therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
In the MRI tube. While it was banging away.

Possibly I need to start going to bed earlier.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Here is a cookie:

See this cookie? They had piles and piles of these cookies (and also chocolate chip and oatmeal) in front of the security gates this morning around 11 at work. They were there as a Thank You, I guess, for putting up with the fire drill they had just put us through. And I am guessing they felt they had to give us make-up cookies for putting us through a second drill so soon after the last one.

But do you know why we had a second drill so soon after the last one? Because we SUCK. Everyone in that building SUCKS at fire drills. They shouldn't be giving them cookies, they should be giving them LASHES. The behavior of our buildings' residents during fire drills makes me want to PUNCH people. Usually in the back of the neck while I am stuck behind them in the stairwell during the fire drill.

Here are the ways we sucked the first time around: People brought their drinks with them, despite the explicit rule to not do so (one dropped drink means how many people sliding on liquid in an emergency?) People chatted on their cell phones. People texted on their way down the stairs. One person decided to go down 14 flights with their crutches (Yes, there are provisions in place for people who need to take the freight elevator in an emergency). Our time in getting everyone out of the building sucked so bad we got a lecture about it from building management.

And here are the ways building management sucks at the fire drill: the people with disabilities are told to wait at the freight elevator to be taken down. But, once they got there, the people assigned to take them told them it is just a drill and sent them back to their desks. So, as far as I can tell, they never actually *tested* how fast they can get everyone who needs assistance out of the building, or how many trips it is going to take. Way 2: If I am spotting building employees every third landing with trash bags to take away drinks from people who brought drinks, then you have given away the fact that this is a drill, and removed any sense of urgency that might have otherwise spurred these layabouts into movement. Way 3: Ditto if there is SOMEONE FILMING THE ENTIRE OPERATION WITH THEIR IPHONE.

It has reached the point where when the little pre-alarm speech goes off saying "if this is really an emergency, leave when the tone goes off" that I don't bother to wait for the tone. I am absolutely sure that if it were a real emergency, my only hope would be to get the hell out before 95% of the rest of the building decides to get to its feet. I just grab my stuff and go.

This time, I made it to the 7th floor before traffic crushed to a stop, and I had to stand behind chatting, meandering nincompoops. And still, apparently, I was better off than the majority of my office, who didn't move as fast as I did. Apparently by the time our fire wardens were ready to leave, the traffic stoppage was all the way back to the 14th floor, and it could take up to 5 minutes to even get a spot in the goddamn stairwell.

If it were me, we wouldn't have helpful employees offering to take drinks. We would have goddamn movie smoke and sparks, and if that didn't work, friggin electric cattle prods.

This makes me unreasonably angry, I know, but I lived through my apartment building catching fire in a non-minor way when I was growing up (my parents were convinced it was some kind of insurance scam by the end, as the building connected to ours burnt to the ground all three times) and I am just not okay with this kind of lackadaisical bullshit. I am not going to burn because you had to play Popcap during an evacuation.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So I totally blew posting last night. Didn't even try, don't feel that bad about it! I was exhausted and just rolled over and went to sleep. I suspect things will settle down as the new tv season continues, and I decide what to drop/add from the watching lineup? But right now, there is a lot to sort through!

Sleepy Hollow, ep 2 )

Agents of SHIELD, or whatever horrifically long name it is) )

Blacklist )

Person! of! Interest! )


Sep. 23rd, 2013 10:43 pm
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Well, I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel of this posting thingummy here. This was basically another day of me doing nothing but lying around and moaning, after my initial trudge to the Doctors office where she went through the list of things already attempted (physical therapy, new bed, new mattress, chiropractor, massage therapy -- apparently I forgot the acupuncturist, which she thinks I should also give a try) and based on the complete failure of everything, and my current inabiity to even sleep through the night, I now have an MRI scheduled. NOT SOON ENOUGH, frankly, I wish they could have found a way to fit me in today.

