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Akademiya Q&A is a Daily Commission in Sumeru.


  1. Talk to Ziryab

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Each commission will present the player three random questions, the correct answers to each question are as follows:
    • "What's the name of the Darshan with the largest number of researchers?": Amurta
    • "What's the name of this Darshan?": Spantamad
    • "What's the name of those barriers?": Wall of Samiel
    • "What's the name of the tree holding up the Akademiya?": Divine Tree
    • "What's the name of the beast?": Sumpter Beast
    • "What's the name of the monster?": Fungi
  • Giving the correct answers to all six questions grants the Wonders of the World achievement Scholarly in Sumeru.
  • The achievement can be obtained the first time the player obtains this commission. To do so, answer the first two questions and then exit the game (or minimize it on mobile) to reset the dialogue. Upon reconnecting, the questions will have re-randomized. Repeat this until all six questions have been correctly answered, then answer the third question and finish the commission.


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Sumeru researcher Ziryab seems interested in you...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Ziryab, optional)
Ziryab: (These questions are really not that challenging...)
(Talk to Ziryab)
Ziryab: I wonder if these questions are too difficult...
Ziryab: Hey! Traveler! Hold on a second.
Icon Dialogue Talk Who, me?
Ziryab: Yep! Hehe, I would like to ask you a small favor.
Icon Dialogue Talk You lost something?
Icon Dialogue Talk You ran out of materials?
Icon Dialogue Talk You are looking for inspiration?
Ziryab: What? ...Why did you sound so familiar with this? Ahaha!
Ziryab: But no, no. I didn't lose anything, nor did I lack research materials. As for inspiration... Well, I've found enough of it on my own.
Ziryab: Ahem, actually, I'm compiling a "Q&A" brochure to help the freshmen quickly grasp the various terms circulating in Sumeru.
Ziryab: In a nutshell, it's to explain complicated nouns in the form of questions and answers.
Ziryab: This way, it'll be more efficient and interesting for students to learn.
Ziryab: However, I'm not sure about the difficulty of these questions... so I thought I could use your help with it.
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't know much about the Akademiya...
Ziryab: Haha, it's okay. You'll at least know something about it after you answer my questions.
Icon Dialogue Talk I think I've done something like this before...
Paimon: You mean the time when Swan in Mondstadt asked you those questions?
Paimon: But he gave us the answers in advance! Paimon doesn't think this person would do that for us...
Ziryab: Don't worry. They are not daunting questions, just some... ordinary little ones.
Ziryab: Let's get started then. Here's the question.

Quiz Round[]

Ziryab: Ahem... As you may know, each Darshan in the Akademiya has its own specialized focus on research.
Ziryab: So, what's the name of the Darshan with the largest number of researchers? I'll give you a hint — it's the school with Biology as its major focus.
Icon Dialogue Talk Amurta.
Ziryab: Exactly!
Icon Dialogue Talk Armuta.
Ziryab: Well, quite the opposite of the correct answer.
Icon Dialogue Talk Atamur.
Ziryab: Haha, unfortunately, that's not the answer.

Ziryab: Maybe you have come across some traveling researchers who call themselves Driyosh Traveling Scholars.
Ziryab: Actually, there are a great number of Driyosh in one of the Darshans of the Akademiya.
Ziryab: With the elements as the core of its theory, this Darshan studies a full range of things closely tied with elemental powers.
Ziryab: My question is: what's the name of this Darshan?
Icon Dialogue Talk Spantamad.
Ziryab: That's right. Spantamad, home to Elementalism researchers who see the Seven Great Elements as the essence of all matter and life.
Icon Dialogue Talk Haravatat.
Ziryab: Haha, wrong answer. Haravatat researchers study language, semiotics and logic... Trust me, it's really complicated.
Icon Dialogue Talk Rtawahist.
Ziryab: Well, unfortunately, you got it wrong. Rtawahist is the base camp of Illuminationism researchers whose research focus lies in the universe above us... Hehe, doesn't that sound appealing?

