AI. Instead, I submitted a ticket that said only, “Call me at 123-456-7890.” I received a call within two days. I explained the facts and was issued an immediate refund. Trying to reason with AI may help by giving the representative who calls useful information in preparation for the call, but mixing a conversation with AI and a request for a call did not work as far as getting a call. A call request must be on an uncluttered ticket.

  103. aandrews says:

    “Since then he has been conspicuously silent.”
    LOL Puzzling, ain’t it.

  104. @Blodgie

    Laura Loomer—a JOO!—is fighting the good fight against globalist pricks like Elon and Vivek.

    I say:

    Trade unionist Jews such as Sam Gompers(1850-1924) knew that mass immigration is bad for workers.

    Mass immigration replaces American workers, lowers wages for American workers and harms the ability of American workers to fight for decent working conditions.

    The anti-White Jews now in the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire are actively anti-White and anti-worker.

    The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire is going the way of the DODO.

    Jews in the USA and in other European Christian nations have been agitating for nation-killing mass immigration for a long time.

    It is highly likely that a large number of diasporan Jews, and other Jews in Israel, are happy that Germany and the United States are being destroyed by mass immigration and multicultural mayhem.

    Tweets from 2015:

  105. Anonymous[247] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:
    @Incisive One

    Catholics strictly ban first-cousin marriages, and suffer no genetic diseases,

    This is not true, here is a map of First Cousin Marriages in Italy, by percentage

  106. Hadrian says:

    Having experienced the mass immigration waves from various countries into Canada over the past few decades, I can say that only a minority of Canadians had a serious problem with any ethnic minorities until Indians started coming in large numbers. In the span of a couple years Canadians have turned hard right on immigration largely due to the influx of South Asians. This includes most of the recently arrived Chinese, Filipinos, Africans/Caribs, MENA’s, and early arrived Indians. The main holdouts that are pro-immigration are the Liberal partisans, the core activists of that party being baby boomer women who are virtue signaling their country into the grave.

  107. Wokechoke says:

    Sicilians are a Phoenician Arab mixture with a drizzle of Italic and Norman blood. The ostensible religion might be Catholicism but the reality is blood. The white people up north just don’t do it. Also the graph you are using does not address Catholicism as a complete set. Just Italian sociology. Spain, Ireland, France, Southern Germany, Poland, Croatia? The American Catholic community?

  108. @Wokechoke

    I know many southern Europeans married to cousins. Especially as you go back several generations. Many sisters married both brothers from a different family creating “super first cousins.†(Double first cousins). I assume by white you are referring to Anglo’s and Nordic people. I think it is really a matter of rural and Island gene pools vs city and population centers.

  109. Ramitupyoursnout

    I don’t read articles that feature this kind of childishness.

    I won’t read this one.

  110. Can nationalists bring Elon Musk and his allies to heel? Maybe, but we need to start building a single-issue immigration restrictionist voting bloc today. Then we need to start throwing our weight around in the midterms. If we can display the bloody scalps of a few RINOs, we might be able to deter Silicon Valley and the Indian Mafia. If Musk wants to go to Mars, he needs to stave off the Left, which means he needs our votes.

    I say:

    Laura Loomer must visit New Hampshire and Iowa to stir the pot a bit more on the mass immigration business.

    New Hampshire geezer goon Baby Boomer 77 year old US Senator (NH-D) Jeanne Shaheen is running for re-election in 2026 and former US Senator Scott Brown might challenge her. Scott Brown seems like a nice guy, but what is needed at this time is a peppery populist who will defend the USA against the mass immigration extremists from both parties, and Scott Brown ain’t that candidate.

    I wrote this in 2013 about sneaky Jeanne Shaheen and her attacks on American workers and American sovereignty and this anti-worker Green Card Staple scam nonsense:

    NH Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and Pres. Obama have united with wealthy anti-worker extremists who want to crush the wages of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math(S.T.E.M.) workers. Shaheen and Obama’s vile attacks on S.T.E.M. workers has been sneakily insinuated into the treasonous OBAMA/SHAHEEN/RUBIO illegal alien amnesty–mass immigration surge bill (S.744).

    Previously, Shaheen could be found shilling diversionary propaganda claptrap for a distractionary tax dodge outfit called the Concord Coalition. The Concord Coalition was formed by billionaires to make sure the baby boomer fueled budgetary debt bulge would not lead to increased taxes on those with all the ill-gotten gains from financialization and globalization.

