therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
[personal profile] therienne
It's been basically forever since I have posted here. I feel like I am crawling out from under a rock. Only, it's not a rock, it is a GIANT PILE OF FROZEN CRAP. It has been a grueling, hideous year at work, and just when it was starting to settle down, and I thought maybe I could recuperate, read a book, have a life or have some friends over or something, Mother Nature is like "I'll show you CLIMATE CHANGE, you stupid pathetic monkeys." And then she sucked all the winter from the rest of the country and spat it out on top of us.

Tomorrow I have to go back to work, after several days off. I should be rested, but instead, I am utterly exhausted. Why? Because today I raked a roof. With a roof rake what I ordered on Amazon. It took me an hour of cursing just to put the rake together. Then there was help from a neighbor, without which I would not have survived the experience, but it was still pretty rough. However, I am a tiny slightly bit more confident that the roof will not now collapse and crush my housemate while she is attempting to play Dragon Age: Inquisition, in the sunroom. Also, there was shoveling. I am the proud owner of a BILLION MILES OF SNOW. Most of it in my driveway. An inordinate amount, probably more than anyone else's driveway. Also my driveway is ludicrously long. But mainly, I am terrified of going back to work tomorrow, because it means braving the MBTA. It is hard to explain just how bad the public transporation situation has gotten during all of this blizzard-misery.

Last week, when the T was only approaching total collapse, and hadn't yet reached the point where the General Manager of the T and the Governor of the State were using reporters in their respective press conferences to exchange insults, was bad enough. People were stacked up so tightly on platforms I'm surprised birth control wasn't needed, trains were breaking down, catching fire, and occasionally vanishing never to be seen again. Fights were breaking out, and the drop-off/pick-up area of the station were so bad that it's possible I may have thrown a snowball at a car that was endangering lives. (True story, I threw a snowball. Then I hid behind a convenient snow bank).

But it's gotten worse since then. To be point where the GM is frothing at the mouth with hatred for the Gov, and the Gov is staring haughtily down his nose at the GM indicating with every sentence that she's basically incompetent for not being able to resurrect a dead fleet of trains from their frozen graves. The red line broke down so completely that passengers had to walk to the tracks to get back to a station. Still more fires broke out.

Tomorrow, they are theoretically back in service. Only, limited service. And I am taking one of the lines where they won't even admit to how many trains will actually be running, or if they will be running, or how many fires I can expect to encounter on my particular train. Will I ever be heard from again? Frankly, I doubt it.

So here are some final photos.

This one was taken from my neighbors yard, which is high above mine. It's our main exit from the house -- down the deck, which now has snow almost to the top of the rails, through a tiny pathetic path we carved out, over to where [personal profile] mollyamory's car is hiding behind a goddamn snow mountain.

This one is the same deck opposite angle!

And finally, the side of the house, out to the front street. That poor tree is our dogwood. It's not actually a *small tree*.

Date: 2015-02-11 01:48 am (UTC)
stultiloquentia: Campbells condensed primordial soup (Default)
From: [personal profile] stultiloquentia
This is so beautiful. If you don't mind, I'm just going to copy this post and read it to my boss tomorrow to explain today's absence.

Godspeed. I'll send you some good vibes while I'm cowering on the Orange Line.

Date: 2015-02-12 01:07 am (UTC)
stultiloquentia: Campbells condensed primordial soup (Default)
From: [personal profile] stultiloquentia
Oh no, my boss is awesome and understanding, and did not expect me to show. Since the building was open, however, upper management considers it a vacation day. Sigh.

I hope you're home safe now. And that tomorrow's commuters will be a kinder, more loving bunch than they were today, jeez.

Date: 2015-02-11 02:08 am (UTC)
marthawells: (Manly Hug)
From: [personal profile] marthawells
Augh, and *hugs* Please don't never be seen again on a train.

Date: 2015-02-11 03:49 am (UTC)
sakana17: two house cats (fontaine-henry-gargoyle-hidey-hands)
From: [personal profile] sakana17
I hope your train doesn't catch on fire! :(

Our local mountain range would really like all that snow. :(

Date: 2015-02-11 03:57 am (UTC)
gwyn: (middleman quotes earth)
From: [personal profile] gwyn
Oh dear god, that's astounding. Your yard, of course, but the whole thing with the T. Jesus. I'm so sorry you had to rake your roof. Thank god for your neighbors. I miss you here.

Date: 2015-02-11 12:28 pm (UTC)
tazlet: (Default)
From: [personal profile] tazlet
Whoa! That makes the Mid-Atlantic Snowpocalypse looks a spring morning!

Date: 2015-02-11 03:15 pm (UTC)
kass: Geoffrey facepalms (geoffrey)
From: [personal profile] kass
Oh, honey, I am so sorry. We've gotten a fair bit out here, but it's nothing on what y'all have been hit with. And the goddamn T. I can't even.

Date: 2015-02-12 01:08 am (UTC)
the_shoshanna: giant wave, tiny person. (wave)
From: [personal profile] the_shoshanna
Ye gods, that's horrifying. All my nostalgia for the T just disappeared in a puff of snowflakes -- and the snow is horrifying too!

I really hope today went okay for you. And that it stops freaking snowing!

Date: 2015-02-12 03:08 am (UTC)
the_shoshanna: a line of saluting Mounties (mounties)
From: [personal profile] the_shoshanna
I just saw this article and thought of you -- and arduinna, and molly...

Date: 2015-02-14 12:36 pm (UTC)
rosaw: (lanning winter moon)
From: [personal profile] rosaw
Wow, that is so much snow! I mean, I knew you were getting a blizzard but somehow your pictures convey what the weather channel fails to show. Stay warm! And safe! {{{glom}}}}

Date: 2015-02-16 10:35 pm (UTC)
jjhunter: closeup of library dragon balancing book on its head (library dragon 2)
From: [personal profile] jjhunter
Here via Stulti. I do not know if it will cheer you up that I turned our whole horrible multiple-blizzard-MBTA-what-even situation into a villanelle, but oh god, I feel you. Mayor Walsh is being quoted as saying, "I don't know what to say to anybody anymore. Hopefully it will stop eventually."


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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