If they find what they expect (pinched nerve, I believe) then it seems like the next step involves steroids shots? I don't know, sounds awful, but if it will work, I am so freaking there.

And I killed a sick day for this appointment, I... hate it when I take sick days and actually am sick? It feels like such a waste of a valuable day? Unproductive.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Today I slept.

Like, sleeping sickness, coma-level sleeping, or something.

I vaguely remember moving from bed to sofa to sleep in different locations for a while.

But that's it.

And it didn't help at all. But tomorrow morning at a disgustingly early hour, I have an appointment to see a woman about back pain. So.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
[personal profile] mollyamory is trolling around all the free new pilots available to us via iTunes tonight. In this manner, we ended up watching Ironside, followed by Brooklyn 99. I knew basically nothing about Ironside going into it, and even less about Brooklyn 99.

Brooklyn 99 )

Ironside )

The plumber arrived way too early. The silver cats discovered a flaw in my security procedures to keep them indoors, and away from the plumbing, and they made their escape, all collarlessly, out through the basement bulkhead and into the wilds of the back yard. We didn't see them again until noon. And the plumber has revised the plan and will be back again next Saturday at 7:30 am to finish the job, and will need to get to all floors of the house at that time. I could cry. Doesn't the man know weekends are when I fruitlessly attempt to make up my sleep deficit?

But there will be heat, eventually, right? A new tankless water heater has sprouted in my basement like a large red mushroom. Also a crapton of copper pipes are winding around areas they didn't exist before.

Too Early

Sep. 21st, 2013 08:32 am
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Forgot to post yesterday. I blame [personal profile] the_shoshanna for showing up and being interesting.

And now it is revolting-o'clock on a Saturday and i cannot really sleep because the plumber plus apprentice have arrived (there is always an apprentice, he is a teaching plumber and usually accompanied by a high school student learning the trade for credits) and they are pounding away down there. He has his school teacher lecture mode going.

Still, there is a part of me that went "YAY, THANK GOD, this is the LAST PART OF THE PROJECT." I will be so glad when this is over, the final bills are paid, the heat all worked, and we can burrow in like hibernating animals for the winter, with no workmen in sight.


Sep. 19th, 2013 10:48 pm
therienne: (Yay!)
I can see from Maru's feed that Maru has a 2014 Calendar out! There's a link to Amazon and everything!

Amazon Japan, that is.

WHY no Maru Calendar over here?? WHY??

I don't even use calendars any more! I want it!

In other news, Dreamwidth is still almost unbearably unusable -- but it works slightly better in Chrome? How does that even make sense?

And the thing is, I didn't even realize how much I haven't been going over to Livejournal until this started. And Livejournal... is worse. I don't have a paid account on Livejournal. I'm really not willing to get one, at this late date. And it's just so bad. Or maybe it's like this for everyone? Why oh why am I being spammed relentlessly with ads for lj's like "bakebakebake" and "ohnotheydidnt" when I just want to go to the damn posting interface in peace? Do they have any understanding of how crappy it looks? Like a placeholder page for a domain registration?
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So, we watched the pilot of Sleepy Hollow last night but I was too tired to think about it much.

Thoughts on Sleepy Hollow under the cut )
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
It was a day. Didn't accomplish that much.

I Bought a duvet cover? It was sort of critical, because, as [personal profile] mollyamory said as we were coming home tonight: "Wow, Fall in New England does not fuck around, does it?" The cold is here. And we are not ready for the cold.

Our heating system is still in pieces in the basement. The plumber is threatening to show up on Saturday and work all damn day, which would be good, if he weren't ignoring the email I sent him telling him I have a guest on Saturday morning ([personal profile] the_shoshanna!) and that he either needs to come late morning, or schedule for the next week. Ima gonna call him tomorrow if he continues to not answer that email.

At any rate, the cold is HERE, and yet I have been afraid to put my comforter on the bed without a cover. Why? Well. We call him... The VOMINATOR. Possibly [personal profile] mollyamory actually calls him a bunch of simpering baby names, and also Xander, but for a few bad months this summer, he appeared to be entirely composed of puke, and the result is, if you care about it in this house, you don't leave it uncovered.

