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What is the Meaning of Work? is a Daily Commission in Court of Fontaine: Palais Mermonia.


Gull Version[]

  1. Talk to Iaune
  2. Chase away the Violetgold Angler Gull
  3. Chase away the Violetgold Angler Gull again
  4. Report back to Iaune

Dog version[]

  1. Talk to Iaune
  2. Try to feed the Violetgold Angler Gull
  3. Talk to Iaune

Gameplay Notes[]

  • The "dog version" of this commission will become available if the player selects the dialogue option "Have you tried getting a dog?" at the end of the "gull version."‍[ver­i­fi­ca­tion need­ed]
  • The first time the player gets this commission, the only option available will be to chase away the gulls. After suggesting Iaune's gets a dog, a new version of the commission is unlocked with an option to feed the gulls instead.


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


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Is dialogue different when choosing to chase away the gulls after Iaune gets a dog?
UI Quest Quest Description

A depressed Iaune is eating fries...

Scaring Version[]

(Talk to Iaune)
Iaune: Oh, good gulls. I know that you are hungry, but I, too, have not eaten my fill.
Iaune: Forget it. I suppose that it's all good if you're happy...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you doing?
Iaune: Traveler? Why, what a pleasant surprise. If you're here to make a request of me, I'm afraid you'll have to wait. I'm not quite done with my fries yet.
Icon Dialogue Talk Oh, I'm not here on business.
Iaune: Oh, is that so? That's good. I need to hurry up and finish them as soon as possible...
Icon Dialogue Talk And why are you eating fries over here?
Iaune: Well, this is my main meal. I'll be going out with Roialte on business later, so I need to rush this meal.
Iaune: I'm not used to eating inside the Palais Mermonia, so I tend to go outside and find a quiet spot to get my meal squared away real quick.
Iaune: But today... I don't know what's making these gulls go wild, but they're coming at my fries all at once, and no matter how much they eat, it's not enough.
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, there's a lot of them, and only this many fries...
Icon Dialogue Talk Not all of them have gotten something to eat just yet...
Iaune: That's true. But I can't feed every single seagull in the ocean, can I...
Paimon: Well, these are your fries, aren't they? Don't let the gulls get at them just like that.
Paimon: You'll go hungry at this rate, y'know?
Icon Dialogue Talk You seem a little down, actually.
Icon Dialogue Talk You seem a little off your game.
Iaune: Really? I'm not... Well, actually, I suppose I am. Nothing escapes you, I see.
Iaune: I just... don't know what the meaning of my work is. I busy myself every day at the Maison Gestion, but I don't really see it bearing tangible fruit.
Iaune: I haven't been able to help anyone, nor has anyone's life been made more convenient by my work. Roialte says that our work is very important, but...
Iaune: I just sit in front of a typewriter and clatter away, endlessly. What purpose does that serve? I might as well just lose another keycap. At least that'll make Estelle a bit of Mora...
Iaune: Sorry. I know I shouldn't be saying all this, but I just feel rather lost right now no matter what I do. Maybe... Maybe I need more time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Finish eating first.
Icon Dialogue Talk Let's solve your gull problem first.
Iaune: You're right. But the amount of time we have now is insufficient to go get some new fries.
Iaune: Forget it, I'll just give the rest of them to the birds. I'll just get something to eat once Roialte and I are done with our business.
Iaune: It'll take us... What, half a day? Not too long, I'd reckon.
Paimon: Will you be able to hold up after not eating for that long?
Icon Dialogue Talk Leave the gulls to me.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll take care of those gulls.
Iaune: Um... Wouldn't that be too much trouble? All that over some fries...
Paimon: Just eat your meal. You shouldn't go hungry, no matter how busy you are.
Icon Dialogue Talk We will chase them all away.
Iaune: Sure, but could you focus on... only chasing them away? They just want my fries, but there's no malice in them.
Iaune: Well, it is a bad thing for me, but it's not a very serious matter, so... Please, just chase them away, would you?
(Talk to Iaune again, optional)
Iaune: The document that Roialte wants is... No, wait, I think I have this data wrong...
(Approach the gull)
Paimon: Go on, bad seagull, shoo! Stop bothering people while they're eating!
(Chase off the gull)
Paimon: Agh, they're coming right back! Quick, we've gotta chase them off again!
(Approach the gull)
Paimon: Go on, bad seagull, shoo! Stop bothering people while they're eating!
(Chase off the gull)
Paimon: This should be the last we see of them! Let's go back to see Iaune.
(Talk to Iaune)
(If the player killed the gull)
Iaune: Y—You really don't do things by halves, do you? All the gulls in the area have been scared off...
Iaune: Thank you. I'll finish up my fries while they're not around to disturb me.
(If the player did not kill the gull)
Iaune: Thank you. I'll finish up my fries while they're gone.
Iaune: *sigh* But what do I do next time? I can't always count on your help, can I?
Icon Dialogue Talk Um, try eating somewhere else?
Iaune: I can't find anywhere better to eat now, anyway. If I'm too close to the Palais Mermonia, I might bump into one of my colleagues.
Iaune: And then I'll get dragged into their discussions of work again...
Iaune: But if I go too far away, I won't be able to get back to the office on time, and I might miss something important.
Iaune: Considering these two factors, this place is my only option.
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you tried getting a dog?
Iaune: You mean... I should get a dog to chase them off?
Iaune: That's not a bad plan. I might be able to get someone to lend me one...

