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Tending to a Tepetlisaurus: In Need of a Trim is a Daily Commission that occurs in Natlan.


  1. Talk to Cazcal
  2. Pet Hora

Gameplay Notes[]


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Cazcal seems to be trying out a whole new way of looking after Hora...
(Talk to Hora, optional)
Hora: Raar? Rrooh? Hrroo...
(Talk to Cazcal)
Cazcal: Don't go running off again this time, alright, Hora?
Hora: R—Roar...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hora's been such a good boy today!
Cazcal: Hasn't he just? All thanks to that Driftyball you helped me make!
Cazcal: I'll be able to get Hora to do all sorts of things with this ball, whether it's washing, eating, sleeping, or training... Everything'll be so much easier from here on in.
Cazcal: Not to mention trimming his claws! Before, even just chasing him down was enough to exhaust me...
Cazcal: Now, all I have to do is show him this ball, and he'll sit down like he's been house-trained.
Hora: Rrroo, rroo...
Cazcal: Hora, do you remember who this is? (‍HeHe/SheShe‍)'s the one who helped make your toy!
Hora: Orrooo, orrooo!
Icon Dialogue Talk Who's a good boy?
Icon Dialogue Talk (Pet Hora.)
Cazcal: Oh wow, Hora definitely remembers you! And he's happy to see you, too!
Cazcal: Do you want to try trimming his claws? You can wipe his horn down while you're at it.
Cazcal: This is very important for little Tepetlisaurs. After all, they have to be able to dig through rocks and earth, so their claws need to be kept nice and sharp, with any broken or wonky ones trimmed back into shape.
Cazcal: It's the only way to guarantee that they'll have a pair of perfect claws when they turn into adults...
Cazcal: Here, take this! If we're doing some trimming anyway, we might as well take this chance to give Hora a full-body makeover!
Icon Dialogue Talk That's quite a lot of detail...
Icon Dialogue Talk Why the sudden wave of excitement?
Hora: Roar, roar—
Cazcal: *cough* Well, Hora's rarely this well-behaved. It just occurred to me that I won't need to chase him around the entire tribe today, so I couldn't help feeling happy...
Icon Dialogue Talk ...That sounds like a tough job.
Cazcal: It's nothing! Anyway, we'd better get started. I'll be right by your side telling you what to do.
Cazcal: To help Hora relax, you'll need to gently clean his back with the big brush...
Cazcal: Then switch to a finer brush to clean his horn. Put your back into that one, or you'll miss some of the dirt clogging them cracks.
Cazcal: After that, you'll need to use a towel to wipe his entire body down... That way, he'll gradually start to relax and extend his claws, and then you'll be able to give them a trim.
Icon Dialogue Talk That's quite a specific routine.
Icon Dialogue Talk You really know him well, huh...
Cazcal: That goes without saying! I raised Hora myself, after all. There's no one else in the entire tribe... actually, make that the whole of Natlan, who knows him better than I do.
Cazcal: Alright, just follow the instructions I just gave and help give Hora's claws a trim. I'll be right next to you, so just ask if there's anything you're unclear about.
(Obtain Cazcal's "Hora Special Care Kit")
(Talk to Cazcal again, optional)
Cazcal: To help Hora relax, you'll need to gently clean his back with the big brush...
Cazcal: Then switch to a finer brush to clean his horn. Put your back into that one, or you'll miss some of the dirt clogging them cracks.
Cazcal: After that, you'll need to use a towel to wipe his entire body down... That way, he'll gradually start to relax and extend his claws, and then you'll be able to give them a trim.
(Talk to Hora)
Hora: Raar? Rrooh? Hrroo...
(First three interactions)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Wipe Hora's entire body down with a towel.)
(On the third interaction)
Hora: (Hora wiggles his waist happily and slowly quiets down.)
(On the first and second interactions)
Hora: (Hora blinks, confused, before turning outward. Did I make him uncomfortable at some point...?)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Gently clean his back with the big brush.)
(On the first interaction)
Hora: (Hora puffs his stomach up happily and slowly quiets down.)
(On the second and third interactions)
Hora: (Hora blinks, confused, before turning outward. Did I make him uncomfortable at some point...?)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Wipe his horn with the fine brush.)
(On the second interaction)
Hora: (Hora tilts his head happily and slowly quiets down.)
(On the first and third interactions)
Hora: (Hora blinks, confused, before turning outward. Did I make him uncomfortable at some point...?)
(Fourth to sixth interactions)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Pet Hora's tummy...)
Hora: Roar... Roar.
Icon Dialogue Talk (Squeeze Hora's paw...)
(On the fourth and fifth interactions)
Hora: Oroo, oroooo...?
(On the sixth interaction)
Hora: Wrooo, oroooo...?
Icon Dialogue Talk (I should be able to trim Hora's nails now...)
(Continue to next section)

