- ??? (NPC)
- Absolute Darkness
- Abyss Snapper
- Abyssacuda
- Abyssal Bearded Seadevil
- Abyssal Devourer
- Abyssal Goliath
- Abyssal King
- Abyssal Specter Rod
- Abyssal Zenith
- Acanthodii
- Advanced Diving Gear
- Advanced Glider
- Advanced Oxygen Tank
- Advent Calendar
- Agaric
- Albino
- Algae Pools
- All
- Alligator
- Alligator Gar
- Amberjack
- Amblypterus
- Amethyst
- Anchovy
- Ancient (Disambiguation)
- Ancient Algae
- Ancient Archives
- Ancient Depth Serpent
- Ancient Eel
- Ancient Fragment
- Ancient Isle
- Ancient Isle Pond
- Ancient Kraken
- Ancient Megalodon
- Ancient Orca
- Ancient Serpent Skull
- Ancient Serpent Spine
- Ancient Thread
- Ancient Wood
- Angelfish
- Angler
- Anglerfish
- Anglers Lantern
- Anomalocaris
- Antler Rod
- Any
- Appraiser
- Aqua Scribe
- Arapaima
- Archaeological Hunt
- Archeological Site
- Architect Brickshell
- Arctic Char
- Arctic Rod
- Ashcloud Archerfish
- Ashe
- Ashfall 2025
- Aspicientis
- Astral Rod
- Atlantean Alchemist
- Atlantean Anchovy
- Atlantean Guardian
- Atlantean Sardine
- Atlantean Storm
- Atlantis
- Auric Rod
- Aurora Bait
- Aurora Borealis
- Aurora Pearl
- Aurora Rod
- Aurora Totem
- Aurora Trout
- Avalanche
- Avalanche Rod
- Avalanche Totem
- Axolotl
- Baby Pond Emperor
- Bag of Presents
- Bagel
- Bait Crate
- Baits
- Banana
- Banditfish
- Barbed Shark
- Barracuda
- Barracuda's Spine
- Barracuda (Disambiguation)
- Barreleye Fish
- Basalt
- Basic Diving Gear
- Basic Oxygen Tank
- Basic Present
- Beatrix
- Beginner Oxygen Tank
- Bestiary
- Big Rock Islands
- Birch Cay
- Birgeria
- Black Dragon Fish
- Blackfish
- Blisterback Blenny
- Blistered Eel
- Blizzard
- Blizzard Totem
- Blue Energy Crystal
- Blue Tang
- Blue Whale
- Bluefin Tuna
- Bluefish
- Bluegill
- Boats
- Bobbers
- Bone
- Boot
- Borealis Snapper
- Bowfin
- Bream
- Brick Rod
- Brine Phantom
- Brine Pool
- Brine Shrimp
- Bubble Mermaid
- Buccaneer Barracuda
- Buddy Bond Rod
- Bull Shark
- Buoy
- Burbot
- Burnt Betta
- Butterflyfish
- C$ (Currency)
- Caleia
- Calm Zone
- Candy Cane Carp
- Candy Cane Rod
- Candy Fish
- Captain's Goldfish
- Captain Ahab
- Captain Neptune
- Carbon Crate
- Carbon Rod
- Carp
- Casting
- Catch streak
- Catfish
- Celestial Koi
- Celestial Rod
- Challenger's Deep
- Challenger's Rod
- Champions Rod
- Changelogs
- Chillback Whitefish
- Chillfin Chimaera
- Chillfin Herring
- Chillshadow Chub
- Chinfish
- Chinook Salmon
- Chiseler
- Chocolate Fish (Bait)
- Chronos Deep Swimmer
- Chub
- Cinder Carp
- Cladoselache
- Clam
- Claw Gill
- Clownfish
- Coal
- Cobia
- Cockatoo Squid
- Cod
- Codes
- Coelacanth
- Cole
- Colossal Carp
- Colossal Saccopharynx
- Colossal Squid
- Column Crawler