Tomorrow is another day when I can barely imagine how I am going to pull myself out of bed in the morning and force myself to go to work. It gets harder and harder. And I need to find something besides Plants vs. Zombies 2 to help me through the day, because I've sprained my neck or something playing it, and I'm in outright agony.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
This is our neighbor's cat.

She. Is. Hideous.

Seriously, the picture doesn't even do her justice. SO HOMELY.

She is also the sweetest tempered little beast you ever saw. She loves you so much.

Our cats are terrified of her. We can't determine the reason. I mean, she's easily outclassed by even the smallest of them by 3-4 pounds. But they scream and run for their lives. Surely it is not her looks. I doubt our cats are as shallow as humans! But what do they know that we don't? Gnome has a good 12 pounds on her, and he ran back into the house crying today when she showed up.

She has a collar around her neck that says "If I am out, I am lost". We brought her back home the first half dozen times because of this, but we have stopped, because they clearly aren't even trying to keep her in at this point, and she seems to know where she is perfectly well. We are a bit concerned that she is coming all the way over to our back yard, though. We aren't that close, and sometimes cats take it upon themselves to re-home. And we can't handle a fourth cat. Much less a fourth cat that terrifies our current cats. Plus, sooner or later, despite the fact that we are quite some distance from her place, the guy who owns her would notice. (And, frankly, he is unbelievably sleezy and the other reason we stopped taking her home was to avoid contact with his roaming eyeballs).

We tell her "Go home!" and she just purrs and purrs and head butts us with her INCREDIBLY UGLY HEAD.


Sep. 14th, 2013 11:11 pm
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Trying to sell a thing on craigslist for the first time (a laptop!). Sort of nervewracking. I took the steps of setting up both a pseud for gmail and a google voice number. So far, I've had a not too bad offer, which I counter offered, and an offer that was just way too low.

So, it may be going nowhere -- but it is worth a shot. Anyone with any experience of this know if I will see any more responses after the first 12-24 hours, or is that basically the window?
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
One last (probably) kitchen post!

Everyone has something that goes wrong for them in a renovation. My hatred of the brackets we installed to support the kitchen counter was pretty all encompassing. So, we researched various possible fixes while we took a little time off, because we really, really, REALLY needed to not have the house crawling with contractors for a while.

Today my main contractor came back, to do a few remaining small things (the biggest thing left is a heating issue, but it could not be tackled until these small things were taken care of), and included in that list were the brackets:

The original brackets, as posted on day whatever:

So that's them unstained. And to be fair, when stained, they are much less noticeable. A closeup of them, stained:

Ugly style, sticky outie, ughly.

New Brackets!

These are black metal, and a huge improvement. Much cleaner, and better for sitting at in terms of leg room.

It's not completely perfect, because we had to work it in a way that covered up the previous installation of brackets. On the short end, where the bracket is shorter than what was there previously, you can see the two screws below it, if you look closely. And, if I could send myself psychic messages in the past, I would still do the hidden brackets, and not have metal down the sides at all.

However, still. SO MUCH BETTER. Also, I'm am happy to have the added bracket in the middle now for additional support, and yet not lose the leg room that another wooden bracket in that location would have cost us.

We also may have figured out the counter stool situation -- the chair liked the most was just a little too tall. My wonderful contractor took it and cut the legs down by two inches (I was not about to try and cut metal) and was even able to get the rubber bits back on the ends. So, now that I know he can do this, successfully, I will get the matching set.

Half my kitchen crap is still in boxes in the basement, but we're getting there!


Sep. 12th, 2013 11:09 pm
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Woo, it's totally pouring out! After the last 72 or so hours of miserable sweltering sweatyness, what a welcome thing it is!

A week ago, it was so chilly I dragged my comforter out of the closet and took the a/c out of the window. Yesterday, I hauled the a/c back up the stairs in desperation.

