therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
[personal profile] therienne
So I totally blew posting last night. Didn't even try, don't feel that bad about it! I was exhausted and just rolled over and went to sleep. I suspect things will settle down as the new tv season continues, and I decide what to drop/add from the watching lineup? But right now, there is a lot to sort through!

Sleepy Hollow, ep 2.

He's like Schrodinger's Cho. I am uncertain whether he is dead or not. I wasn't expecting him to die last episode, and I certainly was not expecting him to be alive... ish... this episode. And OMG, do something about that turkey neck!

There was much cuteness, and a ton more info-dumping, and I appreciated the sticky note scene.

And yet, despite all this, this show, for me, is on the tentative-dump list. I will probably give it one more week. But, whatever it is that pulls me into a show, the extra zing -- so far it hasn't shown up. And it has a lot of competition this year, so things really have to have that zing to keep me.

Agents of SHIELD
A mixed bag! Some of this is probably pilotitis.

-The main male agent is so bland we can't retain his name, it just slips away from the grey matter. We shall call him Rice. Also he was mildly offensive with his anti-fan crap so good for Coulson for shooting him up.

-I will be extraordinarily upset if Coulson is a robot, since he is one of the things I have a strong attachment to in this series so far.

-I knew he probably wasn't going to be recurring, but I really wanted Gunn to be a regular. Also, I had read other theories of where his superpowers came from, and I was a bit sad on his behalf that the real answer was centipede. I would have preferred him as an actual super hero (one who could REAPPEAR LATER)

-I could understand exactly zero of whatever the hell Fitz and Simmons were saying. They need to tone that down a bit, they are nowhere near as amusing as the show thinks they are.

-Skye wasn't too bad?

-I have absolutely no understanding of who the bad guys are that showed up. I didn't feel like SHIELD had a clue either. Should they be as lost about this as I am?

Like I said, pilotitis -- I would have been happier with fewer bland people, and say, tons more Maria Hill. But it is early days, and this one is not falling off the watch list anytime soon.

I had not even heard about this until the day it aired, and caught a trailer for it somewhere online. And I was like "...huh. James Spader appears to be BALD." But I watched it anyway!

It had a few wobbles. For example, you should not have to rely so heavily on making your dramatic background music QUITE THAT DRAMATIC to express tension, as they did for the first 10 minutes solid or so. Also, that prison box for Reddington -- he's not freaking Magneto, people. You are not on a *helicarrier* transporting the *Hulk*.

-Keen: I was very worried she was going to be all sweet young thing, and then I was charmed by her willingness to stab a bloke in the carotid with a ballpoint pen. These are the things that woo me to a character!

-RFID tracking chips in prisoners: Okay, I am upset by my inability to be sure whether or not this can be done in real life these days. I mean, a few months ago I would have been "NO WAY" but apparently there are no such things as civil liberties these days so I find this chilling and unsettling and I am not at all sure it is fictional.

-Cute Husband: There were so many ways Cute Husband could have sunk this for me. 1) He dies because of Reddington, fridging him unnecessarily, and sort of pissing me off. 1a) He died, and then Keen is basically stuck working for the guy who got her husband killed 2) He didn't die, but her continued involvement with Reddington after his close call could have caused a build up in resentment and disintegration of the relationship that would have pissed me off to watch. 2a) He didn't die, and we have to suffer through the misery of their failure to adopt storyline.

Instead, the show MAJESTICALLY leapfrogged all these miserable possibilities with one lovely plot twist. I loved the box of passports. I loved how *different* he looked in each of the passport photos. I loved that he was someone who could make himself look that different with a change of haircut and new stance.

And, if the previews are to be believed, he will not just vanish into a prison cell by next week, there will probably be at least a bit of storyline where she pretends to not know.

I am a bit worried that besides Keen and Reddington, there's not that much in the way of characters going on. Her boss the Director, yes, but I didn't get much of a feel for him yet. If the blond guy is supposed to become her partner, he needs to develop a personality really soon. There seemed to be another female agent -- she appears to be a regular, so I hope we get more of her soon. Basically, there was a lot of development of Keen and Reddington here, and not much of anyone else, so with any luck, they will get fleshed out soon.

This one unexpectedly stay on the watchlist.

Person of Interest!

The return we were all (I WAS ANYWAY) waiting for!

That said, it was a bit of a hodge podge. Oh, I loved it, but it was nothing like the roller coaster that was the opening of Season 2. Instead, it was more about people finding out where the edges of this new jigsaw puzzle fit, what with new characters and changed relationships and positions.

Carter: yes, I know this is plot development, story arc, yadda yadda, but I get TERRIBLY UPSET when bad things happen to Carter, and I am upset by this demotion. THAT BETTER NOT LAST. Of course, she's handling in in a very business-like Carter fashion.

Shaw: Don't go too over the top, guys. She probably knows what silverware is. (But, much like the pen to the carotid thing, I do appreciate someone a little more willing to not fuck around when it comes to aiming for other body parts).

Root and her Psychiatrist: I'm hard pressed to see the Machine's POV. He's such a smarmy bastard, I hope Root terrifies him some more.

Bear: There was noNOT ENOUGH Bear. Fix this next week, people. For serious. (Apparently I was unfocused or something for his scene!)

Uncut Diamonds in Champagne: I am utterly baffled by who the happy couple were at the end. Did I miss something? I am even more flummoxed by this idea that you should send strangers an unsanitary rock in an expensive glass of alcohol. What do you think is going to come of that? Do you think they will be like "A DIAMOND FOR OUR ENGAGEMENT!!" or more like "Holy crap a filthy ROCK in our free booze, who do we SUE?" And if by chance they figure out it is a diamond, how are they going to turn that into a monetary advantage/engagement ring without ending up in prison? Maybe... he knew that girl and had dated her once and she dumped him while laughing at him after sex and he felt a little bit vengeful?

I enjoyed Scarface showing up at the end very much all "Where do I collect the free loot now that those idiots have once again kneecapped half a village?" Nice way for Elias to help rebuild his war chest.

Question: was the box around Root black-and-yellow? We are obsessed with the box colors, and always pay close attention to them. Root of all people has switched colors like a maniac. But we have never seen this combination of colors before -- black? with yellow, I understand that part, but not the black part.

white = the rest of us
white with red = threat of violence/irrelevant threat
solid red = terrorist/relevant threat
yellow = Knows about Machine
blue = relevant asset
wtf black with yellow?? WTF??

Date: 2013-09-26 02:09 am (UTC)
astolat: lady of shalott weaving in black and white (Default)
From: [personal profile] astolat
Root is being labled "Analog Interface" which suggests, IDK, the Machine is viewing her as a potential, er, avatar? Kind of terrifying, actually!

Date: 2013-09-26 03:31 am (UTC)
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
From: [personal profile] arduinna
This this this! I was just rewatching and this all clicked into place. Holy cow -- Root really is going to be the high priestess of sorts. It is... not good that she considers the Machine god. Meep!

This is going to be so much fun!


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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