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Nuke announcement message

"A Nuke has landed at (island it landed at)!''


The Nuke is an item obtainable anywhere with a very rare chance. It's chances are unaffected by any type of luck. When caught, the player does a minigame to balance the item.

Successfully balancing it grants the player the Nuke as an item. Failing to balance it sets it off automatically, flying into the air and dropping it on the island or the area the player is in, granting all fish/items caught in the area the Nuclear mutation (4x sell value). Holding out the Nuke will prompt the player with the minigame.

The Nuke can now be caught additionally to another fish and has changed into a Tool alike GPS, Basic Diving Gear and so forth however it cannot be bought and only fished.


  • The Nuke cannot be given any mutations.
  • The Nuke cannot be sold or given to other players.
  • The Nuclear mutation lasts for 30 minutes after the Nuke detonates, and the affected area can be seen with a green rim around it. You can also see both the area, and the time remaining with the Fish Radar.
  • There is currently a bug where if you miss a catch and successfully activate the Rod of The Eternal King's second ability and get a Nuke from it, it will skip the minigame and store the Nuke. This makes macros able to obtain Nukes, making it the best rod to farm Nukes.
  • The Nuke is unaffected by any type of luck, and the chances of catching it will always remain the same.
  • The Nuke can be caught anywhere; there are no specific fishing spots.


  • There was a bug where the nuke effect wouldn't disappear and got stuck on the "Disappearing Soon" state; players could still get nuclear fish from this bug, but it was patched shortly after.
  • The Nuke was added alongside the Forsaken Shores Expansion update.
  • The Nuke is currently the only non-totem item that can spawn an event.

