Sep. 21st, 2013

Too Early

Sep. 21st, 2013 08:32 am
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
Forgot to post yesterday. I blame [personal profile] the_shoshanna for showing up and being interesting.

And now it is revolting-o'clock on a Saturday and i cannot really sleep because the plumber plus apprentice have arrived (there is always an apprentice, he is a teaching plumber and usually accompanied by a high school student learning the trade for credits) and they are pounding away down there. He has his school teacher lecture mode going.

Still, there is a part of me that went "YAY, THANK GOD, this is the LAST PART OF THE PROJECT." I will be so glad when this is over, the final bills are paid, the heat all worked, and we can burrow in like hibernating animals for the winter, with no workmen in sight.
therienne: mighty hunter (Default)
[personal profile] mollyamory is trolling around all the free new pilots available to us via iTunes tonight. In this manner, we ended up watching Ironside, followed by Brooklyn 99. I knew basically nothing about Ironside going into it, and even less about Brooklyn 99.

Brooklyn 99 )

Ironside )

The plumber arrived way too early. The silver cats discovered a flaw in my security procedures to keep them indoors, and away from the plumbing, and they made their escape, all collarlessly, out through the basement bulkhead and into the wilds of the back yard. We didn't see them again until noon. And the plumber has revised the plan and will be back again next Saturday at 7:30 am to finish the job, and will need to get to all floors of the house at that time. I could cry. Doesn't the man know weekends are when I fruitlessly attempt to make up my sleep deficit?

But there will be heat, eventually, right? A new tankless water heater has sprouted in my basement like a large red mushroom. Also a crapton of copper pipes are winding around areas they didn't exist before.


therienne: mighty hunter (Default)

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