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Project Baby is a Daily Commission in Sumeru.


  1. Talk to Gulabgir
  2. Go to the camp
  3. Defeat all Fungi (In #Fungi Version only)
  4. Look for Gulabgir's pet snake food
  5. Report back to Gulabgir

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Gulabgir will randomly send the player to one of the five possible versions of his camp.
  • Some additional optional quest items can be obtained in certain versions of this commission:
  • Finding Strange Bead, Strange Tiny Hats, and Shabby Rack grants the Wonders of the World achievement Non-Obligatory Request.
  • Retrieving the optional quest item before returning to Gulabgir will unlock additional dialogue, as well as an additional reward of Mora Mora ×2,000.


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Snake Handler Gulabgir seems to be in trouble...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Gulabgir, optional)
Gulabgir: (Hope the little ones aren't starving...)
(Talk to Gulabgir)
Gulabgir: Gone again... Um... Traveler! Could you please do me a favor?
Gulabgir: My food is missing!
Gulabgir: Uh, no, that can't be it! My pet snakes' food — that's what's missing!
Paimon: Paimon's sure we've met someone with a snake for a pet before... Right! It's that weirdo named Baizhu...
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't think Changsheng counts as a "pet"...
Icon Dialogue Talk Changsheng would get mad at you for saying that.
Paimon: There's special food for pet snakes? Don't they eat mice and stuff?
Gulabgir: Yes, they did hunt by themselves in the past.
Gulabgir: But ever since they startled several children whilst feeding, I have banned them from going out without me. I've started making food for them.
Gulabgir: *sigh* But after that, they haven't been moving much, and have stubbornly refused to eat any other food.
Paimon: *sigh* Paimon thought "there was no such thing as a free lunch"...
Icon Dialogue Talk Delicious!
Icon Dialogue Talk Absolutely delicious!
Paimon: Paimon hasn't even asked about the flavor yet, so you can dream on!
Paimon: Enjoying food is Paimon's job!
Icon Dialogue Talk Uh huh. Very reasonable of you.
Gulabgir: I must have left their food at one of my camps when I was out picking herbs.
Gulabgir: But I can't really leave, what with all my little fellas to care for and stuff. I don't want them scaring anyone again when they search for food...
Gulabgir: Traveler, would you mind visiting that campsite and fetching the food for me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave it to me.
Gulabgir: Thank you so much. Who knows what accidents we might run into if I were to go there with these little fellas.
Gulabgir: If they got it into their heads to go playing around in the forest for a few days, I'd be doomed...
Icon Dialogue Talk There aren't any other snakes at the campsites, right...?
Gulabgir: No, not at all. I set all my camps up away from snake lairs precisely so that we could stay away from trouble...
Icon Dialogue Talk How many camps have you got, again?
Gulabgir: Well, I set up a few while I was living in the rainforest.
Gulabgir: I've already stopped living in the rainforest, but I still do rest at my campsites if I collect herbs there.
Gulabgir: Anyway, I'm counting on you, Traveler.
Gulabgir: I'll mark all the camps I've stayed at on the map for you, so please take a look at those spots.
(Continue to a random version)
(Talk to Gulabgir again)
Gulabgir: How did it go? Did you find the food?

Fungi Version[]

(Approach the fungi camp)
Paimon: Look at those Fungi. Why are they gathering over there? They aren't stealing the food, are they? C'mon, you've gotta shoo them away!
(Pick up the snake food)
(Obtain Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Paimon: Eh? There are some bottles and pots... Maybe Gulabgir left something else here...?
(Investigate the pile of goods)
(Obtain Strange Bead Strange Bead)
Paimon: What is this bead used for? Let's take it to Gulabgir.
(Talk to Gulabgir)
Gulabgir: You are back! I gotta say, that was quick. Did you find the food?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this what you're looking for?
(Sumbit Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Gulabgir: Yes! That's it! So I did leave it in the camp after all.
Paimon: When we arrived, there were Fungi that were trying to swipe it.
Gulabgir: Fungi, huh... Phew, guess I was lucky to have you go instead. Thank you so much, Traveler.
Gulabgir: I can't thank you enough. Please, accept this as your payment.
Gulabgir: Here's your meal, little fellas...
(Talk to Gulabgir again, if the player picked up the Strange Bead)
Gulabgir: What's the matter? Anything else on your mind?
Icon Dialogue Talk I found something else in the camp.
(Submit Strange Bead Strange Bead)
Gulabgir: Huh? This bead... How... Where did you find this?
Paimon: Inside a pot in the camp. Did you leave that behind?
Gulabgir: Ah, it was used in past shows. Whenever I play the flute, my little fellas would carry that bead on their heads and dance with their upper bodies in the air.
Gulabgir: But tricks of this kind have long ceased being profitable, and I haven't performed for quite some time either. I didn't even notice that it had gone missing...
Gulabgir: Anyway, thanks for bringing it back. Here's your payment, please take it.

