Manifesto de vida
Criado em 04.10.22
atualizado em 13.09.23

Esse é um documento em construção de princípios e aprendizados que guiam minha vida. Inspirado em Evy's Manifesto e Omar Shehata's princípios

Comunique logo e constantemente

Ás vezes é difícil dividir seus sentimentos, mas se você não comunicar, ninguém vai saber. O mesmo vale para outras pessoas.

Unless someone indicates that they have a problem with you, you're going to assume that there is no problem. Is not your responsability to guess what someone elses problem is. [vídeo: tiktok by @dellara]

embrace curiosity

Curiosity brings me joy and energizes me towards doing interesting things. [by evy's manifesto]

prioritize feeling good

In moments of anxiety or discomfort, prioritize feeling better as soon as possible instead of trying to fix longer-term issues, even if it feels like fixing the hard issue would help me feel better. Go for a walk, do some cleaning, call a loved one, create art - prioritze self care. Once I'm in a healthier place, I'll find it much easier to think about hard problems and long-term wellness. [by evy's manifesto]

Good people can do bad things

the same goes for: bad things happens to good people

get out of bed before internet

If I see a stressful message in the vulnerable moments after waking up, it can affect my mood for hours. It's also easier to get out of bed if I'm not browsing the internet. [by evy's manifesto]

Do what's hard

This is very important for three reasons: 1) It makes you feel good. It builds confidence in your skills and ability to tackle a challenge, which is great for overall wellbeing. 2) Less people do this. Just taking this road automatically puts you in a less crowded space and makes you stand out. 3) You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish, and you can keep solving harder & more ambitious things. [by Omar Shehara principles]

Take action to improve your mood

You are not a machine. Trying to power through a bad mood or wallowing in your despair are not good choices.

Go for a bike ride or a swim. Read an inspiring book, talk to someone or play a game. Write down inspiring experiences and refer back to them when you're lacking motivation.[by Omar Shehara principles]

Beautiful things start out ugly

A lot of times when you start making something and it turns out ugly, it's easy to get stuck or abandon it. But remember that many beautiful things start out messy & ugly, and become wonderful slowly and iteratively. [by Omar Shehara principles]

Trust the blurry-to-sharp approach. Keep going, finish it, start over and make a better version, and keep going until you make something beautiful [by Omar Shehara principles]

You don't have a lot of time

It's easy to put off work that doesn't have a deadline. What's one more day if it's a side project you've been contemplating for years? Time always moves faster than you think, and before you know it the semester/summer/your-life will be over.

The work you do is rarely the end, but it opens up many more doors and opportunities to pursue. The sooner you finish it the more exciting things will be.[by Omar Shehara principles]

Place small daily goals for yourself

As long as you've completed that, you can consider the day a success even if you get nothing else done [by Omar Shehara principles]

Always reach out

Imagine two people who want to collaborate, but each is not sure if the other wants to. They both avoid reaching out, not wanting to bother the other. Never knowing that they both really wanted to work together!

It's always better to reach out, make your desires known. It's always hard, but worth it. This is easy to do if you assume the answer is no and move on. A yes is a delightful surprise. A no is not failure, practice taking it gracefully.[by Omar Shehara principles]

Take action to improve your mood

You are not a machine. Trying to power through a bad mood or wallowing in your despair are not good choices.

Go for a bike ride or a swim. Read an inspiring book, talk to someone or play a game. Write down inspiring experiences and refer back to them when you're lacking motivation. [by Omar Shehara principles]

Aproveite o presente

dê importância ao que aconteceu e se concretizou, não se perca nas idealizações e utopias.

Nem tudo o que é bom, é apropriado pra mim ou faz bem pra mim

Isso serve pra remédios, formulas para o sucesso, bons exemplos de vida e tudo mais que da certo pra outras pessoas e é bom pra elas, mas não significa que será igualmente bom e certo pra mim.

Faça as coisas quando der vontade de fazer.

Não espere só quando for possível ou propício de ser feito. Se estiver motivado para fazer, faça! Ou pelo menos tente fazer. Só assim pra descobrir se é capaz ou se precisa de mais tempo ou mais recurso. Então descubra, quanto tempo e quais recursos são necessário?

Your emotions are not complicated

Its your thoughts about them that are [vídeo: tiktok by @joseffinspiration]

People just need to know that you are doing somenthing

(in a good way of thinking) and they will either do it too, or ask you to do it, and pay you for it. Sometimes you just need to show yourself and keep going, so you will have people to support you.

Faça trabalhos manuais

serve escrever, desenhar, lavar louça ou roupa, na falta de um bordado ou croche. Qualquer atividade manual serve. Ajuda a pensar, alivia tensão e mexe com o corpo ativamente. Mexer com as coisas manualmente me ensinou a ter atenção, cuidado e amor com as coisas.

em breve em breve em breve

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