therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
So, this year for the first time, Vividcon had the live stream option available to attending and supporting members. I was a little doubtful when I saw this announced, because change is scary and frightens me. Or something. I was not big on the idea of the first place a vid might be streamed from not being the vidders own location (hey, we only get one chance to make a first impression), and it seemed like there might be security issues, and yadda yadda, blah blah, other stuff.

I meant to get around to answering the call for comments and concerns as requested, but time got away from me, and you know, if you don't participate, you should shut up and not bitch later.

But, in fact, the livestream? It has been fucking great. I did not anticipate what a ridiculously useful tool this was going to be, both during the Con and after. From watching other fans rock out to the livestream while waiting for the next panel to start ([personal profile] anoel! I hope you got your screen fixed!), to the ability to use an HDMI cable directly from [personal profile] astolat's laptop to the hotel room television and re-watch premiere vids later that night, to the fact that I have spent the last couple weeks intermittently being able to catch up on the shows I just couldn't make it to in person, it has in fact been pretty damn wonderful.

It's also been a reminder to me that I really need to step out of the habit of mainly vidding and watching vids around the period of Vividcon. There's just so much stuff out there -- a lot of what showed was completely new to me, and I'm just missing out on great stuff, because I tend to vid and gear up around deadlines (there was a panel on this!)

We watched Brand New Greatest Hits this weekend, one of the shows I couldn't make it to (I wonder what it was up against?)

Two that really stood out for me:

We Must be Killers by [personal profile] cupidsbow
Fandom: The Defiant Ones

Wow, powerful! This aired at Festivids 2012, but was completely new to me -- as is the fandom. That's fine, since the narrative is crystal clear. I see that [personal profile] cupidsbow also has a post up about the extraordinary work that went into colourizing the black and white source. Amazing. Going to have to read through that one carefully and slowly later.

Generally, though, this vid was just a gutpunch, with amazing framing.

And then, going in the opposite direction, away from color and over to black and white:

Starships! Monochromatic Remix by [personal profile] jetpack_monkey.

Holy crap, that's great, and the source. Here is what I imagine [personal profile] jetpack_monkey's place looks like: Wall-to-wall freaking source. Dvds line the walls so no paint of wallpaper is needed. The furniture is built out of old vhs tapes. The coffee table is made out of stitched together cassette boxes. Probably there are laser discs for coasters. There is no other explanation.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Okay *fine*. I thought about subjecting you to how much I hate my computer illiterate co-workers (short answer: a WHOLE LOT, I hope virtual monsters emerge from their monitors and EAT THEM) but then all the energy I used hating them in my head exhausted me, so I am opting for another great vid to rec, instead.

Scream and Shout by [personal profile] rhoboat, Fandom(s): Assassins Creed I, II, Brotherhood, Revelations and III.

So this one caught my eye during Club Vivid, rather than Premieres, and you know, it actually takes a lot to catch one's eye during Club Vivid, because there is so much going on, and you are usually trying to see the screen while bouncing up and down and looking over people's heads, and trying not to spill your drink on the dance floor or fall on someone. (Side derail: I loved the tv off to the side this year, a great way to slow down and catch detail if you wanted to, for some reason. I was a whole lot less enamored of the sideways projector and it's occasional attempts to blind me while being impossible to view on the wall anyway).

This was a great vid for Club Vivid, because, hey, dancing! but even with all the dancing and chaos, you could see glimpses of THE storyline, one that looked fascinating, and the deeper theme going on. I am unfamiliar with the Assassin's Creed games (most of my gaming has been in WoW or Rift). The visuals were driving, it obviously connected a variety of different scenes and times together with motion, creating a lovely continuous flow for a main character who was constantly changing, and it had some stellar timing in terms of cuts to the sound.

Afterwards, someone explained some of the storyline of the game to me, and that has led to me re-watching it about a dozen times to catch all the nuances that are going on. very tiny set of spoilers here beneath cut ).

Now my fingers are a bit itchy to try it out. I won't, because somewhere after I took a break from WoW, my brain unhinged, and now trying to play it makes me dizzy (attempting Portal led to me having to lie on the floor for an hour), but I so badly want to!

Well pimped, vidder!

I did not make it to the Video Game Vidshow this year, but I am happy to have a completely new set of vids to watch at home, and we have been making our way through them with pleasure.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
I hear I am supposed to post once a day for 30 days, or something!

I don't know why posting is like climbing out of a vat of molasses for me these days, but it is.

And I always have such good intentions with regards to posting about the vids I saw at Vividcon, after I get home, and they never come to fruition!

but perhaps tonight, I can post about just one vid:

Slippery Slope by [personal profile] jetpack_monkey. Source: The Wicker Man. This was one of the most impressive vids of the con for me.

Why? a little bit spoilery for the vid and a source I had never heard of before, just in case you want to watch the vid cold )

A great job all around by the vidder.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Two vids Recs! Totally not-Escapade related, here. In fact, these are both on YouTube, and if anyone is familiar with a non-YouTube source for these two, please let me know? But I couldn't not rec them because of the location, they are faaaaaaaab.

Song: Re: Your Brains, by Jonathan Coulton
Vid: Office is Closed: Due to Zombies
Fandoms: Multi-Media (I'm actually not listing them, because I feel one or two are sorta of spoilers for glorious sections of this. Mostly anime, otherwise.)
Vidder: ? (This is definitely one of the problem with Youtube. Was Iliea the vidder, or just the Youtube poster?)

Vid: A Laptop Like You
Song: by Jonathan Coulton
Vidder: ?? EraYachi? (Damn you, YouTube!).
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis

Keep watching past the first minute. DO NOT BAIL! Also, it has been suggested, by some slanderous folks in these parts, that I should adopt this as my theme song. I remind those people that I keep my very own Rage Diary, and the Day Will Come.


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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