Rockslide Version[]

(Approach the rockslide camp)
Paimon: Paimon doesn't see anything. Let's come closer to take a better look.
(Pick up the snake food)
(Obtain Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Paimon: How is the food under these stones? Was there some kinda landslide? Shall we go up and have another look around?
(Walk uphill and destroy the pile of breakable rocks)
(Obtain Shabby Rack Shabby Rack)
(Talk to Gulabgir)
Gulabgir: You are back! I gotta say, that was quick. Did you find the food?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this what you're looking for?
(Submit Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Gulabgir: Yes! That's it! So I did leave it in the camp after all.
Paimon: It was buried under the rocks. Your camp seems to have gotten caught in a landslide that carried your stuff far away. We spent a long while looking, actually.
Gulabgir: Seriously? How could there be a landslide? That spot has never been in any trouble...
Gulabgir: Oh! When I was camping there, I could hear strange sounds at night, and I could feel something scratching at my tent...
Gulabgir: My snakes were alert and would wake me every time. But I never found anything no matter how many times I checked...
Gulabgir: Eh, you know what, forget about it... Thanks for your help. Here's your payment.
(Talk to Gulabgir again, if the player picked up the Shabby Rack)
Gulabgir: What's the matter? Anything else on your mind?
(TravelerTraveler): I found something else in the camp.
(Submit Shabby Rack Shabby Rack)
Gulabgir: Ah! Isn't this the snake climbing tower I made? Wow, this sure brings back some memories! Hahaha!
Paimon: Snake climbing tower? What even is that?
Gulabgir: Just a toy for the snakes to climb on. I can't have them hanging on me all the time, you know?
Gulabgir: Thanks for bringing it back. Please take this as your payment.
Gulabgir: So I designed it like that? Hah, this sure does bring back some memories...

Tree Nest Version[]

(Approach the camp)
Paimon: There's nothing down there. Maybe we should check out the tree...
(Investigate the first nest)
Paimon: What's here... Ugh, just some mushrooms...
(Investigate the second nest)
Paimon: There's nothing here...
(Find the snake food)
(Obtain Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Paimon: Oh! This should be the snake food Gulabgir's looking for!
(Investigate the nest near the top of the tree)
(Obtain Strange Tiny Hats Strange Tiny Hats)
Paimon: Woah, here's [sic] a whole bunch of tiny hats in here. Let's take them to Gulabgir...
(Talk to Gulabgir)
Gulabgir: You are back! I gotta say, that was quick. Did you find the food?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this what you're looking for?
(Submit Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Gulabgir: Yes, these would do! Thank you so much.
Paimon: Why weren't these in the camp, but on the nearby tree?
Gulabgir: Well... Maybe the birds had them stashed away for a rainy day...
Gulabgir: Is this stuff so popular with animals? Maybe I should start a business...
Gulabgir: Ahem! Don't mind me. Thank you very much. Here's your payment.
(Talk to Gulabgir again, if the player picked up the Strange Tiny Hats)
Gulabgir: What's the matter? Anything else on your mind?
Icon Dialogue Talk I found something else in the camp.
(Submit Strange Tiny Hats Strange Tiny Hats)
Gulabgir: Huh? These hats... Hahaha, I made them for the snakes. How did I even forget these?
Gulabgir: I made each of them a nightcap so that they could attract children to the show.
Gulabgir: Red for Jori, green for Amum, yellow for Gana, and blue for Drak...
Paimon: Sounds cute! The show must've been a hit!
Gulabgir: It went well at first, but the children would burst into tears whenever the snakes opened their jaws...
Gulabgir: Oh, forget about it... Please take this as your payment. It's something, at least.

Thorny Vine Version[]

(Approach the camp)
Paimon: Whoa! Look at all those thorny vines! Be careful!
(Pick up the snake food)
(Obtain Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
(Talk to Gulabgir)
Gulabgir: You are back! I gotta say, that was quick. Did you find the food?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this what you're looking for?
(Submit Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Gulabgir: Yes! That's it! So I did leave it in the camp after all.
Paimon: Why is your camp in the middle of a bunch of thorny vines!? Wouldn't you get hurt sleeping there?
Gulabgir: Nah, I'm pretty skilled when it comes to living in the wild.
Gulabgir: And there weren't that many vines around when I established that camp.
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you been away from the forest for a very long time?
Gulabgir: Sort of. I can't remember the details.
Gulabgir: Hahaha, I'm really rusty when it comes to setting up camps now.
Gulabgir: Most of the camps I've set up in the past have been abandoned.
Gulabgir: What kind of life would I be leading had I remained in the rainforest...?
Gulabgir: ...Sorry, I've said too much. Here is your payment. Please take it.

Pot Version[]

(Approach the camp)
Paimon: Ugh... It's a total mess around here. Where on earth is the food...?
(Destroy the vases and pick up the snake food)
(Obtain Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
(Talk to Gulabgir)
Gulabgir: You are back! I gotta say, that was quick. Did you find the food?
Icon Dialogue Talk Is this what you're looking for?
(Submit Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food Gulabgir's Special Pet Snake Food)
Gulabgir: Yes! That's it! So I did leave it in the camp after all.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the camp...
Gulabgir: I see... Was it the work of wild animals...?
Gulabgir: Now that you mention it, the food I made attracted Fungi and birds... So, attracting wild animals sounds about right...
Gulabgir: Guess I should really consider starting a feed-selling business...
Gulabgir: If that turns out well, I could be making much more money than I do now by putting up performances...
Gulabgir: Oh, sorry, I'm getting off-topic... Thanks for your help, and please, take your payment.

Video Guides[]

Project Baby - "Non-Obligatory Request" Achievement

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishProject Baby
Bǎobèi Jìhuà
Treasure Project
Bǎobèi Jìhuà
Beibii Keikaku
Plan Baby
Korean애완용 프로젝트
Aewanyong Baem Project
Pet Snake Project
SpanishPlan valiosoValuable Plan
FrenchProjet précieuxPrecious Project
RussianЦенный проект
Tsennyy proyekt
Valuable Project
VietnameseKế Hoạch Bảo Bối
GermanSchatzprojektTreasure Project
IndonesianProyek Harta KarunTreasure Project
PortuguesePlano PreciosoPrecious Plan
TurkishBebek ProjesiBaby Project
ItalianProgetto bimboProject Baby

Change History[]