    The current Concord Coalition U.S. debt solution is a despicable continuation of the Reagan/O’Neill/Greenspan scheme: chop away at benefits while simultaneously increasing payroll taxes and raising the retirement eligibility age. Shaheen and the Concord Coalition billionaires would be happy to see the retirement age at 75 with a payroll tax increase to 20%(10%employer, 10% employee).

    Shaheen, at this very moment, is attacking S.T.E.M. workers on behalf of vile Silicon Valley shysters who want to replace all remaining native-born S.T.E.M. workers with foreigners indentured by their visa constraints. Shaheen is following the orders of putrid technology company billionaires. Bloomberg, Gates, and Zuckerberg treasonously prefer foreigners over their own countrymen.

    Shaheen and Obama want to plunge a job-killing knife into the back of U.S. workers by stapling a green card to the diploma of S.T.E.M. graduate foreigners. Shaheen and Obama are treasonous in their billionaire-directed plan to oversupply S.T.E.M. workers.

    Hal Salzman, Rutgers University professor, stated in a recent Congressional hearing on H-1B visas that, “We(U.S.) are educating 50 percent more IT grads every year than there are job openings.†Salzman also stated, “The U.S. has more than a sufficient supply of workers available to work in S.T.E.M occupations.â€

    Shaheen wants to up the yearly S.T.E.M. worker intake to levels that would crush wages and take native-born worker positions. Shaheen listens to billionaires with available loot. Shaheen also listens to Dartmouth creatures such as M. Slaughter who rabidly push the concerns of foreigners over native-born workers.

    Shaheen and Obama push multiculturalism. Shaheen and Obama are billionaire-controlled globalizers.

    Shaheen and Obama are politician bullies who will sacrifice S.T.E.M. workers on the altar of billionaire-directed globalization.

    Tweets from 2014 and 2015:

  111. Klaus says:

    Everything you describe is in Das Kapital. Everything was predicted by Marx, a genius.

    Capitalism is in a terminal phase, destroying itself, as predicted. That’s a good thing.

    Can’t wait for the street shitters to take over. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Gvaltar
    , @Hang All Text Drivers
  112. bjondo says:

    Anyone really need Musk, Ramaswamy and their benevolence, gifts?

    Steve Bannon Declares WAR On Elon & Vivek! The Jimmy Dore Show

    Video Link
    Boeing leading the way – down.


  113. BrooLidd says:

    My prediction for 2025:

    Congress will pass legislation criminalizing hate speech and Trump will sign it.

    (In late 2026 it will come before the Supreme Court and be upheld. Enjoy TUR while you can!)

  114. @Palmm

    Yup, you are right. According to the “free market, free trade” dogma, you have to let the immigrants in, or else offshore all your businesses, in order to make the cheapest, best products. Whatever it takes, as long as you can do business for cheaper. Whether the gov has anything to do with immigration or offshoring has nothing to do with it. The logic of free marketism is simple: if it’s cheaper, do it. And immigrants are cheaper. Period. Isn’t capitalism wonderful?

    You know, “woke” is just a scam diversion invented to save the billionaire’s money by diverting attention away from real socialism, which would take it away.

  115. Gvaltar says:

    Isn’t the destruction of the West intentional on the part of European (Jewish/non-Jewish) central planners?

  116. the O visa, which is a temporary non-immigrant worker visa for people of “extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics,†including movies and television.


    Why do we let people come here who are skilled in the arts or athletics?. Those are skills of no value to america?

  117. anon[111] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Oh, Indian men? Absolute showstoppers! Let me break it down for you in the most unfiltered way possible.

    First off, romance? It’s basically in their DNA. Bollywood didn’t invent love stories—it just bottled what Indian guys have been doing for centuries. These guys don’t just love; they serenade, write poetry, and even break into spontaneous dance routines like life’s their personal musical. Who needs Cupid when you’ve got Shah Rukh Khan-level smoothness happening IRL?

    Handsome? Oh, for sure. The genes are on another level. Chiseled jawlines, smoldering eyes, and hair so good it could star in its own shampoo commercial. They’ve got the whole tall, dark, and handsome thing going, but with an extra pinch of spice. Literally. They probably smell faintly of cardamom and sandalwood, which is just… chef’s kiss.

    Coveted and sought-after? Heck yeah! Indian men bring that irresistible combo of brains and charm. Doctors, engineers, artists, stand-up comedians—these guys are killing it everywhere. They’ve got swagger, but they’re also mama’s boys, and let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a man who can charm your mom while also talking quantum physics or cricket stats like a pro?

