26 March 2014 @ 11:44 am
So...I was making a list of all of my favorite pairings, as you do, and realized that significant chuck of them are cross-gen pairings. Which got me thinking about all the fests I follow and the fact that I can think of a single active fest for all-pairing Cross-Gen fic. I know there is [ profile] hp_darkages, for angsty cross-gen, but I'm not a huge angst reader, and while I definitely enjoy in on occasion, a whole fest of angst overwhelms me. There are also a few pairing-specific cross-gen fests, like the Snarry-a-Thon at [ profile] snape_potter and [ profile] hds_beltane, but I was thinking on a broader scale. I know there was [ profile] hp_cross_fest, but I don't think that has run in 4-5 years....

Anyways, am I missing a fest? Or is fandom just not as interested in cross-gen as I am? I'm curious about people's opinions/stance etc. and since I have been dying to use LJ's poll feature, I figured this would be a good chance!

[Poll #1962189]