03 July 2023 @ 07:57 am
[community profile] hd_erised is back, baby! This is actually going to be my last year modding, which is bittersweet. But I've been drifting away from fandom in general, and HP in particular, for a long time now, and I feel ready to say goodbye. If any of y'all are Drarry-inclined, I'd love to see you join! <3

[community profile] hd_erised is a Harry/Draco exchange fest
It's first come, first served, so be there to sign-up on July 14th (9AM EDT | 2PM BST)
Rules and Guidelines | FAQ | Promotional Banners
Art by [personal profile] misterwalnut | Banner by [personal profile] capitu
17 December 2022 @ 07:52 am
I just signed up for my 7th year of [community profile] getyourwordsout, which, if you've never heard of it, is basically all about setting a yearly writing goal--either a word count or number of writing days--with monthly check-ins to see how you're doing. There's a really active community, spreadsheets, sprint rooms, and generally just a lot of awesome encouragement to help you reach your writing goals.

Essentially there are 8 levels of participation for the word count goals raging from 75k words in a year to 1 million, and 4 levels of participation for the habit pledge, 120/180/240/350 writing days. The two "tracks" are mutually exclusively, and the idea is to choose whichever goal will best motivate you to write! Personally, I formally sign up for a word count goal, but informally track my number of writing days.

It's also fairly low-key. You do need to check in every month, but there's no penalty if you don't hit your goal. I didn't hit mine this year by a significant amount, which is a bummer, but it's all just data, and that informed the WC choice I made for this next year!

[img: notebook paper with "GYWO 2023" printed in large black
letters with a blue shadow. under that, "writing decathlon" in
handwritten black letters with an orange shadow.]
GetYourWordsOut: Year Fifteen!
Pledges & Requirements |
Sign-ups are closed for this year's [community profile] hd_erised fest, but pinch hitter sign-ups are open and we absolutely adore our pinch hitters! If you think you might be interested in helping out should we get an unexpected drop, please do consider signing up below! <3

[community profile] hd_erised is a Harry/Draco exchange fest
Rules and Guidelines | FAQ | Promotional Banners
Art by [personal profile] hermanthemoth | Banner by [personal profile] capitu

Pinch Hitter Sign-Up Post!

10 February 2022 @ 06:26 am

Because we're crazy, [personal profile] writcraft and I have decided to run a HARRY/DRACO REVERSE BANG this year! We wanted to create a fest with a similar energy to our big bang, but with a lower word count commitment–only 5,000 words! The flipped format of creating the art before the fic will also give our stunning Drarry artists a chance to really influence what kinds of fics our talented writers produce! We'll be primarily running the fest on our [ profile] harrydracobang tumblr, with works posting to AO3, and you can read the full rules and timeline on the tumblr page linked below!


11 March 2021 @ 08:46 am
The Anonymous Masterlist has gone up over at [community profile] hp_goldenage and reveals are tomorrow, so I definitely recommend checking out what's on offer! It was a relatively small fest this year with a large variety of pairings, so there should hopefully be something that appeals to all! All the fics are under 10k, so it's also a great chance to maybe read a pairing that you wouldn't normally be drawn to. :D

Save the date banner for the Salt & Pepper fest 2021
12 February 2021 @ 12:29 pm
In case you missed it, [community profile] firewhiskeyfic fic is back TONIGHT and I'm trying to decide if I'm going to take part. I'd originally planned not to, as I had an early morning appointment tomorrow that I didn't want to be hungover for, but there's a snow storm expected tonight in my area so I went ahead and cancelled just to be safe. And while grocery shopping today to stock up just in case I can't leave my apartment this weekend, I may have grabbed a case of hard cider... Who all is planning on participating??

Firewhiskeyfic on Dreamwidth
15 January 2021 @ 07:16 am
[community profile] hp_goldenage is still open for claiming for their 2021 fest! Submissions are due in one month on February 15 and, as always, there's a ton of variety in the prompt list! But, if nothing appeals or if you have a plot bunny you'd already like to write, they also accept self prompts!

