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A Novel Idea is a Daily Commission that occurs in Guili Plains, Liyue.


  1. Find Chang the Ninth

Epic Battles[]

  1. Find Chang the Ninth
  2. Defeat all opponents
  3. Talk to Chang the Ninth

Gushy Romance[]

  1. One of the following branches will be chosen at random:
  2. Report back to Chang the Ninth

Gameplay Notes[]

  • The dialogue has two main branches depending on the player's first response. Some of them have further branches that are randomly selected.
  • Choosing "Heart and soul" will force the player to choose one of the other two responses.


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Note: These rewards are lower than for most commissions.

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Enhancement Ore Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 1,850 15 0–1 1–4
16–20 10 200 2,125 20 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 2,400 20 1–4 0–1
26–30 10 225 2,675 25 1–4 0–1
31–35 10 225 2,950 25 1–4 0–1
36–40 10 250 3,225 30 1–3 0–2
41–45 10 250 3,500 30 1–3 0–2
46–50 10 250 3,775 35 1–3 0–2
51–55 10 250 4,075 35 1–3 0–2
56–59 10 250 4,350 40 0–2 1–3
60 10 6,850 40 0–2 1–3


UI Quest Quest Description

Chang the Ninth has made up his mind to write a new novel again, but he doesn't know where to start. He desperately needs to find inspiration...
(Talk to Chang the Ninth)
Chang the Ninth: I just don't know where to start...
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you up to now?
Chang the Ninth: Oh, it's you again. I'm writing a new novel — well, trying to. I just can't seem to find a compelling idea for an intro.
Chang the Ninth: I've been racking my brain for ages, but I'm at a complete loss. At this rate, who knows when I'll be able to start writing in earnest...
Chang the Ninth: You're a traveler, yes? You know what the world is like. So tell me, what do you think the key ingredient is to a successful novel?
Icon Dialogue Talk Epic battles.
(Go to Epic Battles)
Icon Dialogue Talk A gushy romance.
Chang the Ninth: Romance... I'd have my work cut out, that's for sure. My knowledge of romance is... let's say, broad strokes at the most...
Chang the Ninth: But you have a point — there are plenty of people like me in the world who are completely lacking in experience or understanding of romance. The market is ripe for the taking.
Chang the Ninth: But how would I research for a romantic story? Let me see...
(Go to Gushy Romance, one branch will be chosen at random)
Icon Dialogue Talk Heart and soul.
Chang the Ninth: Oh come on, Don't give me that nonsense! I'm asking a serious question here!
(Option removed, dialogue returns to option selection)

Epic Battles[]

Chang the Ninth: Battles, eh... Battles... There's something to that idea. It's attention-grabbing, at least.
Chang the Ninth: Though I can hardly find inspiration on that topic in Qingce Village... No battles here, let alone the epic variety...
Chang the Ninth: I'd need to look further afield... In the wild! Yes, that'd do it! I hear there are many adventurers out in the wild.
Chang the Ninth: They go roaming all over the place looking for treasure, and always end up in battle with monsters.
Chang the Ninth: As it happens, I know a place where there are plenty of monsters. Not your average monsters either, these ones are quite something! Yes! We can go there and wait for an adventurer to show up, and then witness the ensuing battle firsthand.
Chang the Ninth: And then... Haha, then I'd have everything I need! Right then! Without further ado, I shall be off! There's quite some distance to cover, so don't be too long yourselves, either!
(Find Chang the Ninth attacked by hilichurls)
Paimon: What the...! It's Chang the Ninth! Didn't he come here on a story-writing trip? How'd he end up getting ambushed by monsters!?
Paimon: We should definitely go rescue him!... What is wrong with this guy!?
(Defeat the hilichurls)
Chang the Ninth: Hey, this is great... Now I can say I've experienced an epic battle firsthand!
Icon Dialogue Talk I thought you just wanted to watch from a distance?
Chang the Ninth: Well, yes, that was the original idea. But then the adventurers I was counting on didn't show up...
Chang the Ninth: I noticed the monsters were slowly starting to make a move. If they'd all left, this would have been a wasted trip.
Chang the Ninth: So... I threw a stone at them. That's how the stories always go, isn't it? Throw a stone, get their attention. Or something.
Chang the Ninth: How was I to know the stone would hit one of them square on the head? And then... Well, you know the rest.
Chang the Ninth: Anyway, all's well that ends well. Sure, I got some scrapes and bruises... but boy, did I get a story too. And that's what I came for.
Chang the Ninth: Finally, I can feel the creative juices starting to flow! Oh — by the way, take this for your trouble. Thanks.
Chang the Ninth: Methinks my writer's block has been dealt a fatal blow! I must away, my pen and paper eagerly await my return...