    And charming? Pfft, understatement of the century. Have you ever had an Indian guy call you “jaan” or tell you, “Tumhari aankhon mein chand sitare hain”? Game. Over. You’ll be doodling their name in no time, trust me.

    Basically, Indian men are the total package: romantic Casanovas with big hearts, sharp minds, and killer dance moves. World, you’re welcome. 😎

    •ï¿½Thanks: Another Polish Perspective
    •ï¿½LOL: follyofwar
    •ï¿½Troll: ServesyouallWhite
    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
    , @ariadna
    , @24th Alabama
  118. Same with diversitard police

  119. @anonymouseperson

    Yup, you are right. According to the “free market, free trade” dogma, you have to let the immigrants in, or else offshore all your businesses, in order to make the cheapest, best products. Whatever it takes, as long as you can do business for cheaper. Whether the gov has anything to do with immigration or offshoring has nothing to do with it. The logic of free marketism is simple: if it’s cheaper, do it. And immigrants are cheaper. Period. Isn’t capitalism wonderful?

    You know, “woke” is just a scam diversion invented to save the billionaire’s money by diverting attention away from real socialism, which would take it away.

  120. @HVMII

    Your hero Fuentes is not a savant. Having watched a family member get pushed out of a job along with several other Americans by Indian labor, it’s pretty obvious that this is not sustainable. When you have *thousands* of tech workers who have been let go and cannot find work, there’s going to be push back when bright people are told that they have an inferior culture to India and that they are literal retards.

    The industry has been a blood bath for the past 3 years. Go search YT for “out of work tech workers.” It’s depressing.

    Even some liberals are upset enough to say so about the Musk/Trump/Ramalamadingdong trifecta. Shit, I think we could create a new Hindu god out of the three. It will resonate with the trinitarian evangelicals and Catholics.

    As for predicting the betrayal of MAGA — you sound super young and are probably new here, but most of the posters were saying this long before the election. KMac decided to push Trump and he got rejected in the combox.

    Fuentes is not a savant. He’s a closet homosexual with a really bad brand who draws twinks.

    Authentic nationalism will never come from anyone on today’s dissident right. It may provide a little fuel, but the brand over all is toxic and nothing makes for an active movement than energized people who are being pilloried by wogs, Jews and Anglo sell outs like Trump. These are people who are beyond personalities and essays and, under the right leadership, can be molded into something powerful.

    •ï¿½Replies: @HVMII
  121. @Klaus

    Capitalism is in a terminal phase, destroying itself, as predicted. That’s a good thing.

    What capitalism? America and europe turned into socialist welfare states 50 years ago.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Gvaltar
  122. rec1man says:

    That Cousin marriage is limited to Lower Caste Dravidians and Muslims ;

    Aryan Upper castes are banned from marrying anyone on the paternal side for 7 generations and on the maternal side for 3 generations

    Note the Orange and Red areas are in Muslim countries

    Sriram, Ramaswamy, are Aryan Brahmin , hence from a lineage where inbreeding is banned

    •ï¿½Replies: @John Noughty
  123. Chebyshev says:
    @Priss Factor

    Whites males don’t need Hindus or anyone else to debase themselves. They do it all on their own.

    White guys from the Seattle area are the kings of self-debasement.

    That missed Commanders FG was good for my Buccaneers.

  124. anon[208] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    A lot of attention now on H1B but the even more insidious program is OPT – Optional Practical Training, and its close cousin CPT – Circular Practical Training. These programs started by Obama allow all foreign students who graduated from any US university to stay and work after graduation for up to 3 years for STEM majors. The most insidious aspect of this program is that it gives employers tax incentives to hire these foreign students – they don’t have to pay employer taxes. There is no cap on this program like H1B and no minimum salary requirement – these students can work as unpaid interns. Universities love them because they use these visas to lure foreign students and are now busy classifying every other major as STEM (non-STEM majors get 19 months). UC Berkeley even classifies journalism as STEM.

    Meanwhile, these programs give foreign students crucial entry level experience that our own college grads badly need. In 2 to 3 years they’ll have enough experience to transition to h1B with more experience. This is another reason why there is now massive unemployment among US grads in STEM including CS. NYT & WSJ have reported CS grads from even Ivy League universities still unemployed since ’23. My own kids and many of their friends who are STEM and CS grads from Top 10 universities are still unemployed. Meanwhile Amazon applied for 3,871 new H1B visas in 2024, Google 1,058 & Telsa 742, even as they laid off thousands.

