Title: Because He Looks Like Your Superhot Cousin (And This is the Closest It'll Ever Get to Being Okay)
Author: [ profile] gracerene
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,300
Content/Warnings: established relationship, genderbend (a curse temporarily changes Harry into a girl), cunnilingus, fingering
Summary: Harry gets cursed during an Auror mission and suffers through some strange effects. (or, Harry is temporarily turned into a girl, and Draco doesn't mind one bit.)
Notes: Sweet [ profile] nia_kantorka, I knew I had to write you something because you have been the most wonderful of friends to me here in fandom, and I'm still blushing from the fabulous birthday you went and organized for me last year. I also have been wanting to try my hand at genderbending, so when I saw that on your list of likes, I figured now was the perfect opportunity! I'm posting this a few days early, to keep with my 50 Reasons scheduling, so I hope you don't mind getting your present now! I really hope you enjoy this, hon, and I hope you have the most marvelous of birthdays! <3 <3

This reason still totally could have worked by keeping them both boys, but I think it works better this way, and I got to try out a new kink! :D

Thanks to [ profile] capitu, [ profile] lauren3210, and [ profile] candamira for looking this over for me and generally being wonderful and helpful! :D

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