Gushy Romance[]

Little Meng, Little Fei, and Little Lulu[]

Chang the Ninth: Ah yes, there's three children who are always playing down by the harbor. Meng, Lulu, Fei. Ring any bells?
Chang the Ninth: I know they're only children, but... between the three of them, they must have some tales to tell, surely.
Chang the Ninth: Go and look into it, anyway. Make a note of any good material, and bring it back here.
(Talk to Chang the Ninth again)
Chang the Ninth: Romantic thoughts, Chang, romantic thoughts... Hmm, this is really not my forte...

(Talk to Little Meng, Little Fei or Little Lulu)
Little Meng: Lulu, it's definitely Fei's turn to be the captain this time.
Little Fei: Right! I keep saying, why do I have to be the first mate all the time?
Little Lulu: I just think it's more fun for everyone involved when Meng is the captain.
Little Meng: That's a bit unfair, Lulu. I think Fei plays it very well.
Little Lulu: Everyone plays their parts very well. You as the captain, me as the rich merchant, and Fei as first mate.
Little Lulu: And this time is gonna be the funnest of all! What do you think, Fei?
Little Meng: Lulu, come on...
Little Fei: Well... If that's what you think, Lulu... I—I Guess it's okay by me.
Little Meng: Fei...! We've talked about this...
Little Fei: No, it's fine. I don't mind. Whatever makes Lulu happy. Come on, let's play.
Little Fei: Captain shmaptain. Not like I care.
Little Meng: ...Ugh, you guys are unbelievable...
(Obtain A Record of Little Meng, Little Fei, and Little Lulu's Conversation A Record of Little Meng, Little Fei, and Little Lulu's Conversation)
(After talking to the children)
Paimon: These kids are taking their game so seriously... They're so committed...
Paimon: You should take what you're doing seriously too! Do you seriously think Chang the Ninth wants to know what game these kids are playing?
Paimon: ...You do? Uh, well if you insist...

(Talk to Chang the Ninth)
Chang the Ninth: Well, how'd it go? Got a story for me?
Chang the Ninth: Fabulous! ...But a little lacking in grit. They are only children, after all... Maybe if you went back in a few years, there'd be more of a blossoming romance there.
Chang the Ninth: I'll hold onto it, though. There's the beginnings of a story in there. It may not be bursting with romantic potential, but I can probably think of a way to flesh it out.
Chang the Ninth: Oh, and please take these. Thanks for bringing me some material. Now, I need to think about how to develop it...

Qiming and Zhihua[]

Chang the Ninth: Last time I went into the city, I saw a man talking to a lady who appeared to be a fortune teller. He was prattling away... I didn't bother to listen in.
Chang the Ninth: I later found out the garrulous gent's name is Zhihua, and the fortune-telling lady's is Qiming. Seems there's some history there... Why don't you go ask them about their stories? If it's anything interesting, come back and fill me in.
(Talk to Chang the Ninth again)
Chang the Ninth: Romantic thoughts, Chang, romantic thoughts... Hmm, this is really not my forte...

(Talk to Zhihua or Qiming)
Zhihua: Hello there, Qiming! Today, I—
Qiming: Today's not good for me.
Zhihua: ...But I hadn't even said what it was yet.
Qiming: No need. I have a fairly good idea of where you were headed. And today is just not good for me.
Zhihua: Well then... when is a good day for you? Or don't you—
Qiming: Oh, don't worry. The day will come. It will be a very good day for me when it does.
Zhihua: ...That tells me nothing! Qiming, please. Hear me out, now—
Qiming: Thank you, next!
Zhihua: But I haven't finished! And... what do you mean, "next"!? There isn't even a queue.
(Obtain A Record of Qiming and Zhihua's Conversation A Record of Qiming and Zhihua's Conversation)
Paimon: Hmm... Paimon wouldn't describe it as romantic, but these two definitely have a close relationship...
Paimon: Do you know what Paimon means? Well anyway, make a note, and we can give it to Chang the Ninth when we go back.