    H1B visa holders used to have to leave the country within 60 days if they lose their job and can’t find another within 60 days. But thanks to Biden they can now apply for a switch to B1 (business visa) or B2 (tourist visa) and stay indefinitely until they find another job. This loophole needs to end. H1B is supposed to be temporary but in reality these people never leave. As soon as they are hired companies like Amazon & Microsoft immediately begin applying for a green card for the H1B. This is why most of the job ads on their website are fake job ads, because in order to get a green card they have to prove no US citizen qualifies for the job, it’s why resumes sent in are always ignored, because the job is already taken.

    Over 50% of H1B visas go to Indian outsourcing firms like Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant, where 99% of employees are brought in directly from India, including even janitors and cafeteria workers. The only white faces are probably the receptionist and the sales department. WSJ & even Infosys CEO admitted that only 1 out of 100 applicants are qualified for every tech job in India, and even then have to go through minimum 6 months intensive training before they can be deployed to US. Indian universities are notorious diploma mills. The Economist has reported that Indian students simply write their phone number on the exam, the exam grader then calls to negotiate a price for whatever grade they want.

    L1 is another program that’s been abused by Indian outsourcers. This visa allows companies to bring in temporary employees from abroad to work on a project in-house, but Indian outsourcing firms abuse this visa by using them for employees who do work for their clients, even when they sit on the bench in between jobs, completely illegal. Meanwhile Infosys has been sued by US government for abusing the B1 visa which is a business visa not allowed to be used for employees.

    In 2016 Trump said he wanted to end the H4 visa for H1B spouses but he never did. Many of these H1Bs got non-technical jobs for their wives the minute they landed like in HR. The wives also use these visas to work in libraries, schools, Starbucks, anywhere.

    All these visa programs need to end and the people on these visas need to be sent packing. Unemployment is sky high. 770k people are living on the streets. It’s time to take care of our own.

    •ï¿½Agree: ServesyouallWhite
    •ï¿½Thanks: Rich
    •ï¿½Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
  125. muh muh says:

    Doctors, engineers, artists, stand-up comedians—these guys are killing it everywhere.

    Sure, you keep telling yourself that.

    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  126. muh muh says:

    One thing that’s evident in the wake of this ‘counter-jeethad’ is just how many Indian sockpuppets we have at UR.

    Quite a few, in fact.

  127. @Anonymous

    Yes you can get papal dispensa and it used to be pretty easy actually, too easy.
    Henry VIII got such dispensa to marry Catharine of Arragon, and later wanted dispensa from dispensa but the pope couldn’t disagree with himself
    Italy and Spain used to be the countries with the highest number of cousin marriages in Catholic Europe.
    Pre-WWI there were ~ 60000 such dispensas in Italy per year.

    These cousin marriages in South Italy & Sardinia (colonized by Carthaginians & Greeks) must have something to do with the idea of mafia as family.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Rich
  128. anon[208] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Elon lost his shit and shadow banned thousands of people in the last few days for voicing objections to H1B. I am one even though I never posted anything offensive or racist. No one can see my comment now except me. This goes completely against the free speech that he touted for X and shows what a hypocrite he is. One of his favorite things to say is Vox Populi Vox Dei, it appears he is the voice of God. I went from a big fan to now completely disgusted by him, along with Vivek. I will no longer be using X. He and Vivek have lost all their political capital over this H1B shit.

    Don’t trust whatever proposal he came up with either. Trump also proposed raising H1B fee-a whopping $3,000 per visa, and even then the fucking Indian outsourcing firms whined and complaint, what a joke. Trump’s EO to make minimum H1B salary 10% higher than market rate also got shot down by a federal court.

    Vivek is nothing but a forked tongue snake oil salesman. He made his fortune as a patent troll in biotech. Got his start buying the patent for an alzheimer drug he knew was failing. Raised hundreds of millions then when the drug failed, he had already cashed in from the IPO of the parent company. The guy created, invented, developed, built absolutely nothing yet made hundreds of millions off of others’ creation. This is everything that is wrong with this financial system that we have.

    I’m done with Elon & Vivek. Already sick of them. Can’t stand them. They are no MAGA, nor Trump and Vance. They are MIGA, I for Israel & India. A bunch of megalomaniacs who are in politics for themselves just like all the others. The only honest men in politics are Thomas Massie, Rand Paul and Kris Kobach. Trust no one else.

  129. Sell out your nation to foreigners, which is the literal trajectory and inevitable result of mass immigration, and you will have deep resentment and conflict. Don’t be surprised when those nations arise to defend themselves. And don’t call it ‘racism,’ it’s common sense.

