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Fisch Wiki

"Banditfish are insanely fast hunters and swimmers, hence their name. They have a single rudder-like fin at the back of their bodies, which they move in a swaying motion to glide throughout the waters. Despite being remarkably good at hunting smaller prey, they are still no match for the greater creatures within the Desolate Deep."


The Banditfish is a Rare fish obtainable at Desolate Deep. Due to its low rarity, it makes for an easy catch, moving slow and steady across the fishing bar.

When hooked, a will pop above the player's head, and a bell sound is played - as with all Rare fish.

Catch Quips

  • I caught a Bandit Fish!
  • It's a Bandit Fish!
  • Woahhh, A Bandit Fish
  • It pickpocketed me! >:(


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