It's pretty much just screwing with us at this point.

Tomorrow perhaps I will have a better post. But today was interesting but stressful, and I need to sleep.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So, this year for the first time, Vividcon had the live stream option available to attending and supporting members. I was a little doubtful when I saw this announced, because change is scary and frightens me. Or something. I was not big on the idea of the first place a vid might be streamed from not being the vidders own location (hey, we only get one chance to make a first impression), and it seemed like there might be security issues, and yadda yadda, blah blah, other stuff.

I meant to get around to answering the call for comments and concerns as requested, but time got away from me, and you know, if you don't participate, you should shut up and not bitch later.

But, in fact, the livestream? It has been fucking great. I did not anticipate what a ridiculously useful tool this was going to be, both during the Con and after. From watching other fans rock out to the livestream while waiting for the next panel to start ([personal profile] anoel! I hope you got your screen fixed!), to the ability to use an HDMI cable directly from [personal profile] astolat's laptop to the hotel room television and re-watch premiere vids later that night, to the fact that I have spent the last couple weeks intermittently being able to catch up on the shows I just couldn't make it to in person, it has in fact been pretty damn wonderful.

It's also been a reminder to me that I really need to step out of the habit of mainly vidding and watching vids around the period of Vividcon. There's just so much stuff out there -- a lot of what showed was completely new to me, and I'm just missing out on great stuff, because I tend to vid and gear up around deadlines (there was a panel on this!)

We watched Brand New Greatest Hits this weekend, one of the shows I couldn't make it to (I wonder what it was up against?)

Two that really stood out for me:

We Must be Killers by [personal profile] cupidsbow
Fandom: The Defiant Ones

Wow, powerful! This aired at Festivids 2012, but was completely new to me -- as is the fandom. That's fine, since the narrative is crystal clear. I see that [personal profile] cupidsbow also has a post up about the extraordinary work that went into colourizing the black and white source. Amazing. Going to have to read through that one carefully and slowly later.

Generally, though, this vid was just a gutpunch, with amazing framing.

And then, going in the opposite direction, away from color and over to black and white:

Starships! Monochromatic Remix by [personal profile] jetpack_monkey.

Holy crap, that's great, and the source. Here is what I imagine [personal profile] jetpack_monkey's place looks like: Wall-to-wall freaking source. Dvds line the walls so no paint of wallpaper is needed. The furniture is built out of old vhs tapes. The coffee table is made out of stitched together cassette boxes. Probably there are laser discs for coasters. There is no other explanation.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Is it just us, over here in FiOS land? Or is dreamwidth just laggy as all hell these days? I had all sorts of plans for reading and posting and stuff I wanted to look up when I got home, but everywhere I try to go takes so long I end up walking away while waiting for the page to load, and then forgetting about it. And when I get back, it's still not damn well there.

And it's been like this for *days*.

So, it's September. And my memory tells me that new TV happens in September, and stuff. And obviously, I know PoI is coming back. And Haven! And, Agents of SHIELD should be arriving! But somewhere along the line, the Tivo, and Roku, and Netflix, and Hulu, and Amazon Prime? (Not all of these are mine! some are [personal profile] mollyamory's) These things have combined so that we really just don't watch that much live tv anymore, or commercials. I have no idea what new and interesting things are on the horizon that I should be paying attention to. Anyone? Bueller? Anything new that I should be sure to not miss?
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Curse you [personal profile] dorinda. Curse you, and your Plants v. Zombies 2 pimping ways.

New Things!

Sep. 7th, 2013 10:42 pm
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So, I am a certain number of years old, that probably puts me officially into no longer young territory. Possibly even... middle aged. I have also been, for most of those years, a nail biter. All attempts to stop have pretty much failed horribly due to stress, and weak nails, and STRESS, and what not, I am convinced my nails are sub-par, probably some type of vitamin deficiency, other people's nails don't shred like this, so it probably hasn't even been my fault, if they were normal, it wouldn't matter that I constantly chew on them! Also stress.