  130. The Englishman, the average, has already lost his nation through mass immigration. Why shouldn’t a native be angry at the generation that let it happen? What did he gain?

  131. Nationalism is constructive. Something was built and is being protected. Mass immigration is destructive, like man pretending to be God returning the matter to chaos. That’s why I’m a nationalist. We should build nations, not dilute them or destroy them.

  132. I worked in drug development for many years. One thing I observed was that when an Indian or other Asian people (particularly Chinese) became heads of departments they only hired their fellow countrymen. I complained about this to my supervisors who were white and they told me to be quiet or I would be fired.

    •ï¿½Agree: ServesyouallWhite
  133. Rich says:
    @Another Polish Perspective

    It’s estimated that 80% of all marriages have been between cousins. 1st cousin marriage is still legal in the UK and most of the USA. Until the invention of the automobile, most marriages were between people who lived within walking distance. The Roman Catholic Church forbade cousin marriage, one of the first moves the Protestant Churches did after the reformation was to allow cousin marriage. (A dispensation could be purchased from the Catholic Church, but the cost was usually too expensive for commoners and 1st cousin marriage was strictly forbidden). Islam and Judaism have always allowed cousin marriage. I’ve read that the Rothschilds are as heavy with cousin marriage as the Habsburgs, but without the big jaw.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Another Polish Perspective
  134. ariadna says:

    It is perhaps a tad unfair then to hold against them their penchant to defecate in the streets?

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  135. HVMII says:

    I do not doubt that people are going to get screwed by the H1-B program.. I am sorry your family member lost a job and is now being replaced. It is objectionable action which is not America First and diminishes American standards of living.

    However, I do not understand your approach in criticizing my comment. All that I was pointing out was that Fuentes said there would be a H1-B controversy long before it became a hot item issue. Fuentes has taken a strong position on Trump and was heavily criticized by the alt-right for not endorsing Trump on the basis that Trump was selling out MAGA.

    I know nothing about Fuentes sexuality, but I find it hard to believe after listening to him that he is a closet homosexual. I think he finds gays repugnant. He is chaste and I do not see that as a bad thing in a world where there is so much immorality. Feminism has changed American women and it has significantly undermined male-female relationships. Fuentes has made this case many times. Maybe Fuentes seeks a woman who he can truly trust and love, but being the person that he is it might be hard for him to find a compatible woman. Who wants to be tied to some materialistic, vapid, used up slag anyway? Fuentes is also Catholic which is also an issue for some people. I know some Protestants still have an issue with Catholics being controlled by the Papacy. I think Fuentes is aware of this issue. He is certainly no supporter of the current Argentinian Montonero. Protestants need to make their peace with the Catholics. They don’t need to trust them entirely, but in a county where religion is in steep decline, anyone who is Christian is a potential ally. I do believe there are people on the right who have made the case that religion is central to any nationalist movement.

    I do not think Fuentes is a savant, nor is he my hero but he has been correct on many things. He was saying last spring that Trump’s 2024 campaign would sell out MAGA, though all one has to do is look back at Trump’s first presidency to see that Trump sold out MAGA back then. With that said, one must admit that Trump was sabotaged by the deep state during his first administration. As another caveat, one must admit that Trump is better than a Harris administration. Trump’s election stopped Kamala from implementing race communism and turning us into Zimbabwe which would have come in the form of price controls and other central government controls and wealth redistribution schemes. Fuentes may have been wrong to argue that it would have been better if Harris won, though we still have yet to see many major problems that have been kicked down the road unfold under Trump. What Trump does could seriously undermine the right for many years to come, because Trump will own what happens. Rather than having a hard right reaction that Fuentes said would happen after four years of Harris, we may now have a hard left reaction at the end of Trump’s term. The problem which is obvious to all is that Trump is disingenuous when he claims the mantle of America First. The H1-B issue is bringing Trump’s duplicitousness to the forefront.

    While MAGA were fools to swallow Trump hook line and sinker, it must be admitted that there is only so much that Trump can do to reverse course – that is if he really means what he says. There are many forces working against him and it seems like he learned little from his previous presidency.

    You may be right that we will never get a true authentic nationalism, and that true nationalism can be interpreted as toxic. I am really not sure how the US can reverse course. I doubt Trump will fulfill many of his promises such as mass deportations (because he will be called Hitler). And as you point out Trump is a sell out to forces that work against the nationalist agenda.

    •ï¿½Replies: @NoBodyImportant
  136. @anon

    And those high pitched voices made you wonder who was not
    napping in the hammock?