Feeding Version[]

(Talk to Iaune)
Iaune: Ah, Violetgold Angler Gulls. Once you're done with these fries, please leave...
Icon Dialogue Talk How's the situation right now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Did getting a dog work out for you?
Iaune: No, not at all. When the gulls came for my fries, it turned tail and hid behind me, trembling.
Iaune: *sigh* Not that I blame the dog. Its breed have only ever had one duty — to love others and be loved by them. It has never learned to attack anything in its life.
Icon Dialogue Talk We have this duty too, you know.
Iaune: Perhaps. But in some circumstances, love, too, may be considered a "right." And where those things are concerned, things tend to proceed in difficult directions...
Iaune: Sorry, I've said too much. I've had to handle many disputes of an emotional bent today, and I fear I haven't quite sorted myself out yet.
Iaune: *sigh* But right now, my most pressing task is to figure out how to safely finish my fries...
Icon Dialogue Talk We will chase them all away.
Iaune: Sure, but could you focus on... only chasing them away? They just want my fries, but there's no malice in them.
Iaune: Well, it is a bad thing for me, but it's not a very serious matter, so... Please, just chase them away, would you?
(Continue as Scaring Version)
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll find something else to feed them.
Iaune: Hmm? That's not a bad idea. But can you really feed that many of them?
Iaune: Well... Even if you can't, you just need to buy me enough time to eat my fries. Alright then, I leave this to you.
(Talk to Iaune again, optional)
Iaune: The document that Roialte wants is... No, wait, I think I have this data wrong...
(Talk to Iaune after feeding the gulls)
Iaune: There's... really no end to these gulls and their appetites, is there?
Iaune: Thanks for distracting them. I've finished my fries — I'll get back to work shortly.
Iaune: *sigh* But what do I do next time? I can't always count on your help, can I?

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWhat is the Meaning of Work?
Gōngzuò de Yìyì Shì...?
The Meaning of Work is...?
Gōngzuò de Yìyì Shì...?
Shigoto no Imi tte?
Korean일의 의미란…?
Ir-ui Uimiran...?
SpanishEl sentido del trabajoThe Meaning of Work
FrenchLe sens du travail ?The Meaning of Work?
RussianВ чём смысл работы?..
V chyom smysl raboty?..
VietnameseÝ Nghĩa Của Công Việc Là...?
GermanWas ist der Sinn von Arbeit?What is the Meaning of Work?
IndonesianApa Artinya Kerja?What is the Meaning of Work?
PortugueseQual é o Significado do Trabalho...?
TurkishÇalışmanın Anlamı Nedir?What is the Meaning of Work?
ItalianQual è il senso del lavorare?


Change History[]

