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Garcia's Paean: Substitutes is a Daily Commission in Sumeru.


  1. Talk to Garcia
  2. Obtain Treasure Hoarders' insignias for Garcia
  3. Talk to Garcia

Gameplay Notes[]


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Garcia seems to have run into trouble again...

Version 1[]

If player has not completed Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility.

(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Garcia, optional)
Garcia: (I need to speed up my research...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Lutong, optional)
Lutong: (Why does Mr. Garcia look like he's in a hurry...?)
(Talk to Garcia or Lutong)
Lutong: Sir, I most sincerely suggest that we find a way to pay.
Garcia: They were more like bandits than merchants! How could they ask for such a high price for just a couple of insignias?
Lutong: Perhaps they noticed how your eyes lit up when you saw their goods.
Icon Dialogue Talk What do you want the insignias for?
Garcia: Traveler! Your timing is always most opportune...
Garcia: Thanks to your help last time, I have basically produced an acceptable lubricant.
Garcia: However, I encountered another problem soon after that. While reproducing some of the parts, I found that... their excessively hard material will damage the other parts.
Garcia: Moreover, these excessively hard parts would crack, to different extents, upon even the slightest impact...
Garcia: Thus, I began searching for a material that is both hard and flexible.
Garcia: After relentless research...
Lutong: ...And after relentlessly hassling Mr. Ahangar.
Garcia: I thought that I could find the material I sought in the insignias that the Treasure Hoarders carry around with them.
Garcia: But those merchants may as well have been Treasure Hoarders, the way they were robbing me!
Icon Dialogue Talk So this is where I come in, yes?
Icon Dialogue Talk Eh, I'll help you find some.
Garcia: I should carve your name on the main bearing of my Numbering Machine! I can't express my gratitude enough!
(Talk to Lutong, optional)
Lutong: I submit that we must earn some Mora, sir.
Lutong: I have heard that there is a theater in Sumeru City and that they are looking for someone to do some calculations for them.
Lutong: Besides, the stage crew... You know, they earn quite some Mora, but they have no idea how to keep track of it.
Lutong: I sense opportunity here, sir.
Garcia: Why, your talent in accounting and business is most astounding, my dear Lutong...
Garcia: Still, give me a second, let me think...

(Talk to Garcia)
Garcia: I assume you have obtained the insignias, yes?
(Submit Golden Raven Insignia Golden Raven Insignia ×2, Silver Raven Insignia Silver Raven Insignia ×2, or Treasure Hoarder Insignia Treasure Hoarder Insignia ×2)
(If Golden Raven or Silver Raven Insignias are given)
Garcia: Oh my! These insignias certainly are of high quality!
(If Treasure Hoarder Insignias are given)
Garcia: Thank you very much, Traveler. These should suffice.
Garcia: I will have to reproduce the gear first... Um, no, I should tackle the problem with the bearings first...
Lutong: Here's your payment, Traveler.
Lutong: Given the current circumstances, we are probably in for some long-term cooperation.
Lutong: Ugh, Mr. Garcia's accounts... Sorting them out really is a headache...

Version 2[]

If player has completed Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility.

(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Garcia, optional)
Garcia: (Kaia... No no, what am I thinking...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Lutong, optional)
Lutong: (Mr. Garcia's thoughts are written all over his face...)
(Talk to Garcia or Lutong)
Garcia: Ugh... Lutong, I need a hand...
Lutong: Sir, you'd better go back and get some sleep.
Lutong: Traveler, perfect timing! Come over here. I would like to ask a favor of you.
Icon Dialogue Talk What's wrong with him?
Lutong: Well, in a word... Mr. Garcia had too much coffee and too little sleep.
Lutong: Fortunately, it's coffee he drank, not wine.
Garcia: Lutong, uh... We have to find some more insignias... You know, the ones that the Treasure Hoarders carry around with them...
Garcia: Traveler! You are here. Sorry, I didn't see you there.
Garcia: Would you like to get me some of those insignias? Just a few will do.
Icon Dialogue Talk You should take a break.
Garcia: It's okay. I'm fine. I know what I'm doing. It's just that my hands play tricks on me.
Icon Dialogue Talk Never thought coffee was that effective.
Lutong: It's not the coffee. Mr. Garcia doesn't want to sleep...
Lutong: Anyway, please bring back some insignias, and you will get paid.
Garcia: Once you've got it, just bring it to me. I want to take a closer look. A perfect bearing must be made this time...
(Talk to Lutong, optional)
Lutong: Luckily, Mr. Garcia doesn't drink...
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you been in correspondence with Kaia?
Lutong: Unfortunately, Ms. Kaia hasn't sent back any letters yet.
Lutong: And my plan to send letters to Ms. Kaia failed because I didn't know where to send them...
Lutong: Have no idea where Ms. Kaia is traveling now...

(Talk to Garcia)
Garcia: I assume you have obtained the insignias, yes?
(Submit Golden Raven Insignia Golden Raven Insignia ×2, Silver Raven Insignia Silver Raven Insignia ×2, or Treasure Hoarder Insignia Treasure Hoarder Insignia ×2)

(Talk to Garcia)
Garcia: Well, these insignias will be enough. I... Ugh! My head is starting to hurt again.
Lutong: Sir! You have to take these pills right now!
Lutong: Traveler, please take these as your reward. I'll take Mr. Garcia back first.
Garcia: Insignias! Don't forget the insignias. Make sure they are kept properly!
Lutong: Don't worry sir. They are absolutely safe with me.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishGarcia's Paean: Substitutes
Jiāěrqià de Zàn'gē - Tìdài-wù
Garcia's Paean - Substitutes
Jiāěrqià de Zàn'gē - Tìdài-wù
Garushia no Sanka - Daitaihin
Garcia's Paean - Substitutes
Korean가르시아의 찬가・대체품
Gareusia-ui Chan'ga - Daechepum
Garcia's Paean - Substitutes
SpanishLa odisea del Sr. García: sustitucionesThe Odyssey of Mr. Garcia: Substitutions
FrenchL'hymne de Garcia : SubstitutionGarcia's Hymn: Substitution
RussianОда Гарсии: Кое-что на замену
Oda Garsii: Koye-chto na zamenu
Garcia's Ode: Something for Substitution
Thaiบทสรรเสริญของ Garcia - ไอเทมทดแทน
VietnameseCa Khúc Khải Hoàn Của Garcia - Vật Thay Thế
GermanGarcias Lobgesang – ErsatzobjektGarcia's Canticle - Substitute Object
IndonesianNyanyian Pujian Garcia: Barang PenggantiGarcia's Hymn: Replacement Items
PortuguesePeã de Garcia: Substituições
TurkishGarcia'nın Nidası: YedeklerGarcia's Exclamation: Substitutes
ItalianPanegirico di Garcia: RimpiazziGarcia's Panegyric: Replacements

Change History[]

