Title: Teacher's Pet, Part 31 -- FINISHED
Author: gracerenePairing: Charlie/Draco
Word Count: ~1,000 this chapter, ~19,500 total
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: professor/student, clubs, blow jobs, semi-public sex, some dirty talk
Challenge: hp_may_madness 2016 Day #31: Green, hung, strongbow
Author's Notes: Unbeta'd. HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS, I AM DONE! I can't believe this is currently the forth longest thing I've ever posted (and all of it is unbeta'd...YIKES!) hp-may-madness is awesome and completely insane, and I cannot believe I made it. Thank you SO MUCH to everybody who has read and commented along with this one. Your encouragement has meant a lot! And congrats to all you other insane people doing May Madness with me! It's been awesome to see so many interesting and awesome drabbles and ficlets over this past month! And now, for the ending we've all been waiting for...
Part 30( Teacher's Pet, Part 31 )