06 January 2017 @ 05:15 pm
The words, they keep a'coming. Still on track, which is AWESOME, but seeing as how I need to keep up an average of over 1,600 words a day to stay on track, I know it'll be far too easy to fall behind. Still, things have been going well, and it's been great having sprint partners in chatzy. <3

Speaking of, I'm about to head into [ profile] hd_writers srsbzns Chatzy chat room, if anybody is around and wants to join me for some sprints. I should be there for a few hours!

Total Monthly Goal: 50,000
New Words Written: 2,324
Total Words So Far: 9,459

Monthly Goals: draft & finish gift!fic, claim & write fic for [ profile] hp_kinkfest, Auror Training Fic!
Projects Worked On: ATF - drafted three chapters + outlined future gift!ficlet + went through beta notes/finalized separate H/D ficlet

I'd love to hear how y'all are doing with your writing endeavors as well, so lease feel free to comment on this post and any future posts with your writing progress!

Snowflake Day 6 - Wishlist )
02 January 2016 @ 02:52 pm

Fandom Snowflake Challenge banner

Day 2

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts.

Hmm, this one is always hard. I know there are things I want, but they are either abstract, or I can't really think of them right now. :/

1. Icons! I'd like some more Next Gen character icons. Particularly a Scorpius and one of the girls. Maybe Lily Luna or Rose? Oh, and a Dumbledore icon. I also want a new default icon, but IDK what... :/

2. Fanart! For one of my fics! :D I love fanart, and it's always super amazing and exciting to see fanart for your words.

3. Read/Comment/Guess! The anon masterlist is up at [ profile] hd_erised, and I'd love to see some more comments go up for the creations before reveals on January 8th. You all have been really wonderful and supportive, but some of the later posts could use some more love. Some of my absolute favorite pieces from the fest posted in the last two weeks. And for those of you who love to guess, we have our guessing poll up for the year as well. :D
15 January 2015 @ 08:16 am
Day 15: In your own space, create your own challenge. What’s something you want to see more people doing in fandom? Is there something fun you’ve tried that you think other people would enjoy if they gave it a go? Dare your friends to try it out, and have fun with it.

Okay, this is actually perfect! Because I thought of something a few days ago that I want more people to do, and now I have an excuse to ask ya'll to do it!

I'd love more people to make a fanfic likes/dislikes/preferences post. It's super helpful if anybody ever wanted to make you a secret amazing gift, but mostly I am just very nosy, and I find it so interesting seeing the likes we have in common and the ones that we don't!

If you are unsure of what I'm talking about, or are looking for some examples, [ profile] birdsofshore has a lovely post here, or you can check out [ profile] firethesound's post here.

I've been working on my own and it's been a lot of fun thinking about all the things I enjoy reading. So if you've been wanting to make one, but have been putting it off for some reason, now's your chance! Blame it on me! :D
02 January 2015 @ 08:54 am
I'm doing the Snowflake Challenge! I skipped Day 1 because I don't have 3 works yet that aren't anonymous. I might do it at the very end though. :D

Day 2: In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts.

wishlist! )
10 January 2014 @ 12:58 pm

Fandom Snowflake Challenge banner

Day 10

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts.

hmm....okay, this is actually pretty hard...(lol, that's what she said). I feel very awkward making this, but whatever, I'm going to post it anyway.

Fannish Wishlist Below )
Current Mood: uncomfortable
Current Music: bird chirping...damn birds sounding so cheerful