(Talk to Chang the Ninth)
Chang the Ninth: Well, how'd it go? Got a story for me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Here are our notes.
Chang the Ninth: Great! Let me see... Zhihua and Qiming! I knew it...
Chang the Ninth: Mm-hmm... Yes... This is great material! Excellent!
Icon Dialogue Talk ...Seriously?
Chang the Ninth: Can't you see? Maybe it isn't obvious at first, but if you look closely, there's a subtle but powerful tension here... There's clearly something going on between these two, they've just agreed to keep it to themselves...
Chang the Ninth: Mm, yes... I think I have the beginnings of a plot...
Chang the Ninth: Oh, and please take these. Thanks for your help! Now, to think... perchance, to write...

Chaoxi and Sisi[]

Chang the Ninth: Now I think about it... do you know a Sisi, by any chance? She often hangs around the harbor, waiting for some sailor named Chaoxi.
Chang the Ninth: She seems to go out and look for him on quite a regular basis. There must be a backstory there, surely?
Chang the Ninth: Do a little investigating, anyway. If you come across any good stories, note them down and bring them back here.
(Talk to Chang the Ninth again)
Chang the Ninth: Romantic thoughts, Chang, romantic thoughts... Hmm, this is really not my forte...

(Talk to Sisi or Chaoxi)
Sisi: Chaoxi, you're back! I just found out how to cook this amazing new dish. Why not come back with me? I'll cook it for you!
Chaoxi: Sisi, I literally just got back and I'm completely drained, mentally and physically. I just need to lie down right now...
Sisi: Yes, of course — all that hard work, you must be exhausted. Definitely get some rest.
Sisi: So... Let's have a proper catch-up after you've fully recovered, shall we? We could always set a date now...
Chaoxi: Sure, sounds great. I'll let you know. I just can't commit to a specific date right now... I'm not trying to get out of it, I just don't want to make a promise I can't keep...
Chaoxi: *sigh* I'm a sailor, Sisi. And as a sailor, I'm married to the sea. You deserve much better...
Sisi: Don't talk like that Chaoxi... You know I understand...
(Obtain A Record of Sisi and Chaoxi's Conversation A Record of Sisi and Chaoxi's Conversation)
Paimon: Is this really worth noting down? Paimon doesn't think this is useful reference material at all... Who'd wanna see this in a romance novel?
Paimon: So, you made a note anyway, huh? Each to their own... Who knows, maybe Chang the Ninth is really into this kind of thing...

(Talk to Chang the Ninth)
Chang the Ninth: Well, how'd it go? Got a story for me?
Icon Dialogue Talk Here are our notes.
Chang the Ninth: Ah, wonderful! Let me see... Hmm, something's not right with this Chaoxi chap... Wait, no, I take it back. Something's wrong with both of them.
Chang the Ninth: Does this count as romance? Hmm... Well, romance or not, there's a plot here, at least. I can work with this.
Chang the Ninth: Oh, and please take these. Thanks for bringing me some material. Now, I need to think about where to go with this story...
Chang the Ninth: Hmm, I think it should work fine for a novel, although I shudder to think about how the real-life version of the story will end! Probably with the Millelith picking up the pieces...
Chang the Ninth: These two are headed for disaster...


  • Neither "Talk to Chang the Ninth" nor "Report back to Chang the Ninth" use the Icon Commission Complete Commission Complete marker despite both being the last step of the commission.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Novel Idea
Zhèběn Xiǎoshuō Huì Hěn Lìhài!
This Novel Will be Great!
Zhèběn Xiǎoshuō Huì Hěn Lìhài!
Kono Shousetsu wa Sugoku Naru, Hazu!
This Novel is Bound to Be Amazing!
Korean 소설은 대박 거야!
I Soseol-eun Daebak Nal Geoya!
This Novel Will be Great Hit!
Spanish¡Qué novela!What a Novel!
FrenchUn livre dont on se souviendraA Book that Will Be Remembered
RussianВот это новелла!
Vot eto novella!
Now, This Is a Novel!
Niyai Rueang Ni Sutyot Ching
This Novel Is Truly Amazing!
VietnameseQuyển tiểu thuyết sẽ rất hay!This Novel Will be Great!
GermanDas wird ein Kracher!This will be a banger!
IndonesianNovel yang Luar Biasa!Incredible Novel!
PortugueseQue conto incrível!What an Incredible Tale!
TurkishRoman İçin Bir FikirAn Idea For Novel
ItalianUn nuovo romanzoA New Novel

Change History[]

