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"The Cookiecutter Shark is a small, nocturnal shark with an unusual feeding habit—it bites circular chunks from larger animals, leaving a 'cookie-cutter' wound. They can be found primarily alongside sharks during shark hunts."


The Cookiecutter Shark is a Rare fish obtainable at The Ocean, anywhere in Shark Hunts or Strange Whirlpools. Due to the rarity of these events, it is harder to find the Cookiecutter Shark.

When hooked, a will pop above the player's head, and a bell sound is played - as with all Rare fish.

Catch Quips

  • A Cookiecutter Shark!
  • Woah, a Cookiecutter!
  • Nice, I can make some Gingerbread!
  • I caught a Cookiecutter Shark!


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