
Jan. 28th, 2008 09:32 am
therienne: (KitTAY)
Francesca Coppa is putting up five days of vids and commentary over at the Media Commons Project, and she has started the week off with the previously unpublished-on-the-web "Pressure" by California Crew.

You know how you think vidding is hard now? Well, in the old days, they had to walk uphill both ways to Hollywood themselves, film the shows in their spare time, and draw the special effects in by hand! And this vid proves it! It's a meta commentary on how things used to be done -- tape, tape, caffeine, stopwatches, gruelling handwritten notes as to the timing, because you mostly only got one shot, and if you didn't lay the section of the vid down correctly, that was it, and vcrs built by cavemen.

Seriously. The fact that there anyone stuck it out is an amazing testament to their perseverance and talent and extraordinary stubborness. And also their psychosis.

Go watch right now!
therienne: (KitTAY)
On August 7, 2007, everything changed.

To commemorate the occasion, we've remastered our Odyssey 5 vid,
Haunted, with DVD source. We've also put up some notes about it, for
anyone who's interested, linked on our main vids page.

Haunted 2007, Large Version, 45.5 MB

Haunted 2007, Small Version, 12.2 MB.

Both are XVID. Please right mouse click and choose "save" rather than streaming.

therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Two vids Recs! Totally not-Escapade related, here. In fact, these are both on YouTube, and if anyone is familiar with a non-YouTube source for these two, please let me know? But I couldn't not rec them because of the location, they are faaaaaaaab.

Song: Re: Your Brains, by Jonathan Coulton
Vid: Office is Closed: Due to Zombies
Fandoms: Multi-Media (I'm actually not listing them, because I feel one or two are sorta of spoilers for glorious sections of this. Mostly anime, otherwise.)
Vidder: ? (This is definitely one of the problem with Youtube. Was Iliea the vidder, or just the Youtube poster?)

Vid: A Laptop Like You
Song: by Jonathan Coulton
Vidder: ?? EraYachi? (Damn you, YouTube!).
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis

Keep watching past the first minute. DO NOT BAIL! Also, it has been suggested, by some slanderous folks in these parts, that I should adopt this as my theme song. I remind those people that I keep my very own Rage Diary, and the Day Will Come.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So, Dejá Vu gets it's own post, for length. This is one of those vids where I probably wasn't qualified to say anything, but I went ahead and said lots and lots, anyway.

Vid Post Two, Dejá Vu. It Even Rhymes! )
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So, a small aeon ago, the Escapade dvds arrived! There was joy across the land! And I loved it, and wanted to give feedback and maybe post a few thoughts on the show.

Along the way I got stuck ("Oh my god, I can't even write a coherent sentence, much less anything that does justice to how complicated some of these are"), I got scared ("They will ALL HATE ME for saying this stuff"), I found I could simply not find the words to express how I felt about some of the vids ("Vid Pretty, Fire Bad"), a Psycho-Hosebeast attacked and made me consider hiding under my bed and abandoning fandom ("I know nothing of this 'vidding' you speak of"), and then suddenly it was August already and VividCon was occurring and a ton of vid posts were out on LJ and any posts would have been lost in the mix and I was full of disgust for myself.

At any rate, I've recently decided I have to stop the whole thing where I never post something til it's utterly perfect, because... then it never happens. As a result, I'm going to post a series of posts about *some* of the Escapade vids, but not all. The ones I leave out weren't the vids I disliked, they were the ones I didn't feel capable of talking about well, or at all, for whatever reasons. And I'm also going to let myself do short comments on some of these vids, although, admittedly, I got totally carried away on a few others and may have said too much (and the vidders may be all "What the hell. She has no idea what she's saying. That's not what my vid means!"). The end result is not even half the vids will probably show up here.

I will say upfront, I tried this a few years ago as well, and, well, it didn't go great. I made some comments on what was on of my favorite vids of the show, and although I loved it, I said a few critical things as well. The vidder defriended me within the day. My brain froze up. I was like "If one of the best vidders out there is upset by this, what about the vidders whose vids I actually disliked?!" I was seized with guilt and frustration and my brain refused me and I never did a review of the second half of the show. I'm trying to overcome that here, but I'd just like to say, if you don't want to *know*, don't read these posts, okay? For the most part, these were the vids I loved. But there are some I was lukewarm on, and some niggling points along the way.

Vid Post One: Holding Out for a Hero, Struggle, and Stress )


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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