Garcia is a quest-exclusive NPC that appears in the World Quest Garcia's Paean.
(To be added.)
(To be added.)
Quests and Events[]
World Quests
- Daydreams Beyond Space and Time
- Garcia's Paean
- Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility
- Where His Life Lies
- Garcia's Paean: By Bearings
- Garcia's Paean: Easy Peasy
- Garcia's Paean: Key Items
- Garcia's Paean: Substitutes
- Garcia's Paean: the Echo of Someone
- Garcia is mentioned by Félix Yogue in one of his dialogue lines when talking about the Daydream Club. Garcia, alongside Félix, Xavier, Mécantre, and Babisse are the only members of the club.
Other Languages[]
Language | Official Name |
English | Garcia |
Chinese (Simplified) | 加尔恰 Jiā'ěrqià |
Chinese (Traditional) | 加爾恰 Jiā'ěrqià |
Japanese | ガルシア Garushia |
Korean | 가르시아 Gareusia |
Spanish | García |
French | Garcia |
Russian | Гарсия Garsiya |
Thai | Garcia |
Vietnamese | Garcia |
German | Garcia |
Indonesian | Garcia |
Portuguese | Garcia |
Turkish | Garcia |
Italian | Garcia |
Change History[]
Released in Version 2.7