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Changsheng (Chinese: 长生 Chángshēng) is Baizhu's snake companion, often seen wrapped around his neck. She first appears in the Archon Quest Guizhong in Chapter I: Act II - Farewell, Archaic Lord.

Changsheng was formerly known as the Herblord (Chinese: 药君 Yào Jūn), an adeptus who resided on Mt. Yaojun in Chenyu Vale.



Changsheng is a white snake with dark pink eyes. Her eyes were originally golden and slitted, but took their current form when she made a contract with Baizhu. She is often seen wrapped around Baizhu's neck.

Quests and Events[]

Archon Quests

Story Quests


Web Events



The Herblord, along with Fujin, was once the servant of an unnamed god and was good friends with Fujin and Lingyuan. Like Fujin, Herblord was close to humanity, and was worshiped as an adeptus during her lifetime. Although her original form was that of a giant white snake, she took on a human form, using her knowledge to create medicines and save the sick. Her abode was Lingshu Courtyard, in the Yaodie Valley.

When the Archon War came to Liyue, the Herblord's master caused the Bishui River to flood in a final attempt to defeat Rex Lapis, an act which would have destroyed Chenyu Vale. Seeing this, the Herblord and Fujin defected against their god, banding together to save the people of Chenyu Vale. While Lingyuan herded them to shelter, the Herblord fought against their former mistress, and Fujin climbed Mt. Lingmeng and hurled the Votive Rainjade into the waters. Their collective efforts saved the Vale and its people, but all three of them were severely weakened in the aftermath. The Herblord was the worst affected as her body was ripped apart by the god during their fight. While she survived, she was reduced to a small form that could barely survive on her own and lost the ability to turn into a human.[5]

Over time, memory of the "Herblord" dwindled until the name became known only through foggy and fragmented legends.[6] Even the Herblord herself lost the memories of her past.[7] One of her many legends told that she could cure any illness known to mankind.[8]

Becoming Changsheng[]

One day, a desperate doctor who had lost his family to a deadly plague traveled to Chenyu Vale, searching for the Herblord. Arriving at the Herblord's residence, he found only an extremely weakened white snake. Changsheng offered to make the contract known as the "Way of the Dragon-Dragging Jade Snake"[7] and teach him her secret arts of healing, but warned that it would give him powerful healing abilities at the cost of his own health.[8]

Despite the risks, the doctor accepted and the two bonded their lives together, their eyes swapping with each other. Using his own life force and Changsheng, the doctor saved many, at great cost to himself. Before his death, he passed down Changsheng and her contract to his disciple. The doctor's successors used their life force to save countless lives, at the cost of their own. This cycle continued for generations and had at least four successors.[8]

Lingyuan mentions that the Herblord has moved to Liyue Harbor and has found a "home" there, confirming that Changsheng and the Herblord are one and the same.[5]

Present Day[]

When Baizhu's master was on his final days, he sought to use the art to save Jialiang, the husband of his disciple Jiangli, from a rare congenital heart condition.[9] Jiangli refused, as she saw Changsheng's life force manipulation as evil and unnatural, and didn't want him to sacrifice his life for hers, as she cared about him too. Her pleas shook the man and made him question his views, as she'd made him realize that his life and the lives of Changsheng's other contractors were just as valuable as the lives of the patients they sacrificed themselves to save. In his final moments, he left a letter to Baizhu in which he asked him a single thing: "May you find a remedy for this conundrum, which has ailed us so..."[8]

While they stood in front of his master's grave, Baizhu and Changsheng had a conversation. She showed regret at her inability to save her contractors, while Baizhu asked what would happen if he refused the contract and left her without a host. When she said she'd spend her final moments sleeping at Mt. Yaojun and wait to be reunited with her late friends, Baizhu accepted the contract to preserve Changsheng's life, to her slight regret. When she showed fear over how many more would accept the contract and give their lives, Baizhu promised her that none would do so and that the contract would end with him. Baizhu was determined to become immortal, and this determination resulted in him being granted a Vision.[10]

Character Mentions[]

Character Stories


Character Voice-Overs

As "the little snake on his neck":
As "The snake he keeps around his neck":




  • Changsheng shares the same Chinese voice actress with Dori and Mualani, and her Japanese voice actress with Signora and Bonanus.
  • Changsheng's Chinese name (长生) translates to "longevity," which is ironic due to the fact that each person she forms a contract with has passed away at a young age.
  • Baizhu and Changsheng may be inspired from the Chinese Legend of the White Snake, in which a snake immortal helps a struggling herbalist by curing his patients using his divine power.
  • She apparently wants to learn how to write in her snake form, but is still practicing the best way to hold a brush with her tail.[11]
    • As the Herblord, she used to write in her human form.

Other Languages[]


LanguageOfficial Name
RussianЧан Шэн
Chan Shen


LanguageOfficial Name
Yào Jūn
Yào Jūn
RussianАдепт медицины
Adept meditsiny
VietnameseDược Quân
IndonesianDewa Obat
TurkishBitki Lordu
ItalianSignore delle erbe

Change History[]

Version 4.5
  • Updated the color of Herblord's eyes on the mural fragment from red to gold.

Version 2.6

  • Herblord was introduced.

Version 1.0

  • Changsheng was released.


  1. YouTube: Character Teaser - "Baizhu: An Elusive Curative" (Video Description)
  2. Bilibili: 白术角色PV——「良方难觅」 (Video Description)
  3. YouTube: JP VA Interview
  4. YouTube: 백출 캐릭터 PV-「좋은 처방은 찾기 힘든 법」 (Video Description)
  5. 5.0 5.1 World Quest, Chenyu's Blessings of Sunken Jade, Part 3: An Ancient Sacrifice of Sacred Brocade
  6. Artifact Set: Echoes of an Offering
    Soulscent Bloom: This one left behind the ambiguous name of "Herblord," as well as many foggy and fragmented legends.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Baizhu's Character Story: Character Story 5
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Story Quest, Baizhu, Lagenaria Chapter: Act I - The Heart of Healing, Part 3: The Formula for a Miracle
  9. Story Quest, Baizhu, Lagenaria Chapter: Act I - The Heart of Healing, Part 2: The Quest for a Cure
  10. Baizhu's Character Story: Vision
  11. Mail, Baizhu: In the Blink of an Eye...
  12. Story Quest, Baizhu, Lagenaria Chapter: Act I - The Heart of Healing, Part 3: The Formula for a Miracle (Cutscene Animation, Japanese Voice-Over)