therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
[personal profile] therienne
To the many wonderful people who wrote me wonderful things after my last post, thank you. I wanted to write more and personally before, but the past two weeks have been, let's face it, pretty terrible, and I went from thinking I would be able to report "everything is going to be okay, I've got this, NO WORRIES" right on over into "Okay, Fuck ALL of this already."

Stage 1 has now been changed to a diagnosis of Stage IIb (although they are still considering it early) based on the pathology results from surgery. Chemo, which was an outside possibility before, can now probably not be avoided. The lumpectomy failed to get everything, so we are going back in for another surgery. I was sick as a dog as a result of the first surgery and arduinna and mollyamory basically had to spend the holidays watching me puke. This went on so long and so terribly that they had to take me to the ER for anti-nauseau medication, and also I puked up a crown. Today they removed 100 millileters of fluid from the seroma that formed in my armpit as a result of the sentinel node biopsy.


Today was a long, long day full of doctors appointments and paperwork and running around to find records, and now we are eating chips and guacamole and thinking idly about running to get some ice cream to ring in the New Year. It's a good plan, I think, even though I ate too many chips and am unable to move off the sofa at present.

I have good friends taking care of me through all this horror, and keeping my spirits up, and my workplace has my back, and I am truly lucky in so many ways.

But I'm not going to miss you, 2015, JUST GO.

Date: 2016-01-01 12:46 am (UTC)
laurashapiro: a woman sits at a kitchen table reading a book, cup of tea in hand. Table has a sliced apple and teapot. A cat looks on. (Default)
From: [personal profile] laurashapiro
God, how utterly wretched. I'm so sorry. I hope that once the surgeries are done you can have a bit of a rest before chemo -- and that your anesthesiologist has a lighter hand this time around!

Date: 2016-01-01 12:49 am (UTC)
killabeez: (Default)
From: [personal profile] killabeez
Oh, honey. I'm so, so sorry. {{{{{all the gentle hugs}}}}}

I'm thinking so many good thoughts for things to start getting better (and for you to start feeling better) soon.

Date: 2016-01-01 01:38 am (UTC)
heresluck: (Default)
From: [personal profile] heresluck
I am so, so sorry. I have been in the place of constant vomiting (under somewhat different circumstances) and I know just how awful that is all by itself, but add in the prospect of chemo and further surgery and it gets exponentially worse.

I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better and that you have people there to take care of you, and I hope that from here on out things go as smoothly as possible under the circumstances. I mean, obviously the process will still suck, but.. I hope it's manageable suckitude, is what I'm saying.

Date: 2016-01-01 03:01 am (UTC)
the_shoshanna: my boy kitty (Default)
From: [personal profile] the_shoshanna
Oh lord, how horrible. I'm so sorry to hear this, and so glad you had arduinna and mollyamory with you. I dearly hope that things go better from here on.

Date: 2016-01-01 04:07 am (UTC)
marthawells: (Manly Hug)
From: [personal profile] marthawells
Oh augh, *hugs*

Date: 2016-01-01 05:55 am (UTC)
klia: (big baby)
From: [personal profile] klia
OMG, I'm so, so sorry for all the horrible shit you've already had to endure. I can't tell you how freaking glad I am that M & A are able to be there to help you through it all. Sending positive thoughts and all the hugs. {{{you}}}

Date: 2016-01-01 05:56 am (UTC)
gwyn: (george _jems_)
From: [personal profile] gwyn
Fucking hell. That is HORRIBLE. I am so, so sorry that that happened to you and that the diagnosis wasn't solid and that you have to go back and just…everything. I wish I could hug you so tight. Thank god for M&M.

I'm sending you every positive vibe I can.

Date: 2016-01-01 08:06 am (UTC)
bethcarielle: (Default)
From: [personal profile] bethcarielle

Date: 2016-01-01 05:02 pm (UTC)
dorinda: Cary Grant, in "Bringing Up Baby," clutches his head beneath the letters "OMG WTF". (WTF_CaryGrant)
From: [personal profile] dorinda
Well bah and humbug! I had hoped that the reason I hadn't heard from you is that you were busy with holiday things. BUT NO. Harrumph.

Plz do tell your doctors/surgical team about your post-surgery/anesthetic nausea! I believe they can get you on the anti-emetics right away as part of your post-op care, and avoid you barfing up all your teeth and having to wear hippo teeth like George Washington. *hug*

I am glad for New Year's chips and guac, and hopefully ice cream too. And last time I had a turrible gastric virus, my go-to for last-ditch hydration was ice-cold Pedialyte. Can't remember the flavors, though. Various, I suppose. Various and sundry.

More hugs, and cheering madly for the next surgery to be complete and easy! *\o/*

Date: 2016-01-01 08:15 pm (UTC)
sakana17: minwoo hugs andy (shinhwa-mw-andy-hug)
From: [personal profile] sakana17
Good riddance to 2015! I hope the next surgery goes better! *hugs*


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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