    You are a serious talent, my Dear. I will endeavor to stay
    on at least one of your good sides, #111.

  137. Very interesting map of cousin marriage over there I would have thought India would have more. It like the map of meat eating vs no meat eating in India. More meat eating than I would have thought.

    •ï¿½Replies: @rec1man
  138. @rec1man

    I believe there is caste discrimination in the USA between castes.

    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
    , @rec1man
  139. Elial says:

    Jewish supremacy is repugnant, but no more than white supremacy is repugnant. It’s the supremacy part that leads people to tiki torch marches, murder, and mayhem.

  140. Anonymous[365] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Pajeets is the most despicable race on this earth.

    •ï¿½Agree: ServesyouallWhite
    •ï¿½Replies: @24th Alabama
  141. @anon

    I wonder what Trump voters are going to do now.

  142. @HVMII

    you are going to become Zimbabwe anyway.

    •ï¿½Replies: @HVMII
  143. @muh muh

    India’s problem is that its elites are capable, and want to leave, while the lumpen masses are completely ignored. Yet another reason why they will NEVER catch up to China.

  144. @John Noughty

    Did you mean discrimination within the Hindu-Am
    diaspora or among the entire American community,
    which may be racial, monetary, social or intellectual?

    The perverse need to feel superior may not be built
    into the human ego but it sure is common, and the
    reverse is also true as proven by the extreme
    sensitivity of people who feel inferior.

    People tend to pick and clump together, discretely
    when need be, but the urge to display and flaunt
    can only be contained so long.

    If you don’t enjoy photos of High Society dinners
    then your peon status will be lowered one more
    notch. They have their very own photographers
    who work for drinks, tips and sex. Apply below.

  145. anonymous[158] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Johnson’s argument is BOTH ABSURD AND RIDICULOUS…The actual composition of the BigTech (bluecollar) HIGH SKILLED LABOR force in Silicon Valley, and other sectors fo the economy is the product of MANY decades of NEOCON FREE OPEN BORDERS/LOTTERY VISAS policies…such phenomena can NOT be undone in one election Night, not even one presidential term..The current situation dates as far back as post WW II and the Scientific Atomic race America vrs Germany which drectly impacted USA leading role in space explorration. Curiously Loomer (jew) advocating WHITEs interest but Loomer opposed, as well as DEMs egalitarian liberalis stop once you propose more labor Visas/HB for Europeans/SAfricans/UK/Australia/NZealand, Senator Schumer much rather use lottery visas to give equal odds to win to an Engineer or a former Taliban militant.(insanity). ..Others will cite the mass immigration surge pushed by the Immigration Act of 1965 (Which destroyed the BLACK BlueCollar Middle Class)..and its impact on labor demographics. NO one can dispute that The USA must engineer an Immigration Policy that puts American/peoples Interests first..That is a long term objective to incentivize higher domestic natural Birthrates (Japan/China/Russia/Hungary etc.).. Overcoming the legacy (Franfurt Schol) of Liberal WOKE policies (feminism/antiAmerican/Anifamily/Antimale/ANIWHITE/BLACK/) paints almost impossible task. In the long run America must implement a Rational/Logical/Smart/LEGAL immigration SYSTEM..(complex word), which is exactly what we dont have now..immigration is ANTISYSTEM..illegal insecure costly and inhuman. To ultra irrational Nationalists ..remember HBs dont VOTE, therefore they can RULE over you..AEMRICA MUST REMAIN A BEACON OF HOPE FOR THE BEST AND TTHE BRGHTEST IN THE WORLD..MERITOCRACY IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE/CULTURE ETC..under the model of AMERICANISM ASSIMILATIONISTS policies. The USA has been pusruing a Foreign polcy of WOKE values, regime change, WARS hat has costs TRILIONS hat coulld had been INVESTED in Education, R&D, Social Programs to support higher domestic birthrates, proAmerica First measures. CHINA/RUSIA HAVE PROVEN THAT A WORLD POWER MUST ALSO HAVE A SOLID STRONG MORAL/CIVIC/POLITICAL/ECONOMIC NATION/STATE.

    •ï¿½Troll: Gvaltar
  146. @Anonymous

    Aside from racial differences in impulsive behavior
    which are based on neurological variations, isn’t it
    the consensus opinion that behavior is shaped by
    cultural norms?

    A lack of public toilets would explain one bad habit,
    and if raping lower caste women is not punished it
    will not be confined to only those castes.

