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Supreme Hookshot? is a Daily Commission in Port Ormos, Sumeru.


  1. Talk to Kayvan
    • The commission will randomly proceed with one of the three versions below.
Special Mushroom Version
  1. Look for bait materials
  2. Give the bait materials to Kayvan
Special Bird Eggs Version
  1. Look for the materials that Kayvan needs (0/3)
  2. Give the bait materials to Kayvan
Zaytun Peach Version
  1. Give the bait materials to Kayvan

Gameplay Notes[]

  • Completing this Commission three times in any version unlocks the World Quest Cost-Effective Hook in the next daily reset.
  • The bird eggs are located near the top of the eastern tree in Port Ormos.


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Kayvan the angler seems to be working tirelessly toward a certain goal...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Kayvan, optional)
Kayvan: (I'll definitely catch a big fish!)
(Talk to Kayvan)
Kayvan: You look like... You're a Traveler, right? Hanging out in such a place, are we? Nice choice.
Kayvan: Could it be that you are another fisher with your eyes on this area?
Kayvan: You've got a good eye! It's the best fishing site around these parts.
Paimon: But no one's fishing here, right? How can you be so certain?
Kayvan: Well, because I can see things they can't.
Kayvan: I'm the best angler here, and I have my own standards for fishing sites.
Icon Dialogue Talk R—Really?
Paimon: But where's the fish you caught?
Kayvan: Say no more. I'll show you what it means to be the "Supreme Hookshot."
Icon Dialogue Talk Supreme...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hookshot?
Kayvan: Bring me some special materials, and I will catch "fish" you've never seen before using my handmade bait.
Paimon: That feels... kinda suspicious. Will this handmade bait really work?
Icon Dialogue Talk Wouldn't hurt to try.
Kayvan: That's the spirit! I like you!
Kayvan: My handmade bait is based on Sunsettia and Wheat and is then further elevated by another material.
Icon Dialogue Talk What kind of materials do you need?
(Kayvan randomly chooses one of the following versions of the commission)

Special Mushroom Version[]

Kayvan: I'm feeling... How about a mushroom today?
Kayvan: The mushrooms I usually use are found in a special area, I'll show you where they can be found.
Kayvan: Please find this sort of mushroom for me.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

According to Kayvan, the bait this time requires one portion of Sunsettia and Wheat, respectively. He also asks the Traveler to go somewhere and pick a mushroom said to be very special...
(Approach the marked area)
Paimon: This should be the place he mentioned, right?
Paimon: Paimon doesn't see any mushrooms here, but there is a monster... Did the monster take it?
Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), let's defeat it and take the mushroom back!
(After defeating the Winged Dendroshroom)
(Obtain Special Mushroom)
Paimon: Got it. Time to bring the mushroom back.

(Talk to Kayvan)
Kayvan: The bait this time requires Sunsettia, Wheat, and a Special Mushroom. Did you get them all?
(Submit materials)
(Dialogue continues in the Ending section)

Special Bird Eggs Version[]

Kayvan: I'm feeling up to some... Bird Eggs fresh from the nest today.
Kayvan: The eggs I usually use are found on the tree nearby. I'll show you the way.

Icon Quest Step Step Description

According to Kayvan, the bait this time requires one portion of Sunsettia and Wheat, respectively. He also asks the Traveler to go somewhere and get three bird eggs said to be very special...
(Approach the Wind Current that leads from the hill east of Port Ormos up to the tree)
Paimon: Found it! This must be the tree mentioned by that fisher.
Paimon: Is there anything special about the Bird Eggs here? Paimon doesn't understand...
(Obtain all 3 Special Bird Eggs)
Paimon: Yay, Paimon's got the Bird Eggs! Let's return now!

(Talk to Kayvan)
Kayvan: The bait this time requires Sunsettia, Wheat, and Special Bird Eggs. Did you get them all?
(Submit materials)
(Dialogue continues in the Ending section)

Zaytun Peach Version[]

Kayvan: I'm feeling... Zaytun Peach today.
Kayvan: It's common, but few consider it an ingredient with which to make bait.
Kayvan: Please find that for me, would you?
Kayvan: The bait this time requires Sunsettia, Wheat, and Zaytun Peach. Did you get them all?
Icon Quest Step Step Description

According to Kayvan, the bait this time requires one portion of Sunsettia, Wheat, and Zaytun Peach respectively...
(Talk to Kayvan)
Kayvan: The bait this time requires Sunsettia, Wheat, and Zaytun Peach. Did you get them all?
(Submit materials)
(Dialogue continues in the Ending section)


Icon Quest Step Step Description

Give the bait materials to Kayvan and see what fish he can catch...
Kayvan: Great, we have all the materials. Now witness the creation of a unique bait.
Kayvan skillfully prepares the bait.
Kayvan: Alright, here goes. Hooks away!
Kayvan: Hook depth good... Flow speed moderate...
Kayvan: You gotta be quiet. The fish are really sensitive.
Kayvan: Even the footsteps on the bank could startle them.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm standing still.
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon never lands.
Kayvan: Then be patient and wait...
Kayvan catches a wet package.
Paimon: What is this? That's no fish!
Icon Dialogue Talk I sure have never seen a "fish" like that.
Kayvan: So that happened again. Just as expected.
Kayvan: Don't worry, outlander, stay calm. Don't gripe too much about the details.
Kayvan: Everything that comes with a hook could be considered a "fish."
Kayvan: Let me tell you, I didn't just invent the title of "the greatest angler" out of thin air.
Kayvan: After all, always catching lifeless things that could never bite the bait is something quite special, wouldn't you say?
Kayvan: Other anglers have praised my unique talents.
Icon Dialogue Talk They might be comforting you...
Icon Dialogue Talk They might just be joking...
Paimon: So basically, you catch everything but fish...
Kayvan: Ahem! I don't care what they think! A—At least I never go home empty-handed!
Kayvan: I'll come again if I fail today, and I'll definitely catch a fish someday!
Kayvan: Anyway, thanks for finding the materials. Please take your payment here. I'm fishing somewhere else.
Kayvan: Next time... Next time, I'll definitely get a big fish! I'm sure of it!

Video Guides[]

Supreme Hookshot? Cost-Effective Hook The Hook's Unexpected Adventure Chain "Aha! What's on the Hook?" Achievement.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSupreme Hookshot?
Yúgōu Shàng de Juéjǐng?
Superb Scenery on a Fishhook?
Yúgōu Shàng de Juéjǐng?
Tsuribari ni Aru Zekkei?
Superb Scenery on a Fishhook?
Korean낚싯바늘 끝의 절경?
Nakssitppaneul Kkeutui Jeolgyeong?
Wonderful Sight of End of Fishhook?
SpanishAnzuelo infalibleFoolproof hook
FrenchLe splendide hameçon ?The Splendid Hook?
RussianНепревзойдённый улов?
Neprevzoydyonnyy ulov?
Unsurpassed Catch?
VietnameseTuyệt Cảnh Trên Lưỡi Câu?
GermanPerfektion am Angelhaken?Perfection at the Fishhook?
IndonesianPemandangan Luar Biasa di Ujung Kail?Amazing View at the End of the Hook?
PortugueseAnzol Supremo?
TurkishUsta OltacıMaster Angler
ItalianArpione supremo?

Change History[]