- Common Crate
- Conception Conch
- Confetti Shark
- Construction Steel (NPC)
- Control
- Cookie
- Cookiecutter Shark
- Coral
- Coral Chromis
- Coral Emperor
- Coral Geode
- Coral Guard
- Corsair Grouper
- Countdown Perch
- Crab
- Crab Cage
- Craftable Rods
- Crown Bass
- Crowned Anglerfish
- Cryo Coelacanth
- Cryogenic Canal
- Cryoskin
- Crystal Carp
- Crystal Chorus
- Crystal Corydoras
- Crystal Wrasse
- Crystalized Rod
- Crystallized Seadragon
- Cursed Eel
- Cutlass Fish
- Cyclone Mako
- Cyclone Scorpionfish
- Deep-sea Dragonfish
- Deep-sea Hatchetfish
- Deep Behemoth
- Deep Coral
- Deep Crownfish
- Deep Emperor
- Deep Freeze Devilfish
- Deep One
- Deep Pearl
- Deep Sea Fragment
- Deeplight Footballfish
- Depth Octopus
- Depthseeker Rod
- Desolate Deep
- Desolate Pocket
- Destiny Rod
- Destroyed Fossil
- Diamond Discus
- Diplurus
- Dolphin
- Dr. Finneus
- Dr. Glimmerfin
- Driftwood
- Drowning
- Dumbo Octopus
- Dunkleosteus
- Dweller Catfish
- Earmark Island
- Earth Fragment
- Echo Fisher
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Totem
- Eel
- Eldritch Horror
- Elf
- Elite Token
- Ember Catfish
- Ember Perch
- Ember Snapper
- Embertail Eel
- Emerald Elephantnose
- Emotes
- Emperor Jellyfish
- Enchant Relic
- Enchantments
- Eternal Frostwhale
- Ethereal Abyss Pool
- Ethereal Prism Rod
- Event Horizon Rod
- Exalted Relic
- Exalted Rod
- Eyefestation
- Fangborn Gar
- Fast Rod
- Festive Bait Crate
- File
- Fillionaire
- Firework
- Firework Rod
- Fisch
- FischFright 2024
- Fisch Wiki
- Fisch Wiki/style.css
- Fischer's Rod
- Fisching
- Fischmas 2024
- Fischmas Rod
- Fish Barrel
- Fish Head
- Fish Radar
- Fish XP
- Fishing
- Fishing Rods
- Flakes
- Flimsy Rod
- Flippers
- Floppy
- Flounder
- Flying Fish
- Forsaken Algae
- Forsaken Shores
- Forsaken Shores Ocean
- Forsaken Shores Pond
- Fortune Rod
- Fossil Fan
- Frightful Pool
- Frigid Antlers
- Frigid Cavern
- Frigid Crab
- Frigid Mammoth Tusk
- Frigid Shrimp
- Frigid Taco
- Frilled Shark
- Frost Minnow
- Frost Warden Rod
- Frostbite Flounder
- Frostfire Rod
- Frostjaw Cod
- Frostling Goby
- Frostscale Fangtooth
- Frozen Fangfish
- Frozen Leviathan
- Frozen Pike
- Frozen Walnut
- Fungal Cluster
- Fungal Rod
- Galleon Goliath
- Gamepasses
- Garbage
- Gate to the Depths
- Gazerfish
- Gemstone
- Ghost quips
- Ghoulfish
- Giant Manta
- Giant Seadevil
- Gilded Pearl
- Gingerbread Fish
- Ginsu Shark
- Glacial Grotto
- Glacial Sturgeon
- Glacier Glowfish
- Glacier Pike
- Glacier Swordfish
- Glacierfish
- Glass Diamond
- Glass of Milk
- Glassfish
- Glider
- Glimmerfin Suit
- Globe Jellyfish
- Goblin Shark
- Golden Sea Pearl
- Golden Seahorse
- Golden Smallmouth Bass