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Alright, Iaune, Alright is a Daily Commission in Court of Fontaine: Vasari Passage, Fontaine.


  1. Talk to Iaune
  2. Talk to Arouet
  3. Brew coffee for Iaune
  4. Give Iaune the coffee


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


UI Quest Quest Description

Iaune is in the café, sighing...
(Talk to Iaune)
Iaune: *sigh* I don't know why this happened...
Icon Dialogue Talk Iaune?
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you on leave today?
Iaune: Oh, Traveler, nice to meet you. Are you here for some coffee? I'll treat you to a cup.
Paimon: What's wrong? You look terrible. Has someone been forcing you to stay up late again?
Iaune: Thanks for your concern. However, this is my own issue this time.
Iaune: I've been thinking... About the meaning of my work.
Iaune: I've always believed the Maison Gestion to be a just, efficient, strong organization in which everyone is willing to help each other.
Iaune: I believe that under its management, the Court of Fontaine would see itself develop positively.
Iaune: But the way I see it now, it is a ruined mechanical house. Its gears, levers, and apertures are being pulled chaotically... Only its facade remains pristine.
Iaune: It only operates because of a series of coincidences and lessons, not precise consideration or design.
Iaune: I... I want to do something about it, but I can't. I fear that one mistake on my part will send this house tumbling down.
Iaune: Roialte always tells me to relax a bit, since my mistakes cannot make things worse than they already are...
Paimon: Th—That's an odd way of comforting someone...
Iaune: *sigh* Sorry, I shouldn't complain. I came out here to get away from all that for a while, after all...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'll make you a cup of coffee.
Iaune: Really? You know how to brew coffee? That's amazing — I've always wanted to learn, but I can never find the time.
Iaune: I'll leave it to you, then. I'll wait here... and with any luck, work won't catch up with me at the café.
(Talk to Iaune again, optional)
Iaune: A mechanical house... Will I eventually become a broken gear within it someday?
(Talk to Arouet)
Arouet: Traveler, have you come to help us out? You're most welcome!
Paimon: No, no, we're just here to help a friend make some coffee. He's just... Well...
Icon Dialogue Talk He's feeling a bit down.
Icon Dialogue Talk He's feeling the pressure.
Arouet: By "a friend," do you mean Iaune — you know, the fellow sitting over there?
Icon Dialogue Talk You know him?
Arouet: Roialte and I are old friends. He mentioned that a bright, hardworking fellow came to their office recently, and that's Iaune.
Arouet: Don't you worry too much about him — young people who've just started at the Maison Gestion will always find themselves a little dejected at first.
Arouet: They'll be fine once they find a place for themselves there.
Paimon: You sound very experienced. Why's that?
Arouet: Well, I was once a radish planted in the field that is the Maison Gestion, too.
Arouet: But I wasn't satisfied with being a mere radish, and so I left my lot and... opened this café some time later.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like a lot happened...
Icon Dialogue Talk Sounds like a real trove of stories to be told...
Arouet: Hahaha, perhaps! But nowadays, I'm just a café owner.
Arouet: Alright, weren't you going to make Iaune a cup of coffee? I'll go adjust the device — come find me once you're ready.
(Talk to Arouet)
Arouet: Well? Ready to make Iaune his cup of coffee?
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm ready.
Arouet: I've prepared all the needed ingredients. They're over there, so you can start brewing any time.
Icon Dialogue Talk I've got other matters to attend to at the moment...
Arouet: Make your preparations, then come find me.
(Interact with the ingredients on the counter)
Icon Dialogue Talk (Add ingredients into coffee)
Paimon: What should we put into the coffee this time?
(Submit Marcotte Marcotte ×1, Rainbow Rose Rainbow Rose ×1, or Lumidouce Bell Lumidouce Bell ×1)
Paimon: That sounds great! Time to start blending, then!
You start brewing coffee...
Paimon: Ooh, that smells good! Now let's hand it to Iaune. Paimon sure hopes it cheers him up!
(Talk to Iaune)
Iaune: Traveler... You really made me that cup of coffee? Um, I... Sorry for troubling you...
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry about it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just drink up.
Iaune: This coffee... It's way better than the stuff provided at the Maison Gestion! In fact, it's in a whole different dimension...
Iaune: If this was the coffee I drank every day, I wouldn't spend so much time teetering on the brink of sleep.
Iaune: Thanks for the coffee. I'll head back to work once I finish it.
Icon Dialogue Talk Do your best.
Icon Dialogue Talk Keep your chin up.
Iaune: I will. I need to grow into my work as soon as possible and stand on my own two feet like Roialte does.
Iaune: *sigh* I just wonder how many nightmares I'll have to endure before then...

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAlright, Iaune, Alright
Hǎo ba, Àiyóu'ēn
Alright, Iaune
Hǎo ba, Àiyóu'ēn
Wakatta yo, Aioonu
I Understand, Iaune
Himnaeyo, Yun
Cheer Up, Iaune
SpanishComo quieras, IauneAs You Wish, Iaune
FrenchD'accord, IauneAlright, Iaune
RussianВсё будет хорошо, Айюн
Vsyo budet khorosho, Ayyun
Everything Will Be Alright, Iaune
Thaiก็ได้ Iaune
VietnameseĐược Rồi, IauneAlright, Iaune
GermanSchon gut, IauneAlright, Iaune
IndonesianOke Sip, IauneOkay, Iaune
PortugueseCerto, Iaune. Certo!
TurkishTamam Iaune, TamamAlright, Iaune, Alright
ItalianVa bene, Iaune, va beneAlright, Iaune, Alright

Change History[]

