"The Mudfish, also known as the Bowfin, is a resilient, ancient fish species known for its ability to survive in harsh, low-oxygen environments like swamps and muddy waters. They can be found all over Mushgrove Swamp, especially lurking in dense vegetation and during the night."
– Bestiary Entry
The Bowfin is an Uncommon fish obtainable in the Mushgrove Swamp. Due to its low rarity, it makes for an easy catch, moving slow and steady across the fishing bar.
When hooked, a red exclamation point above the player's head appears, and a tapping sound is played – as with most fish.
Gives 45 XP when fished (Base).
Catch Quips
- A Mudfish!
- Ouu, A Mudfish!
- I caught a Mudfish!