therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
It turns out it is possible to eat too much brie at one sitting...

Here is another question for the hive mind. Is there a safe way to kill poison ivy? Something that 1) WON'T LET IT GET ME 2) does not involve the use of poisons of any kind? 3) I NEED TO BE SAFE.

There are too many animals that go through my backyard for me to feel comfortable using chemicals. Besides the natural wildlife, approximately a zillion cats tromp through there every day, it's like a cat highway.

But I am absolutely terrified of the stuff coming over the fence from the conservation land that abuts my yard after last year's brush with ITCHY GREEN DEATH. When I say safe, I mean *safe*.

It's going to be an ongoing problem in the years to come I can tell, since the City gives not a single damn about that land, and is never going to do anything about the issue (even though, on the other side of the lot, it is now endangering a billion small children who use the park).

It makes me a little wistful. The land in question used to belong with house. It was clear then, except for apple trees. Instead of the overgrown greenery mess (that admittedly, creates a beautiful privacy wall) there was clear access to a stream that was uncluttered by foliage and which ran along the paper street. I know it must have been a bitch to take care of (which is why the owner simply deeded it over to the City) but it still sounds like it was lovely. And also, like it was poison ivy free.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
There's really no stopping me, with the flowers, at this point!

[ profile] aka_arduinna brought her brother and sister-in-law, the flower experts, over this weekend. They said many sage and useful things. The sagest and most useful of them was this:

"Wow, what a HUGE patch of poison ivy that is!"


It is v. v. lucky I basically have not been over by that spot, and that Riley has not chosen to run through it and then snuggle with me. (This can happen. It happened to [ profile] aka_arduinna! Er, with her own kitty, not mine.)

But we also discussed many other things, among them, "That's knotwood, KILL IT NOW", and "We can probably completely save this wisteria, and retrain it over a better trellis," and "That's bittersweet, KILL IT NOW" and also, "Seriously, kill that poison ivy as SOON AS POSSIBLE."

Which I will, despite the fact that on an early morning trip to Mahoney's nursery today with [ profile] merryish, I completely managed to forget to buy some poison ivy killer.

Let me tell you. If it had not been for the fact that we knew [ profile] aka_arduinna was hungrily awaiting us, so we could go have lunch at Sound Bites, it is dangerously possible that [ profile] merryish and I might have spent our entire next five years of future salaries at that place. Every where we went we were like "Do you think we need these flowers?" "Yes. YES I DO." And they're not cheap! But it's like they send out dangerous little spores of pollen to entrance and entice and get the humans to carry them to new locations. "Look! We're shiny and brightly colored! Take us home with you!"

But now we have window boxes, for our efforts! And also a very special plant, just for [ profile] merryish, which I will tell you about, if you dare to click below.

Will the Flower Spam Never End? Image Heavy! A.K.A. the Mid-June flower lineup )

June Garden

Jun. 9th, 2008 10:46 am
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
June is here! It is finally HOT! after weeks of meandering around raining and drizzly and not-at-all-hot. [ profile] merryish is giving me evil looks and looking melty around the edges.

This weekend I did something I really really did not want to do, and had been putting off, and putting off, and as a result of the putting off, it was even harder to do. Namely, I bought a lawn mower.

I love the garden, but the last time I mowed a lawn was high school, and I used a push mower, and this idea of a huge giant gas-driven thing which is dangerous, and heavy, and weighs as much as some skinny adult humans totally, utterly, intimidates me. Plus it was really expensive. And you have to store gas in your garage. And learn how to sharpen blades and change oil.

I'm sort of opposed to all of it, really.

But, we did buy a lawn mower, and barely managed to wedge the sucker into the back seat of my sub-compact to get it home. It was too damp to try it out on Saturday, so on Sunday, I started it up, and gave it a go. Took me about two minutes to figure out I hadn't attached the bag or side shute and there was no way for the grass to actually get out. Had a small heart attack. Attached the bag, and started over.

It wasn't easy. In part because the grass is practically knee level from my ignoring it until now. But okay, it would have been a hell of a lot harder if they didn't have things like personal-pace, and safety bars, and electric starts these days. It was tough to manuever, and I am going to need to find another way to handle some of the small narrow areas. I managed about a quarter of the lawn before I had to carefully put the mower away and go inside and SHOWER IN ICE WATER. Possibly noon on a 95 degree day was not the best plan. I will try and get the rest of the lawn in small chunks over the evenings this week.

The garden continues not to need my assistance to look great. At this point, I'm terrified to touch even the stuff I'm pretty sure is weeds, because so much of it has turned out not to be weeds.



therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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