We put on all this sparkly glitter polish for Club Vivid this year, and I don't know why, but for some reason, that was what it took to do the trick. Sparkly fucking nail polish. After literally decades of different attempts. By this week, I had nails long enough that I have been repeatedly accidentally stabbing the crap out of myself. Also it's been really goddamn difficult to get the contact lenses in and out. I stabbed myself in the eye last night and went to bed cranky and convinced I would be blind by morning. How do people cope with having nails? They seem dangerous! Since I don't actually know what I am doing, and have zero nail-maintenance skills, and since I have something coming up where I actually need to look put together, I decided to take the unprecedented step of getting a manicure for the first time in my life.

I went in thinking "I will explain to them that I have no idea what I am doing here and might as well be on another planet and they will understand" but this never happened, because they were very busily efficient and also, there was something of a language barrier. Still, they directed me right over to the racks and racks nail polish. I stood there a while until they gave up on me coming back, and came over to help. I was like "SOMETHING NEUTRAL PLEASE" so they picked out a nice pale colored one for me.

So then there was cleaning of nails with some type of agent. And some gunk on the cuticles, followed by soaking the cuticles, and then cutting the hell out of the cuticles. She asked if I wanted to keep the length of the nails, and I was like "you can cut them back a little, I type," but I admit, I was mainly thinking that a small bit back would be good, so I could stop accidentally gouging bits of flesh out with them. Instead, I ended up with nails just as short as they usually are with the biting. Oh well. They will grow back stronger and better this time, perhps?

Then there were layers and layers of stuff. We started with some type of bonding agent. Then another layer of something completely unknown, and clear. I think it might have been a strengthening thingummy? Next, two layers of nail polish on one hand, and three on the other. (I have a problematic thumb nail on one hand, the result of slamming it in a door two years ago. Nothing I have tried has fixed it, and she was pretty determined to try and hide the damage, since it looks like I'm mutating). Finally, two layers of lacquer. By the time we were done, I was like "Will I be able to lift my fingers, under the weight of all these layers?" But instead, they seem lighter and smoother than my half-assed efforts with a bottle I bought shortly after Vividcon in my attempts to extend the non-biting process.

In between all the layers were TINY HAND HEAT LAMPS that you stick your hand into, like a suntan tanning bed! Or possibly some tiny hand rotisserie devised by aliens to lure us into sticking our hands inside them willingly? And also tiny little fans! (the ones that go around and around not the ones that read fan fiction). And then, as I thought we must be done... LOTION. I was like "AAAGH, LADY, my arms are HAIRY and you really don't have to..." but she took me too much by surprise, and I did not actually say this. But that was weird, I had no idea that was involved in something I consider to be mostly about the nails.

So now I have these nails that are all slick and even and shiny, and also blunt. Weird, I had no idea that professionally done nails were so squared off at the top, I had thought they were all roundish, and stuff? I can't seem to stop touching them. I, uh, hope I get over that soon.

The other new thing we tried tonight -- Margaritas, the restaurant. I had read online a post by someone who compared it favorably to On the Border, which happens to be a favorite of ours. Worth a shot! we decided. Except no, really, it wasn't. Pretty much awful all the way around. Queso more like melted velveeta, steak fajitas as unflavored and as bland as anything I had ever eaten, even the rice was pretty awful, which takes some kind of extraordinarily special lack of talent, really. And it was more expensive than OTB?? Possibly that's because the Town is a slightly more upscale one, but good lord, it was certainly not better food worth the money. I couldn't make it more than halfway through before just giving up.

So we got sundaes after to help recover from the experience.

Don't go there. It was baaaad.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Happy Birthday Gnome!

Or, close enough as makes no difference, since he came home at the beginning of November 2 years ago, and was 8 weeks old at the time.

He was just an ounce or two over two pounds when I brought him home.

He's about 20 now. And this is how he spent his day, basically. Hanging out with [personal profile] mollyamory, under her blankets.

I was sold a bill of goods, people.


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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