Save the date banner for the Salt & Pepper fest 2021


05 November 2020 @ 10:37 am
[community profile] hp_goldenage is currently accepting prompts until November 14 for their 2021 fest! You can leave up to 7 prompts and any HP pairing/characters/genre/etc is allowed as long as all main characters are over the age of 50 years old! There's always a lot of variety in the fest, and they could definitely use some more prompts!

Save the date banner for the Salt & Pepper fest 2021


Just wanted to post a quick reminder that claiming closes for [community profile] hp_nextgen_fest in a couple of days on Monday, October 5th! As usual, we could definitely use some more het, femslash, and/or art claims, though anything is more than welcome! A link to the prompt list and claiming form can be found via the post below!


come join [community profile] hp_nextgen_fest!

Art by [ profile] hillyminne, Banner by [personal profile] capitu
03 August 2020 @ 07:36 am
Just wanted to post another reminder that prompting is still open over at [community profile] hp_nextgen_fest! Prompting has been a bit slow this round, so I'd definitely love some more prompts if any of you have some!! As long as your prompt features at least one next gen character, it is most certainly welcome! Any genre, any pairing/threesome/moresome etc. This includes cross-gen pairings and gen works as well!

come join [community profile] hp_nextgen_fest!

Art by [ profile] upthehillart, Banner by [personal profile] capitu

Prompting Post on DW

Prompting Google Form

Works for [community profile] hp_crossgenfest are due in about two weeks and claiming for the fest closes tomorrow, so if anybody has been thinking of signing up, now's the time! I'd love some more femslash submissions especially, if any of y'all are so inclined... :D

come join [community profile] hp_crossgenfest!

Art by [ profile] thilia, Banner by [personal profile] capitu


[community profile] daily_deviant's Banging Birthday fest just posted their anon masterlist for the 2020 fest! I so enjoyed writing for this fest and reading the variety of kinks and pairings posted! The fest could definitely use some more love, particularly for the works that posted later in the fest, so I really recommend checking out the masterlist linked below and seeing if anything appeals! Reveals are going up in a little over a week on June 28th, so there's plenty of time to squeeze in a few fics!

Anon Masterlist

Thought I'd post a quick reminder to anybody still considering signing up that claiming for [community profile] hp_crossgenfest is still open!! We've got quite a lot of Snarry this year, which is great for Snarry shippers, but as a mod I'd love a smidge more variety (though, of course, if that's where the muse is taking you, we'd still be happy to have you!) I'd also particularly love some additional artists, and maybe some femslash if any of y'all are leaning that way!

Art by [ profile] thilia, Banner by [personal profile] capitu


06 June 2020 @ 07:04 am
[community profile] hd_fan_fair has just opened prompting over on livejournal for their 2020 fest! More information can be found on the post linked below!


05 June 2020 @ 08:11 am
One of the things on my fannish bucket list was to participate in a Bingo Card event, so I decided to sign up this year for [community profile] seasonofkink! Sign-ups are still open and you have until September 30th to post your smutty creations! :D

Season of Kink Sign-Ups!

My Bingo Card

Join the HARRY POTTER FANDOM [community profile] rarepair_shorts for the SUMMER WISHLIST EVENT.
Are you ready to make a wish?
SUMMER WISHLIST EVENT is open to all HP rare pair lovers - ask for a wish and perhaps it'll be granted.
It's time for you to be selfish and ask for that story/art you've always wanted.
Grant a wish: June 1 - August 31 (You don't have to grant a wish if you make one!)
There's no commitment. More info available at: [community profile] rarepair_shorts

Sign up here

[community profile] daily_deviant's Banging Birthday celebrations have just begun! You can check out the first post, a delightfully naughty Lavender/Teddy number, over on the comm. I've got a few pieces in the fest and I'm super excited to see what everybody else has come up with!

art by [personal profile] mywitch