Quests taking place in Avidya Forest.
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Garcia's Paean: the Echo of Someone -
Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility -
Akademiya Q&A -
Garcia's Paean: Easy Peasy -
Garcia's Paean: Substitutes -
Treasure of Wisdom: A New Plan -
Garcia's Paean: By Bearings -
Gold Devouring and Mora Gathering
All items (132)
- A Change of Pace
- A Forest of Change
- A Lamenter at Fate's End
- A Librarian's Long and Carefree Vacation
- A Thorough Investigation
- A Toast to Victory
- Akademiya Q&A
- Amir's Raw Meat Commission
- An Odd Textual Mystery
- Annals of the Scarlet Sands
- Another Home There May Yet Be
- Antiquity Hunt
- Arina's Nilotpala Lotuses
- As Though Morning Dew
- Attaché in Another Land
- Taking the Opposite Route
- Tell me, mirror mirror
- The Arc of Intellect
- The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Children of Vimara Village
- The Cliffside Weirdo and a Risky Study?
- The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Contestant
- The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The End of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The First Ideal
- The Flowers That Won't Grow
- The Gaze From a Certain God
- The Great Tree
- The Great Tree: Rooted State
- The Great Tree: State of Growth
- The Great Tree: Statistical State
- The Helper
- The Kabukimono's Finale
- The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of?
- The Mysterious Letter
- The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call
- The Other Applications of Concresoil
- The Path of Papers
- The Reason We Are Gathered Here
- The Remaining Problem
- The Rhythm that Leads to the Gloomy Path
- The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Sixth Proposal
- The Start of Contamination
- The Trail of the God of Wisdom
- The Warm Rhythm of the Streets
- The Wisdom Seelie
- Thesis Defense Practice
- To Claim the Crown
- Treasure of Wisdom: A New Plan
- Treasures Beneath the Vines