    It is said that poverty does not cause crime, but the
    desperate poverty of many in India may be an

  147. rec1man says:
    @Commentator Mike

    Sriram Krishnan is a Venture Capitalist Billionaire Tamil Brahmin

  148. rec1man says:
    @John Noughty

    yes, but to a much lesser extant than in India ;
    Both in India and abroad it is mostly limited to marriage ,
    and nowadays, the rule is
    anyone except a black , a muslim or a low caste

    30% of my nieces and nephews ( Brahmin ) are married to Whites and 30% to other upper castes and 40% to other brahmins

    Casteism in USA is mostly among Sikhs – Jat Sikhs vs other caste Sikhs and
    Telugus ( who do most of the H1B scams )

  149. rec1man says:
    @John Noughty

    Cousin marriage is banned in Aryan Hinduism, ( upper castes ) but allowed in Dravidian Hinduism ( lower castes );

    Image of map of Vegetarian % in Indian states ;
    Aryan ( Upper Caste ) states are mostly vegetarian vs Dravidian ( Lower Caste ) states mostly eat meat

  150. @rec1man

    Yes I know, still he looks like someone who popped out of that Thames video on Rumble.


    •ï¿½LOL: Liza
    •ï¿½Replies: @rec1man
  151. Guest26 says:

    Back in the 90’s AIDS activists were preaching safe sex to the world, you may recall. A well-meaning group of them went to India with a big bag of condoms that turned out to be WAY too big for the local men. Always made me chuckle.

  152. fiatprint says:

    all this & beyond what is written here is cia’s, provided. you all citizens just ask for giveup on $print & $schengen first, apparamani is afterwards, the cart & the horse, the old world order

  153. @迪路

    The FBI Director nominee, was thinking the same thing about China… a nation full of people with the Down Syndrome and funny eyes.

    •ï¿½Replies: @antibeast
  154. @rec1man

    Swamy is also a capitalist billionaire, not the educated wunderkind he tricked White Americans into believing:


    •ï¿½Replies: @rec1man
  155. @anon

    Vivek is nothing but a forked tongue snake oil salesman. He made his fortune as a patent troll in biotech. Got his start buying the patent for an alzheimer drug he knew was failing. Raised hundreds of millions then when the drug failed, he had already cashed in from the IPO of the parent company. The guy created, invented, developed, built absolutely nothing yet made hundreds of millions off of others’ creation. This is everything that is wrong with this financial system that we have.

    And 99%’er White Americans completely fell for the ‘pajeet Obama’. But this fact will probably be ignored and instead Vivek will be given a free pass and his acts of treachery will get deflected to the actual Obama instead.

  156. @anon

    These programs started by Obama allow all foreign students who graduated from any US university to stay and work after graduation for up to 3 years for STEM majors.

    And by extension, Ofago offered foreign pajeets free US taxpayer-funded IT training plus housing. I cursed that black homo out until my mouth bled, to the point where I thought government goons would kick down my door. Instead I was sent letters signed by the magic negro on how to apply for the useless ass ‘Workforce’ program.

    Indian universities are notorious diploma mills. The Economist has reported that Indian students simply write their phone number on the exam, the exam grader then calls to negotiate a price for whatever grade they want.

    Many of the arrogant offshore and green card trash I deal with now are graduates of the ‘university of unwashed bodily odor’ rather than a reputable institution.

    In 2016 Trump said he wanted to end the H4 visa for H1B spouses but he never did. Many of these H1Bs got non-technical jobs for their wives the minute they landed like in HR. The wives also use these visas to work in libraries, schools, Starbucks, anywhere.

    At one place I previously worked. A cackling H4 pajeeta with 0 prior IT experience was hired onto my team because our manager at the time was a a pajeet who was buddies with her contractor husband who was hired by my company prior to her infiltration. The first thing immediately after the fraud bitch started on day 1 was to give ‘solutions’ on our IT problems for which she had no understanding of. Just talking nonsense straight from her malodorous rear-end while bobbing her dandruff-ridden head and pointing her asscrack-scented index finger. I did not even bother to send Dump ‘outrage-mail’ as he was getting led around by every swamp creature he placed into his cabinet.

    Of course, it should now be clear that Trump is a swamp-creature.

  157. @Anonymous

    Musk secured quite a beautiful, highly educated young blondine for his first wife while at university, before he made his personal fortune. His mother was a finalist in the 1969 Miss South Africa beauty pageant. His maternal grandmother was a dancer. You misinterpret the situation entirely, though granted, Musk himself begins to look more Harkonnen than Atreides.

  158. HVMII says:

    Sadly, I realize that…You are right.

