Masterlist of Avengers recs! For Thor recs, click HERE!
Almost all of these recs use the MCU canon. I will occasionally rec from other Avengers Universes, but usually only when intimate knowledge of the canon isn't required, as I am not super familiar with the other 'verses.
Steve/Tony Recs < 10,000 words
Steve/Tony Recs > 10,000 words
Tony/J.A.R.V.I.S. Recs
Almost all of these recs use the MCU canon. I will occasionally rec from other Avengers Universes, but usually only when intimate knowledge of the canon isn't required, as I am not super familiar with the other 'verses.
Steve/Tony Recs < 10,000 words
Steve/Tony Recs > 10,000 words
Tony/J.A.R.V.I.S. Recs
Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: Start a Fire by Dilara Kazimova
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