
Sep. 23rd, 2013 10:43 pm
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
[personal profile] therienne
Well, I am really scraping the bottom of the barrel of this posting thingummy here. This was basically another day of me doing nothing but lying around and moaning, after my initial trudge to the Doctors office where she went through the list of things already attempted (physical therapy, new bed, new mattress, chiropractor, massage therapy -- apparently I forgot the acupuncturist, which she thinks I should also give a try) and based on the complete failure of everything, and my current inabiity to even sleep through the night, I now have an MRI scheduled. NOT SOON ENOUGH, frankly, I wish they could have found a way to fit me in today.

If they find what they expect (pinched nerve, I believe) then it seems like the next step involves steroids shots? I don't know, sounds awful, but if it will work, I am so freaking there.

And I killed a sick day for this appointment, I... hate it when I take sick days and actually am sick? It feels like such a waste of a valuable day? Unproductive.

Date: 2013-09-24 03:05 am (UTC)
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
From: [personal profile] arduinna
Oh, thank god for that. I can't blame doctors for wanting to test the easier routes first before pulling out the big guns, but you are past the point of needing an MRI to see what's going on in there.

Date: 2013-09-24 01:25 pm (UTC)
marycrawford: 13 hour clock icon (Default)
From: [personal profile] marycrawford
Ack, that sounds awful, I hope the docs can sort you out and fix it! *hugs*

Date: 2013-09-24 02:51 pm (UTC)
laurashapiro: a woman sits at a kitchen table reading a book, cup of tea in hand. Table has a sliced apple and teapot. A cat looks on. (Default)
From: [personal profile] laurashapiro
All the empathy in the world from this back pain sufferer. It's the WORST. I have tried all the things you mentioned; the only thing that's worked consistently for me is physical therapy, but you have to keep at it for weeks and weeks before you feel better and, in my case, stick with it for the rest of your life.

OTOH, I don't have a pinched nerve. If you do, you're likely to get a lot of relief from an injection. They have a very high success rate. Here's hoping the MRI reveals something easily treatable like that!

Date: 2013-09-24 04:21 pm (UTC)
dorinda: Cary Grant, in "Bringing Up Baby," clutches his head beneath the letters "OMG WTF". (WTF_CaryGrant)
From: [personal profile] dorinda
Blargh, I'm sorry about your back. Hooray for an MRI at last!!

I... hate it when I take sick days and actually am sick? It feels like such a waste of a valuable day?

Yeah, seriously. I begrudge every sick day spent actually being sick. >:-|


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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