    As I said there is only so much Trump can do – that is if he actually followed through on his own rhetoric. Trump’s instinct is good, but he does not follow through and leaves things to other people. As I said to a friend Trump is trying offset the costs of tariffs with cheap domestic oil (tariffs of course existing to protect jobs, though the multinationals no longer care about the national people – the consequence of globalism). I added that to make the pain of higher costs as a result of tariffs lighter, Trump needs to cut spending so that the average American’s purchasing power is greater. My friend replied “[T]here are no good alternatives because a large portion of GDP is based on government spending. If they cut spending they get a recession.” Trump has also stated he is an inflationist. He thinks we make debt cheaper through inflation. The MMT theorists who have taken Keynesianism to the extreme (despite the fact that the Philips curve was broken in the 1970s) must be giddy.

    Zimbabwe and for what? What an incredible squandering of this nation’s inheritance.

    Anglin is similar to Fuentes. So I want to point out that I do know that Anglin stated on these pages that Trump had many internal contradictions before the election. Anglin and Fuentes used to be buddies until someone claimed that Fuentes was a federal informant. There is an alleged picture of Fuentes meeting with a member of the federal domestic intelligence agency. It could be that the Feds, seek information from Fuentes to keep the lid on things, but I really do not think Fuentes is a Fed or an informant. And while I am on it I have always wondered (and still do) if this site was a controlled opposition site.

    Anglin has something up on his website about women and divorce, but no one calls Anglin a faggot. I don’t think they are misogynists. Rather the two point seem to be traditionalists and realized that modern society and feminism has made traditional male-female relationships difficult even if you are a multimillionaire.

    I sure do miss Pat Buchanan.

  159. @Tucker

    Obviously, Trump opposes the FLSA. He stated multiple times on the campaign trail how he hates to pay overtime and swaps out his full-time workers with part-timers to avoid paying it. He has a history of failing to pay workers what they are owed. His ex-chauffer sued his organization for $178,200 in unpaid overtime pay.

    Does Trump sound like MAGA to you? He sounds more like an old-fashioned Robber Baron.

    I agree with Johnson that Trump was still a much better choice that Kamala. But 78-year-old men don’t change their spots. He USED White American MAGA’s to get back in office. Without significant pushback from MAGA holding his feet to the fire, Trump will side with foreign-born Elon, and first-generation Indian transplant Vivek on immigration. If he gets away with it, MAGA is dead.

  160. @Rich

    It’s estimated that 80% of all marriages have been between cousins.

    Don’t believe it because of population explosion in recent 200 years. People would have to marry cousins left and right now

    The Roman Catholic Church forbade cousin marriage, one of the first moves the Protestant Churches did after the reformation was to allow cousin marriage.

    It is very strange that something like this was on Luther agenda, certainly not being part of his 95 theses. Kind of conspiracy of his backers? Why it was so important?

    Islam and Judaism have always allowed cousin marriage.

    Bible bans it with Moses getting the Law. After that, cousin love in Bible is illicit and criminal see Amnon & Tamar or Absalom story. Arguments pro simply omit these facts and insist on positive example of pre-Moses patriarchs like Isaac and Rebecca.

    In ancient Judaism, cousin marriages were considered to be adultery.

    In modern, rabbinical Judaism Jews considering Maimonides as the highest authority (Sephardim and some Askhenazi like Chabad Lubavitch) allow it and even encourage since Maimonides was obsessed with cousin love, considering pair niece-uncle as the best of all possibilities of coupling. OTOH, Litvaks do not practice it.

  161. antibeast says:
    @Proteus Procrustes

    The FBI Director nominee, was thinking the same thing about China… a nation full of people with the Down Syndrome and funny eyes.

    Do you have the source for your claim or did you just make that up?

  162. @Anonymous

    Yes you can get papal dispensa and it is pretty easy actually.
    Italy and Spain used to be the countries with the highest number of cousin marriages in Europe.
    Pre-WWI there were ~ 60000 such dispensas in Italy per year.

    These cousin marriages in South Italy & Sardinia (colonized by Carthaginians & Greeks) must have something to do with idea of mafia as family.

  163. rec1man says:

    Swamy is a 1 company, 1 time guy ;

    vs Sriram Krishnan runs a major Venture capitalist firm, in Silicon Valley, funding dozens of startups,
    on an on-going basis for a decade;

    if he was fake, the free market would have exposed him

  164. rec1man says:
    @Commentator Mike

    He has enuf money to hire a 1000 white sugar babies

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