Ziryab: If you look up, can you see the tree holding up the Akademiya?
Ziryab: My next question is a simple one that many would easily ignore.
Ziryab: Now listen, what's the name of the tree holding up the Akademiya?
Icon Dialogue Talk Great Tree.
Ziryab: Haha, pretty concise. But unfortunately, it's wrong.
Icon Dialogue Talk Divine Tree.
Ziryab: Haha, good, good! It's correct!
Icon Dialogue Talk Enormous Tree!
Ziryab: Well, as powerful as it sounds, it's wrong.

Ziryab: Have you been outside the Sumeru City? There are some barriers around the desert.
Ziryab: My question is: what's the name of those barriers?
Icon Dialogue Talk Wall of Milh.
Ziryab: Actually, it's "Wall of Samiel." Don't forget that.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wall of Simoom.
Ziryab: Actually, it's "Wall of Samiel." It's used to proof sand, not wind. Hope you can recall it next time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Wall of Samiel.
Ziryab: Good, good. You got it right!

Ziryab: Sumeru merchants often use a kind of beast to carry their goods when traveling long distances.
Ziryab: My question is: what's the name of the beast?
Icon Dialogue Talk Sumpter Beast.
Ziryab: Sumpter Beast it is. What a memory!
Icon Dialogue Talk Slumber Beast.
Ziryab: Actually, it's "Sumpter Beast." Hope you can recall it next time.
Icon Dialogue Talk Summer Beast.
Ziryab: Actually, the name of the beast is "Sumpter Beast." Hope you can recall it next time.

Ziryab: There is... well... to put it simply, a mushroom-like monster in the wilderness of Sumeru.
Ziryab: My question is: what's the name of the monster?
Icon Dialogue Talk Fungi.
Ziryab: Fungi it is. They resemble mushrooms, after all.
Icon Dialogue Talk Fungee.
Ziryab: Actually, it's "Fungi." Think of mushrooms when you're recalling the word.
Icon Dialogue Talk Finger.
Ziryab: That's not even close... The answer should be "Fungi." Think of mushrooms when you're recalling the word.


(If the player answered all questions correctly)
Ziryab: Okay. That's all for my questions today. Let's see how many questions you answered correctly...
Ziryab: Well done! You've got all three questions right. Looks like you've done your homework in Sumeru!
Ziryab: Please take these as a reward for all the work you've done.
(If the player did not answer all questions correctly)
Ziryab: Hmm... you didn't answer them all correctly.
Ziryab: Hehe, it's alright. It's quite normal for a new visitor in Sumeru to answer some of the questions wrong.
Ziryab: Please take these as a thank-you for answering my questions.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAkademiya Q&A
Jiàolìng-yuàn, Xiǎo Wèntí
Akademiya, Small Problem
Jiàolìng-yuàn, Xiǎo Wèntí
Kyourei-in Kuizu
Akademiya Quiz
Korean아카데미아 문답지
Akademia Mundapji
Akademiya Q&A
SpanishSumeru de la A a la ZSumeru From The A To The Z
FrenchPetites questions sur l'AcadémieLittle Questions About the Akademiya
RussianВопросы и ответы об Академии
Voprosy i otvety ob Akademii
Questions and Answers About Akademiya
Khamtam Tuapai Kyeaw Kab Sthabun
General Questions About the Akademiya
VietnameseGiáo Viện, Chuyện NhỏAkademiya, Small Problem
GermanKleine Frage von der AkademieSmall Question from the Akademiya
IndonesianAkademiya? Masalah Kecil!Akademiya? Small Problem!
PortugueseQuiz da Academia
TurkishAkademide Soru CevapQ&A at the Akademiya
ItalianAkademiya: domande e risposteAkademiya: Questions and Answers

Change History[]

Version 3.3
  • An issue relating to the achievement was fixed. For those affected, it is not mandatory to answer all questions correctly this time around.

Version 3.0

  • Akademiya Q&A was released.

