02 January 2020 @ 03:47 pm
During the past three months I read 84 books, which brings my total for the year to 378, which is 3 ahead of schedule to hit my updated goal of 375 books for the year. 46 of the books were M/M Romances, which means 38 of the books were not, and 2 of those books were Pulitzer Prize winners. This puts me at 18 out of my  raised goal of 18 Pulitzer Prize winners for the year, which would be an average of 1.5 a month. I also read 1of the hard-copy books I own, which puts me at 4 of my goal of 4 for the year.

Read. )
05 July 2019 @ 09:36 am
During the past three months I read 116 books, which brings my total for the year to 162, which is 63 ahead of schedule to hit my goal of 200 books for the year. 83 of the books were M/M Romances, which means 33 of the books were not, and 8 of those books were Pulitzer Prize winners. This puts me at 13 out of my goal of 6 Pulitzer Prize winners for the year, which means I hit that sub-goal! I also read 1 of the hard-copy books I own, which puts me at 2 of my goal of 4 for the year. I actually technically read 2 hard-copy books this quarter, but one of those was a new-to-me book, so I'm not counting it towards my goal since the whole point is to read the books that have been languishing on my shelves for awhile.

Read. )
04 April 2019 @ 08:31 am
During the past three months I read 46 books, which is 7 ahead of schedule to hit my goal of 150 books for the year. 33 of the books were M/M Romances, which means 13 of the books were not, and 5 of those books were Pulitzer Prize winners. This puts me at 5 out of my goal of 6 Pulitzer Prize winners for the year, and at 13 out of my goal of 10 for non-M/M romances for the year! These goals were based on my reading last year (and were frankly set a bit higher than what I managed) but clearly I undershot! I've actually been actively working to alternate my M/M Romance reading with other books so that I continue to remember how much I LOVE reading stuff beyond queer romance. Which, DUH, I love, but I also love stuff that's less romance-focused as well. Plus, I would like to finish this Pulitzer Prize Winner challenge... someday.

Read. )
28 December 2018 @ 09:52 am
In 2017 I did quarterly book wrap-ups, and I really enjoyed the process. I let it fall by the wayside in 2018, mostly because I was pretty much only reading M/M Romances, but I'm hoping to pick it up back up in 2019. In the meantime, I thought I'd do one massive wrap-up for the year. :D

As of today, I've read a total of 265 books in 2018. 256 of which were M/M Romances, and 4 of which were Pulitzer Prize Winners. It's not quite the end of the year, and I suspect I'll read 1-2 more books before it's over, but I don't think any of them will be my favorite of the year, so it's probably safe to post now. :D

Read. )

And now, a question for you all! What was the single best book you read in 2018? Tell me about it! <3