(If the player trimmed Hora's claws after performing the routine properly)
Under Cascal's guidance, you carefully trim Hora's Claws
Cazcal: Hahaha, who'd have guessed you'd be so good at this? If Batz learned about this, I'm pretty sure he'd rope you into helping him out.
Hora: Roarrr, roarrr, roar—
Cazcal: Hora's thanking you too. You did such a careful job, I've no doubt he'll be drilling away even faster than before.
Cazcal: Here, take these as a token of my appreciation. Oh yes, and I should probably warn you... If you ever have to look after any other little Saurians in future, whatever you do, don't just copy the method I taught you today.
Cazcal: Each little Saurian has its own unique temperament, so you have to look after them in different ways. Even after all this time, I've still only figured out how to take care of Hora.
Cazcal: Still, I'm just glad that I've even gotten that far. After all, the two of us will have to put up with one another for a long while yet...
(If the player trimmed Hora's claws after performing the routine incorrectly)
Hora: (Hora doesn't seem to find it relaxing at all, and just stares back at you in confusion.)
(Cazcal takes over before things deteriorate any further. After another stint of careful grooming, he finally manages to finish trimming Hora's claws...)
Cazcal: It's okay, I misread Hora sometimes too. The important thing is, I'm sure he knows that you're a good friend of his.
Hora: Wroo, rrooh!
Cazcal: Hahaha! See, what did I tell you?
Cazcal: Thanks so much for your help. Please, take these for your trouble.
Cazcal: Little Saurians really are hard nuts to crack. It took me a long time getting to know Hora before I could figure out most of what he was thinking.
Cazcal: I'm just glad I managed to get that far. After all, the two of us will have to put up with one another for a while yet...
(If the player pet Hora's tummy or squeezed his paw three times instead of trimming his claws)
Hora: (Hora tilts his head, scratches his belly, before looking at you in confusion.)
Cazcal: You can't be playing with Hora the whole time, y'know? Gotta move onto the real business sometime.
Cazcal: *cough* Allow me, alright? I'll demonstrate the proper way to go about this.
(Cazcal takes over before things deteriorate any further. After another stint of careful grooming, he finally manages to finish trimming Hora's claws...)
Cazcal: Now then, don't focus solely on playing with Hora. You've got a job to do, don't you?
Hora: Hroo! Wrrooo!
Cazcal: Hahaha, looks like Hora does like you though. No wonder he was so obedient this time.
Cazcal: In any case, thanks so much for your help. Please, take these for your trouble.
Cazcal: Hmm... Perhaps I should play with Hora as much as I can before starting the wash...
Cazcal: So, what do you think, Hora?
Cazcal: Huh? Where's Hora? Don't tell me he's run off again...!
Cazcal: Hora! Horaaaaaaaa—

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishTending to a Tepetlisaurus: In Need of a Trim
Tepetoru-ryuu Saron - Oteire
Tepetli Dragon Salon - Trimming
Korean산룡 돌보기・손질
Sallyong Dolbogi - Sonjil
SpanishTepetlimpieza: PaticuraTepetcleanliness: Pedicure
FrenchAux soins d'un tepetlisaure : Besoin d'une coupeCare of a Tepetlisaurus: Need of a Trim
RussianУход за тепетлизавром: Пора подстричься
Ukhod za tepetlizavrom: Pora podstrich'sya
Thaiดูแล Tepetlisaur: ตัดแต่ง
VietnameseChăm Sóc Tepetlisaur - Cắt Móng
GermanDie Pflege eines Tepetlisauriers – Ein Trimmen ist nötigThe Care of a Tepetlisaurus – A Trimming Is Necessary
IndonesianMengasuh Tepetlisaurus: Potong Yuk
PortugueseCuidando de um Tepetlissauro: Precisando de uma Aparada
TurkishTepetlizor Bakımı: Manikür
ItalianCome accudire un Tepetlisauro: Una bella spuntatina

Change History[]

